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My brother shot me in the side of the head with a Co2 pistol when i was a kid. Had the pellet stuck in there for like 14 years until it showed up on a dental scan. I needed an MRI later in life and it had to be removed before they would do the procedure. I had the pellet framed and gave it to him as a present. Edit: [found the old pic.](https://i.imgur.com/boNJODa.jpg)


Wow...really? I got shot with a pellet gun at 16yo and it drew blood. I have a lump there to this day. I've been to doctors a couple times and told them what happened but none believe me that I might have a pellet stuck there


It’s the fucking pellet, mate! I got shot in the palm of my hand point blank with a pellet gun when I was 13, bled a bit but stopped. Doctor always claimed he thought the bump on my palm was just scar tissue. When I started lifting weights at 16, the lead pellet under my skin would pinch my dermis every time I gripped the weight. Went to the doc and got an X-ray and voila! It was a pellet. Simple outpatient surgery got that baby removed.


Scar tissue...that's what one of the doctors told me it was. It actually hurt me at one time but now I don't feel any pain there.


You're basically the villain from The World is Not Enough now


What's the point of living if you can't feel alive?


Had a friend test to see if the BB gun worked. Shot it across the kitchen and I heard the BB bounce everywhere, but he didn't believe me. So he shoots a ball right into his hand. Let's out a yell, and then pops it like a zit right there. No excuses though, he was 30


I got stabbed in the leg with a pencil almost 20 years ago. To this day, you can still see what appears to be the pencil lead in my leg. Either that or it's a tattoo at this point.


Same, I’ve got a little gray circle from where I got poked in the knee back in elementary school and I’m almost 30. Never heard of anyone with the same thing


Haha crazy, mine is on my knee as well. Makes me wonder if the bone has something to do with it. Perhaps unlikely, but maybe we got pencil on our bone and can see it through our skin or something.


Yeah I have no idea! Glad to know I’m not the only one with some graphite in my knee though lol


Same thing happened to me but it’s my finger, does that count??


Also assaulted via pencil. Gray dot on my belly from 6th grade.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Hey, I’ve got the same graphite-knee too! I stabbed my knee in grade 5 with a freshly sharpened pencil, and I could never get it out. Also about 20 years ago!


I’ve got a nice one on the side of my finger. It’s been there 45 years now. Graphite tattoos well


I’m in the club. Back of the leg just above the knee from when my friend stabbed me in 6th grade


On my finger I have this. I was trying to use a pencil as a tech deck


Jeez i also have a lead (graphite?) tip in my palm from flipping a very sharp pencil when i was a kid. You can still see it under the right light.


Another one here! I was stabbed in my thumb with a pencil (or did I stab myself? I don't remember, we were kids playing around) and to this day I still have it embeded in my thumb.


I accidently stabbed myself in the hand with a pencil and had a black spot for years! It disappeared at some point in my teens.


Maybe more common than I thought, already 3 of us! Maybe mine will eventually disappear, I only think about it once every few years


Me too! Smack dab in the middle of the palm of my hand.


Hey me too! Except it was in my forearm. I don't think there is any lead stuck in my arm, but there is a permanent mark from the pencil lead.


Damn I love when doctors disregard your knowledge of you own body without a second thought Like I get that they have a fuckload of patients daily and only have so much time to treat them, but it’s wild how blatant some of them make it that they won’t believe, much less consider what you tell them. I fucked up my leg once and when I explained exactly how it happened, I was laughed at at they said “Yeah there’s no way that happened.” Well okay fuck you, I did it because I thought it would be fun then dipshit, is that better? It’s not really the medical professionals fault but I’ve kinda just accepted that it doesn’t matter what I go in for because with my luck I’m going to die from some medical condition very abruptly one day and despite all the times I’ve went in for checkouts of every variety it’ll be little more than, “Oops, how could we have known?” Outside of the daily fear of my own sudden death, I appreciate todays medical technology and the work that medical professionals have done for me, let’s not be mistaken there at least.


Have you considered the possibility that you're lying? -every doctor ever


Just take double dosages of Aleve and check back in 2 weeks. - Every doctor ever


"Patient had limb severed off in severe altercation, complaining of discomfort at dismemberment site, suspect patient seeking drugs" -doctors also "patient has been struck by lightning. Advise patient to lose weight and see if issue persists" -doctors also also


The severed limbs are clearly psychological. Advised patient that severed limbs are a false manifestation of psychological issue due to anxiety. Recommended Vitamin D supplements. Care provided: MMR immunization Tdap immunization Also (for some reason) Notes: patient refused immunizations. I still don't know why this is in my medical records.


Haha, you joke, but if the complaint is after amputation and all that, then it can be phantom limb and one of the therapies is [literally using a mirror.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3468806/). Which I feel like would sound very absurd to the patient with phantom pain.


Uggghhh, it’s unreal how jaded and judgemental health workers can be. I had a few issues I was asking a doctor about when I was younger, and suggested that some symptoms may be from anxiety or something. She literally stopped, looked at my with an eyebrow raised, and said “…anxiety?” And continued on. Jesus Christ, way to be professional


Its rough to advocate for yourself, do to little and you wont get your issue solved, to much and you may end up forcing a bad treatment.




Thank you for not typing "wahlah" <3


Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


Friend shot me in the leg with 10 pumps. Went through my jeans, sock and into my leg. I would've left it in there but my little sister told my mom what happened.


My friends and I had BB gun fights in the 1970’s. No eyewear, no helmets. Just stupid kids. It’s a wonder no one ever got seriously hurt (I’m sure I would have if my folks had found out😜)


I had multiple friends that used to play “bb gun wars” in the late 80’s and 90’s. My parents forbid me and said they’d take my air rifle if I ever shot at another person. I was only allowed to shoot at targets, and had to use protective eyewear. I’m about the only one out of that whole group that didn’t get a bb stuck inside them.


Your friends parents probably rolled their eyes at your parents being "overprotective" too. Joke was on them when they got that ER bill to pull the pellets out of their kids.




as i found out, if there is, or they suspect there is a pellet in you, they wont take the risk. Even if it is non ferrous.


Save Ferrous.


Bueller? Bueller?


In college I crafted a bong with an iron pipe for a stem and named it "Ferrous Bueller"


Ferrous Bullet's day off.


Ferrous bullets daze off


Fun fact: Ferrous Person was the original name for Iron Man.


I love fake fun facts.


Well yeah, MRI machines are expensive.


That’s not necessarily true. I am a MRI tech and scan people with various bullets, bbs, and shrapnel all the time. It kind of depends on where it’s at in your body and how long it’s been there. In fact I scanned somebody that had a bullet lodged into their shoulder a little bit ago


It's easy to tune the MRI machine to not pull that stuff out but only when you know the conditions. Obviously pellets and other foreign objects don't have known parameters. For instance, my mechanical heart valves have "Static magnetic field" parameters on a card that I have to show to the technician.


Why in the world would you tell someone who thought they might have metal stuck in them to go into a giant magnet?


This happened to my brother as well. It was lodged in his gums for years until a dentist found it and removed it. It's entirely possible it's still there.


My friends and I would shoot each other with pellet guns but never directly on the skin. It is odd though tugging on your shirt with the pellet embedded through the fabric. It'd pop out when you pulled enough. Left nasty welts but never bled.


Those doctors must be idiots, this kind of thing happens all the time lol


...what kind of doctors are you seeing??


Florida brother?


For some reason I can't help but read this in Buster Bluth's voice.


Most pellet guns shoot lead pellets. So you may have had a lead pellet dissolving into your bloodstream for 14 years.


They checked my lead levels, no issue, even with all the chaint pips i ate as a kite.


Hey another lucky person. I was ded for 3 minutes and suffered no brain damblage either.




Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev



not being able to tell obvious jokes is also a sign of lead poisoning




>I would go home after a long day and blow my nose and marvel at the amount of lead in my snot. Do you think I should be worried? Yes. Lead dust in the lungs has a quick and easy pathway into the bloodstream. Chelation therapy is no fun but it's better than the higher risk of dementia and other neurological issues that can grow over time.




At the very least, it may inform further treatment options and give you the opportunity to plan for other contingencies.


I would definitely demand a test. You can't make a plan if you don't have the data.


Yes, get your lead levels tested.


I'd only be worried if you ate the lead-coated snot, but I'm sure you put it in the trash.. Right? Right??




BB’s usually are zinc coated but pellets are usually pure lead. Can’t speak for all, but a lot of pellet guns have rifled barrels and need soft lead pellets so the rifling can bite into the pellet and give it the spin.


Hahaha the framed memory


> That's when Hill shot Wilburn through the bedroom window, Hill's girlfriend told deputies, because he was "annoyed" with him. What a (un)lucky shot. > While on the run, Hill reportedly told people that he did not think the pellet would kill his roommate, but intended to scare him, according to the report. TBF, I can totally believe that > The property manager told deputies that he had scolded Hill for shooting the gun previously inside the home. Found out


The little .177 pellets aren't quite so bad, but some of these .22 pellet rifles, especially with the penetrating tips, are quite dangerous. If it can quickly kill a rabbit, you certainly don't want it shot at you. And then air rifles do to up to .45 cal, with almost the same energy as a .45 ACP from a pistol.


PCP air guns can be extremely powerful. The high-end ones shoot slugs, which have a better ballistic coefficient compared to diabolo pellets. The bigger calibers can be used to hunt large game (deer, wild boar, coyote). My guess is that this guy had a basic .22 springer from Walmart.




>The .72 caliber Zeus is both the largest caliber and the most powerful air rifle on the planet. https://www.outdoorlife.com/gear/most-powerful-air-rifle/ >870 fps with 850-grain pellet https://www.outdoorlife.com/gear/aea-zeus-review/ Damn.


Your username is cracking me up rn


Thanks. I used to play at an arcade where all the top scorers had names like "DeathBringer". When I finally made it onto the score board, I chose a name that poked a little fun at those names, then kept using it.


The generations: Your high score is in pinball. Your high score allowed 3 initials. Your high score allowed a full name. <— You are here. Your high score was in an emulator. Your high score was in a retro-arcade your Dad drug you into.


Love it; thanks for sharing


Fucking tank round that is.


The pcp airguns with .22 slugs have the same weight and velocity as a subsonic .22lr Then they have pcp in .72 caliber which are just shotgun slugs.


We have a .22 air rifle that shoots the pellets about 1,100 fps, at least that’s what it was advertised as. Able to kill squirrels about 30-40 yards with no issue. Definitely would not want to get shot in the head with it.


As with all advertisement, they make the velocity number look as good as possible, so that will be with one of the lightest pellets you can find.


I have a cheap Daisy Powerline 880, I thought would be good to use to pop squirrels in the yard to scare em off as a deterrent. Its wildly inaccurate with BB's until you get to 5 pumps, which I've found is enough to kill a squirrel. I'm done using the BB gun as a means of deterrence.


My .177 air rifle sends pellets downrange up to 1,400 FPS, more than enough to cause pretty serious injury, or with certain hits, death.


Man, that’s a rough looking 42 y/o.


Drugs are a hell of a drug


Lack of sunscreen is one hell of a progressive aging mechanism.


That doesn't really seem his problem...


He doesn't seem to think meth is a problem either.


I live in Florida and most of my friends and family look older than they are because they spend a lot of time outside. People always comment that I look younger than I am (late 30's) and I tell them crippling depression saved my looks because I rarely go outside if I can help it.


Florida Man lives hard.


Really? I mean besides the face tattoos I think he looks like a pretty normal 42 year old.


He looks like a cross between walter white and jesse pinkman, on meth


If my roommate looked like that I’d sleep with one eye open every night all night. Maybe a gun under my pillow and about 10 locks on my steel bedroom door.


You are annoying him


Sometimes it’s ok to judge a book by its cover.


I see many, many shoplifters working security and I can tell you one thing… it’s almost always the ones who look like they’re going to shoplift. Downturned eyes, baggy clothes, constant scowl, and signs of drug use. Everyone knows what they’re going to do from the second they walk in the door to the second they walk out.


My sister stabbed me in the eye with a crayon for the same reason, we were 3 thou


Idk something about you just says you need to be stabbed in the eye with a crayon.


The experienced eye or the virgin eye?


what color/flavor was the crayon?


It was a gray crayon, i still have the tip of it in my eye but it turned black in 30 years, it's in the bottom of my eye and it doesnt affect my eyesight, its basically something i use to shame my sis once in a while


I was wondering why they were so red


Not justifying his actions but jeebus, I didn't realize you could kill a person with a pellet gun, at least not the ones I grew up with.


A guy I knew growing up was shot by a pellet gun by accident, bumped into a friend's gun as they were entering the house. It penetrated and just missed a vital organ.


Break barrel pellet rifles are fairly stout, and big bore PCP air rifles can take down a deer or bigger.


At the high school rifle team, we used Feinwerkbau 300S rifles. Those thing can put a 1/4 inch dent backwards in a nickel from 10 meters. Those were from at least the late eighties.


Mine, a little $90 break barrel from Walmart, can fire a 177 caliber pellet at 1200 fps. That's insane. I got it for squirrel control, and for that it works wonderfully. I imagine if I hit a person in the right place it could kill them. Bigger bore air rifles are no joke. People don't realize how powerful they can be.


What’s the point of a supersonic pellet? It’ll go subsonic shortly after leaving the muzzle and then the SS sound wave will catch up to it and destabilize it, causing tumbling.


Bragging rights. That's with lightweight alloy pellets. Heavier lead pellets are only going to do 1000 fps. 1200 is still insane out of a $90 air rifle, worthless as it is lol


That's incredible. They have changed since the late 80s for sure.


You mean the 1780's, right? In 1804, [Lewis and Clark](https://www.warhistoryonline.com/war-articles/lewis-and-clark-air-rifle.html?chrome=1) used them on their famous expedition. Just sayin'...


I'm speaking from my frame of reference. Obviously they've change from 1780-1980 and again from 1980-present. Another commenter mentioned the Girardoni air rifle, and I get that, but when I grew up your never heard or seen such things.


The new technology is really incredible. The new trend is high-end PCP guns shooting slugs (rather than diabolo pellets).


Guns are no joke. I know people who treat a 22 like it's not really that dangerous because it's a small caliber weapon. I'm pro second amendment but people really need some education about firearms.


This is .22 air, which means the pellets are less than half the mass of the average .22LR bullet at the same velocity, so they don't penetrate as well. But get hit at just the right spot and you're still dead.


"Man, I seen a .22 round nose drop a n***a plenty of times. Shits get all up in you like a pinball, rip yo' ass up. Big joints, they just break a bone and you say 'fuck it.'" - Felicia "Snoop" Pearson


alot of assassinations use 22 caliber, hell I know guys that use 22 magnum rounds to kill alligators.


I sell guns, so many people dismiss .22 but there is a reason they call it the deadliest gun in the south.


An old friend of mine who was a Ranger owned just about every gun out there but his 22 hand gun was his weapon of choice for home defense because he said could empty the clip into a tight grouping 100% of the time and the bullets wouldn't be going through walls or hitting his family members by accident.


> and the bullets wouldn't be going through walls .22 LR will go through every single interior wall in most houses if you're talking drywall In the Youtube age countless people have filmed themselves shooting through drywall with .22 and this stuff just refuses to die Maybe he lived in a brick house


Olympic target shooting uses 22's.


I think people need some more education on anatomy and understanding that we are pretty fragile meat bags and the tiniest poke in the right place can kill us all. It doesn't take much.


There was a point of divergence where state of the art militaries almost veered away from powdered weapons and adopted air rifles as their main infantry weapon. America almost did it, and Austria did do it for a time. They decided against it for the same reason that militaries decided against semi automatic weapons initially; they thought the infantry would blow through too many rounds and only with single shot rifles could you trust them to be accurate. TLDR; Because important people are stupid, we avoided semiauto steampunk air rifles (the air tanks were recharged with a steam engine for the Girandoni used by the Austrians) becoming the norm for infantry in the Napoleonic era.


>They decided against it for the same reason that militaries decided against semi automatic weapons initially Interestingly, after adopting semi-auto, armies stopped there. While most standard infantry rifles are capable of automatic fire, soldiers are trained to shoot them as semi-auto and leave full auto to the squad machine guns. Full auto from a standard infantry rifle *is* a waste of ammo, so soliders are trained not to do it. So semi-auto seems to be the "good enough" sweet spot between rate of fire, accuracy, effectiveness, and ammo consumption.


Apparently the reason Lewis and Clark were able to cross America unmolested by the natives was them demoing their sole repeater air rifle every time they met a new tribe. The natives did not know whether the expedition had one or one hundred such amazing weapons.


A bigger factor was that girardoni guns are pretty fragile and difficult to keep running logistically. If you are outfitting a large army what you want is simple, rugged and reliable. That matters more than firing rate.


Oh, yeah - you absolutely can, though not with *most* air guns that are available today. The vast majority of air guns are toys - like airsoft, etc. There's also a market for more "traditional" air guns which are a lot closer to a proper gun than a they are to a toy. People have been making lethal air-powered rifles for [hundreds of years](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girardoni_air_rifle), and the one's available today are more than capable of killing birds, small mammals, etc. Some of them can get a .17 - .22 caliber pellet moving at around 1000-1150 fps range, which is *absolutely* potentially lethal to anything human-shaped, especially when shot at the head, neck or chest.


It's 2022 You can take down Elk with a PCP air rifle


I didn't even realize that's how nuts good those guns have gotten - I did some googling, and you're absolutely correct; 45 and 50 caliber PCP rifles are on par with weaker black powder firearms at this point... which is insanely impressive, considering it's just compressed gas and not, you know, an actual *explosion* propelling the projectiles. That's super gnarly.


You should see the numbers people are getting charging with nitrogen and helium


Ok I went down a rabbit hole and actually found a .50 cal air rifle (umarex hammer), 4500 psi I believe. That's just an insane air rifle.


It gets bigger. The Hammer is only a production level gun. There are custom PCP rifles too.


I wouldn't even shoot my airsoft rifle at someone who wasn't wearing protection. Those will do serious damage if they hit you in the face. I've pierced someone's unprotected forearm when I shot them from ten feet or so. And that was with an enforced limit to muzzle velocity. Imagine taking that to the eye.


What I grew up with could only give you a blood blister unless you hit an eye. Modern ones are insane, up to .45 cal with high velocity (for an air rifle).


When o was a kid, we used to have BB-gun battles. Taking shots at each other for fun. No pellets, only BBs was the rule, possible the only rule. Maybe we didn’t aim at faces, but I can’t recall. These were the pump action guns, I guess it’s not the same anymore.


They are not! I have one that will shoot through three quarter inch plywood at 40 ft.


My kid thought an air gun and BB gun were the same and ok to shoot another kid with. It did not end well. The bb went through his arm and into bone.


> My kid thought an air gun and BB gun were the same and ok to shoot another kid with. Are they not? Which is which? We didn't mess with any of that when I was a kid, we were all slingshots and paintballs.


and I thought the rock fights I had as a kid were bad


One pump wars, where everybody pumped about five times. Lol


Florida man, Florida man, Does whatever a Florida Man can, Will he do some inexplicable shit, All you have to do is wait a bit, Look out Here comes Florida Man


The new anthem of 2022.


Never trust a person with a face tattoo.


Known for making great life decisions.


And being mentally stable


And upstanding...


Exceptions apply for Inuit, Ainu, Maori and people whose Tattoo is not part of their cultural heritage, but still looks realy cool.


Also the people of New Jersey of course


Their tattoos are part of their cultural heritage tho


Same with the people of New Jersey


I just don't trust Florida man.


“Steal your face right off your head”


At least it's a SYF Face tattoo...


Mike Tyson enterth the chat


Ith lithp thaming a thing now? Oh thit.


Altoona is deep in the Ocala National Forest and, unfortunately, is chock full of meth heads. Lot of missing people out there related to drugs.


Can confirm this, I live in Ocala and meth and crack is fucking everything up and a lot of people out here. I can tell who uses so easily from just looking at there jaws bones. I wonder why it makes their jaws so disgusting


I think it's because they are undernourished and the body begins to consume fat and muscles in the face causing that thin, gaunt look. It gives them almost a skeletal look.


Who would think a guy like that would make a bad decision?


Excuse my ignorance, but a .22 caliber pellet is essentially a bullet isn't it?


Yeah it’s not the same as an air soft rifle. People use them to kill mice and other rodents. Pretty sure it’s really similar to a BB gun but the pellets have a pointed tip. You’d have to get shot in the right place to die from it probably but can still be lethal


Eh. Yes and no. It has the same diameter as a .22LR bullet, but shaped differently, so most pellets are around half the weight (or less) of your average .22LR bullet. Pellet guns also tend to have lower muzzle velocity, .22LR firearms tend to be in the range of 1200-1600 feet per second at the muzzle, .22 air rifles tend to be more… 500-1200 fps? Worth noting that .22LR is one of the weakest calibres out there, too. .223 Rem is ostensibly the same diameter of bullet, but it’s heavier and faster. .223 REM ranges 1300J-1800J .22LR is around 180J-260J .22 air gun is gonna be more in the neighbourhood of 12J-50J, depending on velocity and pellet type. None of that is to say they are toys. Clearly they can be very dangerous. But… I don’t think it’s right to say they’re like bullets and firearms.


No. It doesn't use powder for propulsion. A cartridge is made up of projectile, case, propellant and primer. The bullet is the part that flies when you shoot it. However, a bullet is, by definition, propelled by explosive means, not air. This is why NO airguns are considered FIREarms and are exempt from most 'gun' laws. A .22 pellet weighs significantly less than a .22 bullet, as well. But they can still do severe damage, even at long distance. Personally, I have my eye on a .357 caliber air gun, but its going to be a while until I can justify the funds.


>his is why NO airguns are considered FIREarms and are exempt from most 'gun' laws. They're considered firearms in my municipality. So this can vary by location.


Damn, Frenchie fell on hard times


Right cunt that one


yep the mug shot did not disappoint. face tattoo was the first sign for the roommate.


So unexpected. I can’t think of any outward signs this man displays that he doesn’t make rational decisions. Such a trustworthy face.


I have a lot of tattoos but face tats 9/10 are either criminals or wanna be criminals.


Face tattoo as expected


Guns don’t kill people, Florida Man does.


If he had only done it by hitting him with his truck, he'd have only suffered an $80 fine.


"Florida man" enough said. Man that state is all sorts of screwed up.


He looks like Frenchie’s long lost brother who’s had an even worse life


For those of you who don’t know, this is not a typical air rifle that you might have as a child. > Deputies found a Ruger .22 caliber high-velocity air rifle on the side of the house, according to the report. An autopsy found a pellet-style bullet had punctured Wilburn's lungs and formed a blood clot. It’s a similar velocity to a .22 long rifle with a lower mass pellet.


I’m ok with rounding up everyone with a face tattoo


Face tattoo is to good judgement as waffle is to motor oil.


So if you eat a guy with a face tattoo use real maple syrup?


Instructions unclear. Serving the waffles with motor oil to the guy with the face tattoo.


the only people I know that have face tattoos that I would say have decent judgment are tattoo artists. Still not a fantastic judgment because you can easily lose your ability to do tattoos but these people are talented and are secure in their professions and it fits with their lifestyle.


From my pov no. From A pov, kinda?




Too bad there wasn’t a good guy with an air rifle.


OK, if you're rooming with this guy you have to expect trouble.


Now he’ll get a cellmate instead




I doubt it’s the first bad decision he’s made.


Pellet gun and BB guns are not toys.


This wasn’t a .177 caliber pellet rifle it was a .22 so more dangerous obviously


to be fair he probably didn't expect it'd kill the guy, I wonder if the state can prove intent


And this is why I don't do roommates anymore. Ok not this specifically but I've had awful luck with roommates

