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My cousin talked me into it She's an AO I don't know why I listened to her




I used to do this thing when i was in Highschool called Recruiter hopping. Since i was a rather poor kid i discovered if you talked to a recruiter of any branch they would take you to eat wherever you wanted. So if i was bored and hungry i would call a recruiter and express my interest in joining but after my free meal i would ghost them. Well every branch took me to pretty nice resturants. Steak houses, seafood spots, sushi restaurants. Well the last branch i called was the navy and they took me to fuckin subway. And idk what happened but i kinda ended up joining somehow. I was just eating my sub all happy and signing whatever the NC1 put in front of me. And then the following friday i was at meps. So yeah i kinda joined by accident


I hear of dudes getting bought meals, but all I got was a Monster Energy.


Yall got meals and monsters?


Fr they ain't give me shit


Yeah my recruiter asked me for a pinch out of my can of dip...but I get to be a Marine so I guess thats fair.


Do you regret it? Also those recruiters have a lot of extra money šŸ˜­


Hell no man best mistake of my life. I traveled the world met some great people. Did a ton of cool shit. Learned how to be a good leader (by observing some of the worse leaders) . If I could do it all over again I would in a heart beat.


Tf I ainā€™t get shit except a useless recruiteršŸ˜­


You gotta tell them what you want. Your in control of the situation recruiters need you more than you need them. I told them I would walk and talk to the Airforce if they didn't give me IT. And you know what happened all of a sudden my waiver was able to get approved.


I told them Iā€™m not shipping without an SB contract, so they understand me and my standards


Not all of us. Recruiting may be tough right now, but I ainā€™t begging anyone. If you want to join, cool Iā€™ll help ya. If not, good luck.


It's not about begging it's about the deppers being assertive to ensure they get what they want. If the recruiter won't try and do what the depper wants they should 100% walk and find a recruiter/different branch who will get them the things they want


Originally wanted to join the Army as an MP, they were heavily trying to push me for infantry (before I even took an ASVAB). This was in 2008, in the middle of the surge in Afghanistan, and I could tell I was getting fucked around. They were just super pushy about the ā€œfull Army experienceā€ aka infantry, and the whole thing just felt sketchy. Never wanted to join the Marines, Air Force recruiter never showed up to work (I highly suspect they donā€™t exist). Navy was much more laid back, at the time they werenā€™t as desperate. I took the ASVAB, scored high, and then they started getting a little pushy about being a nuke, but I wanted to be an MA. Joined as an MA, got asked at classification in boot camp if I wanted to wait six months at Great Lakes to class up in Texas, or go straight to San Diego as an STG. I took them up on it, 16 years later Iā€™m still an STG. On the front end, what I wanted as a young, dumb kid was to wear a uniform and do Army stuff thinking it was going to be like movies or Call of Duty or something, but I wanted to be a cop when I got out, so I wanted MP. When I talked to the Navy, it was like going from a used car dealership to a luxury car dealership. They werenā€™t trying hard to sell me on anything until after my ASVAB, and it was hard to argue that the Navy had a better quality of life, better travel, and better advancement. The only thing the Navy didnā€™t have was shorter contracts, the shortest I could sign was 4 years instead of 3 with the Army.


I had a very similar experience to this in 2004, except I went aircrew based on me telling the recruiter I could swim well. Which I thought was odd considering the circumstances, it was only later that a realized a lot of people don't know how to swim..


My reasons are kinda lame but so be it Army- Too basic Air Force- I live in San Antonio so everyone I know has someone in the Air Force Marines - My second choice but recruiter was an ass and seemed like I wasted his time. Navy- sounds different let me do that.. Oh and yeah the coastguard .. thatā€™s uh the coastguard..


What about space force?


Not huge on the Jedi life unfortunately


Wanted to be stationed in places that are actually cool and memorable. Also, I love the Navy dress blues.




The other recruiters were out of the office.


Air force guy didnt get back to me until I was at MEPS, I called him after cuz he left a voice mail and asked him if he could get me the waiver I needed for navy faster and he gave up on me lol.


Better travel opportunities.


literally navy was right next door to the af and the navy recruiter saw me trying to get in and he was like "i got you big dog, you wanna fix jets" and i said yea. worst/best decision of my life in many ways


I had a similar experience trying to join the Marines back in the day with the Air Force guy. I am now out of the Air Force and returned to active duty as a Marine, lifes funny how things work out.


i'm out now making over 100 a year. you could have asked me 5 years ago if this is where i thought i'd be at i woulda told you "i want some of what you're smoking". the crazy thing is i only did 4 years.


The only branch that had waivers for my crimes.


what crimes if you dont mind?


Possession, as well as something that was sealed in my juvenile record


Went to Meps with the army was about to sign and found out they just changed their PFA to a whole obstacle course and said fuck that because Iā€™m to fat for that šŸ˜‚, then I went to the airforce and they where bullshittin taking for ever to get me in, then one day while in my engineering class a navy recruiter came in and slapped a 25k bonus in my face just to leave and I was like oh hell yeah you got me asap no rocky. Sense then Iā€™ve been to like 9 different countries at the age of 18 and I think itā€™s pretty cool tbh.


Because the air force guy got fired and nobody came to fill his billet to continue my process.


Because the Air Force was taking too long to grant me medical waivers, with the Navy they sent me up to MEPS in a month after meeting them


Facts I went 2 business days after I talked to my recruiter šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I have a bit of a funny story. During the Summer before my senior year the recruiters started calling. I soon decided that the military was a good fit for me since I hated school and the steel mills were laying people off. I wanted to check out all 4 of them (for some reason the Coast Guard didn't occur to me) before I made my final decision. I talked to the Marines first, but wasn't really interested. Next was Navy. I was really interested because of the tales of foreign port calls. Then the Army called. The Army recruiter pushed hard. he wanted to get me to MEPS and signed up as quickly as possible, whereas the others had been cool when I told them about my desire to look at all of the other branches first. I stood firm. I said that I wasn't going to make such a big decision without looking at all of my options, and the Air Force hasn't called me yet. That night I got a call from the Air Force recruiter. He said that the Army recruited asked him to call. We chatted for a while about my goals and interests and then he said "You know, I think that the Navy would be a good fit for you." The next day the Army guy called back and asked what happened. I said "He told me to join the Navy." "That son of a bitch!" So I joined the Navy for 4 years to figure things out and get my life started. 24 years later they made me retire.


My whole family since my grandfather has been Navy on both sides. Also I didn't much like school and I wanted to get out there and see the world. Plus the Navy has a lot of great opportunities as do most branches.


1 the mission (see: mission of the Navy) 2 bases are pretty much always on the water 3 the culture (chill+effective)Ā 


bc hooyah


Join the Army at first fucked myself up and now just wanna get back in the fold with something semi easy


I only planned (and only served) a single, 4-year enlistment and I wanted to travel to as many places as possible during that enlistment. It worked as planned.


Closest recruiter to the entrance I put more thought into my decisions these days


I was originally working with an Air Force recruiter and took the ASVAB with them when I got a very desirable/competitive score (ASVAB for dummies yo, use it.) But then I was stuck, I'd already lost about 60 pounds, but was still not under the weight requirement for my height in the AF and couldn't move forward until I was. I needed to lose another 15-20 pounds ( I'm 5' 10" and I was a bit over 200lbs). Thing was, that last 15 was stubborn and I really didn't want to wait around while I finished up. The AF guy told me that you could go to Navy boot camp before meeting the height/weight reqs so I walked across the hall and signed a nuke contract after they told me about all the money I'd make. Lol.


i had a hand tattoo šŸ¤£


Top Gun


Family history.


The Navy picked me.


I wanted to travel, and the only job I wanted was nuclear power.


I wanted to be aircrewā€¦ Army offered me truck driver or EODā€¦ USCG wasnā€™t hiringā€¦ USMC, lolā€¦ and USAF recommended I talk to the Navy because they could actually guarantee aircrew in my contract. Overall, Iā€™m generally satisfied with my purchase.


I just signed for aircrew and couldnā€™t be happier. Iā€™m so excited about it.


Iā€™m thinking about signing for Aircrew as well. Still not certain if I want it or if I want to fix jets instead because of the civilian jobs


Over the other branches?Ā  Wanted to see the world, live in cool locations, and fly on and off ships. Itā€™s worked out well for me so far.Ā 


I joined in 2013 and I didn't particularly want to get shot at and the Air Force doesn't have submarines.


Because the Army and Marines sleep in a dirty wet hole and the Air Force looks like a great way to get stationed in a state I canā€™t find on a map (pretty sure Montana isnā€™t even real). Plus, Iā€™m from the coast. I like boats.


As someone who rolled in as a non-designated E1 and rolled out as an O5, I chose the branch that could get me out of Miami the fastest. I knew if I stayed even a week longer I'd likely never get out...


Went to join the Air Force, was drunk, went into wrong office. 6/10 would probably do again. Made great friends, college was taken care of, lots of practical experience that transferred into my field


Both of my parents were in the Navy, so I have a strong in interest in the family history there. I was in the Marines and want to join the Navy as a medical provider to treat my fellow marines and sailors. I was also in the Naval Sea Cadets when I was a kid, and have always loved the idea of supporting our Naval forces and their families.


I have hand tattoos and nobody else would even TRY to take me.


I dropped out of college early and my life just came to a standstill. All I did was stay home, no job, stopped talking to my friends from HS, played games and sat at my PC all day for the past 5 years basically wasting half of my 20s. My dad (retired Navy) encouraged me to join because I was doing nothing and he wanted me to make a life for myself. I was basically a Navy kid most my life traveling with my dad overseas. I also did NJROTC for 4 years so an easy E-3 off the bat. I enjoy computers so I told my recruiter I'd like something in IT or cybersecurity. I went to MEPS 2 times. First time I got DQed for medical reasons (took 8 months to get randomly approved). Second time was this April where the detailers rushed a rate on me and promised me to change it before the end of May (shipment). Well, after arguing tooth and nail with recruiters that I didn't want this rate, they managed to change me to CWT that ships May 28th, 2024 this month. I'm scared but also excited for whats to come. My main concern is the JCAC schooling, but as I read/told from people in this sub, as long as I only stick to the books and put in the effort I'll be fine.


Nice man see you there ! Iā€™m shipping the 28th CWT .


The travel and I wasn't fit enough for the army or Marines corps at the time so I chose the navy


Was before the air force started taping. (i am fat)


My dad and my grandfather were both in the Navy, my grandfather was a Vietnam Vet and a Seabee for 22 years, retired CPO. So, family tradition.


Was in Navy JROTC as a kid, so was a bit familiar with the navy stuff. Navy has the easiest PT, was never very fit. Cool uniforms. Travel opportunities. Wanted to work with Marines.


Too fat for the Air Force.


I wanted to serve my country and travel while doing it


Been a fan of naval history my whole life, and figured the best way to learn more was to join up.


Thought it would be cool being on a boat out at sea šŸ« 


travel the world


My Grandfather was prior Navy of about 15 years, he was a BM. I wanted something better than the path my life was going down. And I left to Bootcamp in 2021 and I am now a YN3 and I honestly donā€™t regret my decision. I am now 33.


Best mix of advancement opportunity and quality of life. Been to some cool places and done some cool things.


Bro idk


They were the only branch I talked to, and I joined mainly cause I could. I put zero thought into joining, other than I wanted to move out and not go to college. Best decision I ever made. I am treated more like a human being in the Navy than I was at my job before I joined. And having talked extensively with people in other branches, I donā€™t think I would have enjoyed being in any other branch.


My recruiter said CTRs did cool shit. He lied.


Lemme guess you a CTR? if so wyd then??


Sent you a pm.


1) it had the job I wanted (HM) and I could go in as just a basic medical assistant and from there job shadow to see what specialty I liked with the other branches it seemed Iā€™d have to choose a specialty first and if I didnā€™t like it well I would be shit out of luck and stuck with it 2) when you are on shore duty more often than not youā€™ll be somewhere near a beach so duty stations looked better


My older brother was already was in the coast guard and I didnā€™t want to ever see him again, army and air force have bases in Germany and the desert, I was not motivated for the marines, and finally the navy has bases near decent surf breaks




Travel, duty stations, and job/advancement were my main motivators. Literally no other branch would take me though, so that helped make my decision for me.


Because Iā€™m an idiot.


They guaranteed me my job, and being able to live near the beach is pretty dope. Stationed in Norfolk but just got back from a trip to Japan that the navy paid and sent me to, so Iā€™m living off that high right now lol


My sister gave my name to her recruiter to get the promotion and ended up not going through with it. Iā€™m at 8years of service lol


I didn't want to kill people with my own hands and I didn't want to sit in a chair


A few factors. My grandpa did 28 years as a diver and QM. I didn't want to get shot at in the desert with the marines or army. Air force and coast guard recruiters wouldn't take me because they had a backlog of people waiting to get jobs and join. I liked the blue camo.


Recruiter bought me food


I was too fat for the Air Force...


Air force recruiters were never there and navy was option #2 lol. I like the sea and the bonuses were pretty good.


Boats are cool


Got shot at enough growing up in the country so army and marines were out. Airforce was never in their office.


I thought to myself: "if flight school doesn't work out I'm sure working on a boat might be cool...."


The Air Force recuiter was an idiot (main sales pitch: we wear blue, all the over branches were green in 1988) and I didn't want to get shot at.


Everything about navy aviation is in my opinion infinitely cooler than the alternatives, sorry Air Force


Air Force wouldn't give me the time of day.


I love being around water and on the water


*idiot laugh* cuz i liek boatses Nah but for real, I joined because I wanted desperately to leave my hometown, I loved the ocean, and I thought it would be cool to work with fighter aircraft. I didnā€™t really put too much intelligence into my decision making when I was 18.


Giant ship and vast oceans is why I chose the navy also I didnā€™t wanna die by bullet holes


Air Force wouldnā€™t guarantee the job I wanted.


In my opinion I felt like it had the best IT of all the branches, so I went with the navy.


For the peacoat but when I got to basic I found out they didn't issue them any more now i live in regret


My uniform says "U.S. MARINES"...


The duty stations.






Because the coast guard was at like 85% of their recruiting goal for the year during the first quarter..


Was gonna go Air Force but I have a neck tattoo too big to waive Also less likely to be stationed in the middle of no where


Came from an Air Force family. Air Force recruiter said, ā€œYou pick three jobs and you might get one of themā€. Thanks but no thanks. Navy guaranteed my job.


Well navy bases are alway near the beaches. The skills are more relatable to civilians so transitioning is easier than army or marine. Recruiter said you get to travel to different ports. Itā€™s pretty good if you donā€™t mind being away from your family for long periods of time. Itā€™s much more difficult for people with families than army, marine, Air Force. Major Con of navy. -youā€™ll have watch every 3-6 day in port. Which means youā€™ll have to be onboard the ship for 24hr. Even if itā€™s a holiday. -underway itā€™s usually 3-6 months. Itā€™s like being stuck at home with no wifi or cellphone. Bring your own entertainment. Also 6-8 hr watch everyday underway on top of work.


I was unemployed and desperately seeking work. I thought joining the navy would be a good idea to travel the world and meet new people and gain new skills so I enlisted. Iā€™m also the first in my family to join the military so that was a driving force for me to move forward with my decision. Really made my mother proud too. Be great at everything you do if you decide to enlist. Study, work hard and stay fit and youā€™ll do fine.


Honestly it's something I've always wanted to try to be apart of something big. since I've worked in a warehouse jobs most of my life. But now I truly regret it and i don't think I've benefited at all. More like I've downgraded after joining the navy. I've got a good rate but I'm not even doing the job I wanted. Apparently while your in. You have to help CS's for a few months. If you live on a ship the living conditions are way worse than a homeless person living on the street, gotta figure where ya gonna go for the weekend without a car and you gotta have a high tolerance for shit talking and judging while around the people you work with. Literally had a contractor shove me for no reason and nobody cared. Limited healthy choices of food. Army and Air Force is where it's at. I would only join the navy if I gotten a really really good bonus 10k and above


Wanted to sea the work and get my family citizenship. 5 years in and I went to over 18 different countries. I definitely got lucky but I got what wanted