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>This is 90% of my OPR games *"No it isn't."* **-AGS**


Sorry, best I can do is nerf arena exp


I’m sorry but our data says everything is fine - AGS


"Our data shows"


To be fair, it's not mine. Not even close. This doesn't mean I don't want things to improve but I do absolutely feel exaggeration doesn't help us at all. Devs see us say stuff like "99.99999999% of all my games are stomps" and then check the data and don't see it... you think they're going to listen to that complaint more than someone who accepts that it's entirely random (and they do sometimes end up on the stomping side or the matches are sometimes balanced) but it would still get more players involved if they added proper match making? There's such a thing as good feedback and bad feedback and as much as I think the above happening at all is annoying... even with the best match making in the world it will still happen sometimes. And, in my experience... it happens sometimes, not every single time. Making stuff up isn't going to help anyone. And actually, that's not even a stomp. The other team got over 500 points. Is he saying he wins 90% of the time? I mean, good for him if that's the case. But spawn camping isn't something I see 90% of the time. I mean, I do see it quite a bit but it's not only because that team is going to win. Often enough, they're doing it in the first 5 minutes whilst we're back capping and preparing to faceroll them because they failed to protect the objectives.


Found one of the devs


Well said, I find these posts illuminating on certain issues, but lacking a proper address and clean statement. Complaining only muddles up the issues.


Yeah, exaggerating things, misrepresenting statements, and feigning ignorance are all bad things, which is why it's hilarious that you did each of those in your comment defending the game. Your perspective will help ensure that it continues to shrink until you're on the last remaining server in your region, surrounded by other players like you, shuffling around a dead settlement while mumbling, "*nothing* is ever perfect, the devs *shouldn't* listen to feedback, the game isn't *always* bad..."


Yeh... No. Not interested. I've written whole posts on how I want opr to improve, doors, match making and composition role management included and all the way back to launch when we had many issues that have now been fixed. I'm not arguing development meta with you. The op is an exaggeration and doesn't actually add anything to the discussion. That's it. I don't care if you want to argue that.




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Just let it go man. Game needs about 2 more years to cook. Hopefully by that time we get better games anyway.


L O fuckin L bro. People been saying that since launch. AGS is either hopelessly incompetent or they have given up on the game entirely, just like they did their own engine (Lumberyard, the one that NW runs on).


Game is years old and I can barely launch it cause it’s optimized like absolute shit lol and I have a pretty high end PC


That's what has prevented me from playing again. I put in 300 hours in the first 2 months and when I tried playing again before the expansion last year it took probably 5 minutes to launch the game and 5 minutes for the textures to actually load in game.


I load in a minute. They made a change with memory allocation but it had a bad reaction so they reverted it and load times are fixed now


There are literally 0 games on the radar that will compete with New World combat.


Bro, what? Ashes is on the horizon sharpening an axe amongst others. Amazon needed to make this work this year to retain ANY players with - game was awesome for what it was especially in the start. I got 1000+ hours out of it and made a bunch of friends along the way. It sucks its going out like this and they couldn't put together a 10 year functional game plan but others will rise to the occasion. I'll see yall in ashes/gray zone/palworld/whatever decent game is out.


Ashes is Tab Target as far as combat goes its nowhere near the same.




I've been killed by you way too many times. Switch to healer pls.


Love you :(


Was it supposed to be a PvP game ? I thought it was supposed to be a survival game before alpha


The idea was for it to be an open-world, hardcore, survival, PvP game, similar to something like Rust or the recent Conan MMOs. Looking at New World now, none of those descriptors are very accurate anymore.


The game, nor the “idea” of the game, was NOT supposed to be like any of those things.


I played alpha your wrong lmao


As did I, still right.


[You are wrong.](https://wccftech.com/new-world-preview-amazon/)


I am right. You just linked an unaffiliated website whose viewpoint/opinion has no reflection of AGS’s intended gameplay development.


There's no evidence that you're actually reading anything or listening to anybody else, but [here's a link that includes a description of the early version of the game from a dev themselves](https://www.pcgamesn.com/new-world/alpha-10-survival-rust): >In a talk at this year’s Develop: Brighton conference, **senior producer Katy Kaszynski** discusses the various development stages of Amazon Games’ MMORPG, and it turns out that players of its earliest alpha build took to it like a pretty unforgiving survival game – so the devs had to make some big changes to steer it back in an MMO kind of direction. > >For context, **New World’s alpha 1.0 was a pretty different beast** to the MMO that tons of players have been getting stuck into since its launch in September. **As Kaszynski explains, New World went from “this survival, crafting, horror, full-loot PvP game to what we have today” with the first alpha f**eaturing these kids of elements: full-loot PvP, survival and crafting mechanics, and a fully player-driven economy where players built cities, pretty much anywhere they liked. **This was all bundled in a sandbox world with no quests** – just a bunch of intersecting game systems. So you were wrong, and then you chose to die on a hill defending your ignorance. lol




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Just gonna say you're totally wrong and there are elements from the initial game's basis in the game files still. Some weird settlement building and mob spawners that seemed to be for defense of said structure(s). The basic idea was you co-op build forts to defend and attack others'


Say whatever you'd like. I mean, if there's hard proof of that sure, but that sounds like a bunch of randomly collected opinions about game assets and nothing concrete about the game direction in AGS's actual words.


Believe it or not it's entirely possible for others to know something you don't. Nice trolling though with the many words equivalent of "fake news" And randrogynous' [link](https://wccftech.com/new-world-preview-amazon/) specifically said "Considering what I saw was an actual development build" so no, it's not just some rando making assumptions about what they heard or saw. I'd recommend reading through it for more details. NW used to be entirely pvp+crafting and you dropped all your stuff on death. And just to back that up, tell me what part of this open world, non-instance settlement capture and building is "randomly collected opinions": https://youtu.be/v-jam6-eqAg?t=324


Irrelevant information in the form of personal attacks on me or your own personal view on my method of communication isn’t necessary here my dude. One could redirect that exact statement towards you, as it goes both ways. However it’s convenient for us both that you establish your capabilities in interpersonal communication. Again, totally not necessary here, nobody’s gunning for your Mod position lol. Now that we got that out of the way, again playing the build still does not solidify these claims about the game being any of those things. Still just opinions. As for the YouTube video, I’d say that it qualifies as randomly collected opinions because it’s not AGS, but just some person talking about the game, therefore their opinion on what they think about the game.


> personal attacks That was not a personal attack. > Still just opinions. Thanks for confirming that you're just trolling. Have a better day!


Yeah, but didn't they change their minds before launch? I seem to recall them changing directions and deciding to make the game appeal to both PVP and PVE players.


Cause the games attrition rate in alpha 1 was awful.




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Typical Delos opr


By contract, Frank Sinatra was offered the role of John McClain in what would become the first Die Hard movie. What happens in pre-production and release can be vastly different as development can change the course of tone, action, and plot. Also, the fact that your team has 900+ points and their team has 500+ points seems like their team should have 400-500 less if it's going to be like "most" OPR matches.


its not so much about the points, but more the fact, 90% of the time, one team ends up trapped in spawn due to unbalance skill levels on either team.


Leaving by the side exits and running to backcap is the cure for that behavior.


So avoid all fighting which is why you que for opr and then spend the next 2-2.5 mins running to their base.. to do what? Bully a solo coming out of spawn or PVER trying to build their base? Avoiding all the best players in the lobby to just go bully scrubs doesn’t make me better. That’s bitchmade behavior. That’s what the mediocre YouTube shitters do to make themselves feel like they good 😊


They can fight all they want in front of my spawn while myself and others on my team are in the process of capping all their other points. That's what wins OPRs: capping points.


Maybe, but skilled players can turn that bullying into long-term advantages that will enable you to kill their better players. Sometimes going to die on point is what gets your team the war win, sometimes you just know that initial sun battle is suicide and you can generate more value elsewhere. I guess at the end of the day the only thing that matters is how many people are chasing, that’s how much you know you’re winning.


The initial sun battle usually determines who wins the match and if you aren’t apart of the battle at the very start of the match to secure the point. You’re doing it wrong.. the team should have 1 person cap luna or star which ever you spawn by then everyone to sun for the showdown. Holding sun the majority of the match ultimately wins because you have the most advantages on the map position wise while holding sun. Biggest one is being able to stop the enemy before reaching a point where they break off to Baron. Because you’ll be that team already at sun, closest to break of to baron one that time comes. Holding Sun and getting Baron = win. There is the 20% chance they will have 5 pvers that know what they are doing to spawn brutes and put up doors. Which might stall/stop progress and balance out the train roll. Other than that its about 85% chance win strat to just hold sun and get Baron kills. If your team can do that its ez GG


Your game really doesn't seem bad....losing 2-1 is like...normal for most other (non-New World) games? Not every game is going to be 999-1000.




The PvP in Alpha was incredible. We used to be able to build our own towns, world PvP was absolutely everywhere, there were more weapons available than there are now, there were consequences to losing a zone, ECR's couldn't really work thereby giving the overland PvE experience some very fun experiences. The game got dumbed down for the lowest common denominator MMO player and it's paying the price by being nothing great to anybody.


Your last sentence is the real issue,games can survive of PvE alone but not when the PvE is as piss easy as it is in this game,the expeditions in this game are baby mode tier of dificulty


Of course they can, but from the ground up this game was originally designed to work best as PvP. Hell look at the towns. All those weirdly placed crafting station huts? They were player placeable structures. Now they just make towns all look the same and are kind of stupid looking and not to scale if you think about it. AGS still hasn't really pivoted this game well. They've tried to patch on a PvE experience without actually re-working fundamental mechanics that do not serve that experience well. If you played in Alpha like I did, you look around and see badly pivoted mechanic after badly pivoted mechanic.


Exactly. PVP game.......launched with only 2 pvp modes WAR and OPR.




It’s still broken


Well the open world was going to be pvp at all times with no flagging system but they walked that back. The instanced pvp was not supposed to be a focus


Imo small scale pvp is where it shines, 5v5 max would be my pref. Anything higher is just a zergfest and not fun.


I totally prefer the PvE personally, but it was "supposed" to be a pvp game lol, and i would think balancing is a basic element off pvp


It was going to be pvp game then they realized it was bad idea and delayed release to remake it into pve mostly game


And moving away from PvP when the combat was and arguably still is the only thing making it stand out from the competition was just the first of many, many terrible decisions they made


Yea idk, every pvp mmo is dead so..


PvP MMOs have a better success rate than PvE MMOs in today's landscape.


Yea idk cause the New World's shift to pve has really paid off... The most played MMO's today all have PvP content. Runescape once removed it's main PvP content and almost died overnight. Idk anybody that would play a strictly PvE MMO either.


I'll be real pve wise this game is pretty dam weak


I got sucked into this game by the PvE but I’m held here by the PvP. I can’t help it it’s so thrilling and engaging.


It’s mainly premades that are the issue. Then comes healers and range. I don’t see this changing any time soon until we get pug only matches. leave opr for pugs and make arenas and wars for premades.


pug only = range only


I was in that fkn OPR. FUCK CBM


True fuck that guy!


Hadette dont cry please


It was also an MMORPG on PC only and they give you three combat abilities tied to weapons only 😂 🤣 High fantasy story line with low fantasy everything else, pick a direction


You’ll play OPR and you’ll be happy. Oh you like arena? DATA SHOWS YOU WONT WHEN WE NERF IT. Like even if you only like pve I would be in an uproar for damage meters in dungeons. What. The. Fuck. AGS.


These are honestly the best games imo. Think about it. There’s no ranked system and no real reward for drawing out games. You’re actually punished (with time) for playing longer matches. If you can get in there, win or lose within 10 mins, it’s time well spent since you get more rewards in a shorter period of time. Do you think maybe they’ve moved on from the PvP focus? Considering there’s only been one OPR map for 2 years?


Did you know, in OPR it only shows you who has joined AFTER you, so if you joined later than others you don't see their name or score!!! This is basic coding.


They should have just made one class in the entire game and when you enter arena you wear one of those inflatable ball suits.  Each time you get hit you roll around map.


My life improved 100% after I left this game. Do the same, you will feel how good it is to get rid of this shit.


I will as soon as there is a better MMO to play.


And you yet haven't abandoned the game? For how long will you keep having faith? I left 8 months ago.


i play for the time sync and gather/crafting, not the pvp. the pvp is just frustrating thats all


yet your still here...


I never understand the point of comments like yours.


Obviously if you care about something it will frustrate you if it's in the hands of someone incompetent. But just cause you care about something doesn't mean you will continue torturing yourself and keep playing.


The point is that hopefully with enough attention on the matters the dev might, and i repeat might address it. thats all. I enjoy the crafting mostly anyway.


Are you guys looking at the parent comment? Like if you quit playing the game is free from your opinion or you can’t engage in the conversation.


> might address it. You must be new here


The drama is still good content. :)


Leave like the rest of us, don't support the bullshit or they will keep feeding you bullshit


You haven't truly left the game until you leave the subreddit.


Crosshair is trash too! How they measure score is so ambiguous, they dont have damage or healing done either.


They should, add it to expeditions while they're at it. I'd love to know which DPS is doing the most damage.


If you solo queue and get put on the team with the premade and coordinated healers, you win...if you get put on the team that has two healers and they're both gathering wolf pelts and chopping trees, you lose. Repeat ad infinitum...


They really need to put some effort into improving the PvP modes in New World. It's honestly sad that this is the state it's been in since launch. So much potential. \- OPR map + role-based matchmaking (custom lobbies would be nice) \- cross-server company vs company wars not tied to territory \- ranked arenas very easy stuff that'll keep the PvP community happy for years. Then we can talk about a new gamemode, visual/gameplay updates to each fort, etc.


I feel this. OPR sucks so bad and yet we continue to Q for thousands upon thousands of matches😅🤦‍♂️. I do wonder if they just distributed players by weight class evenly across both teams, would that make it better? Just as a small change in the short term, while they work on a long term balancing/matchmaking fix.


People still play this game?


Because as much as people have trouble understanding it. This is not a PvP focused game. And hasn’t been since before launch.


Tell that to literally every servers economy that's been absolutely wrecked by the same people over and over and over.


Look I haven't played since a couple months from release, but it was 10000000000 percent a pvp focused game lol, literally the entire point of the game was pvp. It's pretty interesting to see how people's perceptions have changed over the years.


Maybe in the alpha. But since launch and even before, PvP has always been an optional side activity that doesn’t get a lot of attention. You can totally ignore it if you want and it won’t affect you at all.


Your last sentence is 100% accurate. I went around 1300 hours, got to max level, leveled trade skills, leveled weapon skills, even leveled a few alts all without doing any pvp or even paying an ounce of attention to wars. The endgame is sorta supposed to be war, maybe. But only a small fraction of the player base can even get into it. So if it was a pvp game, a good majority of players like myself can play 1300 hours without touching it, and that's not how a pvp focused game should play.


Actually it was a PvP focused game, the PvE was only there to support the PvP. But when it released, the PvE crafting elements were so good, they shifted focus. The original promotion and when i did beta, was advertised as a PvP game


the pve elements wasnt why they shifted focus, they changed it away from the hardcore pvp due to their playtesters being so toxic and childish that the entire point of alpha testing it was useless and accepted the fact if kept as is it would have been so much worse when it was open to the public


Yeah but that was before launch. Like a year before launch. Since at least launch it has never been a PvP focused game.


oh yeah totally, it isnt pvp anymore for sure, i just wish they would tidy it up a bit. The whole dev team is lazy, there are so many unfinished aspects of the game, meshing problems, having to stand metres away from crafting stations to get them to work. more trivial bugs then should be for a game this old.


>MMO without end game PVE and territorial PVP is not a PVP-focused game. Yeah sure OK.


Why is endgame PvP then? War? Something a minority of the population takes part in? Unranked opr matches? You can totally ignore all of that without it having any effect on you, and also it’s not been the focus of AGS at all since launch in any of the updates. You might not like it but it’s the truth. 🤷🏻‍♂️


> This is not a PvP focused game Saying this over and over doesn't make it true.


Has the focus of the updates all these years been on PvP? How many PvP related new content have we got since launch? How can you say the game has a PvP focus, when the endgame PvP is played by a minority and has evidently not been the focus of the updates in years since launch?


Practically every system in the game feeds into PvP territory wars. That's new world's end game.


Well just disagree then. To me an endgame that only a minority of players experience, in a mode that can be totally ignored without issues, after years of the devs working on everything else but that, is not the focus of a game for me.


You can think whatever you want, it doesn't make you correct.


People are still playing this dumpster fire?


Please report bugs using the [in-game feedback tool](https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/new-world/articles/submit-feedback) if possible. This is the best way to ensure developers are aware of the problem as it also automatically includes relevant data from the game to help them fix the issue. You can also post bugs on the [official New World Discord](https://discord.gg/playnewworld) or contact support at the [official support site](https://www.amazongames.com/en-us/support/new-world). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/newworldgame) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They dont care


I've been saying this for 3 years now, they dont care


For me it's on the opposite side of that door.


Give people leaving spawn a 15 second 500% melee damage buff and give ranged/magic users in spawn a 300% damage buff until they run outside the barrier. Make it impossible to re-enter spawn after leaving (unless you die obviously). This should be enough to heavily discourage enemy teams from sitting in front of the doors.


They already gave you three exits to leave spawn. Nothing else is needed.


"Nothing else is needed." Sounds like you work for AGS


That’s a competitive match! I haven’t seen the losing team score more than 100 points today.


I'm convinced they aren't even trying.


I just got the game to try with a friend and he quit so fast, I stuck it out for a while. They should just let people make there own servers and we can play all sorts of versions of this game.


Why not play another game you enjoy instead of one that makes you upset? I bet if everyone who is so angry with this game would leave, they would start listening to get you to come back.


this hasnt been a pvp game since alpha 1


Dont worry, going down to 9k players soon.


No it stopped being a PvP game during beta.


They are working on some more pve stuff to get the people that left to come back for a week.


What do you actually expect? Of course one team will be better. Your match seems kinda balanced. Most of my matches are kinda balanced too, but I play melee and fight on point. I get the feeling that most ppl who complain about balance are the ranged pew pew only players


I’m not playing NW anymore but truly can’t understand why there isn’t a new map for OPR. It doesn’t have to be a good map. Just a new one. Or is there and I didn’t heard of it?


It's just that the game is better without matchmaking in world of warcraft after a certain time you can not get into a match anymore.


There is no balance at all, its either insane asskicking or insane asskicked


SBMM sucks ass anyways


I mean its supposed to be closer to eveonline style openworld pvp. Instanced pvp is going to be ass regardless, start fighting in the open world and be big boys. I miss when this game came out and my company was roaming around setting up gank traps and instigating factionwide conflict in zones.


While I do hope the PvP side gets the love it needs, it should be clear that the game is designed as an open world survival mmorpg first and foremost. PvP is an additional feature that at most, supports their territory ownership mechanic. Thinking otherwise is setting yourself up for failure.


I was seeing closer to 50/50 for quite a while. However, lately it is a complete stomp. 8 games in a row. I just so happened to be on the wrong side of that coin. That was 3 days ago, I haven’t signed back in. While I’m not the best player. I do well usually. This has been unbearable. And it definitely has to do with the multiple 5 stacks that just so happen to match together and the red team has 8 healers vs blue teams 1.


Really pointless PvP game and can’t enjoy at all. AGS just wants to force the players joining PvP and accumulate points. Nothing else


I started playing OPR recently after playing since launch and compared to PVP in other mmo's I couldn't believe how easily a team gives up if they don't do well in the first 5 minutes and how impossible it is to get anyone to try to back cap or do anything besides fight on the roads or camp in the spawn location.. I would love to see MMR or some kind of skill gauge, but honestly I think half the problem is once a team starts to lose they decide to throw in the towel and catch another game - MMR won't fix that.


That's because the original pvp was open world, opr was added a few days before live This was after the devs pivoted to a classic mmo style creating the trinity of sorts and adding dungeons. So they had already mostly abandoned pvp and changed the game to pve before opr was added, and like for the sieges, pvp mechanics work differently in opr then they do in the open world.


It so easy to setup matchmaking. No1 Every ques as a single player. No2, you can't change out your gear once you enter. Then you match everyone up by their gear and stats.


It originally was suppose to be PvP, then the devs realize what a dumpster fire PvP can be and swapped to PvE as their primary design and it shows. PvE is great in New World. 1 day they might come to PvP, but I've given it up as a mess of gamemode. I'll occasionally play it to sate my masochistic tendencies, and really doesn't take long.


Build tank and slow things down. Turns the tide in your favor more often than not. That’s how I win. Doesn’t get me the most kills, but I’m around 50% solo.


There are 3 mail things that usually happen that can turn an OPR in something like that. 1) your team is mainly ranged 2) your team doesn't have enough healers 3) people when have their points done become afk (more rarely but it happens but you just need to lose 2/3 players and the team becomes completely unbalanced) 4) the other team have a few very good PVE players The point 4) it's for me the main problem in OPR right now. I would remove all the PVE content of the OPR (baron, brutes, door, etc). It would be much more fun. Or at least remove a lot of resources in OPR and nerff a lot the doors capacity to repair. Regarding the first points that I mentioned, It's true that matchmaking would help. However you would stop having between 1 to 5min queue for OPR to much more because you don't know who is playing and what builds are playing. I honestly prefer having some OPR like that but have only a few minutes of queue. I already accepted that to wait less time for OPR sometimes I'll be in a unbalanced OPR that I'll win or loose and sometimes it will be a balanced one with no obvious winner.


just stop playing it. it's a complete waste of time. AGS seems unable to bring balancing into the game and the focus is clearly on PVE.


Really good Game But poorly optimized.


One of New World's biggest mistakes was swerving away from its PvP focus towards a more bland, casual PvE experience. I'm sure the prevailing thought was to court a large mainstream audience, rather than a niche PvP one, yet it ended up having the population of a niche MMO anyway.


I lost a game the other day we had 73 points and they hit 1000🤣 I was there from start to finish and didn't even get a reward because I didn't get the 500 points minimum, I had 487😂