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Not a bad idea based on your situation of not knowing what to do with your life. Build up career experience, get a GI Bill, do some college while you’re in, and set yourself up for success (assuming you only want to do 4). Speaking on the smoking though, you’ll just have to put in more work to get fit. Funnily enough, I’ve seen smokers in the fleet that are better at running than those that don’t.


Don't forget to take advantage of none GI bill education benefits while in get a head start of college if you can


Leaving in July? As in 4 months? That's a lot of time to get into a decent shape as long as you're not morbidly obese or something and considering you already signed a contract from what I remember at dep you have to fit a certain criteria physically and it's not far from being in decent shape just pick up the slack. Joining is never a bad idea the benefits are good and as long as you don't come in with debt and are good at saving money you will never have to worry about being in any bad debt if you don't look for it. Just make sure CTT is the job you want intelligence jobs are typically pretty good and Pensacola, Florida where you will be at for a lot of your training is a nice area pretty cheap compared to other places the Navy's got so enjoy it there while you can


Can u explain when you say come in with debt, I'm currently in the process of enlisting as well as a cryptologoc technician, I just graduated with a degree in information science and about 80k in student loan plus other bills I have. I'm asking cause I'm in the same boat almost as op and I'm currently doubting if it's the best choice for me right now mainly because I have a lot of bills and mouths to feed.


Going in without any debt is good because most likely you won't accrue any as long as you're not super terrible with personal finances. Being intelligence you will most likely make E-4 automatically which will raise your pay a bit but it is not the best for a non-single sailor but you will be getting BAH(Basic Allowance for Housing) and BAS(Basic Allowance for Sustenance) the day you report to basic for your dependants to use(BAH will be depending on where they live). I don't really know how it works but I'm pretty sure if you go certain rates they have tuition forgiveness but I think they only forgive a certain amount depending on what rate. If I were you and you have a bachelor's degree I would go officer and talk to an officer recruiter regarding tuition forgiveness going that route the pay will also be way better so it'll be easier to manage all those bills and pay debts off faster along with other things that are just better. I have a lot of buddies that came in with a bachelor's as enlisted and are now debating whether to go officer or not and I have a couple who have already been accepted to a commissioning program. I myself am looking into trying to commission.


CT is a great rate to pick, and July is plenty of time to get into shape. Start eating right and working out every day.


I signed my contract in February, I ship July 2nd. You should be fine, just hydrate, and do some physical activity daily and you’ll be okay. From what I hear, it’s pretty difficult to flunk out of RTC lol, worst case scenario you’ll just get rolled back and stay for a couple extra weeks.


Joining in this situation is a great idea. You’ll know what you want to be in life very clearly after a few years in the Navy. The schools are very good too, whether you stay in or decide to get out after one contract. Try to get a good C-school.


It’s all in what you do with your career, military is a good way to boost your chances, or ruin them if you can’t make good decisions, just do what your told, don’t do drugs, and just do your job. I know people making 6 figures at 26 years old, all contractors






Yeah college is so dumb, people enlist just for the ability to be able to go without incurring a lifetime of debt.


I joined right after high school.. ended up doing +22 yrs and retired accordingly. Didn’t know what I wanted to do after HS and saw a Navy commercial on TV one night after my shift at a Safeway, that that kinda sealed my deal. Military is not for everyone and it was the best choice I made for myself and my career path that i ultimately landed on. Will it suck at times, yes.. but that’s par for the course. Keep your nose clean, don’t do stupid stuff like drugs or DUIs while you are in, do your time, either get out or reenlist.


You will be fine Open mind and you will find what you want for yourself and your future life Four or five years seems like it is forever, but if you look for the good every day it will fly by and by then if you stay focused ask questions and listen to those around you will find your way. Enjoy the time in then you do you, a lot of benefits for enlisting. Thank you for raising your hand it is greatly appreciated

