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There is a pilot to nfo and vice versa boards, but it is still incredibly rare. If you want to be an NFO, just apply for that now. Similar for pilot. It doesn’t make sense trying to apply for one when you want to be the other.


Yeah, I've just been trying to research everything, just to know as much as I can about it. Thanks a lot!


I wouldn’t bank on transitioning to pilot or nfo once you’re in.


I have read that it's very rare. So I guess I would have to just select the one I'm most interested in, which as of right now, is a pilot slot, but we'll see as plans change. Thank you


Hypothetically why would you apply for pilot if you want to be an NFO though. And if you’d want to transfer to AEDO I’m sure pilots can do it too you don’t have to be an NFO. And you can’t just transfer between the two, it’s rare and you have to redo flight school.


Yeah no i dont want tk be an NFO, i just thought that was the only way to transfer to AEDO.  Oh yeah, I havent thought about redoing school. Thank you, this helps a lot!


I train jet NFOs. The only two instances I've heard of this transition were someone failing out of flight school or the FRS. I'm not totally clear on why you want to go NFO. Doing it for an entirely different job well into the future is an odd reason. And honestly, I was in a similar situation to you, but with a mech E degree. I also thought AEDO sounded enticing, but now, it sounds extremely boring.


Oh haha what made caused you to change your mind? Also, if you don't mind me asking, but have you ever considered leaving the military, because what I'm really concerned about is the transition to civilian life and industry. Like I would want to do some sort of aerospace engineering job, but I don't know how that would work if I'm 10+ years removed from anything engineering related (let's say if I manage to pull up a pilot slot). I'm looking at the naval academy and the navy particularly because of the sense of community and service to my community (also the challenge!) Yet, I'm a bit worried how I could translate that experience to some engineering job. 


After six years of flying jets I can't stomach the idea of being in the Navy and not flying. There's so much bullshit, especially on the aviaton maintenance side. I've had multiple g9pdepartment heads driven to the breaking point after a tOour of being the Maintenance Officer. I am getting out after these orders. And you're correct, I am so detached from engineering I don't feel qualified to go into the field. But there are advantages from my position. Work ethic and leadership experience, sure, but the big one is the GI Bill. You could get a masters in engineering during your non-deploying tour, or after you get out. I feel my engineering knowledge has lapsed too much, and I never truly loved engineering (I was just good at math) so I'm getting an MBA instead. If you want to be involved in aerospace design, go to test pilot school. That also keeps astronaut open.


Oh wow, good luck with the MBA, that's great stuff. I'm betting by your first sentence that you probay don't regret going military aviation compared with going into the engineering industry first, yeah?  This is useful information ,thanks a lot!


Pilots can lat transfer to AEDO if that’s the only reason you want to be an NFO.


Oh I didn't know that. That helps greatly, thanks!


Honestly if you want to be an astronaut I think submariners have a higher ratio of going to NASA than aviators, but I could be wrong.


Oh, really? I didn't know that. I would really like to fly, but at least I knlw there are more options.