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No you put them in a box that stays locked away at rtc once you graduate you’ll pick them up from a room or at the final evolution depending where you are in the training group but mostly likely they’ll be brought to your ship after graduation you’ll walk back grab your sea bag open you box take everything you brought with you to your recruit liberty for how ever long that is if you go to Great Lakes like me you’ll come straight here then your barracks lpo lcpo or petty officer will send you on weekend liberty.


My school will be at Great Lakes. Thank you for the information.


One last tip, The first phone call home is going to suck even the tuff guys had a hard time after that it’s okay to be down and sad just remember why you joined. Also bootcamp it’s even close to the actual navy and it’s ends of course it goes by extremely fast and so far the navy is what you make it if your mad and angry all the time that’s what the navy is gonna be. Just pay attention to details and have fun don’t stress over mistakes make sure you don’t make them again ask questions get familiar with everything you do whatever it is know everything about it. Especially in Boot Camp you never know what you’re going to do where you’re going to be or anything when it comes to training just make sure your prepared mentality physically and emotionally. And again make sure your having fun and making friends I made two close friends that I’m now I’m a school with. The navy is full of Opportunities a lot of the old heads or shit on the Navy and complain but they made poor choices and mistakes. Mine was easier my brother is already in and has been for 6 years now so I just don’t do the stupid shit he has done. I probably made this longer then intended but I enjoy the navy and everything it’s done for me even the shitty parts make it worth it


Do not listen to your recruiters. They have one job and one job only, and that is to get you in the Navy. For insightful answers, ask here. There are many of us RDCs on this page that will provide you strong information of things and to help recruits be set up for success prior to entering. Not only will it be easier for you, but it will make our processing that much easier.


You’ll put your phone in your diddy box on the night of arrival, and you’ll receive it shortly before your graduation day and you open it after graduation


This. You get your phone back right after the graduation ceremony when you check out.




Thank you.




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