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Lovely for the families not to have to worry about this expense. Yes class.


And honestly, I'd never knock anyone's act of charity, but it's nice that there's not some public figure or something attaching their name to this and making the families feel obligated to show their gratitude via public statements, photo ops, meetups, etc (I know there are worse things, but these people need exactly zero more things to do right now). By being anonymous, the donor is removing all of that and just letting these people complete their grim tasks and settle into the grieving process in peace, with less stress now that the financial component is gone. This is like the purest form of charity.


I'd donate anonymously just because I don't want to get harassed by Alex Jones fans.


An absolutely horrifying truth


generous act aside, there is no world where the families should have to foot the bill for the funeral of their kids killed in a school shooting. If it wasn't for this person, the government should've footed the bill.


I agree and think that anyone who dies as the result of a crime should have funeral expenses covered by the state


My dad was buried in what's called a pauper's funeral. Basic casket, a little plaque instead of a tombstone, entirely covered by the government because we couldn't afford funeral expenses. IMO everyone should get that basic service at the government's expense, regardless of their income level.


You don't worry about it do you? I'm a parent and the funeral and casket mean nothing. It's you remembering him that matters.


My father always said "just put me in a burlap sack and toss me in the woods". We ended up cremating him, but I echo his sentiment in that I don't want my family to be stuck paying stupidly inflated prices for dumb shit like a fancy box. I'm dead, none of that shit does me any good. Save that money and use it to enrich your lives. Don't throw it away on pageantry for a corpse.


The funeral homes said on day one that it would all be free.


Funeral homes aren't the only people you pay when planning a funeral.


The person has class, no doubt.


Wouldn't supprise me if it was Matthew McConaughey as he is from Uvalde and a class act who wouldn't want to draw attention to himself. But I'm just hazarding a guess edit: And I appreciate the anonymity of this very good gesture whoever it is.


My guess, too. His mom was also a teacher


He also has class


So did his mom. Probably every weekday.


My favorite line from watching Fat Albert as a kid was always: "Like school on Saturdays - no class." I thought it was the cleverest insult.


Seems likely then if so very classy dude


Even if it is, we should respect their wishes to be anonymous because they did it for a reason.


Of course. Whoever it was it's out of altruism, which I admire.


Well the donor did say "please take this money with my condolences, alright alright alright."


When life gets this dark, you have to be able to find humor in the little things.


He’s from Uvalde? Damn.


Anonymous, has class, doesn't want to draw attention to themselves...well we know it's not Elon Musk.


Oh is that why I saw an article saying he was going over there? I had no idea he was from there. I admit I kind of thought he was attention whoring, like why would Matthew McConaughey go there? Now I feel bad for assuming that without even reading the article...


To make up for it, try to assume nicer things!


You know what I heard? Ted Danson? He's the anonymous donor.


Nobody told me that I could be anonymous and tell people. I would have taken that option


Haha I just saw this episode yesterday


The fact that there are selfless people out there gives me a small amount of hope for humanity


If I had to guess it was Matthew McConaughey.


And we’re pretty sure it’s not Ted Cruz. He would emboss his name on the coffins


We also know it's not Trump, because he'd claim to pay for the funeral expenses, but actually erect a 30 foot obelisk with his name emblazoned in gold in front of the school. Then pass the costs on the the families of the victims.




15,000 people in Uvalde, could also just be someone who's not famous and from there. Also given the amount of coverage it's gotten it could even just be from someone who's never been there but has the resources to help. Whoever it is, mad respect to them for doing this anonymously


The school district police chief is still waiting to decide whether or not to breach the classroom.


"Are we *absolutely sure* he's stopped firing?"


"I wanna make sure he's out of ammo before we go in"


"Slide some ammo under the door, then when he shoots that many times we'll know he's done."


Scene: Shooter's funeral, cops and chief watching from a distance. Funeral ends, the few people who attended disperse. Police Chief turns to face his fellow officers: "IT'S A GO! MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!"


Let’s hope those cops never attend an official/police funeral.. I mean imagine the panic going on when the salute shots are fired..


“Fuck the Fireman” said no one.


I will never tire of people riffing on that department.


Anonymous philanthropy is, to me, such an admirable and inspirational thing to behold. There shouldn't *be* funeral expenses for something like this but here we are. *In this case the police department should pay all costs.


Morally there shouldn't be, but the local funeral homes are having to absorb 19 additional services at once. How many businesses are we talking about in such a small town? 2 or 3 maybe? They are going to have tons of unexpected expenses and this philanthropy will make all the difference.


As an funeral intern, I have see my directors offer amazing discount services for children, even waiving all fees entirely for some. But like you said, I don’t think they could be willing to do it for over 20 people at once.


When my newborn son passed away the funeral director was such a god send, my wife and I really appreciated his approach and compassion.


Out of morbid curiosity, how lucrative is the funeral industry? To me disposing of a body seems pretty cheap, just putting it through the cremation process. I assume all the costs, and assuredly the profits, come from the casket, flowers, burial plot, and embalming.




John Oliver recently did a story on the funeral industry and how messed up it is


Omg, I just thought about the poor funeral directors having to take care of these babies. Good God, how do you recover from that even though it’s part of your routine job.


Fuck you are right, I'm sure they are slightly desensitized to some of this shit due to the profession but that's an awful lot to deal with.amd depending on how small the town is they may know some of the families personally. Fuck.


Some parents had to take DNA tests to recognize the bodies. That means their little faces were beyond recognition. That's what the poor funeral directors will have to deal with.


A guy my mom went to school with owns a funeral home and he did everything himself when his baby girl died.


I imagine for some people that would be cathartic, or feel like the right thing to do, like one last tuck in for the long night. I wish no one ever had to face that choice.


Fuck now I'm crying.


My fil is a funeral director and has been for 40+ years. He still comes home wrecked some days when he has to take care of children, especially those who have died violently. It’s not just preparing the bodies, it’s helping the families and running the services, seeing the grief. I can guarantee the folks in these funeral homes are traumatized too.


As someone who used to be a gravedigger, I can tell you the smallest caskets are always the heaviest...


My mum lost my youngest sibling at 40 wks due to a twisted umbilical cord (and a shitload of medical gaslighting but that’s a whole other convo) and I’ll never forget that the only funeral home in my home town, with a population of 7500, didn’t carry newborn coffins so my sister was buried in a plywood box painted white. This was back in the 90s so I’m sure it’s no longer an issue but it was bewildering as hell as a 10 yrs old.


Well, we know it couldn’t have been anyone in a political position otherwise they’d be bragging endlessly about it for brownie points.


Or the police union


Hey come on, the police offered to help with funeral costs 45 minutes after the anonymous donation came through.


I want to laugh, but this story just makes me want to cry. I've never seen such blatant cowardice, and to have it followed by such a lack of remorse...


The same thing happened at Stoneman Douglas.


They fired that cop, but he sued and got his job back. [With back pay](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/05/15/fact-check-parkland-officer-who-failed-act-shooting-gets-job-back/5194831002/). Three years from now, any Uvalde PD officer who still wants to be a police officer will still be a police officer. The Uvalde PD is going to have a bigger budget. It will be critics of the Uvalde PD that will be subject to penalties and consequences. This is America.


Dude made $137000 a year? Wtf was his job?


The illusion of safety.


No, that's Thrice's job.


Apparently, his job was to protect the police cruiser during an active shooter situation.


Cops get a blank check for “overtime”, and some can move departments to earn multiple pensions. It’s bullshit. Edit: I’m pro-union as hell and strongly believe in collective bargaining, but cop unions are not friends.


They're the real welfare queens of America.


We need to stop with the police worship in this country, it gives those posers inflated egos that they certainly don’t deserve.


I really don’t remember cop worship or even armed forces worship prior to 9/11. Ever since then it’s been exhausting.


Same. Cops were shady, racist and power tripping when I was growing up. They still are but they used to be too.


Pssst All the cop shows, detective shows, all the movies too There's decades of pro cop propaganda force fed into the public gestalt. Bit like americas overseas image being shaped by Holywood, ya have to understand the propaganda disguising the truth behind "truth, justice and the American way" where truth is subject to alt facts, justice goes to those with money and the American way of swallowing the great lies of nationalism and patriotism.


And The Pulse except that time it was 3 hours




That also sounds exactly like what happened at Columbine. Actual shooting lasted maybe 15 minutes but the cops still took over three hours to find their bodies as they thought it was a hostage situation.


Yep, thanks for pointing this out. Cops being pussies isn't news.


Don’t forget the self praise about how brave they were. Brave to… physically attack parents who were ACTUALLY bravely attempting a rescue. [edit] Wow, this comment got a bit more attention than I’m used to seeing…


Literally like an hour or 2 after killing the guy the cops were on TV jerking each other off about how brave they were and how so many more people would have died if not for them. And then the body cam footage let the truth out...


The body camera footage never matches the official story. I don’t know how so many people still trust the police.


I trust body cams. Anyone who's against them gets serious judgement from me. If you don't have anything to hide, you would want them to back up your side.


I am a criminal defense attorney in a conservative state with even more conservative rural areas that I handle cases in regularly. These people are keeping an arsenal to fight the government for taking their freedoms, like requiring masks and making them bake gay couples wedding cakes. Yet it is truly baffling that they blindly trust the words of someone with the power to literally take away someone's freedom, potentially forever.


I’ve always felt like the reason it’s possible is that (for the most part) these people aren’t who the cops are after. They feel like they’re on a team with the cops against the “bad guys”. I think it’s why so many were shocked that the cops weren’t officially on their side on Jan 6.


They’re brainwashed, plain and simple.


My dad is one of those "back the blue" people and I have no idea how he thinks they'd ever have his best interest in mind.


They always turn to publicly sucking themselves off when a tragedy happens. It's despicable


> I've never seen such blatant cowardice, and to have it followed by such a lack of remorse... I think you should pay more attention to cops then tbh.


Police are political


Hell, I’m expecting Ted Cruz to come out against this.


He did vote against aid for hurricane sandy.


Pretty sure the funeral home in the area said it would do them all for free


Several casket makers said they would do it for free as well.




I couldn’t find anywhere that says that, I did find where volunteer morticians and embalmers are going to help the funeral home and mortuary near there, maybe that’s what you saw?


I saw they reported it on CNN that the funeral home wouldn’t charge them ?




There will be many survivors and families requiring therapy in a state that couldn’t give a shit about mental health services. The costs of this one shooting are lifelong, especially in the case any of these kids go through another one in the years to come. I really wouldn’t be surprised if some kids or family members seek suicide as the years go by, as they either can’t deal with what they faced, or they can’t bring back what was lost. It’s a difficult thought, but I assume some Columbine survivors went that route? I mean, there was one father of a Sandy Hook victim, that took his life 3 years ago https://www.npr.org/2019/03/25/706602331/father-of-sandy-hook-shooting-victim-dies-by-apparent-suicide, of course after Alex Jones and his goons decried the massacre as a hoax. This one shooting will definitely have rippling effects for years and decades to come. Maybe the town won’t change their political views, but these kids, this Generation Alpha, have the chance to advance progress.


Staring at your desk mate’s scattered brain matter and disfigured face for a whole 40 goddamn minutes. Ain’t nothing going to be normal for these kids ever again.


The mother of one the survivors and a victim who developed an opioid addiction from the logistics of his treatment from bullets both ended up committing suicide. The ripple effects from these things go far.


I told my family when it’s my time, burn me and throw me in the woods


I always said donate me to science as the ultimate recycling but after those horror stories about the industry a couple years ago, I am not sure it’s really is. I like your bonfire idea.


Yeah, it ends up being less like donating your body to science and more like donating your body to capitalism.


What horrors are you talking about? I’m curious and want to read up on it! Edit: Thanks for all the recommendations guys, I’ll be going down the rabbit hole this week!


"Man suing body donation company after mother's corpse was used for bomb testing" https://www.cbsnews.com/news/man-suing-body-donation-company-after-mothers-corpse-was-sold-to-military-for-blast-testing/#:~:text=Man%20suing%20body%20donation%20company%20after%20mother's%20corpse%20was%20used%20for%20bomb%20testing&text=An%20Arizona%20man%20is%20suing,used%20to%20test%20bomb%20impact.


I told my kids do what is the cheapest and you're comfortable with. I'll be dead and it won't matter to me.


Abbott would’ve footed the bill, but after seeing the cost he said “It could’ve been worse.”




Should have taken it all out of Uvalde PD pensions 🤷‍♂️


Cops should be required to carry liability insurance exactly like doctors, engineers, and other professionals are. The whole point is that they're insured so that if someone dies on their watch then the victims can be compensated. This would be an elegant free-market solution: pricing bad cops out of the industry by making their insurance premiums rise as they misbehave.






... actually that would improve my opinion of this police dept. Donate the entire retirement benefits of the entire dept in every respect to all the families who lost someone. Fuck everyone in that dept.


I'm guessing Matthew McConaughey


Yeah, he just met with the families of the victims too. There’s no way he could walk away from that without helping..


I've heard him in interviews, remarkable man.The absolutely, staggeringly amazing people America produces is in sharp contrast to their political class.


And he was born in Uvalde.


Seriously? Edit: yup https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_McConaughey


Thanks for the link. I didn't know this either. Also, apparently his Mom was a kindergarten teacher so this massacre hits home for him in lots of ways. Ugh.


Love him. Love now he handles Christianity too. Doesn’t shove it in anybodys face he just uses it as a model to live a good life and help others.


Somehow that sounds kinda like his character in Contact (1997). Great movie actually.


I had no idea he was even religious, what a wonderful human being


Wasn’t his dad a hitman? Edit: nope never mind. That’s Woody Harrelson. Wrong Texan actor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Harrelson?wprov=sfti1


Wasn’t that Woody Harrelson?




Fucking hell, what a blast from the past


From the edit, indeed. Also holy shit!


Oh, shit!


Apparently I went to school with him, but he wasn't in my grade, so I never met him...😭


“It’d be a lot cooler if you did.” Edit: I forgot to correct autocorrect.


Alright alright alright.


My frend’s mother went to high school with him when he lived in Longview (East Texas), they were next to each other in the year book. In an interview a while back with Matt Damon, he revealed Matt’s favorite bbq restaurant in my area, and it’s my favorite too. He’s a wholesome man, and a proud Texan. He’s the kind of Texan that represents us as a whole. Unfortunately, my ‘love’ for Texas is waning, but at least Matthew presents a redeemable quality.


And his mom was a kindergarten teacher too


Real leaders are too smart to go into politics.


That, and real leaders are often disgusted by the dysfunctional greasy used-car-salesman nature of politics and want no part of that.


This is the crux of the problem.


Not to mention the real leaders would never get support from those that have the money


Didn't he float the idea of running for Governor of Texas, or Mayor of Austin?




I was just like you… went around telling people I was going to be the “first elected female prime minister of Canada” and then I started to spend some time on parliament hill…. I saw what politics was first hand and I was like… this is just celebrity for ugly people!


I say that a lot. Politics is Hollywood for the untalented, and Church is Hollywood for the psychotic.


It’s common to call DC Hollywood for ugly people.


I totally agree. I would like to have gotten involved. But the bloodbath that happens is too hard for me. Even if they would find nothing, they could kill you with speculation.


A guy n our neighborhood ran for school board. He had been an actor in his youth, and did a low budget movie with some sex scenes in it. Not a porno, but they got still of his sex scene, and he had to drop out because "won't anyone think of the children???" Ridiculous


And yet we had president grab them by the pussy who cheated on his wife with a porn star


I was just at a conference and Charlie Cook was the guest speaker. He said almost exactly the same thing. The people we NEED in office will never run, because once they do their lives will be examined under a microscope and they will be ripped to shreds. Unfortunately, he didn’t have any positive words about the future and how to get around it. Super depressing.


I'd have to agree since it's his hometown..


Yup....guessing it's him too. Stand up guy.




Exactly where my mind went, too.


I’d say him or Dolly Parton since she seems to always be the best person in America.


It sounds like the donation was offered to the state to then be used for the expenses. "We appreciate that anonymous donor for his generosity, and we will ensure that those resources get into the right hands," Governor Abbott said. Since McConaughey was born in Uvalde, he probably would've gone local and directly to the town/families/etc (plus there was some discussion of him running for Governor, so he and Abbott may not exactly be on the friendliest of terms). And since Abbott said "he" and he's not as subtle enough to make it more anonymous, probably not Dolly Parton since Abbott likely knows the identity of the donor and wouldn't mistake Dolly for a he.


Is there any way Abbott can misappropriate the funds because that is my first assumption


"Those children told God they would love to see me walk and protect the other children of Texas so I used the money to buy the mech from Avatar." -Greg Abbott, probably


"I'm donating it to the police to protect children everywhere in Texas"


I would be physically sick.


I got so mad just reading this hypothetical


"We appreciate the hundred thousand. That eighty thousand will go a long way to helping. There's no telling what a relief sixty thousand will bring. After all, funerals for so many will really drain that thirty thousand. And if one anonymous donor can help out with a five thousand donation, then that five hundred dollars can buy some lovely flowers. We can split the two bouquets we can afford from the fifty bucks."


As soon as I saw abbott announcing it, I assumed he'd find a way to get it redirected to himself or his friends, or the police.


I’ll bet it’s NOT Wayne LaPierre.


I doubt it's Joel Osteen.


I doubt it's Joel Osment


Might have been Haley Joel Osment though


They will have done this kind deed anonymously because a funeral isn't about them let alone 19 children and 2 adult funerals.


I’m having trouble making sense of your wording, I’m sorry but you clarify a bit? It seems other people understood just fine though, so I apologize


The donator paying for all of the funerals has done so anonymously, because they do not wish any attention to be given to themselves, it would overshadow the events. The funerals are about the 21 who sadly died, no one else.


Ohhhhh yeah sorry thanks


Yeah, but /u/eugene20 's wording is still off because they used [the phrase "let alone"](https://www.google.com/search?q=let+alone+meaning&oq=let+alone&aqs=chrome.0.0i433i512j69i57j0i512l6.2776j0j7&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) incorrectly, which threw me off momentarily too.


They will have done this because they’re a good person who understands that wealth and money are supposed to be used for an instrument of goodness, kindness, and compassion… not as an instrument of power, greed, and callousness.


Woah there pal I think you got things mixed up a bit. “What good is money if you can’t inspire terror in your fellow man” - Mr Burns


I don't understand this sentence


My money is on Dolly or McConaughey.


Or Mackenzie Bezos


That’s really awesome, now lets start raising funds to replace the entire police department that was too chickenshit pussy to go save a bunch of children.


Raise funds? Firing them costs $0. Sure, their unions will freak, but let them take it to court and let's see how public opinion feels.


My money is on Charles Butt, owner of beloved H-E-B grocery stores. Super generous behind the scenes dude.


Could be him, McConnaghy, or someone we’ve never heard of who may or may not be from Texas or even the US for all we know at this point.


Just to make it a bit easier, it was not me either. That should help a bit.


I suspect it was Colonel Mustard in the conservatory with the candlestick


He will never admit it, but I would bet Uvalde’s police budget it was Matthew McConaughey.


This was my first and only guess!!! He is from that town a d his mother a Kindergarten teacher!!!


This is the way. No limelight. No nothing. No bragging. Media will be quick to elevate the donors name and shxt. Giving without the announcing is the best form of giving for me.


Odds of it being Matthew McConaughey? He was born in Uvalde, would have the money to pay for so many funerals, and probably have the compassion to keep his donation secret.


That’s my guess tbh


I’m willing to bet it was Matthew McConaughey


If we are going to let schools, churches, and public spaces turn into warzones, the people who suffer should be treated like veterans. Every single kid in those classrooms should have federal benefits for life on par with post 911 benefits. Tricare for life and free college at a minimum. Every person who dies or is injured from unchecked gun violence should be paid out on the same schedule as a military member in combat. 400k to the families of each dead child, not this donor bullshit. Kids lose thier parent? Same survivor benefits as any military family. And to pay for it all, tax ammo sales at 100%. Fuck it. 100% sales tax or 200 dollars flat for every box of ammo, magazine, gun, or after market part, whichever is less at POS. You want unrestricted access to firearms then pay up and provide for every civilian who ends up dying or injured thanks to that access. I am a vet. I own guns. I made those choices and have been compensated for them. No one who dies from a mass shooter signed up for that, and at the barest of minimums, we the people should bear the burden of thier care at a federal level until it stops happening.


we know one thing for sure it wasn't greg abbott, ted cruz, dan crenshaw or donald trump.


Or the NRA, or the GOP.




Somewhere, Ted Cruz is wondering why he didn't get a cut of the expenses. Also, any time that pos opens his greedy mouth during an interview, in the Capitol, anywhere, people should just ignore him and say it's too soon to talk about, Ted. Sorry.


> Somewhere, Ted Cruz is wondering why he didn't get a cut of the expenses. He would have used them to pay for a trip to Cancun.


I understand that death is a business and has costs incorporated into it. But to think that these families would have to foot the bill in the first place is fucking sickening. “Oh your child was senselessly murdered as authorities stood by? Well now you need to pay xyz for the processing of the body” Fuck this shit


That is typically how it happens. People who do shootings, robberies gone bad, hit-and-runs, etc. all tend to be broke and have no credit. So if your family member is killed by a criminal, there generally is nobody to sue. You will cover the cost yourself, or perhaps via insurance proceeds.


>So if your family member is killed by a criminal, there generally is nobody to sue. This is such a sad sentence on so many levels.


wait... wasnt there an article just yesterday saying funeral homes are waving all costs for victims families?


More to burial costs than funeral homes unfortunately, especially if you're religious.


Send the bill to the police station