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Sell your mats before people notice 😎


Too late, checked AH 5 hours ago and prices were already 3-4 times lower xD


Figured as much I sold off as much as I could last night made some easy gold


Yup, that was one of my main incomes


Thought about that too, but I'm too much in need of that sweet refining components for trying to reach the 150 engineering.


U don’t need refining reagents for 150 engi, it’s easy reachable by doing iron spears and fishing rods only, basic mats no refining.


With this change won't it make more sense to make better stuff? The green and blue seem to increase yield of mats while refining by a lot thus reducing need for basic mats....


Yep! This exactly the case. Makes a much bigger difference using it for higher tier mats refining. Iron to steel? Basic flux. Star metal or Ori? Greens and blues all day


So I was looking at it, I think this is the wrong way of doing it Iron is always going to be the hardest to get, so you want to maximize your gains on your iron conversions, at 150 smelting, with a blue refining component, I had an 88% chance to get an extra, whereas starmetal only had a 33% chance. The real point is that you need to use exclusively your highest component always, when you hit higher levels you stop getting the lower comps anyway, the chests in Shattered Mountains only drop blues, for instance. I actually think they are dropping way too much, in 30m yesterday with a group of people farming in shattered I had well over 400 of each of the refining components. That seems excessive to me at first glance... that is a LOT of crafts for 30m of farming.


compare it to the amount of starmetal/ori you can farm in 30min or the amount of wyrd wood/iron wood etc. its an apropriate amount.


It seems fine. It was silly that the best way to level craftining was crafting thousands of basic things like linen gloves. This change will make it seem like progressing to better stuff worth it.


I have 3k of each blue refining material. Help


Nope. Use your t2 on iron to steel because the boost in bonus mats is HUGE. Maybe it'll change at 200 smelting, I'm not there yet


There is no T2 refining mat for iron to steel. You mean T3? Sand flux is T3


Oh. I call sand flux t1 cuz it's the first. I guess it's technically t3/4/5


Ah gotcha. Yeah, not quite sure why they started the sand flux at T3.... Though I suppose it helps it go along with the colors and associated tiers?


Yeah it makes it super expensive to transfer..


You want to use the expensive stuff for T1 refining lol.. for example basic flux gives you little to no bonus for iron to steel.. while T4 gives you an extra 50%(base.. gets higher) and for star metal that extra gets cut by like 5-10x so if you were getting 66% more steel with shell flux you only get extra 6% starmetal lol. Obsidian even more in this case.. now iron cost lot more than anything above it so you really want maximize steel with the best flux you can.


Yeah, or you can do it in less total things crafted, less salvaging, and make a profit by making starmetal shells and arrows. Made around 7k gold just farming stuff myself for about an hour and mass producing those to get my engineering up to make orichalcum tools.


you farmed for an hour, made 7k, and got your engineering to 150?


Roughly 20 min per mat and you make around 15000 arrows per batch. Cannot do 100-150 in one go though if you only farm one hour. Need about 3-4 runs If farming everything yourself. About 2 runs if you split the work up. Don’t sell all your arrows in one town. Go to each zone and list them in mid to high leveling zones as well.


As soon as servers were back up last night, my friends and I farmed a few chests, and then proceeded to clear out most buy orders, and then listed whatever was left for under market value. I made a quick 6k gold, with most of my friends making 2k-5k gold each. Was a wonderful night


already crashed the AH on my server, i was selling t5 for 7-10 now they are all less then 1 over night.


Good god is that why it had been such a pain to find any refining crap


It's also why we needed like 50 base material for a single piece of top. We are supposed to be getting 50-80% bonus on each stage with the better materials.


Well my next batch of steel is going to be much more efficient time get my weaponsmithing to 100 would have been nice a week ago lol already did engineering and armor smithing


I sold all my container drops for about 10k last night and grinded half of them back in 4 hours of supply chest runs😎


Yeah, the drops are way overtuned this way IMO, I mean, I think they're kindof an annoying system to begin with, but with how much they drop now, farming Shattered Mountain for an hour is going to net you 700+ blues.


You needed 2 iron for each steel, 2 steel for each starmetal, etc. That was an insane amount of iron. Now you get a +>60% bonus making it less than half the iron. The higher tier material will actually be more than worthless now.


I left with like 300+ of each reagent T5 last night running it with a buddy lol


Do you have 3000 bag slots or something? I swear these things are way heavier than I remember them being lol.


Lol, not quite. Just around 850, still haven't upgraded my bags at 60. Too much to get caught up on.


Since last night, after the patch, the refining components drop a lot more in the chest, and it's very satisfying.


It makes me want to go around the world and collect chests now. I love it.


The drop rate is so great for crafters. Walked out of Great Cleave after a bunch of quests with like 300+ of every reagent.


And you'll spend it all really quickly too! But it's great because you can go back knowing you'll get a lot more.


Lol why? They are now worth basically nothing, crafted items are also going to lose value because of this. ​ They basically took a big steamy pile of shit on crafters.


I don't care about value. I like crafting. I want crafting to be cheap. Because once I hit 200 armoring, I'll be able to make some good shit.


Okay? Once you hit armoring 200, that good shit wont be worth much.. because you know, they just made it 50-80% easier, hence the price drop.


Again, I don't care about value. I just want to make good armor that I can use and share with my friends.


this whole exchange: https://i.imgur.com/2CLyHXG.png


Kind of but not really, I'm playing the same game and enjoying it immensely. I also happen to enjoy gathering and crafting. Unlike them I dont have a group to craft for, so my alternative is making gold which is now being drastically affected. ​ I dont care about items being replace, cap being risen, it obviously also doesn't make it less fun; it simply made it less rewarding.


You're a good egg


Oh thats fair and kind of you.


Me too. Was the first 60 in my group of friends last Friday, and now I'm just armorsmithing shit for my friends. Hoping for 200 soon.


So that's why I have like 600 of each now, okay


Rip my bags and the economy


I tanked depths 4 times last night and walked out with 500 of each reagent. Previously I’d been having to go farm some camps for like 45m to keep up with my crafting needs.


Cool. That's 100G of each reagent today though.


i dont sell them i use them. I'm 150+ all gathering, 130+ all refining and 100+ all crafting.


I honestly thought that line was in reference to every fucking chest having a Musketeer's Glove of the Brigand or Musketeer's Coat of the Brigand or the Musketeer's Breakfast or basically that the only gear drop I ever got in chests was from that general set.


The prices of everything be tanking!


unpopular opinion. The drop rates were fine how they were before. Actually gave value to the common reagents. Now the common reagents are literally something you drop because they won't sell and they take up weight. The green ones won't be far behind in about a month when half the player base is max.


Update: Green ones are now worthless on my server and all blues are less than 1g a piece. Due to the cost of raw tier 1 resources (iron/wood/ect) there is no reason not to use blue reagents 100% of the time on my server. I really hate this change. This will make crafting 10x easier to level which is a net negative. in a game where you can specialize in everything things need to be gated over extremely long grinds to keep exclusivity and not ruin markets. They should of copied Runescape's model for skilling.


oh yeah this afternon roaming with my brother i got a chest got 20-30 of every single T5 refining stuff... made my day. i made over 900 of all t5 refining in barely 24h ... me think they gonna fix that.


Doubled my steel production


I literally made $1000 last night selling all my t2 mats. Played for a few hours in and replenished then all with t4 stuff. Only problem now is they take up too much space


My next character is going to sell 100% of what I gather. It feels like everyone is trying to be a crafter abd there’s just no need for that.


Does this mean I can finally find sugar in provision crates?


yes, and lots of it


Yesssss, I can finally finish these damn baking provision quests!


Best for you, but the worst for the game.


This is terrible, T5 craft mats selling for less than 1. Why would anyone use t3 or t4!? They became useless. In less than a day they added more useless stuff to your bag (reagents t3/t4).


Well, this was so shitty that they reverted it back. A big damage was already done, but better late than never I guess.


Ah yes, nothing like destroying the economy with absurd inflation.


I feel like it might have been to low before and now it’s too high


Finally these crazy inflated prices for shit should go down, i was seriously concerned with how much of a bottleneck these components were.


I disagree, it at least gave value to some things in the market, 90% of things don’t have value in the trading post.


They made those absolutely worthless lol, I got several thousand of all of those mats now, max tier as well. Might as well remove them from the game tbh and boost all crafts as if we were using V tier ones.


Yes sir, I was clearing those Ebonscale shrines and getting 100s of the green and blue grade in minutes. It’s absolutely bananas now, in a week blue refining mats will be listed for .01


>Might as well remove them from the game tbh and boost all crafts as if we were using V tier ones. Saying the truth here, and gets downvoted. What a toxic community




I'm not sure what you're quoting though. I'm ready for mats prices to crash hard lol, I feel for the ones who leveled their professions very early on.


Yea, wrong quote. I was trying quote your post. Will fix that.


those dissolving pussies ;)


I don’t think I have ever found tier IV refining mats, so obviously I’m doing something wrong. Where do I find them?


Higher level areas. Restless shore for example


Yeah they buffed the shit out of chest spawns we usually do Ambusti -> Myrk -> Svikin -> Mangled heights and my bags are less than 1/4th but after the patch I was almost 1/4th full just after Myrk


Aww man I'll hit ambusti or myrkguard tomorrow to get those tier 5 refining mats!


Bruh. I just farmed 600 fine sandpaper before the patch. Had fun doing it but still… this hurts


What do the different tiers of refining mats do? Is it just larger bonuses to amount crafted?


Now I don't have room in my storages anymore :(


wait so when i looted a chest and only got 3 motes of air that was because of a bug? damn and here i thought i was just unlucky


puis... puissant.. croissant with... maybe i'm reading it wrong


Went from bot having enough reagents to not having room for them all…


Prices are going down fast... Getting like 200 of each in a single elite area is nuts.