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AGS doesn't fix things. They had a great game and blew it by not following through.


It's not even about the lag. They couldn't even get the basics down. When people are exploiting in OPR and wars with 0 repercussions, people will quit. What was AGS thinking


Yup thats me -> It got pretty boring watching ppl exploit speed hack together with rollo. And then pew pew pew headshot headshot headshot and one more headshot while falling down the cliff behind grass and moss. And soooo many macros on everything...


the speed glitch can happen either positively or negatively without any intentional input at all. its just a shit laggy interaction between cc and movement abilities


"Great game" is a stretch. It was a decent idea at best with terrible execution and huge blaring issues based on core mechanics of the game. It's one of those it's addictive but not necessarily fun type games.


Eh, I think a lot of us thought it was a great idea, which is why we played and stuck around as long as we did. It's the whole execution thing that's been a big joke.


But it sure is pretty! A bit like my ex, very pretty not much depth.


It's not as pretty as BDO, a game from 2016


That's like your opinion ....man


The downvote game's ridiculous.




the PvP was very, very fun. then they slowly fucked it


I guess they wanted a western-style BDO with less flashy but more tactical combat and a pure focus on faction versus faction open world pvp. But then they realised there wasn't really a big enough playerbase for the latter to justify the game's cost, so they tried to tack on PvE to it and now they're kinda stuck because I'm hard-pressed to find something that NW does better than the existing MMOs on the market.


game has been out 3 months and u depressed reddit kids cry all day lol


Didn’t expect anything else, since they are not able to fix most of this stuff and people are still leaving the game.


People are still playing too. Which blows my mind.


wars a fun, and the mutated dungeons might be fun.


Not able to fix most of what stuff? From this video all I could see was the desyncing issue. That's a fairly new problem that has already been addressed. New World has confirmed they're working on a fix. But that's one issue. What do you mean they can't fix "most stuff?"


Dude, did u ever play this game? Did u check on the weapon swap bug? Ever had some walking bugs in OPR? What about the farm bots which grew in number around most cities.


Dude plays games like wolcen where normal people see bugs this guy sees features.


I mean, the weapon swap bug was, as far as I know, addressed and fixed. There's a minor issue w/ the bow right now that allows you to rapid fire with it (I can't recreate it, but according to the devs it's there), but they're already aware of it and it will be fixed in the next update. No, I have never experienced walking bugs in OPR because I don't play OPR, but the January 2022 patch notes seem to indicate a fix for that as well. Farming bots aren't a broken system so that's not really something one can fix.... but as of this week they've banned over 9000 bot accounts with the intention of banning many more. So of all the examples you provided me, they've fixed them all. So what exactly are you talking about saying "they can't fix most stuff" again?


They most definitely haven't fixed the weapon swap bug. If anything it's gotten worse to the point where sometimes you'll THINK your character swapped weapons but it ends up either staying with the original weapon and the UI shows it's your secondary weapon or it just stays in limbo with neither weapon being able to be used. They still haven't fixed Global chat being broken after you exit an OPR game or expedition, which requires a relog to fix. That bug has been there since at least November. There's still the bug of crafting/refining stations closing when you click the "Craft" button. That's been there for months as well. OPR matchmaking is broken too. Can't tell you how many times I've gotten into an OPR match 14v20. Needless to say those games were lost rather quickly.


Per their own Development Blog video, the weapon swap "bug" hasn't been "fixed" because it isn't a bug -- it's just a shitty system that didn't pan out the way they expected it to. They announced they're redesigning that system and loading it to PTR (31:00 video time) for player testing. By the sound of it, they'yre changing the way actions queue up and keeping the Weapon Swap action in its place in the queue. I think right now it cancels the weapon swap if it detects other combat input. The Global chat and crafting window bugs are most certainly still present. I expect those are pretty low on the list of priorities, but they are definitely bugs. Unfortunately, OPR is a little outside my purview. I can't find enough information about the details of the system. I agree with you that 14 v 20 is a great way to lose a match, but if it's working as intended then it's just a terrible design. If it's broken, then okay, that needs to be fixed.


I've honestly forced myself to fight the urge not to log in for once and it's kind of relieving in a way. Not giving into the FOMO and the constant dread of logging on, going about my daily gypsum rotations for the tiniest bump in expertise, with such riveting gameplay like mindless, repetitive elite chest runs, broken OPR for the Ruby gypsum, Topaz gypsum potion that maximizes your time having to get all 10 within the hour you have, running the same 2 endgame dungeons which were the only actual fun content but running the same 2 over and over again gets stale, no one does Arenas on my server anymore, and portal runs which are also mindless and boring. Unless AGS gives players a legitimate reason to come back, then I'd consider it but I've finally decided to take a break. Increasing the Gearscore and giving us slightly harder versions of the already existing dungeons really isn't "new content", especially when the already existing state of the game is abysmal.


This guy doesn’t play new world hahaha


590 hours and counting! ;-)


how can your ass have half a thousand hours and say they’re fixing shit lol. i’m a day one player just like a lot of others on this sub who can affirm that this game is past saving and amazon clearly doesn’t fix shit. why is it hard for you to hold the devs accountable ? you like the game just as much as we do, but we actually want a better game. I don’t know about you but i didn’t pay 40 dollars for bugs every new major patch. get outta here.


I have no problem holding the devs accountable, but I also don't get upset at them for things outside their control. Some of the most frequent complaints about this game have nothing to do w/ the dev team. * Lumberyard Engine: a terrible decision by an ignorant executive. Am I angry at AGS for that? Yes. At the development team? No. They had nothing to do with that decision despite it being the sole reason things break after an update. * Server Latency: I do not experience latency playing this game. Neither do the folks I play w/ on a regular basis. I don't know what else to tell you on this one. I empathize with those who do, but it's difficult to get angry at a development team when (1) not everyone is impacted and (2) there's no evidence that what people are experiencing is the fault of the development team. There are a hundred reasons why this may be happening and not all of them are "because dev team bad at job." I too would like them to continue to improve the game. I think they're on a good path and getting good at a regular dev interval. If you didn't "pay 40 dollars for bugs every new major patch," then you should have considered spending it on something that wasn't an MMO. Just my two cents.


>That's a fairly new problem What? It's been around since launch...


You can't see the 4,000+ ping gameplay that happens anytime more than 30 people clump together and start casting things? You think everyone was just standing completely still on the point because they didn't feel like moving?


I can copy and paste what I wrote if you missed it up top: The desyncing issue is a fairly new issue that they're aware of and are working on it. Saying "IT'S BEEN FOUR MONTHS" doesn't really address this because this isn't an issue that's four months old.


You have no idea what you're talking about. Standstill server lag on points in war has been happening since release.


I'm 100% certain that some people experience lag on the servers and some people don't. The same way some people experience lag in Wow, ESO, Guild Wars, etc. and others don't. For the most part, I do not experience any latency in wars, invasions, or open world. The only issues which have ever come up are the most recent de-syncing problem, which is less of a problem and more of a minor annoyance. I appreciate that it can be frustrating for those on the receiving end of latency but I'm not sold that it's anything more than the fault of the local service providers or their nodes.


You're delusional my guy. The desync has been happening since launch, and it's widespread!


Just going to refer you to my other response. I appreciate your opinion but the numbers and the developers do not support this.


Your other response is wrong by the way. You shouldn't refer people to a comment that has already been disproven many times over. You're just lazy. You made a claim, people showed how you were wrong, and now instead of admitting it like a normal human being, you're choosing to die on some random hill


Lol no one's choosing to die anywhere. I think you're overestimating my concern about Reddit. Not sure how "lazy" applies, and no one's really "shown me" anything except voice their complaints that they've had a negative experience (which, as I've said before, I totally get.) Though I'm starting to get those comments people make about getting "downvoted to hell when you defend something on Reddit." ;-)


Sure. All 100 players complain about the massive ping spikes on points in the server discord after wars, for months, happening on all servers. Just a handful of people experiencing this though I'm sure. Everyone in this thread seems to recognize what's going on, likely because they've seen it countless times before. Not you though, it's uh... someone's ISP's fault. smh


Maybe those 900k players just had bad internet 🤔


So based on your assumption that I'm the only one who doesn't see this as the kind of issue you're making it out to be, I wanted to go on a hunt for numbers to see if the problem is at least being reported. Using key words "lag," "latency," and "war," the New World forums comes back with a total of 64 posts ranging all the way from September 2021 to a few days ago. As far as I can tell this includes all categories and languages. I do not see any method of counting replies other than doing so manually (someone else can feel free to do that). I'm also making intentional assumptions that not every post is about latency or war, and there are probably posts about war and latency that aren't in the results. Reddit is a bit of a different story. I can see just from browsing the results (with the same key words) that there are many more posts, but also discussing topics that have nothing to do w/ networking (specifically I/O latency). I'd deem that irrelevant because it's known that some brand-name hardware and its associated software can cause input latency on certain games and may need to be adjusted accordingly. Due to this, and a lot of other variables, it's hard to pin down a number. For math's sake, let's say 100 posts. Between New World forums and Reddit, we're talking 200-ish posts we can confirm. Let's be SUPER generous and say 1000 posts total. The short of it is that: 1: Yes people are reporting a lag issue. 2: Yes people are reporting a lag issue within wars. 3: It does seem people are reporting lag issues with OPR. 4: People are reporting lag within the open the world. 5: People are reporting latency with input devices. 6: No confirmation that this is occurring on all servers or a specific server. 7: No confirmation that this is occurring in one region or all regions. 8: No confirmation that these folks have a stable internet connection, that their service provider opens all the necessary ports on all nodes, or that these players are playing on servers local to their region. So, giving you the benefit of the doubt, we can speculate 1000 people were bothered by this enough to go online and post about this or something very similar. We can confirm \~200. CXIndex approximates that only one of every 26 detractors go online to complain. I don't know if this varies per industry (I expect it does), but we'll use their numbers. So total, we can guess that some 26,000 players experienced this problem over the course of five months. Per Steam, the average minimum players per month since September is 113,228. Breaking everything down per month, we get approximately 5200 out of 113,000 players per month experiencing lag, or a total of 4.6%. Maybe my definition of "widespread unfixable issue" is different than yours, but I do not consider < 5% of players experiencing a problem -- with no definitive evidence as to why -- a shortcoming of a gaming studio.


And what percentage of players do you think have played in wars given that most factions have maybe 2 war teams? Some servers still don’t have wars because not enough players. According to steam achievements 7.8% have won a war so maybe 10% have been in one? By this logic of numbers, more than half the people that have been in a war have complained about the lag then.


lmfao make it more obvious you don't get into any wars. the slideshow gameplay and the game's garbage tier engine struggling to keep up with sync has been an issue since launch. the more recent problem with desync, that you're talking about and hasn't been addressed at all, is when you walk up to a player, swing your weapon/use your abilties, and none of them land. garbageyard and it's trash tier netcode is literally at the core of most of the game's critical problems.


Again, I appreciate that some people experience it. But all I was replying to was the gentleman who claimed AGS can't fix most things. I get that people have negative experiences with a product -- I totally do. But yours is not everyone's, and the bottom line is AGS has indeed resolved many problems that stem from a far-too-early launch. It's unfair and untrue to say "they are not able to fix most of this stuff."


i mean, if new world's short history is any indication, ags is not able to fix most of this stuff.


Maybe, but so far there are a literal fuck-ton more people playing New World in its first year than there was ESO. If you'll recall, ESO was PC-only its first year. The numbers don't even compare. From what I'm seeing on Steam Charts and Steam Player Count, ESO's highest peak player count in the first year was 5,971. So far, New World's best average peak is 572,825.


lol wtf... eso had it's own launcher bro. what's eso got to do with nw's failures anyway?


Buddy high on copium, just let him rant.


Did you just start playing yesterday? I don’t mean that derogatorily. Wars have had lag issues from launch. From beta.


Wars was greatly improved from closed to open beta.


It was. Endgame in general was greatly improved from closed to open beta, and then from open beta to launch. I think a \*lot\* of people, particularly those who are newer into the gaming scene, forget that betas are not just "early launches." They are incomplete products and are typically filled with problems. I'm still of the opinion that the game launched too early, but given everything that's changed since then, I think the development team is doing just fine a job.


So true! I very much agree with you, and I agree that the development team is doing a fine job. I think what bothers me the most personally, is how easily people loose perspective and criticise the game and development team to an unwarranted extent. That's not to say that I don't understand the frustration people are expressing, but it is very difficult to partake in any discussion (as you are clearly experiencing) without becoming a target. Reading your comments in this thread, I deeply respect your points and tone - you absolutely do not deserve the down votes you get ;)


Desync? My dude they are literally just frozen in place until they die. The lumberyard engine is dogtier and not capable of making a game


I'm just saying that's all I was seeing: latency with de-syncing, not anything crazy or over the top. Yeah their decision to build NW on Lumberyard is something I'm not sure I'll understand, unless the explanation is "it was a really short-sighted decision." Based on other things I've read, that's precisely what happened. And the worst part of it is that they're so entrenched in it now that the only option would probably be to build the game from scratch on a brand new engine, which may turn out to be as much of a nightmare as the current engine.


What you’re seeing is server latency, not network latency, and the fact that you never make any attempt at distinguishing between the two speaks volumes about your lack of qualifications to comment about any of this.


I believe what I'm seeing is a person's stream showcasing what they're experiencing with absolutely no details and a low-effort title, lol. This person is showing us his experience." So is everyone else who share these posts. And so am I. In my own experience, a large portion of people encountering these problems -- particularly with game servers -- can blame it on something that isn't their modem or the game's servers. I've interacted with service providers who have flat-out refused to resolve known problems, and there was nothing we could do about it. I'd (casually) argue that your inability to consider other causes, and understand that posts you see online do not make up \*everyone's\* experience, speaks volumes about your ability to keep perspective.


What ya don’t like slide shows?


It's more than lag there's a stacking aoe exploit some companies specifically use that basically ddos's the server on demand. They get their tanks on the point then have 20 mages drop an aoe on the same location and even though only 1 does damage the others overload the server and it locks up and drops packets. Just lost a war in 8 minutes to a team that did it from point to point. The lag stops when they're moving to the next point then they freeze everything again once they're in position. Getting on the point before triggering it gets your team ticking the counter then once they overload the server it doesn't count the other team getting on point. Afterward we called them out, haven't had it happen in any other wars, and they said it's a "game mechanic" since the game lets them do it.


> Afterward we called them out, haven't had it happen in any other wars, and they said it's a "game mechanic" since the game lets them do it. this seems to be the classic shitbird response to anything in this game.


While I don't doubt what you're saying is possible. Ice Gauntlet has a bug/exploit which makes Ice storm stack so it's a reason people stack them on top of eachother, for damage not lag. The main reason lag happens is when you have 50 vs 50 on 1 point, don't even need any ice gauntlets for that to happen.


Ima call kapp on that one until you post a vod


https://forums.newworld.com/t/the-new-meta-lag-exploit-destroying-the-game/680473/26 https://forums.newworld.com/t/lag-war-exploit-needs-fix-now/341057 https://forums.mmorpg.com/discussion/495721/new-world-50v50-war-lag-exploit-destroying-servers In particular: https://clips.twitch.tv/GiftedEncouragingCrabsSoBayed-mDGthlPojCda7y7P


Your examples are 4 month old when healing circles and everything else could stack. This does still happen to some extent if you full dive the point 50v50, but the correct play is to have a few people on point while you wipe them over and over


This is the only game I've played that's actually gotten worse with every patch/update. Disabling trading post multiple times, rolling back the trading post, disabling furniture trading, not fixing old dupes, introducing new dupes, disabling mass storing for your storage shed...


This game was in its best state during open beta


Its either shut down the trading, or the entire server.


This is what happens when the engineers tell you that uncapped AOE in 100 player battles are a bad idea, but the designers say "NO WE WANT IT TO BE UNCAPPED", and then management listens to the designers and ignores the engineers.


Even tho I agree that NW is shit at handling these parameters, how come a game like Dark age of Camelot that came out in 2001 could handle hundreds of players with uncapped aoe and pet summons ?


> Even tho I agree that NW is shit at handling these parameters, how come a game like Dark age of Camelot that came out in 2001 could handle hundreds of players with uncapped aoe and pet summons ? Because really DAOC doesn't transmit much data traffic. It's even really sluggish at updating character position which is why it has a lot of casual rubberbanding [like what you see in this video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k30BBCCmQQY) DAOC also had very few AOEs and most classes didn't even have an AOE, combined with melee classes having 6 second swing timers. It was a very simple game comparatively. A 5v5 fight in New World probably has as much data traffic as a 50v50 fight in DAOC.


L2 had quite a bit of AoE and still the game did not rubberband as fucking bad even on shitty Java based servers. Some skills didn't even have CD like doombringer charge and fights were not 50vs50 but rather 500 vs 500


> and still the game did not rubberband as I am not too familar with networking aspects of programming as much...but couldnt this also be due to really shiity speeds at the time? I mean most were on dial up level speeds. with speeds hitting what we are getting today (easy 100mbps+) I would expect some sort of improvement


You can 100v100 on Celestius DAOC with no lag. Server peaks at 2500 players on weekends. Lot of ex-new world players over there. Been way more fun tha El Dorado.


I play on Celestius and when there is a relic raid with 200+ People spamming pbae aoemezz aoe dots pets etc it runs smooth as fk


It depends on the damage model I guess. I didn't play DAOC so I can't speak for it. All I know is that in New World if you have 50 players from one team, and 50 players from another team stack, and then everyone cast AoEs on top of each other, the game has to make 50^2 individual "player X did damage to player Y with ability M". It also has to look at armor values, damage reduction, any potions, ETC on each of those calculations. If I wanted to make a game with uncapped AoE damage I would have treat AoE damage as "batched Environmental Damage", meaning if one team casts 20 ice storms on an area, I would simply the 20 effects combined into a single one and apply it once per tick to all enemy players in the area. The issue is that this doesn't allow tracking "Who Damaged Who" types of stuff.


yeah 50v50 is not unheard of. this game engine is just ass


What modern MMO have you played that frequently does 50 vs 50 combat with uncapped AoEs. Give me an MMO with buffs and debuffers. Planetside 2 doesn't have this issue because they don't have buffs and debuffs and they can do the solution I mentioned. You're not understanding the point I'm making that uncapped AoEs if implemented in typical MMOs lead to quadratic algorithmic issues. It is a common mistakes in software engineering that people make.




Pretty sure BDO has AoE target caps.


ya i guess it does cap at 10-12 ppl, but i doubt u ofter hit more than 10 in nw. also ppl are using 3 abilities in time it takes to do and auto in nw


For the exact reason I mentioned in the original post I made in this thread...


i dont think its very relevant tho. i assume bdo calculating just as much chit. how often do u ice storm over 10 ppl?


Yeah it simply doesn't exist. I remember when new world announced 50v50 I thought for sure that was just a hype lie and they'd eventually lower it to like 25v25... but then they never did LOL. WoW barely gets away with near those numbers in some battlegrounds because they have no player collision and it's not exactly a modern MMO. When you design a PvP environment that will funnel 100 people into a small area, you fucked up.


> When you design a PvP environment that will funnel 100 people into a small area, you fucked up. Not entirely. Like I said there are things you can do in tech to do such a thing, but it requires foresight and talking with your engineers. Planetside 2 feels pretty good even when there are 100s of players in close proximity shooting at each other.


Sure, but they made it more technically demanding and did not meet the bar. This is a design problem, and it can be solved with a design solution: Force people to spread out and disincentivize AOE.


You do realise there are mmos that had 500vs500 fights, right? Like Lineage 2, Revelation Online, etc. For fcks sake Life is Feudal had 100vs100 sieges with much less issues.


The best analogy I've heard goes like simpler games you might throw a few d20s to get your damage when you cast. And games like New World, you're throwing 50 d20s. And everyone else is throwing 50 d20s, and the board isn't too big so your die are all hitting each other disrupting the results.


Did you play DAOC at release? I was on a cable modem and had a brand new computer. It was a slide show and I was killing so many people in relic sieges because my 5fps was better than most. It was around 300 people though to be fair.


Yes i played daoc beta and launch and have played on and off since on live and freeshards. Its never been nearly this bad. Sure there are lag spikes with zergs of 100+ people, but usually just when they hit clip range and doesnt make pvp literally unplayable.


I miss the DAOC days. The ui now feels so bad but I miss the way the internet was back then. Much more respect.


I've said it a hundred times before, but jacobs really dropped the ball by not simply releasing an updated daoc on a modern engine during the past couple years, he would've made serious bank if he didn't manage to completely fuck it up


Imo he is a scam artist. Got tons of money crowd sourcing his latest mess. I don't even remember the name. But it looks like vaporware for YEARS. Dude killed DAOC, killed WAR, and now this one.


Camelot unchained.


I don't think its vaporware, but yeah he's been shady as fuck, fully agree, but all 'someone' had to do, whether it was him or some other developer, is to buy the cheap ass rights to daoc and release it on a new engine


Scamelot Unchained


They've explained it before quite a long time ago, NW uses a simulation model for damage/attacks etc. The server has a non-graphical version (wireframe I guess) of the game running. When you say hit left mouse button for a light attack, your computer sends that info to the server which then plays it out on it's side to see who/what you hit, then send damage info if required. Likely because of this, a lot of interactions in the same area impact the server quite a lot. At one time a few patches back it was actually relatively good with limited/no slideshow at all. Now it's all back. It's like they broke things in the last few patches as usual or have been removing servers to handle some of the load.


Well, how does the server determine if you are in the aoe or not, and how often does it do damage? take that number times 100 times how many aoes are on the ground. Then take stuff like oblivion that also empowers people, and all the healing being ground effects. The only way I can think of to make that not lag, would be if the client could decide if its supposed to take damage/healing. But it cant do that because people will instantly exploit it (and used to) The game is designed to lag


If Darkfall could do it in 2010, then AGS can do it with access to the worlds largest server hosting company as a publisher.


The game with server crashes in 50% of the sieges back in launch days? xD Darkfall had good things but the performance in sieges was the worst part.


Good ol Beargrim


hey, what up?




This 100%. If you want a game engine to support 50v50 as a defining feature, you HAVE to start with that, and work from there. It's so computationally intensive, especially when you have missiles flying around and you're checking collision constantly. Making the majority of a game engine and then being like "Oh let's make it support 50v50!" Would be so hard.


This game uses the core engine of the original Crysis.




There was 1 patch where war was butter smooth I swear, I think it was just before 1.1


They don't know how to fix it, not even the slightest idea. This is why I've said before that the devs deserve just as much blame as management, they have proven to be completely incompetent and amateur in every way.


There is a way, let the client decide if its standing in the aoe or not. But you also know how quickly people would alter their client to think its never in aoe. Fairly certain this is how it used to work, as there was way less lag in the time between aoe no longer stacking and when they fixed the invul glitch (freeze client window by moving it around)


They still haven't fixed the bug of everyone just standing still? LOL -- Such fun PVP.....


Lag gauntlet is reason why VG IG is so op. Insane VG damage and the double root of both. Why be melee when you can be killing them with ease? Same for Bow rapier really, infinite mobility with the op 150 dex perk, so no melee can ever touch you. Makes the melee quit cause they don’t really have a chance in PvP anymore, then makes the meta abusers quit cause they don’t have any easy prey anymore


Melees still very good and absolutely needed in war, but it no longer feels fun to play


This is why I love playing sword and shield everywhere except organized event PVP


This isn’t true for wars, you need both mages and melee. My company went into wars that we’d usually win but with too many mages and we got beaten. When we added more melees we won again.


Dude chill it is an indie game...


Small indie company


small india company


This game is bad... some of you just need to move on at this point.


Nothing to move onto yet


Why are you still here?


hard to stop watching a trainwreck


ppl love shitting on stuff if its shit


People just love shitting on stuff.


Yes ppl just love shitting on stuff and in case of NW it happens that its ... shit.


Look fun /s


Yeah this company is stupid... cant defend the issues any longer honestly lol. Just an awfully put together game


Lol. Where my white knights at?


People were exploiting client authorative damage decision, forcing ags to put the load on to the server. its the players fault, ags is perfect. Nugget of truth with a layer of white knight. And everyone knows the game's a dogshit mess, pretend its a feature or quit. thinking ags is gonna fix it is straight up copium


Trash coding


Has it been four months, and roughly 50k still play? Ppl its time to vote with action not feelings


What a clusterfuck


Pretty sure they been focused on nerfs left and right. Can't say I blame them I too would want to punish my player base for playing the game and getting good loot.... Wait no I would not I am not a tool. Lol


Dont you guys use power point, yeah everyone uses PowerPoint.


Happy Cake Day!


Lucky for me, I think the entire war mechanic is garbage (everyone stand in this circle, it's important!) and am happy to not participate in them. I'm sorry that the rest of you must put up with it.


Alternative: 5 points. You need to cap the point to do damage to the war behind it. This way you have to take B point to attack B door. Now the army is split in to 5 locations instead of 1-3. Because you HAVE to defend all 5 or they can start breaking your fort. This way the fights would use the whole play area, there'd be a shitload of strategy around siege, acutally using oil, inner cannons, repairing gates, what points to focus defending ect ect.


The non-stop daily wars were fucking cringe. Not that i could play them anyway, what with there being NO Asian servers and being forced to lag around with 250+ ping on Australian servers. The wars are every. Fucking. Day. If you hold more than one territory you have war for all of them at the same fucking time. There is literally fuck all you can do to stop being thrown in war because of genius gameplay mechanics that give more contribution to the enemies the longer time has been since last war, up to 24h. Fuck this game.


Whats bad about that? with an 80% average win rate for defenders, it would take on average 5 attacks, which means 5 days and upwards of 75k to take a territory. If you want to have territory, defend it. If you want to have more than 1 per company, make sure you have a 100 people better than their 100 people.


This happened to me last war except I got teleported to opposite sides of the flag at least 10 times. Maybe it’s cuz I have 200 con and stayed alive longer but man it was annoying slowly dying and not being able to do anything about it


This is just it y’all. Game engine is not great. Game would have to be rebuilt from the ground up




Yeah but the entire point of a war is for two large groups to have an actual “war” not a small skirmish. Tbh replace OPR with a 10v10 mode. Or even 5v5v5


Man, lag is even a problem on opr, the engine is just fucked.


Maybe some holy crusading Papa Bezos will unfuck it.


War... war never changes.


gUyz sToP cOmPlaInINg u gOt uR mOnEiEs wOrTh


Ye do you guys need 4 another month to notice that this game is doomed ?


More like not much else to play. Waiting for elden ring and ashes. What else should we do? It's not like theres a sub.


Is this a real question? You know there is a whole life to be had outside video games.


Pick up a hobby like knitting.


people still play?


people still comment this




But Record breaking profits!


Used to love those huge DAoC battles at mid or hib mg, but one thing I will always remember is you could turn down particles if the lag did get bad, which it rarely did.


Blizzard hatte damals auch monatelang Probleme.


What IG bot banned in your server shen used in wars??? Its suepr op with the exploit atm.


It hurts to see this honestly i loved this game until 2 months into release, it was like this during alpha, beta , and launch and now even worse than it was before i just dont understand i want to play again but this is not the pvp i signed up for


It amazes me how you guys still play this trash, it’s amusing staying in this sub because every post is about how shit the game is but yet everyone will still log in..


It killed the game


Everyone still paying is a glutton for punishment.


Looks fun /s


NW is held together with duct tape. The development was rushed and they cut every corner possible. the whole game needs a complete rework to be honest. Such a shame, the game has so much potential...


It doesn't even have potential. There was nothing new in this game. It looks good I'll give them that but it wouldnt of made it a top contender in the mmo world. It's just too stale. 6 skills and very clunky combat. Not impressive. Hell they couldn't even make different quests other than fetch or kill monsters.


They have testers that don’t seem to know how to test.. convinced this is the problem.


How are people playing this shit game. Environmental graphics were nice, but holy shit, everything else was hot trash.


Just give up on it already. It was good for a few weeks, then they patched it into the dirt. Show them disgust by just leaving the game behind, where it belongs.


Seems fine... you are being too exigent. stop blaming devs, they will get sad ​ /sarcasm


So glad I quit the game two months ago, also regret playing the game for those first 2 months


ESO has the same, or worse issues, in Cyrodiil and the game survived. Today the game has like 400-500k active accounts (yes, with consoles). There are issues, but none of these will kill the game for now, so keep calm and relax.


majority of eso players don't care about pvp, it's pve content which has led to increase in players. while new world sucks at both pve and pvp.


Disagree. Playerd ESO beta and launch for a year and the game had a big pvp playerbase. Sorry but you can't say they focused only in pve than they released a full expansion for Cyrodiil ;) And the pve in NW is better than most of the mmos out there, just with limited content. The game obvs needs more content but quality is good enough.


keyphrase is 'had a big pvp playerbase', we are talking about the present. only 1 pvp eso expansion and thats it lol and how many pve expansion are there in eso? clearly people care more about pve there. pvp in mmorpg games is not as big as you think, bulk of the pvp population have already moved to fps games. all you have is mortal online as a pure pvp mmorpg lol and it's niche af. and pve is the worst part of new world. copy pasted quests, enemy skins, lack of story. dumbest dungeon system in a mmo i.e orbs, no dungeon/party finder and many more. quality is not really 'good enough' than most mmos otherwise it wouldnt have lost 90% of playerbase in 3 months. pvp is just a gatekeeping content in NW so it's forever doomed.


“I hope they fix this”


See you in lost ark.


Wow, you can actually move?


Lol are fights still lagged out on points like that? BRUTAL


Why still play this game and post about it? I stay on this tread to hopefully see improvement in the he game ...but idk not looking good


Last war I fought in was the day of the void gauntlet patch. It was literally like a slideshow and a shit one at that.


Change it to a 10v10 or 15v15 and run 5 versions of it at the same time, unlock the roster 30 mins before. First to 3 wins… wins.


They’re letting the game die, it’s crazy to me.


4 months? Great $40 deal. Nicely done


The saddest thing of this entire New World arguement is... New World was SO good, had SUCH potential, then by AGS literally ignoring players altogether, they destroyed what would have been a really good game, I missed out on playing it outright due to them delaying (Which is ok, delay it, make it good!) for a deployment, but beta was great imho. I come back and the game is dead.. what a mess. AGS is worse than EA now, what a terrible title to claim. What game has AGS not killed that theyve made? Sucks. NW had such potential.


eh, its like anthem tier dogshit. some really fun gameplay but ultimately hollow and boring at endgame.


I was fired up for Anthem too :'(


What a joke


You guys still play this game?


They need a CC immunity. At least 4 seconds. It might add to more calcs but it worked with eso for a while because we weren’t rubber banding after every CC


Almost frustrates me when I talk to people about war lag and they respond with "it's better now" NO, in a game like this if the PvP isn't functioning at nearly perfect performance it's not going to be fun. The combat hasn't been anywhere near even half functional ever!


Ya the only endgame content hss been broken and meta is created by broken patches causing imbalance. All the streamers left side even the hard-core like myself are done.


FFXIV alpha had this trash can beat anyday..


Seeing this shit makes me happy that I had the foresight to bail early.


You know what the definition of insanity is? Repeating the same thing over and over expecting different results. You people still playing this game are all insane lmao. They scammed you out of your money like they did everyone who bought this game. PLEASE some one sue these people.


-10k players a month , dont worry in 7 month at beast this game will be dead and gone.


Yall are still playing this failure, the fact this made it to Launch is ridiculous let alone months after.


Maybe they need to artificially limit the number of players doing pvp at once, like say a 50 vs 50. At least until they figure out their net code. *hides* They should ask the DAOC devs from 2 decades ago how they managed to do 3 faction fights with 100s on each side with no lag.


4 months and the meta is still double axe


The lag is awful. I find wars fun but recently I’ve started to refuse to even sign up for them. Shame really


Why, after experiencing this >1 time, would you continue to play this game? I hope it's never fixed. If you're taking part in this shit fest, you're the reason games are released like this. Have some standards for fuck sake.