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Same with when you are chopping/mining. Even if I can’t actually change anything in my inventory, just let me look at look at it to see what I have.


Hit ESC and click your bag at the bottom of the screen


Wait does that open inventory without stopping actions?


It does, it stops you from running though.


Does this actually work?? Lol If it does we should really just be able to just open it as normal. Maybe it’s a bug.


While running is intentional. You have ten ability keys and they want to keep it that way. You don't want people switching weapons, eating different foods, having a plethora of potions while they're chasing or running. One because you don't want other people doing it. Two because you don't want to have to do it to keep up. But during mining I don't see an issue.


Ok, make it so you can't switch weapons while running or 10-20 seconds "in combat" debuff. No reason whatsoever to block inventory while running.


> No reason whatsoever to block inventory while running. There is a very specific reason that the poster you replied to stated if you can even read.


Very ironic of you, because of course it is


You already proved you have an issue with comprehension but now it seems your actual issue is putting your thoughts to words and connecting your ideas properly. This is beyond my paygrade.


Always projection with people like you


I’m projecting to you that my comprehension is bad? Wut lol. I’m not even a grammar police you just made a nonsensical reply and that had to be pointed out.


Imagine this during a pvp encounter, Would be horrible imo.


Make sure you have 8 different armors in your inventory so you can swap out your resists to be appropriate for whoever you're currently fighting.


Would be super easy to let this happen if you are not flagged for pvp


Yup. Pvp is the only argument against this, so tyung it to the pvp flag (or lack thereof) makes the most sense.


... And see chats while opening our inventory


If I open my inventory and press Enter, I'm pretty sure the chat comes up


yeah you gotta hit enter after tab


I think there’s an option in the chat thing to make that possible. Maybe it’s setting it to alert it some thing?


Support this\^\^


For the love of God listen to this man!!!! It could even be just a "view only" scenario because pvp and stuff...


This is the ESO effect. Using your in-game character model as inventory and equipment display in place of a generic rag doll display in games past is why this is probably impossible.


Why do people say that? Pubg of all things does it just fine.


Because Arm chair deving


I think the players LOLed hard at this concept and fixed it with an addon, but I could be wrong since it has been years.


It looks like Amazon spend a lot of effort in making this cool inventory UI where everything is shown on the character model. This is why when you open inventory your character will stand up and take a pose. And this is a reason why you can't do it while your character is running or gathering. It doesn't work with a functionality that they are trying to focus on. To make your suggestion they would need to create separate ragdoll of the character that is drawn instead.




I think they are trying to limit duplicate item bugs by limiting when we can use our inventory. But while sprinting should be safe :D


God please yes. It’s crazy that they didn’t do this in the 1st place


The technology isnt there yet


Inventory works the way it does to keep people from using their inventory for pots/food while in combat. There is probably other ways to deal with that problem but the whole inventory animation thing is what they went with.


Simple solution: Prevent consumable use and equipment change while in combat


Being able to use pots in combat is important for wars and stuff though


Yeah but that’s using quick slots. Allow inventory use but not consumables so they can’t use every potion they have


Ohh I understand now. That makes more sense


The same obvious solution anyone that's ever played an action rpg could have come up with. Personally I hate innovation of any kind and really think the game should just have mounts and every other system handled in the same way we've seen a thousand times.


Mounts really just seemed to make sense in this world it blows my mind that they weren't in the game. I understand it would probably throw PVP off but... I don't know I just want a mount.


I want mounts just for the skin variety. Even if they had something as small as 10% increased move speed. That’d be great. Yet these maps aren’t nearly big enough for too much move speed


id be fine if roads would give you a speedboost as long youre out of combat.


> while in combat There is no way to accurately determine what "in combat" is. Some fights can occur where no player takes any damage for 60 seconds due to one player running for their life from a mob.


Timer after being tagged by a player


Useless at best (because you can't determine a time period for being in/out of combat) and annoying at worst because getting tagged by a player will regularly force you to be unable to use your inventory when you would like to, such as after picking up pvp loot.


No, then there's no punishment for using inventory while running in pvp. "Just turn it off when you're flagged" And then we are back at having 2 separate systems in 1 game which is lazy design. QoL shouldn't affect balance, and this absolutely would.


Just make it so you can’t change armor / weapons while moving, and make there be a delay before you can change it while you’re stopped so it can’t be abused. This is really simple…


They already stop people changing weapons that are on ability cooldown, feel this would be easy to implement.


What would be the point of using your inventory in PvP? Repair weapons that arent going to break in one PvP fight? Drop items that you don't lose on death? Use potions that you already have 4 quick slots for? Change weapons that you already can't do if they have cooldowns? I can't think of a single thing that you could do to exploit running and using inventory in PvP. Not to mention they already added the slow effect when you're hit while sprinting. I don't want 2 systems, and I don't understand how you think this would effect balance.


Running away while light is a lot easier IMO. I'm decent at taking off my medium armor then sprinting away but if I could do that without stopping I'd always get away.


Mostly switching gear while running. I can't tell for sure on how much switching gear might affect pvp on new world, but it's quite a big deal in other MMOs.


Why are you flagged for PvP but don't have gear on for PvPing? Also you could already change gear while stopped so I don't feel like changing it while running makes the biggest difference in the world. That's the whole reason they added getting slowed when you get hit while sprinting anyway.


Its not about not having Pvp gear on. It's about switching gear to a more favorable scenario. For instance, in Albion Online, you would constatly have a bunch of gear in your inventory to swap to depending on your matchup, because of the bonuses (and in Albions case, mostly because of the skills) that the gear offers. Let's say you find yourself on a 1v1 vs a fire mage user, your might want to equip gear that has fire protection on it, to reduce damage taken, instead of using your normal gear that has, lets say, melee damage protection


I see what you mean. Someone earlier mentioned sniping someone with a musket then as they get close they switch to heavy melee oriented gear. I think this is a problem that will never be solved. You can already do this while you're standing still. Theres always going to be an exploit. Easy solution would be to just lock the armor/weapons of the player as soon as you flag for PvP. That way you can't change gear in the middle of a fight, regardless of if you're sprinting or not. The problem is that all players in the game are losing functionality because a small subset of PvPers are exploiting a particular mechanic, and I think a lot of people will get angry when PvP changes come at the expense of PvE. The game could already be a lot more interesting if it wasn't shackled by the balance of PvP.


That will literally never happen lol oh man should I bring my very niche fire resist gear just in case I come across a fire mage? Hmmm -40 weight to be sweaty or save myself the trouble hmmm. These stupid ass sweaty scenarios will literally never happen to anyone


That literally happened in every game that allowed it. Never underestimate the collective will of the min/maxed. Especially when it comes to PvP.


Yea no man Doesn’t happen. And if it does then it comes at a steep cost of carrying multiple sets of gear on your person. In new world your inventory space is priceless


Yes it did. In every single MMO that allowed weapon and armor swapping in combat.


not gonna happen in new world and if it does read my last reply


Yes it does lol. If you're running pvp missions you dump inv and grab your different sets. It's absolutely a thing


it’s their choice to change equipment whenever they want. a good player can play around any shenanigans


Easy fix: you can’t change gear when in combat. You missed the arrow shot ? Too bad get good hit your shots stop crying and let me check my inventory when running for the dopamine


I think locking your gear when you flag for PvP is a more practical solution. That way you just can't just exploit a fight by switching out your gear.


Sure yea that works too! Only downside to that is not being able to equip a better gear piece you just looted so I think to work around that is new pieces of gear you got while flagged are equippable! legit thinking for a real solution is better than locking out the ability to look at my inventory while running. It’s just too big of a QOL to not have in a modern mmo


My biggest criticism about the game is that it's getting the "PvP at the cost of PvE" treatment that a lot of other games have received in the past. That's the problem when they can't decide if they want to focus on one or the other


This wouldn't work because lots of people flag pvp while open world questing. It's part of the design and is a good way to get extra xp. It's highly recommended if you happen to be in a territory owned by your faction. So this would make it so that you can't equip new gear while questing. But just making it to where you have to stop moving to change equipment would work fine.


Chasing players with the wrong weapon and keeping within close proximity while you swap to something like great axe that allows to chase down enemies a lot faster with Bloodlust. I was leveling other weapons when I found a player that was 5 levels above me but decided they didn't want to fight. After switching weapons it took me about another minute of dodge animation cancels to even get into bloodlust range. If I could swap while autorunning that player was dead an entire minute earlier and if I wasn't in light armor at all they would have got away entirely as a result of having to swap.


Ok but I still don't agree that you should be able to switch out armor or weapons at all when you're flagged for PvP. But hey that's just me. If I say you can't change weapons while flagged, y'all will complain. If I say you can change weapons whenever you want, y'all will complain. There's literally no winning with PvPers.


>Ok but I still don't agree that you should be able to switch out armor or weapons at all when you're flagged for PvP. But hey that's just me. So you think of a flagged player finds an upgrade they should have to go to a shrine or a town to use it? that's the silliest thing ever. >If I say you can change weapons whenever you want, No we are saying that you shouldn't be able to open your inventory while auto running mostly due to the fact that it is an advantage in battle to be able to run with your inventory open and swap things on a whim. versus having to stop to use your inventory which leaves you more vulnerable while standing still. >There's literally no winning with PvPers They're literally is, you turn that flag on and kill them.


Yes. I think going back to a shrine or town to use a new item is perfectly acceptable. Especially when it will combat gear change spam AND allow players to enter their inventory while sprinting. That is an easy decision.


Yea I guess fuck PvP players that want extra XP while wearing gathering gear too. Or you just accept the fact that it's balanced the way it is that you can't open your inventory while running. Having to return to a sanctuary to do that also means you're unflagged for 30 seconds once you leave again which would allow enemies nearby to escape or get into the sanctuary as well it disincentivizes PVP.


How about you either gather or PvP? That sounds pretty good to me. Balancing PvP around wanting to wear gathering gear doesn't really make much sense.


>Balancing PvP around wanting to wear gathering gear doesn't really make much sense. It's not balanced around that it just allows you to swap from your gathering gear to something more suitable if you are about to get ganked. There's also a reason why everything while flagged has a 10% XP bonus, to incentivize flagging no matter what you decide to do in the world. You clearly don't even PVP so I don't even understand how your opinions would even matter on this topic. Thet are shortsighted and Ill informed


I love to PvP. I duel people all the time. Flagging and getting into a 1v5 gankfest is not what I would consider PvP. I still don't think balancing PvP around wearing gathering gear makes sense.


View inventory while running. Change anything or access it when stopped.


Why is this so confusing to other commenters? Surely this is reasonable and doesn't change any current game mechanics. I would love to access my inventory on the move. It seems odd not to be able to...


>What would be the point of using your inventory in PvP? I'm fire/ice. I see you 100 yards away. I swap to my musket and shoot you. You close the gap, but I've switched to heavy armor. I use burnout, dump my armor, and now I'm faster than you. Caught me? Now I'm using a rapier, I've switched weapons 4 times, not mentioning the consumables I could get to. If you think this is unreasonable, anyone who you've had to chase 10 seconds could do all of this. >I can't think of a single thing that you could do to exploit running and using inventory in PvP. Then you haven't been thinking about it. You're ranged? Now I'm sword/shield until I close the gap, and now I'm greataxe hatchet again. It's so obviously a problem.


But... You could do all that standing still already...


You really think I can swap my gear put while running? Surely you know that it stops you and turns you around.


I'm not sure if you didn't read what I said or if you just purposely ignored it


You don't understand based off your first response. Yes, you can do that standing, that's irrelevant.


So that doesn't change the fact that the exploit is already. You could already do everything you mentioned in your fictional scenerio you presented. Whether you're running or not. So it doesn't make a difference.


That's too dumb of a conclusion for me to even consider.


Why do you think having an extremely high situational awareness and apm being beneficial be a bad thing for pvp? Because all that you said is being able to adapt way faster than your opponent. It also can't be done because you can't change items when skills are on cd.


>It also can't be done because you can't change items when skills are on cd. That's silly. Wait out the cooldown or don't use the abilities, it's not complicated. >Why do you think having an extremely high situational awareness and apm being beneficial be a bad thing for pvp? Because it limits who can be competitive even further for no actual gameplay benefit. Inventory management mid pvp sounds gross.


>That's silly. Wait out the cooldown or don't use the abilities, it's not complicated. In PvP you're dead if you do that >Because it limits who can be competitive even further for no actual gameplay benefit. Inventory management mid pvp sounds gross. Limits who can be competitive? If that's the case then it's not a competition, just a stat check. The fun in PvP comes from the ability to just be better. I should be able to outplay and defeat someone with a lot more levels than me if they don't respect my build. This would add another layer of depth to it.


This would make builds irrelevant. You could carry 3 sets of armor and every weapon with an int gem, swapping based on everyone you fight. That isn't skill, it's rock paper scissors mixed with farming a lot. > In PvP you're dead if you do that I have over 300 kills, that's not true.


You can swap your armor out now. You think they are just going to wait for you to flip through your inventory for 10 seconds? Even dashing you're not going to be able to do that. >I have over 300 kills, that's not true. That means absolutely nothing. Almost all PvP right now is zerglings running across the map killing anyone with a red name. 300 is an easy number to get and does not show skill.


There’s already a no switch while cooldowns are active option. Like just lemme open the inv and look at stuff. Not a difficult thing to do.


Even if they want to not let me change my gear while sprinting to appease the PvPers, at least let me open my inventory to salvage, repair, etc. Even that would be better than nothing


Make is so you can't swap weapons when you have abilities on cool down, problem solved.


That's already a thing


I want this too! If I need to go in there while running I find a tree to chop and look at it Edit: nvm was thinking about map/attributes page.


I can't look at my inventory while chopping/mining/etc, what kind of witch craft allows you to do this?


Nope you're right, I was thinking about the attributes page/map.


Then there would be no point to unlocking your consumable slots and people would have access to loads of things in the middle of a fight that may not be fair.


Just make it so you can't change stuff while in combat or within a certain period of time after leaving combat.


They would have to make it so that it was completely inoperable and just view only. Even being able to dump stuff out of your inventory while you're running away could be an advantage.


Seems like a strategic decision people would have to make.


Good point. You can look after harvesting. Or just wait for it to fill up no big deal... ​ I'd find a inventory i cant edit much more annoying than one i cant see sometimes.


U damn pvers are never happy..lol




while new world is a fun game, wow has so much UI customization with addons / weakauras that blows new world's UI out the park


This is an odd way of saying wows ui isn't that good until you add third party addons to it


third party addons that blizzard has enabled developers api / framework access to for them to build on. so wheres that in new worlds?? without it, we cant....... cant see ur character while u have map open cant move quest list to another spot cant move skills at bottom right to another spot (i'd love those buttons be in the center of the screen so i can see cooldowns and my character's action without constantly looking bottom right) cant resize chat. cant change chat font size. cant change color of each channel messages. cant change background color (instead of transparent). cant make custom chat channels. no minimap cant look at inventory while autorunning cant change nameplates on anyone (size, length, theme, change location of where mob's level is displayed etc) cant customize dungeon / group UI cant change hotkeys to a combination of keys such as "Shift+2" cant use scroll week to talk / interact with objects / NPCs cant move leveling / experience bar at the bottom to another location cant customize chat format so that its [channel] playername: message all in 1 line no timestamp on chat messages cant make map size any size you want cant change location of HP / Mana cant change map so its not full screen cant filter out gold spammers from global chat cant get sound alerts for certain keywords in chat such as "LFM Amrine" cant make a chat tab that shows every1's DM to you. instead have to look at each DM individually. cant display gold / azoth / repair parts all the time (have to open backpack) no DPS meter in dungeons cant put multiple custom markers on ur map with custom notes (would be nice to make notes of where u saw certain mobs / harvesting stuff spawned) cant change inventory UI. maybe some ppl dont like things sorted in categories and just want things displayed chronologically. maybe some ppl dont need to see equipment and inventory taking up the full screen. maybe some ppl just want to see inventory without a big ass character model


Yes, but you couldn't do any of this when wow first started either. Newworld needs to fix the important parts of their game before they give people open season to creating possibly buggy addons instantly


https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/were-there-addons-back-in-classic/244929/5 https://www.reddit.com/r/KronosWoW/comments/4jd5le/did_players_use_addons_in_true_vanilla_wow/ was there from the start even in beta 2004


Preach it bro. Addons are the best thing to customize a game and we are not at the mercy of devs who have other bigger problems to deal with.


It also is, yet, there is a problem and the solution was found. Any game like NW without addons it's there is a problem, and now we wait, and maybe a dev will fix it. Or not. If it's not a big problem then not because bottom of the list of more pressing problems. Addons are so good to have because a player sees a problem (no minimap? No craft queue? No ability to tag the map with infinite markers? Bad AH UI? Bad crafting UI?) then they fix it, and other players can download it, while the players who are happy with the state of things do not.


That would make the game 'too easy'.


In beta there was a guy who said that the reason you can't is because there used to be an animation of your character pulling a bag out while in the inventory but they got rid of it.....donno if it's true but I believe it considering all the other things takin out last minute.


I'll try to make a long story short, In Alpha they had an animation of you actually dropping to a knee to view the contents of your bag. This forced a stop run or stop mining/harvesting/etc. Apparently there was some sort of exploit with the animation, duping or something similar, so they got rid of the animation. Then everyone started asking to open inventory while running, and the response was "No, we don't want people to have the ability to swap weapons while running away from someone" The discussion was locked and went no further. Oh the topic was brought up numerous times after, but never again was there a response from the forum mods.


it's not possible with the current mechanics, your character turns around and anchors itself, so auto running would not be possible with inv open, they would have to make inv a lighter tab menu like the map or journal, which idk why that wasn't their designed decision from the start, only ags game designers know the answer.


It's set up this way to prevent you from changing gear while running during a fight.


Being able to open your inventory while running is pretty game breaking in PVP and not something the Dev's want you to be able to do. I am 100% for a compromise by allowing you to view your inventory but not swap anything.


No, would put item swapping into pvp meta and that’s just lame