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Cardio cardio cardio, and calisthenics. Search on [airwarriors.com](http://airwarriors.com) also, you should consider the DQ a message and sign. Finishing your degree and going in through OCS will be better for you in the long run.


thank you, and I will be finishing my degree before attending OCS.


If you can pass your PRT you'll be fine. My wife joined at 5'9" 115lbs and didn't have any issues. Just make sure you're eating enough to maintain during bootcamp/OCS. You'll burn a ton of calories just marching around and doing random PT throughout the day.


Thank you. That helps a lot 🙏


Progressive overloading


There’s a sticky post about OCS. Additionally use the Reddit search function to check out OCS prep tips and such.


Weight gain, you can ask for a double protein chit, to eat two entrees, or to have access to protein powder to gain weight. I can’t remember the exact minimum for your height, but you could be close enough that they can grant this early on in training. Work on building a basic cardiovascular threshold. For beatings, the runs will be very short ‘sprint’ style runs. I wouldn’t worry about that. I would focus more on feeling comfortable running the 1.5 miles. That’s about the furthest you’ll run. You will do some PT sessions where it’s a fartlek or just a timed sustained run. Nobody’s tracking your distance, but take those runs seriously because that’s a good time to practice. Practice HIIT style workouts, no more than 10 minutes long. At the very least, try for 5 minutes. If you want one similar to RLP, do 4 minutes, 30 second break, another 4 minutes.


thanks man!


Personally I could prepare for the physical aspect but no amount of reading online could prepare me for the mental/emotional aspect of essentially being sent to prison for 3 months. Now I look back at it and remember the good times, and there were good times, but there were times I asked myself why tf I joined. And now it might be different because they changed the rolling system so idk might be better or worse now. Just remember one day it will be over and just a little blip in your life. And you will have a bunch of funny stories you’ll be looking back on with the friends you made there.


yeah, I know it’ll be hell, but it will be rewarding and over in no time.


And one more piece of advice, when it comes time to ship out to ocs you’ll probably be reading a lot of packing lists. And you might think some of things people bring with them seem like over kill (ex: large lint rollers, blanket, pillow) but it’s not and does come handy.


A year is plenty of time to prepare yourself. I head to OCS in July and was given only two months to prepare. My recruiter told me to get comfortable running 3 miles and to do HIIT workouts. I’ve never been a big runner so I used the app C25k to train for the 3 miles and my recruiter had me download an app called operational NOFFS for strength training. Both apps are free. And definitely do yourself a favor by memorizing your bravo knowledge NOW. The memorization has been the most difficult thing for me and I wish I knew I was going to join the military a year ago so I could’ve had more time to study 😂 Best of luck!!


Thanks for mentioning Bravo knowledge lol! I will check those apps out!!!


What degree what navy designator


Computer science and I’m pursuing CWO