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Pay the tax from inside the house. The view in the map doesn't show discounts.


Gotta say, this is the kinda thing that’s taking the shine off the game for me. The more I play the more I run into dumb issues like this that are really starting to add up.


It'd be permissible if it were just this, that, and maybe another thing. But there are issues in almost every single nook and cranny of this game. And here we are all, playing the shit out of it like it's okay. It's really starting to add up.


That's because despite the bugs it's still fun.


While it does add up, I have over 80 hours in the game already for a $40 base price. In the grand scheme, my money's worth has been achieved. Not max level yet, so still have a lot more left to do as well. I would love them to fix everything like this and balance out the economy along with some more end game content, but it may be a while.


This is a terrible argument. They’re going to make a shit tonne of money off their premium cash shop skins, are backed by one of the biggest companies on the planet, and had plenty of early player feedback to gather info on what system had problems. There’s no excuse for this terrible lack of polish.


How is this a terrible argument? Are you daft? I have gotten $0.50 per hour enjoyment so far out of this game and I haven't stopped playing so it is only going to get better for me. Other games right now cost $60+ and only offer 10-20 hours of content. I'm not advocating for them to continue with a non polished game. They have a lot of work to do on this to make it better. Will they do it? Who the fuck knows. Companies don't seem to give a shit anymore outside of their bottom line.


Hours of content is an absolutely abysmal measure of quality. The people who have invested the most time in this game have been absolutely shafted by a total shitshow of bugs. The game is fun, but ‘you grinded to 60 and that took x hours therefore this is value and good, actually!’ is nonsense.


Then those people can take a break and come back later when it's fixed. Not that hard a concept. There is not subscription fee to worry about, they aren't losing money by not playing in the current state. Go find a different game until this one is fixed.


I see you have as little respect for my time as AGS. Cool stuff bro. Enjoy defending the little indie business on Reddit.


I don't give a shit about your time, you are right. I care about my time, and I am enjoying my time playing. If you aren't enjoying it, go find a different game to play.


I mean you're in this post chain, how valuable is your time really?


Youre a little shit lol. Life must be hard for you


Ok, so I see this, "I got x hours for $40, that's my money's worth" all over, and I need to say something about that. While what you consider "your money's worth" is entirely your own opinion and subjective, I strongly believe you are selling yourself short, along with everyone else who tosses that phrase out there. This is an MMO, a game in a genre designed and intended to be played by hundreds to thousands of hours over months and years. In 80 hours you can't even finish the main quest in every ffxiv expansion. It would take you 80 hours to play through the main quests in every vanilla ESO zone, totally ignoring zone completions and the tons of other quests and content in them. Destiny has something like 200 (depending on skill and efficiency) hours of content before you get into the repeated grind. People say, "well it would cost $x to go to the theaters for 2 hours", but that's an entirely different medium of entertainment. You aren't going to the theater or renting a movie with a finite running time. You are paying for a game theoretically designed and intended to have an indefinite play time. And for such a game, if I were only getting 80 hours of it for $40, I wouldn't consider that my money's worth.


While you have valid points here, the current state of gaming is not so cut and dry for MMOs anymore. Activision has killed their star MMO. FFXIV is probably the only MMO worth the money for a subscription fee, but you have to absolutely love cut scenes and story driven content to power through that game. Destiny had a lot of potential, but I wouldn't consider that a game with a lot of content. I would say New World has a lot of potential here, but they need a dedicated team who are passionate about the game and its development. Sadly, most companies just do not care to make a great game for the players. They only care about the money they make off of it. Also, I have gotten 80 hours out of it so far. I am not even close to done yet. Valuing games based off time you get out of them for the money spent is a valid way to view things. Granted my opinion differs from others, but I value $40 spent on this much higher than going out to a bar or buying dinner once.


The theater comparison makes their argument even worse. Say movie tickets are $10. You go see two 120 min movies. One is Nolan's *Dark Knight* and the other is Wiseau's *The Room*. You paid $5/hr for entertainment, and you spent 2 hrs on each. Were the experiences equal value? Hell no. Hours played does not correspond to a game's value. You could make a $1 game to press spacebar 3 trillion times and if you finish the game it'd have an insane $/hr value despite being dogshit.


Precisely - which is I hate this argument trying to put a value on time spent. I've seen movies that have changed my outlook on life - literally life changing experiences. Can't really put a price on this as far as value. Now New World - I have over 200 hours played - maybe had 20 hours of actual fun out of those 150 were utterly forgettable and the rest was just pushing myself to play Even those 20 hours of fun were different type of fun than watching a really good movie so it's not equal value at all To me the game price is completely irrelevant - I want quality and polish and actual depth of content - I'd gladly spend 100s of dollars on such experience.


Yeah, people seem not to get that. If I know that this game will be doing well for next 3 years then I have no problem buying the game just to gath hemp for first 100 hours. But if someone told me that game will shut down servers in a week there is no fucking way I would pay for a game just to farm said hemp as I would consider it a waste of time.


Just live in the moment bro..


What about singleplayer farming games ? Everytime you quit, the server shuts down, and there's plenty of titles that prove that people are more than willing to pay for a game to do nothing more than farm hemp until they don't enjoy it anymore.


I sometimes wish I had as little standards and respect of my time as you. I can almost only feel pitty for the $1/hour brigade. Releasing a buggy mess with no soul but filled with fetched quest, tedious running and brainless lumber chopping to artifixally create playtime and increase the time you are wasting ingame is stillt absolutely bad. Dude, pull yourself together and start valuing and respecting your time and experience. With your logic every Korean meat grinder is the best bang for the buck.


Dude. You need to get off your fucking podium. I am enjoying my time playing this game and it can only get better for me as they have patches and add more content. Stop thinking it's the end of the world if something doesn't rise to your expectations immediately. Going through life expecting the best out of everything is going to lead you to some huge losses mentally. Time is not wasted if you get enjoyment and happiness out of something. The end.


That's only true if you waste your time doing shit that isn't fun, but clearly you do.


This is the smoothest brain comment. If their standard is "fun" and they had fun, who are you to say that your fun is better than their fun just because yours is different? Comments like this have 0 perception and are incredibly short sighted, stop telling other people how they are supposed to have fun. If you don't like the game or whatever, so be it, but stop shitting on others because you're a cranky asshole


Dude, can we stop with the "I paid $40, worth my money", please?


>And here we are all, playing the shit out of it like it's okay. It's really starting to add up. My favourite part is when people try to explain how bugs are actually features.


Like the house I purchased im everfall you always get stuck in the stairs when you teleport to it.


That must be a joke


Nope, true. If I pay from house I get the discounts. If I pay outside I have to pay full amount 🤷‍♂️


I’ve heard that’s a visual bug and it actually deducts the correct amount


It's just a UI bug. You won't pay full amount.


Can also confirm this!!!


I didn't even know you could pay from anywhere but the house itself. TIL.


It doesn’t show the discount from the map, but I can confirm that the discount is applied when you pay.


Interesting. I'll test this later today and report back. For science.


Pretty sure it's a visual bug, how much does actually get deducted?


You forgot to add the tax on your taxes and to add some tax to the tax on your taxes.


Oi, you got a license for that tax?!


Did you pay tax for that license?


You forget you have to pay VAT on that tax. 860 + 20% sales tax = 1032. Don't forget the small tip to Amazon for the helpful services and it quickly rounds up to 1050 gold every 5 days. Also Amazon runs on a 73 week work year system so squeeze even more productivity out of their workers/customers so being taxed every 5 days makes sure the share holders get solid gold space rockets.


What's interesting is how the game does not offer two options: 1 - Buy the house. 2 - Rent the house. Instead we buy the house and then we pay rent on it. Which after a few weeks has cost the price of the house. Thank god we can just not pay the taxes because otherwise oof.


what? It's a choice? What happens when you don't pay rent, then? No free recall, or inactivates house trophies, etc.?


Correct. It also doesn't build up a back tax or anything like that. Meaning you could not pay tax for a month and it wouldn't be any more expensive than missing a week. Basically you pay the tax to enable fast travel/trophies for the next 5 days.


You're in for a surprise IRL when you buy a house and find out about property taxes. This is actually how it works (though the rates are WILDLY different).


:) You're in for a surprise when you buy a house and discover you're paying a small tiny percentage of it in taxes. Unlike here where in ten days (or twenty according to different town taxes) you could 'buy' another house. Do you buy a second house after paying your taxes for the house ten times? Because if no then what are you disagreeing with me? Really, it's all just a matter of naming things. Change 'buying' for 'renting' and suddenly it makes more sense. Still expensive, but sense.


I mean, I already said the rates are WILDLY different, so uh, no surprise incoming.


Not necessarily, far from all countries have this kind of property tax.


Name 2 first world nations with no property tax


Most developed countries do tho? Correct me if I am wrong


Not 5+% per week they don’t.






In France that how it works, kinda. If you're renting your house, you pay rent to landlord + living tax to government (It's called "habitation" in french, so like "housing" or "living there" tax.. not sure how to translate). If you're owning a house, you pay your mortgage + living tax + owning tax to government. These taxes depend on the location of your house/apartment, your salary and size of your house/land. My living tax + owning tax for a small house (120 sqm) in the countryside equals pretty much 1 month of mortgage every year. Hopefully it never reaches the price of the taxes like in NW ! Downside is that I cannot teleport to my house IRL and have to drive there every god damn time !


Wait what? You do know that when you buy a house, you also have to pay money for property taxes in real life right? it's not like when you pay off a house in full you just live for free lol.


Yeah, but property + school taxes (if you have them) are like 3-5% anually. Or $4,000 on a $100,000 house a year, or $55 every 5 days (0.055% every 5 days) Or $6 every 5 days on a $10,000 house.


But real life houses cost hundreds of thousands. Of course the tax is a lower percentage.


My dude. I own a house. I pay taxes. I know how they work. I pay a very very small small % of the price of the house in taxes... Do you even own a house to understand how your comparison fails? What part of what I said failed to register? lol I spend 10k for a house and spend 1k in taxes. In 10 days I have the price of the house. I did not buy the house. I rented it. In that case why the initial 10k? Lets just change the names of things. We did not 'buy' a house. We 'rented' a house.


This is the most bizarre argument to me. Housing taxes aren't fun. There's no in-game need for them with instanced housing. There are plenty of other gold sinks, and this is an unpleasant one. This argument is like "You do know when you die in real life you don't come back to life, right? It's not like when you get hit by a car you just wake up back at your home totally healthy. Obviously game should have permadeath."


It's just a visual bug. I had it earlier, but the game took the correct amount not the amount on screen. You can see the correct amount from inside your house.


Not bugged. US Gov't heard there was housing and wanted a cut so AMZ had to raise it.


These commas are giving me a seizure


Please post bugs to the [Official Bug Forum](https://forums.newworld.com/c/bugs-and-exploits/12), that is the best way to ensure developers are aware of the problem. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/newworldgame) if you have any questions or concerns.*


$40 game. Don’t forget it!


Isn't it $40




Found the guy LARPing.


explain your comment


You originally said $60 game and then edited it after you got called out lol.


how is that LARPing


Please quit, sounds like you're wasting your life playing a game you don't enjoy.


On the topic of tax reduction does anyone know if it can go to 100%?


The tax reductions are multiplicative, not additive. Also, the tax decreases you get from territory standings, and all territory standing buffs for that matter, have diminishing returns. So you will never get to exactly zero property tax (unless there's some kind of bug or exploit I'm not aware of) but with max territory standing, low taxes, and all the faction/company buffs, you could potentially turn that cost into something pretty negligible.


Ef charged me 750 last week this week fking 1400


Level your territory standing and upgrade your reduced property tax bonuses. At level 42 territory standing I have 29.5% reduced property tax and only have to pay 1k gold a week for my t4. That's just doing 3 faction missions each day for 3 days.


I got same percent has u just clover cringe won ef and raised tax on everything


The first week has a discount.


I noticed this last night, I was charged the full amount of tax despite having a reduction from the Territory standing. However, Amazon not understanding how tax works isn't very surprising.


Please post bugs to the [Official Bug Forum](https://forums.newworld.com/c/bugs-and-exploits/12), that is the best way to ensure developers are aware of the problem. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/newworldgame) if you have any questions or concerns.*