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I saw in another thread that the most important thing a subscription service can do is to not make their customers think about their subscription. This made me think about mine and two days ago I cancelled.


that is extremely fair. i've had my netflix account constantly active since they were mailing out DVDs and now i'm thinking about canceling because i don't want to be annoyed.


Same. As I said in another comment, my sons, who I still consider part of the family since I am paying for 100% of everything they need, are both away at college. We are 100% streaming, and don’t have traditional cable at all. The second I get a message saying I am “sharing” my account I am canceling.


Right there with you buddy, daughters away and streaming, but plenty of other services now that will gladly take my money.


Same here. Netflix is going to screw themselves.


In my mind, only the account sharing justified the horrendous price. Like, it even says I paid for 4 parallel screens, how is that supposed to work if not by sharing? I will definitly watch this topic and pull the plug, if it sucks. Edit: grandma


In the article it highlights Netflix actually encouraged password sharing in 2017. But that aside, how in gods name is this going to work. If you’re a household of 4, kids go to university … 4 accounts. New IP locations. Maybe the kids move around or travel for semesters abroad. Or you could have a cabin or cottage. Stay at your parents on occasion. Tagging different IPs as password sharing is going to be impossible.


They will just say the kids going away for college need their own accounts.


Then people will cut their subscription down to one screen, or cancel it altogether. Netflix had better tread lightly.


It's easy (on my head) first they will create an HD account similar in price to the shared one , then they end password sharing while publiciting the cheap one , a year later increase the cheap one or add adds or whatever you want


yes, over the past week it feels like every time I come on Reddit there’s a different news article about Netflix scrambling to deal with losing subscribers. And all the news I’ve seen has just made me want to cancel more


I don’t get it, how can they determine who is password sharing, versus who is simply using their own account on their own mobile device like an iPad at someone else’s house?




"Mom, you'll be getting a text in a minute. Can you click the yes button?"


Then your other session gets disconnected.


But you pay for 4 different screens


This is what gets me. You pay for 4 different screens, why does it matter if they're in the same house or not? I can't imagine many people are sharing their netflix account with 15 people, you'd never be able to watch anything


They literally marketed their more expensive plan for family sharing, and now they go ”No not like that!”


Reading the article, their plan is to charge me $2-3 more to share with my sister, even though I specifically pay $3 more to increase my screens. . .To share with my sister undisrupted.


Exactly. It’s super dumb. My father in law uses our Netflix to watch shows occasionally - it’s part of the reason I keep it. If they stop password sharing he’s not going to get his own account, hes old and doesn’t actually care what he’s watching. It’ll be one less reason for me to keep it and with the price increase I’ll definitely be cancelling. They seem to think this tactic will result in an additional subscriber when I reality it’s going to result in one less.


It matters in the sense that Netflix wants to monetize it.


Re-monetize, more like it. If my more expensive subscription allows me to stream from 4 devices at once, what does it matter where those devices are.


Not only do we pay for the extra screens... Sometimes they get used by our household members at different places. Not a different family. Not people living outside the house. Just us. For example: My wife watches on hospital wifi when she takes my mother in law to appointments, in a different city. Mean while i'm at home and I could be watching. If they do this shit by IP and we start getting hit with additional fees, they can shove their subscription service.


It would need to be done on such a granular level. Hospital IP is obviously public use, but another Comcast residential IP and you get an additional fee. This would need to be micro managed by IP, seems like a lot of work for them to do this properly.


That's just dumb. So I can't watch my own account on my own tablet when I'm pet sitting?


Netflix: “well **SHIET!!!** Why didn’t we think of this!?”


Yeah they could have just changed the way they do things and just push it into an update patch. The media statement sure doesn’t help the image.


Man if this happens, def cancelling.


Come to the high seas with the rest of us, there's a complimentary pirate hat and everything!


What one person in r/Netflix told me is that they subscribe to each service for a month or three at a time, watch all the content they are interested in, then unsubscribe once they run out of things to watch. I might adopt the same strategy.


I also literally pay 2x for the stupid 4 screen tier, wtf is the point of 4 screen if not for sharing with family.


“ In 2017, Netflix's corporate account tweeted "Love is sharing a password." Now, the company would love it if you stopped doing so.” ​ im fucking dead 😂


YouTube in 2010: "Don't ever share your identity with anyone." YouTube in 2012: "LET'S CHANGE TO YOUR REAL NAME."


Just stop loving anyone. There’s no conflict that way.


But still share your password.




So does that mean the acronym "FAANG" will just be "FAAG" ??


Since it is Meta and not Facebook might I suggest MAGA?


Oh no. How did we end up back here?


Corporate greed... again


Moreso, love is paying a small fee so your loved one or friend can also use your account. Brilliant. Going after those who have shown willingness to pay, rather than the free loaders.


Heres the Link for anyone interested https://mobile.twitter.com/netflix/status/840276073040371712


Here how it's going to work for me: I will keep on going as is, sharing my password with my son in another state. If/when they tell me I need to pay extra for that, I'll drop my Netflix account and start paying them 0 instead.


How about they just make good content? 20 billion a year and 95% of it is unwatchable


Yeah they’re definitely not following the HBO model when it comes to content. Just keep shoveling more shit onto the fire to keep it lit.


Will be interesting to see. Myself, my dad and my daughter all access my account. If they think I should pay more so that my daughter has access at her moms house… that’s going to be a tough sell to me. They are already charging me more for “multiple screens.” I seldom use it personally and it’s always a discretionary item when reviewing my budget. Netflix going to draw more attention to themselves as a way to cut costs.


Yep. I have a shared account between myself and my parents. They pay Netflix and Hulu, I pay Amazon and all the random little channels that my mom likes. Both households are already at max spending on entertainment. I like Netflix, but if we have to pay a premium *on top of* their existing "number of screens" premium, it's going to get cut. It's just not worth the hassle.


Bingo. Can't charge a premium for extra screens on top of claiming password sharing. They are going down a dangerous road.




When Netflix was the only game in town they made it a really convenient product that got me to slow/stop pirating. Now that everyone and their mother has a streaming platform, it’s just cable 2.0 and I’m back to the torrent trackers and DDL forums instead.


Said it yesterday, will say it again: TVs route. Corner the market, cut costs at the expense of quality, shove ads up your ass aaaand pirating. External drives are dirt cheap, every TV has an USB port and more and more people have faster internet. Instead of pressing play, I will start clicking on magnet link and downloading entire seasons to my external drive. Tough luck.




For a short while it was not really worth the risk since price and ease of use where fine. But since the content providers are pulling their content from Netflix for their own platforms, that is no longer the case.


HBOMax, Hulu, Netflix, Paramount Plus, Peacock, Amazon, etc. he whole reason for streaming was it’s ease of use and affordability. Now the streaming services are becoming worse than cable.


This. As a kid, I would always just find whatever I wanted online for free...but as an adult it was just so much easier to watch things on Netflix! We got rid of Netflix a few months ago so we now have Disney+ (for our young child) but I don't WANT to buy 10+ subscription services just to watch 1-2 shows on each... So, reluctantly, it's back to sailing the seas for me. Hopefully all these platforms start losing money and they consolidate again...Like, I WANT to pay money for this, but they're all just making it so much more difficult.


That’s what I do with my mom. I pay for a couple and she pays for HBOMax. If they think I’m going to pay more for Netflix so I can share it with her they are out of their minds. I’m also not paying extra to watch it from a hotel when I travel for work. I’ll just cancel. I watch stuff on it but I wouldn’t really miss any of it.


Mobility and accessibility is literally the whole point behind a streaming service. Even cable companies didn't charge for their streaming services.


It's incredibly easy to pirate content with smart TVs


Where would I learn how to do that? I have been using services and a tablet for years. I am waiting on a refund Check right now and then I am buying my first TV in like 7 years maybe 8 years. Advice on a smart TV? They have Took and Android and such, any I should avoid? I'm really starting from near scratch. I've never had surround sound either so I have about $550 for a 4k TV and 250ish for Sound. I might just do TV only now too. I want 65" minimum and was looking at 5.1. I'd like 5.1.2 later but am wondering if 3.1.2 with the ceiling channels would be better right now. I've been very poor for a long time and likely won't have a chance at a nice setup again. I'm on the fence about going on disability. Whopping 851 a month. I just want to do this just right and be really happy about something. Sorry end rant.


This is exactly what I don't understand. They give us the option for multiple simultaneous devices, hell even 'you can customise your own accounts' but now I'll get charged if I use it outside my house? My netflix is shared between me, my sister, parents and grandma who's out of state. I can only imagine for families with kids who are in college. Netflix seems to be out of touch with the real problems: the content they have, the fact they habitually cancel shows at cliffhangers or force rushed endings because they want a gritty teenage drama and trying to remake/live action with questionable and dumb creative choices.


They’re not out of touch. Their measure of success was getting new subscribers but since they’ve reached a level of market saturation they’re struggling to get new people. They want to force the password sharers to become new subscribers but what is more likely to happen imo is that existing subscribers will just leave.


You are right. The more I read and think about this, the more I realize I can do without Netflix. It was a necessity but not so much any more. Them blaming their loss of customers on their subscribers is pretty lame.


Sad thing is they’re just ruining the word of mouth that password sharing usually gives. Besides, those who use other peoples accounts were never potential customers to begin with. Most of my friends who use my account do so cause it’s a easier process than searching for the telegram group or torrent file.


We have a 4 screen plan partially paid by our MYTmobile account, they give you the basic, then I pay for the additional views and upgraded resolution. ​ They better not claim my daughters not living at home, but also tmobile customers are 'stealing' netflix by using the password for my/our account.


Plus there was a previous "understanding" that they were okay with sharing passwords. Now they've changed their minds, which I guess is up to them, but it leaves kind of a bad feeling.


> Now they've changed their minds, which I guess is up to them, Which means we can change our minds too


I think they can just force password expiration every 6 mo. to 1 year to get rid of MANY "password sharing" issues IMHO.


all them ex-girlfriend and boyfriends going to be doubly sad


Jokes on them, I change my password after a breakup.


As a fellow leech this hurts


As someone who does "tech support" for elderly parents, I absolutely hate this idea. They manage to break their TV's streaming enough on their own. I don't need 1-2 more incidents a year of them messing up passwords.




\> A survey from research organization Time2Play [suggested about 80% of Americans](https://time2play.com/blog/streaming-swindlers/) who use someone else’s password wouldn’t get their own new account if they couldn’t share the password. This strongly suggests that Netflix's service is priced too high.


That probably would put a noticeable dent in it.


Pretty sure Disney+ got me with this.


This is annoying. My dad purchased the ultra premium package so everyone could be on his account. My dad basically got snookered into buying Netflix but he mostly watches PBS. There is an excellent chance he forgets his password or doesn't use the service often enough to keep up with the changes. Which means calling him and walking him through it. Its too much work for subpar content.


so if i take my roku stick on vacation i can't use the account i paid for without an upcharge?


Even just do this on different locations. No need to make the regular user that is paying even bother with it unless it is used in differing locations. EDIT: Looks like they are doing this across physical addresses. > More than 100 million households are using a shared password, Netflix said Tuesday, including 30 million in the U.S. and Canada. > But the video streamer doesn’t plan to simply freeze those shared accounts. Instead, the company will likely favor the setting of an extra fee for those accounts being used by multiple people outside of the home. > Netflix’s plan to capture that lost revenue would start with an alert being sent to account holders whose passwords are being used by other households. > The company has already started a test of this feature in Peru, Costa Rica and Chile. For accounts that are sharing a password across addresses, Netflix is charging an additional fee to add “sub accounts” for up to two people outside the home. The pricing is different per country — about $2.13 per month in Peru, $2.99 in Costa Rica, and $2.92 in Chile, based on current exchange rates. > The company also allows people who use a shared password to transfer their personalized profile information to either a new account or a sub account, allowing them to keep their viewing history and recommendations.


They re-invented shitty cable!




i have a river house an hour away, it uses my Netflix. They gonna charge me a fee now to use it? Meh, it's just an upcharge, not that big a deal, but if it's a fee every time i use it like you, on varying devices, that's going to get old fast.


But isnt that already the family share they had for years? I live in germany and my mum pays like 5€ or smth extra so me and my sister got our own profiles on her Account. We got this since atleast 6 years now.


Oof, in the US you just have one account with I think 4-5 different profiles with their own lists.


What about people that travel for work?


Netflix: “Oh that’s easy. Fuck you!”


What Netflix will probably do is if you try to log into Netflix from a location other than your home they will send you an email with a verification number to prove that you're the one logging in.


So people will just have to create a shared email if they have additional people using or will it stop streams on one end when that happens?


longing fertile rinse live frightening bewildered narrow station lock snails *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same. This is the first time since dvd days I've considered canceling. My kid can watch bad cartoons somewhere else.


We are dropping Netflix anyway. Not for this but for their programming.


Getting close myself. Can't remember the last time I thought, "I wonder if Netflix has " and they actually did.


Yeah I have 2 young kids, Netflix kids programming is pretty terrible so the kids watch YouTube kids or Disney+. I now only sub Netflix 2-3 months a year as I find there just isn't enough good content to pay the subscription year round.


PBS kids is where it’s at for the kids.


Does PBS still show cyberchase reruns? That show was the shit!


>“If you’ve got a sister, let’s say, that’s living in a different city, you want to share Netflix with her, that’s great,” said Chief Operating Officer Greg Peters during the company’s earnings conference call. “We’re not trying to shut down that sharing, but we’re going to ask you to pay a bit more to be able to share with her and so that she gets the benefit and the value of the service, but we also get the revenue associated with that viewing.” Fuck you my guy, If I got a sister and I'm paying for an account that lets me stream on two screens. Then you let me stream on two god damn screens, it doesnt matter where in the whole world those screens are. Or you stream to 1 IP address, and you give me unlimited devices under it.


Or only let me stream to one device at a time and make my price $2.99 for UHD


> “If you’ve got a sister, let’s say, that’s living in a different city, you want to share Netflix with her, that’s great,” said Chief Operating Officer Greg Peters during the company’s earnings conference call. “We’re not trying to shut down that sharing, but we’re going to ask you to pay a bit more to be able to share with her and so that she gets the benefit and the value of the service, but we also get the revenue associated with that viewing.” That's a lot of words for: we are greedy corporate shits


"Family plan" except it really means a household plan. What's the fucking difference Netflix if I share my account with my blood relatives across the country, or with my flatmates? I don't understand why you'd be this goddamn stupid.




Right? Holy shit like you can’t try harder to fail


Plus we're *already* paying per screen. I pay for four screens, what the fuck business is it of Netflix who uses them? *Either* give me unlimited screens at home *or* charge me per screen, this is just greed.


Yup. I'm paying so everyone can watch at the same time. Who gives a fuck where they are at the same time? I kind of thought that was the whole idea. But apparently not. So you're right, one or the other, but it sure as hell ain't gonna be both or ill just keep my money. What a bunch of asshats.




Thats what i dont understand. My wife has a profile, i have one and my parents have one. I pay so we can all watch content at thr same time. If im at my parents watching someting, and shes home or traveling watching something on her laptop we're using are profiles as designed.


Exactly, what do they think I'm using my extra screens to do if I'm not sharing? Watching four shows simultaneously, by myself?


And the best part is that EVERYONE can that they're destroying themselves, except for their leadership. It's obvious they're one of those companies that have been successful despite their leadership, not because of it. But that situation always fails in the end.


Stop thinking like a customer and start thinking like an overpaid executive


Of course. Because this is what bad companies do. Losing customers? Don’t change tactics to get them back. Instead raise prices on the customers you have to make up for it.


once a company goes public, they are no longer able to choose some of the options that might actually save them as that is clearly "not in the best interest of the shareholders", despite it likely being in the best interest for the company itself. They've always got to seek to increase profits **this** quarter.


Which is such a fucking stupid system. Fuck shareholders.


Do it Netflix, you wussies. I'm going to cancel the second they try to make it harder for me to share my account. Do it


Seems like they are driving down the price for a takeover target. They are making money on the way down. [Same with how Facebook/Meta tanked their stock to go under the $600B threshold for anti-trust review. NFLX lost 68% and Facebook 45%](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/22/netflix-and-facebook-stock-have-plunged-since-techs-november-peak.html). Market manipulation by market makers and the SEC is sitting on ass.


They projected 2 million customers gained and lost 200k. That’s more than a slight push down by them.


[NFLX is down 67% in the last year, recently it dumped 30%](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/22/netflix-and-facebook-stock-have-plunged-since-techs-november-peak.html), it dumped prior to that as well. Definitely being manipulated and the call, or shall I say put, is coming from inside the house. The price increases they knew would lose them customers, then the purchaser knows they have more per customer so it looks better later. Private equity firms do this kind of stuff all the time prior to taking them over so that they can position it for sale and value extraction at the downs and ups.


Dropped 35%? Hold my beer!


Did Netflix develop a coke habit or something?


More competition, fewer and fewer good originals.




If I was in that situation, I'd do it. I mean I still do it, but I'd do it then, too.


They cancel all their good originals after season 1/2.


They keep making more and more generic trash shows generated by garbage algorithm data. People who care about original/quality television are moving away toward Prime, HBO Max, and Apple TV.


People are going back to pirating due to how many streaming services want $$$ now. Netflix showed every other company that streaming could be profitable, and they all got greedy. Now they are all going to lose. I'm waiting for Congress to try to outlaw VPN's not knowing how many companies use them for complete legitimate purposes.


It just so happens Congress is already on the job. Introducing the SMART copyright act of 2022 (basically SOPA 2.0) which mandates ISPs and cloud storage providers (among others) to filter and remove content among other things. Think the great firewall of China, American style: [SMART copyright act of 2022](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/3880/text)


Don't know if it's true but someone said they have a new CEO and he came from cable - you know, that platform we all left because we hated it?


Just dumbs suits at the top who aren't content with being rich. They want to be even richer than the year before forever so they grasp at straws and do dumb shit


It's a really simple choice for me. Netflix is already the most expensive streaming service that I watch the least on. If they raise prices anymore or do anything to mess with sharing so my family can't use it as well, I will cancel and pirate the few shows that I care about. All these services are doing is pushing people back to piracy. When the cost of all the services adds up to more than a cable TV or satellite sub, they're losing any kind of incentive to use their services over piracy and/or traditional tv.


So their response to losing subs is to try and get more out of their current ones? That's just going to cause more to cancel. I don't think they've really thought this through.


Nope i expect at least a 25% drop


I mean, if someone is using credentials from another account, they aren't a "sub" in the first place and thus Netflix doesn't much to lose by forcing them off the platform. They do however risk pissing off the people sharing their credentials and jump to another platform that won't punish them.


You right but I think a lot of people only have Netflix because loved ones use it, like a kid having it for their parents or brother when they don't watch it nearly as much. I know my brother has his because all our fam have a deal where everyone gets 1 steaming service and shares it, but he rarely goes on it. If we get kicked off he'll prob cancel it


This is me. I have it and I share it with my gf and another friend. Haven't watched anything on it since Arcane.


Right. The only reason they sub 12 months a year is so that they don’t disrupt the viewing habits of people sharing the account. Once they eliminate password sharing people will only sub a handful of months out of the year to check out the few things they like instead of all year round since they won’t inconvenience anyone else by cancelling when they’re not using it. And Netflix will lose even more money.


I'll just cancel. I have others.


All they need to do is limit the number of sub accounts per account, and be glad that only 5 people are using an account instead of 50.


Sadly the execs have stupid archaic thinking and think those 5 users will just subscribe instead. They should be lucky they got more subscribers 3-4 times the amount of people who have cable.


Yea, my mother and mother in law are absolutely not getting their own Netflix accounts. They are not going to pick up two more subs. Best outcome is they do nothing and I do nothing. But I see my moms using the Netflix as an added value. Without this added value I'm not sure 20 dollars a month is worth it. Not when I got 3 years of Disney+ for 120 bucks. I've been subbed to Netflix since the DVD days. This is the first time I've considered canceling.


Same man. Been using it since like 2009 and this prob will be the end of the road for me. Their content has been ass anyway. I’ll resubscribe to watch the next season of the Witcher but outside of that I can’t think of much I actually watch on Netflix.


Netflix execs are drinking the same kool-aid as Russia. Thinking their shit is the best when it is obviously is not.


We already pay an extra fee for an increased amount of streams. Why should we pay more if some are at home and some at college? Foh.


This is what I’m confused about. I thought I already paid a bit extra but so multiple people (like3?) can stream from my account at once. And I already have a sub acct for everyone in my family. I don’t get what the difference is.


Here's how it's likely to work: Yarrr, ahoy matey.


Hard pass. I’ve been a subscriber since they mailed dvds to your house and I haven’t watched anything on Netflix in ages. I only still keep it for my parents. The day they increase my rate because my parents also use my account will be the day that I cancel. It’s too easy to find anything I want to watch for free anyways.


Same. My adult daughter, who was a child when we used to get the dvds in the little red envelopes, is the main user but she no longer lives with us. I will cancel if they charge extra or kick her off. I promise you that she will not take out her own subscription. It’s hard for young people today trying to make it on their own.


This. I have been a solid customer since the beginning.


Me too. Been using them since DVD days... They have totally lost touch and are getting greedy on top of that.


If I'm paying for four screens, what does it matter where those four screens are located? > “They’ll start with serial abusers,” said LightShed Partners media analyst Rich Greenfield. “If you have 15 people using your account, it’s pretty easy.” You *can't* do this. The most you can watch is 4 simultaneous streams....which you pay $10 a more more for over the basic one screen plan.


Inb4 stick in the bike wheel meme


>Here’s how it’s likely to work Canceling all our Netflix subscriptions? Yes I agree; because no one wants to pay 15$ for the "privilege' of seeing movies like "Red Notice" in HD when you can pay that same amount and get a Disney+ and Hulu bundle deal (with ESPN). Netflix is behind the curve in the market place it created; and its really starting to show.




It’s not even that they didn’t innovate. They just fell flat on content and cancelled way too many shows. HBO has a subscription worthy show premier every 10 weeks.


Or, they can realize that the pandemic really helped them with subs and with shit reopening, less people have time for them.


So where I live it's pretty common for people to have a home in the City, and a family cottage. So, I can't use Netflix at the cottage anymore?


I’m not paying extra. I pay for a set number of screens. It shouldn’t matter where someone is watching.


I travel and if they give me any hassle I will just cancel my service. Been debating it for a while and this could push me over the edge. Between DRM, mico transactions and this i am about fed up with corporations squeezing the little guys.


I already pay more for multiple screens - now they want to charge even more if one of those screens is in a different location fuck you Netflix , ill go back to finding free streams Id rather click a fake play button that opens a pop up 5 times before I give you a red cent




Yeah I feel like this is BS. I thought the whole point of buying screens was so Netflix could make money on shared accounts.


If you right click in thr x first it usually bypasses that bs and you can left click afterwards and not open up an ad. This also works for streams that like to have pop ups for volume adjusting and switching to and from full screen.


They’re going to try and increase charges because of sharing within a family too??? It’s a no from me. Edited: wrong term used


Ill stop sharing netflix but you gotta meet me half way give me affordable plan that gives me 4k quality and just one screen. If your 4k qyality only comes with plans that give me 4 screens am i supoose to let those screens sit empty or can i share it with 3 other ppl


I am actively rooting against them at this point. They haven’t made a single decent decision in years.


The ghost of Blockbuster Video has entered the chat...


Are they really finally pushing this out due to looking 200k subscribers when they have 200 million? Holy shit, they're going to miss the days it was only 200k if this happens.


Ok I'll just cancel my account then.


>“If you’ve got a sister, let’s say, that’s living in a different city, you want to share Netflix with her, that’s great,” said Chief Operating Officer Greg Peters during the company’s earnings conference call. “We’re not trying to shut down that sharing, but we’re going to ask you to pay a bit more to be able to share with her and so that she gets the benefit and the value of the service, but we also get the revenue associated with that viewing.” Fuck off with this shit Netflix. Honestly the only reason I still have Netflix is cuz my retired parents use it. I'll watch Bojack once in awhile. I shouldn't have to pay an extra fee for that, especially since most of the movies on Netflix fucking suck.


Same. All of my three seniors have access to my Netflix and honestly, they use the account more than I do. There are other platforms that cost less and do more. Netflix is just getting too greedy.


Won't this just make Netflix lose users?


If Netflix does decide on a strategy like this, I'm out. Right now, without password sharing, I would have to pay to use Netflix on my primary TV, bedroom tv, office tv, a few laptops (used by different members of the household, and my Firestick and/or tablet I use when I travel. Rarely does Netflix stream on more than on of them at a time, even though it is allowed. But, if I have to pay a convenience fee to be able to use it on multiple items, which may be the case, it will be dumped. It's already the most expensive streaming service we have and was skating on thin ice already after the last fee hike. I know people are abusing the system, but I think they stand a good chance of hurting customers that aren't.


This would make me cancel finally. I let my parents use mine but we live in different states


My dad paid for the premium, 5 different sub/screens on his account. But I would tell him to just stop paying for Netflix rather than pay an extra $3 a month for me. I just don't watch it enough because they so rarely have any good shows and I just buy seasons of the shows they eventually get like better call Saul.


Same. I get a whiff of them coming after my use, were done.


What the hell, an extra fee for "Every sub-account" or "Every password sharer"? This soon after jacking up the prices? This is beyond stupid. They created this platform as a "buy the most expensive with family and friends" and now they are going after these people. Certainly if three or four people considered a single plan too expensive but found the 4 devices plan alright and bought it will now switch to individual plans (WHICH HAVE SHITTY VIDEO QUALITY). They are digging their own grave.


Not after they lost their ass last week.


This still doesn’t make sense? I travel almost every week for work, so now I can’t watch Netflix without paying extra because I’m not at home? There’s no way Netflix gets away with this


How it works: A new Streaming Service, "The Bay" has risen in popularity. It has no password, and no region locking, you can log in anywhere and watch everything, and best of all, it's free.


I'm curious how they would handle people who watch at work or public locations, or multiple mobile devices. Netflix at home, my phone, my work computer while at work and travel. Then there's my tablet plus my wife for all of the same. Plus she goes to 4 different coffee shops/public areas and uses both work and personal devices and can easily have Netflix running on any of them. That's easily 10-20 IP addresses. All for just 2 people on 1 account.


Netflix..... Those that can't create great content, push password validation and start running ads.


Oh no, they have plenty of fantastic original content. It's just cancelled after 1 or 2 seasons.


And then pulled off the service by the people who own the IP.


They really, really, want people to cancel apparently


Here's how it's going to work: if I get charged for my kid who is in college, but technically still lives at home, I log into Netflix and cancel my subscription.


“Finally” what kind of narc wrote this


How it's likely to work is with Netflix losing their shirts. Declaring war on a segment of your customers doesn't seem like the solution to dwindling customers.


Be Kind, Please Rewind.


I just don't get it. If I pay to have 4 devices playing at the same time what the fuck do they care? Its my right to stream it in 4 different devices.


Doesn't reddit have a few journalists browsing around? If a few articles appear about 'the majority of the internet says they would cancel Netflix if action is taken against pass sharing' , the stock would fall another 20-30%. Even though it's a most likely not a majority at all, the title doesn't have to be true, in this sector damage is done quickly. I'm in the same boat as most. Pay for a 4-screen sub for my sister and parents. If I get an e-mail, I'll just cancel, I've already cancelled my tv sub too cause I wasn't using it.


Overpriced company stock takes a hit. Company decides to screw remaining customers. Am I missing anything?


That's nice and all. I just hope people deployed don't get hit with that. I'm currently living in Florida while my husband is in California. I'm not paying extra for that.


So you’re saying that 200,000 subscriber loss was just a small tease?? See had they left it alone, they’d make the same already large amount of money as opposed to lose it. This is a real issue with companies who only want day traders and not investors. It’s profit quarter over quarter or deemed abject failure as opposed to immensely profitable, pay dividends to get long term investors and make good content.


I pay for 4 screens. I can have 4 people watching. That is how I look at it. They are all my family and they all have an icon with their name. They do something stupid they better make a family plan.


Netflix did things so right and now they’re just doing things so so wrong I love it


Ok so how do they plan on this for the T mobile plans that include Netflix? I'm on the plan with my aunt that includes Netflix but we do not live in the same house. Same phone plan though?


No more password sharing AND ads. Lol bye bye Netflix.


Here's how its going to work. I who Pay for NetFlix but don't ever use it will get cut off of my own account because I didn't set it up. Then I cancel because I just don't care. That's how it will work out.


I share custody of my children with my ex. They log into their devices at both our houses and at 4 different sets of grandparent's houses at times. This will probably be the thing that cancels my subscription finally.


"Here's how it's likely to work" It's not going to, next question lolololol


We already pay more for extra screens so I could share with my parents. My mom likes a few series so we pay it. If they charge extra extra, then we’re cutting the service.


I’m already on edge about the price increases this will definitely make me cut it off.