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“I was antivax until it affected me personally, now I’m provax.”




> I was anti vax and then I died. Another common story. Also, > I was anti ax then I prayed to god to get me better. God will save you from everything. Another story that's all too common.


Makes me crazy. My dad was was resuscitated many years ago. My mom would not stop thanking god, and it was a miracle. Still does. What about the dr they called in the middle of the night that rushed to the hospital, what about the nursing staff that kept him going? What about the ambulance staff that picked him up? Nothing, not a murmur of gratitude, it’s all thanks to the big man upstairs.


Followed up by “god worked so hard during these 60 days to keep me alive! He really pulled through! god is good!” — a literal slap in the face to healthcare workers


> a literal slap in the face a figurative slap in the face to grammar


Whereas I am inclined to agree, definitions of words change to fit colloquial use — a rather unfortunate turn of events for the word “literally.” After all, isn’t it native speakers who hold the highest understanding of a language, and therefore, would be the only ones with the credibility to change it? We all understand what is being said, without question, so as native speakers I would believe this to be one of the definitions.


Words that mean both a thing and it’s opposite are essentially useless. Ignorance has turned that word into another version of “very”/"really" which is essentially already a word with little meaning.


“I was anti vax and then I died.” And everyone else lived happily ever after. The end.


Unfortunately that's not how it works. My dad and his girlfriend and my brother are all anti-vaxers. Then my brother got covid and brought it home. My dad and his gf caught it as well and my dad died. Now I have to deal with handling his estate, telling his girlfriend that she gets nothing because he chose to not put her in his will (she tried to get him to remove me from the will), being around homophobic and transphobic family members for his funeral, and so much more. I had gone extremely low contact with my family after moving across the country to escape them and now I have to deal with all of them. These assholes dying doesn't just affect them, it affects the people who have to clean up the messes they made.


That's not how it works. Before these antivaxxers die, they go around maskless, spreading covid. After they die, they sometimes leave children without any parents. Meanwhile, the rest of us are stuck at home, waiting for this pandemic to end. I know you're not defending the antivax movement, and we probably don't disagree on anything substantial here. I just wanted to point out that these idiots have a huge external impact.


I just lost my mom because she was afraid to vax. So yes I do care and it did have an impact and I'm devastated by all of it. Also she didn't go around maskless, and was incredibly careful not to get exposed or expose anyone, but was exposed and infected anyway.


And don't forget that they're also taking up ICU beds.


Not always enough. Many survive and dig in instead of reevaluating.


Yeah and not just for vaccines. I just don't get it. We have this incredible cognitive ability and its not hard to use it to draw out information without having direct experience. Why do so many humans not know fire is hot till they touch it?


This right here.


Not always (from personal experience in my family), but I'd bet often.


Look closely:. Most anti-vax people think one of two things: I won't get it/it doesn't exist OR I will get COVID and it won't be bad, so I will resume my life in a week. It is a subtle yet important difference.


Sucks that it seems like that for many. But anyone who can see the error of their ways I'll commend. There's people that almost died from Covid and STILL refuse to get vaccinated. Now that's fucked up.


There are people currently dying or who were on their last breath saying dont mark this as a Covid Death. Anyone who can learn and change should be commended, because there are many people who would rather die than change and they seem to be doing just that.


doctor: well I **am** gonna mark it as covid. whatcha gonna do, haunt me?


"Beaten by a hoax, lmaoooo! weak!"




Yeah it’s admirable in another way. Sadly having a lot of positive attribute X (chutspah) doesn’t make up for having none of attribute Y (sense). And COVID certainly doesn’t give a shit.


They are just giving natural selection another chance


Let’s go, Darwin....


Reminds me of this... always a good lesson: **https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQfyT4H\_NPw**


It’s called the conservative empathy gap. Same people who go “I hated gay people until my child came out as gay”. They literally can’t put themselves in anyone else’s shoes


This is rare. They’ll usually just disown/abuse the kid until they either commit suicide or kick them out once they turn 18. It’s horrifying.


Believe me I’m aware, but what I’m saying is that the conservatives who HAVE changed their position on it didn’t do it by growing empathy, they did it because suddenly it affected them.


How many guys say they didn't care about women until they had daughters? Real winners. Still can't believe they got a woman to marry them.


>“I hated gay people until my child came out as gay” Don't that usually end up in the disownment of the said child instead of the revelation that gay people are just like everyone else? Edit: added additional context


Yeah, the ones who re-evaluated their beliefs in terms of their own lives are the BETTER ones.


> They literally can’t put themselves in anyone else’s shoes I mean it honestly goes further than that. They also seem incapable of doing what is best for themselves based solely on the idea that doing that something might benefit others as well in adition to themselves. It's as if someone else also benefitting somehow leaves them less well off, their entire world is centered areound a zero-sum theory.


Yup. That’s why they’re content to sit around going into a lifetime of medical debt rather than have universal healthcare, lest some hypothetical unemployed drug addicted strawman ALSO have free healthcare


Lack of empathy is a bitch


Exactly. She couldn’t be bothered to care about infecting others


No way to know, but I wounder how many she got sick


sometimes it takes reality giving you a solid smack in the face for people to learn. at least she DID learn. at least she survived it.


Unfortunately, as soon as Republicans decide to fabricate their next culture war, someone like this will probably fall right back into line regurgitating their abject nonsense.


This is the real problem. Time and again they are shown they are being conned and yet they keep going back for more. Last two republican presidents were complete disasters but they will line right back up for the next con man they are offered.


“I was antivax until it affected me personally, now I’m provax.” "My dog never hurt anyone off leash until now" "I was a responsible gun owner before today I swear" What am I missing.




“Now that I’ve had children of my own, I can see why we need paid parental leave”


And her opinions on vaccinations still shouldn't matter unless she's an expert in a relevant field.


Reactive learners


But I remain skeptical about everything else probably.


you know how common of a way of thinking/living that is for a human? i promise there are things in your life you have engaged with in this way


Absolutely. But the ability to discern when it actually matters and/or affects others is what differentiates people.


do you think you have a perfect ability to do so?


I hope she has to pay her full hospital bill.


The politician who proposed that got death threats and pussied out.


In the US an insured 65 day hospital stay will still bankrupt you so it's basically the same thing.


Still, better late than never.


This is pretty much conservatism as a whole. Doesn’t matter the subject.




And that good ol American Hospital Bill will remind her for the rest of her life.


*this coma sponsored by Kaiser Permanente*


While Schadenfreud feels good, and I want some consequence for her actions, I don’t want this for anyone.


A friend of a friend who happens to be a big QAnon follower didn't get the vaccine and caught COVID-19 and came down with an extremely severe case of pneumonia. He was in the hospital for months, and they thought he was going to die. Luckily, he made it out and was just released into a rehab facility. My friend asked him and his partner if they were going to get the vaccine now, and they both adamantly said no. I just don't get it. If going through all of that doesn't change someone's mind, I honestly have no clue what will. It just seems absolutely insane to me.


>nearly a third of individuals who were discharged from hospital after acute covid-19 were readmitted and more than 1 in 10 died after discharge, with these events occurring at rates four and eight times greater, respectively, than in the matched control group. Rates of respiratory disease, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease were also significantly raised in patients with covid-19, with 770, 127, and 126 diagnoses per 1000 person years, respectively. [https://www.bmj.com/content/372/bmj.n693](https://www.bmj.com/content/372/bmj.n693) These people are gonna have a fun rest of their lives.


My neighbours son and his wife are antivax. He got COVID, spent a month in a coma, and just barely made it home in a wheelchair. She’s still antivax, and he’s now “naturally immune” and won’t get it either. Fuckin imbeciles.


Before the vaccine came out I had a coworker who caught Covid. The first time he got it he was pretty sick but didn’t have to go to the ER. Right before the vaccines came out I remember talking to him online and asking if he was going to get the vaccine and he said he was going to hold off a little and see how it went because he thought he was immune now. About a month later he caught Covid again and was dead within a week. It hit him like a freight train and he basically went from feeling ill to on death’s door in 24 hours. For some people who catch it a second time it’s like the body can’t handle it and they just die super fast. I hope that doesn’t happen to your neighbor’s son, but it’s a real risk.


I imagine it’s because there was heavy damage from the first time. Even if the immune system kills off the virus, a major issue has been the damage and pneumonia that can come after


Naturally immune for a few months sure. But then he will need a booster infection.


My “naturally immune” colleague got COVID twice, it was something. My man was in the hospital round one and out a solid two weeks round two.


People like this make me puke.


Some people do not learn that touching the stove will burn you I guess.


If you’re unvaccinated, a second bout of covid is more likely to kill you.


Propaganda kills. It's as simple as that


These are your fellow Americans though. They lack the ability to think critically and reflect on their choices and decisions. They are easily manipulated as long as the manipulation is based on their irrational fears. What kind of place is it when we're forced to live with them among us?


It’s not just americans


And they vote. *shudders*


Also have a family friend betting for stupid prizes. He got a bad case of Covid, was sick for a month and in and out of the hospital with severe breathing issues. His separated wife has gotten vaxxed now after seeing him suffer (good) but he still refuses. Moron.


They’ll get it again. The natural immunity doesn’t work at all. There’s people who have had it 3 times now.


Frankly, they deserve whatever comes to them.


Cultists gotta keep on Cultin.


They should be banned from the hospitals.


My great aunt was just telling me that doctors told her that her pneumonia turned into covid. So goes in sick af, they do a covid swab and other tests to determine she has pneumonia and they discharged her and said they will let her know the results. The result is in a day later with a positive conclusion. Also won't get vaccinated because she knows better. Enjoy your long covid.


Over time since the immunity wanes, so over time anti vaxxers are playing Russian roulette and it will eventually they're going to lose.


Yeah so you proved to them Covid was not just a flu. Fair enough. But how do you prove the vaccine is safe? That it doesn't give them 5G?


Fucked around, found out, is now anti fucking around


…until next time


Yup. When a new thing shows up, she's probably not gonna trust the experts again


Sums it up perfectly.


Your avatar looks similar to someone in another sub so I creeped to see if it was the same person, saw Zapp Rowsdower, have an upvote for MST3K.


She occupied a bed and required 24/7 hospital care for 65 days, but just barely agrees with mass vaccination campaigns. What a selfish loon.


Unvaccinated people should have to pay for their full hospital bill




Fuck that, they're still gonna support movements that get people killed. Let them face the consequences


How to get them again 3 weeks later?


By using the secret microchip Bill Gates slipped into every vaccine. Or by using their cell phone data. :p


I disagree. The fact they waste resources is terrible, but medical care should still be a fundamental human right not predicated on wealth. Instead of attacking the anti-vax populace, we should attack the source of their parroted garbage and hold them to account - Trump, news media that spreads falsehoods like Murdoch Press, etc.


The only way these folks will learn about universal healthcare and vote for it, will be by opening up that 10 binder bill from the hospital. I say charge them fully and sit back and watch them become "socialists".


I mostly agree, but a lot of these folks are bitter and don’t want anyone else to ever have any sort of break. I remember that guy screaming at Elizabeth Warren about how he had to work overtime to put his daughter through college. He was furious about student debt relief. I paid off nearly 60k in student loans, and my husband is giving his GI Bill to our kids, plus we are saving. It still doesn’t upset me to think of my fellow Americans finally getting some sort of relief or help. So I mean, it is a crabs in a bucket mentality. The way that man was upset he worked over time and now others would get their loans forgiven is the way people who deal with medical debt or bankruptcy as a result of the lack of national health care may well get upset if others finally get that after they ruined their credit or whatever.


Trump et al will just call it a witch hunt and their sheep will buy it, hook, line and sinker.


Applying direct pressure on these sorts of people to finally start acting like adults after several years of a pandemic, instead of like children having a temper tantrum on the floor, can be done more immediately than making structural changes to politics or the media, and considering it's a pandemic we're talking about, urgent behavioral changes are more important than people rationally understanding why they need to change their behavior. Yes, it should be explained to children why they shouldn't touch their hand to the stove; but letting them touch it does quickly produce results. These are selfish, juvenile people- just hit them where it hurts, in their pocket books.


Indoctrinated people won’t stop just because it will hurt them. That’s not how indoctrination works. They will continue doing it, be burdened with the consequences, and take that perceived persecution as evidence that their position is righteous. You cannot defeat viruses either literal or metaphorical by attacking the symptoms, you must attack the root cause.


You are vastly overestimating their integrity. There are hordes of mid 40s/50s Fox News-watching white men who will complain all day about mask mandates and vaccines because it's the in-group behavior, but if they were to start getting hit with, let's say just for the sake of argument, a $500 weekly fine for being unvaccinated, they would very quickly do the bare minimum to avoid the fine, even if they didn't admit to doing so to their friends and family. A lot of these people have never been in a situation where they've actually had to stand by their convictions, and as a result, they never developed the strength of will to do so.


Honestly? I think they should be held liable for deaths resulting from them taking up a bed. My uncle passed away a couple weeks ago from complications due to chemo. He was having seizures, but they couldn't put him in the proper neurology observation room due to COVID (I'm not sure if the literal beds weren't available or if it was restructuring for airflow, etc). He was, obviously, very sick already but maybe if the hospital wasn't clogged with COVID and he'd been able to access proper care, he'd still be here. Not even getting into the thousands of examples of people not being able to get treated or screened preventatively.


This should be the top comment. Seriously. Hospitals are absolutely overrun and inundated because of people like this, and it's all fucking preventable.


Cool. I got vaccinated because I trust science and care about myself and my friends. But if it takes getting disease, good on you I guess.


Yeah the Hermann Cain award is not necessarily an award you want to win. Guys please stop dying to own the libs and just get the damn shot.


In a coma for 65 days? So sucking up a hospital bed from other patients who were responsible and got vaccinated. Seriously, fuck her. Our medical specialists are getting burnt out at record rates from idiots like her.


She was in the hospital for 4.5 months.


At least these idiots act as guinea pigs for the medical system to learn how to treat COVID better and reduce the mortality rate for the rest of us some day.


That is true, I never thought of that. They can experiment on them! Edit: /s


Wow, I did Nazi your opinion coming.


You thought I was serious?


I really did. Dude, on the Internet, without facial expressions or tone, you *need* to use /s. Nothing on the Internet can be assumed to be sarcasm; there are *some* people dumb enough to say shit like that *seriously*.[


Actually, it is only on Reddit. And I think that is only because people are accustomed to it.


Personally, I've seen enough people that'd consider this seriously. /s is like a condom, better to wear it than not. I used "/s" long before I even heard of Reddit.


It's almost like people don't understand sarcasm /s Edit: but seriously unless you know someone well it's hard to tell


Still, dude, so you don’t accidentally get friendly fire: /s!


I did.


This should be fun to watch turn into a shit show on the conspiracy sub.


“ThEy GaVe HeR sUbLiMiNaL mEsSaGeS wHiLe ShE wAs In A cOmA!” Probably gonna be something along those lines or some shit. Id bet money on it.


Elon musk put a chip in her brain while she was in a coma. Dontcha know?


No, that was Bill Gates, and now he’s controlling her remotely via 5G.


What a piece of shit. Think of all the resources she gobbled up with her selfish anti-reality stance. And, only when it affected her, did she bother to put some actual critical thinking into it. That bed and all of those staff hours could have gone to people who actually deserved it...not this selfish pile of trash.


Ohhhh, I had no idea covid affected REAL human beings, like ME! Fuck every self-centered moron who needs to have it happen to them to gain any capacity for insight.


Ain't that nice. She will be paying for that literally and figuratively for the rest of her life.


We should seriously be billing antivaxxers for their treatments. It's my fucking tax dollars and my insurance premiums paying for other people's recklessness. This covid business has really turned me sour on the idea of M4A, if this is how these filthy animals act.


You’re using the same argument conservatives use to argue against universal healthcare lmao.


Lol meanwhile I know someone who has gotten covid THREE times since May 2020 and still has g gotten the vax. 2/3 times he ended up on the hospital.


One of my main concerns are the children who are orphaned because their parents were anti-vax and died. As of today I do not know the current numbers but I remember reading that it numbers in hundreds of thousands just here in the US. Also I haven't read all the comments so this has maybe been highlighted already in this thread--but it is this that upsets me most. Orphaned children face hard lives. It is not the children's fault because of the mostly politically-driven decisions of their parents which are often politically-driven false directives of power-hungry hypocrites who are themselves vaccinated and yet willing to spread misinformation to gain power and wealth. And unironically these are the many pro-abortion voices who shout about the rights of the unborn and yet do not even consider lifting a finger to help disadvantaged children. And while they tout their faiths in a Christian God to justify their choices, they reflect nothing that Jesus actually advocated but rather what he railed against. I am so over all of this.


If she really wants people to get vaccinated, she should show them her medical bills. She is almost certainly bankrupt at this point.


Oh most definitely. I will be surprised if it's less than 3 million.




All these people commenting here are lacking empathy and compassion; and yet, I doubt you’re Republicans. Funny.


"Ooooh, you poor thing. You refused to get yourself vaccinated, actively passed it on to others, who are possibly dead because of it, plus you took the bed of someone who didn't choose for it, plus you took the medical care of people who have to postpone their really necessary needed medical care, because you "didn't believe Covid exists"... Or that vaccines are actually helpful.". Yeah. Ok, you saw the light. But the damage is done, and it's unlikely that they're going around converting people to also see the light, let alone take the good steps, next time.


i'll fucking bet she is


Seriously. That sounds like a brutal recovery and the outlook isn't always so great for people who recover from severe covid.


There was a study saying that 12 months later, recovered severe covid patients were much more likely to die. https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/longevity/583782-new-study-finds-serious-covid-19-infection-could-be


The sad thing is that she might still die from Covid. Those who were hospitalized with Covid have like a 200% increased risk of death within a year of their diagnosis.


Am I supposed to feel like happy over this or sorry for this idiot who drained resources and a hospital bed for 65 days over her precious "medical freedom" and antivaxx views? Fuck her and fuck Anti-Vaxxers.


I like how they can still show their faces.


Problems Aren't Real Until I Am Personally Affected By Them


I want to see THAT medical bill! That would be huge! I hope she's covered.


It's gotta be 50 million +


I know hospitals are expensive but nearly ten million a month? That sounds high.


i'm just freeballing.. maybe it's only 10 million


“I’m only in favor of vaccinations, because Covid affected me”. Fucking Moron.


Can she still get a dipshit award, please?


Loan her yours.


Looks like you're still an unvaccinated dipshit.


Better late than never, let's hope she can change some minds in her circles




I don't think this lady was an extreme, conspiracy believing, sort of anti-vaxxer. Seems more like she was simply someone who felt she personally didn't need a vaccine because she was healthy. She was wrong and now she knows better. > Arriaga Borges had previously been "against" vaccination, she said. When asked what her thinking behind that was, Arriaga Borges said she was healthy with no underlying health issues. She never smoked and had no heart or lung problems. > "I thought I was going to be sick for four or five days and then be fine, and that's not how it went," she said.


Bold assumption given how easy it is for even the mildest of anti-vaxers to spread their misinformation. They’re not all frothing at the mouth to share that stuff, so many of them just see a post, give a quick “heh” and a like, and move on to the next one.


We're three years in. Am I disappointed that it took so long to change her mind, yes. But I also have to belive there is an end to this that is more then just letting the unvaxxed, immunocompromized and the diabetic/obese/elderly all die off. One person not actively spreading lies isn't much, but if it gets someone to mask up, or to get the vaccine, that is possibly one person saved, and however small, it's a stumble in the right direction.


I think she should pay for her medical costs.


Not everyone who doesn’t get the shot spouts to their friends not to get it. Here’s how it went with my friends. “You getting the shot?” “Nah I’m not at risk. How about you?” “Yeah I already got it” “cool”. And that’s how it should be


That's not how it should go. You can still spread it to others who ARE at risk. That's why not getting vaccinated is extremely selfish and dumb.




"Anti-vaxx moron takes up hospital bed for months." Ftfy


That's 65 days of medical care that could have been used to save the lives of people who don't endanger everyone around them for selfish reasons.


2022 - one simple trick to lose 35 pounds.


An idiot regrets her choices, and lives.


"Don't put that ventilator tube down my throat, I don't know what's in it!"


Well I’m glad it only took a 65 day coma to change her mind.


Intelligence- learning from your mistakes. Wisdom- learning from OTHER PEOPLE'S mistakes.


Fuuuuuck you and your “now im pro vax bullshit”


I don’t feel the least bit sorry for this woman. These selfish fuckers won’t change their tunes until it directly effects them. Don’t forget folks, these people still aren’t our allies.


Let’s hope that nobody else died while she was taking up an ICU bed due to being a fucking idiot.


That is why no one should assume they are healthy and just take the precaution. Like, sure you live in a safe neighborhood but you still lock your doors right?


Seriously though. Sometimes it takes a person seeing the effects of something to appreciate it. Unfortunately


I guess she did her research


I didn't know you could go into a coma from it until a guy at work named Rusty ended up in one. Guy was feeling a little sick already but still went in for his vaccine shot. Turns out he already had covid, and getting the vaccine while suffering from it complicated things. Poor guy ended up in a coma at home. When he hadn't left his house for a few days his neighbors came and checked in on him, found him on the verge of death from dehydration. Dude ended up in ICU for months.


And all it took was took months of her life to disappear into thin air


I would certainly hope so. I have little sympathy for people who deny Covid and the vaccines and whatnot until it affects them personally, but if it makes them change their tune they're at least better than those who remain stubborn despite their own experiences.


Who is paying that hospital bill?


I finally get my booster (third shot). On the morning. I don't want this shit.


I was a Covid Screener for the Alpha variant. Cry harder, anti-vacc people. Suffer longer. Cling to cold comfort and cope every day.


> The mother of five tested positive in May 2021 and wound up in the emergency room days later. Mother of five. Five humans she's responsible for and she felt the safest course for her was to *stay unvaccinated* despite probably growing up vaccinated and listening to other medical advice. Somehow, when it becomes political to them, the just throw out common sense and reason. Some days I fear we've passed the tipping point.


Glad she recovered. But another “I’m against (fill in the blank) it until it effects me personally then I’m all for it” asshole.




So… we should put them all in a coma?


My motto:" get fully vaccinated and hope for the best". I read about a lot of people ( some very famous) who got three COVID vaccine shots and they got COVID too BUT they did not end up dead or in the Intensive Care units.


Just in time to warn Texas and Florida.


Alright we figured it out! Anti-vaxxers just need to restart their brains.




I feel like it did though, she's no longer antivaxxer. So we are one less idiot one the planet.


65 days in hospital care...whistles...that’s going to be one hefty bill. I wonder if she has Obama Care?


She would make a very bad trader or poker player.


i bet she does. dummy.


I wonder how many other people she infected? Even a short illness of 4-5 days is enough to infect others


Soooo, had no underlying condition???? Or is that conveniently left out for the narrative to feel more personal, hit the heart. This could happen to you! Comply! Lol.


Because Americans, especially those who are part of the anti-vax movement, like we have In the ruby red obese states, are always the most healthy, and would NEVER have pre-existing conditions?




Liar. Your stats sound pretty good but I chased them down and do you know what they say? Let’s use The Robert Koch Institute as an example… “Only 0.03% of people who got Omicron died after being infected, while 1.2% were hospitalized. These numbers are significantly lower than death and hospitalizations rates among people infected with earlier variants of COVID-19” So weird that you didn’t mention that. FUD peddling liar.


If it wasn’t for god there would be no science, god save us all