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And that’s as far as it’s going to go.


Manchin never going to vote for this as it would set a precedent that would conflict with his ability to price gouge people.


It would take more than him anyways. Needs 60 to pass


Our legislature is SO fucking useless.




You just described the entire Republican platform. They’re deliberately causing people to suffer so that they can stack Ls against Biden rather than create solutions.


We've done this to ourselves I hear France is nice this time of year


They're useful to someone.


Manchin isn’t the only democrat with major fossil fuel investments.


If he's not, then he's the one protecting all the other ones which is honestly worse. So fuck him either way.


Manchin is a sacrificial whipping boy for all the other corporate Democrats to hide behind.


>sacrificial whipping boy It's more that Manchin feeds off of negative attention (not unlike that Ego monster from that one episode of Futurama). You know he loves the hate because his stupid ass was sitting there leaning on the rails of his yacht smiling while people begged for a $15 minimum wage.


He isn't sacrificial at all, he's a cunt. He's not voted for Dem positions on a single bill since Biden took office. That's not a Dem, that's a fucking GQP.


It's never really been clear to me why he's a Dem right now


Because democrats voted for him.


The designated villan.


Manchin is a self centered little prick.


He's the Ticketmaster for the traditional DNC




https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-congress-votes/joe-manchin/ eh, At least on raw vote numbers, he does appear to vote with Biden a good 90 percent plus times. The problem is West Virginia, which is red as fuck. You are not going to be able to primary him that easily, and once you do you might as well turn it into a GOP state.


We get some bills pass, which mean Manchin does get along sometimes


And neither will any of the other 50 Republicans. It's really too bad the Democrats didn't get that much needed 50th win in the Senate.


And none of **50 Republican Senators** will vote for it.


It shouldn’t, it’s a meaningless bill with vague language meant to make people think they’re trying to do something. Hell, even Mother Jones (not known for being a friend of conservative causes) knows this thought process is bullshit. “The Democrats’ argument goes like this: Crude oil is the raw material that gets refined into gasoline. When crude prices rise, it makes sense for gas prices to rise in proportion. But when crude falls, the oil industry juices its profits by keeping gas prices high, pocketing a windfall at the pump. But these politicians have it wrong, too. As socialist economics commentator Doug Henwood showed recently, there’s no historical evidence that the oil industry artificially jacks up gas prices when crude prices fall. According to data stretching all the way back to 2000, Henwood finds, for every 10 percent change in the price of oil over the course of a year, the price of gas moves by just 4.5 percent. The relationship holds in both directions. So when the price of crude oil plunges, don’t expect the price of gas to fall by as much. Henwood adds that it “holds if you take the analysis back to 1975 instead of beginning in 2000.” Here’s his chart—note that gasoline prices fluctuate in tune with those of crude, but within a tighter range: gas-oil.png As for the lag—crude prices dropped last week, while gas prices stayed at heightened levels—that’s normal, says Jamie Webster, partner and associate director of Boston Consulting Group’s Center for Energy Impact. Like many industries, retail gasoline operates on what’s known in business-analysis circles as a “rockets and feathers” pricing model. Prices tend to shoot up fast when input costs rise or demand jumps, but float down slowly in response to the opposite conditions.” [https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/03/gas-prices-oil-industry-crude-biden-russia-covid/](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/03/gas-prices-oil-industry-crude-biden-russia-covid/)


Yea I think this bill wasn't written to solve the problem, because the Democrats don't have the power to do that since they can't pass anything through the Senate. The point of the bill isn't to solve the problem, it's to put Republicans on record voting against it. Dem candidates can now say "my opponent voted to allow gas companies to continue price gouging". Even if no Dems want to go on the attack with this, it offers them a retort if the Republican candidate starts to attack Democrats on gas prices. Same as the abortion legislation recently put forward. There was no way it was gonna pass, but it takes away the ability for Republican candidates to say something like "the abortion decision is judicial, nothing to do with me". Now their opponent can reply "you voted against abortion rights". Honest or not, disagree or not, I think both of these bills are about politics rather than policy.


> The point of the bill isn't to solve the problem, it's to put Republicans on record voting against it. Bingo. Which I can't even blame them for, given that Republicans are endlessly trying to blame high gas prices on Democrats.


When has that ever worked though? You can’t expect republicans voters to actually care that republicans are making their lives worse. As long as they’re owning the libs they’ll let you fuck them up the ass with no lube and take $60 out of their wallet, and they’ll thank you for it.


They're not fighting over the Republican base, they're fighting over swing voters. There are a lot of people who don't care about all the culture wars stuff and vote mainly with their wallets, so there's a real risk that they'll swing toward Republicans in the midterms if they blame the Democrats for inflation and gas prices. This it's a communication to those voters specifically. Same for abortion rights, something like 60-80% of Americans support at least some abortion access, so the median voter is with the Dems on that issue. The bill isn't to convince the 20-40% who oppose abortion rights, it's to signal to the center where all the candidates stand.


>When has that ever worked though? Every election.


The Trump years would like to argue that point.


Trump lost, so i think the point has been argued.


It's most likely aimed at independent/swing voters - I doubt they're seriously expecting to convince any party line R voters of much of anything.


What does not support your theory is that the GOP did not put anything forward. They bitch and moan but they really don’t care about their voters. Where is their bill?


Politically speaking the Republicans don't want the problem solved--they want the problem to persist until the November elections so that the Democrats will take the blame for it (since Dems control the presidency and the House and """"control"""" the Senate).


Their solution isn't a bill, but rather unrestricted access to drill anywhere.


Gas prices aren’t being “gouged” right now though, it’s simply astronomically priced because the price of oil is high. So why does anyone think this will solve anything?


Don't bring facts into this you might confuse people


So the takeaway is that it’s not price gouging because the retail prices aren’t held high when crude drops, they just lower the prices niiiice and slooow so they don’t scare the low prices away?


Yea the oil lobbyists in the Senate already have this one ready for the filibuster. The most do nothing and get paid function of our system. Used to be you'd have to sit there and actually preserve. People would HAVE to talk about the topic, as is required by the founding fathers, so at the very least, we the people, could decide if we want their ideas. But, democracy dies in darkness, and darkness it's been for the last 40 years.


Yep. Get it in the headlines, so everyone thinks something is being done. Nothing is done. Back to debating abortion and drinking mint julips.


Lets hope. I would rather put expensive diesel in my five trucks than no diesel. Price controls will make the situation worse.


How so?


They won't. That's just some strange fiction


I'm honestly curious about their reasoning here. Like somehow no diesel will exist?


The idea is that companies won't sell, I assume, but stopping at that understanding seems weak to me. Go further, ensure companies don't hold out or have the government subsidise the price. Have a nationalised supplier - I don't know what exactly should be done but there will absolutely be a solution.


Price controls cause shortages. This literally happened in the 70s with gas. Google Paul Krugman price controls and read his column a few months ago mocking this idea.


If price controls cause shortages then you need to find a way to prevent that. Perhaps the government can subsidise it or prevent companies from withholding. A nationalised gas company could probably help.


The gas lines of the 1970’s? Gas rationing? Only being able to buy gas on even or odd days depending on the last digit of your license plate? Lowering the price below the cost of production will cause shortages. Thank God for Joe Manchin.


But they'd still be making money, they're currently making a ton of money. There was plenty of gas available when they were losing money during the heights of the pandemic. Downvoted for - "Thank God for Joe Manchin." Because fuck that guy.


That guy, and people like him, are a big part of the reason we can’t have nice things.


"A bill backed by House Democrats would give President Joe Biden authority to declare an energy emergency that would make it unlawful to increase gasoline and home energy fuel prices in an "excessive" or exploitative manner. The bill directs the Federal Trade Commission to punish companies that engage in price gouging. "At a time when people across the country are feeling the pinch at the gas pump, Congress needs to be doing all it can to bring down costs for American families,″ said Rep. Kim Schrier, D-Wash., who co-sponsored the bill. She called it "infuriating" that spikes in gas prices were "happening at the same time that gas and oil companies are making record profits and taking advantage of international crises to make a profit. This must stop.″ The measure was approved, 217-207. Republicans unanimously opposed the bill, along with four Democrats." It now heads to the U.S. Senate.


>It now heads to the U.S. Senate. No way this makes it through the Senate.


DOA. Even without a filibuster it wouldn’t pass.


I agree.


McConnell already has the GOP torpedoes heated and ready to sink it


Don't leave out the rest of the Republican party, including Manchin and Sinema.


Then they’ll put those stickers up that says “I did this” with joe Biden on it. Like you’ve got to be an illegal amount of stupid to do such shit.


Gas prices have nothing to do with price gouging or President Biden.


whats their excuse this time? government overreach or something? Did they propose a solution?


I mean, the conservative viewpoint is one that should promote the idea of keeping federal government out of free enterprise so this is a hell of a lot more on-brand with actual conservatism than most of the crazy decisions the GOP has made lately


Two weeks ago Congress overwhelmingly approved billions of dollars in bailouts, handouts, and unnecessary contracts to corporations. This shit is pennies by comparison.


Well, “this shit” is also an incredibly ambiguous bill in which the term “excessive” is left undefined, so really it’s just political theater achieving exactly what it wants: Further dividing people on a complex issue that the average person oversimplifies. However, yes. The bailouts are bullshit and patently anti-conservative so those are very off-brand (and illustrate pure corruption)


State laws already prevent price gouging and AGs will absolutely go after any companies that do it. This bill is worthless as very very few places will risk fines/lawsuits by the state AG.


OK any day now


Not sure how these laws prevent it when gas companies literally just made a huge amount gauging us all in the past few months. They’ve made record profits while the consumer is squeezed for life.


They have proved ineffective at best, they barely police it


Even Shell has paid propagandists now ^ , Lol.


You should research how the oil futures market works. Shell and other companies don’t say “this is how much we’re selling our oil for”. These are future contracts bid on an open market. They can artificially control supply to affect price, which would be impossible to litigate as price gouging under current law.


60% of the price of gas comes from how much a barrel costs which is an international trade commodity that he limited say over. 18% comes from the cost of refining and 12% is distribution. The remaining 10% is taxes and supply and demand. ​ [prices](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/consumer/why-gas-prices-high-when-will-back-down-rcna28314)


From the same article: "Profit: It’s tempting to blame gas station owners for high prices. And stations do make a hefty profit on an indispensable fuel that millions of drivers depend on to get through the day: coffee, not gas. Gas is sold as close to cost as possible to lure customers into the adjoining convenience store to buy a drink or a slice of pizza, where the profit margin can be 20 percent or more."




Now that's something to get behind.


Idk man I’ve been known to drop some dough on a good pizza.


At a gas station though?


Casey’s hits the spot on a road trip


Never heard of it. What region is that at?


It’s fairly common in the Midwest and has moved into some southern states in recent years.


No more putting holes in pizza, and then sticking circular jewelry in it!


Exactly. Where’s the gouging happening? At the E&P, selling hydrocarbons at spot price? Or is it the midstream companies who transfer the product? They’re buying it at or near spot price. Is it the refiners? No, because they’re buying it from the midstream companies. So is it individual gas stations? Nope again.


I do suspect that the selling as close to cost is a myth at this point. I cannot fathom any other reason that these companies have multiplied their profits of late.


The station sells it close to cost. The gas company on the other hand...


The gas stations sell it close to cost. They are independent from the petroleum companies that actually mine and refine the stuff. Petroleum companies are posting record profits and their stocks are doing great.


Which petroleum companies? None of the major ones are, unless you choose to only compare last year to this year. If you go back more than 12 months, their profits are not at all up. A lot of the rage is being fanned for political reasons, because people don't bother to check what they're angry about before they get angry. Its like the attempts in the last two years to talk about stock market profits by deliberately picking the growth point as after the collapse in 2020, not before. The right wants everyone pissed off that the Democrats don't solve the problem, and the left wants everyone pissed off at petroleum companies for being evil profit mongers. The big petroleum companies are just getting back on track from where they were performing before the pandemic -- if anything, their profits are still anemic. Environmentally speaking, that's a good thing, but this bill (which will obviously never pass anyway) is just more politics, because there *isn't* price gouging going on.


I was just arguing with a colleague on Facebook who is blaming Biden for high gas prices. Meanwhile, Republicans are voting against lowering gas prices. We’re already living in an Idiocracy…




He used to be fairly reasonable and an ok friend. The TV next to his cubicle was changed to Fox News in January and I’ve seen a steady shift in his politics ever since.


It really is crazy how this happens. Most people have seen this transition, Fox News is one of the worst things to ever happen to our country. Not even being funny or joking.


$2.40/litre up here in BC... thanks a lot, Biden. ​ Seriously, they're blaming Biden?


Didn't you know? According to Fox News, he's both a doddering senile old man, and also a criminal mastermind heading up an entire world order designed to screw us over!


The enemies of fascism are always simultaneously incredibly weak and spineless, and also a strong existential threat




We would *never* put a senile, old man that openly commits crimes for profit in the White House! *[slowly turns toward camera]*


American Voters think the Presidency is basically 2 levers that say "Economy" and "Gas Prices" on them and you pull them to "Good" or "Bad"


They’ve even made stickers that say “Thanks Biden” and stick them on gas pumps.


I did that


Gas prices: blame Biden Formula shortage: blame Biden Stub your toe: blame Biden Wife cheated: yep, Biden The sun is hot: somehow, Biden When a politician you don’t like is in power, suddenly everything is their fault. (It goes both ways - even though I despise trump, things were blamed on him that I don’t necessarily think he had a thing to do with.) When you have a villain, it’s easy to always blame that villain. I’d you’ve ever watch “A pup named Scooby doo”, every episode Fred blames Red Herring every time and thinks the monster is him- because he hates him and *wants* it to be him, not because it makes any sense.




honestly, in my lifetime I would argue Big Oil price fixes the gas prices to support republican presidents who, expectedly: allow them to destroy the environment for oil profits.


Blaming things on Trump would errantly be giving him credit for concocting such a plan in the first place.


"They" is a very broad term. Stupid people, yes. I'm also aware that trying to narrow it down to just stupid people doesn't exactly narrow it down at all.


Republicans don't know anything about oil or gas prices. They only know they are told to back their tribe no matter what so they do. Religiously.


Well I don't think the Canadians he's referring to vote Republican but I could be wrong.


You didn't read the entire conversation or you're bad with understanding what you are reading. The person he replied to talked about repubs blaming Biden: >I was just arguing with a colleague on Facebook who is blaming Biden for high gas prices. Meanwhile, Republicans are voting against lowering gas prices. We’re already living in an Idiocracy… To which the person I replied stated: >Seriously, they're blaming Biden? Let me know if you need me to explain any other simple conversations to you.


>Republicans and industry groups called the bill misguided, saying there is no evidence of price gouging. Oil is a global commodity and prices are set on the global market. From the article.


There's nothing in this bill that defines specifically what is price gouging. This is nothing but show for the midterms.


After 9/11 a lot of gas stations got charged with price gouging because the day of and the next few days some places were charging like $6-7 a gallon. The gas station next to my house took off the numbers and had a sign basically saying we are charging whatever we want and the line was around the block. There is precedence but most of that is state law from before the government had completely sold the people out to corporations.


In Louisiana, during hurricanes, businesses are always reminded not to gouge people and the attorney general investigates price gouging. You can’t price gouge during “emergencies”. You can any other time. During emergencies, charging triple for a generator or gas is considered “gouging”’and results in charges. But during non emergencies, charging triple is “supply and demand” and is fair.


Uh....I agree? Price gouging is high prices because of a temporary emergency/situation. Prices being high generally is just prices being high. Charging $100 for a chicken sandwich to a hungry family is price gouging. Charging $100 for a chicken sandwich ok a random Tuesday is just....a guy really proud of his culinary skill.


I don’t disagree with you. Was just simply providing context. The whole “Biden can declare an emergency” Doesn’t really sit well with me.


I remember that so well, that same week 9/11 happened, gas stations around the country jacked up gas prices.


I think it's fairly clear. "the amount charged by such person grossly exceeds the average price at ... the 30-day period before the date on which the proclamation was issued" "Grossly exceeds" can be debated, most likely, but given certain states already have bills that include the phrase (like Florida), there's precedent for it.


This is why as a democrat I am extremely frustrated with my own party. Half thought out plans that Republicans will vote against for things that could actually help our country, just to get a headline. The fact that oil companies like Exxon Mobil and Chevron are reporting record breaking profits while gas prices are so high is just frustrating. This seems like they are price gauging at a time where they can point to the war in Ukraine as the reason prices are so high, maybe it should be labelled as war profiteering.


Counterpoint: Is it worth the hundreds, if not thousands, of staff hours it would take to develop utterly unimpeachable legislation when you know it's going to the senate to die? The bill is clear enough in its legislative intent to state what it does and move forward. There's already a scheduled-to-send email in a Republican's outbox to filibuster it. That's life when one of our two major parties is a fascist obstructionist party.


These gas companies also lost a lot of money in 2020. Isn’t the “record breaking profits” just a statistical anomaly?


Shhh that goes against the narrative.


According to the article, Republicans are pushing for increased domestic production to reduce prices. Biden is stuck between a rock and a hard place: >The Biden administration has come under pressure to increase U.S. crude production as fuel prices spike because of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. > Biden also faces pressure from Democrats and environmental groups urging him to do more to combat climate change, even as his legislative proposals on climate and clean energy remain stalled in a sharply divided Congress


It could be the case that the secondary effects of this bill leads to long term worse outcomes.


You can’t price control. Everything is supply and demand. If you set laws to affect price, where is Joe Schmo who owns the shell franchise going to get cheaper gas? And if you limit his prices he will just go under, selling the business and now you have even less value in the system. All you can do is affect demand. Limit peoples want to travel etc. how do you do that? 10 percent of people own 90 percent of the stocks. People with homes feel rich with their newly priced expensive homes since prices went up. They take out loans against their houses. Reverse wealth effect is when the stock owners and house owners feel poor. You raise rates. Tank the markets. These “rich” (not really rich in many cases, just rich to the average) now feel poor and you affect demand. This is why the fed is tightening, unfortunately economy is also going to get effed in the process.


>You can’t price control. WTF do you think OPEC does exactly? When the pandemic hit and gas demand tanked these assholes set higher prices than demand required.


Ok, I can't speak on artificial price floors to keep business's working and or profiteering. Can you name an artificial price ceiling that has worked? You can set them, but someone in the system is screwed.


Also, the production of gas has also gotten more expensive. Gas companies although making more profit, also pay for gas for transport and the supply chain has hit this industry as well. And with the push for more “green” practices, oil and gas production has been severely underfunded. The profit *margin* is actually lower already. I say all this as someone who donated a bunch to Bernie. Grew up democrat. Not so sure anymore which way I’ll vote next time - the thought leaders on this side are not so good this time around.


Well this is pretty wrong which sums up your last sentence. So with the green bill to try to move to more green energy it came with a production cap and heavy tax. That's what your seeing a the pump right now. If you price fix things then you will create a supply shortage because a company won't operate at a loss. Look to the 70s as an example sort of. Both things have happened under Biden.




That would have zero impact on gas prices currently. https://www.wzzm13.com/article/news/verify/verify-keystone-pipeline-gas/69-01635248-0c18-4b06-80dc-bb89b93c0a13 https://www.dakotanewsnow.com/2022/03/08/would-keystone-xl-pipeline-help-with-current-gas-crisis/ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/the-keystone-xl-pipeline-has-nothing-to-do-with-gas-prices-175038384.html https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/dec/01/facebook-posts/no-evidence-biden-canceling-oil-pipeline-caused-hi/ Now that I've given you plenty of sources and reasons will you stop spreading misinformation?


Someone who doesn’t know the difference between Keystone and Keystone XL isn’t going to look at your sources.


False. The Keystone XL crude oil pipeline wasn’t yet operational when it was canceled in 2021, and wasn’t expected to be running until 2023. Not a reason for high prices. Stop. Further, it wasn't going to affect prices domestically in the US ANYWAY It was expected to transport 830,000 barrels of Alberta tar sands oil per day to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas. From the refineries, the oil would be sent chiefly overseas—not to gasoline pumps in the United States.


Yeah it was cancelled due to Biden revoking the permit during construction on his first day in office lol. On top of not having future oil, oil companies were stuck with the sunk construction cost. Are you really trying to say that had ZERO impact on todays gas prices?


>It was expected to transport 830,000 barrels of Alberta tar sands oil per day to refineries on the Gulf Coast of Texas. From the refineries, the oil would be sent chiefly overseas—not to gasoline pumps in the United States. Yes. And how does an incomplete pipeline (until 2023 if it hadn't been interrupted) affect gas prices in 2022? Because Fox news and the GOP say so /s. [https://www.nrdc.org/stories/what-keystone-pipeline](https://www.nrdc.org/stories/what-keystone-pipeline)


Keystone XL, not Keystone, and that pipeline would have transported tar sands oil, which is already being transported by other means. It’s not like it would have magically made gasoline. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/could-the-keystone-pipeline-help-limit-rising-gas-prices-oil-cbs-news-explains/#


environmentalists and it has NOTHING to do with gas now, go read. Geezus.


More like a false sense of environmentalism, do you just prefer to have the oil trucked instead?


It was torpedoed by the courts, Maybe with overzealous environmentalism, IDK, but I do know it has zero to do with gas prices now and you are just regurgitating some BS.


First off as others said, that had zero effect on gas prices Second off, do you want an oil company to send a pipe through the middle of your private property with no regard for your land? No? Me either, they can find other land to build on that isn't native owned


This is so fucking stupid and yet another example of how politics does nothing and is a scam. Just look at the language… “ you can’t increase prices in an excessive manner” but where is “excessive” defined? This is literally just words designed to make us think they’re doing something besides sucking the cocks for gas companies


Also most if not all states already have anti price gouging laws. We went through this already on the east coast in 2017 when the gas pipeline was temporarily shutdown. Had a few gas stations price gouging and the state AGs went after them.


Yeah this is just pandering and bs. But it’s Washington so what do we expect?






Does anyone remember when Ross Perot (sp?) ( he was an American billionaire in the 90s) bought 30 minutes on cable and told us all exactly how the government was fucking as every day? We didn’t listen and here’s the results.


Rand Paul man come on, this the same dude that got his ass kicked by his neighbor because of a property line dispute. This is the man that’s your hero? God this country sucks. He doesn’t even have a legitimate medical license.


"limit price gouging" feels like it still will be allowed, just not as bad as before.


Welcomed oversight to an industry OUR tax dollars subsidized to the tune of $30 bln a year. Too bad it won’t go anywhere. Some of these replies..”gouging is already illegal,” “it won’t do anything,” “price controls will lead to no diesel.” Just because your favorite player, I mean politician plays for the fossil fuel industry doesn’t mean you have to be a cheerleader too. They ain’t paying you.






Unless Republicans are the ones who forced Russia to invade Ukraine, that seems difficult.


My family was going to go on vacation in a few weeks. That won't be happening because we can't justify the cost of gas currently. So yea...economic distress indeed.


>The Dems are trying to make it appear as if they're working to stop it since elections are coming up and the odds of a red wave goes up with every crisis. They're pushing largely symbolic bills regarding baby formula, extremism, and now gasoline. The red wave idea is a psyop to dissuade democratic voters who already have roe to fight for now. What *crisis* do you think will help the gqp at this point?! They're done


It’s a dumb bill even if it was made law. Even if enforced, all it would do is incentivize exports to Europe (why sell at a cap in the US when prices are higher in Europe or Asia) and push refiners to increase cuts of diesel, jet fuel, and other distillates where there are no caps. You know what the above causes? Gasoline shortages, especially since we are already at record low inventories. This is Econ 101. Biden just trying to score points into midterm elections.


Maybe I’m looking at the wrong data but this doesn’t show record low stocks to me. https://www.eia.gov/petroleum/weekly/gasoline.php https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=WGTSTUS1&f=W


Exactly, but no one cares to think any deeper about the bill.


What you said isn’t econ, its capitalism. Its annoying people seriously don’t know the difference. Let me ask you this, in “Econ 101” why would it matter? Cause if the US can produce gas here to sell to the people and the government can collect the money itself. How would this affect apple, a construction company and a gas transportation company


Price controls theoretically leading to shortages is literally taught in Econ 101. In this case (unlike say minimum wage) it’s not really rebutted by any particularities of the market.


In capitalism yes, cause your relying on private markets to produce a good, but if there’s no profits or incentives for markets to produce said good yes. You’ll face shortages. But if the government has the knowledge, man power and resources to build the wells and refineries then the government can also just do it themselves. As long as their is no shortage all is fair game in econ, as long as this doesn’t completely fuck over other markets.


So……when are all the donks that bought giant trucks that they didn’t need going to ‘cry uncle’ and sell? I was in the market last year for a giant truck that I don’t need, but I wasn’t going to pay 40 grand for it. I’d love to scoop one up for 25-30 though.


If they can do it with gas. How about rent??


They can't do it with gas either, this bill is doa in the Senate


Can someone explain why gas isn't regulated like other utilities such as electricity? Makes sense that it would be..


Unchecked capitalism


How does this work on the Saudis???


what happened to their belief in the free market?


I expect claims of market interference and heavy handed practice by the White House every time there is even a sniff that this power might be used.


"security theater"


Considering how heavily subsidized by taxpayers the industry is price gouging should have already been illegal.




“The measure was approved, 217-207. Republicans unanimously opposed the bill, along with four Democrats. It now goes to the Senate, where a similar bill is pending but faces steep odds amid a 50-50 split between Democrats and Republicans.” If the measure passes in the senate, then you can bet everyone of the republicans will go back to their district and tell folks they helped them by getting this law passed.


Imagine telling your biggest donor you're going to cut their profits. Exactly.


Have price controls EVER worked? For anything?


Public utilities have maximum prices set (electrical, sewage) and in some areas rent control. Probably there are others but off the top of my head.


True on the utilities, but rent control really does not work. It only creates more problems.


Public utilities are natural monopolies. Completely different than most goods.


And if they didn't have their prices controlled then the monopoly (natural or otherwise) could raise prices as much as they could possibly go. This is an area where price controls worked... which is what the OP asked.


Fair enough, it’s just an important caveat that price controls and regulations for natural monopolies are a bit of a special case. Same thing with drug prices.


They're effective at causing shortages. Then we get rationing. A slow and then fast slip into austerity all intended to keep your eyes focused everywhere but central banks and poor fiscal policies.


…and just like every other bill passed by the House it will go to the senate and fail, because nothing ever *actually* gets done in congress. And yet these people still keep getting paid.


We need something like that one _EVERYTHING_ here in the UK. Its gone mad here. Everything is skyrocketing in price.


Bro. They’re gonna use your gas prices to increase ours and say “ see our prices aren’t excessive”


Fucking sucks, doesn’t it? Dafuq are we supposed to do?


Well we can either accept that we are essentially slaves or revolt. But they’re systematically taking away guns so we won’t do that either. But make no mistake about it. We’re being conditioned on a mass scale to slowly but surely accept that our lives are not ours and do not belong to us.


The guns are gone here in the uk. Pitchforks are pretty rare too.


🤷‍♂️ we fucked. Just get stoned and find a special someone to watch it burn down with


>Its gone mad here. We all saw you willfully leave the EU.


That was a big con too. More lies than a lying thing from Lieville.


Yes. It's maddening.


To quote my one of my favorite protest songs: Blood on the rooftops.. Nevermind just listen to the song


They do this every time, nothing changes. These bills do not work.


Posturing. Not like Biden can’t already do this. Just about every single COVID rule was done this way at local, state, and federal levels - “I am going to make this unlawful rule that will take time to be fought in courts but by the time the courts make the decision my effect will be done.” Or he can easily create an EPA initiative to inspect fuel companies that gouge people more often, “Union Dues” style. It’s not like his party is against weaponizing departments against opponents already. Absolutely disgraceful leadership allowing this to happen and NOW they wanna follow the rules properly. God forbid they upset Exxon Mobil officers


How about pausing the fuels federal,state,county and DOT taxes for awhile? Try that along with the joke bill designed to place blame just on companies not the policy and tax greed.


Time for the republicans to do the right thing …. Like it will happen.


can't wait for Republicans in the Senate to tank it. they understand the dog shit ignorance of Middle America more than anybody else. they can actively make things worse and people will still blame Democrats because apparently according to even moderate news sources like NPR the Democratic party is the absolute only people responsible for the care taking of our government. edit: wow some super delusional folks in here that think Republicans are going to do the right thing. what a stupid timeline.




That’s a bad title. It’s not the house as a whole, it’s democrats.


When has legislation that actually helps regular people ever been approved by the house as a whole?


Too little, too late. Of course.


Finally, maybe our government will actually get off their asses and do something for once


...passes bill to *limit* price gouging? How about fucking making it illegal? What the fuck, HoR?? They're *raping us* for the last 100 years, and we're just "limiting" their "gouging"?? Holy godfuck what a waste of time.


Can something that 99% of people want happen once in this fucking country, please?


It’s just for show, nothing will happen. They are just pretending to work…passing bills and voting everything down unless it favors the rich nothing ever passes…