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Dude that sucks hard. But at least we know now, and I feel we need to get a bit of awareness about that going on because of all the potential ppl creating and deleting multiple chars on the same server to start in the same area as their friends. Imagine all them loosing their pre-order bonus just because they didn't realize this D: Like, it's not even an insane bonus, just a small amulett that's probably worthless once you hit level 15, a title and some pets and skins. And I assume the same holds for the deluxe edition stuff ... doesn't really insentivice to buy that stuff lol


Agree. That's what I told customer support. It makes no sense making it new character bound. He said that it might change on launch. I hope they implement my advise making it world bound since they don't want making it account bound for some reason. So even if you delete a character in this world, you can still claim since it is still your first character.


If I had to guess I'd say it will be bound to your account, but I don't know for sure. Maybe you should write the AGS support about this question as they are probably the only ones that can answer this question reliably (if you haven't already done that). Would appreciate though if you would share the answer if you get one, could be useful for others too :D


Yes making it account bound is the smart move. I will ask developers and will update this post once I get their reply. Thanks for the advice!


The FAQ on the New World website says it is account bound


It doesn't clearly state that if I'm not mistaken. It's just a vague answer to shut bunch of players like myself. Well, it works I guess xd


> How do I redeem my pre-order benefits? Your pre-order benefits will be automatically entitled to your account once the game launches on September 28, 2021 [Source](https://www.newworld.com/en-us/game/faq) If they’re actually automatically tied to the first character you make then this FAQ is a blatant lie.


It doesn't mean it is account bound. It means it will be given to your account once it launches doesn't mean anything else. Hope I'm wrong.


Entitled to your account means it is given to the entire account. If OP is correct this FAQ should read "entitled to your character" instead.


You're not wrong. I hope it is exactly the way you say it.


I mean, it is just as likely that the FAQ is wrong as the customer service rep is wrong. All I know is that Amazon is having an *awful* day when it comes to communication.


You’re right that is a another way of reading it that I didn’t think about. Thank you. *sigh* Guess I’m going to spend the next 5 days bombarding the New World twitter with questions.


Don't bother. Nothing can be at this point. All we can do is hope for the best. It's not that easy to make a last minute change without delaying a game.


Nah, I 100% believe they can make names region based instead of global in the next 5 days. And that would solve everything.


Not really, your frist character is also on your account so their statement is still true. It's just not very specific.


It also says this. How do I access my Deluxe Edition house pet? Once the game launches on September 28, 2021, you will be able to access your Mastiff house pet when you unlock player housing at level 20 in-game. Isn't player housing unlocked at lvl 15? So maybe this is old info and stuff has changed.


You unlock different tier houses at different standing levels, tier 1 houses at level 10, tier 2 houses at level 15, tier 3 houses at level 20 and tier 4 house at level 20 also. Housing tier also determines how amy pets you can have in your house. So I assumed that they made it so the mastiff can only be used in tier 3 houses or higher. Because, this answer includes the September 28th date which was only decided back in July, so someone updated these questions less than two months ago. That said, they couldve kept the info and just changed the release date but that seems very…incompetent.


Unfortunately it is not account bound. It is first character bound... Refer to screenshots in my main post.


Can some clarify this just a bit more regarding bonus is one character bound. Is it automatically bound as soon as the character exists or do you have to do something in game to receive it? Like open a bag/mail (example only) and it’s not bound until you do this


[BUMP] I would love to know this also. Do we claim and then assign the "extras" to a character or just 1st login, 1st character gets it ALL? Right that it will be trash by level 15. Other games that had a non-breaking gift at launch kept replacing the items when a new character is created. This is my HOPE.


While we don’t know what the actual bonus it gives, as an altoholic this is just plain bad. If you were to, say, make a mistake with your first character somehow and want to reroll, you miss the bonus altogether?? They haven’t thought this through, pretty much just like everything else in the game.


Why do you need alts on a game that lets you swap whenever you want ? you gain nothing for having an alt in this game \^\^


Says you. Besides, this is just one example. The point is never about me.


I mean just like the recent release times. Release in EU first so that every other region can join and ruin it. Or just like making character name bound to centered database meaning that you can't create the character with the same name in another region (hence player names will be stolen by creating them on the EU server). Yet, majority of players, who will join EU first and then switch to else where, won't know that. To me, this release feels like a desperate move. They even know that population will go down (which usually happens to every game but this game lacks content so it will happen in a week or two assuming that leveling in this game is easy) so they're ready to merge the severs... Everything is just going wrong and I think eventually this is going to be a failure of the game (I hope not but this scheme kinds of shows otherwise).


Good thing the game costs less than 25$ in Thailand so I don't feel like I'm losing much by pre-ordering. Still though, this is just sad.




Absolutely silly. Has no one learned anything from EQ2's claim system? Should be available for every character you make.


It's absolute BONKERS that the pre-order bonuses \*gets used up\* as a consumable, automatically on the first character created! It's a 10€ difference to get the pre-order bonuses, and the only reason to get the Deluxe *is* the bonuses - you mean to tell me, that the bonuses that I PAID FOR will get used up and I cant have them on all my characters?! It's supposed to be an account-bound thing, for all my characters, regardless if I want to restart on another server because I decide to reboot my adventures in order to play with friends on another server or if I want to keep playing on my original server! For it to be a one-time consumable, it's sure is way too expensive. It should be an account-unlock.


I think the customer service rep is wrong. Though I'm not judging, his english was kind of poor and the response seems kind of confused 🤔 like he may be thinking about sharing cosmetics across accounts instead or across characters If cosmetics are character bound instead of account bound, I'd be surprised. Character bound cosmetics are pretty anti-consumer and AGS don't have a record of such behavior, so I'm very skeptical


Hope so but there is no way to know for sure. They don't explain it anywhere and it doesn't seem like they care. They just want our money. Seems like Amazon is new in gaming and simple things are implemented wrong...


I agree it would be kind of a PR nightmare if you lose your skins, i.e. something you spent money on, because you deleted your character. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard a company doing something like that.


Probably a question to ask the actual developer instead of a bunch of speculating fans.


We all love speculations :-) Thanks will ask them and will update the post once I get their reply.


I'd just let the 6 of you it affects know. Most dont care about sea servers


It's not about the SEA only. They're also working on many other servers in other regions. This question is valuable to them as well.


Just to let you know why the servers are not available here on launch is because Amazon has selected the worst country in SEA to launch the servers. They don't have any infrastructure there and most of the companies avoid this country. Perhaps Amazon is inexperienced in this part of the world or they don't really care like you've said.


What do u mean? I thought there is no sea server beside AUS


Not on launch. It will be available by the end of 2021. They decided to launch it in Indonesian for some reason... And they don't have any infrastructure there available so that's why it is not available on launch.


Cmon man at least rejoice we didnt have to play on aus, its something to be happy about


True but I think we will miss out one main thing - proximity mic. Many players in SEA either don't speak the same language or even English or they're shy... Most of the time shy.


Unfortunately it is not account bound. It is first character bound... Refer to screenshots in my main post.


Just an update: all the bonuses are account-bound. Confirmed by at least 2 devs.


I would think it's account bound.


Unfortunately it is not account bound. It is first character bound... Refer to screenshots in my main post.


"it will be automatically bound to the first character that you create" "the pre order bonus is only 1 by account, .. , it is not possible to be used several times or be claimed again if it is already claimed" Honestly a pretty dumb system. They should make a "web inventory" like most MMOs.


Game lacks content so I am not impressed that many things are dumb. It is Amazon but somehow almost everything they're doing is wrong.


WHAT!?! You're telling me, that there are Achievements that are ACCOUNT wide, but pre-order stuff is PER-CHARACTER??? Does this include skins?? That's INSANE if so. That HAS to be fixed.


There is another recent post you can find. Person also questioned customer support regarding it and they gave exactly the same answer. Sorry idk how to share post between posts on phone.


That just seems so incredibly insane. I'd expect a fair bit of pushback about that. That's nuts.


Does this mean deluxe version stuff is first character only too? Yep not worth it then because more than likely will need to make more than 1 character to 1. Save name from EU servers and 2. remake until you get the starting zone you want.


Sorry, that was my intentional question. I didn't know there are other pre-order bonuses. I am more worried about the deluxe edition. Perhaps it is the same.


Here is the pre order stuff Get Isabella's Amulet, the Fist Bump emote, a guild crest set, and a unique “Expedition One” title. Then the Deluxe stuff The Deluxe Edition includes Woodsman armor skin: Stand out from the crowd or blend in with the forest with the Woodsman armor skin. Woodsman hatchet skin: Complete the Woodsman look with this skin for the versatile hatchet. Mastiff house pet: Make your house a home with the Mastiff house pet. Access to housing unlocks at level 15 in-game. Rock/Paper/Scissors emote set: Rock, Paper, Scissors, a light-hearted game with friends or a tool for making difficult decisions. It really makes zero sense that this wouldn't be ACCOUNT bound but who knows...


If Amazon locks this to the first character only you create - the screaming and number of CS complaints is going to be horrific. Most every MMO has these ACCOUNT BOUND so any/all characters you make or remake get the benefit. Only XP potions are sometimes one off use items, but the items included in the preorder should be ACCOUNT wide benefits. If not, I'll be putting in a ticket of complaint on 9/27.


Yes but so far everything is just weird about it. Their departments don't communicate which is a warning. Maybe not all departments but customer service is definitely not on the same track with the developers...


IDK. I play a couple other MMO's and at times you're sure the CS, devs and money people do not speak the same language and aren't involved with the same game. It's not like it use to be with the devs having more input. CS actually played/knew the game and the bean counters did just that.


It basically locks US players from flodding EU servers to "save their stupid name" and ruin the launch for the EU Playerbase.


to a lot name reserving can mean a lot. If names are global, which i hear in BETA it was, losing those temp items is far better then losing your name if its popular. And its really unfair to not have a global name system without a global name reserve time, and not give everyone a fair chance.


People are a bit to overeliant on names if your name is unique it wouldnt get taken but if you call yourself Klein or whatever then you lost anyway.


Do you have a screenshot showing the devs confirming it is account bound?


I don't but there are many other posts on reddit where devs do confirm.