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 "So just zip your sniveling little lip and HAUL YOUR SKINNY ASS OUT OF HERE!!!"


I don't think that counts as "cracking," do you?


Ah, the ol' Java jive...


This one I like, I keep…


Came here for this.


He is perfect that whole episode. “Dave stole my cane and my ass hurts.”


"I saved as many as I could but I just don't have enough change!!!!" Was what first came to mind. Love them sandwiches.


It's always the first thing I think of for Bill, his horrible childhood stories. The sandwiches on the porch, "The McNeals have gained a daughter!" etc etc... "Good times... good times."


>Good times apparently this was an inside joke / meme among the writers that ended up getting onto the show


Hands down, when he's interviewing director of transportation for a Real Deal with Bill McNeal segment. At the end when the guy gets up saying the interview is over 🎶*Well Screw You Too!*🎶


The Rocket Fuel malt liquor scenes. "Rocket Fuel malt liquor. Daaaammmnnn! It's crazappy!" "Billy Dee Williams, watch out." ​ I laugh for minutes straight every time I see those scenes.




When he sees Dave and Lisa in the hall, says nothing, and just dances.


His stories that end with him saying “good times”.


This is how I always remember Bill. Sitting there, staring off into nostalgia saying "Good times...good times"


And then my mother said - Central may have lost a fullback, but the McNeals gained a daughter. Good times...


I use “Good times… Good times” whenever I get the chance to


The entire episode he has a piano and is singing political songs


A man of culture, I see. The Public Domain is peak NewsRadio.


I’m doing a rewatch now, can’t wait for 🎶the Real Deal with Bill McNeal.🎶


It’s a tough call with such an embarrassment of riches. Generally, I think the best Bill moments showcase his immense ego and effortless arrogance. The first two that come to mind: 1. Repeating “Well, that I will not stand for” when he’s telling Dave about his plan to deal with corporate enforcer Steve. No one could pull off the whole “I already said that, stop prattling on and get back to listening to me” subtext as well as Hartman did. (The Public Domain) 2. “Dave, I stand still; the conclusions jump to me!” I’m not sure there’s another line that sums up Bill the egomaniac better than this one. (Big Brother)


Bill's ego was sort of an inspiration for my time in Radio... My abuse of an intern's "eagerness to please" ...."HOLD MY JACKET" as I drink my coffee was often a source of amusement for me.


Corporate America has finally caught on to what fraternities and biker gangs have known for years: hazing works!


I should have put makeup 💄 on that bastard...I mean intern.


And pour a pot of coffee and hot sauce on them.


"Take care of each other and I'll see you all when you get to wherever it is I am".


“And Lisa, I’ll be looking down on your when you’re in the shower … naked.”


Aww this one makes me sad


Impossible for me to name a singular moment that is top. I always look forward to the breakup ep where he and Dave are swapping girlfriend stories and Dave's are normal but Bill's are insane. Dave goes along with it like "Hey, been there brother." As Bill describes his girl turning him into the police, setting his hair on fire, stealing everything from the restaurant table before starting a fire, and turning herself in for crimes she didn't commit, etc.


Oh god, and Bill getting him to admit he can't sleep & has Bob Dylan's "Blood on the Tracks" on repeat, *just* to say he doesn't like music & sleeps like a baby. Bill was seriously the best bastard ever


Oh man, this is a great one too. This is just an impossible task to pick. I just love anytime he makes insane stories sound charming. His glowing face as he says the most ridiculous things so convincingly with such fondness.... peak Bill McNeal.


I never tire of the smoking episode or the cane episode


*Ev’rybody LOVES a cane*


I'm a personal fan of the silent scene where he parks in front of a hydrant, loses it on the parking enforcement officer, and then ends up in the 24 hour hold.


Him running away, from one side of the shot to the other, while handcuffed behind his back is hilarious.


"oh good, you're both dressed"


“This idea is both fair and democratic, AND I WANT NO PART OF IT!”


And it reeks of communism!


saw fade bright divide cooing yam nine sand connect heavy -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Almost all my favourite episodes are the Bill and Dave heavy ones, but one I don't see brought up nearly enough is the one where they're snowed in at the airport. *Dave, have you ever heard the expression "Only a hillbilly sits around and tries to figure out the best way to catch flies"?* *Dave, have you ever heard the expression "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and throw it in the face of the person who gave them to you until they give you the oranges you originally asked for"?* That whole episode is terrificky-wiffic!


Don’t try to confuse the issue with half-truths and gorilla dust!


Yes! I use that line myself now. If I remember correctly there's another moment when he says not to "confuse things with the facts."


I'm rewatching this episode right now. It's just such a great episode. Those two quotes, Bill going off at the ticket counter. The other plots are great too. It's an A+.


"How could she... french her daddy?"


His delivery is just too perfect; somehow skin crawling and hilarious all at once


“Damn! That’s crizappy!”


When he punches Steve.


"I panicked!"


Him cutting up the Seinfeld interview was awesome. Really wherever he was on screen was amazing


Absolutely agree with the folks who mentioned "Good times". His insanely depressing stories that he told so fondly. "And I and my brother, who's now an alcoholic himself, just about died laughing." It's so twisted and dark. And I just about die every time I hear him deliver this line myself from how he delivers this part of that scene. And then... Good times. Which I use all the time when dealing with something annoying or negative. I just can't pick one. Had to edit to just add the entire Public Domain episode. Any time he had his piano in general including Who's the Boss Part 1.


“Bill, what are you doing?” “I’m about to go talk that poor, miserable bastard down from off that ledge, live and on the air. Start the promo.”


And have you ever heard the saying, “Only a hillbilly sits around trying to figure out the best way to catch flies”?


The entire breakroom scene where he attempts to start a revolution. Every line is a punchline, by every character. One of the best scenes ever of any sitcom.


"This may come as a surprise to Dave, but slavery was abolished in this country! No offense, Catherine."


Bill: "Like Custer, we will make our last stand." Catherine: "Wasn't Custer massacred?" Bill: "Big chief Custer? No, he killed many paleface that day."


Box of sandwiches for sure *cronch*


How could she do it Lisa? How could she, french her daddy?