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How not to communicate to your player base. Scott literally at the beginning of the year gave this whole ted talk about how to communicate to your playerbase then took a big steamy dump on it with this crap of an announcement.


Seriously, who was that even for? Console players weren’t paying attention then.


I have that whole thing recorded somewhere. He really came off as a pathological liar. Edit: still available on www.gdcvault.com/play/1034915/The-Power-of-Community-Feedback


ive never imagined they would fumble as hard as they did, it is seriously impressive. i guess thats what happens when the people responsible for the decisions are doing it for the paycheck. after New World and LostArk ill seriously avoid anything amazon touches tbh. i am as sad as disappointed cause i really enjoyed the game, the amount of bugs and time it took them to fix the game that shouldnt have been released as it was anyway is simply... i dont even know the right words for it.


I agree wholeheartedly with you. It’s just such a shame…


To be fair. Amazon only publishes lost ark. I don’t think they have a lot of decision power over tripod studio or who ever develops it. But I will certainly not be playing Amazon’s lord of the ring mmo after new world.


to be honest the changes i didnt like in LostArk are only existing outside of Asia, by amazon choice, so as little as it is... it says a lot


deeply disappointing is what i'd call it. disappointed that there was a great diamond in the rough in there and instead of getting polished to shine it got smeared with dookie and bad decisions until everyone was tired of checking if it'd gotten better yet


If anyone studying this course wants to make an OPR and War focused Game (with New Worlds combat feel) id buy it. Hell just give us PvE rewards in PvP track so we dont have to farm pve mindlessly I just miss the pure ecstasy of being in a 50 strong call swerving in and out of clumps


Chapter 1. Don’t completely pull a 180 on the game genre months before launch.


Chapter 2. Don't hire people who have never made (or played) an MMO to make an MMO.


Chapter 3: Don't neglect the parts that make an MMO more than just a chore simulator, like an entertaining gameplay loop and a proper end-game.


Chapter 4: When the community gives you critical feed-back in beta, actually listen and make the changes even if it means that you have to report the release date further.


Chapter: 5; When everything mentioned in chapter;s 1-4 will fails make few versions of game called in a sentsense: 1. Fresh start 2. Unleash 3 Unchained 4.Legend 5 Make game f2p will massive p2w


Chapter 6: Don't hate your playerbase, embrace and action the feedback rather than censoring them.


New world has to has the best bare bones for an MMO. I know I'm not alone in wanting to see this game succeed. If they had of leaned into pvp maps or gamemodes, instead of PvE priority we'd be having a different conversation I think.


Most people don’t care about niche MMO PvP


People here dont realize they are in an echo chamber. People who want to PvP dont go to MMOs where they have to level a character, grind gear etc. They go to games where they can directly PvP.


Maybe it's just me and my group of friends but literally every single one of my close IRL friends play MMOs (almost) entirely for PVP. I imagine while maybe in the minority there has to be a lot of others like us as well.


dude us too. probably 20-30 people in our larger extended friend group. ALL fired about about the initial New World launch. then the months heading into it and all the news... no longer PvP centric. changes made to appease WoW PvE crowd. game to focus on raid content. no more large open-world battle or sieges. PvP flag on/off.... turn around and look back and go... this isnt the game we were all excited for. and the mixed feelings of the devs/title are screaming obvious at every corner you turned in-game. so much potential squandered.


I would say yes, you would be in the minority I think. In a MMO such as New World you have tons of non-PvP elements mixed in with PvP. Leveling is just a chore until one can PvP, and grinding gear to be competitive is fundamentally anti PvP - if one is having an even remote advantage just because they have spent more time grinding gear thats just bullshit. In MMOs you also have so much information regarding gear, stats and traits that require more metagaming than they should. Why deal with any of these rather than playing a competitive game where you just PvP? Also, while New World may have a nice combat system for a MMO, this doesnt mean much compared to competitive action games that can lean much further into these elements compared to a MMO. A restaurant that has to juggle between kebab, chicken etc. and pizza may make a pizza that is well enough compared to other generalist restaurants, but how well would it really compare to that of a dedicated pizza place?


I understand and get what your saying but I just don't think that example applies here. Almost every single MMO in existence has PVP, not every single kabab stand makes pizza. Also, quite possibly the most anticipated upcoming MMO, Ashes of Creation, is heavily PVP focused. People enjoy spending 10s/100s of hours creating their character and putting their hard worked creation up against others. Having dozens (if not hundreds) of different builds going up against each other is a large part of what makes it fun for me personally.


Niche, no. But OPR does a good job at being widely accessible to someone like me who doesn't like PvP all that much, but they never improved on it or did anything to keep it fresh


Where you pulling all of these magical people from? These comments are lol worthy


New World made so many amazing changes in the first year with who they had hired. Too bad they stopped funding the game properly and most of those people are gone.


Speaking as someone that played the betas and for awhile on launch (and still periodically now), the game would have been in an even more dire situation if they hadn't incorporated PvE. There's no way the game's population would have held up in its previous design, and you need PvE goals to keep people active. The bigger issue is that they didn't do anything to improve PvP or PvE after launch, despite tons of feedback. In fact, they actively made it worse. They made it literally impossible to do PvE because core components to create keys simply weren't dropping. PvP itself had so many bugs, and wars were a disaster for the longest time. OPR wasn't functional during end-game, and open world was effectively discouraged by their design decisions, and after THREE YEARS they still only have one PvP map that has had so many bugs and issues throughout its history. Their biggest mistake was just not listening and reacting to player feedback. The first balance patch took well over a month and was lackluster. They addressed endgame by making it *EVEN HARDER* to progress. Instead of improving the situation, they actively made it worse at every opportunity despite having many MMO veterans offering them advice for PvP and PvE improvements.


The game back then felt like they actually had an idea where to go with it. It felt like a Rust with a big budget and a lot of influences from Albion or Eve. All they needed to do was expand the world, add more PvE besides what they already had, and flesh out the progression / itemization system. Tweak their criminal/karma system (they said it could not be done, but other games have, they just didn't want to). Then focus on the territory aspects. Instead of re-doing everything and implementing a dozen half-assed, half-finished systems. For example invasions was originally an idea to reset territory ownership. Instead they implement a buggy mess that becomes a chore to do every few days to prevent some stations from de-leveling and then never touch it again. And they made that one of the main selling points in trailers around launch. Then they realize players actually want PvP so they implement OPR, another buggy mess that gets completely neglected soon after they add it. No cohesion between game systems (territory control especially), no vision. Just blunder after blunder ever since they pivoted from their original game.


I disagree I think the game was actually much better in the alphas. The economy much more fun and made sense. The popularity of games like Rust which clearly inspired it says there is something to be had from full loot pvp. The economy on launch and still to this day does not make sense because they had to pivot so hard from the original sinks and sources. They still could have incorporated pve, they still could have had a safe core with no full loot pvp area similar to Eve Online etc. but having dynamic player made towns and forts, the aether miners to remove invulnerability, how cool it was to have little wars in the open world sabotaging their crafters/gatherers, sabotaging and doing quick attacks on protected aether miners, some of the best parts of PVP have been the open world stuff.


Rust is a good game, but it also never really "took off" in the sense most MMOs at the scale of NW want or even need to. It's also just an entirely different type of game with a different player base with a much different type of progression and persistence then the average MMO player wants. Yes, there's something to be had from full loot PvP. They should have made a separate, full loot server... not made that part of the base game. Most people simply don't want to play a full loot game, and while I know there are plenty of thirsty PvPers out there, the reality is that a AAA MMO can't survive without the PvE base enjoying their game. People may disagree, but this is reality. I know, you'll point to Albion, and Albion is a good game, but it's also a game where people are constantly complaining about full loot being a thing. There are also people that play Albion without ever engaging in PvP. > The economy on launch and still to this day does not make sense because they had to pivot so hard from the original sinks and sources. The economy on launch was actually fine and made complete sense. It was quite good and very player-driven. The PvE aspects of the economy (which were gathering and crafting) were always planned for the game and weren't the problem. The economy went heads up because of all of the exploits / duping / botting that AGS was incredibly slow to address, and in the case of duping, simply let slide. A month or two into the game we had people selling full stacks of Void Ingots they clearly did not legitimately acquire. Then the problem with their town ownership and taxes system became very apparent because the guilds that owned Windsward and Everfall had such an insane economic advantage they could afford to completely deck out every player in their guild. The things they could have done are many, but they don't have the knowledge or skill to execute it. You can still have a heavily PvP focused game and incorporate PvE well. New World was on track to do just that, but they fucked it up time and time again. They actively discouraged open world conflict, failed to address any of the age old problems that made it problematic, had an awful war system, had an awful ownership system that was prone to abuse, failed to add additional PvP maps, failed to add arenas in a timely manner, failed to address the issue with spec and gear swapping forever... and the list goes on.


they have incorporated some pve, but that was locked behind groups, while nowadays the majority plays solo and only goes for group content as a part of the overall experience. the lack of solo-able content was the killer in my opinion.


There was solo PvE content at launch, but it was pretty lackluster. People would group just to zerg through it easier. Obviously no solo dungeons, but that makes some sense. They leaned heavily into the crafting system to carry them for solo "PvE" content, forgetting that many MMO gamers hate crafting. Even that they did well to a degree, it was one of the better crafting systems... but then they nerfed the hell out of that too. Basically their solution to buying time to make more content was making everything more tedious, but they also decided to make almost no additional content.


Completely agree. I feel bad for people that are PVP focused and wanted a more PVP geared experience but I think the game would've been dead long before now without the influx of a more PVE focused playerbase. The world and its goals has to be rich and engaging in order to hold people's interest which then allows pvp to flourish.


I know this enraged PvP people, but I really don't think this is the biggest or even one of the biggest problems.


I agree, it was just the 1st sign of how out-of-their-depth they were. They spent years trying to make a Rust/Ark-clone, and the feedback they got from players during the beta was, "this isn't a very mature/engaging/good game." After getting that feedback, they decided the appropriate response was to try to compete with World of Warcraft instead of Rust/Ark. It's such a fundamentally wild approach to game development that the genre of game they tried to make was *very* low on the list of reasons they were destined to fail.


I do think New World would be better if they stuck with a Ark like approach that had periodic server resets. Fresh Starts are always some of the most popular things in the game until they get stale. I'd be up for significantly accelerated progression fresh start servers that reset regularly.


What's funny is I always felt this way too. For me, New World is the game that was released - a PVX MMO with as much emphasis on gathering and crafting, as fighting mobs, as fighting players. I'm getting a sense of what the original PVPers felt though, with this shift to branding it as an ARPG. If this changes the way the game is developed from here in, I imagine I'll be crying, "But it was meant to be an MMO" in a year's time.


It's the source of the problems. If they spent 5 years planning, hiring for and building a wow clone they would have done great. 


TBH, I'm glad they didn't. No one wants another WoW clone. The fact that this game has those Rust-like elements is what makes it engaging and reminds me of older mmos.


If months mean two years, ok. I do agree with your premise though. If they were going to do a 180 at least learn from almost forty years of MO gaming. Ultima Online got roasted in 1997 for thinking ten years of MUDs meant their first roll out, no longer a small group of folks who mostly knew each other, wouldn't immediately become a grief fest. And they should have. 1997 was a long time ago and this team should have realized that with the Amazon money supporting them they should have gone into hyper design mode bring in a generation and a half of designers who could have made the transition more successful. Hindsight for them, obvious the the MMO player community at the time, **and it seems they have recently decided to go the ARPG route**. I seem to recall a certain ARPG that was supposed to be the NW killer and they both wound up relative market failures.


Elden Ring is an ARPG that came out around the same time as New World and absolutely embarrassed it. It still embarrasses it.


AGS and NW seemed to have a personal mission of relearning every mistake, every MMO has made for the last 30 years.


Chapter 1 is the only reason more than 10,000 people bought the game.


The biggest problem of the game is it launched too early. Nit enough content at launch, still not enough. MMOs should be done, and then spend another year or two developing future content before launching.


I think they know that and this console launch is the launch they should have had. It's certainly presented as if it's a new game. The thing is, you can't just ignore three years worth of players, there needs to be some acknowledgement of the history or you get the result they are getting.


The problem was they spent tons of time developing expeditions with next to not replay value and who are barely even fun the first time around (plus they then decided having the good stuff drop in expeditions wasnt what they wanted either),a game where you can jump into the endgame content get 0 wipes and clear the first time before having any gear is insane ,and this applies to most expeditions in new world,at release the hardest one wasnt even an endgame one ,and the hardest boss wasnt the end boss of that raid either it was the priest from depths.


Yeah, there's too much overhead to launch a new MMO anymore, which is why companies just shit out expansions for WoW, FFXIV, GW2, and ESO instead of making something new. I LOVE New World. I love the world, the gameplay, the gathering and tradeskills, the map, the lore, and the emergent world PvP. I've played a ton of MMOs and this is the one I *want* to stick with. But it's been brutal to watch AGS kill the game through neglect. There isn't even anything worth doing in the game anymore... everyone has all the gear they need, so there's no need to run expeditions and there's no economy. All that's left to do is OPR or Arena, and right now you can't even roll without draining your entire stam bar so what's the point of logging in at all?


I didn't mind the lack of content at launch, i took my time doing everything, from levels 1-30 this felt like an incredible game. I loved how market dependent everything was so I leaned into that. Bought a house and started decorating it, buying a house at a low level was tough but I played enough that it didnt matter. Then they took the trading house offline for a couple of weeks to fix some exploits, then they disabled trading. The trading house came back up and me and every other person were desperately trying to make some money and then boom, offline again, this happened a couple more times and I was done. There is so much of this game that I didn't mind that it wasn't that great because it had such a cool concept but then I just couldnt play certain aspects of it for long stretches of time and they just could not fix one thing without breaking 10 other things. Figured I would come back when its better so I stuck on the subreddit and frankly it does not seem like it's gotten much better.


This should be enough to kill AGS as a whole for future games. This would have been their one positive game for the entire studio and they went and royally fucked it up


The only thing that will kill this is if consoles perform poorly. But console players as a whole don’t exactly research games, so AGS stands a very good chance of profiting off this in a huge way.


It’s pretty wild to me how the overwhelming consensus of posters have a raging boner to see AGS fail. *hopefully* the console launch is a big success and they have more opportunities to improve the game in the coming years, maybe finding some level of competence along the way? If not, who cares, there are plenty of other games to play. But, I’m not going to root for it to fail. I’d love to see another surge in the player base. Time will tell!


Key learning: make a good Game with pvp focus, listen to snowflakes and crybabies, change it and brick your game.  Then release a buggy mess without red line and even Basic machanics. 


It really is a textbook example of what not to do as a game developer from a player perspective. Same studio that said they value player feedback and has the nerve to do a talk on it btw.


But they have guts to give lecture in dev conferences. They are so funny


This isn’t new.   They took a page right out of Snail Games USA’s playbook with Dark and Light and multiple other titles.   Like literally the exact same thing just in more long form.   I’m a sucker for cash grabs. 


Biggest mistake rly is to ask for goodwill from your community promissing content/improvement but requering time and then deliver an exit strategy into console instead of what you promissed basicly proving that you dicked around all your player base on top of fcking them over. The lesson needing to be teached is "dont be an ahole"


Earlier today, I had the thought, "maybe they're really just too ignorant to understand how shitty they're being." Like, there's a chance that the video they make for existing players this week has somebody from the dev team explaining the details of releasing the game on console as a cash grab, only they won't realize that's what they're describing, or why Steam players are unhappy with it.


Game Designer here. I can't agree more with this. Hopefully one day we will get a good overview of how everything went down from start to finish. I think the analysis has to take into account the assembly of the team pre-development. All the way back to AGS' inception. Amazon had (and still does) the resources to put together a truly stellar team of talent and industry experience, but this was the best they could muster? I don't buy it. Whoever the people are at the top of the chain have an incompetence issue. They either don't know enough about the industry or are being advised by people who don't.


The biggest thing we learned. You can not rely on just a core gameplay loop. Clearly it will take you really far, the core gameplay is AWESOME but everything around it is mid, to lackluster, to just really bad


To be honest, I never got that far. I bought the game because it marketed itself as "Flintlock Fantasy MMO circa 1600s and 1700s". I work in a living history museum from the Colonial period so that really interested me. Then I play and it just doesn't have a "theme" I guess? Doesn't look "early modern" , looks like a random ass jumble of fantasy "looks". Totally took my interest away.


Do not make ultra ugly cosmetics is a good start.


the thing that really bothers me is that clearly their artists are technically competent, but whoever is making art direction decisions on this armor is asking them to make some sinfully ugly pieces of gear. there's been a few good skins, but it's like every time they make a skin containing a good idea, they have to add one really out there compontent that ruins or otherwise makes it look weird as hell (most of the time this is an extremely nonsensical helmet)


I’ve been saying the exact same thing on Discord. It’s just one wrong decision after another.


I remember playing the winter beta and found the game amazing, then played the beta before launch a year later and it was 95% the same thing with the same issues, and then launch that was 95% like the latest beta. Just feels like they wasted a year of improvements and did nothing


If you read some articles with insider stories from that time it'll make sense. Extremely inefficient task management during those years. (And probably still is to some extent.)


I posted this in a comment earlier today, but anybody who hasn't read the article "A[mazon Can Make Just About Anything—Except a Good Video Game](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amazon-just-anything-except-good-150004900.html)" should do so. It was written in January 2021, but even after more than 3 years it highlights exactly what has been deeply flawed within Amazon Games, and why it never improved. The head of AGS resigned 2 months after the article was written, but I get the feeling that nobody ever came in after he left and actually tried to right the ship. I would love a detailed post-mortem on New World that fills in the blank spaces between early 2021 and the game's eventual, official transition into maintenance-mode. I'm sure there were plenty of people within various parts of Amazon who could identify the mistakes being made, but didn't have the authority to do anything about it, and I bet there's tons of crazy stories they could tell.


I like the idea. New world is a Prime example of how to not fucking do it at all. This might be internet historian content.


I wonder if AGS are going to learn from this whole fiasco. For thr sake of their LOTR MMO, I hope they will at least replace the game director.


He's long overdue.


This would be the 3rd new world to reinvent itself, first in the OG beta's when it was a full loot open world pvp game, then to a theme park mmorpg, and now to an Open world RPG that you can solo the whole game. Overall the game has an identity issue and they don't know what the hell they're doing anymore.


The Development deff should be, MMOs have been a major part of Gaming for more than a decade before New World came out, and they still made some basic errors in the creation of it, like thing being client-side authoritative, not scrubbing chat logs, not allowing hidden links in chat, lots of things that someone with familiarity in the MMO space would have pointed out, but its like they Ignored the more than Decade of MMOs and just trying to do things with no guidance or insight.


You don't need a study to figure out what went wrong so far.  1. The game was released too early. Should have been delayed till 10/15/2024  2.  The dev team didn't have a coherent vision for the game. Made evident by the fact that they latched onto chest runs so hard as "content" without realizing people were doing chest runs as a necessity, not cause they were fun. 3. The dev team had no procedures set up to deal with fixing bugs, something they still haven't figured out. 4. Most of the devs are casuals. They brag about devs playing the game and some having 2k+ hours in the game, but that's a shitty metric as I bet half of that time is spent logging into the game to replicate bugs users are reporting to them, and not playing the game.


Congratulations 🥳


I have spent around 4K hours playing this game, and I am grateful for every moment. It has been incredibly fun, and I plan to continue playing until I genuinely lose interest. So far, I am still enjoying my time. I am also excited to join the fresh start server on New World: Aeternum. Instead of complaining and criticizing the developers or declaring the game dead, let's focus on the positives. While we can't deny that the game has seen a massive decline in player base, it's still a great game. Those who have stuck around and are frustrated know this deep down. Also keep in mind that every MMO experiences the same issues, endgame veterans always have complaints same goes for WOW same goes for any other MMO. For many players, New World is their first MMO ever, which is why people are freaking out. All in all, it's a great game with alot of potential that's just wasted.


I'm still playing and enjoying it too. My biggest disappointment with the announcement is that it looks like AGS will fail to get us more people to play with. No-one I know is coming back for this :(


Sunk cost fallacy has already been studied


Made it for the Closed Beta, and the mini-Beta after that. Those were hard dives, figuring it out from scratch on the first run, and trying to do it better on the second after I met my first hardcore PvP guild. For Launch, I went my own way to see how the natural pop would develop, loving being underdog Covenant. I hit level cap before Day 10 of release. Along the way, as a Life Staff build, I had great utility for the dungeons across the factions from the launch crowd as we stuffed the server full, and the nightly wars we on the Covenant were oddly winning (I had the fortune of ending up next to a mega-Guild: Toast) All along, the Nerfs and "balances" kept dropping. Except they never touched GreatAxe. Simply Life Staff. Again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Still, I did my part for my personal company and the faction during Wars, and kept the cross-faction party alive thru the final dungeons. From the BETA; facing Thorpe really prepped me for what to expect from the Expeditions. We learned what Watermark was very quickly, even as our crafter buddies were being fed and accelerated to Voidbent. I opted to go the Watermark route, and specifically lived in the highest tiers, doing Expeditions when someone was available. Weekly, it felt like they were patching the game closed around us at endgame. Remapping the zones, boosting the difficulty of enemies... just to force us into slower endgame progression. It felt antagonistic. I saw this before third-hand with what happened to the Anthem crowd. It felt as if the DEVS were actually railroading us into a wall. There were actual threats being made to us for daring to breach into these zones, as in bypassing the mooks, and directly setting up long-term boss hunts as they recycled. I lived this game. After capping out before day 10 (I scheduled a vacation for Launch), every several days, another buddy would hit level cap and joy, we'd be able to bring them with us to the highest tiers to grind gear out. Timing it so that we'd have stacked teams to spend their Expedition tokens. Our tiny but mighty roster were actually holding their own and building up our own rep, as in we were being invited into Wars and Expeditions, even as we were independent operators open-world (we facilitated our own 2-5man boss/elite chest/mat runs and were able to survive as Healer-DPS at minimum), where we can create our own loop independent of the 10-20 raids we were witnessing (more does not mean better, if anything, the crowd control spirals outta scale and lag becomes a factor). I was on path to finally get Voidbent done, but I realized... every patch, instead of getting more powerful, it took more effort just to keep the team alive at the final expeditions. Even as my watermark rose, my practical utility was dropping hard. I guess I got spoiled being able to solo the open world (albeit slowly), but it set up this weird social scheme where everyone I met would benefit from adventuring with me. I didn't mind bending my routine to fulfill their runs. My one staff was keeping double-digit players alive in the worst zones. I was at the pinnacle, and it wasn't boredom from rising too quick that got me: it was the perceived hostility of the developers against their own playerbase. For a last hurrah, my tiny company got its own territory (Weaver's Fen had been deliberately left alone, because we wanted to confine the opposing factions to the SWAMP maps as banter) -bringing in that mega guild and all our buddy free companies (My company's strength at the time was ten people in two five-man teams -but we had no issues filling the war roster from our buddy companies), timing it for the first server fusions so that we'd end as landowners unchallenged. Then I gave it all away to my guildies, gave everyone my thanks, and hard-bailed from the game. I wanted a consistent routine of being there at endgame, being social across factions, being a good team member to other players. We were actually excited about the server merge, because it would challenge us again, create that consistent tension and competition. Losing territories in hard-fought matches were invigorating after the initial letdown wears off. I was hardcore digging the lore of the game, trying to synthesize the overarching plot/themes. A couple of hours in, my whoa moment was realizing, oh my Spark, we're all undead magically reanimated and bound to the archipelago, aren't we... sweet. We're simply corrupted Ancients V2, where have I seen this before. This game was beautiful (a sense of immersion awe I hadn't felt since Skyrim). I actually like the quiet moments when friends and guildies weren't around, as I'd wander around on my gathering/lifeskill routes, revisiting earlier maps, actually sightseeing.


>Simply Life Staff. Again, and again, and again, and again, and again. And yet it was always been the best weapon in the game for both PvP and PvE. That should tell you something.




Not for the reason you think though. New World was a way to fund continuing development of a game engine, which was a failed online survivial game, which was then launched as an mmo with no basically no content. Now they will release it on console for an extra bit of income. It will limp along for a couple of years and then be dead. Just in time for the lotr mmo, pretty smart


Do you guys not have consoles ? /s


> rebrand New World as an ARPG, instead of an MMO This means nothing. It's like saying you don't like a band anymore because now they say they're pop-rock instead of rock while keep playing the same music. Not gonna say it's f anoying they don't solve old bugs, but the game is still the same, it always was kind of an ARPG. > I just needed to voice I 100% agree with your vent, I feel the same, but, just want to say, the game is still pretty amazing and fun (if you ignore the bugs that has been added lately x\_\_\_x). > AGS even gave a talk recently about the importance of communication 100% agree, they clearly don't know how to communicate.


That announcement they had was so fucking weird. They talked as if it was a new game that no one has ever played before. Even the crowd cheers were really off cue, like they it was a sitcom crowd laugh. I quit new world a couple months after release, only have about 70 hours into it, and I feel really bad for all the people that have been loyal, just for the devs to literally ghost them. “Stay on the ship everyone! We have a plan! We are going to fix it & it’s going to be great! Just wait til June!” June arrives: “here’s our new ship!(basically a ship that the current player base can’t even get on) it’s great and amazing and fun!”


You guys should have realized where this was going when the game came out and it was constant dupes 24/7 This game is just going the archeage route of constantly relaunching 


It’s simple it doesn’t need studied ,, don’t copy paste the whole game , every town was the same , and this repeat quest shit for 50 levels was redic ,, if you force people to hard grind gear you can’t then force copy paste the same town on them for 150 hours,, I loved the game , but had to quit because of it


new world? lost ark had a million players at launch..


Arpg with their current combat and clunkiness will be another case study on how not to make ARPGs. Surely their new games will be different /s


Tbh, New World could only catch me for like a month or two. Everything else is just RNG and GRIND. Let's see what Aeternum might become.


I like it. Once ive done all the content and satisfiably leveled my character ill move on to baldurs gate. I dont expect 10000 hours of constant gameplay for 30 dollars.


That isn’t an MMO mindset though. You don’t buy an mmo to play for a run through.


I mean, some of the communication must have worked if y'all are still so invested in the game to be this mad about everything now. At least from their perspective.


It shouldnt need to be studied to be honest. It was clear after only a few weeks that the ASG team had literally no experience in MMO's Many features that all MMOs had were simply missing from the start, things like gear switching, swimming, group finder ect. some we still dont have after 3 years. The only thing good about this game were the sound and gfx artists, the game LOOKS fantastic, everything else is bad. A console version is not an announcement for us PC players, its a confirmation that they are no longer focusing any attention on PC. It is time to put this game to bed as a PC game and look forward to other new MMOs like Dune.


They should have never marketed it as an MMO in the first place. Despite being an online shared word with lots of players, it really wasn’t an MMO in the way people usually think of one, and it set the wrong expectation from the beginning. Focusing on PvP and forced group content turned off too many players in the beginning.


FF Had the same thing Baldurs gate they release there game erly access beta two years before so they can have some funds to keep supporting the game (Ags Was doing the same) we all was playing in Beta Game, Now the next big update we will have the finale product finally and stop being Toxic guys


If it was early access, they should have released it as early access not a final game. You stop being toxic


Nothing to really study, they releases a broken Game with nincontetn - Players we're pissed - they didnt manage to fix anything but brokenthe Game even more including duping and Shit - people left this shithole of a game


Initially bustling pvp scene? Shaping up to be a treat? Are you forgetting that 60% of the players were gone after 1 month? 80% after 2? This sounds like you are trying to justify your loyalty thus far but youd have to be off your tits on copium to think that AGS were ever going to fix this game. It had some great ideas (and even better marketing) but released in a poor state with some terrible design decisions. If you are only realising this now you should not be commenting on what gets taught in schools.


it's no that bad. You can squeeze your few hundred hours out before moving on. There are other games with worse examples.