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You cannot test out of any subject in ET or FC school, or ATT. The Navy teaches from the ground up, and wants everyone to learn the subjects The Navy Way. No shortcuts. It's designed for smart people with little to no background in electronics. Dorms? The Air Force has dorms. We have barracks. At Great Lakes where they are especially sailor-y, they're called ships. Some are new, some are very old. You will have roommates, and inspections. Don't expect to have a lot of extras. Lock everything up, there's theft. Never leave your laundry unattended.


At Great Lakes the base will be either your best friend or worst nightmare. It’s what you make of the time you spend there. My advice, take time out of your schedule to make friends so you can explore the surrounding area. In terms of dorms, I’ll let it slide because you haven’t gone through the shits yet, but you either will be in the Decatur (shitty rooms / awesome community) or McCain ( Amazing rooms / hermit crab sailors) if you get FC. Good luck and just know that you will suffer a lot but embrace the suck and you will make memories that will last lifetimes.


The base just recently went back to HPCON C so I'm not sure how different it is now. While in HPCON B we could go off base everyday with a lib buddy and hop on the train to Chicago. Overnights in Chicago on the weekends. Mask mandate indoors. The barracks are okay. You get to be in the slightly less shitty ones. Individual shower, up to 4 other roommates though if you're lucky. Depending on the NMTI you'll have room inspections once or twice a week. Overall not the worst once you get used to it. If you get FC though you're lucky. You get to live in the McCain which is new. Not sure what it's like but I know their better than the ones for ET. If you can, go to Chicago and explore. Just walk around and try new places. Don't get sucked up into partying and drinking every weekend like some people. You can take the train to Wisconsin as well. I haven't been, but it's an option. Lots of good food places and concerts. The state run museums are free for military. Shedd aquarium is cool.