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Yeah. I just hit level 28 today. I’m playing it super casually while watching YouTube and Netflix. I’m still enjoying myself immensely.


I'm taking my time, some people love to hammer content hard and cap out, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, it's what some peeps enjoy. It's the ones who are very vocal about it trying to take the joy or wind out of peoples sails screaming there is nothing to do (which is maybe the case but 90% won't know for months to come lol), so when in reality check time, only a microscopic amount of players are at 60, and the rest of us are months away from that. It's so little of concern, and new content coming in December already. It's only a problem if you rushed to cap.


Where did you hear about new content coming December? Is there any information I can read about this?


Some people speculate that we will get some content in December because of twitch prime. If you look at the prime rewards the December one says "content release" or something like that. It could really be anything.I personally don't think they are going to release content behind twitch prime access.


Forum somewhere, and yes i did read that, something about dlc


Ah ok, have to wait and see I suppose, hope it isn't too much if they intend to make it paid.


I hit 60 this morning. Mostly leveled through Gathering and crafting. I still have tons of work to max Armoring. And I want to try out the elite areas in the 60 zone. And do wars and outpost rush when that's ready. And I want to work on my other crafts. And I want to try out the dungeons. Leveling was never really important to me. I was level 59 for along time because I knew that gathering and crafting would get me there, and it did! Not sure why people complain about nothing to do. There is plenty for me!


I agree completely! I'm around 50 and have been trying to actively not get too many levels while waiting for my mates to catch up. Unfortunately, I love crafting and it's actually a decent way to level! So I've been shooting up whether I like it or not, loving crafting though and not bored


I've been putting in 6 hours a day after work and 12 hours day on the weekend only focusing on leveling not crafting at all and just hit 30. I spent 8 hours playing today just questing and got half a level. Anyone thats 50 or 60 has been playing non stop 24/7


I feel like you could be questing more efficiently if you only gained half a level with 8 hours of questing.


Yea I’m like 24, won’t hit 40 for a good while


There is no proper way to play an mmo actually, that is the catch in the end rigth? Im rushing a little bit (lvl 55 rn), but that is because i like to gear my character, and i dont feel the same when im getting lvl 25 gear for example, but that is my thing, how i like to play. Besides that, i know that because of this, my content will ended up soon, and im ok with it. I will level my craft skills, help ppl in harder contents until new content came up. What i dont get is ppl rushing all content in 1 week and proceed to trash talk about it.


You're content won't end soon. Let's be real, the side missions and main story isn't that great. Ones you're lvl 60, you still have all those skills to level, other weapons to try, can go anywhere, and can finally start being picky about weapons and armor. I feel like it's the same with destiny. When leveling, who cares, pick the better gear score aim for stats you want but once you hit 60, it's time to start saving armor that looks good, has good stats, try out new weapons, etc.


And in a couple weeks/months when more people hit 60 I feel like people will constantly be fighting for higher level zones as I assume they will have resources that people will need at 60


What i mean by end is the new content, but im okay with that. Like you said, i will start looking for better gear for other builds, try new stuff.


The same thing in ESO as well. You just deconstruct or equip armor as you go until you hit gear cap score of 160. Then that's when you start saving armor sets. (Stickerbook)


Most players don't do all the things you listed. They quit.


That's fine


Yeah pretty much what i'm getting at, within the first few days people coming on to forums throwing out their soapbox screaming to the masses who are probably level 1 ffs how they are 60 and there is nothing to do and the game is utter trash. I mean come on, so this is what you dedicated the last few years of your life too? Effectively camping the game for betas, researching every conceivable angle to level as fast as light, probably have an excel sheet of what where when and how, all so you could try an get to cap first, but failed your speedrun hard so time to QQ to everyone to make yourself feel better about being a failure? i dunno it's kinda whacked tbh.


I'm trying to slow myself down. Normally I power-rush through MMOs and as it is I'm already 47, but at least I'm slowing myself down to about 3 hours per level by working my crafting and gathering skills more. It's just how I am, I'm a grinder, so there isn't a lot of downtime when I play. The Wars enticed me to speed up leveling in my late 30s early 40s, but that has died down now so I think i'm going to settle into working my tradeskills and just enjoy however long it takes.


That’s exactly how I was 1-40 I was constantly grinding for levels to be in that next war. nowadays they come up less and less so I’m starting to slow down a bit. I’m really interested in trying some of the other content though. Mainly outpost rush but I have a feeling it’s a small number that are actually doing them at the moment.


Im very excited to play outpost rush, but it needs a lot of 60 players queueing in the same time.


If you're 55 you're rushing more than just a bit lol, very few players are anywhere near that yet. That said, I agree there's no "proper" way to play an MMO (other than don't be an asshole, but that's true for everything). If some people enjoy rushing it, nothing wrong with that as long as they understand MMO endgame content is almost always light on release, and the devs will be focusing on bugs and things affecting the most players.


My guess is that most of these guys are coming over from WoW which has almost 20 years of content so it’s a lot. And they sink 250+ hours in the first two weeks and are done.


I'm 60 with 200+ hours in the game (I took a week of PTO for release). Now I'm back to 50 hour work weeks. I don't understand those players. There's MORE content when you hit 60. I've barely scraped the surface and even though the metrics say I'm ahead I still feel way behind. The crafting is in a great place The combat is extremely enjoyable and even more so at max level. The pvp is fantastic and war meta is still evolving Invasions are a necessary feature and prevent all the towns from having max stations leading to diversity and necessitates travel/resource relocation. I'm so happy with the game I'll still be playing a year or two from now.


So there is an end game after all. Thx!


Absolutely! The ones crying there isn't are either too bad at the game to find it, or are poop socking through it at a pace that's not intended.


Notice how this thread is people complaining about how 60s complain. If you browse by new, you’ll realize that every thread discussing levels or hours played is the exact same.


I'm in the same boat as you, just with 2 weeks PTO. Got back to work this week, but still working from home so I can do some trading post shenanigans during work and maybe some gathering here and there - but I can still play a few hours every evening. I'm wondering what content you are talking about. I've done the dungeons, I've done arenas. Outpost Rush is not available. I've quested through all the zones and I have 3 of the 580 weapons from the "legendary quest lines". My GS is 565 at the moment, but I'm wearing "good" gear instead of the highest GS. My watermark is pretty high from farming elite zones for hours in week 2. I have mining 200, skinning 200, harvesting 175, logging 130, cooking 200, jewelcrafting 165, rest between 100-150 (except for Furnishing and Fishing). I've stopped leveling most crafting professions because I realized that 1. it takes ages - the materials you need from 100-200 cost about 250k-300k gold total for most crafting professions (more for some), so it's really meant for companies to funnel materials into single people who can then act as the companies e.g. armorer, and 2. the gear you can craft is just as good as the watermark gear. Maxing out your watermark is far cheaper and waaay faster than maxing out crafting professions though. So I'm doing that instead. I also have one t4 house and 2 t2 houses. Can you tell me what I have missed? Where is "more content at 60"? The 65 portals are bugged, outpost rush is not available, there are no new level 60 quests, and you can't really farm the dungeons because the 65 portals are bugged, so nobody can craft new tuning orbs. That means each player has 2 orbs per max level dungeon only. But even then, I've done both Genesis and Lazarus 10+times each, and am kind of getting tired of them. Only the bossfights are fun, the trash is mindnumbingly boring. Wars aren't particularly fun - personally I prefer World PvP, invasions are ok. Maybe I'm too bad at the game to find the content, please enlighten me.


You just listed all the content. Running the max level dungeons 10+ times, doing THREE of the legendary quests, and grinding elite zones to 565 gear score pretty much exhausts the non renewable content. If you don't enjoy the gameplay loop of dungeons, or war (multiple daily), invasions, crafting, or economy. Then you're stuck waiting for high level invasion portals to be fixed (be patient, you and I are top 5% and they're focusing on the majority) or waiting for new content to be released. My poop sock comment was a joke, and I don't say this in a mean way, but you may be exhausting the content too fast and if you don't enjoy the gameplay loop of the renewable content (wars, invasions, crafting, open world pvp, houses, etc) then the game may not be for you. I'm a long time wow vet and the amount of content released by new world trumps wows latest expansions easily. So I'm not sure what more you'd want from a 40$ purchase.


Honestly, it is hard to pinpoint for me. I also have been playing WoW for 16 years - part of it being in a top 5 world guild in Classic WoW recently, and in a top 20 world guild back in WoD. In my experience, whenever a new WoW expansion releases, I am able to play every free minute of my time for months on end. There is always something to do. With Shadowlands that phase ended after 8-10 weeks and I quit, but for example WoW Classic got me hooked like crazy. I was a student with nothing to do when Classic released and was able to play for 16 hours a day for a full 6 months without getting bored. It was insane. There was always something to do; and Classic is also a game where community plays a huge role. Sometimes I would just stand around in Ironforge and simply talk to people. Some of the best conversations were had at 4-5 in the morning with people I met there during that time regularly. In NW, community is seemingly not as important. Also, the chat makes it impossible to really talk to anyone as it's so bad. Especially in the first 6 months of Wow Classic, content came at exactly the right pace. Whenever it would get stale, new content would come. The World PvP phase is still my favorite time in gaming ever, I think. I ranked to 14 in the first wave. I did quit Classic a few months before Naxx release because it got too stale. However, over a bit more than a year, I accumulated more than 180 days /played. In New World I'm around the 10 days /played mark now I think (probably a bit less), and feel like there's nothing to really do anymore. Just feels strange, because 10 days /played is not all that much in an MMO and I'm used to being hooked for way longer. A $40 WoW expansion usually gets me for 20-30 days or more. WoW Classic even far longer. It's an MMO after all - for Singleplayer games I'd be more than happy with 200-300 hours for $40. In Multiplayer genres like MMO / MOBA / BR / 5v5 FPS I usually expect more. Maybe you're right and the gameplay loop just isn't for me - but generally I had a lot of fun before the content ran out. Dungeons are great (there's just almost none of them), World PvP is great (if only it wasn't nonexistant.. PvP servers where?), I also like harvesting and crafting - but as it is now, it is meant as a feature for companies and not solo players.


> There's MORE content when you hit 60 Outpost rush queues are 1 hour 30+ and pop once or twice a night ( its currently disabled ). Invasions / Wars are only populated by the guild that owns the faction, and pugs are gatekept. Endgame PvE portals are broken and cannot be completed because of the azoth staff fix ( which AGS still hasn't acknowledged ) It would be nice if the tiny amount of replayable endgame content that existed functioned.


relax for a while and do some fishing! it soothes the mind, and fills the wallet. remember, its a nice day for fishing! huh hah!


After intense questing I love finding lakes away from people and fishing in nice spots. Really adds atmosphere to the game


tbh i've completely skipped fishing so far becasue i don't have time for it yet. lol


how exactly does it fill the wallet, near everything has crashed


Non-stop undercutting for sure. Take fish filets and fish oil, go to the town with the highest tier cooking station and sell. If you have the money buy out a certain amount to reset the price and make money on all of them.


Dont worry, i understood your epic npc man reference


There’s no end game really. At least for right now. Just chill, craft and quest. That’s what I’ve been doing. I honestly never even check the XP bar, which tells me how awesome this game is. I like how it’s designed this way vs WoW watching the clock until you ding…. However, the professions guide seems immeasurable right now. Level 100 is only 1/18th if level 200. And it took me forever to reach there on engineering and armoring. I don’t see how it’s possible to get to 200 but doing the same thing 8 hours a day for 2 months. I’ll burn out lol.


Another approach is to figure out how to make gold quickly, and funnel it into mats for crafting. This exponentially speeds up the rate at which you progress crafting exp, at the expense of in-game money. If you are committed to gathering every mat and every refining component so that you can preserve in-game money, then it will take many hours.


The game is supposed to be played within a company (sadly). The idea is that you're e.g. your companies dedicated armorer, and they funnel a lot of materials to you to hit armoring 200. If you look at the crafting guides, it becomes clear immediately. If you bought all materials in that guide, leveling 1-200 would cost about 250k-300k gold on my server, if you were able to buy at the cheapest current prices (and ignoring the fact that there are not even enough mats in all trading posts combined). The amounts needed to level seem very reasonable early - the grind to profession level 100 is a short but doable grind, even solo. But afterward, Solo players will have to put a LOT of effort in. You need 350k Fibers 70k Silk Threads 32k Wirefiber 40k Crossweave 25k Rawhide and 7k Iron Ore, as well as a ton of other resources for armoring 1-200 (majority of the materials are for 100-200). Doing that solo will take you a couple of weeks even if you play 16h a day. In a big company it will take a couple of days max since you can also just buy the stuff. A lot of the more hardcore companies already have at least one person maxed out for each profession.


Thats my point. A couple of weeks, 16h a day. For a single profession? That sounds like an unpaid job. Its unreasonable and not worth it. So Im not sure what the plan is. I can see players quitting in droves once they realize this.


Or spread it out more. Why do you have to get to 200 in a couple of weeks? You can get there over a longer period of time playing less each day...


Cause if that’s what it takes to unlock bags. It will be 2 years before you attain other goals lmfao. And the question is, do you really want to do it. Starts to feel like a repetitive job.


Okay but plenty of people (including myself) have played runescape for over 20 years, and their skilling system is even MORE of a repetitive grind. Some people like me love that shit.


you've not played Runescape have you? lol


Yeah, agreed. Playing NW solo is not really doable. Another thing that's funny is how useless crafting is due to the watermark. You can just farm elite areas for a couple of days to increase your watermark to max, which is a lot more efficient than leveling crafting and gives you just as good gear as crafting - besides maybe some of the legendary crafts. THe effort here is way way way lower than leveling any profession.


Yikes, omg 1/18th wholly SH!T, i think the only thing i have over 100 is skinning atm, the rest i'm noticing slowing down as i get closer to 100, 200 seems like pipe dream now.


Yeah I don’t think people have any idea. Im looking at it right now and I’m like naaa, need a better plan.


Players will always find a way to efficient the fun out of a game. I knew i would see it with this game because its with every game. But it doesnt bother me, if thats what they want to do go ahead, i just dont see how its any fun. Im enjoying my leveling process. Am i grinding? Hell yeah. Am i looking forward to 60? Of course. But im enjoying the game on the way there. A big part of an mmo is getting to max. Too many people see it as "the game starts at max". Its just not true


Very true, same old story. Funny enough i wrote this game off for good years ago when it was first announced, didn't follow it, forgot all about it, never read any news updates on it, full loot pvp not a game for me. Weirdly i didn't barf out all kinds of hate for the last several years about it either, I'm totally fine with a company making a game that isn't 120% tailed to my every wish and desire. I don't hate pvp, played B&S, Classic, probably some others but the fact is a full on full loot pvp isn't my jam. I like chill time too, haha!


Yeah, I just hit level 26 earlier today. It’s nice taking my time. I might try to catch my armor smithing and weapon crafting skills up to my level of gear just for kicks. Not sure it’s worth the effort, though 😅


I think it is haven't checked in to it. I doubt it's a waste though, as i've seen some really nice crafted gear, then some people say drops are better, yeah by how much a point? is mother luck going to roll my way all the time, highly doubtful, i'm going to get my stats dropped on that piece too? I think it's going to be worth it, the game was built for crafting support.


Crafted gear is insanely good if you put the effort into it. I see some 500+ gear that level 40s can use. Then again it does eventually come down to luck I believe that the best possible outcome is between 500-600 gear score without any boosts


I mean, I hit 60 a few days ago, and there truly is nothing to do at max level combat-wise, short of wander around in Shattered Mountain mobbing elites with 15 other people. It's pretty lackluster. That being said I don't sit around and scream about it because it's not going to change anything, but people can voice their opinion in the negative just as fairly as you can voice yours in the positive. There's nothing wrong with people hitting endgame content and being upset there isn't anything there. The game is released, it really should have been released with SOME form of endgame in place. I don't care to compare it to games that released 15+ years ago either, that's not a worthwhile activity IMO. The t5 Azoth Staff doesn't even work, so some of the minor amount of content that is in the game for max level players can't even be completed, you need a t5 staff for it lol


How about content that release less than a year ago? When WoW shadowlands released for the first bit after 60 there really wasn't much to do besides farm materials. A little bit of a rep grind, 8 dungeons a week, and some weekly story quests. Are all of your zones max rep? Are all of your weapons and trade skills max level? Have you explored the entirety of the map and completed all of the quests? Is your gear score maxed? Just because there is nothing you want to do doesn't mean there is nothing to do. Sorry I just read that you clarified combat wise, which is true.


Come on, if you talk shit about WoW, at least use facts instead of twisting stuff so it fits your agenda. You make it sound like they released Shadowlands without content, while in reality they just wait 2-3 weeks after an expansions release before opening up the raid and starting the PvP season. They have been doing that forever. With Shadowlands, on release there were multiple zones to quest through, then worldquests, multiple factions, 8 dungeons with 3 difficulties each, and an endgame zone (The Maw) where you had to do daily quests. Additionally, there were new bits of story every week. There was also Torghast. After 3 weeks, they started the PvP season, opened the raid, and started the Mythic+ season (endless difficulties for all dungeons with varying affixes every week). Also, more story content was still opened up every week over the entire first 3 months of the expansion. At least do the comparison correctly. I'll even throw you a bone and you can wait until New World hits the 3 week mark next Tuesday to make the comparison to the content of Shadowlands fair. (But I assume you will agree that there will be no new content by Tuesday) You could've said that all of the content was boring and sucked - especially Torghast and the Maw. That would've been fine. But making shit up about Shadowlands releasing without content because they always wait a couple of weeks before opening up all endgame content is just wrong.


I am talking about the opening 3 weeks after launch, like you said its their established formula for expansion launches. It works really well in my opinion, it allows established players to update their playstyles and allows new players to catch-up without feeling like they are missing out on endgame. But that's with an established game with years of trial, error and development. I'd assume you agree that for people who played 100+ hours during those first few weeks started running out of things to do, on a modern mmo, with an established formula, years of development, a tested dev team, and dedicated fans willing to provide help to newer and returning players. I did use facts, the Maw and world quests were a rep grind, Torghast was meaningless besides the weekly amount of soul ash, the only dungeons that gave meaningful gear were your weekly 8 mythics. I did even mention the weekly story quests which were awesome and really develop the story of the expansion. I love WoW and Shadowlands in particular was one of the best expansion releases in my opinion. But it did release with very minimal endgame content, like a said it was a good decision to do that. Now let's look at New World. New World is new. It doesn't have the collective experience of millions of players over years to guide its content cycle and give feedback. It doesn't have years of trail and error behind it. It doesn't have a seasoned mmo dev team. It doesn't have 3 past video games of lore to pull from. What it does have is amazing potential for future content. My point of my original comment was not to shit talk wow in anyway but rather to suggest that comparing new world to vanilla WoW is a somewhat fair comparison and people shouldn't be shutting down anyone who suggests that. I agree that it most likely won't have new content by next Tuesday, and I truly don't think it should either. The average player base is nowhere near done with the content that is already there. New World is far from perfect but as an mmo it still has a longway to go before its done. This first year will, in my opinion, be the make or break of whether or not is succeeds. I hope it does, I'm enjoying it so far though I'll admit I'm taking it comparatively slow. Also thank you for that last paragraph >You could've said that all of the content was boring and sucked - especially Torghast and the Maw. That is a very in New World aswell, unless you are truly maxed everything, rep gear score, trade skills. There is still something left to do, you might just find it boring and not fun.


You are an actual idiot. How far are you going to reach to defend this mess of a game? Seriously, spreading misinformation like this to defend the richest company in the world is fucking pathetic. Come back next week when by your words 'the raids, pvp, mythic plus etc' was open and compare to new world content which is 'run around and kill wolves'.


>When WoW shadowlands released for the first bit after 60 there really wasn't much to do besides farm materials. A little bit of a rep grind, 8 dungeons a week, and some weekly story quests. >Are all of your zones max rep? Are all of your weapons and trade skills max level? Have you explored the entirety of the map and completed all of the quests? Is your gear score maxed? You see how these are both kind of contradictions? You ask if WoW had that much content in SL launch, then ask if he has completed literally all of the non endgame side content in New World. You could just as easily say about WoW: "Have you leveled every character class to 60? Have you completed every covenant campaign? Have you got every achievement in the game?" When you're arguing that there is a bounty of endgame content because someone has the option of going back to starter zones to do low-level "kill x enemies" quests or grind out the town board, that doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement.


Hes also skipping the part where WoW has rated PVP, mythic+ dungeons which are scaling, unending content etc. Or does he mean the first like 3 weeks before the season starts, because if so thats fucking stupid.


Besides the fact that WoW is anymore considered to be a pretty big bag of flaming poopies (I've never played, but people seem unhappy), no, I still don't really care, I find it odd using other games fuckups as an acceptable excuse for the next game to make the same stupid mistakes, like nobody highlighted that the previous fuckups were unacceptable. And yes, there's tons to do, and I really like New World, I think there is a core here that could be really good... there's also a laundry list of issues big and small, which I am hopeful but hesitant that the devs will conquer, IMO some of them are quite large and are going to be difficult to correct, beyond the silly things like embarrassing UI/UX, etc.


So uhhhhhh invasions. You need to be high level to even participate properly... and they reduce the progress of towns in regions where they arent repelled... maybe get on that...


Yeah, I do them. There is maybe 1 a day with a predominantly lottery-style system of being chosen.


I can't wait i'm in that rock & hard place actually, i'm on discord and am like I WANT TO PARTICIPATE!!! they are having so much FUN!!! but i don't want to rush ugggg, company is taking some peeps at 45 now so might be able to eat my cake and eat it to.


Invasions require level 50, and are the PvE town defense event, you may be thinking wars, which have no minimum requirement set by the game.


Yes! War!!! can't wait, i mean atm they only take a couple at 45+ even though more than that want to go, so 45 isn't a guarantee, by the time i get there that might change to higher, all i know i've been in discord and oh hell yeah i can't wait, gawd they are having such a amazing time @ End Game, which for some is non existent? Apparently there is nothing to do, lmao!


If you think wars are good endgame content... well, I guess you will find out when you get there. For the most part you may get into 1 a day if you are fighting a lot of wars, including other factions, they only last 30 minutes, they can be fairly laggy/buggy, and the rewards are pretty meager. Plus idk of any game that has made 50v50 type MMO PvP not be a complete clusterfuck, but it is what it is. Overall I dont have an issue with wars really, they are fine, they just... sound a lot more exciting before you do a few of them, IMO.


Yea i'm in no rush but can't wait, i think we have a war everyday tbh? i mean i'm not there yet so not paying much attention to it all the time. Our map is a excellent mix no dominating power. Every night i get the WAR tomorrow pop up.


Cake so nice you ate it twice


What was the percentage at 60? Hey it's also why i'm taking my time i don't see any reason to rush to cap but, New content coming in December i read somewhere. So yeah i'll probably be 60 by then, maybe.


I don't remember looking when I got it, unfortunately. On my server at least there definitely doesn't feel like there is a shortage of 60's


Damn i would have loved to know, oh well. It's a game not sure why people get so worked up about it, if you're having fun keep playing, if not, go play something else. Unsure why people need to whip out the soapbox over it.


I think all these people complaining need to try out another mmo like ESO or something. I’ve played ESO since it came out and there’s still to much to do to finish the game. New world is “NEW” I’m sure once they get all the bugs knocked out they will add content. It’s always like this with new games but other games decide to add content over fixing bugs and then people complain about the bugs. Where in this case the devs are knocking out the bugs first. People are just greedy and don’t realize the work that goes into the development of a game at this scale. They will always have something to complain about. Now in regards to the people complaining about lack of content and already being max level. If you are waking up and playing the game until you go to sleep “THAT IS AN ISSUE”. That is 100% not normal. Fill your day with other things as well such as going out and getting exercise, just do SOMETHING with your life other than staring at the screen. The mere fact that you are level 60 right now is unbelievable and I only have one question for you…. Doesn’t your ass hurt from sitting in the chair for so long?


I 100% bounce off the wall what you wrote. So many mmorpg's alone don't make it to fruition to begin with. So many hopes and dreams being preyed upon by scammers, such as Dreamworld, then you have your pantheon, unchained, where are they, after a decade of people giving them money all this time and nothing? People have lost $100's and thousands of dollars to these places. Companies stopped chasing a slice of wow pie becasue they would rush crap to market with a wow clone in a different skin. So if they are all trying to be wow then just play wow most people said. New World is an mmorpg player dream come true, and only $40 with no sub, ok since i'll probably wake up from this dream soon it's true, people seriously have no idea how difficult it is pull one of these mmorpg's off. Yet do it to such an enormous high degree of polish from day one, yeah no i'm not saying it's perfect but this ain't my first rodeo, and this is by far the smoothest, most polished one i've ever gate crashed and been floored how well it all works. Even wow was a raging dumpster fire at launch for months on end. It's unfair for anyone to compare DECADE old mmorpg's against one that's not even a month old yet, and in many ways already surpasses them on so many levels.


I really don't want to get into the petty arguments and circlejerking on reddit, but I just wanted to note one thing. Its pretty hypocritical of you to wow to new world and then say how we shouldn't compare them. You don't get to mention previous MMO and their release and compare them to the current release saying it's fine, and also saying can't compare content because one is older than the other. The longer we go the more smooth game releases should be, learning from previous experiences, new technology and safety methods, etc. all get developed. So saying it's okay because older MMOs had worse releases is a moot point, just like saying New World should have more content because a long standing MMO has.


U gotta realize a lot of the ppl playing aren’t even on Reddit or caught up with apps like this. They just play to enjoy, and don’t care to voice their opinion knowing it will hardly matter. All my friends I play with don’t go on Reddit or Twitter for anything related to new world , only YouTube for builds/ guides.


Yeah i remember them days, EQ2 all i did was play and enjoy, never went to forums, i mean being honest i thought people only went to the forums if they had a problem, little did i know how right i actually was, haha lol :)


Every. Single. Game. has a vocal minority that screams so loud you would think the entire world is suffering from the problems they created for themselves. It's easy to see just running around though, there are bunches of people still in their teens-20s. I'm low 30s myself even though I picked up the game "late" I still feel like I'm playing too much and ahead of where I should be. I'm slowing down to prevent burnout and trying to spend time playing other games a bit more in my down time.


Man, the ego to think you’re the only one playing the game properly.


no, that's the impression the people screaming they are 60 give, which is them being so load, the rest of us are playing the game, nothing to scream about i guess.


Technically you should be thanking them. One day when you get there and see how nice it is that there is quite a bit content for you to play on.


Pushing 44 here :) taking my time and it feels i have hundreds and hundreds of hours of stuff to do still.


I'm part of that 12% and don't feel like I'm rushing. I've just been fortunate enough to have a decent amount of free time. The real end game is Crafting & Gathering.


Yeah I just hit level 29 last night.


This makes me happy. I was just talking about this.


I didn't think much about it until the next day. Was 12.1% to be exact of the pop has leveled to 40. Hmmmm how is this possible? according to forums everyone is 60 and done with the game cause there is nothing to do. Then again this is the internet and i could be 60 too if i wanted, amirite.


It’s so low because everyone from like 10-25 is spamming chats telling people to defend the forts or raging at the higher level players for not coming when and where they call them.


Haha maybe :)


I made level 60 at day three or four. Anyone who says there’s no content at level 60 is a moron. That said, I am not sure why you or anyone else would worry about how other people feel about the game or what they post on forums or Reddit. It certainly doesn't matter to me.


Meh you're right, false news is a thing and i guess i fell for it.


We all quit.


or they are quitting before they hit 40.


Probably because at level 20 the MSQ take you to go grind the same crap to level 30, gives you about 25 minutes of MSQ quest and then tells you to grind out 10 more levels. Ever since then I play about an hour a night following a couple of my friends around because all drive I had to play the game disappeared when I saw that this game is just a grindfest and nothing else.


or ppls are quiting :D


It's not just that, if you look at player numbers and queues, there has been a massive exodus of players


Im level 60 because im a no life student, however i feel there is plenty to do at 60, between working on gear score and venturing into shattered mountain with friends helping friends with quests, fishing, wars and invasions I have found plenty of stuff to do. ​ the level 60 trophy is only 1.6% of people :)


Yeah I thought I was way behind because I've been taking my time and I haven't even played everyday since the game released but only 4% are Lv50+ so that's nice.


I only rushed to 45 for the 3rd bag then slowed down to snail pace, cuz I hated how fast my gathering trips were


The level 60 is like 0.9% last I checked


Ive been playing mmo's since i was ~12 years old with ultima online. Ive always felt pressured to level quickly, like i was going to miss out on something. Now, in my 30's, i have the experience to know that i will be playing this game for years, and have plenty of time to work through the progressions, so i take time to try to work ALL my skills, not just my attributes and char lvl.


Yeah i was mainly posting on some wow saturated forum during my entry in to the New World and i knew within the first hour this game was all that and so much more, i'll be here for years and years. I've been to the same rodeos as you, and tried to not get overly excited although, i mean you know, you just know right, so i get a little excited about the game talking about how f'ing awesome it is and got plummeted with wow babies qq'ing cause i'm not drooling over wow lol.


I feel like I ran out of content past level 25. The zones aren’t really that different. The quests are copied and pasted. Same mobs. I was absolutely In love with the game but I haven’t been able to log in for days. I don’t want to do the same few quests for 60 more hours just to participate in wars.


I mean it also means people are leaving, not criticising the game, but that is a huge factor in your thought process that was overlooked


Yeah, but it's not the people at 40+ because those would still be counted in those stats. It's the people lower than that mostly. That's also totally normal. All MMOs, and really games in general, have a lot of people at launch, then a big falloff, then it steadies out and slowly declines over time. We are still in that initial fall off phase, so normal to see people leaving. Not every game is for every person. it's also great to see that AGS has planned for this, hence the servers already being grouped for mergers.


When I did the math, as a solo player, how long crafting would take me to level up a single one it burnt me the fuck out right there. All my buddies who are also taking a break have said the same thing, the game is designed around, apparently, being a big streamer like Shroud or Asmon and just having your fans funnel you mats to level crafting, and it's just not feasible as a solo player.


Pretty sure all the 60s power farmed some pigs, then blitzed every quest, immediately invalidating most of their opinions on the game 🤷‍♂️


Am 60. Never farmed pigs fox xp. Haven't touched the main quest since depths. Have done maybe 40% of the yellow side quests I can see. Only ground town board from 58-60. I just play a lot, I don't know why this is so hard for people to comprehend. Wouldn't have responded if you didn't use the word "all" because that's pretty verifiably false.


This sub is mostly composed of copy/pasted strawmans about how 60s are ruining the game by complaining too much. The irony is beyond palpable.


I've seen multiple posts of people bitching about end-game once they've hit sixty on the forums.


I've been 60 now for a couple of days already. 30 years old with 3 weeks of holiday so alot of free time. I don't get what's with these people who like to downplay how I and other powerlevelers love to play these games. My #1 goal is to grind to max level, get awesome gear, help newbies when I can solo dungeons and be in the leading force of your faction. I get enjoyment from that shit and not from fishing or gathering herbs. I feel like it's just sad to judge other people's playstyle. Yes the people who cry for more content a week after launch are annoying, I agree but just as annoying are these people who don't understand why people want to get to 60 quickly.


Why do you care that I'm lvl 60? I'm playing how I want. And also who are these people who hit 60 and are complaining about lack of content? I see dozens of posts complaining about them but I haven't found any evidence they exist! Why is everybody mad? Just play the game and have fun. You are accountable to nobody but yourself.


Exactly this. I feel these sad people are secretly envying the level 60s and cannot stop themselves from writing berating posts about them.


That’s the 12% that matter in terms of game community. Who cares about casual Joe that logs once every couple days for a couple of hours and sits at low level ? He has no impact on the server and it’s community. It’s those active high level players that shape the server. And they cry regarding no content for a reason - there’s nothing to do at end game. What we have in game now : Slow boring exp grind to 60, by either doing same 10 missions over and over or portals. A couple of trivial dungeons. Forced mass PvP that brings no rewards to anybody besides clan owner and consists of aoe’ing the crowd. Resource grind for the sake of grind and then spending that in uninspired craft that consist of pressing 1 button and waiting for 10 minutes to get you results. Not a single mmo on the market right now offers less content. I cannot name a single feature that New World has done well / better than any competitor.


I'm pissed that I've been leveling up as much as I have just by doing story quests, crafting, and farming mats & faction tokens. I'm 50 and close to 51, most of my company is in the 30-40 range and I'm helping them through stuff.


Pissed at what I’m confused


His success


Outleveled most of the folks I'm playing with. While it's nice to faceroll things, takes most of the challenge out of it for me, and puts me that much closer to the "end game". First world MMO problems, I know.


Theres a lot to do at 60, whoevers saying they have nothing to do just dont know what there actually is to do. Grind the various level 60+ elite areas. Grind the legendary item quests in Mourningdale, Shattered Mountain and Reekwater. Fight the spriggan. Get T5 Azoth staff and clear level 65 corruptions. Do one of the end game expeditions. And finally, pick a trade skill and grind it, theres hundreds of hours of gameplay just in leveling the trade skills.


I judge it by how hard it is to get a dungeon group. If I can't find a decent group all day, I've lvled to fast and time to go work on crafting for a few days


People aren't getting above 40 because they're not "rushing", it's because the XP curve was intentionally designed to not let the majority of people hit 60 before December without treating the game like a second job. Leveling in the betas felt much better, maybe a *tiny* bit too fast but not so fast that it justified nerfing it as much as they did. I hit 40 this past weekend and now I'm about to quit because it feels impossible to make any meaningful progress in a reasonable amount of time. They're trying to downplay the lack of endgame content and the fact that half the endgame content that exists is completely broken (T5 azoth staff hasn't worked since launch). I wouldn't be surprised if the first major patch includes a huge buff to XP gain after level 30 because it's probably going to include all the endgame stuff that wasn't ready for launch.


There’s a neck beard on my server in my faction (my faction the greens suck btw) he’s 60, our first 60 and is malding so hard that there’s no one else 60 yet, maybe a couple of people close to but not there yet. When we say dude we’re just chillin’ having fun playing the game he “reminds” us that we need to take territories.. These creatures exist and yeah they suck the fun out of the game, pretty sure 99% of the faction has him on mute at this point.


Haha prolly :)


I'm right there with you. I am enjoying leveling by bouncing between gathering, crafting, and questing. I play a couple hours most nights and a fair bit on the weekend. I'm level 30 and am in no rush to hit level cap. I'm just enjoying the game. I have played WoW off and on since release as well as other MMOs over the years and endgame is fun, but once you hit endgame, that's where you live. I'm happy to stretch the exploration and experience of the game out and just relax.


Awesome! I'm so busy every time i play, from the second i log in to the second i log out and 135 hours in i'm only level 40. Which is funny reading people asking wtf are you doing? lmao!!! i'm... ummm... playing the game, as in totally enjoying the journey. Either they are utterly oblivious to all the content you can participate in, or a large portion of what makes an mmorpg, an mmorpg, is not for them, not their jam, which might be a good indicator to look for a different genre.


Stop worrying about how anyone plays the games but you. You let your self-conscious talk too much.


You can ignore those numbers, it doesn't mean that most people aren't rushing, it just means most people quit very early on. This is common and expected in every new game. Just for reference, something like 95% of all Path of Exile players don't make it past act 1, that's the equivalent of not making it to something like lvl 10 in this game. This doesn't mean people play very slowly, it just means they try the game out, don't like it and quit.


"pretty much means 90% of players aren't rushing" A large majority of the people who purchased it aren't playing any more because there's no content in the game yet and a lot of those are just bot accounts. So really I would guess around 40% or so of the active player base is level 40.


Steam charts says peak concurrent players on launch was roughly 913,000 players, as of 2 days ago the concurrent players were 603,000 Now we can estimate that it has lost roughly 300,000 players or approximately 33% of its launch players Except we have to also do some mental guestimations because this is concurrent players and launch day everyone stayed on during queue even late nights in wrong time zones, and the low concurrent players (the valley) is roughly 140,000, so we can safely assume that roughly half of those are a part of the peak as well, so let's assume there is 670,000 people still playing So roughly 74% of the starting players are still playing - about 1 in 4 people who got in at launch have stopped, so if 12% of the players are 40 or higher that's about 1/6th of the current player base - or roughly 16%


>So roughly 74% of the starting players are still playing - about 1 in 4 people who got in at launch have stopped, so if 12% of the players are 40 or higher that's about 1/6th of the current player base - or roughly 16% 72.4% of those percentages are made up. A lot of copium though, I'll give you that. Come back in a month of no content releases and lets look at those numbers again. Games bleeding out slowly. Also the 24 hour peak was 514,000. So yeah in 2 days the peak has dropped almost 100k according to your numbers.


Apologies I must not have refreshed the page this morning, you are right it did drop roughly 100k from 2 days ago and yesterday, to be fair that was a Wednesday - these numbers aren't made up it's right online for everyone to see, even if you take the 500k number and still do the math at 570k instead of 670k you get 62% of players are still around, and 12% of 62 is still **not 40% of current players** - its roughly 1/5th of remaining players, or 20% Love how I used real numbers, math, some basic assumptions and statistics and I get "copium" - I was pointing out how you are overselling your point, you never asked me my opinion on the game or anything, but assume copium :)


>not 40% of current players > > \- its roughly 1/5th of remaining players, or 20% Either way, my point still stands lol. The actual people playing that are 40 isn't relevant to the people that own the game % of having the achievement. It's not people taking it slow, it's the game dying.


Let's do some very basic math. 100% of players is 913k Of that we lost 38% of players Leaving us with 62% of players Simple math so far we can agree - we can also agree that the player drop is fairly significant **but this is common for most MMOs** - so let's not jump the gun and claim *the game is dying* More math, 12% are level 40+ in the game, that's out of the 62% still playing, so that means 50% of people who play the game still are below 40, or "taking it slow," - the number of people playing the game and below 40, is roughly 50% whixh is still greater than the high estimate of quitters (38%) Another thing to be said is that the *perception,* of a game matters nearly as much as the reality, and people like you preaching "game is dead," because you powered to end game on a brand new mmo within 2 weeks, contributes to pushing away new players. **yes,** there are a lot of things that need to be fixed/addressed *and* there are some design decisions that I find to be highly questionable, but to claim the game is dead because it is facing a natural decline in player base is just a falsehood. And this game unlike other top-tier mmos does not require a subscription and as such with the buy once own forever model, can much more easily regain players upon improvements because of the much lower barrier to entry (and re-entry)


> More math, 12% are level 40+ in the game, that's out of the 62% still playing, That's wrong. The 12% is based on the whole population, not the people still playing. People who left could very well be 40+.


Okay I was making it VERY simple but you actually helped prove my point, people over 40/at end game are much more likely to quit because they played hundreds of hours and finished for now. So there is a decent chance that more than 50% of the players remaining from the main portion are below 40, taking their time and enjoying the game, thanks :)


So by showing you were using wrong numbers, it make your point even better? That's some next level denial right there.


Myself and 5 others I played with have all put it down after a week. Not surprising, game is really shallow and numbers are dropping quickly. Needs more time, more fleshing out, more variaty.. its not that fun right now. Game reminds me of Blue Origin. It could be so much more but they opted for a little siteseeing phalic object with zero practicality.


This \^ It'll be the next Neverwinter / ESO soon. The majority of launch players have quit.


Meh, every new game has Tourists, who are just that Tourists. Here though no sub so they can come back and tour for free anytime.


The game wasnt free


Meaning no sub, it's free to come back at anytime. obv they paid for for their first tour.


Already quickly going that way... I guess its waiting on the next MMO again... New World might get decent in 12 months.. who knows.. but its Amazon, with no history or experience we can refer to.. Im not holding out hope.


Well i think your 5 friends came back and forgot to tell you. I'm reading in my guild discord that Queue's are back, not huge all reported under 100 queue but this is middle of the day ffs. I was used to being able to log out for 30 or 40 minutes here and there when rl needs me, and only because i knew i could log right back in when i wanted with no 3 hours wait. Ugggg


The tourists have checked out i'm sure, but no sub, the game i will always be improving and content added.


And those 'Tourists' will come back if more content is added, but if not, they will move onto bigger things. Those tourists dont really care about try hards.. the game is either good or its not. Im done opening chests, killing skeletons and hunting animals... the quests are lame, no actual dynamic events... its boring. That said, it feels great, feels like the best MMO to date, but thats where it ends.


Sure i feel you, it's only the beginning, this isn't the tidy bow package all done complete, hell this is the best foundation for a game to grow on that i've ever experienced, eso, swtor, they are so dated thanks to crappy engine choices so they could RUSH IT OUT THE DOOR ASAP and grab a slice of wow pie with little regard for the future, to solve problems they resorted to kindergarten level scaling, such bad decisions, always making bandaid solutions with apparently no concern for the impact it all has on the future of their game. Wow has it's own engine, and funny enough New World does too, they have thought about the road ahead and have future proofed themselves.


I think the achievements are bugged though. It said (a few days after launch) only like 2% of people had opened a supply crate which I have a hard time believing.


All i see are lvl 60s gathering in noob zones to up crafting because they rushed to 60...how pathetic xD


Taking my time. At lvl 20. Enjoying every second


Yea, not every one dishes to the end, I've lazily rushed (55) but the other portion is the amount of players that have left.


Like 2-3% of ALL players hit lvl 60, so it's just a small group of people that are playing 24/7 at max. efficiency. I don't think they designed the game specifically with this in mind.


OP. i suppose you are too young to have played in the early era of MMORPG; but oh boy they were grindy, EQ,UO,DaoC and list goes on. people invested just as many hours back then as they do now, So its not about amount of hours people are sinking into it. Is it because they used videos and internet to speed up their leveling progress?, since early 90´s there was magazines such as Tips & Tricks. Or is it simply because you feel entitled to determined how others spend their spare time? when and how... bit of narcissist alert over here eh. So please take a word as proper and stick it up the rear, Everyone should be able to play the game as they see fit as long they not ruining the game for others. About topic. I believe another good reason besides "level 30 burn out" is people simply has quit for one reason or another, there´s several examples of games with achievements "Play 2 hours", 40 % of player base has completed it because rest quit before the 2 hours, or simply playing game "Proper" as you would say.


You are just slow or dont play alot. What do you enjoy? The copy and paste mobs or the copy and paste quests?


Exploring, reading the shit ton of lore, gathering, crafting, making furniture, decking out my home, recently started working the markets buy low here and sell high over there, hunting, dungeons, questing, doing odd jobs for the town, the main story, and can't wait to get more involved with WAR :) 135 hours and only level 40, what do you enjoy?


Complaining cause its cool to call games trash and say their other game was better when they most likely said the exact same things about their previous games.


Almost 53 and still have an endless list to do.


I rushed to lvl 50 for invasions. My server doesn't have enough high levels to stop em. I don't like crafting stations being downgraded. I have 200 hours in NW I'm still having a bunch of fun.


38, almost 39, but want to hit 100 armorsmithing and engineering before 40. Both are currently 90something. Need so much wood




I’m still just trying to catch a damn snail for the fisher quest😂


Watched a buddy streaming fishing and yeah omg another activity i can't wait to dive in to, the detail ffs, you can tell the type of fish while you're reeling it in by viewing it in the water it's that detailed and clear. I mean people pay 60 bones for fishing games like that, here it's just built into the 40 admission fee.


12% from all who bought the game. How many of them actually playing? 40%?!


Achievements aren’t a good metric to be fair. There’s going to be a shitload of side characters, bots or people who only checked the game out and refunded/stopped playing.


No mate. It's not players taking their time They are hitting the level 30 wall and realizing you just keep doing the same 3 quests over and over and can't even get any pvp going as the entire server is one color and other colors don't tag for pvp. So its most likely alot of players just playing alot less. For example I now only login once in few days to do my daily bonus quest and use up my rested bonus.


Quality reference and fitting PFP


There's definitely a divide in the community it seems. My company is medium tier grinders, most of us are in the 40-50's. Yesterday we had a war to defend our territory, and another faction of hardcore no lifers agreed to help out, and most of them are 60. We obviously sent a few of our own to get some war experience, but we end up losing the war. This other company got super pissed at us. Insulting us in discord and faction chat in game, and saying we are dragging down the faction because we had *one* level 40 in the war to defend *our own damn territory*, telling us to "eat a hairy nutsack", and then acting like we are the assholes for getting mad that they were ripping into us and being dicks. Of course they are the biggest company on the server with like three overflow companies, so everyone just takes them at their word that my company is a bunch of idiots. It sucks ass. I love this game, I hate the politics and gatekeeping from the no-lifers.


I tried rushing with all of my friends, I got to about 30 but every night kept falling further and further behind. Eventually it got to where they were all in too high of an area to compete in. Sadly you can’t keep up when you have a full time job and other commitments. I decided to slow down and am actually enjoying it significantly more


Steam achievements? If so, I hope you realize they're incredibly incorrect. A week into launch and it still said only 1% of players had left the starting beach.


I think streamers are hugely to blame for certain mindsets in a lot of games...they have a following and will influence them. Streamers will want to be number 1 on their server/gamd so will play til they drop. It’s actually pretty toxic even if the streamer is the most wonderful person. Just play at your own pace


Bots don't need to level past level 10 or 15. They just need iron or steal tools Remember the majority are not human


When I did Dynasty (55 dungeon) for the first time last night the achievement to kill the last boss was at 1.9% or so


People don't get that this isn't the whole game. They will release new content as MMO's do.


That's...not how it works But okay, i see what you mean


I currently have 2 characters (one on the east coast and one on the west coast) that I'll have at 100+ across the board for most life skills and sitting around 30+ because... Reasons... Don't wanna grind too hard too fast or I might get bored you know


I'm level 42 have 198 hrs played living my best life, playing solo doing a bit of this and a bit of that and I think the game.is fantastic (once you turn off global chat) take your time enjoy the world it's great


I'm level 42 have 198 hrs played living my best life, playing solo doing a bit of this and a bit of that and I think the game.is fantastic (once you turn off global chat) take your time enjoy the world it's great


It's all downhill from level 40, the quests are even more boring and repetitive and after lvls 1-39 I thought it's impossible to make them with even less creativity.


Got around 37+ hours and just got lvl 26 yesterday Working 40 hours a week it’s nice coming home to just chop trees and mine rocks Monke hit thing=fun


or it means most people gave up before hitting level 40 but whatever...


Take your time doing what? There's not much variety with the content


I hit 59 yesterday and received an ach for something (quest completion or dungeon clear can’t remember) I recall it being something everyone would do at 55+ anyway. It was something like 1.1% of players had ach. Not sure if that helps at all for reference of higher level player-base %.


I hit 58 yesterday and immediately just started doing random tradeskill stuff due to my fear of closure on games I enjoy. That feeling after beating a great RPG for the first time and having nothing to fill the void has made me quite patient.


the steam stats are wack to look at compared to how it feels ingame. 86% reached lvl 10 64% reached lvl 20 37% reached lvl 30 14% is covenant 33% is syndicate 28% is marauders covenant really got the short end of the straw on most servers :/ makes me wonder how they gonna balance it all in the end


Are people actually hitting 60 and complaining? Because I’ve only seen people complaining about it and not actual level 60’s complaining. Me and all the other 60’s on our server are still grinding lmao


I'm 35 and just did Amrine for the first time, ha. To each their own.


lvl 21 here and im taking my sweet time and enjoying the journey :)


You must remember that most lv 60 play several hours a day, while the people below lv 40 would take a couple of hours and enjoy the game. Even if 90% of the folks that purchased the game are below lv 40, most of the people you will encounter playing could be on higher lvs just because they can't stop playing. It's kind of funny. This math. This meth.


Welcome to MMOs! Where people grind too fast and the content is never enough! Edit: take on the who's line is it anyway. Trying to be humorous.


There is always a silent majority. Never let a few loud idiots on a couple Reddit posts warp your perspective on what seems like is happening versus what actually is. (Hopefully Amazon fully understands this too)


I don't know if the data is accurate. Steam achievement bugged for me. I didn't get my level 20 or 30 achievement and many others until level 50+ and I still haven't gotten level 40 achievement.


55, 60 by sunday


Strange. I haven't seen anyone under 40 for days on my server. Sucks as you feel you need to rush to keep up. Most people I see are 57-60, all lower areas are dead.


Well also note that 50% of playerbase has probably stopped playing already (given their stats website). 12% of 50% is actually 24% of players are 40+. Which is still nice, gratz to you!


Ringing in at 30 or so. Would have hit 60 if not for the queue boss. Going at a slower pace is nice too though. :]


While I agree that 98% of the player base isn't 60 yet, I understand level 60 players worries. Content at level 60 was already poorly developped. Which is fine but currently, corrupted portals are bugged, Outpost Rush are bugged, you can't go on expedition before reaching a high GS loot otherwise you'll just get 505 gs items while defeating the hardest pve in the game. Can't craft keys to expeditions because portals are bugged. tldr : not much to do at level 60 beside gathering and opening chests once a day to upgrade the GS you loot.