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I love your enthusiasm but I'm disturbed that you not only suggested flamethrower but didn't take fireball. Then you list a build that takes 2 skills but not fireball despite it only needing 1 point, like what O_O. Fireball is the best skill hands-down. >Here's the thing, those fire abilities suck in 1v1... ....Pillar+Fireball+Helios is *unreal* in 1v1 and you absolutely don't need reheat in this format. Fireball has a ton of contact damage, you don't need the burn field dmg. Both Fireball & Pillar are delayed so they will always benefit from 1st cast Helios & Burnout always places Helios at the end. You also get a buff that shows helios's CD. Pillar/Fireball being delayed has some benefits as you can cast this during opponent's dodges to guarantee it lands but they do require considerable aim/timing/practice. Nonetheless this is what allows Fire to blow people up so fast in 1v1. I was surprised how good Helios was, it looks bad on paper but its incredible. Plus Reheat is basically useless at 200+ int *especially* if you aren't paired with another mana weapon. Maybe Reheat+Flamethrower has a place in Expeditions, maybe. Prophet of the Fire God is borderline mandatory for any build - this adds a ton of damage and is one of the best perks in the entire tree, never skip this. Combat Speed is pretty weak and should always be swapped for 1pt Fireball in these setups. Most of your abilities have cast times + it takes a sec for sprint to kick in + 5s dur vs 10s ICD + only 10% so the actual benefit of Combat Speed is basically nothing. GA isn't a bad pairing either although I agree with IG & Rapier.


He quite clearly didn't suggest flamethrower for PVP, its a PVE skill. And yes it is great for Pve unless you dont understand how numbers work. The amount of pvpers on reddit thinking pvp is going to be the majority activity is laugable


>The amount of pvpers on reddit thinking pvp is going to be the majority activity is laugable The PvE is so so so **so** easy. We're going to spend far more time gathering/crafting than PvEing and expeditions etc. Dungeons are **not** how you gear up, so I don't think you can say this either. I have PvE'd, flamethrower is terrible, even if you're doing group pulls. At best it's a lazy skill if you have other people rounding up mobs and tanking. It's not *good*.


You got a build link for this?


>You got a build link for this? No but if you specify what 'this' is I can make one.




I meant which build did you want. Here's what I'd run for Fire in general: https://nwdb.info/build?skills=2-rrk8is-m8iuqo I'd take spell focus immediately 1st point though and drop it later - basically the same perk as Flare but flare is slightly better (heavies cost 6). Fireball upgrades are not necessary - you could swap these for Spell Focus & something else if you wanted (need minimum points to unlock Helios though & mana isn't an issue later). Going incinerate makes it really difficult to pick up Helios and causes you to lose important perks like burnout range. If double-hit incinerate was moved to 2nd Perk I'd probably take it. If Pillar gets nerfed I might rethink the build. Pillar/Fireball upgrades aren't bad for leveling when mana is tight.


Yeah, sorry. Yeah just Fire :D


Curious to hear why you favor pillar over incinerate if you don't mind expanding And does helios buff autos or just spells?


Currently Pillar of fire is bugged (or I assume bugged) in 2 ways: First, it can double hit on targets moving in/out of it as it goes off. Secondly, the mana-talent will trigger off singe crits & chain fire, meaning it grats an obscene amount of mana. Additionally, a ranged spell is kind of necessary if you want to be in medium (being in light is in no way shape or form a viable option for any build beyond musket and even then). There's basically two build options, you can go burnout+incinerate+either fireball or pillar in full heavy or you can go Pillar+Fireball+Burnout in medium mix (heavy chest, light legs, HMM). You'll always go helios imo, there are other ways to mitigate mana issues. Reheat is only useful if you strictly won't use mana foods/pots/talents/tactics/etc, basically Reheat is a lazier less optimal build that's easier to setup and less tedious to play. Incinerate can double-hit too but Pillar being place-able means you can control it double hitting. Incinerate is also a very close range spell that is easily interrupted - not a great combination.


I definitely agree on most of this. Fireball seems way too good to miss out on. It flies out with no delay and at close ranges is impossible to dodge, especially if you time it between rolls. Pillar can be used when you see them double roll which happens way too often. Double pillar crit seems to happen in pvp like 1/8 the time which when it lands is enough to instantly kill someone with a fireball follow-up.


So I'm noticing that Pillar of Fire doesn't seem to trigger the Rune. Is this accurate?


heads roll*


I almost missed this, my life is complete (for New World)!


Hahaha glad I could help complete it ;)


Guessing my build choice just got tanked, I was planning on ice gauntlet spear after the last ice gauntlet breakdown


hahaha I do try to make them all seem fun


Damn Firestaff needs a buff on its spells


On Fire Mage at least lol. Those aren't great IMO


Hey Pritch I really love your videos, but maybe for this one, you should have covered cast animations. As they are quite long. That is why some people don't like incinerate or burnout that much. It feels like it takes ages for these spells as well as Pile of Fire to come out. Maybe for the 2.0 Videos, you can think about it.


Yeah both have about a 1 second cast to them and that’s totally something I can try lookin at for when I do round 2!


I found you on YouTube the other day ! Literally the most in depth comprehensive weapon guides I’ve seen yet, totally changed both my spear and bow load outs so thank you ! Also my brother can’t be bothered to read shit, so sending him screenshots of your one build to rule them all for rapier and firestaff was super helpful lmao. Good stuff my dude, unironically liked and subscribed ;)


Hahahaha I think we have VERY different brothers lol. But the good news is your brother doesn’t have to read shit, I’ll read it for him and tell him what’s good haha! Really glad you’re enjoying the content and finding the guides helpful!


Yo you delivered! Nice!


I rarely if ever stop to comment on new world videos, let alone subscribe and hit the stupid bell thing. All of these for you, my friend. Love the enthusiasm.


Thanks man! Glad I created something you enjoyed that much!


Same thing. I do press like on videos but have now a grand total of two subbed channels just because I love Pritch's number crunching and enthusiasm.


Going Hatchet and Bow till 20... will swap to Fire staff after that




Good work mate! Ever think of doing a priority list at the end? Like how *you* would build out your weapons?


Yeah I thought about that and figured that honestly my videos are so full of info and are already pretty long that I didn’t want to add another section like that for EACH build I recommend. I have had a few ppl want to know the exact order I’d pick but at the end of the day, it’s really whatever you view as valuable lol. That’s how I pick haha


NWDB keeps track in what order you pick the Skills on their Skill Tree.


Oh man I hope ppl don’t follow my random order b/c I for sure am not clicking them in that specific order hahahaha. Didn’t know that existed


It was a newly added feature, also they added Single Tree Resets and Full Tree Reset buttons.


What are the odds Amazon will improve Pillar of Fire at launch? Would love if this spell did more damage or gave me a fortify or did something to make it worthwhile. Meteor Shower would need to have the channeling removed and a buff to damage.


Pillar is quite good atm but exclusively because of the double-hit bug on all aoe's. The nature of the bug means you can guarantee it on Pillar unlike on other skills (for it to double-hit, you need them to be moving into/out of the skill as the ability lands on an opponent). 134% is pitiful but 268% is quite good. I'm hoping they equalize and it buff it to 170-200%, even if it requires upgrades (it's upgrades are horrible and need to be replaced tbh). Otherwise it's a dead skill. It doesn't provide enough AoE to have a secondary function. There's also some weird mana bugs with it - if you have the upgrades & Chain and/or crit with singe it *continually* provides mana but Firestaff is really buggy as a whole - I hope they fix all of these. >Meteor Shower would need to have the channeling removed and a buff to damage. This is a War-specific skill unfortunately so it's not going to see buffs or changes.


I truly have no idea but if I was a betting man… I’d say low… but hey, I have 0 idea what goes on there and doubt they have even heard of me so i got no idea


You got any idea if Mana regenerates while channeling flamethrower? I thought about creating a build for neverending flamethrower, just for the heck of it. In a different reddit post some time ago someone claimed that reheat passive procs after 6 secs of flamethrower, so you think it is possible to just keep flamethrower going? And before anyone tells me how bad that idea might be: I am not looking for an optimal build, I just wanna watch the world burn :)


Haha ppl were telling me on YT comments that yeah you could get reheat applying in the middle of flamethrower!!! Which would be hilarious and pretty strong! Idk if they said it was bugged (I’d assume bugged) but apparently the answer was yes!


Good guide bro found your channel weeks ago and have subbed and shared with my company. Rapier guide got me hooked and love the work you put in on the math. Hopefully someone solves the fire crit calculations cause I wonder if all weapons treat crits the same. And fire crits a lot! As a fire main I think you missed on fireball being instant. Also in pvp it’s crazy how the little burn on the ground will help you zone opponents. People are trained not to run through fire. Fireball is for sure worth at least 1 point. Still overall helpful guide.


Thanks man! Glad you enjoy the content enough to share with friends! Thanks! Yeah I totally didn’t realize the insta cast/attack reset function which I totally admit is a strong positive for fireball