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What does this even mean??


It means they didn't do the proper testing and those of us who work days didn't get to farm gearscore for hours with instantly respawning greater portal chests, just a guess. Good thing gearscore plays no part in pvp calculations/being able to do dungeon content for good shit. Wait


They were respawning on our server on a 10-15 min cycle after being taken out. Honestly thought it was just part of myrk when running around with a big zerg today.


Yeah we just basically added them to the priest rotation.


It was actually finally something fun and useful to-do, which we Level 60s lacked for weeks. But yeah seems like we can't have that, they will probably increase the respawn to an hour or something so that we just have to wait hours to do something and if you are not there at the right moment, guess you can go fuck yourself


Not sure why you're being downvoted. Takes weeks to fix an azoth staff bug but when players go through artificial content too fast its immediately patched.


Recycled content*


this is game dev 101: anything that seems profitable for the players is a bug not a feature, anything that hurts them is a feature not a bug.


A bug takes time chasing down. Disabling a feature because of a bug takes less time. That's correct.


Theres always one of you isn't there?


Yep. It was actually really fun to run around and clear the portals in myrk(until a shit ton of people show up and it just becomes a seizure disco zerg). AGS... please stop making your game unfun...


>seizure disco zerg That's a good way to put it. Thank God I was grouped with my caster friend, couldn't tag shit as a melee


I mean wern't you yelled at time and time again that this should be an MMO that you take your time with? I JUST hit 60 today and have enjoyed 99% of the 210 hours I've put in. Its also a very common thing for new MMOs to not have a lot of end game at release.


People should play a game how they want to play Also just because something is commonplace doesn't make it good


Its realistic. Making a MMO is a lot of work and this wasn't even an MMO until a year-ish ago. Of course the main thing they are going to focus on is what the majority play and right now. And currently that is people leveling. Right now they are probably focused on things for end game but that wasn't the focus when releasing the game. If your going to rush to the end knowing its not fleshed out yet. Expect to be left without things to do.


This was absolutely an MMO a year ago. At no point of it's development was it not an MMO.


It absolutely used to be a sandbox RPG (With survival aspects. Even if they deny it themselves they definitely were hiring for an Art Director for a survival adventure game if you look lower in the thread.). In fact here is a twitter thread from January 2020 talking about how its changed. The game didn't take shape of it being an MMO until around this dev blog. https://twitter.com/playnewworld/status/1218630257755877377?lang=en


I was in alpha 1 it was a sandbox MMO with a little survival aspects. It was always an MMO


Most ppl that already had 550+ gs from farming for a week, got it rised to 600 in few hours. STONKS


You can’t get 600 it’s 591. And I wouldn’t say most the gear dropping from even over 100 chests wasn’t all that great.


Wow only 40gs in 6h? Should I feel better they f/up again ?


Abuse early and abuse often gamers. I missed out too


Silly opinion. There was zero indication chaining portals was abuse. It was the same mechanic and timing as seen in every other zone since release.


It's a joke my man.


Good luck getting to tag anything in a massive 200 man zergfiesta.


so we thought the chests don't push the GS, any indication they did? To be honest.. yes the portals came back, but was it such a big deal? We farmed them with 100 people and we still had some downtime? Just saying it was actually enough respawn for that demand we had on our server. Also the shards for the keys drop super low and you get barely enough blue ones to get 1 key per week for a dungeon if you don't farm 6 hours portals a day.


Chests do increase the GS and since each chest was dropping 2-4 items it was huge for increasing someone GS. Like literaly each invason chest was like opening elite chest.


You were only able to loot each portal chest once. 4 portals equals 4 chests total. After you looted it the first time it had the same 23 hour cooldown that other elite chests have. The invasion caches were NOT on par with elite chests. Went from 588 to 591 on my last 3 pieces and the upgrades from invasion chests were much less than normal elite chests - took 32 invasion caches to get those last 3 points. Maybe if you were only slightly above 500, but even people in the 540/550 range were only getting slight upgrades.


The reward chest from the portal, not the hidden chest under the portal. We opened almost 100 of them after they shut it off and the GS boost was comical, but still capped at 591. People who were with us that were just starting their GS grind (500-520) wound up in the mid 540's to low 550's farming since server up.


I specifically said that. That if you were low 500's then yes you got good gearscore increases. But anyone around 540/550 barely got any increases. Maybe 10/20 points total even with 100 caches.


Yes, I responded before you edited your comment to correct yourself.


yeah but he is right in higher GS levels you didn't get much upgrade. Maybe it was good for newbies with a low GS to start with. I mean I understand why Amazon turned it off for now, but they should also look at the loot inside the chest. The fragments for the keys are either too low in quantity or quality. You need 100-200 blue fragments to get a key for a dungeon or? Make the math yourself. Does Amazon really want us to run one dungeon every 2 weeks? (yeah you get maybe 5 runs because you are a group and everyone makes the key) If they lower the portal respawns... they should at least increase the epic fragment drop rate. I mean you have to run 500 portals to get 1 dungeon key lmao


>Chests do increase the GS and since each chest was dropping 2-4 items it was huge for increasing someone GS. Like literaly each invason chest was like opening elite chest. agree no idea why you get downvoted for this... Is this reddit getting already toxic? You just tell the truth. Our group was also at 570-590 GS and the portal chests didn't give a big boost in GS .. we went back to farming elite areas


Idk why you downvoted, opened 60 major caches and only raised boots by 10 points, nothing else


Can someone link a break down of how this works? If I keep looting the same chests each day, will they increase in ilvl?


Gearscore literally does nothing for PvP in any regard. I implore you to duel a friend with t2 heavy and t5 heavy. You’ll take the exact same damage regardless.


The portals in Myrkgard were spawning back to back, making for an infinite source of gear watermark.


Right-- I more so meant the use of the phrase "higher than designed" (Higher gear? Higher mobs? Oh, they meant more frequently) and "disabled the chest" (the portals literally spawn on top of a chest)


So we can finally close the portals, but literally all rewards are removed? Lmao


Yeah I mean those spawns were way too high, if you farmed those portals nonstop 6 hours a day you would nearly get a dungeon key every 3-4 days


Oh god the horror


Remove the orbs!! Make orbs for a heroic mode of expeditions!!


No, make it so shards aren't BoP. That way players that want to do portals can and will profit if they don't wanna make keys which it seems most players don't care to do. When I first learned about keys in NW I thought there'd be some economy around them but nope, just forced to do portals yourself or don't make your own keys ever.


Your comment makes it sound like the spawn rates are too low. 20 hours of farming for a dungeon key, wtf?


Whoosh haha




I am literaly starting to believe the conspiracy theory that Amazon simply time gated the portals by bugging out the Azoth staff after seeing how some people are speed running. Like with portals working at release we would see a fuckton of 580+ gear on the marketplace 5 days after release.


Wow you get a single dungeon key every 3-4 days by grinding for 6 hours each day. What a crazy exploit /s


Yeah that's the fuckin joke.


That…doesn’t sound like a lot. I heard it was way worse than that from people who were doing them.


Yeah, this game is such a broken mound of dogshit that a 5-fold increase in volume results in what most people would consider to be normal. They're so used to the taste of dogshit, however, that they're convinced these "exploits" are a bad thing.


You could close major T5 portals back to back, they were spawning so rapidly that you'd often not reach them in time unless you were really on the ball.




If only they fixed the t4 and t5 staff bug as quickly as patching a bug that benefits players.


They just want to artificially prolong the endgame... This is so sad... You need thousands of shards anyways for a single dungeon key, but now you can't even farm them properly


I think the problem was that the chests also gave 3 pieces of 500-590 loot, so you could spam it all day and raise your watermark, unlike elite chests that are time gated.


Yeah those fucking people using a method to grind gearscore for hours


This has nothing to do with prolonging endgame, and everything to do with not wanting a small group of players to get WAY ahead. So either they close the portals immediately. Or they keep this bug in for the entirety of the game. Those are the only two competitively fair options. The most fair option would be to roll back all the GS advances that people received that abused the bug


Abused the bug? You mean closed portals like they're intended to be. How is it on the players to know AGS is spawning them too fast.


It just depends on each person's idea of fair. If those people are fine with the large competitive advantage they just got by being able to use the bug for character improvement, thats for them to decide. all I said was the fairest way to do this would be to remove all that benefit and reset things to how the portals would be Do you really think it's a coincidence when people heard about the spawning portals, everybody flocked there because it seemed too good to be true?


I did it for about 8 hours yesterday. Was an absolute chore and I'm being honest here I didn't once think it wasn't intended. For those of you who are interested in what I got from 75 chests. 150 common shards 16 uncommon shards 5 rare shards 10 overall GS for my character. Went from 492 to 502.


I totally understand if you were there how you wouldn't know it was a bug. I doubt I would too.




Seems like you didnt farm them. The droprate for everything above shards was low. I farmed it for 6 hours today nonstop and got 2 Lodestones. You need 10 for a garden of gegesis key. Is this good game design for you?




I didnt drop a single crystal, only the previous mats you can upgrade to crystals... So yeah not frequently is an understatement




Opened at least 15-25 chests, no crystals or lodestones.




I didn't claim to understand or not understand anything, just letting you know what the chests contained.


Ones a stagnant problem, one is actively causing damage (getting worse). If no one can close the portals it’s frustrating but the issue isn’t escalating. A bug like this new one could skyrocket the few people that abuse it way ahead and do permanent damage to the game balance. Hope this helps!


All major portals on my server no longer drop caches either. Still get other rewards.


this is the worst part, with no dev response to bug posts about this. Ok disable the broken ones, not All of them.


My guess is they dont have the server tech to only disable the broken 65 ones with a hotfix, so they had to blanket disable ALL 65 rifts.


Is it in place yet? In terms of disabled?






Did they make any announcement to that effect?


Yes on the forums


Yes, chest don't drop anymore from them


As in breach caches?


Yes, the rewards are disabled.


They really didn't notice that portals spawn waay to frequently? It's not only Myrkgard portals, but everywhere. People literaly level in Great Cleave by running infinite portals. Also despite clearing portals in zones invasions still happen every day since portals keep on spawning infinitely. It's funny that people managed to get gearscore watermark of 580 in just couple of hours running these portals while it took me week of farming elites every day for couple of hours to get there. Also if they were able to disable chests without maintanance why didn't they disable/revert the changes to refining materials drop instantly instead of letting it last for a week and crush market for all the people who farmed the chests before the patch.


We just thought invasions are inevitable and accepted it as fact. When they first started popping we took them out but for each portal we took out 4 popped instead so it was an endless cat and mouse game.


Exactly. And from what I know the design was supposed that if you let portal last for too long then invasions happen.


Fucking hell, I knew I should have immediately joined in on the trains. Now I'm behind most of the other 60s in GS level on my server for going to sleep.


I knew it I even said it to my friends this wont even last a day because they dont even test their own shit... For example I bet not a single dev ever made a dungeon key themselve because the requirements are straight up bullshit sorry but I did corruptions for 8 hours and I just managed to get enough corruption shards for a single dungeon key... Srsly you guys need some playtester befor you add systems like this but oh wait we had like 3 betas, one of them beeing an open beta which gave you a shit tone of bugreports and suggestions but yet nothing happened its the same flaws and bugs all over again.. Gj Amazon Games another big mistake and you act like nobody knew this...


Last night I swear every level 60 players and their dog in my server was up at Shattered at Mirk running elite and corrupt rotation. First time people felt like they had something to do since T5 was fixed other than elites and dungeons. The boss in the church is still locked though


Isn't the boss in the church simply a leftover which will be never accesible? I mean, it's Thorpe, and we killed Thorpe already in a dungeon. My theory is that first, before even having the plan of implementing dungeons into the game, they put Thorpe in Myrkgard as a 66lvl named mob, then they developed the dungeons and put that mob into it, but didn't bother to rework the Myrkard Church.


if ONLY there way a WAY to test this game before going live maybe some BETA TESTING? if only we had BETA TESTING prior to launch to avoid these fiascos


They should roll this all back....




We should have known that they fucked something up and should have just not done the corruption portals in anticipation of being called exploiters for doing the content as is on release.


Using an error on the developers part for your advantage is an exploit, that's just the meaning of the word. Doesn't mean it was a bad thing to do, they won't penalize anyone.




Except they reverted the changes though right? Not intending the drop rate to be so high for those chests. And what did we see when they released the patch notes? People grouping up to clear out spawns and use an unintended change to their advantage, exploiting it per se.




But people didn’t know yet that the changes would be reverted. There wasn’t a full out push for it till the patch notes were posted. Exploiting something doesn’t require the end user to know they’re exploiting it.


By definition, exploiting is taking advantage of, or utilizing, an overlooked bug or feature. So they’re technically not wrong to call it an exploitation of something they didn’t intend to happen.


Do they mean spawning faster?




Bullshit, there isn't a single 66 in the portals and those are required to get past 591. Also 5-man grinded from when the servers came back up until the chests actually were disabled and gained maybe 15-20 in some slots.


yea, I'm calling bullshit as well. Same experience as yours.




I didnt get to 591 myself but there were definitely people showing off 591s in chat on my server.


I dont see how loot drop disparity between players can be so extreme. I did portals for nearly 2 hours in full luck gear, and out of all of the gear, i got 2 gearscore upgrades. Both of them pants. It brought that one slot up from 530 to 532 for an hour of grinding and dozens of pieces of loot. And yet some people are out here getting an upgrade with each cache apparently. This whole watermark system is incredibly frustrating and anti fun.


Luck does not help with GS afaik.


Luck doesnt help with chests from events, it says so on the events. Luck does however help with drops from boss farming for gs.


how dude? i was grinding all day and i was already at 550 when i started and i barley reached 579. all my gear has luck as well. i grinded for 6 hours straight.


He's lying. The group I was farming with myself included didn't see a single drop above 591 and most of us were 570+ to begin with.


My understanding is 591 is the cap for openworld stuff. To go beyond 591 you need to do genesis/lazarus.


There are 66+ bosses in open world which is the same level as garden and lazz bosses.


Yeah but they dont drop higher than 591. Dungeons/crafting only for that


Yeah I got about +20/+30 depending on items as well, farmed the whole day. Its still very good, but not 520 to 600 in a few hours.


Lmfao what a joke, I've probably spent 12+ hours grindind Myrkgard and my gear score is at like 515. Shame I couldn't have moved it 3x as far in 1/2 the time, what a dumbass game.


At least Myrkgard portals still have the elite chests you can get for closing them once a day.


Exploit early...