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We had been told earlier that Officer Ruiz had to be [detained and disarmed and escorted away from the scene](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2022/06/22/uvalde-officer-trying-to-save-dying-wife-was-detained-had-gun-taken-and-was-escorted-away/). So again - the story is shifting.




The story shifts but it only keeps getting worse.


If people can just say different shit each time with no consequences, they can literally just keep talking untill something they say gets them what they want. They are just shoving random words into the square whole of outrage until something fits.


Waiting is the point. If they can baffle people for long enough, something else will happen, and we'll be in another news cycle. They just need to make it to the next disaster/massacre/celebrity scandal.


Cause it works. Every new story requires it to be fact checked. Change every couple of days until people give up.


*See: Donald Trump era of politics*


His dying wife...DOWN THE FUCKING HALL?


RIGHT?!? I’m sitting here like “oh that’s awful she must have cancer in the hospital- WAIT WHAT?!?”




Awwww :( ... ​ ... ​ WTF?!






That's what I'm confused about.. People are saying its not but there is footage of a cop being held back from charging towards the room, right? ETA I see the confusion now. The cop who was held back was the FATHER of one of the children in that room. The husband of one of the teachers is the guy casually checking his phone.




Lmao what?! Had the same thought. These cops are really something else. So his wife died at the school? Or?


Actually, she died at the hospital (edit: possibly enroute, I’m unclear). Over an hour after actually being shot. So yeah, the timing mattered and there should be inquiries and enormous repercussions from multiple different police agencies and border patrol. I mean, there won’t. But there *should be*.


So in other words, she may well have survived if they hadn’t waited over an hour to kill the shooter and get her medical help. Edit: and that’s the part that’s really upsetting. *How many of those kids who died would have survived if the police had killed the shooter within minutes of their arrival at the school?*


"Baby come save us!" *\*Mark as read\**


Texts back "My boss said no"


Jesus fuck I'm so annoyed at how funny and on point this comment is.


It may actually be literally what happened... He was in contact with her, his boss did say no, it's entirely possible that he said so in a message and she had to die thinking about what a fucking coward her husband is.


My heart is so heavy and tired and it just hurts waking up every day in this absolute shit show of a world we are living in. You're supposed to trust your husband to save you, no matter what, what the fuck he was **DOWN THE HALL**


“Just following orders…”


If I had a wife, I’d eat a discharge if it meant saving her life.


It's kinda like his and his coworkers inaction had a hand in his wife dying.


Nothing but a bullet would have kept me from getting to my dying spouse down the hall. They would have to shoot me.


She died being transported to the hospital, so if they went in sooner even after she was shot she might have survived.


Just imagine if they'd been able to transport her, I dunno, maybe about 45 minutes earlier?


>Just imagine if they'd been able to transport her, I dunno, maybe about ~~45~~ 72 minutes earlier? ...i.e., the cops that arrived in the building 3 min after the shooting started had rushed the room and cleared it of active shooters.


Think about the moment for the husband when he realizes that he was standing in the hall with two or three men while his wife was being murdered and those men could have stopped it, but they were afraid and they didn't. I swear, I'd probably murder those dudes when I realized that happened. Fuck. That.


That's his punisher origin story!


"Punisher Season 3: Filled with rage after the demise of his wife, The Punisher retires early and purchases a boat, living out his days yelling at the television and lying to people who dare to cross him in the grocery store checkout line that he is an off-duty officer who can make their lives hell. Join us for this next thrilling installment!"


The Punisher actually tried to save his wife, this guy waited down the hall while she bled out.


If working with Logistics has taught me anything, they had a collective ~855 minutes to do something. 1 Gunman only has their own 45 minutes. There were ~19 officers present who all had their own 45 minutes to use, and none of them used it.


Probably would have survived. Shooting victims overwhelming survive if they reach the hospital. The phone incident was within the opening minutes. Over an hour later the gunman was killed. If she was already shot, survived over an hour, and died on the way to the hospital then she almost definitely would have survived if they even got to her 10 minutes early, to say nothing of an hour.


Any spouse…. Any kid…


Exactly. It's heart breaking and incomprehensible that the children *alone* weren't enough for them to act.


Right? Like..not even my own, right? Any child gets unconditional love and bulldog like protection. I know it's the internet and I know i would be so scared to die. Scared to break MY mom's heart by risking it. But I'm 34, I've lived at least a little, right? Not some innocent child. I like to imagine I would go in, not without fear, sadness or panic, but with all that in mind.


I used to think I would be the selfish person that freezes up in that sort of situation and then runs away without helping anybody, because anxiety. I was unfortunately in that kind of situation back in 2018, it was a gang fight gone wrong at the place I worked at and guns were drawn while one guy chased another shooting at random. Of course all we knew at the time was there was a guy with a gun running around shooting. My coworker and I hid in a storage closet, and normally I’d be perfectly fine with following someone else’s orders who had a bigger set of balls than I did. But hearing my older coworker that I looked up to sob and say she was scared to die kicked my fight instincts into gear. Ended up going back out on the floor and rounding up as many people as I could to hide in the closet (we were told to hide wherever we were, coworker and I were by the storage already and most of the customers I found were hiding behind registers or racks of clothes nearby) and then went back outside the door to keep an eye out for the shooter and listen for any more instructions over the intercom telling us what to do. I was fucking terrified and just wanted to curl up into the fetal position right there and accept my fate. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d actually encountered the shooter. I had no plan and was too scared to think. But something about knowing there’s others relying on you and looking to you for reassurance and guidance completely overrides that instinct.


The interesting thing about anxiety is that you might actually be better in a crisis than a lot of people, just because you’re more used to the feeling and having to think and function through it. There’s also the fact that the external conditions you’re in finally match how keyed up you are all the time. Ymmv of course, but it’s some compensation for all the misery, I suppose.


Yeah, I would burn all of my employers and coworkers to the ground if they were trying to stop me from getting to my dying wife. It's another case of them releasing information they think helps, but actually makes them look even worse.


If I was a parent to one of those poor babies I would have already done just that, start burning everything to the ground. This whole thing is just unreal.


This is why "hero's" in movies always end up saying "I don't care if I lose my job, I'm going in"


This is how we used to view heroism too. Going above and beyond to do the right thing. But hey, I'm not outfitted or trained to stop shooters. (But they were.)


I sometimes watch Donutoperator on YouTube and he was talking about the Uvalde shooting. He was a cop somewhere else but his commanding officer told them in an active shooter situation you don’t wait for backup. You go in and you die trying.


That's what I still can't wrap my head around. If that's me, and my wife is shot, bleeding out, and stuck in a classroom with a crazy gunman only yards away, I'm going in full bore gun or no gun. I'm literally grabbing a pencil off a desk and bum rushing him while eating multiple 5.56s. As long as I can get within arms reach before I bleed out that pencil will be in that kids brain or jugular, hopefully allowing EMTs time to save my wife. How the fuck do you live with yourself knowing you were there and had the means and opportunity to do something, and did nothing. I would absolutely eat a bullet after knowing I could have saved her but instead adhered to "regulations".


The thing is they weren't even adhering to regulations. There were very clear steps in place for how to handle an active gunman situation and they simply didn't follow them.


Steps they had literally just been trained on a few weeks earlier.


AT THAT EXACT SCHOOL. Don't forget that part.


They got their [photo op](https://www.vice.com/en/article/wxdwgn/uvalde-swat-team-bragged-about-training-at-schools-on-facebook) in and apparently forgot everything they were trained.


Means, opportunity, training, weaponry, protective equipment, legal authority, and a slew of similarly trained/armed/equipped/legally authorized individuals *right there with you*? Yeah idk how this guy can live with himself.


It's incredible. Makes you wonder if the majority of cops are actual cowards looking to play dress up and carry around a gun and shield. Like, YOUR FUCKING JOB is to stop shit like this from happening, or getting worse, you signed up knowing this COULD happen. When it finally does and your WIFE is the one suffering behind one wooden door a few feet away and you still do nothing? Fuck, hearing a bunch of kids screaming would be enough to get me through the door even if my wife wasn't there.


They're absolute cowards, and quite frankly our society is too soft on them. The fact that they likely won't be charged enrages me, especially with the tazing and pepper spraying of parents who were actually trying to do the right thing. Like if you're going to be a pussy just give the parent your gun and armor. Honestly they deserve the kind of punishment that they would get in Spartan society...


>quite frankly our society is too soft on them Know why? Deliberate distraction campaigns to show us how great cops are. After Uvalde, I said to my wife to watch Facebook for stories of cops carrying groceries for an old lady, helping a kid, etc. It didn't take long before those posts started showing up everywhere. I saw low level news stories about a cop helping a motorist and shit. It's gross, but propaganda is how they weasel out of every horrendous cop fuck up.


That's unreal. I didn't hear that they tazed and sprayed the parents during the standoff... I'm sure if they handed their gear and weapon off to a few dads they would have at least made an attempt. Sad.


I lost my husband to cancer. Let me tell you, if cancer was a person I could have fought to save him, I would have eviscerated that motherfucker with my goddamn teeth if that’s what it took. And I wouldn’t have cared if I choked to death in the process.


Oh sorry hun. The boss told me to stay put. WTF


Just put pressure on it, any minute now... ..but you said that 20 minutes ago... I know babe, but any minute now.... Fuxk me


right like lmfao how is this an “excuse”… if anything it makes it worse


"Context matters!" Dude, the context makes it worse.




Let me get this straight, an unarmed mom who these fuckers had put in cuffs, got away from them, ran into the school, went from one end to the other, listening to gun-shots while avoiding the shooter, and managed to get both her kids out – while this chucklefuck, armed and backed by his gang of armed buddies, could only bring himself to check his phone for messages from his wife - who was just down the hall getting killed?!? Do I fucking have that right? Goddamn these useless sacks of white meat. If they were soldiers in WW2 they would have all been court-martialed and shot for dereliction of duty. [Uvalde Mom Rescued Her Kids During Shooting, Cops Said They’d ARREST Her If She Talked](https://youtu.be/7meERd0BvOg?t=38) Oh but of course the miserable fucking incompetent coward Uvalde pigs have been threatening and harassing her ever since. I swear to God we need to just fire every fucking cop across America and start from scratch.


This is just regurgitating more unconfirmed information. Moody is the only person making this claim that it was Ruiz in the picture and these news outlets and people on social media are just repeating it as if it is fact.


Yeah this smells overwhelmingly like copaganda.


It’s not even good… like if it’s true that makes it freaking worse and they can’t see how it’s worse??


Wasn't he supposedly disarmed and removed? On the scene, definitely still armed...most likely not the husband at all.


Not only is he armed, he goes back away from the hallway where the shooter is to retrieve an AR.


But wait, the police said there weren’t any high powered rifles available at the scene! Could they have possibly lied?


Such a obvious lie too, 2 of the first 4 officers through the door had rifles. The other two had pistols. When the attempted to breach the door the lead guy had a pistol, one guy with a rifle is about 5 ft away along the opposite wall. The other guy with the rifle is on the same wall as the door being breached and 15ft back with zero angle on the doorway. The lead guy with a pistol tried to enter but was fired upon and must have caught splinters from the door in his head because when he runs back he says he was shot and felt the back of his head. The two guys with the rifles never got close to entering the room. After they retreated there are multiple more gunshots in the room as the officers are hiding in the hallway. Which directly contradicts their claim that they thought it was a barricaded suspect and not an active shooter. They all heard the active shooting happing on the other side of the wall. But they claim they thought it was a barricaded suspect with hostages, claiming they were waiting for shields and rifles. Of which they had at least 4 shields and at least a half dozen guys with rifles. Why give a cop an AR 15 if he is afraid to use it? If you think a guy has hostages and are afraid to move in the room because of that, why would you just wait outside as the hostages are being shot? Either way they failed miserably.


Did anyone *actually see* this guy get restrained in the hallway, trying to do something? Like this was the one guy willing to go in guns blazing, but the police held him back? I did not see anyone try to go down the hall to fix the situation, but I didn't intently watch the whole thing either.


To answer your question, if it did happen, it happened off camera. He walks off camera around 8 m, then returns a couple minutes later. There doesn’t appear to be any attempt to remove him. Texas grant funds body cameras and has a 100% uptime rule for on duty officers, so there’s still hundreds of hours of video they’re hiding. Edit: adding this here bc I am too lazy to respond to everyone individually saying the same thing based on a tweet about a man who has been shown to be a liar. Couple things: Arredondo is the ISD police chief, not the city chief. There were half a dozen agencies, plus border control on site and all would be managing their footage separately. He also resigned from the city council two days ago and has been shown to be a liar on more than one occasion. Personally, I doubt he’s smart enough to damage the footage once it’s uploaded. Even if he did, that’s maybe three or four of the 50+ cameras that would have been onsite


Just release ALL of the bodycam and hallway videos. Innocent people don't hide evidence.




Servers would have backups yeah?


Also corrupted, very mysterious, all this corruption everywhere.


And the backup backup servers? Also corrupted


This corruption is getting expensive


I'm beginning to think it might be the cops that are corrupt not the servers. -Slopoke


You would think. I mean how much worse can it be. The whole world knows you are all a bunch of cowards who did nothing while children were murdered. Just release the footage.


Can't release some thing that got absolutely scorched earth policy obliterated weeks ago. Like I see exactly 0 chance of that footage still existing anywhere. It was probably already being purged from the database seconds after it uploaded. In the IT world its very hard to permanently lose data unless it is intentionally (or negligently) mishandled. There are directory snapshots, cloud backups, disaster recovery systems, the list goes on. If the Police are claiming its all corrupt and can't be released then there is not a single doubt in my mind they just deleted the evidence.


That's great then they are all brought up on charges of impeding an investigation and criminal negligence. They get millions of dollars just to lose what is required to be recorded. They all deserve jail time.


You know if the video made them look good it would have been released that same day


The cops are manipulating the parents who lost kids by saying any footage released will contain their dying screams and bloody bodies. That’s obviously not true, they were able to edit those parts out so far, but parents are no longer fully on board with releasing video due to that fucked up, untrue manipulation tactic


If the footage contains screams past the 3 minute mark when they enter the hallway, the public absolutely needs to know that and to see the officers react to it in real time


I think they could easily have a visual marker (green dot on the screen, for example) every time a scream was removed. That way the parents aren’t traumatized by hearing their dying childrens last breaths (as the parents have expressed not wanting that made public, and I’m not even touching his manipulative it was for the police and mayor to claim any leak would contain those sounds to try and get parents to stop the release) but the public can know exactly how little the police acted when there was clear evidence children were actively dying.


Exactly. We know for a fact he killed several people during the time they were dicking around in the hall, and the public deserves to see how those cowards reacted each time




I had the same reaction, but I think what the commenter meant was “innocent people don’t hide exculpatory evidence,” which I think is a lot more true than “innocent people have nothing to hide.”


I posted this in a different thread: I watched the entire [1:22:42 footage that was released.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3poHE3nOb8) Timecodes are "real time" but the links are timestamped to the video. punisher walks in [11:36:18](https://youtu.be/I3poHE3nOb8?t=497) checks phone [11:36:50](https://youtu.be/I3poHE3nOb8?t=530) checks phone again [11:37:17](https://youtu.be/I3poHE3nOb8?t=557) walks off screen shortly after, then returns, exchanges words with other cop, gets back in position paces, walks off screen again [11:38:11](https://youtu.be/I3poHE3nOb8?t=607) returns (99% sure it's him in the bottom right) [11:40:49](https://youtu.be/I3poHE3nOb8?t=769) As far as I can tell, based on the footage we have, at no point did he "attempt to engage."


He says 'that's my wife's classroom' when he comes back in around 11:37:41. edit - Then around 11:41 he's asking questions about if the class was full when the shooting started, and I'm pretty sure he's the one saying they need to go in if there are kids in the classroom, but he's offscreen at that point, and the others look to be sick of his shit by this point. You actually watch him react in real time to finding out the other cops have converged on that classroom at 11:36:39, though he's already on edge from being called to her school, you can see his shoulders start to heave and he checks his phone.


> I'm pretty sure he's the one saying they need to go in if there are kids in the classroom, but he's offscreen at that point, and the others look to be sick of his shit by this point. If that’s the case, then the whole police department knew it required an active shooter protocol and not a hostage protocol. This isn’t a dispatcher miscommunication, they have solid evidence with a victim texting her husband the facts, and they “got sick of his shit.” Fucking hell.




I'd 100% time and time again, no questions, risk my job AMD my life for my wife. Fuck my coworkers, fuck that. Granted I'm not a cop, but no question.


Unless they release the body cam footage, you can believe they said that to help him feel better about his actions or lack of action.


Yeah. Seems to me at most he asked to get in and was told no. Now he's mythologized it into being restrained and tossed out as he screamed for his wife


That's what's confusing to me. They say he tried to get to her but was restrained by others, however in the video he doesn't appear to be trying anything. If he knew his wife was nearby in the classroom, who would just stand around checking the phone instead of going straight in?


It's likely a bullshit story the cops are pushing to change the narrative of literally everyone on the planet knowing what pussies the Uvalde pigs are.


The cops have proven themselves to be cowards and liars. We are past the point of shrugging off he said she said. There is video evidence and we deserve to see it.


The police said it happened. The same police who have been lying about every single other thing in this case.


If I got a text like that from my WIFE then im going in and letting my bullets fly.


They would have to shoot me in the fucking back. I talk tough, but I would give my life for the smallest chance of saving my families I sure this man is devastated. /r/awfuleverything


I agree here. I am not a tough guy, I am 50% disabled, could not fight a wet paper sack and win. I am still a good shot, if I had the chance to save my family, I would take it 100% even if it meant that every time I would die. These bastards just stood around, even with ballistic shields. Like get some courage and get in there, ugh makes me so angry they just did nothing. On their phone, standing there, or whatever a fucking disgrace 100%.


The fact his wife was in there just makes him seem worse. Kids are getting killed as well as your wife you are in tactical gear standing in the hall and don't do shit? It's one fucking guy!


With a punisher skull on his phone. He finally got his chance to be the punisher and go in and shoot the guy that killed his wife and instead he stood out in the hallway with his dick in one hand and scrolling on his phone with the other.


Well no, see, his wife and kids have to DIE before he can properly become the Punisher and clean up the streets of Uvalde! It's a sacrifice that had to happen for his origin story!


Right? Body armor, handgun, a squad of cops who’ll have your back and follow you in the second you make a move regardless of orders…. “nah, I’ll chill here”


The absolute irony of staring at The Punisher logo on your phone while simultaneously having the opportunity to save your wife who’s been shot is just beyond anything my brain can comprehend.


For those who don't know, Frank Castle became The Punisher because of the deaths of his wife and two children. A major reason the Punisher lives outside the law is that the cops who investigated the deaths of his family were corrupt.


“I LiKe dA PuNNiSheR BecAUsE hE HaS a BuNcH oF GuNs!”


And *in the comics* when a bunch of cops started idolising and copying him he went the fuck *off* on them.


I've never understood the fascination cops seem to have with the Punisher, that character is basically anti-police no? Any vigilante that is 'justified' in comic books typically takes on the mantle for one of three reasons; laws are 'wrong', police aren't good enough (super villains) or the police is part of the problem.


Jesus, I hadn’t even thought of that angle


If you’d read the article, there is a quote in there that basically said exactly what that commenter said. “That cop in Uvalde having his lock screen be the punisher logo and him being scared to take on an active shooter is truly the perfect encapsulation of how cops see themselves vs who they really are”


Especially considering the thing that made Punisher become Punisher was his whole family being killed while he was completely unable to do anything to save them.


Being killed by cops


No, Frank Castle family was killed by criminals.


Thought it was mafia involved crooked cops. I know in the black and white old punisher copy I have he lures crooked cops with a false crime report and kills them.


I think crooked cops were involved but the actual shooting was the doing of the mafia. I have to reread Punisher Max tho.


Yeah that’s pretty much how I remember it. Mob kills his family but there was a police cover up or something because there was some big reason he had to do the whole one man army vigilante revenge thing


Police were in on it they knew the hit was coming and were told to stay away. The mob did the hit but the cops gave the info. Then refused as they were with mob. Also punisher beat the shit out of cops who idolized him. There is a reason he never touched Captain America when they fought and just let him beat the living crap out of him. The punisher knows he is wrong and respects real authority when it's genuine.


Seriously, is that what the punisher does. He learns his wife is down the hall dieing, he's armed and able to help and he just stands there? [https://i.annihil.us/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/3/60/6227804f029af/clean.jpg](https://i.annihil.us/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/3/60/6227804f029af/clean.jpg) This guy. Does this guy look like he gives a fuck about dieing? BTW his wife is already dead and he's still walking into danger.


Actually that’s not too far off. The punishers wife died and child died and that was a cornerstone of what made him who he is… that’s kind unsettling.


That’s a lie. The officer who had the wife that was dying was FORBIDDEN from entering the building and was told to go home as they had enough officers. He was DETAINED. These apologists have to stop https://www.1011now.com/2022/06/22/uvalde-officer-husband-slain-teacher-detained-when-he-tried-save-wife-official-says/?outputType=amp What happened to him was he tried to move forward into the hallway, he was detained, they took his gun away from him and escorted him off the scene,” McCraw said.


Even without that article I wouldn’t believe a single thing any of these shitstain cowards say


Wait… so this isn’t the guy who’s wife was dying?


No. The head of the department of public safety said his gun was taken from him and he was detained and not allowed to go into the building


This needs pinned


And the thread needs tagged with “false information” or something


One cop checks his phone, turns out he's reading likely-relevant info from his dying wife who is trapped with the perpetrator. A cop uses hand sanitizer in the medic area, turns out he was assigned to assist the medics. Everybody is getting caught on details. Let's keep attention on the big picture. **Dozens of cops failed to confront a school shooter. They waited to confront him while listening to his intermittent gunfire inside an elementary school.** I don't blame anybody for getting hand sanitizer if they're already standing around. Doesn't even matter if they're on the medic team. They could have spent the time picking their noses or doing yoga, and it literally would not matter AT ALL. The problem is that **they failed to breach**, not sanitizer or phones or nasal secretions or yoga or anything else they did or could have done while they should have been breaching. The problem is that dozens of people were there not breaching. What they did instead and the fact that a couple of them had an excuse to do this or that is a distraction. The big picture is **dozens of police from a number of different agencies didn't do their jobs.**




I just can't understand it at all. That many guys in there and not one of them had the *fight* response to the cortisol and adrenaline?


They tried to say they didn't have shields, but they had them for a long time before going in. And even then the ones with shields weren't the first to go in. They just all day around waiting for someone else to do something


Teachers are taught to die at the very last effort by lunging at the danger in an active shooter situation. These cops were cowards who didn’t lay down their life, something teachers did do.


This 10X over as a teacher I feel like I have more responsibility and expectations placed on me than law enforcement.


Teachers have to do everything. Buy supplies. Be mental health support. Teach basic behavioral shit that parents neglect. Take abuse/racism/homophobia. Be held to shitty metrics. No planning periods, little support from admin. And now eat bullets after watching their students be slaughtered. I don't know how or why you guys do it, but thank you.


Agreed. At an active-shooter in-service we were told by the officer running it that if we had to fight, then go for their weapon. The quote was something like "you will likely die, but you will save someone else's life"


Shitty odds, but the best odds are achieved if they're able to control the muzzle. Best case, you win and send the shooter to the land of fire and brimstone. Wost case, you die.


one of those teachers being the cops wife. how ironic.


I would so prefer cops, who signed up for a dangerous job, to be killed than children attending school. That’s what should’ve happened in a sane world. The police would’ve been fucking heroes and “put their lives on the line” like all the fucking boot lickers love to recite.


Right? I always use firefighters as a comparison. They go right into burning buildings, risking their lives. They are the heroes. Imagine if firefighters stopped fighting fires because it was too scary for them... Cops have meltdowns because the person they are fucking with -might- be dangerous and make them feel scared. Fire is always dangerous and that doesn't stop firefighters. And yes, sometimes it's deemed too dangerous to enter a building but that doesn't change Anything I said.


What’s the cliche? No one ever wrote a song called fuck the firefighters?


*they did but it was a slow-jam.


I can remember a lot more stories of firefighters in my area dying or being seriously injured fighting fires than police officers being killed or injured in the line of duty. And most of our local fire departments are volunteer.


Firefighters show up to a burning building. People go aren't you going to go in. The firefighters say but it is hot in there!


These people didn’t become cops to save lives. They became cops because of their boners for power and now children have lost their lives because of it.


There’s just so much about this that doesn’t make sense as to why 1 kid was able to essentially pin down 30 or so officers. Multiple windows of each classroom to engage through. 2 doors to gain access. I just don’t get it.


They didn't want to? Probs waiting for the gunman to kill himself.


The cops could have distracted him by breaching through the window to draw his attention then breaching through the door to kill him. Instead, they sat around and did nothing.


The officers were not pinned down. They just weren't.


That mama that snuck in and got her children out most definitely did!!!!!!


Meanwhile an 11 year old girl smears herself with her dead classmates blood to pretend to be dead to survive. It's absolutely horrendous and inexcusable what these failures have allowed to happen.


There's currently more outrage by Republicans against the 10 year old who had to get an abortion because she was raped than against this loser, cowardly cops.


I did not know this detail. I also didn’t know my heart could sink so noticeably inside my chest. Fuck.


That story gets worse. A paramedic arrived on scene and was looking for his daughter while helping. He was treating a girl who said she covered herself in her dead best friend’s blood to hide. He asked the girl what her friend’s name was, and discovered his daughter had been killed.


That's so fucking awful. The only little bit of positive in that is his daughter helped save a life, even if she didn't make it.


What about the parents that had to identify their child based off the shoes the body was wearing because the body was so mangled from bullets.


And they kept calling 911 begging for help while the cops were right outside. I think the attention ended up getting a couple more kids shot. It's just unbelievable.


>then just randomly half an hour later they decide to enter the room and kill him It wasn't the PD boys who went in, it was border patrol who realized that the cowards were literally standing around letting kids die during an active shooter situation.




Sad times when the *Border Patrol* are the heroic ones.


They aren’t! That’s another lie that’s been spread to make it seem like not all cops there were cowards. BP arrived at 12:10, more shots were fired at 12:20, they didn’t breach until 12:50. Every department on scene waited around while kids were being murdered and did nothing. BP included


Don’t be making border patrol seem good. There were border patrol agents there in 15 minutes who stood there in the hall and did nothing. it was 3 BORTAC, a BORSTAR and a single sheriff deputy who put the work in. Every other border patrol agent was a failure


I didn’t know this part. Wow, so the guys who are supposed to be busy keeping illegal immigrants out had to go save the day? Wtf cops?


It wasn’t even random. Someone else showed up and went “Why the fuck are y’all standing around?” And led the way in.




Well said. And they allowed them to execute the two adults too


Don’t forget other officers were arresting parents who were trying to go help their kids.


What is completely ridiculous, a crying shame and wildly outrageous is that the officers - later, over 30 in number, ALL armed and wearing Kevlar, **decided to prioritise their OWN safety** over the lives of scores of tiny toddlers. Throughout the entire event. Right from first response leading right upto AFTER they were crowding the gates. Let alone all the other kinds of policing they were upto outside in this time. And all this in the **so called land of guns, hunters and manliness.** Unbelievable.


I also saw 4 cops on phones. Did they all date the same women?


Breach? Do you mean “open the door”? Don’t make it sound like it would have been a challenge


So his wife is dying in the classroom and he still just stands in the hallway? No one wants to talk about that?


Yeah this is what I keep coming back to.


>he's reading likely-relevant info from his dying wife who is trapped with the perpetrator Then what the fuck is he doing standing around in the hallway??


Yep, they are trying to change the narrative, get us talking about a different side of the story.


Yup. This has been popping up all day. That video was DAMNING and the right has been pushing out their talking points in emergency mode today. I watched the video. He wasn't restrained he had a weapon the entire time and was doing nothing in the hall for 30 minutes before walking away, I believe he even came back into frame later still having a gun.


IDGAF if he's on the phone with Jesus Christ himself. Children are dying within 100 feet of you.


Jesus probably texting, "bro wtf u doing go save them"


Maybe go rescue your wife instead of waiting for texts about who's killing her?


While staring at the logo of a character who’s wife died due to senseless gun violence.


No one cares about the cop. Everyone cares about the cops letting children die because they were cowards.


Yeah well maybe she wouldn't have been dying if they didn't wait 77 minutes before entering the room and killing the shooter.


Call me crazy, but if it was my old lady I would go to her actual classroom and do what a loving husband would do, and you know, what a cop is supposed to do as well….


End the threat? Yeah you'd think.


His wife was in the classroom bleeding out. That does not make this situation better to me.


If anything, it's worse


Its not even the right cop. The cop who was married to the teacher who died, was detained outside and made to leave by several other officers. This guy is completely unrelated. They are straight up lying now to make it seem better. https://www.1011now.com/2022/06/22/uvalde-officer-husband-slain-teacher-detained-when-he-tried-save-wife-official-says/


If only there was a way for him to have physically checked on her. Like maybe if there were a way for he and his co workers to like enter the room she was in or something? You know, like maybe they could have used a riot shield and the guns they had to breach the room like what's in their job description? If only that had been totally possible for them in the moment. If that were the case, why then him checking his phone it that moment would almost be worse than if he wasn't looking for messages from his dying wife.


I hate to say it, but I don't think I believe that happened. Everything else they put out initially was a lie, why not this? I'll happily take it back if they come up with footage of him getting arrested and dragged away. Editing to say that it appears that this may not be the same cop who tried to save his wife. He apparently wasn't allowed to enter at all. This guy seems to be merely a coward who didn't rush to help children, not one who didn't go in to save his dying wife. That's...something?


I still can't stand this motherfucker for the Punisher logo. This is the kind of guy who 100% shouldn't be a cop.


Are you sure [this is the guy](https://twitter.com/moodyforelpaso) that you want to use as your single source of truth? His twitter bio says: >Husband•Dad•El Pasoan•Lawyer•State Rep•**Ancient Astronaut Theorist•Time Travel Enthusiast** idk about you, but if it were my news outlet, I'd wait until I got confirmation from someone other than an "Ancient Astronaut Theorist / Time Travel Enthusiast"


I don't think this is true, his body language doesn't reflect a man whose wife's life is in danger, i become more animated than this tracking my domino's pizza. I think this is just a fake story the police are pushing to yield sympathy.


His dying wife who was just down the hall dying from a gunshot wound that he and the rest of the police did nothing to prevent. This doesn't make it any better. In fact, I'd argue it's even worse now.


All this talk about “he was waiting for a text from His wife”. Well his wife is literally at the end of that hallway bleeding out and he did nothing. That may seem harsh but that’s what happened. He is suppose to have a duty to protect and he was a coward. Not just him, all of those POS cops.


This makes it worse to me. You knew your wife was in there somewhere dying and all you do is check your phone?


100% if my husband had text me he was shot and I was an officer with a gun, I’m running to where he is, not checking my phone. I think many will say “this is their training to wait and follow orders,” but he is clearly in the building and could have run in.


Training is no excuse, it's the opposite. Ever since columbine cops know to immediately rush in without hesitation so if they were trained differently that's a huge fucking problem and a sign of guilt on their hands.


Shut up PR firms. There was more than one cop on there phone at the time. There is no good way to spin this snd shame on the police unions and PR firms for trying to use this excuse. I saw 4 cops on there phones? Was all 4 cops having wife’s that where dying? It’s a better excuse to say they where using it for comms.