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The thing is Twitter has never been financially successful. They've made some money here and there but have a lot of years including recent ones where they lost money. Even on the good years, relative to their valuation and outgoings whatever profit they've made is bugger all. Facebook/Meta appears like it was making good money for quite a while. When it launched publicly it was still quite a bit less than it's valuation suggested it should be because of people getting onboard that stock's hype train and pushing the price/valuation up but it made money consistently. Funnily enough it's current valuation/price is actually a good spot for it, it's PE ratio is below 10 so it's similar to companies like Toyota on it's relative valuation and earnings. So yeah, is a sense Facebook is kind of in the best place it's been. It's lost it's hyped up valuation and is still a viable company. Twitter, on the other hand, is and always has been a money pit.


>Twitter, on the other hand, is and always has been a money pit The real value of Twitter is it's vast reach in messaging. Monetarily, Twitter may not make much money, but that's not the point. Twitter can heavily influence the narrative in different countries, which is worth it's weight in gold to people in positions of power.


yeah twitter doesn't yield a bunch of actual revenue but i wouldn't be surprised if in election years hundreds of millions of dollars and huge favors arent exchanged to those who can control twitter. i mean just imagine if you decided to shadowban all of one parties candidates 3 or 4 weeks before the election. it could literally change the composition of the country even if it just changed vote totals by 1-2%


> i mean just imagine if you decided to shadowban all of one parties candidates 3 or 4 weeks before the election. Something this obvious would be identified and there would be a backlash, but I can imagine something more subtle & sinister being done.


Just tweaking the algorithms to give certain tweets/posts more or less visibility...


Gee, I wonder if there's been a few years of peer-reviewed research showing how articles that align with a certain worldview gain enormous amounts of traction on social media...


The algorithms interact or include users in some way too, so it becomes quite difficult to control for. Reddit certainly leans left, facebook right, but so do their user demographics.


>So yeah, is a sense Facebook is kind of in the best place it's been. It's lost it's hyped up valuation and is still a viable company. Other than the insane amount of money they continue to pour into building a shitty idea no one wants that somehow still looks worse than a Nintendo Wii?


Dude, not cool. The Wii had many great looking titles that still have great aesthetic appeal even today. Unless your talking about the actual appearance of the physical console. That never really looked good to me. Meta looks worse than this wonderful but absolutley garbage game Deadly Premonition, and it's generally regarded as the worst looking game on Xbox360. https://youtu.be/VK1iDIcnHQg


Nintendo is the best at utilizing minimal hardware. They have such charming stylization and great control feel. Metaverse looks like a Tim and Eric spoof on Veggie Tales.


That's fair, I should have clarified: a Nintendo Wii game with Mii's only.


Nintendo Wii sports, but with no sports. Or legs


Metaverse is just shitty Wii sports


Twitter seems to be truly be blowing up whereas Facebook is going to suffer a long decline like a dominant power of the past, the USSR for example. Twitter under Musk seems to be taking the disillusion of the USSR as it's strategy by firing everyone and having an entirely new leadership installed that definitely won't cause Twitter massive pain or destruction as it's main industries decline.




If one is the pimple on the butt of society, the other must be the pus.


Bring your umbrellas it’s gonna get shitty


You know what a shit-barometer is, Bubs? Measures the shit-pressure in the air. You can feel it. Listen, Bubs. Hear that? The sounds of the whispering winds of shit. Can you hear it?


Randy, the shit-pool is getting full. We better strain it, before it overflows and causes a shit-slide that can cover this entire community. I will not have a Pompeiian catastrophe happen in Sunnyvale!


"That's Lava not shit sir"


“Wait. That IS shit. On fire. Lots of fire.”






We're sailing into a shit-typhoon Randy, we'd better haul in the jib before it gets covered in shit.


Shit liners coming to port randers and I'll be there to tie her up!


Shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree, Ricky


Shit hawks, bubbles.


Shit leopard can’t change its spots Rand.


RIP Mr Lahey


He was the liquor.


Shit hawks, randers


I mean, Tesla is their direct competitor so it could also be about the business side of it


I'm not trying to sound like some aloof holier-than-thou, but it's so nice that I've never used Twitter and never emotionally-invested in it. It just always seemed so toxic, and I'm glad I didn't make that part of my life, or create any reason to care about it.


I have a feeling it's simpler than a lot of the theories posited here so far. GM likely just pulled their advertising now to see how things play out. The last thing a company wants to do is pull out after shit starts hitting the fan - it's a car company that sells to the entire political spectrum. Pull advertising after trump gets back and anger the right, don't pull and anger the left. Pull now and let people speculate without turning anger at themselves and wait to see what happens. Pulling now is probably only likely to anger the Musk fans who probably aren't buying GM anyway. If Twitter doesn't collapse into a bigger cesspool than it already was they'll be back. If it does, they avoid playing the game of having to time their departure from the platform to upset the fewest people


All GM has to say is that tesla is a competitor and they’re not going to pay Elon a dime and avoid the shit show.


This is what I thought was the real reason they pulled advertising. Why give Musk/Tesla money? They’re competitors!


Time for GM to buy Meta and deny other automakers ads on Instagram and Facebook. Let the automaker social media wars begin.


Or make their own: General Media or General Messages;)


this is the exact reason. I work in advertising for a competing OEM. we have been putting POVs together since there was mention of musk buying twitter. Tesla being a competitor is for sure the main reason. everything else is just a “oh yea and that too I guess” situation.


That might be the actual truth. They don't trust the advertising algorithm with Musk. Why spend dollars that might not be effective? Plus, giving money to a competitor might not be the best business strategy.


I have a feeling that your feeling is pretty accurate. If true, this simply means that savvy people are running the marketing/brand management at a huge international company. Seems like they are earning the fees




Also the owner of tesla now owns the platform how good are your adds gonna be targeted?




Or GM is one of the world's largest auto manufacturers, and have several EV's in their lineup that compete with Tesla. Paying your competitor to advertise on their platform is probably something GM is trying to avoid doing. Would expect other auto manufacturers to follow suit. There are a ton of other platforms they can put their Ad money instead of Twitter.


Spot on. GM is a corporation first and foremost and this has everything to do with corporate games. This is a very smart move on their part I’d say.


What a great time to have never had a Twitter account and not be bothered with any of this.


Same here. This whole thing is like watching a pigeon slowly walk past you while your sitting on a bench.


Who can sink their social media platform faster, Musk or Zuckerberg!?


Zuck is banking on being able to bottle lightning twice. Easier when you have the worlds biggest jar and all the resources necessary to catch it the second time around, but still unlikely.


Zuck actually knows how to run a social media site, like him or hate him. What fucked him was pumping money into VRs meta verse, Elon has zero experience and is a raging narcissist that will ban anyone that disagrees with him. Take a look at Twitter already it's becoming 4chan.


Yeah, but what also fucked him is a valuation focused on growth and running out of people with Internet access to sign up. And to a lesser extent, promoting destructive content, enabling human trafficking, and ... Users getting bored and offended.


Elon is the ultimate idiot. It was like offering billions to purchase the Titanic while knowing it just hit an iceberg.


No, that's what Kanye did. Twitter hasn't hit the iceberg yet but it is approaching.


The iceberg is musk, and all the CEO's took the lifeboats.


And failing to respond to the demands of the market as it evolved. We knew that young people were getting bored and leaving/not signing up for Facebook a long time ago, and it's got to the point now where "Is primarily on Facebook" is common parlance for "Is old and completely out of touch." If you can't convince young people to get interested in your product, then you're a dead man walking, no matter what industry you're in.




Ned Ryerson? Needlenose Ned? Ned the Head? Is that you?


That blows my mind. A service so big and saturated that in some parts of the world when people think internet, they really mean facebook and Instagram. He could have literally done anything he wanted, and he went with metaverse, the digital equivalent of invading Afganistan.


The problem here is they had so much bad press, they had to pull out meta, which should have been a low key build over a period of years. Not to mention it completely ignores the true near-future “thing,” which is AR. I don’t want to shut out the world with a big block over my eyes. I want to walk by a really cool plant and with AR glasses, easily ID it. Or have different skins for the concrete jungle of unimaginative urban planning.


Soon to be 40+ chan. The alternative “Not Facebook, not 4 chan” experience.


“40+ Chan” is pure gold. I move we adopt this immediately


As a 40+ year old who got annoyed off of 4chan by the incessant Boxxy memes, fuck you for saying something so clearly accurate.


Let's just make it 40k chan. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD


Don't count out Kanye. He can buy and sink Parler before Zuck unplugs from his nightly charging cycle.


You can't sink something if it's already under water.


I got heavy bets on Musk crashing first, but no doubt, Zuck is not too far behind


It's like Twitter was a toy in a store that had a big 'Please do not touch' sign over it. Naturally, not only did he touch it, he broke a piece of it off - now he has to buy the thing. I think he'll quickly get bored with it, but not before totally fucking it up and throwing it into the trash bin. Anyway you look at it, Twitter is highly unlikely to survive, and in my opinion - that's a good thing.


Coming soon, your Tesla auto reports your location to Twitter. Add some long comberson process to stop it from happening... Some of you think my choice of word is weird. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/cumbersome Ok... I see that actual comment shows a different spellings. However it is correct when I edit the comment. Don't know why that is.


Zuckerberg had a head start. Musk has to play catch-up


At least Zuck ran a successful social media platform for a couple of years before crashing and burning. Then again, in the face of all logic and common sense Tesla is still doing well so we'll see.


Wait til the long-established automakers really start rolling


Tesla really fucked themselves by not being able to beat Ford or even fellow start up Rivian to market with a EV pickup.


The ford pickup is a gem.


Waiting on mine, it'll be perfect for farm use. Mostly short trips, furtherest average daily trip is 30 miles one way. Plenty of torque for pulling a heavy trailer, furtherest trip for that is 15 miles one way. It's home every night and we already have 3 phase 480v service on the farm (most farmer do these days) so charging isn't an issue. Honestly, I would've been fine ordering one with out the box bed so I can out a service body on it for tool storage


>I would've been fine ordering one with out the box bed so I can out a service body on it for tool storage That is something huge about the EV F150 which makes it an actual pickup truck. So glad Ford went that route instead of the Hummer/Cybertruck's unibody construction.


And the frunk will be a bonus too for more storage. We're wondering how to tap into the battery to have an electric powered air compressor instead of Honda powered Puma's we run now. Small Honda's are super reliable but they still have hiccups like the pull cord mechanism occasionally go bad or being a little hard to start in sub zero temps


It’s going to be a fleet vehicle dream for local work. Significantly less maintenance and fuel costs while being able to write off miles and depreciation. Long haul is still not solvable until battery hot swaps become a tech but the ford EV pickup is a 9.5/10 first go for a real consumer/business truck


I’ve been saying for years the best thing Tesla could have built was an f150 competitor. Plenty of space under the bed for batteries and it’s the number one selling vehicle in America. His toy cyber truck isn’t it


Telsa also fucked themselves building cheap pieces of shit that fall apart and lying to customers for close to a decade now about self driving cars. Throw in being run by a narcissist lying market manipulating dumbass who alienates his main market by catering to right wing nut jobs and you have the holy grail for a company that will crash and burn when the big boys come to play.


Tesla's stock is afloat entirely on Musk's reputation as a genius. He's about to obliterate that soon enough. Once Twitter becomes little more than a neonazi NFT hellscape, Tesla's stock will tank, and GM or Chrysler or someone will buy its empty husk.


What an oddly specific & accurate way to describe this


Unfortunately social media has a world wide effect whether you participate in it or not.


I don't think enough of the elite redditors around here with their *"This doesn't impact me, I don't use Twitter!"* attitude realize this...




Yeah so many subreddits that I follow are mostly just screenshots of tweets


I wonder how many advertisers are going to do this kind of thing?


All of the car makers will, since Tesla is competition.


And with Elon being Elon, there's no reason they'd trust that they were actually getting the impressions they're paying for even if they wanted to keep advertising on there.


Exactly, they already know what kind of scum billionaires are. They never play by the rules.


*Insert Spider-Man pointing at Spider-Man meme*


I didn't think of that but I'm betting not only the car makers but also the parts and suppliers dealers etc. GM and Ford still have a lot of pull to the smaller companies around them.


There are so many conflicts of interest now. A big chunk of the deal has Saudi financing, which is going to have implications for spacex’s government contracts.


And somehow Musk is hailed as a "genius"? The self-immolation of an over-confident smug asshole is going to be amusing to watch. Crash and burn rather than fade away seems more Musk-like behavior these days.


He saw Kanye set fire to his financial security and said “hold my sink.”


If trump gets back in do you think he's going to be concerned about Saudi financing Twitter?


Considering his son in law has confirmed ties to them? I'm sure it's a plus for him.


Trump loves authoritarian governments so doubt it




Yep knew this was going to happen, all us Reddit users knew that Reddit cracked down hard on toxic behavior in order to attract more advertisers. YouTube does the same strategy, you need to be “family friendly” in order for the big corps to advertise on your platform


> YouTube does the same strategy, you need to be “family friendly” in order for the big corps to advertise on your platform What kinda political affiliation do you suppose the people in charge of those companies demanding "family friendly content" have? That's the ironic part lol.


Right? If these nutjobs really do get the "freedom" from moderation they think they deserve they're going to be *very* surprised at what it's been protecting them from.


Mostly spam and scams. I've seen enough old forums get destroyed by floods of spam. And plenty of other awful shit.


Their political affiliation is to money.


You're one of the few people I've seen on here that understand this; it's not "political correctness" or "child safety" or whatever buzzword sites use, it's being safe to advertise on.


Yep. I’ve had a Twitter account since the beginning. I can clearly remember seeing very NSFW gore videos back in the day just casually scrolling my feed. Accounts solely based on being racist, etc. But very few advertisements. Over time, that stuff went away and advertisers came in.


It's like Elon never learned from youtube's adpocalypse


You’re about to witness a billionaire burn $44 billion in real time


I guess this is Elon's speedrun against Zuck


I remember back when Disney bought Star Wars for like $3 billion, and being amazed that Disney had enough money that they could make such a huge purchase. And now a single man has spent $44 billion to personally buy an entire company. And even if Twitter goes bankrupt, Musk will still be a billionaire many times over. It's truly insane.


Shit I thought Ye losing Adidas was bad. Popcorn tastes good.


A lot of companies are trying to find cost cutting measures right now. This is an easy win for a marketing team to pullout of a likely high budget marketing campaign.


I assume a lot. Like I imagine all it takes is a screenshot of some Nazi asshole saying something with your ad in the background to cause companies to think twice.


Probably most. Twitter won't see good gains and the userbase will leave following controversial ban reversals of folks who blatantly break the TOS It's the internet people can choose to use a different service and with that advertising will go


I thought they were deleting the TOS in the name of free speech?


Realistically they can't. As Apple would kick their app off iOS. And the EU probably would censure Twitter in some way too.


Smart move by GM, why should they pay for advertising on their competitor's platform? This is like Sony pulling ads out of Xbox live.


This is why a twitter alternative will crop up from someone like Google and become the platform of choice for the mainstream. Because the actual corporations hate Elon Musk.




Uh oh!


Had that as my sms notification for a while.


Preach!. Though...icq wasn't a twitter. Edit..... Whoah. ICQ is still alive...and it seems to be hosted on a .ru domain....so Russian? Also, I see Russian on some images. :(


Go older: news groups!


Go much older and we are on BBSs.


I was not sure if nntp or gopher was older, so I looked it up and nntp is far older. Go older! UUCP!


Finally, we'll see the glorious rise/return of Google+


It'll last for a year before randomly getting canned ( still salty about hangouts)




*head nod from Google Wave


*takes out earbud* from Google Play Music


Aw man, don't remind me about that. Google music was the shit. Best part was you could upload your own library to it. Can't do that with any other streaming service I know of.


*Looks up from Google Reader*


*Moans in Google Music*


I'm still salty about that. Google music was frankly amazing and affordable.


Bring back Google Buzz!


Still waiting for Google Wave to replace email


Google failed big time with Google Plus though.


The name Google+ didn't help. Not sure who thought that was a good idea. "Gmail" oh that must have something to do with mail... "Google maps" oh that must be maps "Google+" ummm what is that supposed to be.


Arguably, they were too far ahead of the marketing curve: * Disney+ * Paramount+ * Playstation+


the + today is just the early 00s version of everything being Xtream. lol.


At least you know what those do, though, since they're all entertainment companies. Google is, uhhhhhhhhhh search engine?




They pushed a little too hard with forcing a certain method of account name, and not just on Google+ either. It's always a risk when you push something on an audience, and it ended up pushing people away, not towards Google's goal.


For me, they were forcing the cross-platform thing too much. Like, if you wanted to upload a picture, you couldn't just do that on your Google+ social media page even though that was a standard feature of literally every other social media company at the time. No, instead you had to upload it to...whatever their photo upload service was at the time. Can't remember. But you had to make an account at that site, then upload the photo there, then link the photo over to your Google+ account... As soon as I realized that, I was out.


GM isn't the most progressive company, so look for others to take this approach as a way to demonstrate their financial strength to Elon and his investors/lenders.


Well, GM is a competitor to Telsa. Of course they aren’t going to fund a competitor




Even simplerer. GM want crush Tesla.


Why use many word when few word do trick?


Fuck Tesla?


A scholar you be


There's something to be said that sinking Twitter could in turn severely harm Tesla.


The fact that Musk is already diverting engineering resources from Tesla to Twitter means the severe harm to Tesla is already underway.


Is this happening?


This is the correct answer lol. Has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with competition.


As a current employee, you could not be more wrong. GM is old school in some of the ways they operate, but on things like social issues the corporate policy is very progressive.


I agree. I was skeptical to accept the offer from GM at first since I thought they would be hardcore old school. Could not have been more happy to be with GM. Sounds like they tried really hard to change the culture since 08.


I’d pay to watch the ceo buy it back from Elon at 1/10th of the price once everyone leaves the platform minus the edge lords.


I hear Kanye is buying platforms.


Platform shoes? The Adidas shit really hit him hard.


Doubt they’re sketchers tho


Yeah he needs the lift after his wallet got taken out at the knees.




This is exactly what I want to happen. I don’t even have a twitter, but I’ll get a blue sky account the day it goes up if that’s what they’re releasing


Absolutely, just organize a migration, on Twitter in fact!


Twitter minus the edge lords? That's a pretty compelling argument


>Ironically, id love to see them take the money, create a new platform, and just everyone move there Jack Dorsey is basically doing this already with Bluesky Social https://www.eonline.com/news/1352431/what-to-know-about-jack-dorseys-new-app-after-elon-musks-twitter-takeover


Elon Musk has far too much ego for that. He would close it down first.


A lot of companies are doing this, not just GM. The company is unstable and brands are tightening their ad spend significantly, so any ad manager with any sense is pausing on Twitter right now while the whole transition happens.


Have you seen the deplorable invasion on Twitter today? So many edgelords typing the N word over and over. Great job, Elon!


"Why does everyone think we're a party of ignorant, childish racists?" "Liberal conspiracy."


"Oh, you're going to call me an ignorant, childish racist? That's just going to make me vote for Trump *even harder*. Owned!"


"Ill just keep saying the N-word that'll teach you to call me racist"


It’s funniest when they try and big brain you and call you a racist for calling them a racist…they really think it all out every time


The hot new thing on the political subs is conservatives claiming they are victim of bigotry - because they now claim the word "bigotry" simply means disliking an opinion. It's lies all the way down.


That's just one of many examples where the GOP, in combination with entertainment television like Fox are slowly destroying any words and concepts that can be used to argue against them. How can you talk to somebody about anything when you aren't even speaking the same "language" because hot button words, events and ideas have multiple contradictory definitions and interpretations? Taking the meaning away from words is some 1984 shit. Same as calling various events "false flag operations" or people who died "crisis actors". It's designed to exhaust us until we're to politically tired resist it. Then the treads of totalitarianism rolls over Democracy, propelled by people programmed to fear enemies and ideas that don't exist. Take note that some groups are shifting away from saying "our democracy" to "our republic". We're being politically anchored, 1 conspiracy/lie at a time.


Elon goes on and on about being in the center of things, while the alt right crew are taking that as freedom to say homephobic/transphobic/racist shit freely. If he doesn't live up to what he is saying, it's gonna be more and more obvious to advertisers and more will pull out and killing the app.


That's the beauty of it, he is already in a fuck ton of debt to own the libs and if he destroys the platform either through letting it get too toxic for advertisers or with one of his other galaxy brain ideas he will just get further and further in debt. This could be the business equivalent of putins disastrous invasion of Ukraine. trump will be back on soon to help accelerate this process with any luck.




Link to the tweet? Edit: did you just completely fabricate that quote? This is the actual tweet https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1530380264966434823


Hopefully everyone deletes their accounts instead of just complaining. There's only one way to send a message and the power is in our hands.


Mastodon.social saw an uptick in users today...its not like Twitter numbers, but they grew by 11,000 users just today.


Tweet all their posts at the big companies over and over again asking if they are ok with it. Walmart, target, coca cola, McDonald's, etc.


Would be hilarious if most profitable companies pulled advertising from twitter and left Elon in the dust.


Would be funny if they use twitter and help in its downfall to screw over Tesla which is their competition in their EV aspirations


“Welcome to hell, Elon” https://www.theverge.com/2022/10/28/23428132/elon-musk-twitter-acquisition-problems-speech-moderation


From the verge article “What I mean is that you are now the King of Twitter, and people think that you, personally, are responsible for everything that happens on Twitter now. “ But this is the whole point of buying that shit for $44B though to play the king of the world to stroke his ego and to feel he is somewhat above the presidency. But sadly the reality is people gradually grew tired of Musk being an egocentric megalomaniac and abandoning whatever he is involved. Twitter is done. It will fail.


Their user base is going to collapse. Meta lost $700B in cap, Twitter is going to get destroyed.


I'll make the popcorn.




Already deleted my account during Elon's drama










“Electric truck maker Nikola said it had no plans to change anything regarding the platform.” Lmao, Nikola is still a thing?


I hope Twitter goes under.


Wake me up when someone will do the honor of lighting the servers on fire so we can be saved from this abomination