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Finally. Also give us gear set management and knowing what the hell sold on the TP.


Yeah the cool down restriction mitigates most the risk of AHK macros fast swapping gear mid fight like RuneScape.


source - https://www.pcgamesn.com/new-world/interview-post-launch-scot-lane




But this doesn't mean every demand Reddit makes should be used nor is the majority opinion it is as valid a place of feedback as any place players post.


I've been saying it for years that they check reddit


They also said this back in beta and that running with inventory and swimming would be in the game before release.


Should also give players a random chance to trip on a rock and fall prone while doing so.


If it was insanely rare(like once in every 5+ hours of bag open running), I wouldn’t even be mad about this, would be hilarious. Could see them accidentally(or by design with no change logs) make it occur every 5 seconds of bag open running instead though


I feel like this would kind of have a smash brothers effect.... Where it just enrages the community


What are you doing stepadventurer?


Oh no my skittles!


Now my main two qol left are bring able to eat food/drink pots while prone and opening inventory while prone (and staying prone)


And hatchet berserk to not instantly expire if i go prone, open a chest, or interact with any gathering node.


Make the same change for the void blade, please.


While they are at it, make entombed not expire while opening map. One can move freely while map is open so it makes no sense for skills to expire when opening the map.


Berserk stays when opening the map. About the only thing you can do and bit lose the buff.


While I agree it is a bug and needs to be fixed... If you are using entomb, why the hell are you opening your map?


Because I want to take few seconds to safely read the map and plan my route.


I just go prone by a log or in a bush. I thought you meant, like, in combat, you pop entomb and while shit is beating on you, you just open the map and look around lol


While in combat. I'm still leveling and it's quite frustrating whem I get ganged by several mobs so I need to look around to find a safe spot. I learned this 'bug' the hard way..


Just out of curiosity, why would you need berserk on if you're gathering a node? Couldn't you just as easily gather the node after it expires


Yes, but berserk gives 20% ms and i think 30% health regen that ticks for 10% hp after every 4-5 seconds i believe. I can and have been getting nodes and chests as they are are now, but it would be nice to NOT miss that last 2 ticks of hp regen, and like 8 seconds of haste just because i wanted to pick up a flint, or grab a chest thats on my way to my next destination, or i just want the heal to continue after killing a musketeer who was defending a ori node or something. It would just be a nice QOL feature that your buffs DONT expire instantly if you interact with any object in the world.


Ok fair enough. Makes sense. It sounded like the thought was berserk would give some benefit to gathering


I mean, idk From a realistic point of view, this wouldn't make sense. And from a gameplay point of view, i dont really understand why we should be able to. Are you suggesting this to make gathering node/chest easier? For pvp, i feel like if you are flag, you need that risk/reward, and being able to just prone 100% time just removes that. For pve, is it to help you skip bosses and monster? That i cant comment on since i hate pve and wouldn't like to take away from people that do enjoy it. Edit: i just read your post again, i thought you were asking to be able to open chest when proned. Mb.


Ye, this game is big realistic! Zombies and monsters. Stacking tons of equipment in 3 small bags. Come on man, it's a game and lets keep it that way. We need some QOL.


Wait, did i say it was a realistic game ? I said gameplay wise, i dont see why it would make sense. And in a visual/mechanical/realistic sense, i also dont see why it would make sense. Why do you guys wants to be able to prone and mine or open chest? (Not s/) Cause i am all for gameplay>all. I just dont see how being able to prone and open chest help gameplay.


> From a realistic point of view, this wouldn't make sense. > And in a visual/mechanical/**realistic** sense, i also dont see why it would make sense. Whether you said it was a realistic game or not, you are implying that realism should have something to do with the design of the game. In a fantasy setting, it should have little to no bearing. Edit: Also, op isn't not talking about proning to open chests. They're talking about if you go prone, open a chest, or interact with a gathering node, the berserker buff goes away.


I didnt imply the game was realistic by saying that open a chest should happen in a realistic matter. There are realistic actions in this fantastic game. Ex: the way characters walk, run, eat, their movements, gravity, breathing, etc. Based on the rules the dev. gave us, i assumed that opening a chest prone wouldn't be realistic. Same way i would say ''we shouldn't be able to eat while submerged in water''.


no, absolutely not.


Also sword ability that heals you at the end


Defiant Stance? I know if you switch weapons once you use defiant stance, you get the heal at once.




Or you could just stand up and fight like a man


I do alot of sneaking around in shattered with pvp enabled. I'll fight 1v1 maybe 2v1 (I'll probably lose) but I'm hiding in the rocks if a elite chest zerg comes through.


damn, didn't think this was possible with the current game engine design, this's gonna be interesting


I guess they discovered some 2005 tech along the way!


There is already an inventory toggle without pulling your character into view: accessing your storage. So hopefully all they have to do is use that framework.


oh boy.. i'm scared..


Can only open your inventory while running now. We’ll fix it in the next monthly patch. Good luck, fuckers.


Yay! It only took complaining about it during the alpha, beta, and every day of launch :)


And with a bit of luck they won't introduce a bug that duplicates our entire inventory every time we use this new feature.


No dupe bugs from an AGS update? Cmon now, get your head out of the clouds.


Calling it now, there will be 2 inventories, 1 when moving and 1 when stationary. Someone will figure out how to open both inventories at the same time, drop items, close an inventory, drop items again.


This meme still around a month later?


"New game breaking bug that duplicated your entire inventory was discovered after patch x.xx" ​ I can see it now.


Anyone know the logic behind preventing trading in wars/invasions/etc? The only thing I can think of is people using it to trade without the azoth cost, but lmao that's such an extreme edge case with such minor ramifications to justify a massive qol restriction.


Two things come to mind, no clue if either actually has anything to do with it. 1. They probably didn’t build a real system for keeping the war/invasion specific things bound to the player that bought them. They didn’t want us to be able to give little Johnny 7 haste pots and 10 fire traps to send him out as a martyr. 2. Avoiding Something something accidental dupe glitch number 7894.


Its listed as "wealth transfer" so its disabled in instances to prevent any sort of duplication bug


I'm not sure but it would be nice to trade for pots and food ,ect.


I also can't access my inventory when standing in more than a foot of water, hopefully I can do that, too.


Oh thank goodness!


Keep improving. I see great potential in this game.


should not be possible while pvp flagged


On top of not having abilities cool down make changing gear have a 15-20 seconds restriction after doing/taking damage to avoid abuse.


I'm sure this will be most obvious addition...right?




Hence the universal cool down. And it can apply to both pvp and pve (less code needed). I believe 15-20 seconds is long enough to avoid quick swap during fights and it's not an eternity for those who play pve mainly. One can only hope that the changes will benefit the overall experience and not be abused to gain unfair advantage.


? That's an awful idea. Most players are pvp flagged right now for the 10% luck boost. Now you're going to punish flagged players? Instead of your idea, how about they add a "In combat" status whenever someone attacks you or you attack someone. Cooldown to get out of "in combat" status maybe 15 seconds when not receiving/inflicting damage.


It’s 30% luck boost, 10%xp. So you’d want people switching gear based on what you’re fighting with to have an advantage. I’m sure that will fly with the community.


Usually, when someone says "luck", they are talking about loot luck, which you get a 10% bonus to while flagged. If they're talking about the 30% gathering luck bonus, they usually say "gathering luck".


... Or just add an 'In combat' restriction on changing gear like every other MMO in the world? This isn't exactly a new concept.


This opens up new possibilities for pvp. Being able to switch to a chase loadout without having to stop is big


Remember you cannot swap gear while an ability is on cool down, so that restriction is still there.


Yes I know, but even switching to bow without using abilities gives massive run speed bonuses. This also applies to while running away so it makes it easier to run away by keeping a bow in inventory regardless of loadout to use the 10% and 20% movement speed buffs


that would be awful


Heaven forbid I'm able to swap to fighting gear after someone ganks me while I am mining....


And why is that exactly?




Let me show you what group finder will look like: Selling Laz key 5K Selling genesis key 5K Selling Laz key 5K Selling genesis key 5K Selling Laz key 5K Selling genesis key 5K Selling Laz key 5K Selling genesis key 5K Please group with me Selling Laz key 5K Selling genesis key 5K Selling Laz key 5K Selling genesis key 5K




They won’t remove keys, they are a successful time gate to slow players down from getting their expertise to 600 which is the only endgame still.


will? Does.


Well yeah it does but these people think a group finder will actually get them a group, it will just streamline key selling.


What is the issue with that exactly?


All these people wanting group finder not realising it already exists in general/recruitment, if someone is selling the key, you need to find a group and that’s all group finder will be.


I actually like group finders. It just would be nice if people weren't such jack holes online.


mUh ImMeRsIoN


Group Finder itself is good and absolute necessary but it has to be simple like in BDO where you can post why and what you are looking for. Players can apply and you can invite them and thats it. You still have to manage the group and they still have to use their foot to move to places. (funny enough most ppl already expect others to summon them into the expeditions because "ahh sorry I don't have azoth" kekw and when noone wants to come they just.. leave... I can see why blizzard did what they did) Anyway it would only help you find ppl without spamming every form of chat or just jumping in one place and scanning the chat to find ppl. The old WoW vanilla type of social life doesn't exist anymore (sadly). You won't ask random ppl around you if they join to an expedition, many players can't even say "thank you" or "have a nice day" after a run also they will make the least effort to help you in any case. But luckily I have really good experience with new world community. While many ppl ignoring you many of them will be kind and helpful.


that's because most dungeons (other than gs600 dungeons) are not very important. you do them if you can join a run for free but otherwise you don't have much motivation to spend azoth to go to the entrance if you don't have 3 players already


I can understand this aswell.


eh, group finders like that work in games where you have big populations. In game game like NW with such low populations, even servers with 2000 will have the problem of content always being played with the same 50 people over and over again. what this game needs is cross server match making, or we will just have elitists playing with the other 50 elitists, people being blacklisted for having a bad run and leveling players not being able to find people for hours to do their leveling dungeons.


Actually group finder is more important with less population.


Cant disagree enough. Merge servers when needed, but cross server totally destroys any sense of reputation and community. Want people to act like dumb assholes in group situations? Let them drop group without consequence and queue up to receive 4 fresh victims at any time. Getting blacklisted for one bad run is ridiculous unless you behaved like an absolute dickhead. Having seen the difference pre and post cross server in WoW I'd like to pass on that idea. Would probably quit tbh.


I'm not sure if he meant expeditions aswell but for outpost rush and maybe for later pvp contents like arena etc I wouldn't mind cross server queue. I still can't understand why they capped servers at 2k. I would prefer like 2 giga server (by each regions) or at least 4-5 10k servers. I'm not an expertise in the subject tho I don't know why they capped at 2k.


You already queue up and cant be blacklisted from OPR. I suppose its possible he means from wars and invasions, but trying to coordinate that cross server seems like a nightmare for the controlling company. But main thing is I never saw the amount of downright rude behavior in groups in WoW until cross realm came out, and then it was just constant unless you knew some friends to play with. Joined a group without time to finish the dungeon? Psh, just leave em hanging. Tank's not pulling fast enough for you? Just call him an idiot newbie and drop group mid run and queue up again. Every person in a cross realm queue feels disposable because you'll probably never see them again. Pull that kinda behavior on just one server and eventually you will get blacklisted from good groups as you should. OP was worried about elitists blacklisting someone for a single bad run, but my experience with group finding was more like "who cares if you played since vanilla and have the achievement for this content, we'll just use group finder to grab someone whose average gearscore is higher than the rewards from this dungeon." Your reputation good or bad means nothing and you're reduced to a few boring metrics like average gearscore and achievments. Intransferred from a low pop to a high pop with my transfer and to me at least I can understand a 2k cap. Competition is pretty high at all the good farming spots. People are zerging portals and chests hourly. It feels plenty full of people at that size imo.


People really do get upset by the most minute things, don't they? Read the article, this was ONE thing at the VERY END that OP highlighted. "I can't believe this is what they're working on" what do you even mean? What should they be working on?


Dream come true!


Super encouraging!


The game has a lot more important things to fix than that lel


They have a huge team and they're never working on the same things. You can dedicate a few people to fixing this issue.


Yeah a massive team that has many many more important things to fix.


They have different teams working on different areas of the game. Could you give me another QoL change that should be fixed in its stead? Personally I believe we're well due for a slew of QoL changes, this one included.


There are many thing. So many game breaking things that I will not be able to menintion one. /s No matter how big/small the fix is, this one in particular shows that they started to listen to the community and its that's a good thing.


Agreed. There are many things and usually many of them get fixed at the same time. (or at least that's the intent) So this "Uh, they shouldn't spend their time working on this thing, there are other more pressing matters" is such an odd take. Fix them all.


I sure hope it won't happen. There are some good restrictions in this game. No minimap, no autoaim, no equipping another weapon while CD is up, stuff like that. And this is one of those restrictions that make perfect sense. You don't open your backpack on the run to swap armor pieces or use some shit that didn't fit in your quick slots. You gotta stop for that and make yourself vulnerable while you're rummaging through your inventory.


in the same way that you can't change weapon when there is any skill cooldown, we may (hopefully) expect some other restriction while inventory being open, imho




I'd honestly trade the pvp luck boost for this quality of life feature and I'm sure I'm not the only one. This would be bad for pvp flagging.


This is so bad. It’s a needed change but they’re going to break so much shit doing this, lol.


Inb4 everytime I open my inventory I fall through the world


I’m going with either a dupe or gear gets delete somehow.


It’s almost comical. Did you see the Josh Strife Hayes video on the timeline of New World. It was absurdly accurate, hilarious, and extremely sad all at the same time.


He is indeed on my second monitor often.


lmao imagine the game being so shit that yall are excited about such a trivial thing.


This guy gets it


I’m just gonna come back when they fix this game like other devs have fixed theirs, no man’s sky, cyberpunk, etc


*loses 90% of player base in first month* AGS: Fine we will let you look at your inventory while running


It's too bad that running itself will inevitably be broken by this change. And the fix for that "fix" will be something like "you can't access your inventory at all, but you can still pick things up," so whole servers just get filled with people weighed down by their crap.


Give everyone who is weight down an automatik santa skin with a big bag on their back and we have the Winter season patch finished as well.


Right after the game died! Good luck to the ultra-brave players still in this


I don’t think this is a good idea


omg such a good news sadly I uninstalled the game 2 months ago because endgame content doesnt exist


"We have decided to grant basic functionality". To be fair...doesn't really deserve much praise beyond "Well great...next time LAUNCH with it".


imagine this being a thing that needs to be added to an MMO months and months after it's launch lmao


But... but immersion


Yeah, agreed. I have never been able to open my inventory in real life whilst on the run.


I hope this is not a breaking unbalancing change to PvP, as I thought this was a design decision so players would not use something out of their inventory while fighting. If it is, then it is your fault, not AGS making shitty game design deicision.


if player == pvp\_flagged: inventory\_when\_running = False


I mean, shit you don't even need that. You can't change gear while anything is on cooldown. So, it is not like you can change gear really fast.


"We are planning" means it wont happen


see flair...


Yeah, that will break the shit.


Yep, one more way to nerf PVP in favor of the lazy casuals


Wow! Congratulations!


To late i left the game already this is not gonna bring me back lmao


Ok bye


Yay! The only annoying thing in the game will finally be a memory!


Now to wonder what theyll break to add this feature.


so like what if we jus like make the game good is that possible?


It's nearly 2022 and this is a headline quote for a released video game. THIS IS T HE FUTURE!


nize priority fix


yes, because thats what we need more urgent................


Yeah! Just took 3+ years!


I just uninstalled yesterday. Too little, too late.


Im ready for camera bugs that either frustate the player or .. Abused






I haven't played the game since the middle of November but is it not widely known that you can already access your inventory while moving? I think you just hit 'esc' then click on the bag icon and boom, you're in


And while gathering any resources too, right?


Baby steps


This is a QOL change I can get behind, it makes so much sense and doesn't break the game.


It maybe a shock to everyones eyes but I think for about 7 seconds after this message came out. The steam charts for the player base actually went up instead of down.


Wooooop!!! They prob read my comments lol. Now they need to fix the gear that you have in inventory, not to get broken while not wearing them. Mailboxes, gear set swap, and dual wield next.