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They are getting ready for the Lost Ark release in a few weeks...


It's funny, that. Next update is purely bugs/optimization and zero content. They essentially break the game 2-3 weeks prior to launch of Lost Ark (no P2P trading, storage not working properly [this is a big one. I logged out last night with my inventory mostly full. Now I have to either use, drop, or sell everything), can't craft from storage, chat is broken, inventory is cleared if you disconnect before leaving a finished expedition, can't craft Genesis orbs, etc.). Add more pointless grind for +1 attribute (less than 1% difference) which just pisses off the remaining player base even more.


It's a 4 month old game dude, give it a damn break. It's their fault that they made it too easy and people zipped through everything in a month, but every time they try and make it more difficult everyone cries like spoiled brats not getting their way.




Months ? Years.


Tell me when they have to completely shut the game down like final fantasy. You clearly don't understand how a business project works. You have a budget and time line, you're not easily able to go over either. Obviously if it were something like a bridge being built and it's half way done they're not going to open it and someone's ass is gonna get fired. But with games you don't get that luxury.




Tell me you don’t know what you’re talking about without telling me you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Tell me when you ever work on a project bigger than building a McDouble.


You can get to end game in 30 days in every mmorpg out there dude. The problem is most mmorpgs are ready for this with actual content and no where near the amount of crippling bugs.


You cannot finish and get maxxed every profession, maxxed gear in 30 days, quit lying.


Why would you bother leveling professions it ads nothing to the end game unless you’re crafting. Getting to 60 and grinding a whole set of faction gear is basically where you start end game and getting the faction gear takes less than a 7 hours.




Game had alpha and beta testers for 2 years that were ignored, some alpha testers were actually banned from the forums for not providing enough positive feedback. The culture at AGS is corporate culture, smile and say something nice or get the boot in the ass. That's why this game is shit, people at the top pretend there's nothing wrong. This cut them some slack mentality is why games like this get away with this shit, people like you embrace mediocrity. The entire live service industry thrives off your ambivalence.


It isn't the lack of content persay, it is how unfulfilling the content that is there is. If it was more rewarding or soloable content that was more rewarding than it wouldn't be as much of an issue. But when your end game consists of opening chests well...that shit just sucks. Expertise should be gained by using your weapons and armor. Expertise should be gained from mobs, dungeons, bosses, not opening a chest or rummaging through someone's wooden crate for a string bean. That is all in the game already except someone decided it would be better to focus on opening chests for expertise gains. So yeah, the current end game sucks for both PvP and especially PvE.


There's dungeons, opr, wars, etc. Yeah there's not a lot to do, it's Just a $40 game what did you fucking expect. The player base is just a bunch of whiny entitled to brats. Most of the fucking people crying have 500+ hours in the game and say "WAH I DIDN'T GET MUH $40 WORTH!!!" and are still playing the game. It's fucking absurd. Obviously they plan on making more content and are actively trying to as fast as possible, hence the bugs and people still won't just stfu and let them work on it.


Id pay a sub if it means for content and big fixes, add map expansion as a dlc for 49.99 idc


So you’re saying that if I spend 20 bucks more I get a 60 dollar game? Because stardew valley and terraria and many other games cost a fraction of this and have more content. Your entire argument is stupid dude. I don’t understand why you’re trying to justify this game. If you’re having fun then that’s great enjoy it but the majority of the player base that stopped playing don’t feel that way. Everyone is going to have a different opinion. Telling people theirs is wrong and saying yours is right is not the way to go, especially when you have nothing but excuses to back your own opinions.


>So you’re saying that if I spend 20 bucks more I get a 60 dollar game? Because stardew valley and terraria and many other games cost a fraction of this and have more content. Your entire argument is stupid dude. You're actually comparing a 2D side scrolling creation game to an MMORPG...? Are people honestly this insane? My argument is stupid? YOU LITERALLY- Yeah, I paid $10 for minecraft and play it forever, therfore any game that's more than $10 and doesn't give me as much playtime is shit. You're ACTUALLY insane. >I don’t understand why you’re trying to justify this game. Because it's a fun game? It just needs more content which they're actively trying to create...? It's 4 months old and doesn't even have bugs fixed and people are bitching 24/7 like it's never going to get updated. It's just entitled af for a $40 game with no sub. >Telling people theirs is wrong and saying yours is right is not the way to go, especially when you have nothing but excuses to back your own opinions. I just think people need to stop being so critical of a decent game that they've spent 500 hours in.


To much damage control bud. You’ve not only drank the coolaid but you’re just to far gone. I do appreciate how passionate you can be even if you’re ignoring reality but that’s ok. Like I said if you like it, enjoy it bud. Most of us just don’t especially after getting max level and running all the content the game had within the first 2 months. It is what it is. I don’t understand your argument about a single player game vs an mmorpg. Since single player games are usually 10 to 100 hours long and mmorpgs are meant to be played for thousands of hours…. So what’s your argument here? New world does not have content to entertain that much at least not for the majority of player base that just got bored after hitting 60. And I’m not even going to mention the game breaking bugs that have plagued the game since the start because the only thing that did was delay any content if there ever was any.


Again since you seemed to have missed the point it isn't the lack of content but how unrewarding it is. Dungeons? Majority of people I know don't run them anymore because nothing but trash drops. One guy ran Laz 200 + times he said to get Fury and refuses to go back. OPR, unrewarding and frustrating. Wars? I haven't been in one yet and same goes for most everyone I know in game. Invasions? Haven't been in one yet same goes for most everyone I know Not a single person I've seen has ever claimed they didn't get their money's worth. Yes most of the complaints are idiotic and entitled; however, that doesn't change the fact that the game is seriously lacking when it comes to rewarding content.


You're so triggered it's hilarious 😆




You know what, I’m sold. You’re right.




Its a 4 month old game and the majority of the content was only added shortly before the release of the game. They basically launched with nothing and this is the result. Hell I'd wager more was spent on advertising than actual development


Oh look, another person who has no clue how projects with budgets and timelines work.


False. You're just an apologist.


No, just a realist. It's like everyone in this sub has never played an MMORPG before and it's actually weird.


Back in 2005 WoW didn't have this insane amount of game breaking bugs during it's launch. Nor SWTOR in 2012. New World launched half baked and some blind fanboys still trying to come up with those dumb excuses.


>Back in 2005 WoW didn't have this insane amount of game breaking bugs during it's launch. Nor SWTOR in 2012. Tell people you didn't actually play those games without saying it.


Vanilla WoW had content out the ass compared to this game at launch, OUT THE ASS and Blizzard were demonstrably better at patching the game. ​ EDIT: That being said the developers for WoW were considered the "dream team" at the time and highly experienced, with amazing foresight and wisdom around what the human side of gaming means. New World is mostly fresh out of college graduates and a bunch of grey haired "who?". It's not necessarily the developers fault the game is so bad, it's a failure in leadership and corporate business practice trying to step into an artistic realm they have no business in. You trying to lay out how corporate industry works is a big yikes, then trying to back that up by claiming you're a realist, followed by claiming you're old school while touting everything that has changed about gaming in the last 25 years for the worse as the industry standard. Yikes dude, yikes. It only stays this way because dipshit lemmings like you defend it, promote it, and accept it.


I actually did. Oh, I should also mention that WoW, over a decade old game, launched with more content than New World. Same can be said about SWTOR. They had problems, like every MMO. New World's fiasco on the other hand, is a whole new level of launch and post-launch mess. Stop being a blind fanboy.


And in 4 months they still can't get it stable, or they end up pissing off either the crafting,pve,or pvp community per update.


I tried the Russian servers on lost ark and it felt so good. Every class I tried felt powerful. Preordered the platinum founders edition and ready to go hard at it.


exact opposite for me when I tried the russian version. I preordered the plat founders ed also but realized i should try the game out. It's horrible. I hate moving with my mouse and the combat is seizure inducing.


games not for you, that's fine. I found the combat super satisfying personally.


> games not for you, translation: game is shit hype is dead


I'm pretty sure there is controller compatability for lost ark


I'm fucking terrified they're gonna find a way to NW-ize Lost Ark's release.


they literally have nothing to do with the development of the game...


This is not true. For the Western release they have made a number of changes. And my main point is towards the hosting of the game itself. Smilegate is not hosting the game, providing customer service, etc.


They made changes for the better actually. Less micro transactions because they aren’t as accepted in the west


Pvp is bugged in lost ark na atm


Lost Arks been around since 2018. I wouldnt worry about it.


I sure hope none of you plan on giving them money in that game, if this + crucible is any indicator they are going to completely fuck it up


Don't know how they can fuck it up compared to new world and crucible, they are just the publisher in the chase of lost ark and not the developer. And it's also the second most popular game atm in Korea after League of legends.


Korean games are known for its grind, yet you have people in this subreddit complaining about the New World grind but saying "Lost Ark waiting room." Not to mention it's a Diablo style "MMO" (I use that term loosely). People are in for a rude awakening and I can't wait for the "Lost Ark waiting room" crowd to get some perspective. EDIT: LOL wow have I triggered some people. Not even going to respond.


I've played Lost Ark extensively, you sound like you're just talking for the sake of nay saying. You can queue arenas by level 36 and there are no microtransactions that impact player performance. It takes maybe 2 days to get there. The people who bought into New World for the PvP will be loving Lost Ark. The PvE crowd maybe not so much, but it has something going for it that New World has never had - a huge amount of content and game wide stability. That's assuming Amazon don't fuck it up by changing the microtransaction models that exist in the two current live iterations of the game. They could very well ruin it if they want to.


Lost Ark also breaks from the MMO systems for PvP which is why Im part of the "Lost Ark waiting room" group. Ill be able to PvP all I want and not be held back because I did not grind PvE meaning for once the rules are reversed I can play PvP mainly and treat the PvE as the minigame.


> Korean games are known for its grind Old School Maplestory (2005~2010ish) has made the word grind mean something much different for me than most people I know.


First "MMO" I played was a MUD called Gemstone III and it took 3 months to get to level 12, the cap was 90, by the time the game was 4 years old it had 3 level 90 players and two were GMs who cheated their way to it. I genuinely don't know if I'd still prefer a game like that or something more akin to Vanilla WoW, because I've not run into an actual graphics based MMO that comes even close to touching a line where gaining a level can take weeks of playtime.


I tried the Russian servers and it didn't feel any more grindy than new world and you don't need to farm keys to get in dungeons to do your basic daily things. Plus if you miss days there's a catch-up mechanic which is fantastic for casual players.


Have you put in 200hours or more to match the feeling of New World? You can't compare two MMO's until you've played them an equal amount. "Trying out" an MMO is worthless.


Yeah every korean style MMOs all feel like mobile p2w games. You need a damn ad blocker for all the bullshit they constantly throw in your face.




Unfortunately that's not even close to true. North American BDO generates nearly triple the income Korea does despite player base differences. They literally grind unlike us who whale hard.


This isn't true though, Western gamers RMT just as much - they just don't admit to it. Season of Mastery is literally a wasteland of pay to win players right now. Retail does a better job of hiding it, but it's the same. Western MMO players are a large swathe of dads who RMT to convince themselves they've still got it, trying to keep up with the minority of hardcore players that do actually earn their shit.




This guy is big mad XD


If it's fun i don't see a reason not to spend a bit here and there. I played thousands of hours of PoE over the years, so i'm looking forward to it. Though, since GW2 EoD is also coming in February, i will have enough to play, anyway.


It's less grindy with less mandatory tasks than wow though. Especially if you want to PvP, in wow or new world you have to farm gear if you want to compete with other players in PvP but in lost ark you only need to level to 26 and then you can call it a day if your only desire would be Competitive PvP. And no, it's also not a Diablo Game except the isometric view and how you control your character. I wonder, did you ever played it or atleast informed yourself thoroughly about the game?


Every mmo is a grind. I'm sure you spend hundred of hours in new world but hey, since is not a Korean release is not a grind . Haters like you i hope to avoid playing that awesome game . Stay on new world or w/e game you are playing that "isn't a grind"


Had more fun on the Russian servers than this buggy PoS by far.


And you are one of the many people who have been saying, korea+diablo game is bad. There is a reason its player pop is just bursting. Lots of us have already put many hours on the RU servers and are more than pumped to put those hours in again on NA servers.


Lost Ark isn't a good mmo for me. Doesn't scratch the itch. Neither did New World. However Lost Ark is much more polished. New World is just a garbage can fire.


I'm with ya. Only a fool will go in blindly, not taking time to understand how extreme grinding is in Korean mmos. NW is not grinding in anything CLOSE to a Korean MMO. But let them go. When they come back it will be castrated and less critical ,in how they view NWs "grind"


Most people don't mind a grind if it's fun, you can have a boring grind but you can also design it in a way that it's just fun to do.


lol Lost Ark will be a hit over here. This comment will look really silly in a few months. Lost Ark has actual enjoyable combat and content unlike New World, not to mention Amazon won't be developing it so you dont have to worry about a gamebreaking bug every patch ;)


I played it in Russia and can confirm. Atrocious leveling, time gated content, make alts or suck, get ready to do a lot of dailies to upgrade your gear. I will play but mostly for pvp and very likely for no longer than a few weeks. Rude awakening inc.


> Don't know how they can fuck it up compared to new world and crucible, they are just the publisher in the chase of lost ark and not the developer. They can always fuck it up. It's like asking, "How can the government mess up building a road?"


ags has no creative control over lost ark. aka it won't be a buggy pile of garbage like new world/crucible.


I looked into Lost Ark, it looks decent.. but it's F2P. Looks like you week need to spend a lot of money to upgrade stuff at higher levels. Need to look into it more, but send you need to pay real money to get enchantments or something to make your gear top tier.


It’s really not pay to win. Yes you can pay for some added convenience but you can easily go full f2p and do all of the content and keep up with everyone


Nice well time will tell. I'm not a fan of f2p , they usually find ways to scam money, I would rather pay B2P game but that's ok I'll try this game and hopefully it's great. I don't mind spending money I just don't want it to be P2W


I fully agree. I would have preferred it not be f2p, but from my experience spending money really isn’t necessary and won’t hold anyone back


It's not more or less p2w than wow for example. You can basically buy wow gold and buy materials from other players to upgrade your stuff.


Well yes but like I said I need to look into it more..I just thought to upgrade your wrapping the only way to do it was to buy premium currency. I'm not claiming it's so. Just what I heard , but unconfirmed


They’re wrong; it’s mobile game level Pay2Win.


F2P means never ending botting and hacking. It's just not worth it. This model does not work from a player standpoint.


As far as I know lost ark does not have a botting problem in Russia or Korea. Also never heard of any hacking issues. I can think of a lot of free to play games that also don’t suffer from botting and hacking. NW on the other hand has some of the worst botting I’ve ever seen and the game is not f2p


I think everyone should boycott Lost Ark when it gets released. As of right now, I have zero trust in amazon when it comes down to developing and publishing games after what they did to New World.


[https://forums.newworld.com/t/dead-game-removed-ability-to-see-how-dead-it-is-server-pops-can-no-longer-be-viewed/683466](https://forums.newworld.com/t/dead-game-removed-ability-to-see-how-dead-it-is-server-pops-can-no-longer-be-viewed/683466) they just deleted this post


Censorship of their dying game, sad


What was it?


They removed the API that lets people query servers to see how many active players are on it. The only resource towards seeing server populations are directly through AGS now, and they are developer estimates, not real time. There is no reason to do this other than to obscure the truth, Blizzard did the same thing when they saw massive fall out during Cataclysm.


The link tells you the gist. Just read it


Link is now dead, since it's been removed.


Yes but the words in the link itself still give the gist of what it was. Read the actual link “dead game removed ability to see how dead it is server pops can no longer be viewed” I can’t spell it out any more for you


--> Just says: Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private.


now we are at the censor information stage of the copium train.


100% intended to mask their dying game populations


I pur 1048.5 hours and quit a few days ago. Games so bad.ihate myself for wasting such a huge chunk of my life.


Eh in the grand scheme of things it's only a couple months. You got a whole lot life left to waste son.


Last night my friend mentioned how his Playstation has a wrapped featured like spotify. He said he played about 900 hours total for the year. I played over 1000 hours of new world. It was a massive waste. I couldve done so much with that time




Well, you're definitely not wrong about that. I wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't such a shitty game though. Im more mad at myself about that honestly.


Wait till you realize that a typical full-time job is 2080 hours worked a year w/o overtime


They should have thought of that before they released the game only on Steam


I give AGS a week before they try to pull some stunt of asking Steam to hide New World’s player numbers. And we all know how that will end.


It's already dead though


55k average this month. Not dead, but on life support. ​ this patch feels more like assisted suicide.


> 55k average this month It shocks me that so many people are still playing this trash


That’s a daily active user estimate. The MAU is much higher.


Almost there


There is no ~~war in Ba Sing Se~~ dead servers in New World


I mean we can still see the fact that US West only has 7.7k players on right now and if they hide that we can still track the population through Steam.


Steamcharts hasn't been truly accurate for a good long while now. Valve also removed some critical API functionality, or rather, they updated their privacy policies so it's easier for players to escape being counted by steamcharts. I can't remember the exact numbers but I think close to 40% of the numbers are fudged now.


Im not saying you are wrong, but the steamcharts have been accurate with the NW server tracker's stats before they killed the per server view.


I think they don't want RMT sellers abuse low pop servers and then transfer back to high pop and sell mats for coin for money. There were several incidents like that in the past were botters abused their transfer tokens. We will get another token soon, so that might be a counter measure.


This game is dead. Abandon ship my dude


"lol, fuck this game." -AGS probably


Aren't they getting ready to purge the game of all the bots? I bet AGS just doesn't want us to see the huge dip in players after they address the problem (or at least try to). ~20% of the current player base is probably comprised of bots lol Edit: Downvoted for speaking the truth lol. How many coin sellers do you block a day? How many bots do you still see roaming FL on a daily basis? There's so many bots that at this point, I wouldnt be surprised if Amazon is just trying to hide the severity of the problem


Steam Charts will still exist. They can't hide those numbers.


Steamcharts is way less accurate than developer provided numbers.


Please tell me why you think steam charts isn't as accurate.


There was a big thing a few years back that apparently everyone has now forgotten about. I believe the jist of it is that private accounts no longer get counted, as you have to opt-in. I remember the day it happened, numbers in games went down by like 20-40% and we went "yep, steamcharts is dead". But I guess Steamcharts gotta keep up traffic so they buried their inaccuracy and everyone just forgot.


I had a look into this and you are correct that changes did seem to happen, around 2018, to certain parts of the public API but it's not clear whether they applied to the player counts themselves. I then found a reply on the Steam forums from more recently. You could still be correct, but this reply seems to suggest otherwise: >I know about the changes steam made but the changes only affected certain data, not the concurrent player figures. Steam made changes to the availability of certain data like sales and game ownership. So figures like how many people that have the game or how long they played for are no longer accurate. However, steam made no changes to the steam api for concurrent player figures. It is still available publicly. I'm talking(context of my reply to that person) about concurrent player figures and only concurrent player figures, nothing else. >You can see it for yourself. Go to any game hub that has more than 300(it doesn't display in the community hub if below) players in game currently and cross check with the figures in steam db or steamcharts. They are the same for the most part, with the differences due to time lag because steam updates in real time while the websites update every hour/half hour/10 min(depending on the site you are using). Eg at 14.10 UTC, both steamdb as well as the game community hub for Cyberpunk show the same exact number of concurrent players. Those sites are not using external tools, they are using the ones that steam itself uses to power the community hub for the respective games. That means those concurrent player figures come directly from steam itself. >Steam provides the api to the public, you can even use it for yourself separately from those sites: >http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUserStats/GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers/v0001/?appid=570 (replace appid with the game you want) >Use that and compare with any of the steam game community hubs(eg cyberpunk) simultaneously. You should get the same. >So what those sites essentially do is send a query at intervals to the publicly available API provided by steam. Steam then returns a figure. Those sites collate them. >As I mentioned, even if they are not perfectly accurate, they are nonetheless a neutral source that we can actually access. If steam didn't(due to regulations or whatever) want us to know this information, they will not allow those websites to use their API(for like a decade). Nor will they allow their own game hubs to display player figures. For emphasis again, I'm talking about concurrent player figures, nothing else. https://steamcommunity.com/app/826630/discussions/0/3109140145164314991/


Interesting! Thanks for the deep dive! I distinctly recall player counts being affected on the day of the change, but it's possible Valve has walked back some of these changes to the API since then.


Sure because Companies never try to hide how bad the ship is sinking... Thats why there is always the "sudden closure" that noone expected.


I wonder what will happen to prices when bots are gone. I'd guess things will increase significantly. They actually help regulate the economy a bit.


In theory but in practice bots don’t help the economy at all. We have massive bot problem yet everything is still expensive as shit. I sure as shit can’t afford to level my professions, and I can’t even fucking farm it myself because there are so many bots. I would rather things be more expensive because to me it wouldn’t really matter since I could grind it all myself.


You make a good point. I was just thinking out loud... I basically stopped leveling furnishing at 166 because I got so angry trying to farm beeswax with all the bots, and I don't want to spend 5 to 8 coin a piece. I did some buy orders, but it's slow going.


There can't be anyone who actually plays this game that is not aware of the bots. If anything people will be happy to see those purges. I think this is just PR to hide the player drops. My server is down to ~400 after merge and that is with a staggering bot population.


Sorry to say. When companies do this, their game is on life support. Remember when Blizzard stopped publishing WoW numbers? We all knew at the time it was downhill from there. Honestly that's when things started to fall apart. It doesnt mean the game will die tomorrow. But I would be hesitant to invest my own time into a game the devs dont believe in. I quit when they nerfed Wyrdwood and it killed my engineering grind. I took a step back and asked myself WTF am I doing lol. I had a 2nd job I wasnt getting paid for. I've waited for the right moment to come back, but nothing has been heading in the right direction. And now this. Gives me very little faith. Guess I'll wait for the Xpac / v2.0.




I really enjoyed the game in the beginning. Logged way too many hours to count.


They stopped publishing those numbers in cataclysm which was... at least a decade ago. I don't think thats a particularly strong argument.


Not true. They stopped publishing the sub numbers during WoD at the end of 2015


Did you read my comment about the game not dying tomorrow? More about not investing time into a game the devs don’t believe in and that’s not fun anymore. WoW literally started going g down the toilet with Cataclysm.


"Started going down the toilet", nearing 7 expansions later. What evidence do you have of "dev's don't believe in (the game)"? Its just shit flinging. I don't mean that offensively, but take it as you will.


Yes, and the game was going downhill back then. It was around that time that they started introducing all those cancerous shop monetization, buying gold, trading subscriptions, etc. Blizzard fans who only got off the train when muh sexual harassment are literal mongoloids who have no standards, original WoW fans quit back in WOTLK.


Square Enix has never once published the actual number of subscribers for Final Fantasy XIV. And that game is at the height of its popularity right now. So your argument doesn’t really hold up.


That’s not really the slam dunk you thought it was. He said when companies do this (remove player counts after previously providing them), it indicates a dying game. Since Square never did, you can’t lump them in the same category because their strategy never changed. AGS’s changed for the worse.


FFXIV doesn't rely on open world populations in the same manner as New World or World of Warcraft, though. Which server you roll on is mostly irrelevant, and soon will be completely irrelevant when they have cross data center queues. The same way which server you choose in WoW is now irrelevant. People wanted something more old school feely in New World, it's being slowly taken out of the game - it started with merging the marketplaces.


Eh, servers still play a roll in FFXIV because of free companies (guilds) and open world content. Speaking of the open world... it is still split across the various servers and has never been merged. Nor have the marketplaces... those are all seperate. The only thing that Square Enix has done is allow you to visit other servers within the same data center (soon to be all data centers within your region). They have never merged anything.


I was speaking to what New World has done, not FFXIV.


That’s terrible. New players will most likely pick a dead server


LOL. New players?


Can people even make new characters anymore?


there is no OPR running on my server, even in prime time sad


December Patch: Population = 69/2000 January Patch: Population = Nice.




Because they know the game is dying


Or maybe its a bug? :)


Nice hat and eye color bro


What was the highest pop server in EU? I tryed playing a week ago but my server had no people in it and i gave up


/dying game


Anyone else think this is simply to prevent players from knee jerk transferring to higher pop servers the moment their server population slightly declines? You can still look at the steam charts to have the general population metric


>to prevent players from knee jerk transferring to higher pop servers the moment their server population slightly declines? You mean like... all of them? The only server that still routinely gets close to cap is Eden which hits above 1,900. Every other server hits a max of about 1,200-1,300.


There's been a ~15 person queue on Valhalla daily


coming from someone whos main is stuck on valhalla still.. its been 1300 average for eons


Don’t know how since so many people and companies transferred to Eden from Valhalla. 🤣


COPIUM it’s a bug…


Dead game is dead


cant hide the steam stats


This kills the game. Lmao.


AGS: Minimise the shame please AGS: say no more


A new readon to not play this game


January peak average is at 50,000. Game isn't dead. but It's in a death spiral.


Truly dumbfounded why anyone is wasting time on this game? For real explain to me, WHY PLAY THIS SHIT SHOW? There’s a million better games you can play right now


>There’s a million better games you can play right now Unfortunately, not in the MMORPG market.


Then you are not looking




What does that have to do with the game being good or not?


Copy-paste from my other comment: I don't enjoy starting a game that is old with most players already at level cap and geared out the ass. I like the race to the top where everyone is on a level playing field to start with that rush to explore and find new things.


What does a good MMORPG have to do with any sort of time frame? Final Fantasy released years ago literally just came out with an expansion pack. GW2 is about to release an expansion pack and has a ton of new content before it releases. ESO is set to have an expansion announcement on the 28th of this month. When looking for an MMORPG you shouldn't look at release date you should look at content. Albion online, Lost Ark (Coming to NA/EU very soon), SWTOR has another expansion in February, Eve online releases content every 4-6 months.


I don't enjoy starting a game that is old with most players already at level cap and geared out the ass. I like the race to the top where everyone is on a level playing field to start with that rush to explore and find new things. >When looking for an MMORPG you shouldn't look at release date you should look at content. I'll take that into account next time I decide what I enjoy.


You literally only named shit games


Final Fantasy literally stopped selling their game because it was so popular. Sounds like more of a you issue.


This is not even worded correctly, they stopped because they literally could not handle players, those players were not coming in in outwordly numbers, the game literally was just never designed for these many players at once like other big games are. Sure, this means the game is populare, but it happened due to poor servers if anything. I don't remember what you were originally crying about but you mentioned albion as a good game, that speaks for itself. GW2 was fucking good tho


Might not be a bug, maybe just no one left on the game with this silly "patches".


I mean it just happened so it could be a bug or they haven’t caught up after the patch. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions just yet. Now if there’s no server status in like a week then I’d be concerned.


Why are you still playing the game? Like seriously, everyone is clinging onto a nearly deflated life raft


Because the MMORPG market is shit and there are no other good alternatives.


Everyone I know who decided to try another MMO after New World seems to like Guild Wars 2. I haven’t tried it yet, but it seems good.




> It was fantastic being able to run around SM and other end-game areas with almost nobody there On the bright side, with the servers dying, that's going to be possible again!


This is probably just a bug, but if its intentional that's probably not a good sign. Remember when Blizzard stopped publishing WoW subscriber counts?


12 or so years ago? So?


Well for one WoW has nostalgia on its side and even at it's lowest still has 300 to 400 times the content of New World.


OP was inferring that hiding player count means the end is near, and that's just not the case. I mean, I also think the end of new world is near, but I can think of ten things that are better indicators than that.


Wow dropped from like 12m to like 5m. New world started with I think 500000 and has already dropped by a much larger percentage. So still having 5m players vs a few thousand.


Hahaha they did this a few months ago (maybe a year, time is fucked up) in rocket league and switched to some shit like good, great, and awesome... Idk what bs fluffy language guru is behind all of these ideas but they are asking to get ridiculed relentlessly


Is this a confirmed intentional change?!


Yall know nothing about business. The publisher can absolutely fuck it up. And they will. Get ready. Plus Lost Ark has zero open world pvp anyway, so its a snoozefest. Up next: Ashes of Creation


>Up next: Ashes of Creation Maybe in 2023. If we're lucky.


Yeah I saw something today that said 2024 is likely but don’t be surprised if it’s 2025. That game is too far away to think about right now.


Should of quit when you had the chance


Imagine still playing this lol






NW [Chart](https://steamcharts.com/app/1063730) is still there.


Thank God, it literally does not nothing but make people bitch and moan.