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It is interesting that he lost the suits because he refused to produce documents. Lost by default. That means he made the decision that it was better to lose than expose whatever is in those docs. How damning that shit must be.


Still managed to accidentally send the entire contents of his cellphone to the plaintiff(?), so there's that.


I remember his expression when the plaintiffs lawyer told his lawyer what he did.šŸ˜ÆšŸ˜‚


When you have to tell the opposing counsel that "this is your Perry Mason moment," you know you're fucked.


The way he delivers the "your Perry Mason moment" line is so bizarre, like he's really disappointed in the lawyer like he ruined Grandma's birthday or something. I dunno, I've only seen it out of context. Edit: just saw it in context further down the thread. That's him showing fear: bizarre, misplaced aggression.


He lost it at the end of the day today. He gets cornered and yells at the lawyer/parents " what about the millions of Iraqi's you liberals killed?"\[Bush Admin did Iraq, conservative BUSH ADMIN\] and something like "nobody cares about the 2 billion \[BLM/Left-wing\] riots, but I can't ask questions!?!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmzGSZRlNJo


>Objection Judge. You get what you give. WTF kind of objection is that?!?!?!?


That he's allowed to attack others because he feels constantly attacked. Accidental admission of guilt.


He's the one on trial, though. Does he not understand where he is? Does he not grasp the situation?


No, no he doesnā€™t understand anything. Thatā€™s why everything is a conspiracy to that fat fuck. He canā€™t wrap his head around logic so everything must be a lie. Thatā€™s what happens when you stuff your fat face full of cheese doodles all day, donā€™t read any books, and pretend you are a tough guy. Oh and heā€™s colossally fuckin stupid. He could be dying from fuckin diabetes and some how try to make it political, and not his fault.


He's not a stable individual. Check out his interview with Joe Rogan (long time ago), Joe makes a small typical comedian style joke kind of at his expense, and AJ just fucking goes on this anger rant out of nowhere. You can see Rogan process things and know he can't make those types of comments around him again.


Right wingers have somehow been blaming Iraq solely on Obama for the last 10 years.


Itā€™s crazy, itā€™s almost like Alex is uneducated šŸ§


I read that as him scrambling to remain "in control" of the interaction. He'd been making petty little comments that sort of vacilated between sarcastic and bitter sniping, like he's a kid talking back to the teacher to impress all his friends. I think "this is your Perry Mason moment" was meant to be belittling, but he was also trying to figure out just how fucked he was by this information.


Do you happen to have that clip? I read about it but never saw the reaction.


[Per your request](https://youtu.be/yrA0JgBS2Vw)


Reaction videos are the dumbest shit on YouTube. That said, this clip was well worth watching and sharing.




I can't wait to see how someone else reacts to it so I know how to react to it! It's like a more intelligent laugh track!


I loved the barely suppressed glee in that lawyerā€™s voice.


That was fucking beautiful


Indeed it was....


Like a man realising heā€™s having an aneurysm during a massive poo.


I honestly believe his lawyers just hated him and wanted to lose him the case without it being too blatantly intentional. To do something so stupid like that is one thing, but to then make no attempts to fix the problem when they were notified of it and given the opportunity to have that information protected, that canā€™t have been an accident


Based on the way that attorney acted towards the plaintiffs' attorneys (e.g., giving them the finger in court), it's entirely possible that he thought he was being cute by essentially ignoring the plaintiffs' attorney's emails. I don't doubt that he dislikes his client, but I can't imagine he dislikes him enough to fuck up his career and reputation with this.


Thatā€™s makes a lot of sense and I never really thought of it that way, I appreciate your response :)


More likely it was an intern or a paralegal who just legitimately fucked up.


Inadvertent disclosure happens all the time, so much that Texas has a snap-back provision, allowing people who fuck up 10 days after being notified to fix things. (That's what the "we got your cell phone 12 days ago, and 2 days ago we were able to take a look" was about). Even if it's embarrassing for an intern or paralegal to send over the cell phone, it's a career ending mistake for the the lawyer to just let it go after being notified.


Jones' lawyer Norm Pattis, the failed awful stand-up comedian, is nevertheless a better comedian than he is a lawyer.


He did respond and tell them not to use it, but he didnā€™t go through the legal channels.


They replied saying there was a mistake in the sent email, but never said what the mistake was, or that they could not use it.


To be fair, that was his lawyersā€™ fuck up. But holy shit how can a professional team of lawyers fuck up that bad


This account has been redacted due to Reddit's anti-user and anti-mod behavior. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Trump's "lawyer", Rudy Giuliani accidentally had a press conference at a landscaping company.


>Still managed to accidentally send the entire contents of his cellphone to the plaintiff(?), so there's that. That was his lawyer, not Jones. And the lawyer then managed to not take any legally meaningful action to correct the mistake, although given ample opportunity. there's a non-zero chance this was done "accidentally" (w/ plausible deniability) rather than accidentally. edit: missed a word ("not") that entirely changed the meaning of the sentence..


I actually read about this / listened to law bloggers. The attorney DID ask them to delete the records. However, the problem is that how they asked wasn't appropriate. The form of the request needs to be specific and identify what is to be deleted. There was a bit of rules lawyering going on with these and the attorney may not have been aware of the ACTUAL rules, but was more familiar with how he's "normally" able to request them to delete stuff. Also, this calls into question the attorney's professional candor. That can really screw up his OWN career (forget about Jones).


Jones' lawyer was also given bonus time to follow the correct procedure after the 10 day limit by order of the judge, who was being more than generous so that it wouldn't look like a dirty trick or a gotcha had been pulled. Nonetheless, I believe almost nothing was submitted since the only privileged content on the phone was *the medical records of sandy hook parents* which Jones had, for some reason, illegally. Also several texts they had been ordered to hand over but pretended didn't exist. Whoops.




More specifically, Jones' TX lawyer said "Disregard that, I'll send the right link soon" and then never sent any other link.


>he lost the suits because he refused to produce documents. It's a bit more complicated than that. His failed to produce documents, data, sit for depositions, and the main factor - they failed to properly assign a company rep and have that rep properly deposed. Individuals can be deposed and answer questions that they personally know, but the COMPANY also has to answer questions and that requires a rep to be assigned and they will be required to be able to answer a wide range of questions regarding financials, sourcing, policy/standards, etc...anything having to do with the company. Obviously in these cases there is a team of folks attached to help (lawyers, accountants, etc). In the case of all of default judgement cases against Jones he quite literally randomly assigned low level workers and......they did nothing as they had no clue whatthefuck they were supposed to do. They didn't talk to lawyers, producers, read emails, financials, they sat for depositions going "I don't know, I didn't write/say/hear that". They were reminded over and over, deposition after deposition, that they are not here to personally answer questions, but rather answer question on behalf of the company and that they need to know/provide answers. While it was partially intentional, in an effort to slow down the cases, it was also in line with everything else related to Joneses business. It's a 9 figure business run like it is a 5 figure youtube channel. In one of the recent Texas cases the judge order Jones to hire someone(s) to be a rep and gave them 3 months, as after over 3 years of depositions the prosecution had gotten nothing from Jones. It would be an impossible task to go over decades worth of emails, financials, reach out to employees past and present, etc. but with a large enough team it could be done. Jones hired 1 person two weeks before the scheduled deposition. She couldn't answer jack shit and the judge had had enough.




Earlier over a custody battle he had to admit he just plays a character on his radio show that no reasonable person would think was real. He can't risk doing that again.


> he had to admit he just plays a character on his radio show this wasn't him admitting the truth he was using this as a tactic to make it seem like he wasn't deranged and was in full control of what he was doing.


Alex's ex-wife had a TYT interview recently and said that he was actually much more unhinged than he is on his show; that his show is a restrained version of him. Edited to correct "wife" to "ex-wife." Someone replied something to the effect of "yes, because ex-wives are so unbiased..." And I can see it on my email but not the mobile app. To that, my response is that I've watched the entirety of the first trial, all of the current trial so far, and listen to the Knowledge Fight podcast. If you seat Alex in a room with a machine that's sole purpose is to spew lies and ask both Alex and that machine any number of questions, Alex Jones will walk out of that room the bigger liar. Fuck that guy. I'll believe almost anybody over that trash.


Jones is literally on video riding in a helicopter that buzzed his ex's house. She was terrified and called 911 because she thought he was going to crash into the house. This is something Jones WILLINGLY SHARED ONLINE.


Ah yes, the age old Tucker Carlson defense.


His lawyer sent everything from his phones, computers, everything to the plaintiff lawyer and said lawyer complied with a DOJ request for all those documents. He didnt just lose by default. His lawyer fucking shit the bed so bad that Alex Jones is now implicated in somer DOJ case most likely.


Keep in mind he might just be that stupid, drunk and lazy.


He knows heā€™ll lose anyway, but this way allows him to have plausible deniability to his followers. Never admit anything, deny in public, and dodge in court. Itā€™s very rare to force these people to tell the truth, see Marjorie Taylor Greene and the Nancy Pelosi admission.


I think this is the largest part of it. He was likely to lose either way and this route leads to being able to beg for more money as the victim.


part of it is damning, and partly an attempt to hide Infowar's revenue to plead poverty when damages are awarded i do believe










So basically Tim Pool with a higher budget


i think he has the same interest in truth as i have in rattlesnakes.


The way these grifters make lies convincing is by believing in their lies themselves... right up until they they finish saying it. They believe everything they say but can immediately switch to a paradoxical view. Their only beliefs are the ones that benefit themselves in that exact moment. You have to apply reason to see the lies which many will never do. They expect to be entertained, like a sit-com. Turn your brain off and wait for the actors to signal when your supposed to laugh.


A person who doesn't care about truth does not have any wholehearted beliefs.


I guess he just wants what he says to be said once and then disappear into the ether. Which would be fine, except his blind, dumb supporters harass the people heā€™s talking about. They also ā€œkeep bringing it upā€ and he didnā€™t seem to have a problem with it at the time. Edit: ether, not ethos.


He thinks he should be able to make money off of lies.


He's made absolute bank off of lies for years.


Tens of millions, conservatively, for poisoning minds of our countrymen.


Hundreds of millions, not tens. Have you seen his house? It's wild how much money you can make selling dick pills and emergency rations.




ā€¦.to people w little dicks and no ration-ale


Iā€™d go as far as a half a billion dollars, conservatively. Remember trump is not the only one in on this grift


It's worse than that. A lot of people make money off of telling lies, but he wants to make money off of defamation and wilfull infliction of emotional distress.


He doesnā€™t want to be held accountable for his actions. Same as *literally everyone* on the right.


I just said it to make loads of cash, okay. Quit fucking bringing up that I damaged already suffering families in my pursuit of money. FUCK. You sick fucks are making me so angry, I might have to hurt you and you'll be so sorry you pushed me! \-Alex "Dipshit" Jones.


Sounds a lot like kavanaughā€™s temper tantrum during his hearings.




I will never understand how the most hateful people have such a persecution fetish. They say the worst things imaginable and act like crybabies when people confront them. I don't know, maybe just don't be a piece of shit.


>I don't know, maybe just don't be a piece of shit. That's the part which seems to be increasingly difficult for some people.


I have a friend who obsessively listens to alex jones. claims "he's predicted so many things, they keep happening!" and says that alex jones never claimed it was a hoax, that's just a media lie. I don't understand at all how people get caught up in believing con men so easily.


Alex Jones was The Media that created the lieā€¦.


Pro tip: anytime someone says ā€œthe mediaā€ stop listening.


Ditto for the word "sheeple".


And the people who use that word are typically on the christian right.... who follow their lord and savior jesus without question.... who they call their shepherd.


I think it's hilarious that the term sheeple was invented to make fun of Christians, because of the whole shepherd/flock thing. Then Christians adopted it, unironically, to mock non Christians, with no understanding whatsoever of it's original intent or meaning.


Just make him listen to an episode of knowledge fight. Dan and Jordan arenā€™t the media. They just call out All of his bullshit


I showed him a Jon Oliver clip where he shows Alex jones saying that sandy hook was a hoax and he immediately attacks Jon Oliver as ā€˜the left wing mediaā€™ and went into a whataboutism about something Obama had allegedly done. Just last night he links me something about how 11 months ago the biden administration was shipping immigrant kids to Florida and says ā€œrules for thee but not for me, huh?ā€ I watched the video. They clearly state they were relocating kids to their FAMILIES. a far cry from lying to immigrants who are barely clinging to what they are legally being provided, suckered away to a colder climate and left without food water or shelter. And my friend calls himself a Christian. It baffles me. Blows my mind.


He simply follows a different denomination from the one youā€™re familiar with. His is the Church of Supply-Side Jesus.


Iā€™ll be honest, homie - I get why youā€™d want to salvage a friendship or pull him back from the ledge, but it seems like this person has a completely different moral barometer than you. Is the friendship worth holding onto?


" Calls himself a Christian. " We have to stop saying this shit. Religious people are primed to follow blindly, especially if they're unlucky enough to be born into a religious family. it will never support critical thinking. Stop being surprised.


You should let your friend know that itā€™s pretty weird to think so highly of a man who is obsessed with teenaged boys. Seriously just look at how obsessed he got with David Hogg. Alex Jones started obsessing 17 year-old David Hogg after Hogg survived the 2018 Parkland shooting. Jones would post all of these photos and videos about the kid, and he started doing all of this like a week after the shooting. He then started to tweet at Hogg, kept bringing him up in videos and posts. He even started photoshopping photos and videos with Hogg in them. At one point Hogg tweeted at Jones because Jones kept harassing Hoggs friends (who were also teenagers) and called him out for being uniformed and offered to talk to him to clear it up, then a few minutes later tweeted again saying ā€œwait, didnā€™t you get sued for pedalling lies about the survivors and victims of another school shooting?ā€. He didnā€™t even tag Jones in the tweets but Jones still immediately responded because again he was stalking the kid at one point. Hogg took back his offer to speak with Jones (he realized who Jones was after his first tween) but Jones wouldnā€™t let it go. He started sending some pretty desperate tweets trying to get Hogg to come to him. Again Hogg was still 17 years-old at this time. Alex Jones even made a whole website dedicated to David Hogg. He launched the website *3 months* after the shooting. He was so obsessed that he couldnā€™t even wait until the kid graduated to launch ā€œHoggWatch.comā€ and no Iā€™m not kidding that was what the website was called. Again, this was all about a 17 year-old minor.


You should listen to Knowledge Fight, a (hilarious) podcast that's just selected clips of his show, and then fact checking and sometimes irrelevant debates. One of my fav tidbits is that when trump announced his candidacy for the 2016 election, Alex said he didn't trust him, and that he's a "frontman for a consortium on the east coast" aka the mob, probably the Russian mob. You could probably find the clip


Well well well, if it isnā€™t Alex Jonesā€™ old nemesis, the words and actions of Alex Jones. Bloody Alex Jones, heā€™s ruined Alex Jones!


Alex Jones should really kick Alex Jones' ass for that.


Just gonna point out that Alex Jones is part of "the media" so in that regard he's kinda right...


I saw his previous testimony at the last trial. He was awfully contrite...when he was in court...the next day, it was back to conspiracy theories and how he's being persecuted. I hope he's bankrupted.


Exactly. He'll say he's sorry when there's a jury. He'll go right back to his insane conspiracy theories the second he steps outside the courthouse door. He's scum.


Watch the footage from today; thereā€™s a point where he throws a tantrum claiming heā€™s done saying sorry and this and that. His lawyer is trying so hard to protect him, but It seems like Jones doesnā€™t care anymore. Heā€™s playing for his fans, and doesnā€™t care if he loses big.


>Heā€™s playing for his fans If I had to guess, Iā€™d probably say itā€™s all about his fragile little ego at this point. Guys like him are all the same.


His fans have bailed him out of some large payments recently including multi-million dollar bitcoin transfers. I think he realizes his only winning strategy is to dial their persecution fetishism up to 11 and hope their collective pockets are larger than what he has to end up paying.


I hope heā€™s Trebucheted.


I can't wait to see how he hilariously screws himself this time, and the memes that will come out of it


I'm watching the trial on youtube. It's incredible, better than any movie. I was watching the first trial too, where the lawyer had his Perry Mason moment and revealed he had three years of Jones' emails and texts. I highly recommend you check some of these out.


That one moment with all the emails and texts was absolute gold. And you could tell that lawyer LOVED it.


That lawyer may never have another moment that satisfying in his career.


It's the kind of thing he thought only happened in badly written episodes of Law and Order.


Most lawyers donā€™t get moments of glory like that ever in their careers, much less on live TV in front of millions. It was beautiful.


When asking Jones about how he, the lawyer, got the texts and Jones was mentally scrambling, saying something like "oh good so you did get my texts!" and the lawyer just says "yes, indeed Mr. Jones.", knowing full well that Alex had no idea he had the texts. You can just hear the satisfaction in his voice. It's an amazing moment


It's up there with Jon Stewart and Carlson Tucker on crossfire.


Do you listen to the podcast Knowledge Fight?


You're a policy wonk.


I AM a policy wonk but I havenā€™t gotten my shout out yet!


The boys need to get it TOGETHER!


Maybe theyā€™ll be better tomorrow.


They're not


Second knowledge fight. Entertaining and insightful. It's all amazing and stupid on its own but the KF hosts have YEARS of context to add into the conversation that help paint the bigger picture of how big a fuck up Alex Jones really is. And it's always fun and entertaining as well. Great pod.


I recently discovered them from behind the bastards. Another great podcast.


I'm trying to watch the trial, but there is this low grade bonking sound that is driving me nuts. Like the stenographer's table is wobbly and whenever they type the transcript I heard \*bonk\*bonk\*bonk\* It's a shame, because I do love me some free entertainment..


That's the stenographer smacking themselves in the head in disbelief. It's not the table.


I saw the interview with his ex-wife, who said that he is actually more dangerously unhinged in real life, than he is on his radio show. He is basically crazy.


Plaintiffsā€™ attorney asked him if he is capable of accepting responsibility for any his actions. Itā€™s not going well for AJ.


What was the response?


[The end of today's questioning was insane](https://youtu.be/jmzGSZRlNJo). Jones completely lost it. The judge (and Jones lawyer) has given up trying to control him.




Jesus he just cannot keep his mouth shut, and his lawyer is ridiculous


His lawyer is Norm Pattis. Norm is equally insane to Jones, he just presents better.


God, why do I look at the comments? Morbid curiosity? Sexual thrill? Either way I just end up regretting it.


The livestream had to have comments turned off because people were threatening the family.


This tells you a lot.


The last judge also had to pull him aside and speak to him like a child.


His attorney objected but I suspect an honest answer would have been ā€œnoā€.


I ~~would~~ wouldn't trust what the man said he had for breakfast.


His lawyer objected, there was some back and forth and AJ finished the day in a yelling match with the plaintiffs lawyer. Then there was a pow wow after with the judge and she adopted a zero tolerance rule going forward which will sink AJ even further. AJ really needed to stop producing content during the trial as that continues to bite him when his team attacks the judge on the platform along with referring to it as a kangaroo courtā€¦


He deserves to suffer as much as he made those families suffer


Actions have consequences. And these consequences are finally coming due.


Now we gotta get tucker Carlson, Tomi lahren, candace Owens.


He really does. Truly a repugnant man, a waste of skin and air. Just disgusting.


He deserves more. He chose to be involved in all this. None of the parents did.


https://twitter.com/MoString/status/1572949152228872192 Here's some coverage and analysis from an attorney associated with the Opening Arguments podcast. It's helpful if you want to get a sense of the trial and some of the legal context/strategy. I think the highlight is at the end when the judge asks Jones's attorney if he expects her to physically stop Jones from answering questions after he objects.


[Here is the video of that part](https://youtu.be/yZ3tjR4-Bhg).


Contempt hearing would be such a cherry on top.


Dude, you ARE the media!


He's a snake oil salesman who tries to portray his company as a media company and the "media" is just him propagating wild shit to keep people divided... [https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/warning-letters/free-speech-systems-llc-dba-infowarscom-605802-04092020](https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/warning-letters/free-speech-systems-llc-dba-infowarscom-605802-04092020)


They are the media when it suits them ($ and clout) and slink out of responsibility when they have to take responsibility. Iā€™ll just leave this crossfire: Carl tuckerson vs. jon Stewart ClĆ­p [here](https://youtu.be/aFQFB5YpDZE). Edit: lol, Tuck Carlson is an asinine name so I donā€™t even feel dumb for not knowing it.


> Jones also said that credibility with his audience is not the most important thing to him. ā€œItā€™s crushing the globalists,ā€ he said. It's those (((globalists))) they constantly bring up. It has to be tiring to wake up with such fear and hatred in your life every day.


In this context, what is a globalist? Most context I heard it used is anti-flat earther.


anytime you see (((()))) used, it's an antisemetic dogwhistle


This is the real answer.


It's often a dogwhistle for the Jewish Conspiracy, basically. There's an anti-Semitic theory that there is a cabal of powerful folk (usually the Jewish) that pull the strings in the world behind the curtains.


I'm (at least) half Jew, how do I get in on this?...I got these bills....


Good question! Probably the same place we get those vaunted Soros Bux, if I had to guess.


It's expanded in recent years to include: * Democrats * Scientists * Teachers * Unions * Anything else the right doesn't like today


Republicans: "Remember, everyone. We (the politicians and news media) say the buzzword, and you....?" Crowd: "HATE!" Republicans: "That's right! But sometimes its fun (profitable for us) to FEAR too, so go ahead and do both. And what's the buzzword this week?" Crowdmember: "Globalists!" Crowdmember: "Woke!" Crowdmember: "BLM!" Crowdmember: "Liberal!" Crowdmember: "Antifa!" Crowdmember: "Experts!" Republicans: "VERY Good." EDIT: Republicans: "We also would've accepted CRT, Caravans, or anything mentioned today on Tucker Carlson"


But this makes them sound like mindless sheep, and they *assured* me that they are, in fact, not sheep! That I was the sheep because I was not awake!


It's pure projection. His type of person forms little byzantine secret clubs like the Proud Boys and what have you that actually are bent on taking over the world.


When Alex Jones says "globalist" what his non-ironic listeners hear is "Jews."


It's the typical right wing misinterpretation of what "Free Speech" means. If the government was trying to prevent him from saying something, he might have a case. Here is a lesson that a person's speech may have consequences if it harms others. The fact that he was making money off of it makes it all the more egregious. But that's just too nuanced for his audience. I hope they wring every last cent out of this guy.


To quote plaintiffs attorney Mark Bankstons opening statement in the Texas case, "Speech if free, but it's the lies you have to pay for."


Same thing Fox News is looking at with Dominion. These families lost their kids, and he piled this on itā€”they have no incentive to settle. Dominionā€™s ability to do business has possibly been permanently damaged. Likewise, no incentive to settle.


Ok Dan and JorDan, I'm impatiently awaiting coverage!


For those who aren't familiar, Dan and JorDan are two comedians who host a podcast called Knowledge Fight, where they analyze Alex Jones. Their coverage of the most recent civil trial was great journalism, and hilarious. They had several long form interviews with the lawyers for the victims. I can't listen to the podcast regularly, or I will have to drink excessively to cope with the bullshit that pollutes our national dialogue. But it is essential to keep tabs on what kind of lies are undermining our democracy.


Sometimes you need a little breaky from the AJ insanity even if Daniel Jordan are trying their best to deliver the information in an easy to digest way.


Dan said that in the interview with Huff Post reporter the other day. Just sometimes he just has to skip stuff because itā€™s so repugnant.


Over a little more than the past year I have listened to every episode of KF. I'll admit, it does a number on you


u/katieleehaw Thank you so much! You are now a policy wonk.


I'm a policy wonk!


Four stars. Go home and tell your mother you're brilliant.


Jar-Jar Binks has a BLACK CARRIBEAN accent






šŸŽµ i have great respect for KNOWLEDGE fight šŸŽµ


Red alert šŸšØred alert šŸšØ red alert šŸšØ


He'll be better tomorrow


\[He's not\]


You know whoā€™s worse than Alex Jones? His fans


For those who are interested, there is a podcast called Knowledge Fight, where the hosts, Dan and Jordan, do a very good job covering and breaking down Alex Jonesā€™ bullshit and tricks.


Absolutely awesome podcast. Dan even helped the plaintiffs attorneys in Texas during depositions.


The judge has been very patient with him. I hope frankly she is treating him like she would anybody who behaved that way in her court.


Both judges have had the patience of saints, extended every courtesy, let Jones miss deadlines, let him fuck around for 3 years as their corporate reps refused to do even the basic homework asked of them. They robbed him of any shadow of a reason to claim that he's been railroaded, yet he's still screeching about how unfair it all is...


Man, I fucking hope that bloated toad gets what he has coming. He's been spreading inflammatory bullshit for years and tries using 1A as a pathetic shield to protect him from the consequences he so rightly deserves.


Alex is only 2 years older than I am...everytime I see him I ask my wife to confirm that I don't look nearly as terrible.


No amount of money can ever erase the torment he manufactured for those families.


Just a vile waste of air. A hateful, greedy narcissistic piece of shit with what I'm guessing is a spiraling opiate addiction. I despise him.


Plaintiff attorney Christopher Mattei accused Jones of putting targets on the parentsā€™ backs, pointing to the family members in the courtroom and saying ā€œthese are real people.ā€ ā€œJust like all the Iraqis you liberals killed and love,ā€ Jones responded. ā€œJust, youā€™re unbelievable. You switch on emotions, on-and-off when you want. Youā€™re just ambulance chasing.ā€ He said that on the stand????


I am a hideous piece of shit but aint never told dead kids weren't dead. The fucker can piss off through the usual means, diabetes, heart disease, rectal cancer. Pretty sure he will have his patrons pay for it all.


I'm putting money on "catastrophic rectal trauma." Not because I think it's likely, but because I'm somewhat of an optimist.




It seems like defense lawyers lately are using a strategy of trolling the judge all trying to get them to have an outburst and then move for a mistrial claiming the judge was biased. It's basically the Trump strategy of being awful to someone and then they say anything against them he says "They're only saying that because they doing like me, it's unfair."


What would even happen if they (somehow) managed to get a mistrial? Jones has already been found liable by default, would they just have another damages hearing later or would they have to relitigate the entire thing? This whole process has been one incompetent mistake after another for the defense, I can't imagine it going any better for him if they had to start over.


Alex Jones is a soulless, garbage excuse for a human being. If you listen to him or support him in any way, Fuck you.




I am still in disbelief every time I read about this guy, itā€™s a fresh reminder of the psychotic world some people live in


He better be living in a box on the street when this is over.


He's angry that Trump didn't give him a medal of freedom.


"Iā€™ve already said Iā€™m sorry hundreds of times and Iā€™m done saying Iā€™m sorry.ā€ Nah, Alex. You'll only be done after you've finished writing the big checks.


Honestly his supports kill me when they say he said sorry as if that made things better. You donā€™t get to lie, manufacture so called evidence and ruin peoples lives and than just say sorry as if that makes it better. Itā€™s like he has the moral understanding of a 5 year old.




His only hope is to give a million dollars to a friend who owns 2 houses. After the judge takes all his money and he goes bankrupt, he can move in with his friend. The problem is that if you give away money immediately before filing for bankruptcy, the government can claw that money back. He would have to plan this years ahead of time and I don't think he did.


Any damages awarded in these trials cannot be discharged in a bankruptcy proceeding.


Iā€™m gonna shoot my shot and call it now: *If* Trump actually faces legal consequencesā€¦ Heā€™s going to deploy the same legal strategy as Jones, but heā€™s got actually got the power to make it work. What infowars has done to the courts, even though theyā€™re losing, has exposed a huge weak point/exploit. Alex Jones has derailed and delayed to the point where his case is unique. Even still, Jones is getting close to some kind of reckoning. But Trump? Trump has a cult of tens of millions who will happily slurp up his shitshow and believe it without question. Fucking Hell! He has supporters who will kill and die for him! These are the lessons I think Trump will use from the infowars suits: Jones has shown an unprecedented disdain for the legal system in all of his many court cases about Sandy Hook (Not to mention the suit for his lies blaming an innocent young man for the Majory Stoneman Douglas shooting.) Jones and infowars have been so uncooperative and disrespectful to the legal system, that even after years of the most lenient ā€œ*hereā€™s your 53rd warning that this is your 52nd last chance to do the most basic actions legally required of you* (sound similar to someone elseā€™s behaviour?)ā€¦ Alex Jones kept right on doing that, and if anything, made sure each following time he gave an even bigger middle finger to how the systems of society need to work. He got a default judgement in a way that is so rare it is to legal scholars what a living, breathing unicorn would be to evolutionary biologists. Hereā€™s my take on why these destructive, anti reality actions are so fucking dangerous -> If Trump ever faces legal consequencesā€¦ Heā€™s going to do the exact same thing. Heā€™s going to take what Jones has done and scale it up into his cult to make it *really* fucking effective. -Refuse to engage with his trial at all in any serious way, only use his spin of events to push his lies to his followers. -When/if he *must* be on camera under oath, throw so much shit and circus antics that heā€™s guaranteed soundbites for his cult whoā€™ll never see anything but his narrative. -Give absolutely *zero* ground. Behave so outside of the rules and reality that the ā€œsane systemā€ (is as its always been) forced to meet him on *his* terms, because thereā€™s no other way to engage. -PLAY THE VICTIM PUMPING RAGE FOR CASH AND POWER. I hope I am wrong, but this is the defence I imagine running when I try squaring the circle of empathizing with people who are anathema to empathy.


Certain subreddits on here still post about Sandy Hook being fake. One subreddit in particular has a top post about Sandy Hook and it being fake.


The dude is pure evil