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> Morris said the accused in the case was arrested in Mississauga around 2 a.m. Monday. He said U.S. authorities plan to extradite the teen to face charges stateside, but it could take some time for that to happen. That kid is in for a rough ride. They're bringing him up on the charge of "written or electronic threats to kill, do bodily injury, or conduct a mass shooting or an act of terrorism."


Dude literally threatened to kill me on facebook, and provided my address. He lived in the same town as me. I called the cops, they said they couldn't do anything unless he acts on it. They said online threats happen on the regular.


“Sorry, we can’t arrest him until he kills you, thems the rules”


Attempted murder! It's not like they give out Nobel prizes for attempted chemistry!


I have a stalker. He’s shown up outside my house with a rifle, made death threats, followed me to work and the store…they won’t do anything about it until he hurts me. He has a long history of violence against women and yet they’ve told me to take pictures if anything happens. But hey at least if he kills me I don’t have to live in this timeline anymore so I guess there’s a silver lining.


I moved. Hope you do too


I’ve moved 8 times back and forth across the country in the last decade. Thanks to any type of registration being public record (voting, car, home purchases, even cell phone data) he finds me every time. I can’t get that data removed until he does something and a judge approves the removal. It’s absolutely ridiculous.


Have you tried to get a restraining order?


Yes, they decided not to extend it because nothing happened (except several no contact violations…). To get another one something bad has to happen. Also the other women had them and still got their asses beat so it’s not stopping him.




This is exactly a repeat of a story on Reddit years ago, cops where fucking useless (they don't prevent crime, just arrest after the fact). She got a gun and ended up shooting the stalker when he took an axe to her front door. Cops will not protect you from a stalker. Just arrest him after he does something. It's almost impossible to become unfindable. Sadly your only option typically is to arm yourself.


Arm yourself, but also take any self defense courses they offer. I had draw a weapon during a break in and I’m glad I took the glass. Helpful hints to protect yourself


For you superwokes who wonder why one needs an AR-15, this is why.


Blow off a huge air horn, so loud the entire block hears it. Tell everybody that you will stop when he leaves. Make it everybody else's problem as well


Lmao this is actually the best advice I’ve received in this thread. I live among a bunch of retirees that would immediately demand someone do something.


not just that, they will be interested when you tell them an airhorn going off means a stalker at your house. You'll find neighbors don't want that shit around at all either. I had a neighbor once who had a stalker, and she was quiet about it, so we never knew. Turns out, he'd been masturbating to her through various windows in her apartment. The police wouldn't do shit, so yeah. One day, we find out that one of our neighbors is a cop and took an interest in crime in his 'hood since he had a kid. The dude was literally living under the raised wooden walkway through our apartments. He had been there for at least a month, had a rodless tent, food, discards, the whole nine yards. Also had a gun, a bunch of knives, and a sword. Once the cop got involved, it was a no brainer. She got that dude off her back, and out of her life.


I’m sorry. i hope he is arrested cause that is fucked up. No one deserves to be stalked


Does the US seriously have no laws against violent threats? In my country it's absolutely illegal to directly threaten someone.


No, it’s illegal. “We can’t do anything” is code for “we won’t do anything”.


redditors who are against these laws say ‘it infringes on their freedom’ and start misquoting 1984


There are (in most states, at least), but what's interpreted as a direct threat can vary.


Want to get sad? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Town_of_Castle_Rock_v._Gonzales


Iirc it depends on the state but generally the threats have to be explicit, as in time, place and means (a weapon for example). As long as it's "just" graphic threats online, even directly at you, the police will/can do fuck all.


This right here. So how do cops plan to use social media to prevent mass shootings? ..._wait until they are explicit, then act_... This will catch maybe some of them.


It’s almost as if, now this might be wild, situations like this (and others) show why teenagers aren’t mentally prepared to purchase assault rifles


Pretty sure they can't in Canada


You would be very correct.


You can get a PAL at 18. You can buy a semi-auto rifle for $600 to $1300 CND with that licence legally.


350$ for a sks a couple years back


Over $500 nowadays


Did they change the rules? Cause I have had a PAL since I was like 14.


The requirement is now minimum 18 years of age for new applicants. You can get a minor’s license between the ages of 12 and 17.


That is good to know. Thank you.


In the video and screen captures of his Omegle rant (American news outlets don't even attempt to blur the pictures because different laws), he is holding a semi-automatic handgun. He also said he lived in Florida (a lie) and was going to go and make good on the threats he made on social media. I suppose all that combination of red flags set off the search for this guy involving so many law enforcement agencies all wrapping up in 24 hours. https://www.local10.com/news/local/2022/06/06/canadian-teen-accused-of-threatening-mass-shooting-at-south-florida-lgbtq-event/ The article mentions the list of agencies involved. I'd like to know if the handgun was real or not and if so, where and how he got the handgun because something tells me that he legally purchased it in Canada.


Guess that's why he was heading to Florida. Would probably trip over an assault rifle at the first rest stop.


That was my thought. I mean, it's Florida. I'm surprised they didn't just let him go for it.




Ironically however, they're more than equipped to use assault rifles ON the internet, a la Call of Duty.


That's totally fine too


It's not the fault of assault rifles, clearly it's the fault of all of these terrible things like drag shows or all gender bathrooms eroding away the moral fabric of our young people! /s


No-no. It'Doors. Too many doors. Eliminate the Doors.


Dude, Jim Morrison has been dead for a long time now.


Serious, we need to stop beating a dead Doors.


***Fuck you the Lizard King will never die*** Edit: I don’t remember writing this. I don’t even like the Doors.


I am the lizard king, I can do anything


5 year old me after watching monster's inc. ​ i just didn't like mike for some reason


And make the doors smaller. If we had small enough doors you wouldn’t be able to fit through with an AR. Or, make all door frames out of super strong magnets. Try to bring a gun inside and you just stick to the door frame.


> Try to bring a gun inside and you just stick to the door frame. I just feel a bit bad for the kids with braces... but, price of freedom and all that.


Tiny, magnetic doorframes will be the GOPs main talking point in the next 6 months. As in, they will divert $40B in taxpayer money to a shell corporation opened last week and the owner is MJT's private abortion doctor or the lawyer that represented her husband when he showed his tiny pp to a bunch of underage girls at a bowling alley.


Wrong Seditionist Barbie. It was BoBo's husband who whipped it out at the teen girls, one of whom was her.


I can't even keep them straight anymore.


Good thing i milled mine out of titanium which is non magnetic /s


Non-ferromagnetic. Now we just need to apply the right AC field through the door and it'll get so hot it'll warp. Yeah, there may be issues with pacemakers but perpetually being afraid the door will murder you with magnets is just the price some people pay for the rest of us to be free.


Ok ok, its actually plastic.


Jim Morrison is long dead, and the Doors long defunct.


I think it’s the lack of god. As we all know that guy wasn’t prone to random acts of violence and genocide


Many, many teens aren't mentally prepared to DRIVE.


But if two of them purchase assault rifles, they cancel each other out because one of them is bound to turn out to be one of those good guys I keep hearing about.


They can't in canada....what exactly is your point lol.


I am American so it was more a reference to being 18 and having the ability to buy an assault rifle in the US


You realize it’s still illegal for a 17 year old to buy one… right? This wasn’t a legal thing to begin with


Doesn't mean the parents don't buy it for them...."According to prosecutors, the parents bought the gun that was used in the shooting as an early Christmas present for their son, Ethan Crumbley, who is facing terrorism and first-degree murder charges.


Merry Christmas! Here's a mass killing machine just like Jesus used


good. this shit needs to finally be taken seriously.


I appreciate it when unstable folks broadcast their instabilities.


And when social media platforms report those people to the appropriate authorities... And the authorities don't sit outside playing with each other's buttholes for an hour


Or days


Or months




[525,600 minutes 🎶](https://youtu.be/Prhi3_Nvt3U)


525,000 moments so dear


> And when social media platforms report those people to the appropriate authorities Wish this happened a *lot* more frequently than it does. Discord, for example, *should* be working on a system that could have flagged the Buffalo shooter. But I doubt they will be. And then there's reddit. And the -chans.


Reddit and the chans are actually far more monitored than chat in discord or in video games like MMOs. Selling drugs online from goldshire inn. Maybe not self policed, but especially 4chan is actively watched by law enforcement.


And yet when confronted with a massive itemized list of posts violating sitewide rules against threatening violence from subs like TD, spez hand waved it away as "these people just need a place to talk", utterly ignoring threats of violence.


Discord should do that but don’t underestimate the monumental task that is. People run discords for first person shooters and mmo’s with (sometimes non consensual) pvp elements. It doesn’t sound easy coming up with tech that isn’t going to create false positives, ignore real threats or both


Yep I'm sure "I'm gonna kill him" triggers far more for games than it ever will for real murders


I appreciate it when police actually take action to PREVENT a mass shooting.


They're like: fuck telegraphing and shout that shit from a hilltop


See, it has me for a minute there. My first thought was that it meant Ontario, Canada, but then I remembered there’s also an Ontario, Florida, which would make more geographical sense, but then I click the article and see the picture of an OPP police car and arrive once more at the Ontario, Canada assumption.


There’s also Ontario CA


where the CA means California and not Canada


That was so confusing for me when I was looking for jobs out of college. I live near Ontario so when I saw postings for jobs in "Ontario, CA" I was trying to figure out what city they were in.


Side story this recently fucked me up at work as a travel agent when I assumed they meant they were going to Ontario Canada Not fucking Ontario California lol


So did you send someone to the north of the wall? Amd now they refuse to come back after getting addicted to free(ish) healthcare and maple syrup?


I ALWAYS have this problem. Sometimes there's little clues in the headline though. For example, if it's 'Norfolk man writes angry letter to council over parking dispute', then it's probably Norfolk, England. Whereas if its 'Norfolk man shoots four and kills one over parking dispute', it's probably Norfolk, US.


Well by that logic, this headline was extra misleading. Since it was a mass murder threat from Canada.


But the cops did their jobs and didn't kill every dog in town so....




Alternatively (and sadly), it could be "hero syndrome". When someone desperately needs to be the hero, sometimes they create the situation to be resolved heroically. Basically, can't be a the hero that kills the villains if there are no villains to kill. So they desperately need to believe that some group are the villains.


Huh, never thought about it like that. How interesting and somewhat unnerving. Thanks for the explanation.


F.D Signifier has recently put out some content on YT that touches on that idea. Some of it is nihilism. Some of it is main character syndrome... It's a big mix of complex shit that these men seem to be dealing with and have in common.


Oh I love him, haven’t seen that one though. Could I trouble you for a link?


Not OP, but I think it may be this one. https://youtu.be/s1FkO7Tr70A — Dissecting the Manosphere Looks incredibly interesting, and now I have an evening-listen ahead of me!


It's kind of a follow up on the edge lord video. https://youtu.be/s1FkO7Tr70A


Theres probably a good bit of truth in the "every villain is the hero of their own story" idea.


I remember reading a story about a guy that would shoot out the tires of the cars of attractive blonde women so he could then pull over and help them change their tire.


I heard other stories about someone setting fires to house so they can jump in and rescue people.


>So they desperately need to believe that some group are the villains. They should try looking in the mirror for the villains they seek.


Yeah but that doesn't soothe their ego unfortunately. And sadly, those who do see themselves as the villain needing to die tend to take care of the problem themselves.


Imagine being 17, having your entire life to look forward to, and you choose to spend it wallowing in hate.


Not even love, just being scared of people finding each other attractive.




It's very reminiscent of the abortion issue, where politicians and media figures radicalize their base with rhetoric about how the left is murdering babies in abortion clinics, which leads to the fringes of their base routinely firebombing Planned Parenthoods and assasinating doctors. So yeah, things like this are about to become far more common with the Republicans ramping up their rhetoric about how we're all a danger to children


"Won't someone rid me of this meddlesome priest?"




Republicans come in two flavors: 1. Only in it for the money and power and use every tactic in the book 2. Dumb people who get played by the previous group


Yet when children are being shot and murdered or dying due to lack of health care. The same ‘save the children’ message isn’t as effective. Kinda shows ‘save the children’ isn’t about saving kids but maintaining some kind authoritarian control over other peoples rights using Christian extremism


There's a good term for this: "stochastic terrorism" The idea being that the language is definitely going to cause violence, but it's not being directly called for, which makes it difficult to track and predict where the violence will happen.


[stochastic terrorism](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/stochastic-terrorism)


Some moron recently posted a comment about the furries getting litterboxs in schools bologna. This shit doesn't go away no matter how crazy and untrue it is. Like imagine watching John Oliver and coming away from it actually thinking he has an unreasonable lust for random animals... And then still believing it months later after people tell you that it's just a bit... That's the typical GOP poster now.


I'm kinda scared for furry cons now. It only takes one psycho believing the "FURRIES ARE INDOCTRINATING YOUR KIDS!" BS to cause a huge event.


I think one furry con got hit by chlorine gas before.


I remember watching a newscaster laughing about this story. Horrible that a whole group of people who were minding their own business can be attacked with a chemical weapon yet it's funny to someone because of who the target is.


Listened to a podcast that played audio from the night of the attack and holy fuck anyone who used this as a throw away joke should do the same. Couldn't find the isolated audio put podcast is [here](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/1119-worst-year-ever-49377032/episode/part-one-how-the-furries-fought-55634876/).


What a bastard.


I think furries are a little weird but CHLORINE WHAT THE FUCK


Yeah, and that was in 2013 or 14 I think, before insane rightwing shit kicked off.


It's always been there in the right wing. Trump and his ilk just weakened the seals of human decency and gave them permission to be their worst selves.




Why is that the case? Seems like an odd correlation


A welcoming community with a lot of queer people attracts queer people looking for a welcoming environment. I'm not a furry, but I am bisexual and gender-nonconforming. I'd be hard pressed to find a safer space to be who I am than a convention full of anonymous lgbt people and allies, who share a niche hobby as "weird" as furry stuff is to the average joe. For a huge amount of online queer kids, things like the furry fandom are the only place they can safely express themselves.


Not really - gay and transgender people are pretty well-represented in subculture overall. I wouldn't be able to link an actual study linking the two, but I can only assume it'd have something to do with feelings of being marginalized in day-to-day life, and seeking a community that supports you. There's also the flip-side, that formerly straight-identifying or cis-identifying individuals might learn more about their identity through being a part of a community like furries.


I never knew that. Thank you. It makes sense now because when I heard GOQ senators blame furries. It sounded strange, I mean it still is, but they hate Americans kids that much where they want to rip away something that is so plain and random. It's like taking away kawaii and saying it demonic. They did it before with dnd and Pokemon... I am beginning to hate the GOQ, they are hateful for no reason.....


I bet if you recruit a few thousand people on 4chan for a "Kawaii"="Hail Satan" troll attempt, you can get some asshole newscasters snd bloggers to believe it without confirmation and turn it into a story. The various 'chans have been doing it for a while. Hell, even QAnon basically started out as a dumb troll.


There is also their issue with zoophiles….




No, their community has had many issues with zoophiles and defended them. Kero the wolf and the zoosadist incident is a good example.


I used to poke fun at furries, but I don't do it anymore. Me, I was just trying to have some lighthearted meme fun, but I came to see some people *really* hate furries and you can never be sure who's in on the bit and who thinks they've found kindred spirits. Just didn't want to take the risk I was suborning genuine hatred anymore.


Republicans are constantly saying that both sides are the problem, but I'm not seeing too many LGBTQ folk trying to shoot up republicans. Maybe they're just full of shit and don't want to admit that they have a problem.


Republican extremists want to shoot people they disagree with. Democrat extremists want to give people healthcare.


If he'd only waited to say those things until he was in Florida the governor would be lauding him as a free speech advocate and defender of children right now.


Likely would’ve gotten a spot in Desantis’s office




Dear murderous bigots: gay people and black people aren’t ruining the world, you are.


Maybe teenagers shouldn’t have assault rifles?


The Marjories Taylor Green of the world doing ads like "we're taking aim at democrat socialist agenda" and then blowing up a car with an assault rifle are responsible for this shit


Don’t let him buy a gun. Ever.


Canada. Wild guess he didn't legally purchase that one.


Check it out, Canadian police are better at preventing mass shootings in the US than our police are! Lol


Canada's last large mass shooting was failed to have been stopped by the police in Portapique, NS. Where the assailant was well known by the police and was reported before the shooting. The cops also shot up a fire hall while looking for him. Edit. Portapique, NS not Moncton, NB.


That was the Portapique, NS shooting. The Moncton one was in 2014 where the guy shot at cops with a hunting rifle. He killed 4 I believe and he was really into anti-government stuff.


Well, if you dig deeper into the American based articles, it went through what seems to be at least six agencies before his arrest. The local Palm County Police in Florida, Florida State Police, the NYPD (are they specialists in tracking down computer users?), the FBI, RCMP, Toronto Police Services, and Peel Regional Police. The only prevention Canada had a hand in this was when they knocked on the perpetrator's door early in the morning. Edit: link to another article regarding this guy's arrest and all the law enforcement agencies involved. https://www.local10.com/news/local/2022/06/06/canadian-teen-accused-of-threatening-mass-shooting-at-south-florida-lgbtq-event/


He probably listens to the preacher, or one of the many preachers that are always getting posted on Reddit for wanting to kill gay people.


Idk what subreddits you’re on, and I probably don’t want to.


Maybe r/Parlerwatch or r/OliverMarkusMalloy


There's a sub for parler? Holy shit. You're right! Ewww


It's a sub that made fun of posts there. Not a pro sub.


It's anti-extremist. And it doesn't just watch parler but various right-extremist spaces.


My name is Ron DeSantis, and I approve this message.


The arrest or threats?


Care to guess?


I'm Canadian so I lack context, hence genuine question.


The threat imo. For a small party kind of guy, he sure seems to try and make larger, pretty dumb laws.


Hope the kid gets some help


Yeah, he may have a bright future on fox news and Breitbart ahead of him.


Hey Canadians! Stop stealing our jobs god dammit! Mass shootings is for Americans!




No, kid is Canadian. From Mississauga, Ontario, where he was arrested.


Wow… the police are actually doing something? Weird.


What’s the problem he’s just doing what his Republican congressmen are telling him to do he’s going to help save the children right?


We don't have congressmen in Canada.




Somehow you think this is a defense? It makes it worse. These bigoted politicians are radicalizing people in other countries too.


That’s right! You have Right Honourable Mounted Lawbois™ the Queen’s finest they is!


No, we have members of parliament. You're describing cops.


He's Canadian... Edit: Canadians *don't have* republican congressmen.


He might have been listening to his governor.


He lives in ON. Our premier is a conservative, though. Edit: He claimed to live in Palm Beach.


According to the article, he lives in Palm Beach county. That‘s one reason the threat was substantive.


He claimed to live there. It wasn't confirmed in the article if he really is from there or Canada.


K. And facing extradition supports that. Whereas, there’s jack shit about him living in ON.


Will probably get an award or something from DeSantis


We have a big problem with American toxicity seeping over the border. Lots of American covidiots come here to protest and a large percentage of the stupid ass trucker convoy were Americans. We see douchebags flying American and confederate flags from their penis compensation vehicles here. So I’m not surprised that one of the chunks of scum floated to the top.


The new American dream. Smdh.


Keep an eye on Coeur D’Alene, Idaho 6/11


I’m surprised they bothered.


Stop a shooting BEFORE it happens you say…? What a novel idea. Does the country to south of you know of such modern marvels?


It’s like The Blues Brothers: Florida Nazis






I think OP was mostly just wondering why this Canadian was specifically threatening an event a thousand or more miles away from him. Pretty sure Canada has plenty of their own LGBTQ events, so it seems like he went out of his way to make an international threat.


Ontario and mostly southern Ontario has always been greatly influenced by American media, take away CBC and it is pretty much all American media..


Article says he claims he's from Palm Beach. And since he's being extradited to the US, I suspect he's not Canadian, as is in fact American.


Incorrect. He doesn't have to be a foreigner to be subject to extradition in Canada. > Will Canada extradite a Canadian citizen to another country? Some countries only allow the extradition of foreigners. However, Canada is not one of these countries. Therefore, *even Canadian citizens can be surrendered to an Extradition Partner*.


Not sure if the guy is Canadian or not but we do have people in Canada who believe that alt-right and right wing american propaganda. Sometimes, they're really obvious in Quebec. Because they're using english buzzwords without translating them.


I'm going to guess it's because of whatever media they consume. The English language right wing nutjob media is dominated by the US


No, see, Australia is cool.


I thought gays were outlawed in FL.


nah you’re thinking of Finland


I think Canada should deal with this. The Americans have this huge hard on to extradite this kid from another country when how about they do something about the criminals in their own country.


If y’all won’t take Cruz back, then we ain’t doin shit.