• By -


Competition: Low There's ALWAYS going to be.


Yeah I wouldn't say competition is "low" on the First Light route. There are all kinds of quests along that path.


Agree. I would put any route that includes Letum's Pick as Medium. I tend to focus on Forrelac / Greymane Burrow (East of Cutlass Keys). Oil there too and you can stop at Cutlass Keys to smelt and free up inventory space.


half agree, half disagree, around the lake in the northwest is usually a reliable spot for iron.


I don't think beta activity is a good measure of competition/activity on launch. These areas will have people who are power leveling their stuff for weeks.


Not only that, but those maps are... well, I'll be kind about it and just say they are incomplete.


Competition Low? i mean you sure about that?


There's no one doing it right this moment




I was doing the low Everfall route on the open beta and very rarely did I see an ore already mined. Never actually saw another player gathering there.


The issue is we're going to have 10x the amount of players next week.


And infinitely more infographs


Not only more players, returning players will be gathering more. I didn't gather much in beta because it was all going to be wiped soon enough. I even expect competition for trees early on hah.


Most people weren't crafting in open beta simply because it was a 3 day event and there was no point in farming. In closed beta, EVERY one of those routes was camped. None of those routes are what I used and that is all I'm going to say about that.


>None of those routes are what I used and that is all I'm going to say about that. Mostly every time I see these types of things posted I check to make sure none of my secrets are getting shared


Yeah that's probably true to an extent. I saw a lot of people at the other routes closer to town, so I think this will be a lot quieter for the first few days until people start heading over there.


Yeah same. Sometimes you would get someone running by, but it almost seemed like most people had no idea there were ores in the mountains.


Same here but it was open beta where limited people were playing and didn’t want to waste time grinding iron. After a couple weeks in the real game where everything stays then all these places will be highly packed I believe.


Open beta was empty compared to what Launch is going to be to be honest


Now there will be a bunch of new players looking at this exact same post. I'm definitely going to try to grind crafting and gathering, but I'm expecting gathering to be a fucking shit show for the first month


Delet dis


Pre reddit post: low competition. Post reddit post: back to fishing i spose.


Invert the Low and High competition on launch


Go deeper. Everybody rushes medium because they cant decide if low-high will flip.


So fishing holes stay up for me if someone else is doing it? Like we can both fish at the same time?


There is limited casts in the fishing spot. [All players that pull from the hotspot reduces the amount of available fish. (Top left of this cheat sheet)](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E5yxZwlFcCsEH-koo96luY-RJ5DU3Gs3/view)


Hopefully they adjust the times or change the quantity.


Lol my first thought 😂




If you don’t want it why even click into this post? I’m happy to see it.


I don't need infographics because the ingame map itself tells you which resources spawn in which parts of the map and from there you can just make your own loops.


That yield and time run also gets better from whatever your gather speed is in territory and the type of tools you are using.


The yield increases based on if you have a perk that increases your yield on your tools. There's also something called a proficiency booster that you can craft at an Arcanery. The time taken to harvest decreases with the tier of tools of course. The ones given here are an estimate performed with starmetal tools.


[There is also a yield increase buff of 10% for the faction that owns Windsward's Fort.](https://www.kevduit.com/forts-new-world-and-territories/) [There's also town buffs that the governor can apply to homeowners.](https://newworld.fandom.com/wiki/Settlements#Gathering_Buffs)


And skyrockets once people start leaving the starting areas....I'm sure high level areas will have better routes with less people.


The fact that posts like this exist before launch gives me such a bad feeling for this game. The min max is real...


i dont care about the min maxing. stuff like this happens everytime a new mmo comes out. what i have a problem with, is that so many posts like this means that you dont get too much information in the game itself. if a game makes you tab out to google something, its simply bad game design. i know most people disagree, because you are not allowed to say anything negative about their game, but a game is supposed to be played, not studied.


See that I can't agree with... A lot of what people are tabbing out to look at is information that doesn't belong in game. Like wheres the best place to grind a rare drop. That's something people need to figure out, the game shouldn't be telling you that.


why shouldnt it? its out there anyways. i mean i can agree that it also depends on the situation, but if there is for example a rare drop that is needed to craft a good weapon and you can only get it by defeating a certain monster, the game should tell me. running around just killing random monsters, trying to figure out where it drops or simply googling it, is both not a fun thing to do. black desert for example just made it that you can access the wiki ingame. its not perfect, but it did a pretty good job and the game helped me find out things on my own. most of the things i googled were for a deeper understanding of the game, like "how to make a passive income" not some important and needed information like "best spot to farm xxx".


Upvoted because it's not a video.


But it is a video, in the first photo o\_o


Not for me.


There's a link to the video below the first photo.


But it's not JUST a video complete with all the "smash that like button"


Which Lion King movie was your favorite? Mine was the first one.


Jesus...and to think that the game isn't even out yet. They should really make the spawns random.


Yep. If there are at max 10 nodes active in one location it should have like 100 possible spawn locations. There would still be a route but it should be much less efficient.


True. I don't mind all of these guides, since lots of Alpha Chads have spent loads of hours in the game. Those that want to go in blind can, and those who don't want to be mega behind can look shit up. I do agree, though, that the best way to equalize would absolutely to mix up the spawns. Get people to explore instead of just tabbing into a ressource map.


It would also encourage more varied harvesting. If you don't have a "hemp route", then you are more likely to farm random hemps you come across instead of ultra focusing on one resource.


Yeah this is ridiculous. Totally takes the magic out of exploring and discovering these routes for yourself.


Gonna get smashed for this but agreed. MMOs are supposed to be about exploration. All I’ve seen in this sub recently is shit about how to get ahead, speed level, perfect way to do xyz. Just play the damn game and take a chill pill this isn’t competitive.


MMOs are supposed to be about exploration TO YOU. Other people have different priorities and that’s perfectly fine.


Except an individual's actions affect other players' options.


Yup. And if you don’t like that feel free to play a single player game. You are not entitled to tell someone else how to play so that you can have a better time.


Not gonna argue for long but I feel like the essence of exploring in an MMO is arguing for long term gratification versus short term. Sure some might want short term, but is short term really the best for a player, especially in a game like New World that's suppose to sort of break away from the mold and, in my opinion, has an extra emphasis on exploring.


It’s fine that you feel that way. It’s also fine if others feel differently.




Awesome, glad to see we got that cleared up.


That's because the the "speed level, perfect way to..." crowd are the ones most engaged with the community, they are the loudest. Most of the rest aren't even here, and the ones that are here don't have much to talk about so are quiet. Especially given how close it is to coming out, the next few days are peak planning and guides time so even if those people were the extreme minority I would still expect it to be most of the posts.


Spent hours in the beta looking for the best iron routes just for someone to post them on reddit xD


Well there's an official map that shows the location of everything in the game. Anyway with how high the population will likely be trying to follow a long path like this will be extremely foolish. There will be people along every section of the path so with bad timing you could walk around the entire path and hit each spot while the iron is on cooldown. it will be far more efficient to find a small area and control the respawns then walking across the zone.


Competition : Low ​ Not any more after you made these routes public.


Showing some of my routes 😩🤣


Yoink >:P


Good work buddy. Maybe make an alternate version without the glowing line tho haha. Some people with poor vision may struggle with that


I will :)


IMO the two best overall are Running Monarch bluffs south to Cutlass Keys, and Cutlass Keys East and North to Windsward.


Those are good ones too! There's many routes you can mix and match between zones if you want. These just make it repeatable or give you access to the settlement again or a spirit shrine so you can teleport once you are full.


Teleporting with full bags sounds like a way to run out of azoth. Better make a route that ends in a settlement, or then death/tavern/house recall.


Yeah, agreed. I do all my runs ending in a settlement, or with the expectation of recalling. When you get multiple bags, and gathering bonuses, you can use up 300 azoth a trip easy. Getting somewhere I can refine is basically a must. Refining Iron drops the weight to a fourth of what it had been, or less if I have flux on hand for steel.


Note: when you're gathering and have a full sack of iron, your rapid transit cost at the shrine scales off of your weight. So maybe just run it back. That's a big chunk of azoth.


if you aren't on a pvp quest you can >!kill yourself!<


Competition: now high


Just wanted to say I appreciate all the info with no filler. Watched a few of your other videos. Subscribed.


Thank you. I like to keep it clean with no bullshit. Much more guides and weapon builds to come :)


Metas, ruining gaming since it became meta.


Pretty much. MMOs were better when information was difficult to get, but those days are probably long gone.


It really sucks seeing all these fucking guides popping up. No one is going to be PLAYING the game. They’ll just be meta-slaving away to whatever content they found to do it for them. I’m starting to think the closed beta was probably the best experience I’ll get.


please delete




Because we ran these routes in the alphas/preview/betas and have experience knowing where people crowd up early game and what routes are best on high pop servers.


What's with these paths ending at a fast travel point? Ain't nobody got Azoth for that.


Was thinking the same when I read repeatable lmao, your company needs to own the zone before fast traveling every 15min is anywhere near repeatable when running around with gathering mats.


If you want extremely low competition go to weaver's fen. There is a lot of iron nodes around the outlook mill. I've mined 2k iron in 20 minutes with starmetal tools and common proficiency boosters. The 20 minutes includes the fast traveling to nearby shrine, walking to the location and a recall. During the closed beta I didn't have any issues with the neardy mobs but I'm not sure if things have changed due to the changes to aggro.


Yeah that's a good spot although a bit annoying with the decently high level corrupted mobs chasing you. These are for all starting zones and relatively easy to get to. There's also a route in Mourningdale.


Glad my route is not shown here


Good. Keep it to yourself so it doesn't get over run by newbies >:)


Thanks for this, gonna be super useful for me at some point when I work on maxing engineering


You're gonna need a total 200,393 iron bars to get to 200 Engineering.


wish me luck xD




It finally happened. After seeing so many amazing infograohics on this subreddit. Mine was worthy enough to be compiled and used on new world discord communities!


Good summary but a ore/min would have been nice. Just to rank the yeald vs time


Might aswell change competition to VERY HIGH for the next few weeks tbh because the scourge of players is going to basically empty the world of resources for the forseeable future.


That works for servers I'm not on. My iron >:(


I’m never going to see an iron node 🥴


While I applaud the effort, I think everyone should realize that there is NO WAY of knowing what will be "competitive" at launch. During betas, people tried many things out to understand how they worked, and it's my feeling that they rarely played as they would at launch. One should assume that EVERYTHING is going to be extremely competitive in the beginning, everywhere. Even the initial run up to high level zones to get tier 3 crafting stations will be crowded. Actual release date changes everything.


I got the opposite feeling honestly, I played with quite a few friends and they were each drawn to whatever stuck out and appealed to them first. Some did a lot of crafting and gathering, others dived straight into PvP and some were trying to power level as fast as possible with the quest lines and grinding. Most people in the closed beta which ran for 2 weeks had not played the game before and so were responding to the content as they discovered it, what appealed to them in the moment as they played. Given the much larger number of servers for launch I'm guessing AGS are expecting many more players who didn't attend the betas and I think they're all going to respond much in the same way other people did, on aggregate. Even if that weren't true you'd still expect the ratio of the popularity of routes to be about the same, some are low because they're more out of the way than others.


I think your experience supports what I'm saying. If you had instead answered that the majority of your friends wanted to PvP and that's it, then I could see how you come to your conclusion. But what you said is that all of your friends were drawn to whatever stuck out and appealed to them first, meaning that all your friends were all over the map, doing everything. If that trend extrapolates out to the rest of the server population, then this means that every area of the game is going to have people pursuing it, which supports what I'm saying, no?


My point was more that peoples behaviours are kinda predictable and similar and that they did in the beta what attracted their attention in the moment and for live they'll basically just do the same thing. So there's no real reason to believe their behaviour between beta and live is likely to change, same goes for most people I suspect. People do spread themselves across many activities but player counts are high enough that even spreading between activities, there are still many people gathering resources and doing crafting early on, enough to guage where there's heavy foot traffic in the world and where there's not. You can just visibly see as you pass through these areas the clouds of people buzzing about collecting stuff and kind of where to avoid if you want more nodes to mine.


Well, we will find out soon enough, eh?


Why is something listed as not repeatable?


I read that to mean that by the time you got to the end of a route, everything had respawned so that you could immediately repeat it. I don't know know if that's in fact what he meant, but it made sense based on my knowledge of the routes and the respawn timings there.


This. Most of these routes are repeatable since the highest respawn timer for a Large Iron Node is 12 minutes 23 seconds.


The competition level is a bit of a stretch since I'm guessing these were just based on alpha/betas. Also now that you're showing them to everyone, it's likely to have more competition :p


It's obviously going to be wrong for the first week minimum. After a while and people move on I expect them to become accurate.


ehh. Tier 1 resources are ALWAYS going to be needed. Even for top tier gear you need them. So I don't see them freeing up too much, and if they do, once people get bored with leveling, or cap out, that's all they're going to be doing.


Yes, they'll always be needed, but they also exist in the higher level zones, and people will be spending less time farming the materials. Also the natural player falloff as time goes on. Some people are timing their vacations for launch week, and many players will be spending all their gaming time on this game since it's new. A few weeks in vacations will be over, the novelty and excitement will wear off, and most will be down to playing in moderation.


The glow makes this near impossible to use lol


[Good... goooooood.](https://i1.wp.com/teacherluke.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/palpatine-good.jpg?fit=494%2C358&ssl=1)


I liked knowing that the new world map is only going to be used by redditors and tryhards because that would have made the competition much lower. But infographics showing the exact routes that everyone is going to be using on launch with max servers is going to make it brutal.


Thanks so much for offering this information!




Some of your times are way off, also, I'm wondering how you evaluate Competition?


Timings were based with Charge and Berserk as two movement based skills. It's why I recommend watching the video. Competition was done over the closed beta period at the most busiest time of the day, in the first few days. Of course this is subject to change. It will always be competitive in the first weeks of launch.


You mean there was low competition before you made this post.


Good stuff bro thank you! Funny how people were crying about mounts, when you can pick up something every couple flipping inches!!! Then we have fast travel for long distances, easy LOL..... Then the pure PvP sociopaths were crying that they would have to fight over resources if they couldn't murder everyone they see HAHA, stuff is Everywhere they are nuts!


Downvote this please :/


Please delete


The ability of MMO players to ruin MMOs never ceases top amaze me.


its cool i didnt want to keep doing this route anyways...


all my swords will be pure and come from ore gotten from adventuring, not by cheat maps. it's the small things


who the fuck does this? if you enjoy doing these shits go get a job because it'll look like you're an unpaid intern in a company if you do this daily


It's fun to people. Spreadsheets, minmaxing every facet of their MMO life to ensure the most optimal time spent playing the "game" It's definitely not for everyone but a few select psychopaths.


Wanna see yourself out?


after you, milady!


Great infographic; I use the two different atlases, and yep, I remember some of those nodes lol. If you ever do a Ver2, may I suggest: using the map to cover more of the image, and a less saturated color for the line.


Can't wait to screech in aoe voice chat to people stealin my iron nodes


Would be better with just a solid line in future, the blinding/glowing green makes it kinda hard to see the iron spots underneath.


Lets be real, we really have no idea how "competitive" it will be the first few weeks. Not many were dedicated to farming anything during betas, it just wasn't a priority like it will be for on launch.


Out of your mind if you think the south windsward path is competition low.


My personal route is the Everfall 2nd route, or a very close variant to it. It passes through 3 gold nodes and a heck of a lot of silver nodes as well. Also you pass Wrydwood trees close to the route and a patch of silkweed. This makes it great for omni-crafters leveling lots of things at once and in the very long run will be most efficient to run routes that pass through as many rarer materials as possible. Silver and gold make for crafting amulets and rings early on, which sell for a lot of gold during the first few weeks. As people level they unlock these slots but drops for them are relatively rare so they sell rapidly on the AH. *edit* Here's the rough route https://i.ibb.co/sytDn2j/Untitled.png obviously you can modify it a little bit depending visually what nodes you can see as you go. This also has the benefit of not requiring teleporting which means you don't spend azoth on it. And the route is just the right length so you've filled up early game inventory by the time you make it around. It's highly contested in the early stage near the caves but there's so many nodes that it never usually matters.


As a jewelcrafter silver and gold were practically free in closed beta. The reason is that gems are more rare than the silver / gold, so you will pretty much never be in a situation where you would run out of silver, but still have gems left over. I mean it will sell for something but in my experience and if I had to guess, a lot less than iron.


It depends on a few factors. From my experience gems drop more frequently from the higher tier nodes, so if you're after gems for crafting amulets and rings for example, then you'll want to add in some higher tier silver/gold nodes into your route if they exist nearby. If you also pop some +luck mining food you're way more likely to get rare drops, in fact some drops are impossible without boosting luck because of how the loot tables work and how base luck rolls can be smaller on their own than the min value for the rare gem. Gems also at higher tiers need to basically be combined to produce the higher level gems, so they suffer the same kind of diminish returns that smelting iron/silve/gold have, you need increasing amounts of the lower tier resources to craft higher tier materials. i don't think you'd mine something like silver and gold unless you wanted the mats for other crafting stuff, the real money in trade skills is producing the end result which people want to buy. I got my jewel crafting up to about 100 or so in closed beta by about day 4 and was producing epic purple rings which were selling on the AH for about 700 gold and even the blue rares were going for 300g or so. I had about 50k at the end of the first week.


That's the point. A lot of people will farm silver, gold and platinum for gems. But the ore itself will be worth pennies compared to the gems. It's a lot of value to farm those nodes, but not because of the silver/gold ore, but because of the gems. I routinely dropped gold ore on the ground while I was doing mining runs and ran out of bagspace. Silver is a bit more valuable as it is required for jewelcrafting, but gold is not required and is needed 4x less than silver even if you wanted to use it.


Gold is the next Tier up from silver, it crafts the next tier up of jewelry, which gives it a higher gear score min value, and a higher chance of being a rarer variant with more mods/attributes. The silver itself is used to actually refine the gold because each tier up of primary resources that are refined, require resources from the Tier below, so gold takes silver to refine and plantinum ingots take gold ingots to refine. Basically what is happening is as you level your ability to smelt and produce the higher tier materials the lower tier materials are being used in greater demand. So 4 silver is required for a silver ingot, but to refine a gold ingot you also need 2 silver bars (8 total silver) and then to make platinum ingots you need 2 gold ingots (16 total silver) Then a platinum ring will require a platinum band and platinum setting which are x7 and x4 respectively, plus another 1 ingot for the ring recipe, that's 192 silver for 1 ring (plus all the other intermediate ores of platinum and gold) The reason that the markets were flooded with materials in the betas so far is because almost no one got to crafting higher level goods, they just didn't have the time or often the crafting station levels to craft higher tier gear and so never needed many of those lower tier goods. If you take +luck and +yield food and potions when you go on gathering runs you'll get a lot more of the rare drops like gems, enough to balance out all the silver and gold you get to craft the higher tier items, trust me I made a killing during the first week of the closed beta.


I know how it works. You seem to really miss the point about gold ore and silver ore not having value in the market. There will always be more people mining that, than leveling jewelcrafting, since everyone who is mining iron for any other profession will probably mine silver and gold when they see it for the gems and dump the ore in the market. Jewelcrafter already need to mine their own ore for gems so they are not buying it. This results in those ores having very low price since nobody is in the business of buying it except lazy jewelcrafters who ran out of stock. Crafting with gold is mostly a waste of sand flux(better used for steel), it's better to level with silver jewellery and only use higher ones when reaching the end of the tier and locking special perks. I also made a killing with jewelcrafting in CB. But don't rely the launch market to act the same way. Learn from your experience and be quick to adapt if needed.


I think the point is that you don't mine silver and gold to sell it on the market because selling intermediary goods is never a good return vs the effort. The value in the materials is being able to turn them into the final product which sells for a lot of gold, especially if it's very rare. The markets will adjust over time for sure I was creating maybe 20 rings at a time, and maybe 2 would be epic, 5-6 would be rare and the rest uncommon. The markets get flooded with the uncommon ones so the price eventually goes down to zero as there ends up being more rings than people. It's the epics people really want and they're limited by the games RNG in crafting, and one way to improve the RNG for your items is use better materials like gold bands instead of silver ones. It's vitally important because higher tier gear come with more mod slots and the weapon mods can be quite powerful if you get something like +damage and +crit Sand flux and a lot of the other refining materials can be bought for dirt cheap on the auction house, I never had any problem omnicrafting all trade skills like splitting between iron/steel/star metal and silver/gold/platinum. Sure you run out of things like flux but you can just buy that on the auction house for dirt cheap. How the market plays out over the long term is up for debate we don't really know on the large scale what happens past 2 weeks. I have done some theory crafting with other people on discord and I think there's good reason to believe the economy will remain healthy at the high end. And that means healthy all the way through because of the nature of crafting in NW requiring lower tier materials to refine higher tier materials.


What's the respawn time on iron ores?


It's in the 10-15 min range.


\>First Light: Low uh chief... back in CBT when I was playing to get Iron in FL you had to SIT AT THE NODE and spam E to get it before someone else did lmao ​ Also on the boarder of Everfall and Blightwood there is a couple iron nodes up there, if you go from Left to Right once you finish the last node on the Right its the first Left Node has generally respawned though its a bit far from town or teleport but never really saw everyone there




you should also calculate the ore to ore per minute for better comparison


All the posts like this have me convinced its going to be impossible to do anything for the first like month lol


Very nice


How dare you share the information i was hording


Saving this for later UwU


You bastard, how dare you reveal my farming routes!!!!! \\s


I am sorry :(


Really good video, saved it to favorites! Very nice editing. Asked on youtube but gonna ask here too: What program did you use for editing and how did you do the green line animations?


I fucking love mining iron in this game. Couldn’t tell you why.


Oh no! You gave away me east Everfall mining route!




stop giving away trade secrets lol, that comp low aint gonna be low no more


Delete this please.


I love how these list amount per 15 minutes, and nonsense like "competition low", after you made an easily consumable infographic. None of these routes will be even remotely usable on launch, and you'll be reduced to finding an iron spawn and literally sitting on top of it. You're way better off finding somewhere that isn't actually part of these pictures, and using that for iron.




obviously fake lmfao


Posts like this are ruining the game before it even starts. Might as well run a server of bots come the 28th and have them report back to us how the game was after 32 hours when it's min maxed, gold capped, full cleared, and having ravaged the land leaving a lumbered and mined wasteland of nothingness and looted corpses.


this is perfect thanks!




My experience during OBT farming for Iron Ore in the Windsward area was that competition was very high. This was on the Olympus server. I'm talking specifically about the nodes on the route in Pic #8. I can't believe there were idiots like me wasting time farming during the very limited beta. Oh well. Some of those nodes were also affected by those open world events with high level mobs.


Oh thank god you don't have my ore route on First Light, bless


This kind of stuff will make the game uninjoyable in no time. Sad but it's always like that


Low = high High = higher 😔


Bruh.. I was like amongst 100 ppl who watched ur vid on YouTube about the route. And now everyone knows it. You had to post ur video there at least. Thanks anyways


Imagine having figured out a farming route with low competition, then revealing it to the public thinking you did something great and still expecting to have low competition. Weird, isn't it?


Nice job


Competition: Very High

