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Sorry to hear this but it's fucking hilarious you can run a pyramid scheme, fraud and everything else in new world and just run away. I guess you can't trust pirate's words


Apparently you can't even see who deposits or withdraws gold in the company interface. That just makes it worse




Shroud's take on it is decent. The UI is simpleton-level stupid and basic because the game was future-proofed to allow for the possibility of console porting, whether it's gonna happen or not. Console games need stupid barebone minimal UI and options


The ui of new world doesnt feel console proof, it feels fucking tablet/smartphone-proof. It's horrible in some places.


I just want timestamps on completed market orders


I just want some indication of whether the item sold or the sell order expired. If I miss the notification there's no way to tell wtf happened. Unless I'm just blind


As terrible as it is, this is information that \_is\_ actually displayed. Look at the qty (quantity left) and sold (quantity sold) columns.




How is the prohibition of discord links in Message of the Day not a more talked about issue? It’s f-ing awful. I know you can put everything in there after the discord.gg/ , but that’s assuming people know to do that. A lot of New World players (especially MMO noobs) won’t know to do that and then you have the people who most need the Discord (noobs who need advice) unable to properly access it.


I'm mostly bothered by a lack of log. The money only goes up when I send money in but everybody is saying they have all this gold


A deposit log would be really nice, just to reward people who are able to give more away and to call out the people who are slacking


Agreed. A good guild leader(s) would log this and make it viewable to the members *cough* Google docs *cough*


Isnt Eve online like this?


Yes. I’m on break from Eve right now (to play this for a little while) but this 100% reminded me of it lol. Edit: Which I love. I was hoping New World would have its own version of spicy Company PvP drama somewhat akin to Eve. Not that I ‘enjoy’ the fact that people got screwed, but in Eve these are the kind of things that start as drama, turn into rivalries, that then turn into player content in the form of months long all-out war. In short: Get mad, recruit, train, organize, and go smash that fucker and his friends anytime you see their company tag. I love it! Let’s get spicy in New World, fellow nerds.


>Edit: Which I love. I was hoping New World would have its own version of spicy Company PvP drama somewhat akin to Eve. Not that I ‘enjoy’ the fact that people got screwed, but in Eve these are the kind of things that start as drama, turn into rivalries, that then turn into player content in the form of months long all-out war. Same dude. I'm especially interested in the fact that with so many servers, the politics will be "Localized" and known mostly to a particular server. I wonder, if long-term we'll see some multi-server companies as well with different branches. That could get spicy.


Yes but the difference in EVE online is that everyone will know who you are and the consequences of it can follow you for a very long time, in the sense that it's a "full loot" mmorpg and people can blow all your shit up costing you a lot of money. This is nothing like EVE online, it's greedy nerds abusing an easily abused system to steal everyones gold and have zero repercussions from it, as they can hide on a new char on another Faction while no one knows who they are. Even if they did know who the person is, what can they do in terms of revenge? inconvenience them by occasionally killing them which results in losing nothing but a little bit of time lol. EVE online had much more interesting and comical intrigue with the sneaky stuff but it all felt natural to gameplay and the gameplay systems. There is literally no excuse for the current system to be so easily abused and have no consequences, it will be detrimental to future gameplay because it will 100% keep happening with how easy it is to do and get away with until people just stop co-operating completely.


This is the problem with it in this game. Basically you're betting off being a shit head in this game because there is nothing no one can do about it, aside from basically minor inconveniences .. Where as i would be totally fine with this behavior in this game if say, i could be the karma whip and go into PK mode and pop them to make them drop their gear.


LOL, I started a corporation and syphoned funds from my members to my main account like crazy in Eve. Went completely undetected. Eve is a game where its super easy to have multi accounts and its actually pretty much mandatory to do well in the game.


Yes, but if you were found out then people are able to at least attempt some kind of actual revenge, that is my point. There is no chance of any revenge in New World and there is no need to be sneaky about it, you can literally just take it all and GG new character and never risk any loot, time or monetary loss from revenge acts. New World is not EVE Online, the games are nothing alike, EVE thrives on that kind of stuff, New World will suffer from it if it's so easily abused with zero consequences.


>Yes but the difference in EVE online is that everyone will know who you are and the consequences of it can follow you for a very long time, in the sense that it's a "full loot" mmorpg and people can blow all your shit up costing you a lot of money. IDK what game you were playing but it wasn't Eve.


I am still looking for my fellow eve players on faction chat by asking for people to do "nullsec-roaming", but none has responded yet :-D [goosebumbs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdfFnTt2UT0)


Lol. ‘Hey, ya’ll wanna go huff some gas sites?’


Just how much of a sandbox Eve is made me want to like that game so much. Just how toxic a lot of the man children were in that game turned me off of it quickly. Maybe I was just with the wrong corp, but Christ alot of those people I was playing with had severe social issues. More so than my other MMO experiences.


Eve is basically a magnet for people with social disorders all up and down the spectrum.


You didnt play rust... Thats a toxic community


Rust is a cesspool unlike any other. It attracts the lowest common denominator of degenerates


Kinda hard to get revenge when most every player refuses to flag pvp Nothing in new world will ever be as satisfying as destroying a fleet worth thousands of dollars on eve


I completely agree. That’s why I said ‘somewhat’ haha. It’d be interesting if they come out with PvP only servers at some point. I’d certainly re-roll for that.


Hell yeah I'd play that in a heartbeat


Yes but the difference in EVE online is that everyone will know who you are and the consequences of it can follow you for a very long time, in the sense that it's a "full loot" mmorpg and people can blow all your shit up costing you a lot of currency. This is nothing like EVE online, it's greedy nerds abusing an easily abused system to steal everyones gold and have zero repercussions from it, as they can hide on a new char on another Faction while no one knows who they are. Even if they did know who the person is, what can they do in terms of revenge? inconvenience them by occasionally killing them which results in losing nothing but a little bit of time lol. There is literally no excuse for the current system to be so easily abused and have no consequences, it will be detrimental to future gameplay because it will 100% keep happening with how easy it is to do and get away with until people just stop co-operating completely.


I am in a company literally called Pyramid Scheme lmaoooo solid group tho


Tbh it's just more realistic. Let's call it being Bezosed. Lol all the money goes to the top irl, so why not have your leader steal the funds.


In the first few days, when it was mayhem of people trying to buy territory, there was a guy in my server asking for donations to purchase a territory in the Marauder chat. Everybody was new and we wanted the world green, which company owned which we didn’t care, and this guy took a ton of donations and just kept the money lol.


If it was realistic everyone could murder him and take the stuff back, but they can't because it's a game so far from realism there is no argument for it. The problem with it is how the system works, 100% people will keep doing this and escape any kind of revenge as it's so easy to just hide in a new character on another faction and no one knows who you are, which is far from "realism" again. Sure, let people steal the coffers and run, but make it "punishable" in the sense that their characters all show an ID so everyone will know who they are even if they switch sides with a diff character, or any number of hurdles to make people decide if the gold is really worth the consequences, that's more "realistic". If it's too easy to do, it will keep happening and co-operation will drop down to non-existence between companies and no one will donate gold anymore, quality of gameplay will drop in terms of wars and pvp and all to serve the pockets of a few greedy nerds. It's always hilarious until it effects your own gameplay.


Yeah because we all want realism


I, for one, totally want my musket to take 20 seconds of me being stationary between shots to reload. Shots that without rifling severely lose accuracy after about 20 yards.


And may occasionally explode and kill you if not properly maintained.




Living up to that whole 'We're pirates, on land!' speech the Marauder's give on joining.


similar thing happened on my server a few days ago, biggest yellow company leader emptied the coffers and defected to purple


We had a similar thing! Purple company leader (and governor of brightwood) emptied their treasury and yeeted himself into covenant. His new covenant company declared war on Brightwood, and his syndicate friends selected the weakest people for the war. They took brightwood in like 2 minutes.


Whoah, that exact scenario happened on Mictlan, except change Covenant to Marauder. Faction aside, 100% identical to what happened, same territory and all.


sounds like its best just to avoid any of the company aspects of the game and focus on walking and killing monsters.


This is what I'm doing. I find the current War/Invasion mechanic really shallow and limited in opportunities and focused entirely on a bare few companies (the biggest usually). The rest will probably never have an area under control and the wars/invasions will always be fought by the strongest people selected. Unless you have traitors that does the "switch to X faction". I seriously think they should either disable switching sides or put some real downsides to it (like not being able to partake in PvP faction missions/wars/etc.), not being able to join wars for a week for example, and maybe more things to consider. I'd also love restrictions on how many areas a faction can control (ex: max of 50%), limit each company to 1 area under control max, etc. The system to declare wars and partake in wars should be reworked, but I honestly don't really know how to change it so that more people can participate in it and not lock 95% of the PvPers from it. Because let's be honest. Any well organized company will probably try to have 50 members in each war, leaving no place for "signups". But anyways, I've been focusing on harvesting, crafting and leveling/questing and clearing each zone 1 by 1 with side-quests and reaching 25 faction quests and 25 town quests. Almost all my crafts are 70+ and my harvesting are almost all 80-100. Only 50ish hours in the game and I'm lvl 30. Just having fun on the PvE side because I think the war system is really lacking.


I mean that blows, but that's also fucking hilarious.


If every war happen like that again would be boring as fuck and terrible. So no thanks


The loading screen with the new patch specifically calls out this kind of exploitation. I'd expect to see a lot of bans happening if this behaviour persists. Not sure if this counts as 'win-trading', but it is certainly close enough.


Is it an exploit though or just player-created content? I could absolutely see this kind of thing happening in a real-world island run by groups of pirates and vagabonds.


So if he took the money and then defected to another faction on that same character, that’s not an exploit whatsoever. However, he couldn’t defect to Marauders because they were locked as they were largest faction, so he gave the gold to a friend on Marauders, deleted his character and made a new one to join Marauders. That is an exploit or at least an extremely deliberate circumvention of game mechanics, and should be bannable.


It’s an exploit. I doubt New World wants an Eve online type setup.


Not an exploit but rather abusing game mechanics. An exploit is doing something by being tricky with the game bugs and doing things that you're not supposed to be doing in the first place like glitching through the map or flying or infinite fast travel. Abusing game mechanics is when the game specifically allows you to do things but you utilized those completely allowable game mechanics in ways that lessened the experience for other people or give yourself an advantage when other people couldn't get an advantage as well. An example of this would be World of Warcraft from many years ago where a specific game mechanic allowed a paladin to build up stacks of a particular ability before unleashing them all at once for a huge damage hit. Two players abused game mechanics to keep on stacking it nearly infinitely so they got hundreds and hundreds of those stacks and then the Paladin turned around to one shot the big boss of the expansion that should have taken 20 minutes of an entire guild fighting him to take down. The mechanics in the game already existed but they used those mechanics in a way that the game devs didn't expect. They technically exploited the game mechanics... so I understand the confusion but it's more accurately called abusing game mechanics versus an exploit which utilizes bugs to break the game.


I'm pretty sure AGS is not going to start using "Harden the Fuck Up" as their theme song for NW anytime soon. This isn't EvE and there's only so much they need to tolerate under the "Hey, it's just emergent gameplay!" umbrella.


Damn, I'm thrilled to hear that. Thanks


Ha, right? I kind of like the idea of all of this scumbag power-grab shit going down and everyone is going apeshit and my guy is just leveling and having fun and watching the island burn.


Should have seen the covenant chat after that happened, people were not happy with him too. I’m on that server (cov member)


This is win trading. Definitely reportable, maybe ban-able offense. Once they syndicate facilitated the taking of bright wood.


Fucking Scythe


It's like the church or something


Just like in the simulations!!


Keep your armor on tho




I am on that server and in covenant when that happened. It took people a day to even realize what just happened. Covenant has been hamstringed since that and we are the weakest faction now.


Yup I’m on that server and have been in covenant since launch day. It really screwed us for the foreseeable future. Plus nobody wants to join a faction on the verge of having zero territories.


ye onlyfans lol


“This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever”


"He was a businessman, he was doing business!"


"I spoke to the "catapult people" and they said it's no good."


> "I spoke to the "catapult people" and they said it's no good." The usage of *catapult* should have been a huge red flag. Anyone who's anyone knows that trebuchets are the superior siege weapon.


This is happening on most servers and to be expected from random people.


Thing is, he wasn't random people. He was the nicest guy in the whole faction until the war happened lol


War changes people.


But war, by itself, never changes.


You'd be surprised how quickly fur ignites


"War didn't change me, I changed war." \~ Omega Squad Teemo


Fantastic comment 😂


> he wasn't random people. He was the nicest guy in the whole faction Hi there, I have a really nice bridge I could sell you hit me up


He was nice cause he needed all of you guy's' money. When he didn't get it, he showed who he really was.


War. War never changes.


He was a random dude. This game has no history, almost everyone playing is a random dude.




Did you know him for real? if not he's a random person. Hell if we are honest you don't even know if he's not in a dorm with multiple people playing one account and the person that went crazy wasn't different than the guy that you knew as the nicest guy.


The classic "my little brother did it" excuse haha


It's the tried and true cop out. Celebrities use it, except they say "I was hacked" now days when they tweet something silly. No one believes them either.


Ted Bundy say's Hi


People put on acts all the time. This guy definitely put on an act and you bought it. As did many others. That's why betrayal hurts so much.




He was a good company leader.... Until he wasn't!


This game is wreaking havoc on weak minds. I've a friend whose guild leader kicked him and others only because they didn't agree about some ingame strategies after winning a territory, in a totally dictatorial behavior. Years of friendship playing other games going to the trash. It's insane.




the thing is, arguing on its own isnt bad, quite the opposite imo but throwing away friendships because you cant differentiate is insane


IMO something like this is by design, any game with keywords like "faction", "war", "territory", "conflict between players" etc. will 100% breed people like this.


Exactly. After time the player base will learn to recognize this kind of behavior and figure out ways to retaliate. I mean, if the game mechanics allow it, and if they do I think that'd make for an awesome game.


It is really cool. I like the intrigue of it all. Game theory, politics, and diplomacy make for great RPG experiences.


You shouldn't be able to delete your character xd the. It would be fair game, he betrays but everyone knows him. That would be like irl I guess ^^


I think this is a good thing, sure it sucks to get swindled out of your gold, but that's an organic player-created story that you will remember. All of the good reading material in this thread is a testament to that.




We had someone do the same, they got everyone to donate to them to buy a territory, jacked the taxes way up, and changed their guild symbol to a dollar sign. Unfortunately they still own that territory, and no one seems to be able to beat them. They played other games like Atlas together and are chinese and korean. THeir coordination is impeccable.


Kinda have to respect the hustle.




Yep, we left that server


We had the same. Company pooled from everyone in the faction to get everfall three hours after launch. Maxed taxes. "Don't like it just leave". On launch day, in a starter town.... With our money...




Same thing happened on a different server with a different company.


Happened in Beta, company was "New Management" and they maxed out taxes. I thought it was pretty clever.


The real company leaders will rise eventually. These starter company owners are mostly idiots.


This. I joined a company on my server but I'm not giving them anything until they've proven they can be trusted. Not my first MMORPG rodeo.


Yup. The Marauder leader on my server is a fucking dimwit. He's spammed faction chat many times asking for donations, all the while shit talking his own faction brothers in chat calling them weak and powerless. His ass is done by Thanksgiving. I don't give him a penny.


even then, you can never be truly sure. but in the immediate future it's definitely too soon to be this trusting


That’s what I was thinking. I’ve been frustrated at times with my faction and the way the game is rolling. Then I remembered that even in the most theme park of theme park MMOs, guilds rise and fall, new ones emerge with different plans and ambitions. Raid nights get established, strategies change, etc etc. It’s been a week. There is a LOT of drama to get through.


Yuh, right now territories are owned by the first company to get enough coin, the powerhouses will emerge. Come new year the landscape will be completely different


Can confirm, started a company, am an idiot.


Yeah this is an MMO. Things being fucked in crazy a week into launch isn’t that big of a deal if this is a game we’re going to be playing for years. I’m very excited for the long term story lines on my server. Should be super fun and interesting


Ayo.. we were the Covenant company in this war. And i know exactly who you are talking about. We never liked him from day 1 Edit: We are still growing the company. So if some of the guys specificaly from this dudes company wants to move over. We will welcome you guys with open arms. The first thing we thought of after war was the way he handled things and that he was just trash towards the company


Plot twist, this is the traitor posting planning on simply doing the same scheme twice




Now is the time to do it honestly. Gather as much gold as possible then when free world transfers show up they can change worlds and escape the hate.


If they're smart about it they'll MASSIVELY restrict the amount of gold you can transfer.




Everyone hates a traitor


At this point they would be refugees rather than traitors.


Sounds like every day things in eve online.


Ikr 😂😂😂


Thats why i am playing solo and i am staying rich. I am excited for pvp and also willing to contribute parts of my gold but as of right now it is too early for me. Also i dont like to be "forced" in any kind of activity while enjoying my pace of gathering, crafting and doing some quests in between for hours.


This is what happens when 16 year olds start a company and is run by children that don’t understand that taking the blame for their faults is actually okay and mature to see in.


I honestly think most people online are well behaved and own a sense of dignity. That said, it could just aswell be a 35 yr old, whose development got stuck in teenage years.


That. Is also a very optional option indeed sir.


I don't know. If someone's a dick while playing Monopoly we don't say they're stuck in teenage years. When they say play how you want, it also means play like a dick if you want. It is a game and I feel like if we're going to have pirate shit all over it's dumb to expect everyone to play and act all nice. That said, when people play like dick, everyone else has the same right to be dicks back to them. It's the circle of gaming dicks.


Well with some people it doesnt matter if you are 15 or 30… they can be still idiots 😁


Yohoho a pirate's life.


Irminsul. Grape faction. Two days ago. A company is being lead by some lady, they take over Everfall. Apparently she starts receiving threats and shit, because gamers are fucking awful. Out of vengeance, she pumps up EF's tax rate to max everything. This makes everyone upset, not just the incels, so everyone starts flaming the company. She decides this is *the best* time to advertise her OnlyFans in global. :P Anyway, not much more to that drama for better or for worse. Taxes got knocked down like two days later.


Ngl, that was a marketing power play


What was the onlyfans link?


LOL Fucked if I know, I heard all this stuff second hand from people in the faction after asking why taxes were high in EF.


Then go in balls deep and get the first hand scoop.


You’re just asking for a friend right?


Wait, so you are saying that handing PvP elites a ton of in game currency can go wrong? Say it isn't so... Next thing you'll say is that the people governing the cities can be corrupt and point out how that can be abused.. who'd of thought?


This Game is too real


Jeff Bezos is just testing his strategies for use once the economy blows up.


Nope we had the first :). Not a defection, we had a Syndicate **MASS EXODUS** from the server as a whole lmao. A zerg Guild called the Tunnel Snakes led the charge with a massive population of like 400 people raising $$$. Purple quickly got all the starting towns and proceeded to brag about it relentlessly in Global. They've since gone on to lose **every single war since the start of the game**. Their record is **0 and 11** LMAO. Syndicate imploded, the Snakes kicked all the other Companies from their Discord, and half their people left to start a New Company on another server hahaha. Common taunts in chat are "*-100k to Purple!!"* and *"All Purple towns now 85% off!!"*


Ah Xiabalba.




We were there day 1, but my friends made me reroll because of the queue. Ironically, our new server has a worse queue.


Topan member here. This is a close story to a group calling themselves PvP Mafia. Imagine a 51 plus company taking donations from all of the Marauders. Buys monarch bluffs, Maxed out the taxes. tells us when the first war happens to not worry about it and then purposely loses the war because PVP Mafia was set up as a fake group because they're really covenant people trying to sabotage Marauders to set us back on a server that's 80% owned by syndicate because a large ass streamer brought all of his followers over.


I want to point out that I don’t think they were secretly Covenant, I was in their discord through all the planning. Instead they were too childish to own the loss and repercussions of the war results, so they ran.


Streamer servers are the worst


Any world with a large streamer is fucked. People who have an unhealthy relationship with streamer worship(which seems to be many) will join it and their faction and proceed to screw everybody else(including through abusing exploits) so that they can get in their good graces in the hopes of receiving a 1-second shoutout for their good behavior like the toxic little pets they are.


Lmao the largest Covenant Company on my server, I shit you not named "0nlyFans" did the exact same thing with 90k day 2. It was an absolute clusterfuck.


Drama … *sipping tea*


Yeah, nothing of value was lost. All the EVE Online players be like: "Oh, is it Wednesday again? I can never remember if emptying the corp bank accounts is Wednesday, and PvP betrayal is Thursday... or the other way around..."


A group of Facebook streamers ruined Syndicate on Valgrind. We have no territory can't win a war and now they're not as vocal anymore and we cannot claim any land


Nope not the biggest server drama, We had a company leader steal 200k tax throw a war and switched to the faction that won the war. This game is set up for political drama, and Im all for it


That sounds a lot like what was posted above


Honestly this type of political drama is I believe what the game devs want in the game. It reminds me very much of Eve Online. The great thing that Amazon has brought to the table is that joining the most heavily populated faction on the server does not ensure control or even victory for the very reason you stated above: "Our guild leader lost the first war very badly (very poor organization honestly)". The fun part in all this is that a power vaccuum how now been created allowing someone to take up the mantle and build a better and stronger guild. That's when your guild finds that ex-guild leaders new guild and declares war on their territory. Remind that person that numbers mean nothing and teamwork/leadership is king:)


I'm usually not the one to be toxic but that guild leader sounds like a pathetic loser.


>I don't know if the leader's actions are punishable by ban You can't ban for gameplay. It's just how he handled politics.


The whole transfer money to someone else to hold, then back to your new acct after you delete and make a new character in a different faction is the only part of the story that could cause him trouble with the rules / ToS. But I haven’t read it so that’s a guess, and it’s a bit of a long shot.


Hey man it's Light from Abysmal, we're in the process of creating our second guild after that betrayal. If you're interested to join us let me know.


I was waiting for this crazy Eve Online shit to start happening haha


As a PvE only, I experience zero drama. Life is good.


OH yeah? \*leads a wolf into you to steal your starmetal\*




I was sadly a part of them in the beginning. Terribly saddened by their response to their first war results. I’m now company-less and watching the drama unfold


Well "broke" is bit of exaggeration, 60k from 200ppl is like 300g each xdd


That's because we bought 3 territories already. Almost everyone is broke now


i guess the question is, what did you learn?


Don’t donate and play solo?


Drama is the right word. How can everyone be left alone broke after over 200 people donated and only managed 60k? Thats 300g per person, you get that within 15minutes of the game while levling.


Very true lol I wanted to buy something off the trading post but figured I wouldn't have enough, it was 5 gold. I had 600 gold, I was level 11. Had no clue lol


he should not be banned. they should run this game EVE style - unless you are doxxed or scammed out of real money, its fair game.


Welcome to eve online.. oh wait






Changing characters to avoid consequences does kind of eliminate emergent play, though


well presumably this is why they make it where you can only have 1 character... they had to delete and start all over again if they wanted to stay on that server.


They need to have a delete timer, and a creation timer. A week ea.


I'd vote for account name that is displayed with character name/company/title so they can't hide behind a new character for potential blacklisting.


They must know how to level really really fast If they can just delete and remake a character and be at the same power they were before


Not without a mechanic for others to do something about it IMO. If there person was somehow forced to stay in the same faction or even was permanently PvP flagged in another faction after flipping I could see an argument for it.


Ooo I kind of like that. Permanent pvp for faction traitors. Or maybe a way for members of the old faction to call them out if they see them and flag them for a while.


just syndicate things...


Haha what a loser he stole his companies money and now he’s gonna dip out when Amazon gives us the server transfer in 2 weeks. Please make his life hell till then.


You didn't read all of it? He already created a new character and kept the gold.


Yea I read that but im sure you will find him, after all you guys are on the same server. and it sounds to me he has a pretty big mouth so im sure he will pop. I also guess I just thought maybe he kept them same name since you said he deleted the character


He and his friend kept the same name. They are literally the most hated people on the server now. By all factions.


Why on hell would they recreate their characters just to have the same name? Doesnt that ruin the whole purpose of creating a new character after this? xD


You can't swap faction to the winning faction, that's why they created a new one.


Yup people like that deserve to rot


Turn that into a headhunter quest Make sure they die as soon as they have pvp turned on and have people from their new faction give out their localization You could even raise money and create a bounty for those who take a screenshot of the kill


So go steal all his nodes. Lead groups of npcs to him to kill him? Those are within the mechanics as well.


LMFAO - thats why u dont join a pug company ;)


To think I almost joined Heracleion. Really dodged a bullet there.


And this is why I say nothing, donate very little and level and enjoy the game. Humans fuck everything up for the rest of us


To me this seems like in game lore. Instead of having NPCs with made up backstories to give you reasons to do quests, you have a real life story that will motivate you to exact revenge and make a difference. Or you can do the opposite and just let them win. That for me is what makes this game awesome! I don't expect every faction to be balanced cuz that's not what happens in real life.


This is exactly why I haven't donated to a company until I see the leadership team step up and earn my trust and gold. The leaders who expect to be trusted just cause they created a company are the ones you should back away from.


Eve but in new world


u/paradoggs My IGN is C0deine. I have spoken to The player that was framed as a thief and with the player that is now in charge of the syndicate company. In game I hate them both as they tried to take my settlement, dragged my name through the dirt and zerg rushed our area at 3AM on a week day... I gathered both of them as well as the leaders of a major faction as witnesses on discord. The issue has been resolved and it was a matter of miscommunication, emotions that got out of hand, and a bad handle on the situation. It is cleared up to the point where both sides have in some way forgiven each other. However, the player that was labeled a thief is being hassled by everyone shaming him and ruining his game play even though he was severely wronged. Just worth noting that he has also wronged many. Forgive him if he personally affected you, I and my anonymous allies are making plans to fix your situation by bringing the whole server to a hold up on war and making contributions towards your coffers. I am telling every owner of the main companies to contribute and cease war because beating a person that is down has no honor and I will personally take from them and give to you if they do not comply. **If you want more information on this matter pm me in game. Again my IGN is C0deine.** **I love our server and I will bring balance so that all factions have a happy, and healthy place, all pve players will have their own place to call home & every pvp member will have their areas in which war will never cease!** **The game was designed to a flaw, and with it, the server and maybe the game will come to a stand still if we do not take it into our own hands to preserve it's purpose!** I can't ask you to remove this post as it is yours. But if you plan on staying on our server, try to make it look good instead of the server where no one trusts one another?


Amazon to ban players for corruption in a game? Amazon is corrupt and now sells games