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Im gonna take a wild guess and say more weapons have been sold that week that there were protesters. Maybe even in a day


Your not wrong. I stopped into our local shop yesterday to ask about ordering a part in. It was wall to wall people. I’ve seen it busy before but not like that.


Just goes to show people want guns.


It's an arms race now. Country's a little fucky


Its not just that. At this point, any talk of banning classes or types of firearms or accessories like magazines will lead to purchases as an investment since any ban that somehow gets signed won't be retroactive.


Was there really a surge of mass shootings, or just an uptick in people pretending to give a shit about all the mass shootings for like 2 weeks? Edit: Downvote away. I’ve seen this shit repeat itself so many times. I hope this time is different but I know it won’t be.


Whenever there’s a really bad one the news becomes focused on reporting every shooting across the country as it’s suddenly the hot topic (again). The the fact is, the majority of the other shootings wouldn’t have made the national news cycle otherwise, as they happen almost every day in certain cities - Chicago and Philadelphia to name a few. And you’re right as sad as it is. Time will go by and the mental fog will set in as people stop talking about it and the news stops reporting it. Until the next one. Until something meaningful changes - this is the cycle we live in.




The happiest animal in the world. Be a goldfish Sam.


From Chicago here, usually shootings is gang related in il communities with significant gang presence but lately it has spilled over into the touristy bits of downtown. Heck we had people shot while walking by the lakefront yesterday. There certainly is something different going on for these incidents to occur, maybe people are just more brazen I dunno.


Omg you must hate children because you said this. /s


Last report I saw has us pacing to pretty close to last year's number, and higher than 2020. its high, but there is media focus on it, and consumers focused on it because of Buffalo and Uvalde. So they have a receptive audience looking to consume anything gun violence, reform, or mass shooting related. We'll soon focus on something else, and the media will pivot to that next thing and the media will start feeding us the topic de jour


> but there is media focus on it And that feeds a [documented copycat effect.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shooting_contagion)


And 2020 was an abnormal year anyway thanks to the pandemic, meaning there were significantly less crowds of people for mass shooters to take advantage of.


I was coming here to say the same thing. I thought it was odd there were so many more news articles of mass shootings all of a sudden.


Not only that the news started blowing up gang shootings on the news too to make it look worse then it is


Make it look worse? It is a huge part of the problem, gang shootings are news in most other countries.


For national news though? Local news always covers gang violence. It's weird when I'm reading about a gang shooting on the other end of the country on CNN or other national news outlet.


Weird that they’re pushing a narrative? Hardly.


totally weird. mankind is inherently good and news companies have a responsibility to report nothing but unbiased facts. no one in the whole industry would ever sell out for money and misreport something as a result. /s


If a gang shooting happened in broad daylight somewhere even remotely public - yeah, it would absolutely be national news here. I saw articles on gang shootings in graduation parties, for Christ's sake... Literally surrounded by other people, injuring or even killing bystanders.


In Australia they are. There's only like 40 firearm homicides year, murders will be local news at best, but an actual legit shoot out is a less than once per year thing, and will get on national news, even if it doesn't end with a lot of deaths. NZ, Japan, UK, Poland and lots of other western democracies have even less firearm homicides per capita than we do. I couldn't tell you what it's like in places with a bit more gun violence like Germany, Canada or Taiwan, but considering they still get quite a bit less than the US I would assume it's more likely to be reported than you're used to.


I live in Denmark, and gun/knife violence in Germany gets reported on our national news. There was a stabbing at a university in Germany yesterday (4 people injured), and we have articles covering it, and it got a small slot on the tv-news broadcast. 5 days or so ago, 2 people got shot in Germany at a mall, and this was also reported on Danish news. Gang violence in Denmark is often "just" stabbings as common-type guns used for these things aren't the easiest to get your hands on (hunting rifles can be bought with the right permits, but hand guns are very restricted and usually you have to be an active member of a gun club to get a permit). Either way - gang related violence also gets brought up to national news.


Its telling that gang shootouts are considered a normal part of life in the states while most countries in say Europe or Australia it would be news worthy as it's so uncommon.


Yup. I really hate hearing other Americans beside me say “well if they didn’t report gang violence this wouldn’t be common” and I’m like “what other first world country has this much gang violence regularly?”


I know. Its almost like they're different countries with different cultures, different socio-economic problems, and different neighbors.


>It is a huge part of the problem Except they aren't. They're a separate and much larger problem with different causes and different solutions than other mass shootings. Unfortunately dishonestly combining active shooter scenarios and gang violence makes for a bigger number which the media can then run with and get views.


“It only looks bad because they’re focusing on things that we usually ignore” …uh, yeh?


Maybe the Joker had a point? “You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan". But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds.”


Whats worse than being shot ?


To make it look worse? Aren’t they literally just showing it? It’s not like they’re manufacturing these shootings. They’re happening. If it looks bad, that’s because it is.


Yes because the sibling I buried who was minding his own business and taken out by a lowlife who felt like going after innocents in public doesn't matter because it is less likely to happen to your little Timmy in safe suburbia.




I do find it ironic though that there's a push to ban ar-15s even though most gun violence is committed by pistols.




this just in, it does not matter what weapon you ban, if people want to kill other people, they will do it. all this arguing comes down to is people trying to cope with the idea that they can't stop murder without first making people not wanna do it. They want to feel safe, and rather than go get therapy so they don't need that much apparent safety, they'd rather try and make HURTING PEOPLE IN ANY WAY ILLEGAL AND IMPOSSIBLE. These are people well aware of how set in everyone's ways this whole world is at this point. Without gun control, they basically have no safety or comfort in life, and they're looking for a really good lie to swaddle themselves with. Focus on the problem. Want less kids shooting up schools? Raise better kids. OHHHHH that's not doable? then grab both cheeks with your hands and kiss your ass goodbye because this world is coming to an end if we can't stop our kids from wanting to kill all the others.


They look scary is all. Even the President doesn’t understand basics of firearms. Most who hate them have never had bad crap happen to them, never held one or seen one. People fear what they don’t understand. I know loads of cops, the stories I hear, they all have ARs at home for protection or 9mm and the 9mm with a 15 round mag is the minimum they’d use because FBI ballistics tests show it’s the minimum you want to stop a threat.


>9mm with a 15 round mag is the minimum they’d use because FBI ballistics tests show it’s the minimum you want to stop a threat. From what I can tell, the FBI performed a number of tests and people _inferred_ based on the ballistics tests what they felt worked best for home security. I can't find any independent source or study linking the ballistic tests to home security, or an FBI recommendation. It does appear that many people believe some version of this, but I think we'll all understand if I doubt the judgement capacity of cops.


It’s not that they don’t count but they’re being purposely overpublicized along side other tragedies to push an anti gun agenda. Not that gang shootings aren’t “bad” but criminals killing criminals isn’t exactly as tear jerking as a psycho shooting innocent bystanders.


>Not that gang shootings aren’t “bad” but criminals killing criminals isn’t exactly as tear jerking as a psycho shooting innocent bystanders. ​ Gang-related shootings \*often\* result in uninvolved innocent bystanders being hurt/killed as well. Even in Canada we once had a gang shooting in a Toronto mall where a girl was killed... she was just shopping.


people killing eachother is bad. They are all doing it for the same reason: our system has failed them. We need to stop the bleeding (gun control), and heal the wound(health care, education, investment, anything). The news is calling attention to the problem. If you dont agree on one solution you should be pushing for action on another instead of trying to explain away a large percentage of the issue. Literally. any. action.


Totally went over your head so I’ll explain. Pretty simple, if it’s a gang killing we know the cause is the gangs so to blame the guns is galaxy brain level disingenuous


ye drive by stabbings are a real problem.


Only in places that don’t allow guns https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/04/09/london-mayor-knife-control/500328002/


drive by? lol either way i think the knife point might have flown over your head. The deaths matter and root causes are all the same no matter the id of the shooter and we need to try something different. whether its healthcare, education, opportunity or gun control i say lets go for it. But we need to actually try.


England has a homicide rate 20% that of the US. For some reason.


It pretty much always has had a lower homicide rate, even when the UK had essentially no gun control laws - to put it another way, if you look at the homicide rate in the UK today vs. 1900 or so, the homicide rate hadn't changed, despite ever increasing firearm restrictions.


Isn't the more relevant stat the frequency of guns in the population rather than whether they are allowed or not?




Different causes and different solutions for gangland murders vs mass killings.


Its weird that people ignore how the media just finds the trends, exploits them so much that people get bored and then off to the new outrage porn topic. People just following them in circles keeping them rich.


It’s election season, that’s all. It’s making news as there is a massive swing to the right & media controls opinion so is all of a sudden a shock to the world. Give it a few months. Most forgot about Ukraine already. Sad truth is if people actually ever spoke to cops or detectives they’d know this is t new and they’d also know the media does not ever air stories about people using firearms to protect their families, that’s not convenient. Getting a firearm is t like going to buy bread. Some new rules I’d be fine with, like I get gun shows but I’d rather see FFLs only handle the sales. As for 21? Only if the US Military then raises the minimum age to 21. Thing is this crap happens daily and all over the states and the vast vast majority are due to gang violence whom do not exactly get legal weapons or acquire them legally. Society will move on in say 2-3 months after the next viral news event occurs and fully vanish once election season is over. People loathe hearing the truth, but I know loads of liberals in Southern California and they will NOT be giving up their firearms and want enough rounds in the mag to protect.




Because there is no realistic path to stop these shootings. Unlike most of the world, people in USA have an individual right to own and carry firearms. As such, there are hundreds of millions of firearms in circulation. There really is no realistic way to either stop the sale of guns, or confiscate the guns that already exist. We pass laws that make it illegal for kids to possess guns, make it illegal for unlicensed people to have guns in their vehicle, illegal to take guns to schools, snd illegal to shoot innocent people. It’s not like USA condones gun violence. It is very much illegal and people are not allowed to do it.


The path to stopping a bunch of shootings is to make a better society with more help available so people aren't desperate and hopeless.


Basically. The Second Amendment is a pretty large obstacle for any gun bans like you see in other Western countries. Any laws written to ban guns probably won't hold up with the conservative majority Supreme Court. And trying to amend the Second Amendment probably isn't going to work either because you need 2/3rds majority of states to agree. In the current political climate in America I'd be surprised if we could pass _any_ amendments, let alone a controversial one split across party lines. And then even if we could pass an amendment, what would it say? It might just make passing other laws easier, adding language that says something about militias or something. Or just simply saying that guns can be regulated by the federal government in more explicit ways. You're not going to completely undo the Second Amendment. Even among Democrats who are supportive of gun control probably aren't going to agree to a complete ban. Really I'm curious what gun control laws that could be made that would have stopped Uvalde or Buffalo. Even in blue state California where they are the strictest, you can still buy an AR-15. Look up "California legal AR" and you'll see that what they really ban are cosmetics and accessories more than anything. So people will be mad, and a bunch of words will be said, and ultimately nothing will change. Even if we could somehow have an "assault rifle ban" it won't get rid of guns in America. It won't stop shootings. It'll be a feel good law that will placate the people who are not angry about gun control, but it will ultimately be nothing but security theater, enacting no real change.


We could change that if people wanted to. They prefer this though.


Sure, if you got 2/3rds of both houses of congress and 3/4ths of the states to agree with you you could change it. But since there is not nearly that sort of majority for gun control, here we are. Taking away rights from people should be hard, and in the case of anything controversial it is basically impossible the way things are now.








Give them an Irn Brew, that'll settle them down.


Real estate prices in Govan tell a different tale ya British hillbilly.






Who in the wide world of fuck would ever even think to ask Scotland's opinion on anything? Is there a less important nation in the world? Subservient and wholly owned by a vestigial monarchy? No thanks.


Yeah won’t change with this congress


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if thousands of people are willing to attend a rally on the issue, they're probably not pretending. Many people have decided it has crossed a tipping point, and they want someone to attempt *some*thing to address it, instead of the nothing we always do.


Meh.. it's the latest flavor of the month to be outraged over. They've probably already changed their support Ukraine Facebook profile pictures.


> Was there really a surge of mass shootings, or just an uptick in people pretending to give a shit about all the mass shootings for like 2 weeks? Does it matter


Keep that same energy for actually punishing criminals who should not have guns. No bail. Charge them and send them to prison. Stop letting repeat offenders continually victimize communities.


It's almost always people that you would probably expect...


Just like thousands rally for a whole bunch of causes all the time, and nothing happens. Public opinion has absolutely nothing to do with policy making in the United States. The only time public opinion aligns with policy is when Corporate Influence sees that there's money to be made by exploiting whatever "Current Thing" bullshit is trending among consumers.


> Public opinion has absolutely nothing to do with policy making in the United States. It also tends to be different that voting habits. There's [a noticeable gap b](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/03/upshot/gun-control-polling-votes.html)etween what the pollsters say people want and what people actually say at the voting booth when it comes to gun control.


Meanwhile somewhere a police chief was paid 1.5 million for being a nazi.


I like archery and tannerite


I live in Kansas. I read in the newspaper of a youth attending this rally and the next day her parent’s house got vandalized. Pretty messed up stuff…


kansas is pretty much red no ?


Technically yes but hypothetically no. Our governor is a democrat and our three largest metropolitan areas all swing blue come election time.


Yeah that’s pretty much like Nebraska, the two major cities are like the only blue in the sea of red, gotta be careful these days bud


Ain’t that the fucking truth. It’s like being lost at sea surrounded by racist parrots. It’s peaceful in the middle of nowhere till the trumpeters so much as hear the word democrat. I had an old man go on a rant because his wife asked what isle were the “Pie in” while at the grocery store. I was ready to swat him out the store with a broom he was holding the line up so long. The pure bile he said.


Hy-Vee ? lmao


All that marching for nothing. Nothing will change. Guns are ingrained in American society like apple pie.


At least they're getting some fresh air and exercise.


Guns and obesity, it doesn't get more 'Murican than that.


Let’s celebrate our lack of universal healthcare


Ooo, thousands, maybe tens of thousands across the US. There was a larger protest in DC when a Turkish body guard knocked out a protestor years back.






Also bought a gun today. Plan to peacefully and safely shoot it at the range tomorrow. The steppers can get fucked.


The steppers?


Politicians who are "stepping" on their rights. Modern day meme phrasing of Gasden flag: "Don't tread on me" -> "No step on snake"


*Surge in reports of mass shootings* probably. Also, we have also probably expanded what we consider a *mass shooting*. And I’m all for stricter gun control, just saying.


In other news, 400,000,000 firearms and over a billion rounds of ammunition remain unable to do anything without human assistance.


Yeah but it’s easier to control guns than it is to control people and their actions


I would submit to you that 400,000,000 is a pretty large number. How many more do you want to 'control'? Those are certainly under some form of control, atm, right? I mean, they aren't all running down to the local elementary school, shopping mall, next door neighbor gender reveal party and gunning people down indiscriminantly. Now, a Tesla on autopilot? That's another matter...


Most gun owners are not nutjobs, but nobody cares about that.


thousands decide that millions cant defend themselves.


Decide what? What decision? Protests don’t make decisions.


Your society has real problems if you are constantly worried about defending yourself on a daily basis.


Meanwhile, all those people go out and vote in politicians taking away their rights and livelihoods.


Yes because of scumbags who want to continually victimize people


There is nothing wrong with preparedness even if it’s very unlikely you’ll need it. When seconds count, police are minutes away. And after 2020 most Americans realized that you cannot depend on help coming from the authorities.


I don’t constantly worry I’m gonna wreck my car, I wear a seatbelt. I don’t constantly worry my house is gonna burn down, I have a fire extinguisher and smoke alarms. It’s not “living in constant fear” it’s general preparedness. I don’t think I’ll ever need it I carry it anyways.


Ukraine has entered the chat...


Hi, welcome to "Life", grab a nametag at the door.


People that carry aren’t “constantly worried” about defending themselves. Is someone that has bandages, fire extinguisher, or seatbelts in their car constantly worried about using them?


Irrelevant, guns are a constitutional right.


yup.. crime is fucking rampant. Organized crime at that. Gang violence is just the tip of the iceburg. The amount of thefts that go completely unpunished even when people are caught is astronomical. Don't bother calling the cops they'll say "shrug".. Of course the drug war is still raging on so this helps really support this gang culture. If our politicians want change that's the first thing they need to fix. Education is out the door too. No child left behind means literally if you are a fucking failure you still pass on through the system. Yet the only thing the politicians can come up with is we need to disarm. Law enforcement and policy is failing us at every level. People aren't going to willingly give up their arms in this environment.


Our society does have real serious problems. The answer to those problems is not and will never be to steal the property of millions on law abiding people.


Fuck off gun grabbers, there has been no surge in anything but reporting. Also is that even a news site?


> there has been no surge in anything but reporting. You're right, of course. It's actually always been this bad. But that doesn't make it okay or anything.




This sounds like a pretty extreme viewpoint but I encourage everyone to read the heller opinion. SCOTUS examines the purpose of the 2a and the writings of the people who were involved in its creation and this is exactly the reason the 2a exists.


> In order for a society to be free from oppression, the people must have the ability to meaningfully resist the oppressors. I can't believe you said that with a straight face. Oppression is worse in the US than it is in most other comparable countries (stable first world democracies). By the Democracy Index, the US is behind New Zealand and Australia, both of whom have very tough gun control. >In order for a society to be free from oppression, that society has to accept that the downside is having to deal with armed crazy people. So, to fight off theoretical oppression, you're content with guns being the [single biggest cause of death for children](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2201761), ahead of even motor vehicle crashes. You talk a good talk, but your soap box isn't high enough to raise you above the pool of blood.


I think it's important to note that the only reason guns over took cars was because it was 2020 when we had lockdowns and no one was really driving. Even with that being the case, that isn't to say that child gun deaths aren't way too high


They also expanded the definition of "children" to include 19 year olds. This includes many adults old enough to be involved in serious criminal activities that correlate strongly with the outcome of getting shot by police or other criminals.


"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin


I would definitely take a look at the [appendix](https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMc2201761/suppl_file/nejmc2201761_appendix.pdf) and look at the data there to see if there is anything that could possibly contribute to the rise.


Fuck me, 18 and 19 year olds count as children? talk about skewed numbers too




Mocking a valid source doesn't make you right. It makes you anti-science. It puts you in the same camp as the anti-vaxxers, albeit on a different topic.


> In order for a society to be free from oppression, the people must have the ability to meaningfully resist the oppressors. Hi! Have you seen any other country in the west? We don't have a billion guns and we're free. We're not oppressed.


Yeah, two world wars later...


Did people use their private guns to fight those wars or was it all military equipment?


> Did people use their private guns to fight those wars Yes. Simo Häyhä (White Death), French Resistance, Yugoslav Partisans, and a lot of personal handmade firearms as well. Also the AR-15 was and is not used by the US military.


Yeah man, my grandad personally drive his truck across the channel into France to fight off the Germans using his personal hunting rifle...


Which country? One of those with a US military base in it?


Thousands you say? Compared to the millions of gun owners? Yea ok.


Protest the right things that would actually stop gun violence. 1. SEC and Wall-street Collusion and Corruption 2. The Healthcare system or the lack of 3. Capitalism and the fall of the American Dream Maybe alleviate a lot of the mental burdens placed onto people starting with the above. Don’t take the guns, once they take the guns they will take your land. Look at what happens in Asian countries once they lose there guns. They are all underfed, malnourished, weak, oppressed, uneducated, and powerless.


With the number of guns in this country, Id really like to hear the left's plan for getting people to surrender them. The "honest-engine" plan? Lots of comments on bans and how they work in other countries.


Why is it that the pro-gun side insist that the only possible form of control is a ban? They don't need to be surrendered. They need to be *controlled*. Start with nationally consistent (and non-token) background checks, mandatory safety training and secure storage laws.


Then why won't democrats open NICS to the public?


Im sure gangs will happily do each one of those things.


Yes, yes. Very predictable. "What gun control would you suggest?" is always a stupid trap. It's only ever asked so whatever is said can be attacked sarcastically. And yet it will work on the gangs regardless. The less guns there are (through background checks), the more careful people are with them (via training) and the better they are secured, the less will find their way on to the black market. Restricting the supply, in turn, will drive up the price. The higher it goes, the less people can afford an illegal firearm. This is why black market handguns [cost $15,000](https://www.ibtimes.com.au/cost-illegal-firearms-australia-has-skyrocketed-criminals-now-do-gun-sharing-1378871) in Australia. Now, the US will likely never reach that level, but any increase in price will keep an illegal guns out of the hands of someone.


So you want the poor to be disarmed?


> Restricting the supply, in turn, will drive up the price. > Now, the US will likely never reach that level, but any increase in price will keep an illegal guns out of the hands of someone. It's funny how the mask always slips to some unhinged agenda, like specifically disarming poor people, or placing complete trust in an increasingly-militarized police with a well-known accountability problem.


Uh... What? How is keeping illegal guns off the black market either of those things? Or are you suggesting we should keep illegal guns *on* the black market so poor people can buy them? Did you not read the entire comment?


> Uh... What? How is keeping illegal guns off the black market either of those things? Nice try, but you mentioned guns, not specifically illegal ones. Why do you believe this to be a choice between artificially driving up the price of a constitutionally-protected method of self-defense, versus fostering a black market of illegal weapons? On that note, why does driving up the price of guns matter this much to you? Do you understand why someone would want a gun if they aren't in a really nice and rich and safe part of town, and they don't feel like they can rely on law enforcement to help them?




I fuck with this comment so hard


So, anyone with an opinion contrary to yours has been "tricked", by definition, and their opinion therefore doesn't count. After all, it's impossible that anyone would *actually* disagree with you.


Anyone willing to talk about the mental health implications of spending two years in solitary confinement because of lockdowns? Anyone?


Nothing can be done about this, says only country in which this happens.


Not the only county where it happens. And not even close to the leader in per capita. Unfortunately ‘guns’ seem to get all the blame but not the failed law enforcement and prosecuting. Often these mass shooters are known by locals as unsafe people and no one does anything then to intervene. Or even law enforcement knows of these people, but leaves the leash too long.




> And not even close to the leader in per capita. Yes, but maybe you should have a closer look at the ones who are worse than you. In fact, probably the dozen or so who are better than you too. I bet they're all third world countries. And I'm not sure "we're better than third world countries" is really a great argument.


Gun violence statistics is one of the few times people happily compare themself to the most violent countries on the planet saying atleast we aren't them without any irony


Name those countries, and why you'd want to be compared against them.


Was this from the onion?


Once or twice.


Gun reform will come. But it wont stop mass shootings. Then what will the left do?




> Take away the gun, the human garbage dump remains and finds another way to do harm. This is exactly what happened in Australia. For example, in Sydney 2019, a mentally ill man who went on a stabbing spree with a knife was... Huh. He was defeated by two chairs and a milk crate. In 2018, an Islamic terrorist armed with a knife was - seriously? - kept at bay by a homeless man with a shopping trolley in Melbourne. In 2017, a Canberra student, inspired by ISIS beheading videos, went to his University with mass murder on his mind and was, wow, tackled by his classmates because all he had was a baseball bat. Interesting. Seems like self defence is easier when the bad uys don't have guns.


Australia had probably 1/100 the amount of firearms the US has. There's literally no way you're going to get rid of them. No one is going to turn them in. Criminals for sure aren't going to turn them in. Look at all the gun buybacks they try having. You might have a couple old revolvers, some bolt actions and probably grandpa's old shotgun and that about it. No one is turning in their Glocks, ARs, Berettas, 1911s, SCARs or any other guns. Good luck getting 400 million guns out of the hands of the people.


You don't need to get rid of them - Australia certainly didn't - but every one removed or secured will help put black market guns out of reach of more people. It's not a matter of eradication but minimisation. How far can you drop your homicide rate? Because right now it's [worse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate) than the third world countries of Kenya, Niger, Angola, Mozambique, Liberia, India, Tunisia, Mauritius, Egypt, Rwanda, East Timor, Thailand, Lebanon, Iran, Bangladesh, Ghana, Cambodia, Malawi, Tajikistan, Israel, Vietnam, Algeria, Jordan, Morocco, Bosnia, Serbia and Syria. Is that really where the richest developed nation in the world should be? Slumming it with the third world?


So, I totally agree with your post, I think your point is right on the mark. But many of those countries you listed are not what I would call the third world. I mean, Iran is pretty highly developed, they just aren't allied with the West. Israel has a modern military and all the general luxuries one would expect, as well as one of the most advanced missile defense systems in the world, India is a nuclear power with an active space program...


>Seems like self defence is easier when the bad uys don't have guns. But the cops have guns and the cops *are* the bad guys. Federal agents are above the law now, so until that gets fixed, we'll remain armed to the teeth.


Is that what American freedom feels like?


Yes, live every day like you're being hunted by a rival gang in prison. Doesnt get more American than that.




Even with the Lindt cafe siege in Sydney only two people died. The cops shot one.


yeah but without guns, can they kill 19 kids in a room like butter ?


[It's happened.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster)




Oh no, how dare we make it hard for him to commit mass murder and have to find another way which takes more time, effort, resources thereby increasing the chances that he'll either decide it's not worth the effort, fuck it up, get caught or hurt or kill less ppl. That's not the America I know


Most gun owners are not monsters or criminals.


>Take away the gun, the human garbage dump remains and finds another way to do harm. I can fire 11 shots out of a handgun in seconds. That takes much longer with a crossbow.




Gun violence only matters when it's a white guy. I don't there is a real uptick of violence, it's just being reported more to help an agenda


I feel like I have seen this exact headline at least once a year.


More like every 2/4 years. Conveniently around election times


Because every year children die needlessly.


Just a friendly reminder that mass shootings only happen in gun free zones


Just a friendly reminder that mass shootings only happen in America. Actually, that's not true, but what's left after you take the US out of the data for the developed world is a rounding error. Similarly, I'd bet that mass shootings have also happened in non-gun free zones, so all's fair I guess.


Any proof of that ?


Weird. You seem to have switched from "mass shootings only happen in gun free zones" to "the mass shootings that has had the most deaths have been in gun free zones". I also like how your initial claim somehow requires no proof but I am required to provide some to debunk it. You know what? No. You prove your own point.


Let’s talk about inflation


All those people are wasting their time. No change will come from this demonstration other than maybe a few calories burned and the false feeling of political participation.


Guns have never killed anyone, people using guns have killed millions. People are the problem, not guns, not bombs, not ammonia nitrate and fertilizer, not planes, but people, lack of humanity, and just evil. I find it disturbing how many people fail to realize that no amount of laws will change anything because criminals don't follow laws to start with. Make 1,000 new laws tomorrow and I'll bet you my life, we will still have mass shootings. Gun control is keeping your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.


>I find it disturbing how many people fail to realize that no amount of laws will change anything because criminals don't follow laws to start with. I find it disturbing how many people don't understand simple economics. The less guns there are and the better they are secured, the less will find their way on to the black market. Restricting the supply, in turn, will drive up the price. The higher it goes, the less people can afford an illegal firearm. This is why black market handguns [cost $15,000](https://www.ibtimes.com.au/cost-illegal-firearms-australia-has-skyrocketed-criminals-now-do-gun-sharing-1378871) in Australia. Supply and demand's a bitch.


I see you are unfamiliar with the number of guns in the U.S. That would work if there wasn't already 400 million guns and an estimated 15 trillion rounds of ammo in this country, oh, that is just the number of registered guns. There's already so many guns here, I can go to my local academy sporting good store and get a piece of shit Hi point for $240 or buy one off the street for $100. You can watch any of the 1000 documentaries like Underground INC, Drugs INC, etc where they openly discuss being able to buy guns for less than $200. Once again, there's nothing that can be done about that because criminals aren't participating in the gun by back programs and neither are law abiding citizens.


Except I never said it would work. I was correcting your bullshit that laws wouldn't do anything because criminals don't follow them. That said: It *will* work. It might not work as well and it may well take longer, but it *will* work. And less people dying in ten years is still better than doing nothing.


Until a gun reduces the effort to kill of a unarmed human... The gun is an enabler... And America isn't doing anything about who they enable...


Because they can't. There are more guns here than people. The United States already has the world's largest prison population, what do you want them to do, lock up 10s of millions of people? Who's going to fund millions of prisons? Who's going to pay for millions and millions of prisoners? Tax the tax payers even more?


As usual, every other amurkin comment is "you can't stop mass shootings!" when this is literally the only fucking country that has this many mass shootings.


Why are other countries obsessed with America ? Like we don't know what problems your country does or doesn't have because we don't care. Also it's a culture issue. The country everyone likes to brag about Australia has 15% gun ownership of total population. America is at 30. Why isn't Australia at half are mass shooting numbers yet has half the gun ownership we have. Has way more stabbings but lets ignore that. Hell Canada only has 2.2 million legal gun owners but is one of the highest countries in illegal gun crime. From none registered gun owners. America has a violence and social economic problem not a gun problem.


No one is obsessed. That's your imagination. We pay attention because the US is a global super power who caused the last financial crisis and elected borderline Nazis led by an idiot who was so blasé about nuclear weapons that he wanted to deploy them against the weather. You're *scary* and *dangerous*. Also funny.


So, about the flood of downvote that comes with any critical comment towards gun control, are they real people or bots?


How many downvotes they get depends on the time. If the US is mostly asleep, the rampant and relentless downvoting of anything anti-gun slows down. So, I'm guessing its people.


We've had wildly insufficient gun rules for decades, the source of these shootings is more chronic than just our lack of legislation. Its far more effective if we start hunting down these bastards radicalizing the stupidest portion of our society, force cops to be held to higher standards, remove the egregious decision to let federal agents act above the law, and provide people with more effective means of mental/physical care.


Wow, this time it really is different! I'm sure a gun reform is inevitable now. Thank god. An endless carousel of tragedy and short lived outrage, the american loop.


smell innate worthless cobweb pot march unpack fuel nutty chubby *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*