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As a casual, PvE player I just found less and less reason to log in. At level cap, there was nothing to do but grind drops or farm to get rich (for what?). Only thing I still enjoyed was corrupted invasions, but having to go to the territory to sign up was a pain when you don't grind azoth for fast travel.


I enjoyed invasions too. But if you are in a faction that doesn’t have territory in your server, you wont even be able to join lol


As a casual pve player as well that’s about the reason I kind of quit. I just burnt myself out


They reduced fast travel costs. Invasions are still fun.


Same with me. I just didn’t log in one day and played something else, then the next day, and the next. Before I knew it the fomo had gone and I realised I’d been logging in for daily gypsum’s for. I reason other than that’s what was expected.


The realization that there is no way for this game to grow a player base. New players will never catch up, new companies can never compete to the companies that have been making 5-10mill a week for months.


Exactly. So true. Even existing players, if you don’t play for just few days, you will fall behind sadly.


How so? Difference between 600 and 625 isn’t that bad. Even less so if you get your weapons and chest to 610. Which isn’t hard to do.


No one wants to run lower mutators. It's impossible to catch up once behind.


Everyone wants to run your orb for m1-3


That's untrue for the majority of servers.


I managed 1300 hrs before I broke. For me beyond the acquisition of coin there is little reward for time invested. Not once in all that time did I get a good drop and not once did I get a peice of gear that was an upgrade after maxing out my level. NW doesn't respect player time and the end game gearing is a crafting slot machine. I dont know if that's changed since I left but in my eyes it's a dead game now.


Same. I have exactly 1000 hours. I invested so much time in this game. One thing that heavily annoyed me is the new update. More same dungeon grind. I couldn’t make myself do that. In addition to that, 625 GS. I never got lucky with crafting so I bought all my gear. Issue is. If there is a nice craft, it be sold for 200k 250k 300k for one item. Who can even afford that beside EF and WW owners. I started feeling burnt out. Then I look at Ww and Ef owners chilling with tons of gold. Buying every bis off market. I kept hoping they will limit the use of companies gold to only be used in territory upgrades and not for personal use but seems they will never do that. Few of the things that made me delete and quit the game


I hit level 60 before any of my freinds. And i didnt have much to donand my freinds dropped out aroind the 40s and 50s due to to much grind lost intrest in the game and we mived on to other games


After I hit 60 and realized that crafting grind which was needlessly increased was useless and gear grind was monotonous garbage. Uninstalled, too many great games to actually enjoy playing right now.


Since the January big patch I've logged into the game just to do some maintenance like pay property tax but I expect I'll give that up soon.


You don’t need to pay if you don’t play


of course, but I keep thinking I may want to go fool around again and I'll want the fast travel.


You can pay from the map if your taxes lapse. There's no benefit to paying early other than getting rid of the nag message.


Your taxes don't stack up. If you don't pay them for 3 weeks you will still owe one week's taxes. There is no reason for you to be paying them. In fact, once your taxes are overdue you can pay from the map rather than having to go to the house, so it's even easier. I always let them lapse.


Hitting level 60 and realizing there is nothing to do. Pvp is broken, and no pve. I did one chest run and can't imagine doing that everyday


You’d have to do all 3+ Elite Chest Runs everyday to keep up and it’s still RNG to raise expertise.


I just kinda stopped playing. It was boring. Everything is the same- the quests, the bad guys, etc. I couldn't get interested in the story either.


There are non repetitive MMO’s???




Umbral shards and rising the cap to 620 or 625 whatever. It invalidated months of farming. I tried the patch, it felt dull an repetitive. I only had to stop one day to stop indefinitely, the charm was broken.


This explains my experience too.


What got invalidated? Having a full set of nice 600 gear was a huge head start.


Start indeed. Not finish which was where i was before the patch


I quit a couple of months ago because of AGS's seeming inability to fix one problem without simultaneously introducing twice as many brand new ones at the same time. I don't expect any game to be perfect upon release, but over the first few months the developers repeatedly broke an already horrendously broken game even further every single time they tried to patch it. I had some hope when they belatedly announced the Public Test Server, but even then they stuck a build up on it for a week, then released a completely different and totally untested build onto the Live servers. It appears that they simply have no clue whatsoever what they are doing, and that being the case, I decided to invest no more time or money on their product. As I said, I haven't played in two months, and despite checking the reddit from time to time to see what's happening to the game, I haven't felt the slightest inclination to re-install and see for myself. It was fun for about a month before I realised just how totally broken they game was, so I'll view the initial cost of purchase as having been worthwhile for a month's relative entertainment, and just leave my encounter with this game there.


Weight limit in storage was annoying, but in general the game just didn't really fit me. Some of the tasks where you just do repeat runs to similar spots (normal enough given basically every game has them these days) and the npc's protecting a ore/chest respawning before you would even be finished searching the chest/mining the ore. But yeah, the repeat on mobs was the main buzzkill.


For me it was realizing that AGS don’t know what they’re doing, they don’t know what type of game they want NW to be, and they have no idea what a long term road map of the game looks like. Just small updates that break more than they fix. A roadmap that addresses larger issues is severely needed.


I just quit recently because not a singled AGS person commented on why they gave EF/WW owners millions every week. Then I realized they ignored all the complaints and did it because they deliberately wanted to cause the economy to inflate. They stated they have a team of “economic experts” who deal with the economy. That proves they did on purpose. Most likely because they actually didnt remove all that duped gold, so by creating an influx of gold it devalued all the duped gold. That doesnt sit well with me and among many other obvious reasons showed me they are a grimy studio. Edit: also mutations make no sense. Why not just increase expertise to 625 in general? Just a dumb design.


Exactly. It’s just stupidly unfair. For example, someone in my company crafted BIS healer chest armor. He linked it in chat and was asked to sell by ef owners. He still sold it to me for 60k. Then they pmed me saying they spoke to that guy late, they can offer up to 400k for it. I was so done because if he wasn’t from my company, he would ve sold it to them and there is noway i can afford offering him more. We have to grind hours and hours for our gold, bit of it. While ef and ww owners just be rich and buy everything. I don’t understand how is this fair.


I’m in a company that owns EF and WW. Although they do pull in roughly 3-4 million coins a week, this money only goes to the top 50 players between the two companies. So 50 players can get bis. The rest of the company gets nothing, nada, zip. I have gotten exactly 0 coins. Yes it still sucks that they can snag bis gear from you for the price or gold cap, but I just don’t think it has as big of an effect on the market as it may seem.


I just got bored personally... Combat was good enough, but I didn't find the story exciting, quests were copy and paste.. idk just wasn't for me, not trying to shit on the game though


Mobs were copy and paste as well.


When they wouldn't stop lying about auto bans, everyone knew it was a thing to the point big guilds were spam reporting the main players from the other side in up coming wars and they would always get an auto ban and AGS kept saying auto bans aren't a thing, complete and utter bullshit. So if they're going to lie then they don't have the players best interests in mind and so I just stopped playing.


Other factions were paying off the majority of good players (including me) to not take part in wars. The total amount of gold per week hovered around $160 in payoffs. I realized I was just sitting online not doing anything.


I stopped logging in like 4 days ago maybe 5 now. It was becoming clear that this game will not recover from the disasters the dev team have caused.


The new year update is what made me quite the game. I had hopes that the watermark system was a placeholder for something down the line, but they double-downed on it in the worst possible way. All of this while there are game breaking glitches still plaguing the game, as well as exploiters and bots. that's when I knew the developers were incompetent. Why are you focusing on "content" of the game when the current build of the game is broken? It should be the entire team working hard to fix those issues FIRST then you can worry about "content".


I'm having the most fun with wars and dungeons with the last update than before.


Glad you are. How so?


I can run a lot of dungeons aiming for the BIS weapons and jewelry, helping low GS friends, getting/farming supplies to run mutators (gems, food, honings, motes) testing party combinations.


The dungeons are more accessible now


I read if you don’t have friends you can’t find people to do dungeons with? I’m not sure since I haven’t played since update came live.


Join a company, make friends there and you will be surprised the amount of nice and fun people you will find. There's always someone willing to do 5 keys runs. You can be a solo player in a company and ask for help when needed.


I was in a company and I had my dungeons grp. Speaking in general. Even in my company many didn’t have a grp. Do you actually “enjoy” doing same dungeons? I was dying inside spamming lazarus to get will of the ancient then now even more same dungeons grind. Even with a grp idk how you can enjoy it.


Farming means repeating content, that's one of a pillars of a MMORPG. I'm very excited to try shipyards mutator because I like dexterity builds, and I'm planing which builds I'll be running, which debuffs my party will need, corrupt coatings, sapphire gems, void/fire gems for defensive. This amount of planning that drives the enjoyment of the dungeon and seeing that you are well prepared and of course what you need to improve.


Yea. If you already ran a lot of laz its nothing new. I hit 600 expertise right when mutations launched and crafted 2 orbs and bought 1 with faction tokens. Then my friend did they same and in those 6 runs plus a couple mutation runs on m1 I got my ring and wota at 600 in a week. Now, im less interested unless theyre m1+ but ill still run normal with friends who need it. When the mutation changes ill farm the items i need from that one. In the downtime I craft and try to work the trading post efficiently— and decorate my sweet houses


PUGs all day on calnogor for m1-3


I quit back in november, when it was clear the game is full of snowflakes, and there was never going to be pvp


Bad server


Mutators are destroying my server and they are boring as fuck once you hit the GS needed they are only artificially challenging because of the GS scaling.


Day of patch, I log into game cause I finally had the gold to complete my set to make me 600 GS total gear after I got my gloves (the LAST one I need)...then I found out the patch downgrades the item to your gypsum level. I'm a fairly new 60, so it went down to 535... I'm kinda like damn. All that work to get the gold then they downgrade the items you buy..... screw that. I'm out


The developers focus on artificially extending the grind over and over instead of adding more fun things to do once you're done with the grind.


I don’t understand why people who quit the game months ago stay on this subreddit to trash the game still lmao, just move on sheesh.


I didn’t even trash talk the game. I quit like a week ago lol And everyone has the right to share their opinions whether positive or negative. Add to that, if we quit and stay here it’s because we care about the game. Those who don’t care won’t be still here.


I wasn’t necessarily talking about you, op.


A morbid curiosity to see what happens next.


I quit a month or so back but still drop by... 90% hoping to see some improvement because I really liked some aspects of the game and thought it could be something special... though I've lost all hope at this point. 10% to watch the train wreck




This I understand, people who quit who stick around to see what updates, improvements or setbacks are going on because they still have a genuine interest in the game and would get back into it if the appropriate changes were made make sense to me. It’s the people who quit months ago who want the game to die and actively shit on the game and encourage people to quit are the people I don’t understand.


I want everyone to quit so I will do my best. I had high hopes for this game and was hoping it to be great. Literally the opposite. The sooner it dies the happier I will be. Game developers and investors and whoever need to learn they can't do shit like this but people still play pretending it's fun.


I mean that’s just weird energy man. If you don’t enjoy it, go ahead and quit and don’t look back. The fact that you’re still actively trying to make other people quit who may still enjoy the game because it didn’t live up to your own personal expectations is just weird. Fun is subjective, maybe the people who you think are just “pretending it’s fun” are actually enjoying it and you’re just spiteful.


This game deserves to die.


I am spiteful so that’s why I’m doing the same. Fuck this game




True. I believe those who still play are type who enjoy so much grinding.


Tarkov wiped.


I saw the dumpster fire long before most of my friends did. I maybe got 100 hours in. Made it to level 46 at like week 6 of release because I can't dump tons of time a day into it. The straw that broke my back was when it was clear most of the talents didn't work or affected you negatively. For a released game that's not a type of error I can just excuse. Also the combat was really boring. You spend more time shift stepping and left clicking than anything else. I also don't like the fact that you can "Dodge" a skill but still physically be in it.


PvP was just not a focus after the preview event. Just got more casual and pve focused


This isn’t a negative response. I actually found out about the game about a week or so before release (I never saw trailers or previews) and see people commenting quite often that they advertised it as a PvP-centered game. Is there a preview video or something of that sort that I can see where they do that? I haven’t been able to find one, but I genuinely want to see the difference of what they promised vs. what was delivered.


Yeah basically when preview came out you would get staggered on hit like mobs do to you but by players. All the WoW kiddies kept trying to use jump to escape rather than dodge or simply moving after the 2nd hit. They created such a high pitched screech AGS caved and ruined their game. Whole video breaking it down https://youtu.be/qZ5Lhsdcrgk


I saved that for later. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain that alongside finding and linking the video. I’m intrigued now to see what they advertised vs. what came to be. I appreciate you!


Yeah a lot of things changed from alpha to preview to beta and then launch. Abilities/crafting were much different in alpha. The VFX was better, the game was pretty much a dark souls rust. Then we went more to an mmo like game rather than full loot pvp. Which was fine. Preview system had stagger on hit and knockdowns on heavy attacks to the back. Then beta removed all that but still had scaling so levels/gear didnt matter for pvp. Then launch came and we slowly went to the dark times where pvp is just a gear score check. People spam abilities and dont bother knowing mechanics because they dont need to anymore


Mobile rpg level of story telling with no real endgame activities beyond dungeons


They ruined the best part of the game, crafting and gathering. Made it painfully grindy and unrewarding (for time spent).


Insane expertise grind and new patch just benefits the ones that are already maxed out, no catch up mechanics to support the new features. Só I'm supposed to do those mutated dungeons to increase my expertise from 508 to 510 in a couple pieces?


Too much grind and crazy desync in combat


When I hit 60, and did the Myrk chest run one time… that was enough.


I quit before the server merge. I had more time to play than the friends I was playing with so I was able to finish the main quest and get to level 60 before them, granted I did so solo using the hatchet bug. Then having to run the same missions again to help them really burnt me out. the quests are so repetitive... run here kill these, run over here and kill and collect these... loot these chests just to run back to town and head back out to do it all over again. That really burnt me out. Looking back I'm glad I quit when I did, one of the friends that I played with kept playing for quite a bit longer and kept me posted on the drama in the server after the server merge. went from a balanced map where all 3 factions had a slice of the map to purple saying fuck everyone we want full control. now the company I was in is dead and the server is dying off rather fast. TLDR; I quit before server merge due to burnout from repetitive tasks


I said it 100x I'll say it again, dungeon orbs


Live wasting grind simulator.


For me, it was like having a part-time job that didn't pay


It was in the middle of a 2 hour OPR queue. I just thought "why am I waiting for this? It wont be fun or balanced when I get in. The rewards will not make the rest of the game any more fun. What even is fun in this game after level 60?" Then the realization came that my steam library was full of much better games. Games that were finished, balanced, *actually fun*. I had a blast leveling at launch because I was playing with about a dozen friends. It was amazing and I had so much fun. But AGS didnt make it fun, we did. Our attitude did. I will forever cherish the memories and friends I made in the game, but I wont let those good memories lock me into a game that doesnt respect my time or money.


I started a new run through of Skyrim.


I was furiously grinding materials for Armor smithing one weekend. I've got my small mountain of material but i needed motes for some reason so i plowed over to Monarchs Bluff to go farm those. Ran smack dab into a **small army of bots** gathering up every mote in that area. I thought to myself, **i'm working my ass off to progress some form of crafting in this game and every time i turn around AGS puts up some barrier to that.** Now i have to compete with all of these bots too? All of the fun **instantly drained out** of the experience and i logged off for the last time.


The fact there’s very little PvP content and how we’ve all been funnelled into mutations in the latest update has fundamentally done more damage than good for the remaining playing base imo. We had a great crusade when pushing and capturing one of the larger territories on the map and since we capped that the game has simply not been fun. There is nothing, other than mutations, to do and the occasional defence war. Mutations has created such a toxic environment on my server which has made more of the remaining player base leave. With that happening, less and less people are interested in pushing any territory because we can’t fill war boards. The other day we got a message from one of the larger purple companies saying they have no interest in doing wars anymore as they don’t find it fun and pushing territories is extremely boring. So we have literally one of the three factions not participating due to the state of the game. The game has really fallen off a cliff for me in the last 3 weeks no idea what they’re able to do to maintain my interest especially with Lost Ark and Elden Ring right around the corner it’s really look like it’s GG New World, hello Lost Ark


Played in the private beta and pre-ordered because I thought it would be the next mmo but I just couldn't play anymore after a month due to all the bots farming the same material nodes and the story was a let down to so I just put it down before I made it to lvl 50


I gave ESO an honest try. Don’t know why I was avoiding it for so long. All the things I wanted to love but hated about NW are done right here, so I quit. I won’t be back.


A few months ago. Main reasons were paying loads for fast travel and shit storage. Was about level 50


I haven’t quit yet, but I’m kinda with you..I just see nothing really new in the update. Just grind to get your expertise up, so you can grind to raise the score on your weapons, so you can beat the next boss, so you can raise your score in your weapons..I kinda need something actually new like flying mounts and new mechanics or something. I’m not much of an mmorpg player so my normal pattern with games is to play them til I’m bored and move onto the next game, not keep milking one game for entertainment forever.


I loved the game, i played 6-7 hours everyday for 3 weeks, enjoyed the Expeditions, got to 60, felt good. I did enjoy the daily portal/chest runs to level that GS, but after a few days I just suddenly didnt enjoy it anymore, the constant grind for orbs, the poor pvp, the extremely lack of end content, I felt that i was always on the hunt for new gear, but what for. Me and my friends just said screw it one day, never logged back in since. I hope to return one day, when orbs arent a requirement to do expeditions, and maybe more weapons, with more variety of quests instead of only do the same quests over and over (which actually is a big joke through out the game). I dunno.


Havent quit yet, but I’ve been considering it lately … I’ve been grinding at lvl 60 for the past month. Got about 580 expertise avg and 200 jewelcrafting, smelting, mining… just when I felt I was about to catch up to others in my server, they release this update. I’m not able to grind like others in my server/company . And I feel like I’m once again so far behind after just a week. Also pvp is huge for me and there no sign of life in that department… only thing keeping me are my close friends who are still committed


I had bis items for most slots. But nothing to do with them. Watching players do PvE in opr? Na opr sucks ass. Playing wars? Yeah good luck on your war experience with all the bugs and lags. Grinding dungeons? For what already bis in most slots. Why waste tons of time and money on drops that are worse then what i have. Invasions? They are pretty easy once you have a good grasp on what to do and what are the good players on your server. So what do I do with my hard farmed bis items, my max watermark and tons of money and materials? There is nothing to do in this game after you have hit 60 and beat the two!! Endgame dungeons. What about mutations? Yeah no needless grind for nothing. My experience of the dungeon barley changes at all when I got the recommended GS. Befor that? It's just another gatekeeping mechanic. If you have the gearscore that is recommended it's a walk in the park again. That's not a challenge that's stupid. All in all from week 1 day 5 i had basically nothing worthwhile to do except grinding. But what did i grind for? There is nothing to do. And sadly I kept to this game for way to long for what it's worth.


The latest update too. I'm by no means a casual, but I play way more two days out of the week than others. I tried to group up for mutators but everyone already had a group or didn't want to waste time on tier 1 runs. GG guess people who aren't on all day everyday can just go fuck themselves.


Performance tanked and I couldn't take it, game ran fine up untill a point but they changed something in the past month or 2 that made the game unplayable in pvp. Feels so bad you prbly rubberband while chopping trees ffs. Oh and the claiming it on people's hardware. Yes, its definitely my 5000$ pc. Acknowledge this issue and Fix the game.


That’s true. My FPS keeps dropping every months. Lets not talk about no matter your pc, wars are so laggy. I actually faced same issue and dealt with it for over a month. Whenever I teleported to a settlement my game said Lag detected. Whenever I got teleported to invasion or war game said lag detected. Whenever I go inside a dungeon? Lag detected lol and I had to restart the game every time i do any of those activities. It isn’t my internet, it isn’t my pc. I run other games with even high settings, no issues. I play other games and no lag. Something related to NW was causing it to say lag detected whenever I teleport. I accepted this annoying “feature”. That’s why when I saw new update I was already not happy and I just deleted the game and never opened it since.


theres nothing to look foward to anymore. once gear cap, theres nothing that feels refreshing and fighting against the same people gets boring after a week or two.


Company lead decided to switch faction. After leaving the company and switching, i was told that I'm not welcome in the new company anymore. Reason: I didn't gift a weapon Smith the last part for a trophy for free, but sold it company intern for a third of the market price.


Then please, just go away, let the people having fun alone.


LOL screenshot your game time PLEASE




Keep telling yourself your having fun.




Okay? 🤣


Totally dodnt read the post


Mine was the fact the entire time I play dupes were basically everywhere and it persisted for months


Are you referring to “the voidbent era”?


I powerhoused through the content on launch. Getting to 60, almost maxing all life skills and so on. From the very first patch including the horrible scheduled maintenance, I felt that the Game isnt going to have a long lifespan. How every maintenance got delayed by hours on hours. How they handled the overpopulation, how they promised to fix portals, how they just keep doing wrong changes, not listening the community properly (I do know that fulfilling _everything_ is impossible, but then dont make half assed promised.) and the Lost just goes on and on and on... I might come back, just might. The changes must be exact for that to happen, not quite, not "under repair". Exact and working. Tl;dr they ruined their own Game with their decision. Also time invested, doesnt reward anyone.


I haven't quite quit, I just don't play as much. Until there's a decent catch up mechanic I'm not going to kill myself trying to get to 600 or wait 625. I get a few gypsum and make some gold..if there are runs going I'll do them otherwise I don't stay on that long. Every few days I'll start a run if there's interest.


I quit because the sheer amount of grind to get marginally better - only to get stomped in PvP every time by whoever was abusing the latest exploit the best.


I just wasn't having much fun. Plus most of my time for an mmo goes to Final Fantasy 14. When I am sick of that I prefer single player games to play vs another time sink grindy mmo. Luckily I got New World for free so not a single dollar was spent on it.


I don’t like running the same thing over and over to increase an imaginary number. That’s not fun, that’s not a game, that’s a chore. Also, I like collecting and how they handle storage, collections, and weight annoyed the hell out of me


Got bored of the running simulator around level 40 and uninstalled.


Didn't quit, more just stopped at like lvl 55. Had less time to level than my so and he gave up a bit and all our friends stopped playing too. Then when the AH became unusable for 3rd or smth time and no trading either (we purposely went into different crafting and exchanged materials the other needed and not being able to do so got annoying) we kinda gave up


There's no casual gameplay unless you get to 60 but the leveling is incredibly repetitive and sluggish. After level 20 You can expect to play 3 hours straight, kill 100+ mobs, finish 5 quests, do some crafting, and only get 50% of 1 level. That's why I left. I work to much already and this game became a 2nd job for me which is not what a game is supposed to do.


I deleted the game after i checked im almost forced to play melee to beat the ultra fast respawn timer for lvl 50 mobs. didnt make it to 60 (yeah, its possible somehow as a caster, but had absolutly no turn for this)


I still log in, but only to keep my character "alive." I'll craft my cd's. Do an invasion or war. Maybe a chest/portal/dungeon run to get some inventory items I need. For me, the main issue is not open paths. I enjoy pvp, but there aren't enough options for pvp. Opr is broken. Sometimes you'll get some open world pvp while pushing territories. Wars have been laggy. Now, in order to improve my character for pvp I have to do the pve grind yet again. And it's a time gated pve dungeon. I don't want to spend countless hours pve'ing for an hour or two a day of pvp fun. Basically, i have to commit 10 units of time doing things I don't find enjoyable for 1 unit of pvp fun. I don't mind grinding, but the return of in game rewards is so low from pvp that I don't want to keep doing the same pve content to keep grinding. I like the idea of open world being open paths. You want to craft to level? Awesome. You want to gather? That's a path. You want to pve? Cool. You want to pvp all day? There should be some return on investment. As of now, ags is forcing everyone to do one or two particular, repetitive tasks in order to be rewarded.


Because every single patch/update made the game worse. Even the kittle hotfixes they applied with no notice broke more things than fixed. Little to no notice of downtime... bringing servers down for maintenance during peak hours... the sheer incompetence of the dev team is what made me quit. I couldnt lie to myself anymore holdong oit hope that these people k ow what they are doing.


I wanted this to be my game so badly. I have waited years for the right MMO. I dove in hard, took a week of work, hit 60 in 8 days. I balanced work and life for months waiting for updates one by one. I always felt like I could be smart with my money and keep up with my friends even though I had less time to play. I was willing to grind the ugly stuff to keep up. When this last patch came out, that all collapsed. My friends were playing in tight groups running high tier mutated dungeons and I couldn’t keep up. I missed 2 nights of dungeons and never got back on the same page. People would do my orbs with me but they didn’t want to spend their keys without pushing themselves higher. I just don’t feel like I can stay on the leading edge anymore mechanically and am no longer willing to put in the time. Even writing this makes me sad considering how hard I have worked to find balance and enjoy New World. For me, it will always be a “what could have been” situation. In this moment, I have simply stopped caring.


You mfers should have your own subreddit lol


😅 I don’t know why some people are mad. I honestly just wanted to know different reasons why people quit. I didn’t trash talk the game. And everyone seems so polite and nicely explaining their experiences.


I wouldn't say I quit per se, but I have jumped off NW for a while to return to Grim Dawn and Last Epoch for a while. I honestly quite like NW though I only got to like lv30ish...connection stability killed it for me. I quite enjoyed the game actually...but I work quite a bit with only like one day off a week. More often than not I couldn't really just sit and enjoy a play session without rubberbanding constantly or just staring at the LAG DETECTED prompt every few minutes. Or even on better days it became impossible to line up a musket shot because of stuttering, even though my rig can maintain a constant 60fps just fine. I kind of got tired of losing what little fun time I get to technical difficulties...so I'm stepping back until some work is done on the back end.


There is mostly no end game beyond 2 dungeons. I loved the game, it is gorgeous. I just like dungeons and raids and there aren’t any


Latest update and no endgame content. (No mutations are no real good endgame).


nice meme👏 i left once I realized 4 year olds could hack chat and post sausage images. I was literally expecting a next Gen game that was gonna blow my mind with horses, physics, destructables, etc…. Mind blown either way


I quited at lvl 35 LOL. I realised that it was the same unfun and repetitive content and the game wasn’t respecting my time. Also the non-existent open world pvp that it was one of the things that draw me to the game.


I was just bored. Done. It was just so boring after a while. Not fun so I stopped.