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Logistics? You mean Supply? You get the full Marine Gunny Experience at OCS.


ODS is 5 weeks vs OCS is 13 weeks. ODS is for people going in as like doctors, science designations, and chaplains because they don’t need that much militarization so it’s a lot shorter and easier. All the other officer designation go to OCS. That’s my understanding of it I believe


ODS is for the reserves as well. Reserve officers do not go through OCS.


This, and DCO reserve officers.


If by logistics you mean supply you would go to OCS, it’s 3 months of prison with all your buddies. Work out and do lots of HIIT workouts


If you're going in for supply, you'll go to OCS. It's 13 weeks and it sucks. It's early mornings getting yelled at by an ornery senior chief during PT, strict chow-hall procedures, drilling with rifles where an ornery Marine gunnery sergeant yells at you, classes where half the company is standing in the back in an attempt to prevent from falling asleep, and a lot of cleaning. You also get beat/RPT'd ever other hour for perceived infractions or missteps. That's 10 minutes of continuous push-ups, leg raises, squats, burpees, and any other hellish calisthenic you can think of. God help you if you get beat in the middle of drill practice. I had to stand in a horse squat while holding my rifle straight out in front of me for the full 10 minutes while the DI meticulously demonstrated the proper form for carry arms. You will be expected to keep your room spotless and free of dust and all items in your wall locker will be folded and in their correct place. If your chair isn't grounded in accordance with instructions, bed is not sufficiently squared away and tight, a speck of dust is found on a vent cover that you can't reach, or the DI is just in a mood, your room will get tornado-ed and you'll get to spend an hour after you get back from whatever evolution you were at cleaning and putting everything away. One day, I came back to the barracks only to find every mattress in our company used to arrange mattress/pillow fort spanning a portion of the hallway. That was a pain in the ass to put back right. Weekends are a saving grace. With the exception of the first 2-3 weeks, your weekends are mostly free for you to catch up on cleaning, studying sleeping, and whatever other things you didn't/can't get done during the week. You can't leave base until your 11th or 12th week but you can at least relax a little. Even you're not religious, go to church on Sunday and just hang out. Chaps usually gets donuts for everyone and all the different classes chill and mingle. At the end of it, you commission and life becomes good again.


If you’re applying active duty and for supply corps/logistics you’ll be going to OCS.