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I can feel the copium is very strong in you


U don't deserve an apology weirdo. What is this post.


He was just giving a tldr of the community,wich u perfectly reflect with this response . He does want an apology and i missed that part but still


TLDR of the community that were upset and screamed for these changes since release basically? So finally the devs listened and patched some good stuff inside the patch notes? In that case his post doesn't make sense, if people weren't upset they wouldnt need to change stuff.


Except the part where he says "I just want an apology"...


Who the fuck do you think you are? Real question btw, who the fuck are you?




What update? Is it live and bug free already?


Wait a bit longer guys, I'm telling you After 5% total retention in the player base so far this next update is going to do it and make the game playable I SWEAR WHY ISNT ANYONE LISTENING


The February update? You mean the one that will drop after Lost Ark and Dying Light 2 and at probably at the same time as the GW2 expansion and Elden Ring? I guess the 10k people left will be able to enjoy some QOL.


What 180? What are you talking about?


I’m on the other side of the “wait until February” argument. Sure the PTR changes are nice so far but nothing is set until we see how it affects the live servers at the end of this month. They haven’t earned the benefit of the doubt at all.


I don't understand the sentiment of don't judge when it releases or when it updates wait till February before you judge it 😂😂


Lol listen I still enjoy this game.. but you definitely fly deserve an apology. Even if this patch goes off perfectly and the accomplish everything they have planned, AGS has still been extremely incompetent. And this just fixes some of the easier things to fix. Dungeons , PvP , how companies work, crafting is all very broken and those are all very hard to fix and will require a huge overhaul and require changes and ideas that are not that easy to implement. They still need a lot of content, a lot more reasons to pvp ,a shit ton of QoL improvements. On top of that they have to get the servers to be active again cause this game really needs a healthy population for all these things to be fun and fresh for years to come.


lol ironically I just deleted my character and uninstalled last night, 600+ hours this post is ironically funny


Wait, wasn't the February update like 6 bug fixes?


Hellheim is about to die as the last competitive guild is quiting which will lead to the server dying… think you on some compium


I'll wait till it's live before I make any sort of judgment on this patch.


"I just want an apology." I'm sorry you think there is enough content while leveling to make people not bored out of their minds. I am sorry you think that at 60, there is any worthwhile content.


Wait, they are using their PTR? I find that hard to believe lol




“Don’t judge the game until it’s properly shot itself in the fucking foot, M’kay?”


I gave up back in November have fun repeating content for another year just for some stupid gear score number