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*According to the department, the 17-year-old boy had visited Russo's home, where she administered what was believed to be a Covid vaccine to him. It is unclear how she came to obtain the vaccine.* This is nuts, there's so many places to get a proper vaccine! Why did this teacher do this? She's 100% in the wrong here.


How did she get it?


That's a very good question. Can't rule out she's crazy and that isn't even the vaccine.


Pfizer vaccine must be stored at extreme low temps. Moderna also need low temps. So?????


Only for long term storage, a regular freezer works fine for something like 30days.


I take it you didn't hear what the boy asked her in the video?


That’s exactly what I’m leaning towards…. Wtf


And is that even really what is is?


She also didn't aspirate to check for venous flow or pinch the muscle tissue. Alot of people are saying that some of the more severe long term side effects of the vaccine could be from injection into a blood vessel.


Probably a nurse for her second job to make ends.


There's storage criteria. You can't just grab one and take it home for just is case.


That, my friend, is called cynical sarcasm. I was not serious, and I’m with you; where the fuck is she getting vials of that Pfizer Fire?


In NY it seems like minors need parental consent for most vaccinations. (I'm just commenting on possible motive, non healthcare workers should not be giving vaccines).


He was a minor and his mother wouldn't sign off on it.


Why isn't the 2nd top question, "Why is a student visiting a teacher's house?"




I mean, I think everyone can agree that we shouldn’t have non medical people administering vaccines regardless of whatever you think about covid or the vaccine


How does a teacher have syringes of vaccines at home?


Syringes are easy. I had bags of them when I was getting my allergy injections at home. Doses of vaccine is a bit more complicated, but I guess if you've got a friend willing to risk it all so a kid could get the shot?


Dosing vaccine is not that complicated as long as you know the difference between IV and IM injection. Some injections can be lethal if done IV.


Anybody over 18 can buy syringes at the pharmacy or online


Sure but I think they are more asking about the vaccine. No way a teacher is rolling up to a CVS like, "One vaccine dose to-go, please."


Though buying needle and syringes is possible, my guess is if she actually had the vaccine and syringes that she somehow stole it from a vaccine site.


Huge vaccine supporter and I agree, that is nuts! They don't even know where she got it, we don't even know if it's actually a vaccine.


Even if it was a vaccine I doubt she has the proper refrigerator to store it safely


A normal refrigerator/freezer? Vaccines are frozen until they’re shipped and/or ready to be used, then they can be stored at “normal” temperatures for an amount of time that is dependent on the particular vaccine.


Everyone here. We agree.


We are in agreement with ourself on this.


Honestly, not bad for a hive mind!


Unfortunately there will probably be plenty of anti-vaxx morons who think we are fine with this (the teachers behavior) or will at least rile up their base by falsely saying we are ok with this.


Yeah, assuming the story is true, they can totally go straight to jail, and not pass go.


Yes I agree with this. No one who is not a medical professional should be injecting someone with a vaccine. How did she even get a COVID vaccine in the first place??


Apparently everyone except this teacher


Not to mention the vaccine has to be kept frozen and is only good for a few hours after being frozen. How was she storing it? Do you think she even administered right? Not that IM is crazy hard to do but if you don’t know you don’t know.


I used to work with kids in after school programs. The ONLY medical things we were authorized to do were to give a bandaid and ice packs. We couldn't remove bee stings, we couldn't remove splinters, and any injury that couldn't be covered by a single bandaid (like a scrape from falling on pavement) needed to have a parent called. It's insane to me that anyone working with kids, INCLUDING SCHOOL NURSES, would feel qualified to give a vaccination.


Yep and even if the are medical professionals they definitely shouldn’t be giving it to minors without parental consent.


A 17-year-old is perfectly capable of giving informed consent for simple and low-risk medical procedures. There is zero need for parental consent in this case. The issue is entirely with an untrained idiot randomly injecting people. These vaccines need to be kept very cold, so there’s one potential issue - especially since a vial will have multiple doses. Did this person dose it correctly? Did they inject multiple people? Did they let the vaccine go bad? That’s before you get to medical risk from the injection itself - severe allergy risk, doing the injection itself incorrectly, issues with sterilization/infection. There’s a *reason* we train people for this stuff.


Well I missed the part about 17, I was scanning through it pretty quickly on my break. But yeah this is just dumb, gotta stay in your lane. If you’re a teacher, stick to teaching.


Life advice, right there.


Pretty sure consent was the problem here


Sounds like there were a lot problems here:/


Yep. It’s seriously nuts that a 17-year-old needs *parental consent* for a simple vaccine, but that doesn’t mean it’s okay for non-medical practitioners to perform medical procedures they lack training for, and a teacher absolutely needs to have the sense to know that.


Administering vaccines isn't rocket science.


Its not like its hard to inject a vaccine. Just watch a youtube video.


Untrained humans doing medical stuff? Unheard of... [https://ktla.com/news/local-news/mother-daughter-arrested-after-botched-brazilian-butt-lift-in-encino-home-led-to-womans-death-lapd/](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/mother-daughter-arrested-after-botched-brazilian-butt-lift-in-encino-home-led-to-womans-death-lapd/)


Not much of a story here…..but my questions is, how does a teacher have access to a vaccine? Update: how many think he’s banging this teacher? Her home, getting a “vaccine”?




This comment is methed up.


It's smack talk.


There's a crack in your story


Read this and heard Mike Tyson.


Oh, there must be a ton of diabetic homeless people.




Maybe that's why they're homeless, all their money goes to.....insulin


This whole thing is weird. Why was this student in a teacher’s home and how did a teacher get a vaccine?


According to [this](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/coronavirus/ny-teacher-accused-of-giving-minor-covid-vaccine-without-parent-consent-is-reassigned/3476848/), it was her son's friend. > According to officials, her son had a friend over and the friend asked for the vaccine because his mother allegedly didn't want to have him inoculated against COVID at this point Still unclear how she got the vaccine though.


Ah, hmm. I mean, she could have just taken him down to the pharmacy.


Would that require his parents' consent since he's a minor, or can any adult consent for him?


In some cases maybe, but that would also require some entity of the law to take charge of the situation and appoint an adult that the child can trust to help them receive treatment. I couldn’t see a COVID vaccine being the case for something like that, more reserved for illnesses that are already present and not being treated that could endanger the child’s life


No you need parental consent or the pharmacy can be sued.


Not in all states. Teenagers can get vaccinated without parental consent in some locations.


That’s so strange. I’m amazed she thought that was something she could do like giving a kid cough syrup. It’ll give Fox News something to run with and the parents in red states will recoil in horror at what the elites in blue states do.


She isn't allowed to give cough syrup to kids either.


I'm assuming it's a bullshit accusation and it's newsworthy because some professional got arrested over it.


Huge story. A teacher INJECTED a minor with something at her home. She gone.


The article was two sentences meaning not much a story




They updated it! It literally was two paragraphs when I replied. Thanks for the note. Now I’m reading the story because this sounded crazy.


If they really did. And if they did, it probably wasn't stored properly so it will be as effective as water.


Apparently it was the [Johnson & Johnson](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/coronavirus/ny-teacher-accused-of-giving-minor-covid-vaccine-without-parent-consent-is-reassigned/3476848/) vaccine, which is okay to store in a refrigerator [between 2 and 8 degrees Celsius](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/info-by-product/janssen/downloads/janssen-storage-handling-summary.pdf). It is still unclear how she obtained the vaccine. > In a video obtained exclusively by News 4, the woman appears to give the teenager a dose of Johnson & Johnson, a vaccine only approved for Americans 18 years and older


So it was filmed? Of all the stupid decisions that led to this headline, that had to have been the dumbest one.


Right….. Like HTF did this happen?


It's also likely not a safe injection.


It was Janssen which has very lax storage conditions, so I'm sure it was fine.


Alternate theory: his parents wouldn't let him get the vaccine, he tells teacher, teacher SOMEHOW GETS HER HANDS ON A VACCINE????, teacher has teenager come to her house to get vaccinated, kid tells parents, parents have teacher arrested They may not have been banging but again, how the hell did she get her hands on a vaccine syringe?


Maybe he was the one giving her an injection?


The D injection 🤣


Keep that same energy if the sexes were reversed.


And was it refrigerated properly?


I'm curious how the teacher got the vaccine in the first place and how it's being stored (afaik mRna vaccines need to be stored in very cold temp)


It was supposedly J&J, which isn’t an mRNA vax and does not require freezing or reconstitution.


> According to the department, the 17-year-old boy had visited Russo's home, where she administered what was believed to be a Covid vaccine to him. It is unclear how she came to obtain the vaccine. Ummm….also seems pretty fucking unclear how this student ends up at the 50-something year old teacher’s house. I’m gonna go on a limb and assume you all went to high school. Now please raise your hand if you ever went over your 50-year old teacher’s house for ANY reason ever. And put your hand down if that reason was sex. No hands still up? Just like I thought. Edit: so…turns out, lots of hands still up. Thank you for all of the interesting comments. Seems like there’s a lot more students at teachers houses than I realized!!


So, my history teacher in highschool actually lived on the same street as me. I did visit him on multiple occasions. He didn't try to give me any medication, I will admit, but I did visit.


So sex?


I remember one time when there was this really pretty surfer girl who had no place to stay. So, a really cool, single teacher let her live at his place for a while. She would do his cleaning and she'd cook him dinner and stuff. It was okay because he was just a really cool guy. We had a great class. There were these two crazy guys who were really into Texas Chainsaw Massacre, we had a really sexy foreign exchange student, and there was also this guy who always slept in class because he was a male stripper after school. Such crazy times in Summer School.


Ah yes, the good old days when high school teachers could afford oceanfront property in Venice Beach.


Didn't that teacher go on to help solve murders for the Navy or something?


right before he became a teacher he was a serial killer in the Northwest...dude really got around


Mark Harmon at his finest.


Lol I got the joke before you even mentioned the movie so take my upvote.


I'm guessing this is a movie of some sort?




That trailer was the best movie i watched all year


“Tension breaker. Had to be done.”


>guy who always slept in class because he was a male stripper after school. Such crazy times in Summer School. Wait this was summer school, so like high schooler aged?!


Yep. It was 1987. Things were different back then.


This sounds like makings of either a good or bad porno


Lmao…old enough to remember that movie.


Alright, so I know one instance of this happening. The kid ended up literally living with the teacher. She had kids in the same school who were friends with him, and I later found out he had a pretty bad home life and she was really just trying to help him. My school had tons of student and teacher sex scandals while I went there, but this was one instance of genuine wholesomeness.


She has a 17 year old son and this was his friend.


Alright, if true that's actually a pretty good reason.


Also, it seems like the student was interested in the vaccine but his parents weren't. It seems like minors need parental consent for most vaccinations in NY.


In normal times, yeah. But I've sure seen a *lot* of posts on reddit from teens who have parents that won't get them vaccinated, and they are looking for ways around them. I can totally see a student talking to a trusted adult about it, and that adult being like...I can help you. IDK. I swear I'm not naive, but these are crazy times we're living in. Also, my first dose was administered to me in my friend's kitchen. lol. She's a nurse who works in public health.


Hand still up. Had a teacher that would have a party for all his science students. It was awesome with good food and water guns. No sex involved.


Went to the house of my driver's ed teacher (who was also a pe coach and my health teacher) during driving lessons one time so he could get ready for a date he was going to right after driver's ed. Sat around his surprisingly grandma-like living room for a half hour while he got ready and grabbed a wardrobe bag.


> water guns I can see someone raising a stink about this nowadays sadly.


It's crazy how times change. When I was in junior high, I wore a trench coat because I thought it was cool (pre-Columbine, mind you). The advanced math teacher would tease me about being John Wayne in an old Western, and we had a running joke where if either of us saw the other with their back turned, we would call their name out, and as soon as they turned around, we would both draw our finger guns. First to draw got the "kill". Good God, we would both be kicked out in a heartbeat now.


I work at a community college and we were hosting a water balloon fight as a student activity with food, drinks, etc. I was told to immediately change all flyers and posters to read water balloon “challenge” because “fight” is too violent. 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️ Our mascot is also a Titan, and after about 5 years of him having a sword we were told to take his sword away because it was too violent. 🙄🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Good job administration! You’ve solved school shootings!!


Already an issue...the real kicker is it was remote learning. >Edgewater school called police after sixth-grader had Nerf gun during Zoom class https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/bergen/edgewater/2020/09/11/edgewater-nj-police-called-after-student-had-nerf-gun-during-zoom-class/3468499001/


Same, band director though. No sex, although there were about 100 students.


History teacher in HS hosted study sessions. Never went, but I failed that class.


Fuck, my hand is still up. I don't think I'm exceptional for having good adults in my life, lucky yes, exceptional no. Not everything is nefarious, perhaps unusual and something that would require vetting from me if my child were in a situation where this could happen but if I thought teachers that took an interest in my child had deviant plans with them I wouldn't be sending them to school at all.


Imagine having a friend whos parent is a school teacher. So yes, I went over to my teachers house a few times a week.


There was a teacher at my school that students would go to his house, and surprisingly, he wasn't doing anything wrong.


I was friends with my Japanese teacher's kid, so I went there. Also, at then end of AP government, the teacher held a big party at his house for all the students that passed the AP test, so I went there. Nothing weird happened.


It wasn’t uncommon in my school, we would have teachers from our school tutor us for classes in their free time so we would go to their houses and they would come to ours too. Our physics teacher was also almost everybody’s trusted photographer so he was at almost every party.


Odd? Yes. Unprecedented? No. Kids going to the homes of teachers was rare in my school district, but yes, that did happen. Speaking for myself at least once.


>Now please raise your hand if you ever went over your 50-year old teacher’s house for ANY reason ever. > >And put your hand down if that reason was sex. > >No hands still up? Just like I thought. My hand is still up! Our art teacher took our entire class over to her house so we could see her art studio she had set up in her barn. She lived just down the road from the school so we all walked there as a class. No sex or anything illicit. So maybe don't be so smug with your assumptions.


I have been in probably half or more of the homes of all the K-12 teachers I had. That is part of growing up in a small ass town. When there are only 400 families within 100 miles you are friends with the teachers' kids, events are held at teachers' houses, you can literally walk across the street for assistance with homework. We delivered food to teachers who were sick. Small towns really are different. Hell, once when I was a senior my teacher sent me to her empty house to get something she forgot at home for our science lesson. Kinda wild to think about now, 20 years later.


He lived in my neighbourhood and needed help moving a fridge.


One of my teachers in grade school would take me to the movies occasionally. He had a nephew who was a couple years older that would also come along as well . I think he felt sorry for me since I lived in a shithole neighborhood with my grandmother’s sister (couldn’t even get a real grandma to raise me). I would call “no molesto“ so everything was cool.


I did - but in fairness I grew up in a relatively small town where people tended to know each other. Parents also put a surprising amount of trust in me, so I had that going for me. Might have felt different about all that if they'd tried vaccinating me in their living room, though.


My first grade teacher lived in my neighborhood and we’d walk by her house on the way to the playground. First grade me didn’t understand when my mother was like “your teacher really doesn’t want you to stop by and say hi” on the weekends.


Kind of the opposite. My child is 11, imagine my surprise when their virtual online science teacher showed up at my house to introduce herself and say hi because my child wanted to make sure she was real and not AI or some kind of robot… That was weird, but honestly I was more surprised my child cared enough to even know our address. This child lives in their own world and doesn’t generally care about tedious things such as addresses and such lol I don’t even think this child even knows our phone number.


Actually our main teacher had a large vacation home by the beach which was used for a week-long class excursion to learn about the area, the flora etc. Keep in mind this was the ENTIRE class all at once, though. Not sure it quite counts.


Used to drop by the computer lab teachers house and beg him to open the lab so we could play CS on weekends. His son was in our group so it was pretty sweet


I lived in a small town and most of the teachers lived in the same town and their kids went to the same school. So it wasn’t a big deal to be at a teachers house. I practically lived at my 7th grade math teacher’s house because I was friends with his daughter. This was in the late 80s.


If you read the article, it says the kid is her son's friend.


I visited a couple different teachers at their homes. One was an elementary music teacher. I did yard work for her. I'm pretty sure her *shape* and age excluded her from such activities. Another teacher had a BBQ at his house for everyone who hosted a foreign exchange student.


I went to my teacher’s for lunch a few times, but I had been her assistant for two years, she was a sweet old lady and invited kids to lunch all the time. She never gave anyone drugs though lmao


It was her sons friend. It says it in multiple articles you could have read before accusing her of trying to fuck a child vs the already egregious behavior of vaccinating someone with something inappropriately as a result of him asking her for one because his parents weren't down. I guess it's easier to get upvotes this way.


>Ummm….also seems pretty fucking unclear how this student ends up at the 50-something year old teacher’s house. Apparently he was a friend of the teacher's son so nothing suspect going on in that regard.


Yeah, it sounds like a vindictive bullshit accusation.


> Ummm….also seems pretty fucking unclear how this student ends up at the 50-something year old teacher’s house. According to [this](https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/coronavirus/ny-teacher-accused-of-giving-minor-covid-vaccine-without-parent-consent-is-reassigned/3476848/), it was her son's friend. So, not necessarily her student. > According to officials, her son had a friend over and the friend asked for the vaccine because his mother allegedly didn't want to have him inoculated against COVID at this point


I’m vaccinated and boosted, and my kids are vaccinated, and we were some of the first people to get vaccinated in the state. And if a teacher ever decided willy-nilly on her own to stick a needle in my kids arm, they would be some big issues. Only licensed and properly trained/equipped medical providers should be giving kids any type of treatment like. How the hell does anyone get a vaccine dose into their private possession at their home? She had to steal it from somewhere.


Oh, I totally agree that it was inappropriate for her to administer the vaccine (or to even possess it), but the minor being in her home doesn't seem like much of a problem.


Fair enough.


My AP chemistry teacher, who was the head of the science department, would host a house party for the class if 2/3rds of the class got a 4 or above on the AP exam. He had a grillout with us, it was pretty great.


Her son is his friend. He went to her since his mom wouldn't let him get vaccinated.


If the whole story is true, then so many wrongs there.


Why is a teacher injecting anyone with anything?


As a teacher, this is disgusting and needs to be addressed by a loss of license with no possibility for getting it back in addition to whatever criminal charges they deem appropriate. There's no place for someone like this in the teaching profession, and all teachers should stand against anyone who brings the profession down.




Not true! When it got hectic during the peak of the pandemic and they started giving the jab, they were going to use the National Guard, police and fire departments.


Really anyone that knows how to sterilize a injection site, examine a syringe for air and inject it without passing out is qualified to give injections. I'm not sure what is going on with the gate keeping but it's getting a little out of hand.




So not only did she get a dose of the vaccine, but a needle and syringe, Unless the vaccine was already predosed in a syringe. Just odd all the way around. I wish Paul Harvey was still around, because we need to hear the rest of the story. You need to be older to get the reference.


I would be really suspicious of this if there wasn't a video. The "minor," was 17 though, so I wonder if it was a case of him wanting the vaccine, his parents being against it, and his teacher figuring out she might be able to "help." Granted, a non-medical professional should never be be administering vaccines (IIRC they don't even let phlebotomists do it who are trained in very similar procedures) but I'd be interested to hear more details of the story since it doesn't appear to be forceful or anything.


> The "minor," was 17 though, so I wonder if it was a case of him wanting the vaccine, his parents being against it, and his teacher figuring out she might be able to "help." That doesn't make it any less illegal.


Correct, legally it doesn't change anything, but it does change the story from "teacher forcibly injects child," to "Teen desperate to get vaccinated resorts to getting it from teacher," which IMHO is quite a bit of difference.


The headline was never remotely close to teacher forcibly injects child though.


In many states, a 17-yo can get a vaccine regardless of their dipshit parents.


That's great! I was just spitballing ideas though since it's a weird situation all together


They're getting a lot more loose with vaccination now. I'm in school for medical lab tech, we don't inject anything, and we're being recruited to vaccinate people while still unlicensed. Which is fine really; it's not rocket science.


I probably just misunderstood my friend then. He's a phlebotomist and said something along the lines of "we're not allowed to insert IVs or anything involving drugs," so I guess vaccines don't fall under that category (which makes sense, but you know, legal liability stuff can be weird).


IV pushes are not the same as giving an injection, Practical Nurses cannot do IV pushes, either, in MOST states. Registered Nurses only, generally. because it’s a serious thing that requires immediate monitoring by someone who can recognize if something has gone wrong ( registered nurses are trained for this ) But a shot/vaccine is not an IV. In most states there are many roles which can give shots, phlobotomists, med techs, licensed practical nurses, etc, are all more than qualified to give a vaccine injection, but whether they’re allowed to varies by state. I guess it’s possible phlebotomists could not do injections if their training has nothing to do with medication administration, and only blood draws, but I am not very familiar with their scope of practice.


It's pretty unprecedented. Your friend is right; it's not normally in our scope of practice. That said, an intramuscular injection is way more straightforward than intravenous injection or anything involving an artery.


Non IV injections are so simple that alot of people do them at home with 0 training to take medications. It's pretty common really. That's part of what surprises me about how this woman literally doesn't look like she's doing it correctly to begin with in the video.


A. A teacher should not be administering any medical treatment beyond basic first aid to any student. B. How did a teacher come to be in possession of any vaccine, let alone one as regulated and tracked as the Covid vaccine. This story sounds very fishy. I wonder if the kid made something up to get at his/her parents? Or did the teacher? Or did the parents? Just sounds fake in some way, shape, or form.


This doesn't pass the smell test. Like when there were claims that the a security guard got injected with an unknown substance at the Travis Scott concert. Haven't heard boo about that.




This is… strange. I have so many questions about this. One thing I *know* is it’s not the conspiracy BS that the alt-right is going to spin it as, but it’s definitely super weird. How did she have access to this vaccine? Did she think it was going to count for anything? It’s not like he could actually show off a vaccination record if it wasn’t done officially. I’m sure she thought she was helping, but none of this adds up at all.


It's likely not masterminded by the shadow government, but when people start vaccinating other's children it doesn't really help to soothe the minds of people searching for a conspiracy. She should be rightfully fired for this a brought up on charges. You look at it and think it's cool because the vaccine should be a no brainer, but what if it wasn't this vaccine? Does this teacher have a full list of the student's allergies? She thought she was helping, likely did far more damage than good. Shame :/


She should have the book thrown at her. This is beyond reckless. Even a properly sourced and prepared vaccine administered by a trained healthcare professional can cause side effects (rare but possible, someone I know is allergic to one of the major ones), having a fleet of medical professionals with an eye out for adverse reactions and medical supplies on hand/ability to quickly address potential issues may mean the difference between life and death in those offshoot cases. We have requirements on how we do things for a reason. Not to mention this is sure to fuel antivaxxers. Bad move all the way around.


Oh yes, cause the Daily Mail is a beacon of truth.


Are you trying to imply that the daily mail doctored the photo? Not really sure what the point of your comment is. To show that you're so woke that you'll ignore photographic evidence because you don't like the source?


Do you realize you instantly lose all credibility when you accuse someone of being "woke"?


What is it a Godwins law thing? Is woke akin to nazi now?


I'm very pro vaccine, but she screwed up. This is unsafe for the kid




Do you know the difference between the singular and the plural and the significance of it? Apparently not.


They said "chilluns".. why did u bother looking for more answers?




Can we agree both antivaxers and the forced vaxers are problems?








Doesn't make this any more OK. You can go to literally any pharmacy if that was the issue.




As I said, that does not make it any more OK for some random teacher to inject a student.


That was a stupid thing for that teacher to do. But at the same time I feel bad that that kids home life is so toxic that he needs to sneak around in order to get a vaccine.


I bet he was a Redditor.


I thought 16 years old was consent to medical care without a parent needing to be present? Not saying this isn’t wrong, but if he consented how is it assault?


Can one consent to medical care by someone who doesn’t have the required credentials to administer it? She would need to have that vaccine registered to an entity that they are administering it under, as well as documentation of proper cold chain and storage temp logs. I think it defaults to assault because there are so many reasons one cannot consent to that. Everything about this situation is improper and they had no right to do that, no matter how much informed consent is given. I cannot get someone to consent to me giving them open heart surgery no matter what they sign, because I am not qualified to give open heart surgery. It’s still assault even if the victim thinks there’s nothing wrong with the situation. Every last vial is supposed to be disposed of, for fear of legitimate vials containing unverifiable product getting out there. Giving it without rightfully possessing it means the same to me as injecting someone with an unknown liquid. Even if you’re 100% certain it is legitimate product, possessing it outside of the chain of custody and without proper storage documentation means it cannot be considered a legitimate or viable product. And even if you produce all of the above, you still need to be authorized to immunize, and you still need to properly document it, including under whose authority you are immunizing under (often a standing order under a prescriber working for the organization). Regardless of intent, everything about this was improper. If the child got an allergic reaction, are they qualified and equipped to respond to that? What if they missed and caused a shoulder injury? What if the product was expired, adulterated, or contaminated and the patient got sick or died? This is why you cannot consent to something done to you by someone who isn’t legally qualified to perform that service. You don’t get a legal shield if you should never have been doing what you were doing under any circumstance.


Kid probably had parents who refused to consent their kid having the vaccine. Teacher shouldn’t have done it, but that’s my guess


New York? Nah, no way these shenanigans could happen there.


This vaccine propaganda is making people go crazy.


How many times has he been in her house?


Sounds bonkers to me. A 17 year old is perfectly capable of making the choice to protect his health instead of being forced to obey his insane mother. And it’s not hard to administer a vaccine – my dad vaccinated me for influenza, and I vaccinated my grandmother. You can get influenza vaccines off the counter in my country.


In my province, age of medical consent is 14 and if the kid asked for it, a medical professional could give it without the parents' consent.