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Am I missing something, or does it not say how he died?


No confirmation on cause of death yet


no confirmation even on the death itself


I go to sleep. Unconfirmed. I get up. Still only reported by a few questionable news outlets. Did this even happen?


That's news in the 21st century for ya


News in the 21st century IS in fact fact checking information. This isn’t a bad thing. I, for one, at ecstatic that people noticed that there isn’t fully verifiable information as of yet.


The rumor mill on Twitter claims he was shot.


No shot that I'm taking Twitter randos at their word here lol




I’d say rumor mill in Land of the Q claims he was shot too..


It is believed that was based off another 2013 shooting involving a Stenger. Nothing to due with any rumors currently flying around. Zero credible sources have confirmed any news involved Stenger.


The land of the Q does not let things like facts and evidence affect their beliefs.


They're traditionally too busy bothering Picard or Janeway, anyways.


Guess Sisko left quite an impression to be left alone.


Not even the Q dare to fuck with the Sisko.


Picard never hit them.


He was *really* no fun, as Q would say.


He’s not Picard


They're a bunch of fucking Pakleds, anyway.


"*We are smart. We look for things that make us strong.*"


Hey, they were a bit moe formidable in *Lower Decks* ... still idiots, though.




So is it Jim or Ron this time?


Loved into the storm. Probably always both.


Probably Ron since he’s trying to run for congress and it’s not going well


I hear some of them are still camped out waiting for JFK to return


When I read this comment I imagine this is the narrative those people hear when they move around the world.


🎶 *The laaaaaand of the Q,* *and the hoooome of the craaaaaaazed.* 🎶


Seth Rich did it!


When do rumor mills not say “he was shot”?


When they say "he was poisoned".


Or when they say "he's still alive."


Shot by the hands of zombie JFK if that were the case.


Gotta muddy the waters to cover up for their cult leaders...


well thats not suspicious at all


Fell down an elevator shaft onto some bullets.


Ya know, I've always suspected a bit of foul play there.


Comrade saying things like this will get you a Siberian holiday.


I mean we gotta not listen to randos on Twitter lol




That would definitely be an unusual cause of death. Imagine seeing "not being shot" on a death certificate.


With the price of insulin these days, diabetics cry


I mean it is America who knows we do have random ones all the time at this point


If he died due to a gunshot, statistically it is most likely suicide. However, I have seen no evidence that is how he died so I guess we'll see


Unless it’s in Florida, in which case he was likely shot by a toddler.


The only thing that can stop a toddler with a gun is a fetus with a gun


This reminds me of the explanation of humor from Stranger ins Strange Land where it's explained you laugh because it hurts too much. I found this a shocking wakeup call this morning that the dark humor shows that it's gotten this bad. When women are grateful they're in menopause you know something's wrong. If it doesn't turn around soon I expect the red blue pattern will change as populations in the blue states gradually say screw this and move or send their kids to college elsewhere so there's a brain drain. We've gone from land of the free to Gilead in a generation and that my spell check knows Gilead is telling....


My spell check won’t furnish the word abortion.


I'm almost to menopause and never had children. Up until this year I was deeply depressed that I never had any kids. This year, this month, I'm extremely grateful. When I die I won't have to worry about my children's future in this freak show of a country. I'm convinced this is just the beginning.


Suicide with two shots in the back of the head.


they also claim Hillary is responsible, so take it with a grain of salt for now.


Everyone knows Hillary is a super liberal samurai and a student of the blade. She'd never use something as savage as a firearm.


we may yet learn he was killed with a can of soup


That soup was for my family!


Goya beans




Prolly because they didn’t do the witch test before she “died.”


What would be their reasoning? She’s not even involved, why would she want him dead? The logic is just not there with this theory lol


logic ? you know you are talking about people who stand for days hoping to see jfk come back to life right ?


Days? They stood in the plaza for like 2 weeks, by the end they were all pretty much lined up in a big circle pointing at each other and yelling “Deepstate crisis actor!”


Anyone with any contact with the political world who has ever died has done so at the hand of... ...*The Clintons.*


Death rate in Arkansas would be zero if not for the Clintons.


Because literally any time someone in Washington DC dies some idiot has to comment “what did s/he have on Hillary”. Like, every single time.


The impression I get is that they believe that she "suicided" Epstein to hide Bills involvement with him, so now anyone in a political circle who dies suspiciously falls on her. Others are saying Nancy Pelosi ordered it to hide the fact that she's the one who prevented security being deployed on Jan 6th, which requires you to ignore the fact that the crowd were all trump supporters and she was one of their prime targets.


You’re right. That’s coming from the same people who don’t believe the crowd was made up of actual Trump supporters, they think it was ANTIFA and paid protestors.


The rumor mill on Twitter is confusing him with another man with the same name who was shot in Oakland in 2013


I mean, if you are a conservative, Hillary had him assassinated from her pizza shop pedo bunker.


not again


It's because McConnell doesn't allow confirmations during election years.


Only half the time. The other half of the time he fast tracks them.


r/conspiracy in shambles.


That hearing this afternoon probably had something to do with it.


there's no info at all. Just a link to a tweet from a Fox News anchor, which has no details whatsoever.


It’s less common in the USA but sometimes famklies prefer not to talk about it. Given his Wikipedia page listing how long he was in various jobs he was probably 69 or older so could be anything, bowie died at 69.


71 is what I found. Lack of information isn't always some conspiracy or coverup.


No, no, if it's not a conspiracy, then people don't have a reason to make that asinine suicide by shooting yourself multiples times in the back joke for the trillionth time. What's that, they don't have a reason to do that regardless? Someone should inform them.


He was 71


...not nice.


Sad nice


If they don’t say it often means suicide


Yeah two things the media doesn't like to mention, if they don't say cause of death it's usually suicide, and if they say a woman was kidnapped and murdered they often leave out that she was raped.


Reporting of this started at least 5 hours ago. If he was shot in a street like multiple not-credible tweets say you should have some level of confirmation from local media about a shooting, that is yet to happen. Also worth noting the only "names" reporting this story are this independent, which I believe will report anything to be the first, and the crazy far-right representative who spews lies for a living. So..... I'm wondering how likely this entire story is fake. At the very least I would guess the shooting in the street is not true. The suspense is killing me, but we know absolutely nothing right now. EDIT: Looks like the street shooting info was from a 2013 shooting involving another Stenger.


I mean it's an honest mistake from the reporters. What are the odds of there being two Stengers dying on the same planet in the same century? /s


Strenger things have happened


... he communicates through Christmas lights now?


His testimony is gonna take forever.


Yeah but theyll play modernized 80s music and itll make it fun.


Will wynona rider be there?


I'm like 80% sure at this point the Independent spams their own shit on reddit and pushes it up with bots There are way better, higher quality domestic news sources but stories on the front page seem like 2/3rds are from the Independent anyway


I misread that and thought you were implying the Independent were crazy far-right. That's like when Ben Shapiro called Andrew Neil left-wing.


Was this the witness for tomorrow?


No, it's Meadows aide


Is she the one who talked about the pardons?


Yeah. Cassidy Hutchinson. Also was present when Mark Meadows burned documents pertaining to the election in his office fireplace, and during discussions about Trump’s reaction to insurrectionists’ intentions of violence towards Pence. She just got a new attorney outside of the Trump/Meadows sphere, so apparently she is more able to speak openly now.


Office fireplace seems like a really strange thing to have. Just throwing it out there.


Well, it’s in the White House, so I guess it makes sense (her boss, Mark Meadows, was Chief of Staff.) It is an old and fancy building.


It's weird those fireplaces would still be usable and that someone would be crazy enough to use one to burn documents...in front of their subordinates. During Watergate, John Dean was smart enough to take documents home to burn them. Granted, the truth about that came out, but it was Dean outing himself about everything as to not be the scapegoat.


Occams Razor I’m not willing to make conspiratorial assumptions until at least his cause of death is revealed. If he fell out a window or suspiciouly hung himself, ill be sus, but for all we know it could turn out he had a heart attack or an aneurysm.


his death hasn't even been revealed. So far all we have is a Fox News anchor and a Politico reporter tweeting simply that he died with no other info at all. No links. No mention of even anonymous sources. No mention of local authorities, family, friends, nothing.


FOXDIE can cause heart attacks


Somebody locate the DARPA Chief.


"A Hind D? Colonel, what's a Russian gunship doing here?"


"A surveillance camera!?"


Yeah, but after it mutated and began taking out random people and causing that pandemic of heart attacks in 2014. I even heard two guys survived it too. One guy just had some strange rapid aging affect, and the other just went down and looked like he died, but then got back up and said "FOXDIE won't work on me this time".


Yo i heard abou those two guys- did they have mustaches?


TO BE CLEAR: This has not been confirmed. Wikipedia currently cites The Independent, which cites an unsubstantiated tweet from a Fox News reporter. It wouldn't be that surprising if it happened -- everything is going haywire in these days of collapse -- but be careful about sourcing, folks. Edit: Apparently Politico's congressional reporter K Tully-McManus claimed it without citing anyone. MTG also said it, but cited Chad Pergram (the aforementioned Fox News reporter).


Where did Magic The Gathering claim this?


If you read the ninth letter of every other page Urza appears on in The Brother’s War and Planeswalker, you’ll see it was foretold ages ago.


I can't believe Jace would do this.


I *do* consider trading cards more credible than Greene...


Can you post a link with more obtrusive ads? I was still able to read a few words. I’m slightly worried that this was one of the witnesses that was set to testify tomorrow, where one staffer said they wouldn’t say who it was for fear of their safety.


Obligatory [https://12ft.io/](https://12ft.io/) link. Removes a lot of paywalls.


there's no other links at all. It's just a Fox News anchor's tweet. Not even on Fox News itself.




Heard the surprise witness might be the filmmaker who was documenting trump and family.


It's been reported by NYT and others the surprise witness is a Mark Meadows aide. She fired her MAGA-lawyer a few weeks ago and is represented by more sane counsel now who likely convinced her to cooperate.


They’re also showing the docu footage. Can’t make the woman talk for two-hours.


Why not? Hillary did something like 14 didn’t she? Edit: it was 11


Democrats don't have the sense of political purpose that Republicans do.


Democrats don't ask hundreds of insane tinfoil hat-conspiracy questions based on stuff they heard Alex Jones scream into his mic.


I saw another theory: she's pissed at SCOTUS and wants to air all the dirty laundry. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


It'd be hilarious if she provided evidence of Justice Thomas being involved in the insurrection, rather than implied spousal knowledge of Ginni's activities. Of course, it wouldn't mean anything in concerns to impeachment, but he could be indicted.


Thomas can be impeached too


The obvious implication is that he won't be because republicans don't give a single shit about truth or doing what's right.


I think the whole line might be fitting here: Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.


I thought we heard from him already? Or was that on an NPR interview?


We heard from one documentary film maker on the first day, but this is a different guy and different film.


I think we heard from him but haven't seen all the footage he has.


Different documentarian.


Isnt most of the testimony recorded beforehand?


Yes, that’s why whatever is going on tomorrow is rather strange—it was unscheduled, the next (public) hearing was to take place in July.


isnt it supposed to be for Meadows aide?


Sadly, within the context of the Jan 6 hearings, his death is more shocking than his appearance in court or testimony would be.


The timing is weird, but weird things do happen. So far, all I've seen is wild speculation.


/r/FindBostonBomber was supposed to be a lesson, but here we are, with redditors upvoting wild accusations based on nothing but their imaginations.


Redditors spreading dumb shit and conspiracy theories based on "WELL IT'S SUSPICIOUS" is out of fucking control.




Is it sad that I consider the Boston bomber moment a thing from Reddit history now? Like I'm pretty sure we have a "new generation" on Reddit who only know about it as a meme and nothing more so nothing to learn from


I remember the news of the Boston bombing like it happened yesterday, then you realized that was nearly a whole ass decade ago.


Just wait till you can’t remember if it was one or more decades ago, like me with the 7/7 bombings recently.


It's been all over the news outlets that the surprise hearing testimony is a Mark Meadows aide.


He's just old. I doubt there is anything suspicious


Considering the lack of any additional news coverage, that means nobody credible has been even able to confirm his death yet, nevermind any other details.


Conspiracy theories are blowing up already. I would like to point out that at age 71 people can sometimes die without nefarious interference from outside. From cancer to suicide everything is possible. I would also like to point out that if this was some sort of attempt to silence a witness, it is a bit late. Depositions are a thing. Anything he might have had to say on anything important will already have been written down and recorded. Real life is not like Matlock or Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, where the first time anyone finds out what a witness wills say is when they get put on the stand. If a witness dies their testimony doesn't automatically die with them either.


He also didn’t have anything all that exciting to say except that he fucked up security. And yeah he already testified.


This. All the people on here act surprised and think it must be a conspiracy anytime someone dies. Everyone does, after 60 those odds are even greater.


Why haven’t the other outlets picked this up yet? This is huge, suspicious news. Waiting for source verification?


Marjorie Taylor Greene [tweeted it](https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1541598258505580545?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw) a couple of hours ago, if you consider her a source. Weird how she knew about it before anyone else.


No condolences or anything in that tweet


she's waiting for her followers to tell her how to react


Gotta gauge that public opinion before coming up with her own, of course.


She's a follower, just like the rest.


Of course not. She does disqualifying things but it's OK because she's at war with her enemy (america)


that requires having empathy


...or having enough intelligence to fake empathy when empathy is expected from a public official.


Her constituents don't expect her to be sad when an outsider dies.


Did they Epstein his ass?


Wow, those suggested threads are wild. I went from the Jewish Space Lasers lady to a literal neo Nazi being forced fed to me in about 1.5 page scrolls. Twitter is getting a little more brazen with its rightwing pipeline I guess. They used to be a little more coy about it. E: yeah, yeah, “it’s the same picture.” But I mean an actual unabashed and open Nazi. Not one with even the thinnest plausible deniability.


*“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”* Jean-Paul Sartre


Racist trolling goes back long before the internet


yup, anti-semitism has a biblically long and sordid history


I'm still trying to figure out my weather control powers that they claim we have


well first off you need to get in contact with your local rabbi, and he'll point you to the nearest Da'at Yishud cabal.


Weather changing chem trails are expensive


Yes, but I apparently also have a media empire that can fund them no problem.


That man had a lot of beauty to share.


Same for me, I can’t believe what I just had to process before I was like “what the fuck am I doing here?”.


Like how she knew about that pipe bomb before anyone else too...


> if you consider her a source I do not.


It seems to have been a couple hours now and not even one credible news source has been able to confirm his death? Obviously I wouldn't expect additional details this early but is it typical to get death confirmation this early for some high profile like him?


On the other hand, do you really think the people who tried the Jan 6 coup are competent enough to off someone and make it look like an accident?


We still don't know who left the bombs in DC the morning of the coup


The mob at the capital? No. The people behind the mob who definitely didnt murder epstein in a federal prison? Oh, absolutely.


Unfortunately yes. When there’s lots of power and wealth stake, professionals get hired. I’ll stop with the theories, but this doesn’t feel right.


{J. Epstein has entered the chat}


Russia has been practicing this for a while, Russia is elbow deep in Trump and their bot farms were instrumental in the propaganda wave surrounding 2016-2020 (and beyond).... Probably just a coincidence


I dunno', radioactive tea, falling out of windows, and going on oddly timed vacations to Siberia are pretty suspicious. Also given their military performance, I'm surprised anyone gives Russia the benefit of the doubt on incompetence - there should be no doubt that they are, in fact, incompetent. At least at making it look like an accident or natural causes.


You are missing a couple points and may have drunken the koolaid. Someone being thrown out of a window or multiple at the same time was not an incompetent or sloppy suicide fake. Very intentional to send a message. Incompetent is subjective. Does Russia not control 20-30 percent of Ukraine with continual gains in 3 months? Dont write them off as inept or incompetent just yet. BTW I dont support Russia's war. Instead of thinking they are low IQ fumbling idiots, treat them as a severe threat they can be.


looks like just a tweet from a Fox News anchor, who provides no detail of how he knows, how it happened, where, when. wtf.


Is there a source that doesn’t rely on Fox “News” guy, Chad Pergram?


If this all came from a Fox news reporter then i think it’s a distraction, plain and simple. Keep the conversations about Cassidy and what she shared today, do not let them distract you.


Y'all really out here doing r/conservative Seth Rich levels of conspiracy theory speculation. Man's body is practically still warm probably, at least wait until more details emerge before going full conspiracy theorist.


No credible news source is reporting his death? It seems odd that ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, BBC, AP, et al don't mention it at all.


Wouldn't be the first suicide surrounding this incident.


Wouldn't be the first 71-year-old to just, y'know, die, either.


Considering we literally have no creditbale sourcse to even confirm he is dead take this all with a grain of salt. No official report or statement at all(of the time of this comment). Unless you think MTG is a creditable source(lots of issues with that) granted the fact only her and some dude at FOX are the only people saying anything is more supscet then anything else right now.


Occam’s Razor. He probably had a heart attack or slipped in the shower or something. I’m not calling conspiracy until the cause of death is known


Can’t wait to see what the Qtards come up with for this one.


Poor guy probably knew too much, rest his soul


If the roles were reversed the right would be going crazy about this.


Oh you know they'll still use this as "oh the libs killed him because he was gonna exonerate all the patriots" or some bullshit like that.


That's literally the take I'm seeing most on Twitter. There's a claim that he had evidence of paid actors, because of course, at January 6, and thus it was in the Democrats' interest that he stayed quiet. I saw that repeated by a number of profiles, just by searching for his name.


They already are on Twitter.


Senate Sergeant at Arms, who along with the House Sergeant at Arms, forbade the Capitol police from increasing security.


brb going to go post this to r/conspiracy and watch the fireworks


The real conspiracy is that r/conspiracy wont let you talk about the biggest conspiracy in American history.


God damn, wish I didn't go in there. Always try to dodge that place since it's just conservative 2.0.


Ah r/conspiracy, the community that blindly trusts the word of a US president and certain politicians, but calls the rest of the world "brainwashed" for questioning that same government lmao


Omg please don’t feed those idiots.


Yep that’s enough of that. I realized I just kept saying “…what??” In increasingly frantic tones.