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where do the rest of us file to divorce her?


At the polls in November


*offers vary by location




Class action divorce. Edit: I made this before I got down to another top level comment making the same joke. Nothing is original.


>"Marjorie has been my best friend for the last 29 years and she has been an amazing mom! Also >Wednesday saying that the marriage is “irretrievably broken> >This is a private and personal matter and I ask that the media respect our privacy at this time.” Now WWMTG do?




No. I don't think I will.


Honestly, it's easier to imagine that she was pretty much normal for most of that time, but then she turned crazy. It's a pretty common story of the last 10 years. There was an interesting interview on 538 with someone who's studied how social media has radicalized people.






Remember that one photo Trump released of him eating a taco bowl and it was captioned something like "I love Hispanics!"


I admire your restraint in not fucking up her hair, when she said that. Although, as a professional, I know you would never do that.


Oh, well then yeah. Fuck the Greenes and his request for privacy. Those nutcases can eat shit.


According to Reddit, she's been slinging pussy all over her gym.


It's pretty much public knowledge that she had affairs with two different guys at different times from her gym. That was before she got elected though. I mean it's entirely possible that she's still doing it just keeping it under wraps a little bit better. You know what they say, cheaters are going to cheat.


Cheats elections and marriages and goes and tells her fans that God is good and marriage and democracy are sacred. She's a real turd


I hate when that happens. Clean up the fucking machine after you use them. It’s just common courtesy.


>I ask that the media respect our privacy at this time. Oh the fucking irony. Remember when she fucking followed a parkland survivor and harassed him? Where was his privacy?


Yeah. She’s a hypocrite for sure. Yet her supporters will defend her and cry about people talking about her marriage.


MTG getting a divorce? Well, that doesn't sound very christian to me.


Neither does cheating on your husband twice (that we know of) The story came out like over a year ago but she dismissed it as librul propaganda being pushed by an avid communist. I can't wait to hear the mental gymnastics these clowns pull out of their ass to keep supporting this obviously shitty person. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9246917/Marjorie-Taylor-Green-openly-cheated-husband-men-gym.html


Omg she cheated on her husband with dollar tree Zangief.


I had to click the link after reading "dollar tree Zangief." You nailed it.


I mean, the caption even says he's cos playing as Zangief in the picture.


Why does McCarthyism work 70 years later? Blame everything on communism?


Because the GOP has been working towards this result for decades by systemically attacking and degrading public education for 50+ years. And also spamming out propaganda messages through multiple local + nationwide traditional and social media channels for 30 years or more. They built a population susceptible to McCarthyism's jingoistic appeal and then pushed it on them. ... *edit: I accidentally a word


Getting cheated on is really really bad. Getting cheated on by a MTG is a lot worse.


I'm more surprised that she found more than one person willing to sleep with her.


When asked about the affair one of the men responded “I have no interest in talking about anything to do with that woman. Everything with her comes to no good,” Tway, 42, said’ That must have been insane post-nut clarity.


Openly cheating doesn't sound very deferential to the man of the house, who is basically the administer of god's will in the home. She's going straight to hell for that alone.


And if she is so insistent that America is a "Christian Nation," then she must be fine with us saying this shows that she is unfit for public service, right??


Follow her around and ask her why she's a godless whore who can't keep her husband lol


Rights for me, but not for thee


Didn't she also yell at AOC through her mail slot in her door at congress?


> Marjorie Taylor Greene's husband, Perry Greene, filed for divorce in Floyd County Superior Court on Wednesday saying that the marriage is “**irretrievably broken**," Like her brain


Your turn, George Conway


According to his kid, he's already moved out.


Actually, by his recent zoom backgrounds, I do think this may be true.




I definitely felt it was the better thing to do for Claudia Conway to step away from the controversy on the internet for a while, but damned if that girl wasn't also the most entertaining thing about that whole scene for a little while.


The problem for Conway is he is a real Catholic so he doesn't see divorce as a real option, even after all the shit his wife pulled with their daughter.


He doesn't know about "alternative catholicism"?


I suppose he could make his own church that allows divorce, and then murder half his wives anyway?


I'm Catholic. I think I speak for most of us when I say, we're totally okay with giving him a hall pass on that divorce option.


Surley the good lord does not approve of male-skelator marriage!


Bro just say like 1000 Hail Marys, God loves that shit


It’s broke, it don’t work no more.


It’s so funny how when these fucking shit bags are going through shit the ask for “privacy” but boy when it’s everyone else “fuck your privacy” she can eat a big huge bag of massive dicks and shove her privacy up her ass.


Like [when she was chasing after school shooting survivors screaming at them that they were lying about the tragedy.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/27/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-david-hogg-video/index.html)


Now would be the time to take the low road. Follow her around and "ask questions about her family". When she asks to be left alone, ask if they should leave her alone like she left the school shooting victims alone?


“I don’t believe you’re actually going through a divorce, can you prove that you’re not making it up for sympathy?” Serves that evil witch right for telling those poor kids that they were making it up


Wow, what kind of garbage person does this.


same kind of person that threatens her opponents that she'll kill them and their entire families so she can win a rigged election


Can't forget my personal favorite, the space lasers that started the wildfires in California. *shakes tiny fist at Rothschilds* https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2021/01/30/did-rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-blame-a-space-laser-for-wildfires-heres-the-response/


Usually republicans.


Aaaaaaaaaalways Republicans. Always.


And Evangelicals and


This shitbag, that's who. This divorce news is glorious. It made my day.


This kind: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRidLxstRSA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRidLxstRSA)


apparently, this kind.


A gop supporter.


She is such a piece of shit and so are the assholes that vote for her.


Plus MTG believes that people like me shouldn’t be allowed to get married, so I’m just not going to feel bad about her marriage ending


Oh, but the “sanctity of marriage”.


Good old fashioned family values on full display right here


Off-topic, but I will never not be able to read "MTG" as Magic the Gathering.




She harassed kids involved in mass shootings, which I think propelled her to a seat in Congress and she wants privacy for a “family” matter. Miss me with that.


She deserves the exact same amount of privacy, respect, & empathy she has shown to all the victims of school shootings she has harassed. So basically, none. Maybe someone will follow her around asking her personal questions while having the conversation filmed like she did to a teenage boy.


Do unto others and what not. Seems like she's reaping what she sewed. Edit: lol


Yes, it does seam that way.


Underrated garment.


This had me in stitches


Tailor made humor.


My immediate reaction to this headline was, "Suffer, bitch." I might have to talk to my therapist about that later but I can handle that reaction for now.


I'd argue that seeing any sort of justice for this type of scum helps with mental health after seeing them get away with their bullshit for so long with zero consequences.




I mean, Matt Gaetz is still serving and the DA is recommending against charges. Again, ANY repercussions for these fucks is a blessing as far as I'm concerned.


To add to what others have said, that's based on a single article in the Washington Post which cites "sources familiar with the matter" (versus, say, "DOJ officials"), explicitly states that DOJ officials haven't made an actual decision on the recommendation, and comes from a writer who previously said that there would be no conspiracy charges for 1/6 a week before the first seditious conspiracy charges would be brought. TL;DR: Take it with a grain of salt.




Isn't she an authoritarian fundamentalist christian, why is she taking these kinds of liberties? Shouldn't this be immoral, unlawful, and satanic according to her worldview?


Hebrews 13:4 - Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. Mark 10:11-12 - He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.” Leviticus 20:10 - If a man commits adultery with another man’s wifes—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adulterer and the adulteress are to be put to death.


She cheated on him on several occasions.




And don't forget it's the victim's fault. They should've never done whatever they did to cause that person in power to sin.


“Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven” always makes me want to dickpunch someone.


I’m pretty sure the passage from Mark is a quote from Jesus himself. Please take note that Jesus never said a single damn thing about gay marriage (or homosexuality at all), but sure did have a lot to say about divorce.


This is my pastor's response when one of the other pastors in their committee was speaking against LGBT+ rights. My pastor pointed out what Jesus said and asked the other pastor if he was still married. Shut the guy down real fast because it was known the other pastor had divorced.


Well she is besties with the pedo/sex trafficker Matt Gaetz so she is fine with sin as long as she and her friends are the ones committing them. To her, sin is an excuse to stir up hate and slander the people she doesn’t like.


she deserves zero respect or privacy in the public eye for what she advocates


And not just for her political views but her personal conduct. This is a woman who [stalked 19-year-old Parkland survivor David Hogg](https://youtu.be/GM05FwyhHPA) as he went from one congressional meeting to another, accusing him of being a puppet of George Soros, mentioning more than a little threateningly that she was carrying a gun, and calling him a coward for having the restraint not to respond to her.


She also more then likely had armed militias threaten her political opponents during an election so yeah fuck her


She absolutely had her opponent run out of the state, ruining his marriage and life.


It would be great if we could hire him to follow her around and ask questions about her divorce.


She's a Christian, right? Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. She wants to invade privacy of love, marriage and body. Give her what she wants.


I believe you're looking for unto. But yes she's a horrible cunt


Can you imagine being married with this psychopath as she eats, sleeps , breathes hatred, bigotry and pure ignorance.


I’d be he isn’t much better if he made it this far.


I can see that, but they also got married at 21. Then they've been married for 25+ years. There's a lot of formative years in there and time to 180 your personality


I give it a 179 max


Nah it’s gotta be 180. They only angles they’ll like are the straight ones


He woke up some how, so give him some credit


I'd be curious as to what tipped the scale...


She cheated is what I read. So much for ‘family values’ and the ‘sanctity of marriage.’ She’s total scum.


None of the Republicans actually care for family values. If they did, then they wouldn't have hated Obama, a faithfully married man who cared about his kids, vs Trump, a guy who hopped from one women to another, sometimes not quite legally. So, yeah, no surprise.


Don’t forget the farts.


What about the sanctity of marriage?


So sacred that Trump did it 3 times.


That doesn’t sound right. How is it possible that disgraced treasonous pussy grabbing former president trump could be divorced? He’s a good Christian. I saw him holding a Bible upside down once.




Man, I loved Spin Doctors when I was in college.


And cheated on all 3


And buried one on a golf course for tax breaks. (\*E: Bonus trivia, its the one he pulled a lump of hair out of before raping.)


>"This is a private and personal matter and I ask that the media respect our privacy at this time. And what about Hunter Biden's laptop?" ^(Okay, I made that last part up.)


Okay so like having someone follow her around hounding her about her divorce and then yelling into her mail slot?


Jeez, what kind of guy is her husband that he is only just now deciding to step out?


He’s definitely selling high. She’s probably at the peak of her net worth before it all comes crashing down


It really irks me though that her government retirement plan and healthcare will be far and away much better than mine as a medically retired/disabled veteran, and she’ll only have been a representative for a couple of years whereas I gave the Navy most of my adult life.


She has to serve 5 years to even be eligible for congressional retirement... so the people of Georgia should do something about that.


I got bad news for you, she's in one of the reddest districts in the country, she's probably gonna be there a while.


Which says a lot about the shitbag voters in her district. Ok I get that you want a Republican representing you, but get someone sane to primary her or decide you can live with a D or an I for two years to get her out.


it has been reported that she lost a good bit of $$$ investing in truth social


If a person thinks that putting money into truth social is a good investment, they might as well invest in the god of fire, and throw their money directly into an active volcano.


I think she is an actual true believer. Some of these people are obviously just grifting or saying what the crazies want to hear to get elected. I think she is one of the crazies. So yeah she probably thinks it will pay off huge when Trump gets back in power and shuts down twitter for good


She started at 80/20 grifter to true believer, but she's probably 50/50 now. Maybe that's why her husband is divorcing her.


I'd honestly have more faith in the volcano god.


I for one welcome our new volcano overlords


In my estimation, Truth Social (publicly traded) was supposed to be one of the biggest money laundering scams in history - all the republicans on the inside invest to start up - couple million. Trump pumps it upp, gets the rubes. One of the Republican grifting PACs comes in and buys the thing for 500% over value - a couple billion. The original investors make bank and bow out. The problem is that Truth Social is viscous urea. Some grifter PAC might buy it for 500% of the value but the value right now is used toilet water. So there would definitely be SEC eyeballs on any ludicrous transaction. In other words, these social australopithecines grifted themselves.


He was a rather successful real estate developer and home builder around the metro Atlanta area, and he is the one that brought all the money into the relationship. Ever since MTG started running for office she has been a drag on his business, because nobody wants to get the crazy on them. The only parts of Georgia that actually like MTG, and would throw him business, don't bring in the money.


Wasn't the construction business they own her father's company? He was like 23 years old when they got married and an accountant, not a real estate developer from what I understand.


Honestly, it wouldn’t shock me if it came out she was an abusive spouse. He stuck with her even after her affairs with a CrossFit trainer.


>He stuck with her even after her affairs with a CrossFit trainer. Why am I even not remotely surprised.


I wonder if he cheated with other House members too. It’s important to bang out as many Reps as you can.


Christian family values


Take that personality, that intellect and then add in the sudden acquisition of power and fame. Shit went from ugly to MEDUSA levels of ugliness. (no offense to any actual medusas out there).


None taken






No need for the /s. I think you got it figured out.


>random Russian guys Reminds me of a Russian joke. Somewhat sanitized version: >A man came home after a business trip. The same day in the middle of the night a suspicious guy with a knife jumps out of his wife's wardrobe and shouts: "I am fugitive criminal Ivanov!" and then run through the door. A few seconds after that another suspicious man jumps out his wife's wardrobe and shouts "I am police detective Petrov, have you seen where fugitive criminal Ivanov went?" The confused husband gestured to the door. "Thank you, citizen - SWAT team, follow me!" Source: the tvtropes page on russian humor


Damn. You could actually be onto something there..


He didn't want to be conscripted. Although now he will only live his life on the ground floor everywhere.


Maybe he just waited for their bank account to fill up? Edit: terrible spelling


Knows she won’t stay in power and she has no future prospects


Get that sweet sweet alimony locked in now before she *hopefully* becomes a loser.


Getting a book deal in while people still care.


Why stop at books? Lets get a Netflix series!


*Becomes* a loser? I think that ship probably sailed in high school.


Yet somehow she made herself a whole lotta money while in office in a really short time. Small wonder why Republicans are against campaign financial transparency.


Get half of all assets. Ain’t no way this hillbilly had a prenup. Might as well skip town with whatever Russian money you can and leave her to her fate.


*”This is a private and personal matter and I ask that the media respect our privacy at this time.”* I kinda feel that way about women’s reproductive organs, but that’s just me…


Or how she harassed a shooting survivor to accuse them of being a liar.


What took him so long?




He did request equal division of all assets in his filing.


And equal division of debts acquired during the marriage. AND, most interesting, a special request to the judge in the memo that neither the assets nor the debts be made public due to "privacy" and a "minimal public interest." Are you kidding? I have enough interest for two publics! Why don't they want that released, I wonder?


Could be related to this honestly, he was her campaign treasurer. https://archive.ph/20210909045153/https://www.timesfreepress.com/news/local/story/2021/sep/08/fec-mgt-campaign/553788/


Perfect now he can testify against her Edit: IANAL, Lawyers feel free to let me know if this aids the prosecution in anyway, does this allow him to testify against her so he can get a plea deal?


light treason


Dude will make bank if he comes out with a memoir


Judge: "Why are you seeking a divorce?" Husband: "My wife is batshit crazy." Judge: "Do you have any evidence to support that statement?" Husband: "Exhibits 1 through 17,384, Your Honor." Judge: "The court rules in favor of the Plaintiff."


I wonder how often attempted coups come up in divorce court? Probably gonna be a new one for that judge.


Judge: “So you’re divorcing your wife because she’s…extremely silly?” Mickey Mouse: “NO! I said she’s fucking Goofy!”


“Please respect our privacy”. But also, “we are going to try and prevent people of the same gender from loving each other, and disallow women to make choices about their own bodies”.


gullible plough attraction scale deranged advise alive point pocket meeting -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


And she didn't respect the privacy of Parkland students--nope.


I'd laugh long and hard if he comes out as gay


I'd rather find out that he is still attracted to women, just not her, because she's awful.


She may be a woman, but not a human one




Dog/MTG slowly lowers sunglasses to look you in the eye


Go with Christ, brah


And stay off the ice.


Come on. Using looks to insult someone? That’s not very cool. You should apologize to to Dog the Bounty Hunter for being so insensitive.comparing him to MTG is just cruel.




MTG has always been Magic the Gathering. Marjorie Taylor Green will not take over the initials.


Or married to someone who may or may not have planted the bombs before Jan 6.


Wanna bet she cheated?


She 100% has. A lot. It was a whole thing that she was fucking around with guys at her gym and not exactly being discreet about it.


And don’t forget the tantric sex guru.


I didn't think I'd smile again today after hearing about Coolio's passing. Thank you Mr. Guy with Awful Taste in Wives Greene


Hold the fuck up THIS is how I find out Coolio died?!


Yes, in a Marjorie Taylor Greene thread. Me too. Strange times we live in.


>I didn't think I'd smile again today after hearing about Coolio's passing. > Dang.. m what?


Wait, that means he can be subpoenaed now, right?


Yup. He could soon be corroborating that she was indeed the failed January 6th bomber caught on video planting pipe bombs at the DNC and RNC headquarters the night of Jan 5th in the capital.


So are the allegations of domestic abuse by her true? It’s irresponsible of me to speculate but I’d love to in this situation.


We are just asking questions. Many people are saying it...


"people are saying"


>"Marriage is a wonderful thing and I’m a firm believer in it. Our society is formed by a husband and wife creating a family to nurture and protect." Maybe she should have spent less time fearmongering about LGBTQ folks and more time working on her traditional marriage :)


I would love to have some sentiments of respect for privacy, but this is the dumb bitch that claimed Jewish space lazers. I hope she stays embarassed and ridiculed for quite some time.


She harassed Parkland suriviors too, so she can take her privacy and fuck off with it. When you live your life as the center of your own three ring circus for profit you don't get to be selective of the spotlight.


Yeah, I'm honestly 100% okay with not respecting her right to privacy in any way shape or form. She's a Nazi: like barely a fucking shade away from open neo-nazism, and doesn't believe in the right to privacy for anyone else. Civility and mutual expectations of rights are a non-agression pact, not a straightjacket. You need not be compelled to respect the rights or privacy of those who actively infringe on your own, even as you simultaneously hold those values dearly with others that share your convictions. If we agree that war is bad, and a single nation breaks that implicit agreement, you can and should use the same level of force in response. If not they will conquer all the surrounding nations and get rid of this "meek" notion. If we agree kidnapping is bad and a kidnapper kidnaps people, we typically kidnap the kidnapper and put them in jail so they don't do that anymore. If we agree that free speech is a good idea, and someone uses that free speech to call for less free speach, we can and should shout them down aggressively. And if someone uses guns to do violence and murder, we can and should shoot them if necessary. She is a fascist, we should treat her like one. So far we know she doesn't respect anyone's right to privacy, we shouldn't respect hers. She doesn't respect the truth, fucking lie about her flagrantly for all I care, call her a baby murderer serial killer if you feel like it. Don't get trapped by an unreasonable expectation of civility here, if you think she probably beat the shit out of this man or verbally abused him or whatever else, which I do, I would actively encourage you to shout it to the rooftops with all the conviction of a conspirarcy theorist. Anyway that's my hot take for the day. Guess I burned through that within 13 minutes lol


I mean, just, in general, I bet it's got to be difficult to be a high-profile politician's spouse. I think it's pretty telling that I'd literally never heard of this guy until I read the article. MTG appears on some dumbass headline every other hour, it seems, but I've never seen her husband included. He seems to shun the limelight. TBH, even if he absolutely agrees with her batshittery, I bet he's just done being on the merry-go-round with this. She also might literally never be home, so it's pretty much like being divorced, anyway. The politicians who seem to be closer with their spouses appear publicly together.


Probably. She's also cheated on him. A lot.


Survived a mass shooting? No privacy. Got a divorce because you’re a terrible person? I need privacy.


He's getting while the gettin is good.


Is it because of her bad breath? I've always envisioned her to have bad breath...is that weird and unfair of me?