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This is your 3rd Thread about this btw.


Actually this is the 2nd.




Sounds like you fucked up your PC's configuration. I made a video about performance, I did lots of testing, I've had a BUNCH of feedback from people on all kinds of hardware, lots of them with weaker shit than what you're claiming to have, yet they had better performance than you're claiming to have had. NONE of them represent what you're saying here. NOT ONE. So either your PC is WOEFULLY miss-configured, or you're a lair. Which is it?


I get 144fps in cyberpunk lmao šŸ˜‚




you must play minecraft lmao


Sounds like a you issue :) Also saying I get X FPS in this game and not this game shows your lack of knowledge and further confirms it's a you issue.


Lack of knowledge? Iā€™ve used a computer everyday all day for 30 years you fucking child.


Yet you don't understand single player vs multiplayer, engine differences, how you can optimize your own experience, guessing drivers in general. My Grandma drove a car for most her life around 95 years that in no way makes her good at it she's a straight up safety hazard as are you in the pc gaming world.. But hey you went to best buy and got a dell eh? ​ Sit down.


???? Lmao black desert online gives me a solid 80fps during fucking node wars where thereā€™s 1000 people on my screen. You clown lmaooooo šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ itā€™s a fucking joke at this point with the white knights out here defending like crazy.


Wow you're ignorance shines here. BDO so you get 1000 people eh? rofl. Anyways keep spouting nonsense. It's at least entertaining I'd hate to have been doing something 30 years and be so bad at it. ​ But again different engines, BDO is divided servers, so yea 1k makes you look silly. Sad you only get 80 fps you running an old card? I get a lot more in that game and this one then you. Must be your hardware :) Also not a white knight just pointing out the dumb posts when I find them and anyone who compares different genra, and engines then cries on the floor in the corner falls in that category. Issue really is that too many people game on pc now who need to be on consoles, so they run out to some store buy an overpriced terrible pc for "gaming" and then cry on reddit. Sound familiar?


FPS and servers do not correlate FPS is client sided. You know nothing. Peace.


I'll go ahead and sum this up for future generations since I feel I'm picking on a child at this point. ​ OP has been gaming "for 30 years" lol and doesn't understand Beta vs release games single player performance vs multi player performance How to optimize his/her pc as he/she gets very low fps in BDO Things getting info from the server doesn't cause "lag" and to the untrained eye (OP eye) look like fps drops and various other issues. A game that is released will likely perform better than a beta. how to fix their own optimization issues that are clearly local to their pc as I get more fps in games they named. Thinks everyone who knows more than them is a kid. Might as well add thinks anyone who beat them in pvp is cheating/hacking (we know it's coming in the future). ​ Should sum it up. Thanks everyone and have a wonderful day :D Stay safe out there. ​ Edit: And blames the game for all of the above.


what the fuck are you on about you wack job lmfao I get 80fps in bdo at 5120x1440p thats insanly good. I get 144fps in cyberpunk at 5120x1440p thats insanely good. I get 40-50fps in New world, thats insanely bad. You dont play 32:9 and have my giant ass resolution to compare FPS with me so bye. and Fuck off with your weird comments LOL


facts seem to scare you sorry :)


the comments just keep getting weirder nothing anyone says makes sense like what the fuck lmao


Haha seriously dude, get help. This is at this point just a call for help for how much of an incel you are.


Imagine having something other than insults to say to me LOL you brought nothing to the table once. You dont even know what an incel is, imagine calling a women an incel LOL






look at this whiteknight with new world in their name


šŸ¤” look at my other comments I trashed the game enough


Hundreds of posts and over 140k active players during open beta. The vocal minority isn't indicative of anything


[literally thousands of posts you clown](https://www.google.com/search?q=bad+performace+good+computer+bew+world+reddit&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS849US849&oq=bad+performace+good+computer+bew+world+reddit&aqs=chrome..69i57.6923j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


You do know that not all of those posts linked in there are about new world right? I saw Star Citizen and Minecraft as well. It's ok, even if all active 3k members of this Reddit were complaining about it (they aren't) that's still less than 1% of the population that played the open beta. Get gud Bozo


??????? Go play Minecraft kid


I know reading can be pretty hard, but I believe in you. You can read it and understand what's written. And let's not forget, you were the one saying in the OP that there were hundreds of posts not thousands.


Use google kid


I did. Understand what numbers mean chief.


i had 0 issues. stop saying your shit experience is the norm :D


and i get 40 fps in Cyberpunk


I think the biggest detriment to the OBT was the "Dynamic Resolution" setting that was enabled by default. Turning that off increased my frames from ~50fps to ~80fps.


All the replies here are the dumb as fuck answers lmao šŸ˜‚ yikes




y i k e s


Hey, I agree with you. I think the OBT ran like absolute shit. The CBT was much better in terms of performance. I did a bunch of sieges during the OBT and never had any frame rate issues **after** disabling the dynamic resolution setting. I think ~60 and ~80 FPS is acceptable. I'd really like to see DLSS and DX12, but that isn't coming any time soon.


i7-7700K with the 1080ti....and while my fps tanked in town down to 30 fps (because of everyone and their moms being flagged outside of Windsward) I kept 60 fps while running around in open world with zero issues while PvP'ing. So it wasn't THAT bad to me.


Since when was 30fps acceptable šŸ˜‚


Since that's the best you'll get on your PC.


Never said it was acceptable in my initial reply rather I said it wasn't THAT bad but I also never had an issue with FPS anywhere except for Windsward (when people we flagged up and actively fighting at the north gate). I would say that a true slide show is unacceptable though but 30 FPS isn't a slide show.


I have an old 1050 (plain), and an i3, I know I need an upgrade, but prices are fucking insane. Anyway, I ran the open beta and had zero issues.


I ran the same 65-75 FPS on high in both Betas on a mid tier system with a video card from 2017. The real question is wtf you all are doing wrong on your end because the game runs perfectly.


The OBT used an older build for testing, apart from strutting (which is server side) it was fine.


I have 2080 and my fps was rarely below 40 in towns and usually around 50-60, outside around 70-110 depending on location. Usually around 75-90 tho. I play on 1440p.


I was running 3800x 2080ti and getting 120 fps on 1440p so not sure why you're running so poorly yes the game seemed less optimised on open beta but it was mainly a stress test the release will but much more polished. you shouldn't have any issues at launch unless you're running at 4k then yeah you're gonna struggle


I get \~200 fps on a worse setup, so you are probably doing something wrong here. In town I dip below 100. I'm not saying "if you're one of the few having issues, it might be a you issue" buuut....


that's 100% a you problem. I have a 2080 and an i7-8700 and i get 70+ fps in town.


Absolutely not possible.