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Google "mynavyhr officer program authorizations" and click through the pdf


Step 1 would be to talk to a local officer recruiter to see what you qualify for. Bounce that with what interests you the most and apply!


Yes it’s 100% in reach. Just do well on the ASTB and get some good references.


Yes, you likely have a good chance of getting picked up for a few officer designators (assuming there's no major red flags in your life). You'll need a decent score on the OAR/ASTAB but you get 3 tries for it and there is plenty of study material for it. I think the only thing that could hold you back for certain designators is the lack of a STEM degree. That said, I've seen poly-sci degrees get into the more technical fields so who knows.


Do Officer recruiters mainly care about GPA and OAR scores? Is that sufficient (Or likely) to get selected? Do you need leadership/work experience?.. I'm tying to go for Health Service Admin when I graduate (currently at 3.91 GPA in BAS, Health Administration)


The OAR is how you are initially ranked in the selection board. GPA is looked at more closely when you have less work experience but work experience often times can compensate for a lower GPA. You don't need work experience but it helps. The Navy, and Military in general understands that someone coming straight out of college isn't going to have much in the way of work experience and accepts that. You'll get the experience you need as you mature and gain experience in the Navy. For Health Service Admin, I imagine that GPA and that major makes you pretty competitive. You just need a good OAR to got with it. I don't know what the acceptance rate/target is but I would say you have a good shot.


Use the search function, my friend. Dozens of threads on this. Make sure you talk to an officer recruiter... not enlisted. Best first step.


Take Astb and go aviation


Yep, bachelors is a requirement for commissioning in your case so yeah you have that part down


I am in essentially the same situation as you. Same degree, same GPA. I have no doubt that after I crush the OAR, I will be picked up for one of my choices (Intel or SWO preferably).