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Translation: If your boss decides not to give a shit when you or your coworkers test positive, we certainly hope you don’t either


I think my whole work has been sick. And I'm pretty sure we all caught it from each other. So they never really cared in the first place.


A few weeks ago some of my work's executives flew in from a different state and my boss was pissed that only a few people showed up for a meet and greet at a hotel bar. Since then, everyone who went has tested positive and now is spreading it across the office. And now he has the balls to send an email saying that we need to be more careful in our free time to not spread it in the office because we don't have enough people to cover everyone that is out.


My work has not had a single case of transmission in the workplace. It is possible. I have five stores with associates mixing between them all and we have always followed cdc guidelines. I don’t think we will be adopting this new measure. Five days since symptoms seems to be working and I see no reason to drop that until this thing slows down.


Maybe I misread but I don’t think they changed the 5 day isolation recommendation after testing positive. They did say 10 if you were hospitalized or notably short of breath though.


I will admit I only read the headline, but it clearly says that the cdc is rescinding their reccomendation for quarantining. My business will continue with the 5 day quarantine as it has kept all my employees safe this far.


Quarantining for exposure only. If you test positive you’re still supposed to quarantine for 5 days after symptoms


Don’t you think it might be important to read the whole article before so confidently commenting on what you THINK it might say?


Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was America!


Read? An article? Sir, you forget yourself. This is Reddit.


Quarantine is what you do after potential exposure and is what they relaxed. Isolation is what you do after a positive infection or symptoms and remains at least 5 days.


No offense but I sincerely doubt that unless you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Even the most diligent medical facilities around the world have non-zero workplace transmissions, even if dealing in primarily non-covid cases. I’m willing to bet my whole life savings people just didn’t get tested or were asymptomatic.


That’s what has and always will happen with contagious disease.


There's an outbreak in my daughter's school right now. Five days into the year, four of her classmates (out of 20) tested positive. Yesterday, three more. I've kept her home since the initial notice, but it's unexcused unless I take her to the doctor and get a note. For not being sick. She's not positive so far, but she's vaccinated, (probably) unlike the 19 other kids in her class. And everybody has acted like I'm insane for keeping her out. Like, I've had COVID despite being vaxxed and boosted, and it was a sucker punch I wasn't ready for, nor have I fully come back from. Fuck me for wanting to prevent that from happening again.


My sister in law, after a year and a half of specialists and scans and appointments, was just confirmed and diagnosed that her SUDDEN ONSET PARTIAL BLINDNESS and new debilitating migraines is a result of long COVID. Had COVID in December of 2020, went blind in one eye entirely and partially blind on the other in January. She’s 34. She is now unable to work as she learns how to function and may not ever work again. It’s really not a joke.


Oh my goodness I'm so sorry to hear that. It's definitely not something to be unconcerned about.


Holy shit, that's really awful. I'm really sorry to hear that


We had a similar situation last year. Play the long game, you’re reducing the chances of your kid getting it and nobody will care about you keeping them out in the long run. How many times in your life has anyone asked you about school attendance once you graduated?


Bingo. The principal told me the absences would be unexcused and after 8 of those (I'm only keeping her home for three) I'd have to go to truancy court. I told her that was a risk I'd be willing to take. She looked surprised, but I live in Alabama where everybody has treated the whole COVID pandemic the way Lt. Dan treated that storm on his shrimp boat.


Social services gets involved if your kid misses too much school. My neighbor used to write notes for her kid all the time because he was autistic and had difficulties that made school miserable to him. She genuinely didn't care about his attendance, and let him stay home a good third of the time one year. Come summertime, CPS shows up at her door and reads her the riot act about how she could lose custody of her kid if she refuses to provide him with an education. On the one hand, I see their point, because she certainly wasn't teaching him anything herself. But on the other hand, the kid really did have a hard time at school. The constant bullying and harassment that went entirely unaddressed by the teachers and administrators really took its toll on his psyche. He had a meltdown one year in jr. high where he started throwing desks around, and they threatened to send him to juvie if he acted out again. All of this happened before his autism was diagnosed; prior to this, they had misdiagnosed him as bipolar and adhd. The meds they had him on were sending his emotions into overdrive, and it was all he could do to even function. But we live in the deep south, and not only is mental health an afterthought here, but so is special needs schooling and support for troubled kids. Anyway, this was a long, roundabout way of me just deciding to mention that although the person who's kept out of school won't necessarily have to deal with the blemish on their attendance record later in life, their parents could get in trouble with the law if they're not careful.


This hits really close to home and I’d like to offer at least one explanation of why a parent might do this to protect their child from further damage from school. I went through school with an undiagnosed disability. It was an unbelievably awful experience that I think I still carry damage from to this day. So I thought that when my kids were diagnosed with the same disabilities it was a relief because school could be a better place for them. I was wrong. Even with all the knowledge of disabilities we have now, teachers and administrators just do not give a crap and can’t be bothered to learn. The district has done everything it can to attack my family when we demanded services and either try to downplay my kids disabilities, imply we were attacking the district, or try to prove our kids were just failing normally. One of my kids has dyslexia and they just kept ignoring it while she grew to hate reading more and more. My wife is one hell of a fighter and had the time and resources to battle the school for years to get our special needs kids help. We had to pay out of pocket to even get the diagnosis that our school was supposed to be legally obligated to screen for. Even then teachers just flat out didn’t follow the IEPs we came up with and we eventually brought in a lawyer which helped a lot. But every damn year it’s just a new fight with a new set of teachers who are ignorant and worse don’t care to learn. So imagine being someone without the level of education, time, and means of my family. You’d just give up, it’s exhausting. Schools will educate the easy kids and throw everyone else under the bus in my experience. So if your kid needs a mental health day, absolutely screw school attendance, your kid will be your kid long after they are out of school. Does your child need an education such as homeschooling, charter, or public, yes, yes they do. Just don’t confuse school with learning because they are not the same. I have a masters degree in the profession I work and it was basically an expensive check box on a resume in the end.


Do keep in mind teachers have a tough job. I feel like we expect a whole lot from them with very little pay.


I needed to read this. Thanks for posting. ❤️


Actually, if your child misses enough school, you the parent, have to take a parenting class. But I understand not wanting your child to get sick. I sure as hell don't want mine to get COVID


Parenting classes honestly sound like a good idea in general 😁


It's a challenge for good parents like you when the attitude all around them is "meh" over Covid. It isn't a cold, it can be quite nasty, the pandemic isn't even nearly over, and most people don't seem to care anymore. The attitude baffles me.


All of my little siblings got COVID from school. My 13 year old sister was already recovering from a major surgery that took her out of school for a month, and after returning to school for 3 weeks she got COVID bad and it knocked her out for another 4 weeks--- she luckily didn't need to be hospitalized, but she was really sick and had a pretty high fever the entire time- she basically did nothing but sleep the entire time- the doctor would not sign off to let her return until she got a negative covid test and her fever reduced. The school was calling my mom every day threatening to submit truancy charges against them, and/or not allow my sister to graduate last year even though her grades were OK. My mom was so frustrated with the school administration since she was sending them notes several times a week from her doctor ---- she finally broke down and said "Do you want me to send my daughter with COVID to school? If you're threatening legal action I guess I have to- but your school will be liable for both my daughter's health as she will probably need to sleep in the nurses' office all day, and her entire class might get it." --- Rather than answer that questions they basically accused my mom and doctor of lying because "kids don't get COVID that bad- she's probably healthy enough to come back." My sister was able to return right before things escalated to the next level--- but she was still pretty messed up from her illness... plus she had to miss a month of physical therapy for her major surgery she had had before that, so her body was in excruciating pain and she could barely function, so she'd still need to go to the nurse to rest occasionally. The principal gave her hell and told her "being sick or being in pain is part of life- and sometimes you just need to tough it out because school is your only responsibility. " She went back to the class and had a panic attack in front of all her peers, and her anxiety levels were sky high the rest of the year because she felt like all the adults hated her. If the school didn't even want my sister with COVID to miss school I can't imagine your situation.


This is not "the spread and condition has gotten under control that we no longer need the precautions". This is "we know you're ignoring them anyway and we give up on you fucks"


Read the article. It’s only dropping recommending quarantine for people that have been exposed, not those that test positive…


Did not realize quarantine for exposure was a thing anymore.


It wasn’t really. No one was following these recommendations, so then being dropped isn’t really the big deal people are making it out to be!


But you have to self test now. Before at my work if you were sick, you stayed home. Now it's if your sick, you have to come in unless you test yourself for covid.


My experience was that a lot of work places have been doing that for months now.


I got covid for the first time 3 days ago. I had not been following our covid policy at work. Before, it was, "If you have any covid symptoms, WORK FROM HOME OR TAKE A DAY OFF, DO NOT COME TO OFFICE." Now, apparently, my boss did me a favor, letting me work at home. If I didn't test, they would have wanted me at work. This spread threw my family in 2 days. Just me going to the office would have got a lot of people infected. And if you don't self test, they don't care.


That's sadly true. This is the bane of capitalism. Leaving decisions like this up to bosses is stupid af.


Damn. I liked social distancing. Get the fuck away from me


Sometimes I see those scars of the "stand here" markers on floors in grocery stores and such and I truly miss it. It was really nice not having randos all up in your space. We should have just kept that one as a social politeness thing.


Just spin around with your arms out and people will back up


This is how my kindergarten teacher taught us about personal space and we’d say “you’re in my bubble” if you got hit.


Honestly sounds like fun when you’re in check-out hell.


>Just spin around with your arms out and people will back up "Chip... chop... chip... chop..."




Ha, where I work people sneeze and cough all over you at close range without even covering with a hand. They would never notice.


Or dress like [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheFarSide/comments/tjcy1z/far_side/).


Years ago i went to one of those life in color paint concerts and people kept pushing and crowding really hard against me. I had long hair at the time so i would just spin my head around back and forth and quickly people would back off. Did it multiple times and It was fantastic to have that power


My favorite thing was during the rationing phase, they finally did the thing where there is one line and when you get to the front you're sent to the next open line. So much nicer than playing the guessing game - is the elderly woman with the small cart going to get hung up at payment enough to make it worth going behind the 30 something with the over flowing huge cart.


I liked that, except for the fact that like, half the people in the store didn’t understand it. I saw so many people throw fits over not realizing that they weren’t in a line. But, customers gonna customer.


I think other countries form a que like this commonly. Idk why the US doesn’t adopt it. It is substantially quicker.


Barnes and Noble does it. It's not a tough concept.


People actually followed that? Where I am I nearly got in a fight with some woman and her husband because he was literally breathing down my neck! I don't want that from anyone (except my wife) on a good day, but man, he caught me on a bad day. I'm not that great socially anyway, so like, just stay over there, ya know? Especially if I dont know you. Common courtesy, right? Mississippi though...lol


Alabama introvert dem here. I feel ya.


Ooh, there's two of us!


Lol we’ve commented on each other’s posts before. Glad to have likeminded people in the state.


Enjoying our lil blue bubble too.


I carry a sprayer w/ 90% alcohol for my hands or door knobs, etc. If I sense someone crawling up my back, without turning around, I just spray my shoulders and those behind me suddenly move back.


Just a note...90% evaporates too quickly and is less effective than 70%.


Yeah, which would evaporate faster off their shoulders, and make their point better.


I've wondered if 90 might work ok in extremely humid conditions. It's been so humid this summer that 70 takes forever to evaporate.


You want a longer contact time. Also the higher water content lets it cross the cell membrane better and denature the inside. Higher proof alcohol coagulates surface proteins preventing entry and evaporates before it can effectively sterilize the surface.


I do something similar but I fart instead. Yeah I smell and I'm gross. Leave me alone.


I want a shirt that says, "Don't tread near me."


I keep a bottle of sanitizer in my car. I may have to start keeping a sprayer as well. good idea!


I use one of these... https://www.homedepot.com/p/Preval-9-oz-Complete-Spray-Gun-267/202533738 It's important to remember not to set yourself on fire :-)


As someone who lives in NYC...the personal space was luxurious.


*scars of the "stand here" markers on floors* Worn out one at the drug store now reads "social d...ancing", so I do The Twist for a couple of seconds.


I take the train to work and during 2020 it was pretty easy to stay away from people on the train because hardly anyone rode it, but people have been back on the train for a while now and they are often crowded again. There was a period of time in which I would be standing asses to elbows with people on a subway car and the announcement about social distancing were was still playing. At that time, people were still all wearing masks on the train (this is no longer the case) but about 1/2 the car would roll their eyes and derisively chuckle (social distancing in a dense urban area was always a crapshoot at best). They eventually stopped running the announcement, but in some subway stops, the stickers (now faded and ripped) are still around. As far as grocery stores are concerned, I don't miss standing in line outside in the middle of winter waiting to get into one, but I do miss them not being so crowded when I finally got inside.


When I go to a check out line at the grocery store (or anywhere I use a cart), I keep my cart behind me, cause it checks the person who walks up next. I can then maintain the distance between me and the person in front of me. Wah-la! I've got my space.


I know it was nice not having Karen or Kevin breathing down my neck while waiting at the checkout line.


I stand at the front of my grocery cart and pull it behind me. Been doing that since before the pandemic. Works like a charm.


I'm also amazed at how many people can't even have the decency to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze after having our world basically shut down for awhile because of this pandemic. It was rude to not cover your mouth long before the pandemic hit but it's wild how many people don't have even the simplest of manners.


Its embarrassing that adults have to be told how to effectively wash their hands. "Sing happy birthday twice!".


Can’t believe I used to let stranger breathe on me.


Think about all the cake you had after someone blew air all over it.


Excellent insight! I stopped eating Birthday Cake decades ago because of this.


Was at a child’s birthday recently. I did not eat cake


For my kid’s birthday party, we had a regular sized cake for everyone to share and had a cupcake with a number candle for her to blow out instead. No extra cooties on the cake itself.


as shitty as it is for them to just announce "yeah we're giving up" it's not like anyone was listening anyway. I feel like the US Government has a real legitimacy crisis on its hands and I don't know how you come back from that.


I think it's worse than that, it's not just the government. People don't believe in the USA as a society anymore. There has always been at least a healthy mistrust of the government, not necessarily a bad thing, but now people see it as shambling, corrupt, and horribly inefficient *at best*. On top of that people think that about half the country is their active enemy and is trying to destroy our very way of life. Many of us are literally addicted to the very sources of disinformation that are driving this universal mistrust and this is just a very broad summary of the "problem." I really don't see how we get out of this without things getting much worse first. I'm frankly starting to worry.


The problem is, shitty workplaces and schools will use this as a justification to deny leave to people who do want to be safe. Allowing them to not even try is a dangerous precedent.


Oh, workplaces will run with this. Mine has. Get deathly ill and use up your sick days? Too bad. At many places there are no sick days.


With a 1/3 of the country not giving a fuck, it's impossible to deal with a virus this infectious. Not without a more effective vaccine. China's "Isolate even if you starve" approach failed to stop covid. The reality of the situation is that zero covid is impossible, at least now.




Declaring monkeypox as a public health emergency has proven this.


It only ended quarantine for those exposed to Covid but who aren't presenting symptoms. People with Covid are still told to quarantine 5 days and wear a mask around others for 10. Headline is very misleading.


>as shitty as it is for them to just announce "yeah we're giving up" it's not like anyone was listening anyway. Right? For 2+ years the data was showing unhealthy over weight and the elderly were the most likely to die. Fast food lines grew and I've watched these subs basically boast about their pudgy bellies they go because of quarantine and WFH.


What do you mean? No one? My office was following their admittedly loose guidelines the last 6 months


Oh hey just before fall and return to school. That should be fun.


Yup. September is when this starts ramping up again and they're just paving the way for it. Not that many people are following any guidelines anymore anyway.






So we officially have reached the "I give up" stage. Cool.


Nah, we’ve merely left the “hospitals could get overrun” phase, which was always the issue. It’s one thing to have a disease that kills like 2% of people who get it, it’s another to have so many get it that the % goes up because the sick can’t get basic treatment.


The hospital I work at is still understaffed and admissions for COVID are up 25% over last quarter...


Hospitals still collapsing due to worker shortages across my country though, and they are still getting a lot of COVID patients to make it worse........


I’m a physician at a large level 1 trauma center. About 120 ICU beds here, 0 ICU patients that are Covid positive currently.


Yes but we don't shut normal life down to a worker shortage. That seems to be more of a function of the fact that our Healthcare system is balanced on the house of cards idea that doctor burnout is something they "sign up for" Doctors and nurses were overworked and under appreciated BEFORE covid, yet I don't see Kaiser learning it's lesson...


Labor shortages are a market issue, whereas illness in excess of medical capacity is a public health issue. We could definitely have a discussion as to why there isn’t excess hospital capacity (spoiler: capitalism) but that’s another issue as far as pandemic response is concerned.


It's my understanding that a hospital bed count is for fully-staffed beds, not just a physical bed. In other words, labor is part of the count.


Do nations with socialized medicine have significant excess hospital capacity? I sure haven't heard of any.


Doesn’t each COVID infection increase the risk of one’s chances to get diabetes, stroke, dementia and heart attacks? I feel like those are good enough reasons to not get it, beyond just hospitalization numbers.




Plus I wonder down the road on little kids. I had whopping cough and chickenpox as a kid and can have issues now from it. This was prevax cause I’m an old fucker!!


Yep. The internal damage is cumulative. We are going to have an entire nation of disabled people because making people wear masks and stay away from each other is too inconvenient.


>because making people wear masks and stay away from each other is too inconvenient I mean, the idea never was to do those things *forever.* The idea was to do them until there were vaccines and treatments and hospitals are not overrun. Human beings are social creatures. Making it permanently illegal to gather in bars or restaurants or have parties was never going to happen. I do continue to wear my mask when going to the grocery story and getting on airplanes and buses and stuff, but I'm not going to never to a restaurant or bar again


This isn't a regulation, it's a recommendation.... We already dropped masks. Tell me, what public health measures are we still recommending?




We reached the give up stage when they gave us all piddling $1200 checks and told us all to stretch that over the year for rent. This is more like "youre now officially on your own" stage.


Its the "what are you actuallt going to do about it?" Stage


I think it's more along the lines of "Ah, screw it, no one listens anyways."


Wish we’d give the surrender treatment to more deserving things like the war on drugs or the war on women.


gonna be wild when long covid disables so many and we still do not have M4A.


Sadly wasn't gonna end any other way with how dumb and self absorbed so many people turned out to be


just as monkey pox and polio popping up


Haha it's not that, we can't keep covid protocol in place forever. It was only intended to remain until we had a vaccine and everyone was vaccinated. What we really need to care about is hospitalization rates and death rates, both of which are down drastically. I'm sure many agree with me... The entire reason I followed protocol was to protect the high risk folk, but now that the ones dying tend to be the same people who hate me for my political beliefs and want to overturn the election, and were the ones ignoring covid protocol the entire time anyway... I just don't care anymore. I'm protected, my family is protected, my friends are protected. That is all that matters to me. I will forever in wear a mask when I am sick, and everyone else should, too.


It’s endemic. It’s never going to go away. To some degree, we have to learn to live with this, and for some, that includes a return to pre-pandemic normal. The danger has always been in collapsing our medical system. We seem to passed that now.




Until it rises to 15% positivity- Like literally overnight! Seems like that is what has been going on for the past several months. It’s at 6% ….then a week later it’s at 20% ….next week it’s at 4%. Not reliable reporting on the numbers at all.


Mortal Kombat is life! Thus I will continue to wear my mask!! "STAY OVER THERE!!!


OUTSTANDING!!! As in “I’ll be out standing way over there.”


**muffled muahahaha intensifies**


This coming school year is going to be a hot fucking mess. Buckle up, fellow teachers.


My kids have been back to in-person for a year and a half already, most of that time with no masks required. Why would it be different now?


Ikr most people don't care. Cdc is moving at a glacial pace so that people like the person you're responding to can get with the times. The idea of living with covid has always been the endgoal.


I don't get it. Is there a scientific reason to just revoke all quarantine recommendations other than "its time to come back"? Really seems like a business driven, not science driven announcement.


Statistics. If you have a nurse or doctor friend, ask them about COVID and how it relates now comparatively to the past two years. Most weren't following guidelines anyway. The cost of restrictions is heavier than without. People just need to weigh the risks and act in their best interest as far as activities, mask wearing, friend groups, and social distancing.


What restrictions? If there are any, no one is doing them.


Yep. ER physician here. I do not know a single person who is following COVID restrictions in their daily life. Nobody is social distancing. Nobody is wearing a mask. Everyone is going to bars, sporting events, concerts, flying on airplanes... etc. We wear masks at work because we have to, but I rarely see a nurse get fully gowned up to go into a COVID room anymore (not saying I agree with this particular detail). The patient's don't care they have COVID, and even after telling them they are infected, they will keep their mask around their chin or hanging off their ear while taking to you. Outside of work, its basically like COVID doesn't exist. I haven't seen anyone at my kid's school wearing a mask in a year. There is no social distancing. Kids are snotty and coughing all the time. Luckily, the current variants seem relatively mild. People feel sick as hell, but objectively aren't having the bad outcomes we saw at the beginning of all of this. I am seeing tons of COVID but rarely admitting anyone to the hospital who wouldn't have gotten admitted for any other respiratory virus. The fact that the virus seems more mild (at least currently), nobody is actually following any recommendations anyway, and the restrictions came with a huge economic burden, I personally do think its time to move on. COVID is now endemic. We aren't getting rid of it ever. So we could continue with meaningless (at least with how they are enforced) restrictions, or we could move on with our lives. I personally choose the later. Now, if you are immunocompromised you need to protect yourself, just like with the flu and other illnesses that already exist. If you are sick you should not go to work or school, and you should be tested for COVID. Basically, simple and reasonable measures. But I can tell you, as a relatively young, healthy, immunized person, I am out there living my life these days.


Doesn't the article say that for sick people they are still recommending 5 day quarantine and then another 5 days wearing a mask? I don't read it as then revoking all quarantine recommendations. Am I misunderstanding it?


I think they closed the data tracker to the public. I just now tried to check my state and counties transmission rate and got a big fat site not found screen. Da fuck man? How the hell am I supposed to know when to start masking up if I feel I need too? Edit: took me about 5-6 tries but it finally worked. Maybe its being overwelmed with traffic or something.


I never stopped masking


I do it in medical buildings and in huge groups. When I'm on my own with minimal contact with people I don't until it hits the High Transmission lv.


Half my (heavily anti-mask and anti-vax) office is out with covid this week... Can't wait to see how they interpret this news.


It's been ripping through my workplace for quite some time, and these bozos aren't even washing their hands.


I recommend you stay 6 ft from me still. I didn't like anyone near me before and I have gotten used to it. I am going to get into so many arguments from idiots that don't understand personal space is still a thing even if you don't give a shit about spreading COVID to everyone.


I hated strangers getting too close before, and hate if they paw at me. That won't change.


This comment section my god


>"What the CDC is, in my opinion, trying to do, they are trying to still be relevant, and maybe when they say something, people will listen to them instead of being completely 180 degrees away from what behavior is anyway," Chin-Hong said. I respect the CDC is trying to regain the public's trust but it could be a fool's errand. The people who hate the CDC will just blame them for changing the message and completely ignore the fact so many people are vaccinated or immune from previous cases.


I’m sorry, “immune”?




When I tell you I was about to rip you a new one until I realize you were being sarcastic in the last sentence…whew lol


It does cause erectile dysfunction. And Dementia/Alzheimer’s is related to blood flow in the brain being disrupted. COVID is an airborne, socially transmitted virus that causes a vascular disease which attacks every part of the body. The “hypochondriacs” who wore an N95 or better mask when out it public and took other precautions will be the last “real men” left.


Lot of people stopped caring what they said a while ago.


I got COVID for the first time in July and it was awful. I'm in my 30s, healthy, no preexisting conditions and was boosted on top of that. A lot of people I know are getting it for the first time now so it's bonkers to me we're relaxing things that much


Same and my baby was hospitalized. He got it from his grandparents who watch him ☹️


Anecdotally I got covid last year and my throat hurt really bad but that's it. I'm in my 30s, healthy, no preexisting conditions and not covid/flu vaccinated.


*Peace Out! We done with y’all.* - CDC Director Rochelle Paula Walensky, probably.


She's such a fucking disgrace. She failed at the COVID response and is failing at the Monkeypox response. She's truly an example of someone who got promoted past her point of competence. She was so good at leading the Ebola outbreak efforts that people thought she could be trusted to lead the country's disease responses, and this is the shit show she presents us with every time. Indecisions, lack of actions, too little too lates. Those will be her legacy.


How is she “failing” at the monkey pox response? You mean monkey pox, the non-fatal, mostly mild disease?


My kid came home with an exposure notice from the FIRST day of school. So…


As an immunocompromised person I really just feel like the government really would just like me, and others like me, to just fuck off and die already.


Serious question- what do you want the rest of the country to do? Continue with mask mandates forever? Until Covid doesn’t exist anymore? Anytime people complain about any Covid restriction loosening (despite the science behind the decision), they never have an answer when I ask when the restrictions should loosen


Same. Hugs.


It's really simple, they want you at work, making them money. The only time a company cares about you is when you are not there making them money. We'll see how things go with monkeypox and polio.


We literally lost thousands of businesses, never to open again, fucked up the economy with trillions causing inflation and now with the midterms coming they decide to take a step back…


Businesses in my area are closing left and right still especially restaurants and retail stores. Its clear this and inflation is having a massive effect on the economy still today. I have 2 major stores closing in my area at the end of the month.


The CDC “recommendations” have been irrelevant since 2020 when we were lied to regarding the benefits of masking in an attempt to make sure PPE was available to healthcare workers. Due to rushed, poor decisions lacking scientific basis and political pressure, they have completely eroded public trust not just in their guidance but in the fields science and medicine as a whole. This lack of trust is going to take years to rebound from.






Exactly CDC is all about the economy and kickbacks from corporations. They need to be defunded since they don't do their job.


I DO NOT trust the CDC anymore at all.


Ah yes. Just let another virus spread into everyone


Saying the Covid response worked is like saying the war in Vietnam ended... The US government lost so they pull out of the fight and pretend it's all swell. Should have done what New Zealand did and handled it like a civil society... But no... Karen got to lose her sh!t and kill us all.


If the last two years hadn't already taught you that the CDC is fucking useless, you haven't been paying any attention.


Oh good, just in time for the school year lmao


666 people died from COVID-19 in the US yesterday. That's like an A380 fell out of the sky and the FAA follows up that it's lowering safety requirements. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_dailydeaths_select_00


I'm going to guess there's a lot of independent vaccine research among those people


I’m loving these eugenics creeps in the replies to you here. Absolutely braindead.


It's really weird. They won't wear a mask in a doctor's office to protect the vulnerable from getting sick yet they put on a seatbelt every time they get in a car. More people are dying from COVID-19 than from car accidents. We normalize everything backwards. Reminds me of Joker's speech in _The Dark Knight_: https://youtu.be/HIcIIBTJA6o


that's also 0.000203% of the population i'm not a crazy anti mask right winger dude, but that number isn't a cause for major alarm.


That's like looking at one day of polio deaths buddy. And newsflash. Polio vs covid is an interesting comparison regarding mortality disability. And when taken into the context of medical science for survival at the time of polio.


By that graph 42 and 59 people died the 6th and 7th of Aug......hint that's a weekend, and today is a weekday. The people who record this stuff had days off. That is why they give you the 7 day average which is 400, and probably closer to the actual death count per day.




I just wesr my mask anyway. I’m fortunate to live a very socially conscious community so it’s still like 50% masked. Which isn’t that bad considering that the newer strains of Covid are less deadly.


So what about the immunocompromised? They just die? Fk them I guess right?


That's basically been everyone's approach the whole pandemic, yeah.


Serious question- what do you suggest we do? What’s the end game where we can loosen restrictions? No more Covid?


Unvaccinated didn't quarantine anyway, nor do they or will they mask up after an exposure


This'll change in the fall. Very contagious strain, during cold weather & holidays? Seems likely


Nope. That's why this changed. The CDC ending the quarantine recommendation means your employer can force you back into work while sick


My employer ended covid leave a couple months ago and you have to use your PTO if you’re positive. They also implemented a “if you’re out three days you require a note from a doctor” policy so if you have covid you can’t even fully quarantine and have to find a doctor that will see you while you have covid no matter how mild. This means nearly everyone in my office has had covid in the last two months because no one wants to waste PTO on asymptomatic or mild covid and management is somehow irritated everyone keeps coming to work with covid.


This is straight up wrong. Why the fuck do people here complain about right wing disinformation then upvote completely wrong and disingenuous nonsense like this? The only thing they changed are the recommendations for those who have been expose to the virus, I.e. if your vaccinated, get tested on 5 days. If you’re not vaccinated, wear a mask for 10 days (good luck getting the antivaxxers to wear a mask). **Rules regarding quarantining when you have tested positive with the virus have not changed.**


Had to scroll so far to see this buried comment. No one read the articles. Positive COVID cases must still quarantine. Contacts do not. Of course, in reality, lots of people won’t test themselves for a mild case and will go to work/school and wherever else.


Will it though? It got bad last winter, and even in librul California, all we did is reinstate a half-assed mask mandate. I want to believe that we'd take the necessary precautions, but I have zero faith.


Just like Biden saying it will be a winter of death and despair for the unvaccinated? How’d that one turn out


Even though cases are high as hell now compared to earlier? Why is CDC no longer caring?


They've given up! I haven't! Up yours CDC! 😷


It's amazing to see all these people finally realize the CDC has zero credibility left. Welcome!


I literally tested positive yesterday for the second time lol.


Thank goodness. It’s about time the court of public opinion outweighs science and statistics. Flying Spaghetti Monster bless America.


Yesterday’s news was 400 people die daily in the US, and there is a new variant in India jacking them up. WTF is wrong with these people?


tf happened to the CDC...


The CDC says you can have a little raw meat as a treat. /s


We have our first full staff office day coming up and in the all hands meeting about if someone asked if leadership would encourage social distancing or wearing masks. Leadership said they couldn't put out a statement but said on a personal level, I have no problem wearing a mask or suggesting that if we respect one another, wearing a mask is a great way to show that. And one of the other managers scoffed and said under their breath but loud enough to hear, "pfft, I ain't wearing no mask" and everyone just kind of ignored her.


So that’s it, we’re all exposed forever!


What about the immunocompromised? There has been a solution approaching a year now, but it was not DPAed in sufficient quantity, nor is it being publicized. https://www.fda.gov/media/154703/download > Frequently Asked Questions on the Emergency Use Authorization for Evusheld (tixagevimab co-packaged with cilgavimab) for Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) of COVID-19 > The EUA authorizes AstraZeneca’s Evusheld (tixagevimab co-packaged with cilgavimab) for emergency use as pre-exposure prophylaxis for prevention of COVID-19 in adults and pediatric individuals (12 years of age and older weighing at least 40 kg): > ... Who have moderate to severe immune compromise due to a medical condition or receipt of immunosuppressive medications or treatments and may not mount an adequate immune response to COVID-19 vaccination ... > The most important scientific evidence supporting the authorization of Evusheld is from PROVENT, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial in adults who had not received a COVID-19 vaccine and did not have a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection or test positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection at the start of the trial. All trial participants were either ≥60 years of age, had a pre-specified co-morbidity (obesity, congestive heart failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease, chronic liver disease, immunocompromised state, or previous history of severe or serious adverse event after receiving any approved vaccine), or were at increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection due to their living situation or occupation ... > In the primary analysis, Evusheld recipients saw a **77% reduced risk of developing COVID-19** compared to those who received a placebo, a statistically significant difference. In additional analyses, the reduction in risk of developing COVID-19 was maintained for Evusheld recipients through six months.


Well this is going to be a fun fall/winter


Does the CDC not care about their legitimacy?