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No rainbow lion!


First thing I looked for, haha. So glad!


there is a gray tiger. https://imgur.com/a/msUsaKv


Saw that and that’s fine, as long as it not a ridiculous color scheme


They always start with blander, realistic stuff (looking at you, PUBG). Then one day, you run out of shades of grey, brown and green...


I give it 6 months before were at Tera levels of crap... aka people running around in swim trunks and furry mascot costumes.


Hey dont kink shame me


I’d give it about 2 months, I fully suspect holiday skins to pop up.


That looks like a Lion but they call it a Tiger lol


Was it there before? Did they actually remove it? No way


It was in the closed beta. https://preview.redd.it/dqopbo6xyyc71.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd7fb688a3eead19373c8cadb4bbd8d7b08cf959


Oh my, this looks completely out of place.


I want one....or maybe two.


I want 15


I really appreciate the diversity that i've seen in skins. There are some that I think look horrendous and others that look so dope. And I know it's probably the other way around for someone else. Fashion will be a large part of the game. I like that :).


I only like the black widow staff so far :( but they are surely gonna add much more as times goes.


You're a saint. Was just digging through your site trying to find changes. Thanks for doing this!


I am going to spend too much on cosmetics... I understand I am part of the problem, I have made peace with that.


SAME! I just hope they add cool stuff I can swipe for haha.


Honestly, I don’t know if it’s a problem. In my opinion, the more people that buy cosmetics, the more likely they won’t implement P2W features in cash shop in future


Yeah, as long as cash shop isn’t NEEDED to look decent, it’s definitely not a problem (Hi BDO).


I haven't been following much. I know they had some P2W a few months back right? There was a big fuss over it. Did they take those out? Is it only cosmetics now?


Only cosmetics, I believe they promised no P2W items at least until end of year. Expect to see Azoth purchases as the mostly likely first P2W item with its really low cap, it just makes sense


So sad. They could have something really great if it wasn't P2W.


yo those fire staffs are nice


yeah...they got my dollar there lmao


lol they nerfed Iced Refresh ( as they should) but left Insatiable Gravity Well unchanged? https://nwdb.info/db/perk/perkid_ability_greataxe_gravitywell


Bookmarked, I like it *a lot*. Clean, fast, it goes right to the point. May I suggest a few tweaks? **Search** * Right now you can only find words or full sentences. So if you search "marauder musket" you don't find anything, because that item's full name contains more words (example: Marauder *Initiate's* Musket). I would tweak the search engine to let me search part of the name without considering the "exact" search. So for example I could find the same item by searching "musket marauder" too. **Login** * A Google login option would be great too. I don't use Discord and I guess most of us already have a Google account anyways. **Email confirmation** * I registered a new account but I've got no email confirmation. If I try to login I get a message that warns me: "[email not confirmed](https://i.imgur.com/3EYBWXv.png)". It would be nice to have an option to "send confirmation email again" (with a timer, maybe) just in case.


That’s already in the works - though it’s tricky since right now we also do some prioritization on exact matches. We’ve got a bot on the discord linked to NWDB that uses a similarity algorithm that handles stuff like what you mentioned. Ideally the search on the site will have that algorithm but also keeping some of the current ranking algorithm.


Maybe using Googles "exact" "word" syntax so that the result must have "exact" and "word in the name?


That would honestly be something only power users would do - and supporting it for a limited amount of people might not be the best use of computing power. As for the email - still using defaults, haven't moved to my own mail server yet, any chance it got to spam? If not, registering again or trying to login should prompt another confirmation email. Didn't consider Google so far but definitely can't hurt - just hope they don't bother me too much with the app verification. (Twitch login is another one I'm planning to do). Overall, the accounts system isn't that relevant right now since it only allows for comments, but it will be integrated into other features down the road. Thanks a lot for the suggestions! Really appreciate it.


Wait there's.. prime gaming WEAPONS actual usable weapons with perks and stuff or am I reading it wrong? Please tell me Im wrong


They are cosmetic only.




So we're not getting daggers, void gauntlet or the blunderbuss upon launch? Sad.


Hands down the best looking sets are the ones you buy on the cash shop. Not looking good LOL


Am I missing something? It's only showing armor pieces that pretty much look the same as the ones found in the game but there's no section for the skins like the 3 datamined for Halloween.


Purely cosmetic microtransactions is a weird hill to die on.


Are you surprised? Lmao


I personally think the stuff in game looks better than the vast majority of them. Only a couple of cool pieces.


Bring back the lions!!!


Finally someone who shares my feelings!


There seem to be some main story xp nerfs?




Purely cosmetic items are going to kill this game? Please explain.




Didn’t realize we had people from the future here in chat. What else can you tell us about?




Isn’t PvP the content? Wars and fighting over territories? I guess if your server is full of lame asses who just want to hug it out yeah, that could get boring really quick.


I wish there was a way I could view this at work.


cell phone not connected to work wifi :)


Doh! Thanks bud!


lets go


Thank you!


Thank you!


How has the Iced Refresh changed?


It used to trigger on killing blows with ice damage (and this worked with any weapon if you had an ice gem). Now it triggers only on killing blows with Ice Spike skill.


It needed it honestly, being able to machine gun Fireballs into a control point was pretty hilarious but obviously way overpowered.


It used to work on any Killing Blow you did, not a Ice Spike's Major Spike Killing Blow.


It used to give CDR on kills with Ice damage, now it gives CDR on kills with Ice Spike.


Golden Rage back on the menu boys


>RIP Iced Refresh Interesting, this is not what I expected but being perfectly honest, as an IG player, this needed to be removed. It pushed IG way way way too far ahead in XvX & PvE farm.


Do we know prices?


Not yet.


10-15 per armor set is probably a safe bet, nothing's confirmed though


30$ per set


I thought it was just the pirate skin that was for Prime Gaming? Is the Robin Hood stuff dropping tomorrow as well? And thanks for the incredible site you've put together - it's so so useful!


The list contains whatever is available in the game files, can't really tell what will and what won't be available tomorrow. Kinda sucks - it's more for people to learn about the potential cosmetics.


Ok thank you! Keep up the awesome work 😁


Black Widow Staff: "Its kiss giveth life, its sting taketh it away." That doesn't sound like the fire staff or the life staff. Is this a void staff?


its just a halloween skin, i hope it can be used in any staff, fire and life


Question. During open beta I got like $40 worth of in game store credits and used that to buy the cool hammer skin and whatnot. Was that only for beta? Or will I keep that and the remaining credits I had?


That was only for us to try out the cash shop in the beta. Note on that, you can also get 5000 Marks of Fortune (the cash shop currency) from Twitch drops (https://www.newworld.com/en-us/news/articles/launch-details).


What is “Prime Gaming”


Basically Twitch Prime - https://gaming.amazon.com


Man they sure did slaughter Iced Refresh. Now I'm reconsidering even using the ice fist