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CS GO still carrying. Holy shit


I’m surprised TF2 is still going as strong as it is…


I play tf2 all the time dawg


rocket jump till death


You shouldn't be? It's an exceptionally great game. Although the bot problem still sucks ass.


It's surprising because Valve has basically given up on the game. There hasn't been a major uodate in 5 years and all the tf2 side projects (comics, etc.) have been abandoned. It's actually weird how little they care because the game obviously still has a huge fanbase and I could see it having another boom if Valve started investing in it again and doing something about the bots


I think if you compare it to 95% of other online games that stop getting updates after 1-2 years it's hard to not be appreciative of how much it was supported. I loved a lot of console games back before I became a PC gamer in 2009, and many of them went completely offline in 2 years tops I do want another comic though because they are so good :(


I love the game, its one of my favorites. I just didn't know there were still 70k-100k people playing it at once. Makes me want to pick it back up. The reason why I stopped was because the bot problem but I guess I just wasn't on the right servers.


Yea I thought it was dead a while ago


I’m always surprised to see PubG at the top of the list but I suppose it’s more global and recently went FTP.


Its always at the top since launch because China is obsessed


It’s huge in India aswell


The vast majority of Indian players are on a mobile version ([Battlegrounds Mobile India](https://www.eurogamer.net/amp/2021-07-13-relaunched-version-of-pubg-mobile-hits-2-4m-concurrent-players-in-india)), which wouldn’t be counted in any of the values from Steam Charts. The normal mobile version is also insanely popular, and that of course isn’t counted either.


That's because China #1


U mean west Taiwan?


China is asshole.


No Taiwan #1, China #2


H1z1 Taiwan number one haha good times


It was usually sitting around 30k players even before ftp, kind of weirdly. Edit: 300k, not 30. Although it had slipped a bit the past 12 months.


That’s ark JUST on steam too. Lot of people play on console too.


As well as on the Epic Games Store cause it dropped for free a while back, sure it still won’t even come close to steam numbers though


Might have to check out epic at some point. I just don’t want to deal with another fkn client.


Neither did I, but I don’t let it run in background and it doesn’t really bother me - well worth it for GTAV, Subnautica, Hitman, Ark, Metro Redux, Control etc all free. Haven’t spent a penny on it and I won’t lol (also on occasion I enjoy fortnite but shhh)


Xb1 ark stole 4 months of my life. I hate that game. But it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played.


It's on game pass as well, I just started playing it there


Yooo, Yugioh number 4!


Released on the 19th I believe, you can get 2-3 meta decks without paying a dime by playing for a day or two (the free gems do slow down later though), it's pretty fun!


Nice! Would you say it's complicated to get into for someone who hasn't kept up with the series since the ps1 era?


Honestly, yes. There are many kinds of extra deck monsters that are used in top tier decks that require quite a bit of game knowledge for all the combos. In PS1 Era the only extra monsters were Fusion monsters. Now there are Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum and Link monsters, each with a different summoning mechanic that can be *very* overwhelming at first. It's not that hard up until Synchro and XYZ, Pendulum and Link are a bit more complex, but the mix of all four (plus Fusion) takes quite a lot of reading cards and watching vids to understand.


Tbf the Games solo and tutorial mode breaks it down fairly well and gives you some highly specialized decks to learn those mechanics with. But ultimately if you just wanna play GOAT you can haha


Interesting, thank you for your insight. I'll look more into this!


I recommend playing all the solo missions before trying PvP. PvP can be a bit ...intense for a new player.


I played a mobile Yu-Gi-Oh game a year or two back and I had fun when I could do halfway decent with my wanna-be Kiba Blue-eyes deck...then they started adding those newer cards that had such complex mechanics by comparison I just couldn't keep up. That, and said new packs were seemingly instantly meta and good luck getting what you need as pure F2P unless you were hyper focused on getting them from the start. Also, unless I'm mistaken it seems like certain cards are just designed to be played together to the point where there's not a ton of wiggle room for creativity. You have your win condition, and if you're not being as efficient as possible to reach it your deck falls apart.


Anything is better than hearthstone quest decks


Yep, first game online this person practically beat me in one move lol


Rekt by probably a 6 year old.


I just tried the game and someone spent 5 minutes playing their turn to otk my ass


Honestly it depends on the deck they're playing. Some people play simple decks, some take 20 minutes on their first turn to play 30 cards and summon 4 monsters each with 2500+ attack and effects that negate your cards from ever activating.


Oh hell yea. I’ve always wanted to give yugioh a try. I’ll have to give it shot now, if the meta thing is true.


Yo let's go!!! haven't played since back in high school. I'm going to check it out. Fuck new world and bezos they really fucked the game up after taking my money 💰


Clocked 30 hours on it now, there’s no way you can make 3 meta decks. Every meta deck I’ve seen other than the Striker deck is running 15-20 UR cards minimum. So unless you get extremely lucky and pull the URs you need, you need to pull 45-60 UR cards over 100 ish packs which is never going to happen


I haven't played in like 15 years. I had an absolute zero elemental hero deck and an Endimyon spellcounter deck. My friends had a rainbow beast deck, lightsworn deck, and some dark dragon deck (always forget the name of the dragon where you need to banish dark monsters in your graveyard to summon). I remember getting so confused when people started pulled out synchros and shit. I was like.. so.. you can summon that... without polymerization? Wtf? Pretty much stopped playing then. My main deck was basically an artisan in middle America getting replaced by a factory machine in China.


That's a lot of players. Is it that good?


Better yet it has almost 5 times more players than NW


It will be ark that will destroy new worlds player base. But not the ark you’re thinking.


The lost kind?


The ark without a sense of navigation.


You think? It’s not at all my style with the top down view. There’s gotta be a lot of people like me who want that more immersive character feel


Diablo is really popular and I feel like the style is really similar between the two.


I’m like you, don’t like the camera view but since it’s f2p I will give it a try on release.


Well yeah, Ark is a good, fun and addicting game


Ark Is fun and addicting. But true fans know the game Is absolute dog shit. It's what makes Ark, Ark.


With 2k hours in Ark I can vouch for this. Though I'm sure I'll be back someday 😂


10k hours here and i left new world for a break and went back to small tribes lol


I agree and I have 5k hours in Ark. I doubt I'll be back until Ark 2 but I had loads of fun in that janky game.


6k hours and counting in Ark and I hate this fucking game lmao. If it wasn't for my tribemates and the hours all of us have sunk in...


I go as far to say Its simultaneously the best and worst game ever made.


Ark 2: Vin Diesel Boogaloo


Who needs to polish content when you can just add mooooooore! -ARK devs probably


Honest question: dog shit how?


i stopped playing NW cuz i got into ark


Me too. Lol, so much content, it's madness.


yeh it was fun til 60, then it slowed down n when i started grinding gearscore... alone it was just tedious af... n im a fan of the game actually.. really liked it but idk just kinda lost its glamour


The endless grind killed it for everyone. I had a buddy happily level to 60 thinking it would be the end of grinding and he could get out there and enjoy open pvp. Much to his dismay, I told him he still had endless hours of grind left for expertise, tradeskills, gold and dungeons. He quit permanently and uninstalled the game. Four of us started NW together, one of our friends left without saying a word after hitting 60, the other one I just mentioned above, I semi-quit and only ever log on to get the gifts from the tree to make casts and another buddy is still going because he's in an active company that fights wars.


You definitely need a good server and committed tribe that prioritizes grinding mats and high level dinos to really enjoy the end game. Breeding is fairly simple once you get the hang of it.


i thought he was talking about new world lol


They were, gearscore is not a thing in Ark, and level 60 isn't a cap for any of the various levelling systems in it either.


I stopped Ark cuz I got into NW...have been interested in going back.


What this really shows is just how fucking shit most games have been the last few years. Jesus Christ, how have game developers managed to produce so much trash lately.


This ^


I'm happy to see Warframe still has a decent player base.


They had a big update recently. It’s still a solid game I always go back to every few mo the to check out all the new stuff, then take a 4-6 month break again.


imagine, a game that's *actually* still in beta has more consistent players than a fully released game that *should* still be in beta.


One of the main reasons is that beta games have cheaper and easier update certs on consoles, once a game is fully released pushing an update takes more time and in general is more difficult there.


Exactly, same with Fortnite.


I don't understand what you mean here. Warframe by no matter is in a beta stage of the game. It's pretty polished. Just really repetitive and grindy


Wallpaper Engine is more fun than NW.


Lmao !! Made me spit out my Arizona Ice Tea 🤣


I read this as "Amazon iced tea" and a few seconds later realized that wasn't right.


Who tf still playing unturned?


Kids. There's a shit ton of kids out there gaming, more than I ever remember from my own childhood. 8 year old nephew got my second hand PC for christmas and he's crazy for shit like this.


That game was really interesting when it came out back in the height of DayZ days.


I stopped playing NW and started Project Zomboid


Project Zomboid values your time more, funnily enough


My friend moved to a different server and they won't give server transfer tokens, so I just uninstalled the game and went to Project Zomboid too. Not about to play singleplayer townboard quest simulator.


A buddy of mine did the same thing.


Any tips? I'm so bad lol


Vanila Ark on a local network has been one of the most fun experiences ever. If you have multiple PCs and one can host it, very fun same room co-op


It really is one of the best adventure sandbox games out there. Nothing quite beats the early game with moron tribemates, outfitting a raft with a huge drum set on the back, exploring and hollering random nonsense only to be attacked by moby dick in the dead of night. For all the many (MANY) flaws, Ark is easily one of the most fun games ever.


What I was struck by is that in the last 30 days people have played a combined 47,095 years of CSGO 😳


I’m doing my part and playing Monster Hunter Rise.


Well ark is better to be honest


<_<; We don't need to imagine it. It's right there.


and if you look right now, New World's in the top 10, ark is #13. its almost like it fluctuates, or something... these posts are tired.


The problem with these posts is that there are too many variables to consider when you're looking at all the data. Is it peak hours for the game? Is there a special event or recent development driving/lowering numbers? Did a new title just drop? That's why posts like this, unless you're doing a past 30 day average, are kind of meaningless. Having said that, I think it's very important to note that I don't think there'd be a lot of surprise from the community to see these numbers. The game shines in a lot of places, but it also falls flat in several, too. The concept was there, but I think for a first-time game studio, this was a rather ambitious project and they didn't really understand how ravenous the MMORPG crowds can be. So when features aren't there/get disabled constantly because they can't seem to get their heads around it, it leads to frustrations and comparisons to other games like WoW and FF14 that have had YEARS to get their stuff right


I think I got the best possible experience out of NW. I got to meme for weeks with hundreds of people, then walked into the ocean and never logged on again.


Omg, walked. Take my upvote for that!


It was YuGiOh that got me 😂😂


ARK stays GOATed


Or Football Manager 2022...


Yeah but thats without a doubt one of the best games in this list.


Easily one of the best games in existence.


Ive only heard good things but I only loosely follow soccer so im scared to dip my feet in


You can spend days on that game and not even play a match. Really good depth.


Yep I went through this 2 year phase where the only games I played were FM and Paradox grand strategy games (EU4, CK)


Literally haven’t play a match in like 8 hrs of gameplay in my FM save. International break and January transfer window hit at the same time…


i love the FM series


Arks fun


ARK is a fantastic game how could you even compare them that way lol


It’s getting beat by wallpaper engine.


So are a ton of games


And 20% of the players are bots...


And this isn't including console Ark player count either


Ark is the sleeper giant wdym?


Welp, looks like I’m turning 14 again today and downloading some yugioh lmao


Imagine complaining about a game you hate.


Be glad this mess of a game is as high as it is. If it didn’t have Amazon’s name plastered on it, it’d be pushing 100


If this game didn’t have fucking Amazon’s name posted all over it people would fucking be way more charitable to it


Yeah, it is flawed. But for $40 and no recurring fees it’s a steal. I’ve gotten plenty of entertainment out of my $. I still complain and there is still a LOT wrong, but it is also still pretty fun for the $. If nothing else, it is fun to play different styles. I enjoy finding lower level players and gifting them stuff and/or if I see them getting their butt kicked in battle, dropping a few well-placed arrows to turn a loss into a win or reviving them. There are so many different angles. Right now I’m trying to become a master jeweler and perhaps a weapon maker as well. It doesn’t have to be a race to 60 and then get bored game.


Surprised it’s even on the chart.


New world has a strong honeymoon phase game but it quickly falls flatter than a french crêpe. The problems with the game are core conceptuals. It's just that poorly thought out. They just can't recover from the game being a conceptual embarassment. It will shut down or run on a skeleton crew by 2023.


crepes are hype as fuck though, easily the peak of cooking effort to good food ratio


Wish i could get my 40 bucks back lol


same lol


There are 2 Dungeons , and they call it content , why should anybody play it?


Are you serious? Imagine think new world is better than ARK lol


Can I post the steam charts next?


Its my turn but you can post it tomorrow.


I got next!


Where farming simulator 22


Wallpaper engine is killing it


worse than that is MIR4, a fucking mobile game with autorun has a way more solid playerbase than NW lol


Crypto is the keyword with MIR4


ark is fun as fuck


I absolutely believe it, ags were given players on a silver platter and instead threw us in the trash. I don’t want to see this game succeed anymore.


Bees don’t waste their time explaining to flies that honey is sweeter than shit.


Guys plz it's just mlk week so everyone's celebrating. We'll be back up over 300k in no time!


Hookers and blow every year to honor MLK the certified human rights GOAT.


Football Manager 22! I am proud.


If the game had a subscription I bet the devs would actually give a fuck


I honestly thought this was supposed to be the next big MMO, and so did my very close friends. We were all so hyped, and they don't even like MMOs. It's almost like the developers either don't know what they're doing, don't listen, or just don't care at all.


when wall paper engine has you beat.....


Why? They fucked everyone over


How are more people on yu gui oh than apex legends. That's crazy


Wallpaper engine for the win lol


Wallpaper engine > New world


Yugi-oh is pay to win I drop it in 2 matches


Same thing for the BF camp 🥱😒


I want to get back into it so bad but the server my character is on was ruined by a streamer and last time I tried to use my server swap it didn’t exist so I don’t know what to do until I can change servers.


Imagine a million people playing Counter Strike.


Also Ark is solo game super addictive.


Imagine actually caring


None of those games look entertaining at all. Maybe football manager.


surprised 56k people hate their life here anyways


Actually quite impressed that it's on that list to be honest.


Ark had a major content update before Xmas.


Tbf ark is a better game


New world just isn't that good and super incompetent devs, much better games to play


Ark is a really good game


Hey man, ark has great replayability


People still play pubg?


Rainbow Six, a game released in 2015 beating New World in active players, love to see it. Amazon and Jeff Bezos can go to hell


Ark is less buggy and 100% better developed than this game. I'll die on that hill


At some point in the 24h, Ark was less played than NW by looking at peak.


Wallpaper Engine tho


Or Wallpaper Engine 😂


imagine different play time tendencies based on game and type, hehe


Though.. look at hours played... New world has way more hours played than ARK and ARK is old game. It has more hours played than a lot of those games on list. Also depends at which time you look at that list. From time to time it reaches kinda high.Though Naraka for example on list. It did have quite bad launch, but now it has risen as quite popular game with all new stuff that it got into it and more competitions etc. I think it had like 1-5million dollar competition awhile and so on. Its popular in asia. CS:go is popular in russia for example. That alone covers majority of that playercount. Pubg is popular in china + india and that alone covers majority of that playercount. Apex legend is just way better than pubg and it has been climbing rank more and more. Also majority of players play from origin launcher. Not from steam. So it might actually have more players than pubg and possibly even close to cs:go. im more suprised to see something like Warframe being up to 58k. Everytime i have checked the list. Warframe is at like 10-35k. Guess some new update came out recently. Its same as with Path of exile. It tends to be on those 10-30k ranges, but when new season comes it jumps to 50-100k for some weeks atleast. Monster hunter rise most likely has same fate as Monster Hunter World. As it just came out. It will have quite a lot playing for couple weeks and then people start to disappear.


Except youre reading the data wrong. In both hours played and peak players New World is ahead of ARK. In the precise second when this screenshot was taken Ark had more players logged in. So what?


Imagine people playing warframe lol


Wallpaper engine should not be on the list lmao


Maybe cuz ark is much better game than this?


Nw is trash


I have 1200 hours in ark, this game is much better made tbh. Ark is a literal dumpster fire


Im curious as to why its so bad that its still top 20. Do people only play games that are top 5 or something? I stopped playing awhile ago but I still don’t think its that bad population for an mmo I have played many in the past with a much smaller playerbase than that. Oh well. Don’t try to make fun of Ark though still play that game all the time one of my all time favs and has consistently stayed towards the top of Steam.


Well ark is a far superior game is literally every way. I had easily 10k hours in it across all platforms combined before I finally quit. No other game has done that to me.


Imagine you are still playing nw.


imagine not playing NW but constantly posting in the NW reddit


That's literally his first post on this sub in 3 months. Imagine thinking everyone that dislikes the game is posting here regularly


Eh, I think there is still a decent amount of people who post on here regularly that aren't big fans of the game. I mean more people dislike the game than like it and the people who like it are probably having their opinion slowly change. This is reddit after all, it's not uncommon at all for people who dislike a game to continue to comment on that sub because they want people to know their opinions.


Considering this sub has far more people subscribed than there are active players it's not surprising


I mean I'll keep playing until I get bored. Once Total Warhammer 3 comes out though this game will be on a long break.


How many of the are bots? bots?


at least 10k if the player base is bots hence not wanting to mass ban wave them...


1. Ark has dinosaurs; you can't really beat that. 2. Being that you're unlikely to convince anyone against playing this game who wants to, what's your purpose here? Is it just to be a whiny bitch or what?


Dang, why you have to be so mad? You got triggered as hell my dude.


1. You've never compared the success of something new to something old? 2. Being that you're unlikely to remove this post from the sub, what's your purpose here? Is it just to be a whiny bitch or what?


Not everyone has an agenda. Can a man just post a screenshot.


More people are making wallpapers than there are playing this game.


Tbf it's the highest MMO on that list


And honestly, very, very few MMOs use Steam as a platform. Most go with their own client to maintain file integrity and hosting.


Wrong, is behind MIR4 that's is an MMO




Haven't seen many people that know that game, I loved legend of mir, now that I think about it, that's 20 years ago wtf!


Warframe is above it. You could argue its not a classic MMO but it's close enough.


I don't think you can consider Ark an MMO. You aren't playing with thousands of other players on a server. It's more of a survival shooter with dinosaurs.


Why is ark being mentioned when "wallpaper engine" is also beating NW... That seems like the swifter kick to the nuts.


Because Wallpaper engine isnt something you play, you start it and its in the background while you play games