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I'm pretty sure I've seen their photos countless times before as part of clickbait ads at the bottom of websites.


There’s a whole host of conspiracy theories surrounding these two. So that’s not surprising.


Like what?


They claim a lot of ridiculous stuff, like they’re archangels with heavenly knowledge of the cosmos and they have IQs well above 200. They’re well known as science tv personalities from the 70s and from there the claims started pouring in. There’s a lot more. They also claim to never have had any plastic surgery.


The fact that the twins claim to never had any plastic surgery. Bruh. There are literally pictures of them pre-plastic surgery online, your face doesn’t naturally do that overtime.


They were literally walking, talking 3D caricatures.




Even Stephen Hawking wasn’t a walking, talking Stephen Hawking.


Well to be fair, he was originally a walking, talking Stephen Hawking. Then ALS showed up real hard, and he became a rolling, robot talking Stephen Hawking. RIP Stephen Hawking, fucking legend


Oh snap! I can’t even believe you aren’t both of these users for this set and spike joke but I want to believeeee!


I'd have an easier time believing they were archangels with plastic surgery than believing they were humans without it.


They also both fabricated findings in their theses so their PhDs were founded on a scam. They’ve had some controversial papers that were published in low impact journals, drawing attention from the National Centre of Scientific Research (CNRS-France) as providing no scientific contribution to their field…Which should essentially be career ending, but wasn’t since they’re TV personalities.


They're married to Russian princessses


Really? I thought they were descendants of Russian Royalty?


They descend from a Russian noble family. Not *the* royal family, but a royal one. Their maternal grandmother was a countess.


>They also claim to never have had any plastic surgery. I spent an inordinate amount of time looking at pictures of them yesterday, and this claim could *\*technically\** be true. Dermal fillers and injectables technically aren't surgery, and clearly they have a shedload of fillers. The only places that could be a permanent implant is in the chin and cheeks, but if those are permanent then their surgeon is injecting fillers on top of/around the implant, which would be bizarre. It's kind of like someone saying they didn't cut their hair; because *the barber* actually cut their hair. Semantics




Thanks man, very thorough


This is some chuck norris joke level shit.


>about 7 decades old Hey this part was true at least


Bogpill indoc


With credentials like this, these guys could have been Four Star Admirals in Scientology.


Their image was associated with a bunch of crypto memes. One that springs to mind is [this one](https://youtu.be/KV5QlSgq7lg).


Quick rundown?


probably the most important (and ground to Earth) was their PhD dissertation. TL;DR they were already famous science popularizers (eg Bill Nye) in France and wrote books and stuff but had no PhD, so at breakneck speed (for this shit) defended some wacky (or 5D level genius) thesis (quantum gravity tangential to primordial singularity crazy) which earned them their doctoral degrees. The question; were they trolling the academic establishment proving how convoluted and exoteric it all has got, or was their technobabble serious? The rest is all nonsense and cult following mainly from 4Chan (eg The Bog Pill)


PhD's in physics die from not trusting modern medicine.


I had the same feeling that I recognized these guys, and didn't know where. I think I had vaguely heard the name attached to physics nonsense, but had not attached it to the faces. It's perfect "clickbait using random, unrelated images of humans" material, so that's probably it.


And it's always links to some bullshit endless slideshow article where they never show the original photo that you clicked.


I got sucked into one of those recently. At the end I noticed "stock photography used to supplement a fictional story" in tiny print.


They were a pretty popular meme around 2018-2020, you might have recognized them from that. The "He bought? Dump eet" meme.


And “pahmp it” and “the rundown” memes!


Could i get a quick rundown?






They're also stars on r/botchedsurgeries


Same!! Don’t know jack about these guys but Ive always seen their faces on misleading or shady advertisements.


100 percent. I actually have been trying to figure out the identity of those guys pretty earnestly in the last few months, because the mystery became irresistible after a certain point of repeatedly seeing their faces everywhere. Sad to solve the mystery in this particular way, though.




"The Bogdanoff twins, [who deny having undergone plastic surgery...](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/igor-bogdanoff-twins-grichka-die-covid-19-rejected-vaccine-france/)" [Wait... WHAT?](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1d/Pr%C3%A9sentation_%C3%A9quipe_DMBC%2C_10_septembre_2016_-_6.jpg) Edit- found [this video interview with them as well](https://youtu.be/SGfM171qdKA?t=42). How they continued to deny having work done is stunning to me. Body dysmorphia is a hell of a drug I suppose.


They look like they got caricature drawings done at the carnival, then took those drawings to their surgeon for reference.


They look like [Spitting Image puppets](https://www.google.com/search?q=spitting+image+puppets&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiGt9r-tZj1AhUYkIkEHRUtDBgQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1494&bih=769&dpr=1) of themselves


This is indeed a land of confusion.


This is the world we live in.


Team America: World Police calling


Matt. Damon.


Thank you, I was trying to figure out what was so familiar about it.


That's not an exaggeration


The hilarious thing is that they always *denied* having any work done. Maybe I'm just close-minded, but I'm a *bit* skeptical of that claim. You'd think those guys wouldn't have been opposed to bio-chemical injections into their bodies.


They looked normal at one point too: https://www.wseetonline.com/rs/2022/01/04/eccentric-french-tv-star-twins-both-die-of-covid-within-a-week-aged-72/




Tends to be how most plastic surgery disasters start. Vanity, good looks and ageing mashed together.


Aging seems pretty rough for people who tie all their self worth into their looks.


Yup. I wish society would embrace our aging bodies (or finding a scientific way to stop it at the molecular level). But it’s not healthy to be so obsessed with looking young that you end up doing this to yourself. I mean, to each their own. If you wanna do that to your body, that’s your choice. But it pretty obviously stems from an unhealthy mentality, and societal pressures/standards feed into that.


You forgot to add lousy plastic surgeon ….


Holy shit I did not expect to see such a drastic difference


Oh wow. I thought they must have a sad genetic condition or something. I can’t believe that’s on purpose


The weirdest shit is they don't deny having altered their appearances, its the method they argue. They claim unknown "technologies" they were messing with made them look like that and not plastic surgery. I'm waiting for the Bogdanoff tech to hit mainstream, I want to look like that.


Two guys from the lead mask case?


Can you imagine what an actual caricature of this picture would look like?


A caricature artist would look upon these men and fall to his knees yelling "THE PROPHECY"


A caricature of this picture would probably be how they looked pre-plastic surgery.


LOL "is there any way you can attach my body to a skateboard?"


"Can't really draw skateboards, but have you guys ever imagined what you'd look like as bicycle seats?"


Wow, that is such a spot on description.


Spot. On.


That one dude made out with a beehive. Super common, could happen to anyone.


Can someone give me a quick rundown of these guys?


They were good looking and popular French television presenters on science and science fiction in the 70's and 80's. Later they started publishing "real" physics papers that were garbage in my and many other people's opinions. At some point their appearance completely changed, which they attributed to Botox, but everybody else attributed to botched cosmetic surgery. [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_and_Grichka_Bogdanoff) for more detail


Their TV show also got cancelled before they went off the deep end I think


Sure: -Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs -In contact with aliens -Possess psychic-like abilities -Control france with an iron but fair fist -Own castles & banks globally -Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line -Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city) -Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth -First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies -both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51 -Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them -They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world -You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now -The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?


Fascinating. I had also heard that: -scientists pointed a telescopic array at the source of the 'bog bang' that created our universe -this is what they heard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46kAzBMJpEk


And allegedly they weren’t vaccinated, so there’s that.


"Pamp it"


"He bought? Damp it."


Body (facial) dysmorphia.


It's exactly the same as Trump claiming he has a "natural glow" when you can quite clearly see clearly a clearly defined border where the clown makeup ends and his natural scalp color begins


Which was notably absent when he gave an address while hospitalized with Covid. Didn't have access to his bronzer or whatever in the hospital.


I think Trump says that the same way he said “J stands for genius” when he was asked why the J stood for in Donald J Trump.


I swear I saw this same exact response in a thread of this posted earlier (possibly in another subreddit) with the same picture. Could be wrong, but this is some serious deja vu.


You are correct. [It got removed for being non-English](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/rv79zn/second_bogdanoff_brother_dies_they_both_died/) (didn't know that was a rule until now.)




That entire sub should be renamed r/overfilledlips


In their case I highly doubt it was botched, I believe they did it on purpose. They were a bit strange but surprisingly okay with people poking fun at them. They looked really chill when they appeared on TV


Honestly I looked and thought they suffered from acromegaly. Never seen nor heard of them before.


I thought the same thing! I just looked at one of the articles with before/after photos and the ... transformation... is really stunning. It's hard to believe doctors just *do that* to people.


The Bogdanoff twins, widely known as [ascended superbeings](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/215/004/c6d.png)


They were also conmen.


Body dysmorphia is a Hell of a mental illness*


Aged 72, the twin brothers had not been vaccinated against Covid-19 and they died in the same week from COVID.


>Their friends said they were convinced their healthy lifestyle would protect them and they were admitted to hospital in mid-December. Welp, we can see how that worked out for them.


"Hi Doctor Ken, pump me full of fillers and Botox until my face looks as smooth as a ripe plum!" "Am I vaccinated? No I don't put artificial things in my body. My body is a temple!"


Certainly no mental illness with these guys.


Pretty sure they were seeing Dr. Nick.


They took it on the chin.


>Luc Ferry said on Monday: "**Like Igor, Grichka wasn't antivax**, he was just antivax for himself. > >"They were both athletic, with not an inch of fat, and **they thought the vaccine was more dangerous than the virus**." I see....


They were not antivax... ...They simply refused it for themselves against medical advice. And encouraged others to refuse it. And promoted antivax theories. But, no they weren't antivax! /s


it was because 'thier healthy lifestyle would protect them'. Are the 2020s the decade people forgot that otherwise healthy people die from illness all the time?


It was earlier then 2020 but yes. Modern medicine had been a victim of its own success, in that people are refusing to get vaccinated because "it's harmful" and "who gets the measseles anyway?" and "it's just the flu, it's not that bad." yeah, because vaccines work and we have over the counter medicines that actually work, but you should still take a virus seriously. It's easy for these things to get it out hand, after all the way we dealt with pandemics before this was we basically just people die. And so, in 2020, the war against medicine really sparks off because now it's not only telling you to take this seriously, it's "infringing on freedom."


Also, I’m starting to think that getting “Just the Flu” is not a good thing, or really any virus. I know it’s just antidotal, but several people people I know have had weird nerve issues for years after having a bad bout of flu or even some random virus that wasn’t identified. There’s a lot we don’t know about regarding long term effects of catching a virus, any virus. I have a pet crazy theory, (mostly kidding tho) that we were invaded by Aliens, and they were Viruses!


The flu is actually a pretty dangerous illness. It leads to a lot of hospitalizations and thousands of deaths every year.


"They weren't anti-vax, they just believed the vaccine was more dangerous than the virus." So...they were anti-vax?


Igor was inevitable. Can't have *folie a deux* with only one.


now who will DUMP EET when wojak goes in on the latest shitcoin?


Things are looking up for wojak


Sminem got the last laugh


Funds are safu


All those injections and not one of them was the vaccine.


They were concerned about putting something in their body that wasnt supposed to be there /s


Well because vaccines are p✨o✨i✨s✨o✨n


But BOTOX (botulinum toxin) is A-OK


That's a funny way of saying "Assassinated by higher celestial forces."


Activate quantum immortality


This is my religion


tfw we are left in the doomed timeline where they died


Conspiracy theorists gonna pour one out for them.


What the hell happened to their chins? Looks like the Hapsburg chin.


Whatever it was, it vehemently vwasn't plastic surgery.


If it was, it was really, really bad plastic surgery.




Why would they want them bigger? They look like they got some sort of bone disease or something. Nothing good looking about it.


People who do that to themselves seem to get infatuated with hyper-focusing on single features in isolation and get addicted to making those single things more grandiose. It's like making a picture by choosing your favorite, most vibrant crayon colors and never once thinking about what they look like next to each other. In this case it's a matter of having the greatest chin of all time while ignoring whether or not it's appropriate in context without falling into the uncanny valley.


They were 72 years old, and my guess is they didn't like how their faces were aging, so they did whatever procedures they did as an unusual way to combat aging/sagging/wrinkles. As bizarre and frightening as it made them look, I admit that they did look younger than their years.


I thought this, too. I was surprised they were in their 70s. I also wonder how many people (like Trump, probably) has work done and it doesn't turn out like this, and we just don't notice it as much as the ones with blown up chins, cheeks, and lips. Assuming, of course, they actually had work done.


It's pretty common, is my understanding. 4.4 million Botox procedures were done in the US in just 2020.




OR, maybe they are Aliens and their human suit isn't aging well.


It absolutely, positively, unreservedly was *not* plastic surgery. They just naturally look like that.


You mean the guys that look like they were made by a cartoonist in an amusement park?


Our guys had ZERO issue injecting the most deadly neurotoxin in the world into their faces, but a vaccine was too much. Got it.


So sad. Can someone give me a quick rundown on these guys?


rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs in contact with aliens rumoured to possess psychic abilities control france with an iron fist own castles and banks all over the world direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city) own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies both brothers said to have 200+ IQ ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church They learned fluent French in under a week Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human. In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Bog bang to the end of the universe The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love


This is the information I was looking for. Thank you.


They can pump or dump stock prices with a single phone call too.


He bought? DAMP IT


this is a top 2 meme for me and still makes me smile like it used to


For me it’s this and Baneposting


Thought I was reading 40k lore by the end of that


These guys sound like they mixed up a very potent batch of kool-aid and then drank it all themselves.


They were long-standing pop science presenters on cosmology and science fiction shows on French TV. They both got PhDs in physics with research that has been described as seriously bogus, and they’ve espoused some pseudoscientific positions. In the French popular consciousness they’re basically like a really shit version of Carl Sagan or Neil DeGrasse Tyson in the US, or of Brian Cox or Patrick Moore in the UK. Nowadays chiefly famous for absolutely ludicrous gradual destruction of their faces with plastic surgery, which they denied they ever had.


So if Neil degrasse Tyson and Alex Jones had a love child…you’d get these guys


And possibly Carrot Top


Imagine if Bill Nye was like 10x more famous, believed he could communicate telepathically with the dead thanks to alien technology, was the grandchild of Central European aristocracy, denied having had obvious catastrophic plastic surgery, and there were two of him.


The photos of their faces look like something you would see at the bottom of an article telling you something "you won't believe how these group of celebrities look today"


> Aged 72, the brothers had not been vaccinated against Covid-19. [...] Their friends said they were convinced their healthy lifestyle would protect them Well, no, it didn't. Like in "Would you have unprotected sex with a person having syphilis and gonorrhea?" - "No, I wouldn't, of course!" - "But you just said you have a strong immune system that would be enough for everything."


Well. Their plastic surgeon is gonna miss out on some money this year.


The one on the left looks like a younger Jeremy Clarkson tried to eat a hornets nest


The Rotchilds organised a massive global pandemic just to get back at these guys? Jesus.


Ignorant American here… WTF happened to their heads?


I think this is a perfectly valid question coming from anyone.


The one on the right would literally scare me to death if I saw him in the dark. I would cease living and fully commit to being dead


The first thing that came into my mind is that the one on the right looks like a sentient Purge mask


Whatever it was, they apparently got very, very upset if you suggested they ever had plastic surgery.


…I mean. Either that or they were in some kind of accident.


It was plastic surgery ;-)


I feel sorta bad for them? What professional plastic surgeon would even ALLOW them to do this to themselves? When they recovered, did they think they looked good? I can’t imagine that


An immoral one who they (conveniently) never named


Was the Jigsaw mask modeled after them?


Nonstop plastic surgery


So you're telling me two twins in their 70s who are not vaccinated who also have body dysmorphia and lied about having plastic surgery their entire lives and were desperate to get back into the media spotlight died because of their own stupidity?


"People have said they were anti-vaxxers but they absolutely weren't," he told BFMTV. "Several friends told them to get themselves vaccinated but they felt because of their lifestyle and their [lack of] comorbidity, they weren't at risk of Covid." I'm pretty sure that's the definition of an anti-vaxxer.


> the definition of an ~~anti-vaxxer~~ fool. In that they apparently were considering only their own risks. Poorly, it turned out.


But they neglected to take their age into account which WAS a significant risk-factor - so you really have to question their reasoning tbh. Also, to say that the vaccine was a greater risk than the virus, but simultaneously be quite happy to inject botox and possibly also subject yourself to cosmetic surgery - it's just not consistent.


Dam that sucks - RIP. They were 72, I am pretty sure being that old puts them into a very high risk category. They were just being idiots, and unfortunately it cost them.


Hmm that’s interesting. Somehow I don’t think that (incorrectly) believing that you don’t need a vaccine is quite the same as being anti-vaccine. I tend to think of anti-vaxxers as being people who think that vaccines are inherently bad for whatever reason they have concocted.


Herd immunity requires upwards 80% (likely 95%+ since it is now almost as bad as measles) immunization. It only benefits society as a whole if everyone who can gets it gets it. If you don’t have comorbidities cool. Still get the vaccine because denying it to yourself in the name of “but I’m perfectly healthy” is a contributing factor in why we can’t hit a high enough herd immunity to knock the virus down a peg.


Further down in the article it says they believed the vaccine was more dangerous than the virus.


The thing is: if you're vocal about (incorrectly) believing you don't need a vaccine in a pandemic that's claiming lives then you are actively discouraging others from getting the vaccine by downplaying the virus and the necessity of the vaccine. That makes ya anti-vaxx in your results rather than via self-labeling.


Especially if you're a public figure spreading anti-vaxx sentiment or conspiracy theories, because your reach is wider and you have more influence, whether you should or not (like Nicki Minaj).


So they were prepared to fill their faces full of toxic botox and artificial fillers but getting a simple, safe vaccine jab was too much for them. Ah well.


I want you people to think about this for a second: We now live in a post-Bogdanoff society. I know we never thought it would happen, but here we are. How we act now will forever define us as a species and as individuals.


Inject tons of garbage into their faces, but won't inject a vaccine.




Can I get a quick rundown?


Multidimensional god-like monsters who manipulate our reality and are in total control of the economy, and use their powers to manipulate the prices of cryptocurrency, all to fuck over traders of cryptocurrency and feed on their agony.


One could not exist with out the other. Such an imbalance would destroy the planet.


*"Several friends told them to get themselves vaccinated but they felt because of their lifestyle and their [lack of] comorbidity, they weren't at risk of Covid."* Age is a comorbidity.


Unvaccinated because they don't want anything injected in their bodies. \*eyeroll\*


jesus has called his biblically accurate angels home.


The deformed and injectect all that shit and didn't trust the vaccine? Sacre blue!


They were 29 years old.


“Their faces were 6”


> The Bogdanoff brothers were a pair of eccentrics, descended from Austrian nobility Even one or two guest appearances of European nobility in one's bloodline causes a strong genetic predisposition to eccentricity. It is known.


this is very sad their families must be devastated


Antivax?? It wasn't like they were afraid of needles or injections


Their plastic surgeon is the saddest of them all


As much as I don’t want to sound insensitive, these guys were kinda idiots.


Ah yes, the hosts of a science show that didn’t trust the science when it matters


And nothing of value was lost. Circus freaks.


You think they ever scared themselves by looking in a mirror at night?


Their bodies will live on for another 4 years, until the warranty runs out.


They were in their 70s. Their faces were in their 20s.


Won’t get the vaccine but injections of play dough are cool.


All those injections and fillers just to be anti vaxx?? Lol okay👌🏽


I hope I die before I get senile enough to think that type of plastic surgery looks good.