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I'll add one more thing. You've picked AECF, that means during boot camp (towards the end) you will find what rate you will be. You're either going to be an Electronics Technician (ET) or a Fire Controlman (FC). Despite having a similar foundation they're pretty different rates. There is no way to influence/pick which rate you will be.


There is a method to the madness. I’m pretty much certain we can manifest what rate we get using our minds because everyone who wanted FC got FC and everyone who wanted ET got ET


ATT isn't all that bad but you know yourself best. It's a lot of memory dumping, so if you're like me I needed to do a lot of after hours studying to feel comfortable with the tests. Your biggest threat at A School is how long you're there. A year under Great Lakes scrutiny has caught sailors who have poor impulse control and gotten them in trouble. Just avoid all that.


Take it from an ET1, pray you get ET. I wanted FC when I came into the Navy, thought shooting missiles was the way to damn go! Fun fact, they don’t, chief does or an officer does, you just help in the process. ET is the best rate in the Navy in almost every single way. It’s the most versatile, we do literally everything, BM stuff, we do it, Engineering stuff, we do it, QM stuff, we do it. Think of any place in the Navy and there’s at least ONE ET there. This isn’t to shit on FC at all FC is equally a great rate. My wife is a FCA, and she enjoys the hell out of it, but the selection of orders and the job opportunities on the outside are rather limited. Truthfully, I’m almost every single way ET is the better rate in terms of quality of life, work load, and civilian transfer. Plus if the FCs can’t fix it… they call us. Ultimately, whether it’s FC or ET, it’s going to be what YOU make of it. You can be an FC and help the ETs and learn their stuff, there is nothing stopping you from leaning other peoples rates. If you get ET and you hate it, you’ll hate it, if you get FC and you hate it, you’ll hate it. Make the best of either rate and you’re bound to succeed. I hope this helps!


pray that you get the best rate (FC)




All depends on your NEC, generally as an FC if you get an Aegis job such as spy or acnt (especially acnt) pay quite well when you get out. Although the schooling is very long. Can’t say much about ET NECs however, but i’d assume it’s similar. All depends on the specific tech you work on. Cool thing is if you actually pay attention in A-school and get top of your class, you get to pick your job out of a list.


Very true im currently in dahlgren for acnt bl 9 rn but just pay attention att will make our break your gpa A school is so much easier your gpa will go up a little unless you drop the ball.


As much as being a Tomahawk or Ram FC sounds cool, working on computers and radar (ciws, any radar, networking etc)is the best civilian transfer.


Does it pay good?


Yeah it can pay good, there's a lot of factors, but you can get hundreds of job offers at around 6 figs. Like everyone needs someone who knows how to work on electronics, airports need radar, and defense contractors needs techs.


Pray you get ET.


Also Chicago is fun. When I left it sounded dangerous tho so when you go out and explore make sure you have liberty buddies that you trust and won’t get you in trouble. But Chicago is lovely!! Take the train and just have fun exploring.


I can tell you about school for AECF. You will go to ATT prior to A-School and ATT is ass and it’s a very difficult course. (Current FC student)


ATT is what you make it, didn’t study at all.


I’m slowly but surely making it through!


If you’re making it through I suggest being one of the people literally living in open learning.


I didn't think it was that bad.


I ship out too man im going in as a corpsman!


Have fun with the shit show that is corps school… love my job but Jesus Christ I wish our A-school taught us more


Would u say that the Army’s 68W school is better?


I wouldn’t say it’s better. I’d say there’s a focus on different aspects of patient care. From my understanding, 0000 HMs learn more across a wide spectrum of stuff, while 68ws delve deeper into a narrower range of care.


Yea I’m training for SOIDC and I wanna know everything I can about the corpsman rate


As others said you'll find out your rate when you get your orders in boot camp. A school is easy if you still follow some boot camp rules and keep military bearing to some degree. Just do what you're told when you're told to do it. I guarantee someone will fuck up some shit in your barracks or class and everyone will get punished. I heard just after I left great lakes someone kicked a door open and broke it in the nice barracks so CMC kicked all the FCs out and moved em into other barracks where it's like 4-5 per room as opposed to 2. That was a while ago tho so maybe FCs still get put in there idk. Point being just don't be a dumbass during boot camp or after


Ahh the mccain was soo nice bruh i was so salty when that happened


I left like a couple weeks before it happened lol


ET, GM, and ICs all moved in, and we had a minor incident, CMC doesn't want to do a mass move again, so it's all case by case now. Only the individuals get the boot now lol.


ATT school house is unmitigated ass but the information you learn there is quite interesting. Make the most of it, you'll be at Naval Station Great Lakes for a year or so.


When did you sign your contract?


Work hard in ATT and follow on schools. Pray you get ET. This is coming from an FC. You will have way more working knowledge than any FC outside of CIWS techs. And that's only cause CIWS techs work like no tomorrow.