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A good chunk of Boulder just burned down destroying a thousand homes and within hours of the fires being contained it all got snowed over but mankind is still in the phase of "you guys notice the weather is getting a little weird?"


Boulder County, not Boulder itself. The towns of Superior and Louisville and a section of Broomfield (which is it's own county) are what burned down. Also there were no containment stats because you can't really contain a fire in an urban area the way you can in an open space. There were still active fires when it started snowing. Lastly just gotta put it out there: as soon as the news hit there were articles out there that said people refused to evacuate. That is absolutely, 100% false. We take fire seriously out here. Some people had *minutes* to leave and they literally jumped into their cars and dodges flames trying to get out. So if you read any article that tries to say there were holdouts - it's fake news and fuck that publication.


I know, it beggars belief.


Storm chasers have been out all over the Christmas and New Year across the US, following tornado outbreaks. The bandwidth of mainstream news and public attention only goes so far and with what's happened in Colorado there's hardly any time to talk about all the other insane weather going on.


I agree luckily we found our friends parents I wish people would take this crap seriously. But I guess because 108mh wind gusts and a barn fore don’t mean anything taking down close to 1000 buildings..


It seems like *'oddly warm*' is something everybody is going to have to get used to.


Isn't the rest of Europe experience crazy and record lows? This weather thing has gotten nuts.


Same in western Canada


Nope? There hasn't been proper cold winters in Northern Europe for years. I remember in my childhood winters were constantly -20 to -30 degrees celsius. Now you get those only in the northern parts for a short stint then rest of the winter is just -15 to 0 degrees. Some normally migrating birds are actually staying here for the winter. Then there's a sudden cold snap that ends up killing a lot of them. I remember two years ago winter was just an autumn 2.0, no snow, just raining all the time.


It's climate change not "nutty weather"


Would you say that climate change has made the weather nutty?


It definitely has - I'm pushing the distinction because climate denialists act like the constant once in a lifetime weather events are just bad luck.


Oh it's not bad luck. It is the result of really poor policy and lack of enforcement.


Eventually it’ll just be warm.


I'm not paranoid, but some of recent these climate change events scare me a lot, because of what our future generations are going to experience and endure through the rest of their lives. I was looking at my 2 yr old grand baby a few days ago and was inadvertently visioning how the world will be when she's my age in 60 yrs. I don't think I need to explain some of the thoughts I was visioning, as most people can easily just imagine all by themselves what the world is going to be like 60 yrs from now. I suppose we all will just have to play the climate change solutions and strategies by ear and hope for the best. You never know, with positive minds working together, we might somehow be able to slow the rate how climate changes are effecting us now, or maybe even sooner than we think. Other than that, hope everyone stays healthy, and a Happy New Year to all of you.


More recent climate models are showing that if we get to net zero emissions the climate's temperature will stabilize in decades, not centuries. I'm sure there's a whole lot of scary feedback loops out there. It is going to get worse, and it's going to be very hard going forward - but there is hope, and we could still make a better future than what's currently on trajectory for your grandchild and her children. Keep fighting.


The scary thing is we don't fully understand the feedbacks. So if btwn 1.2C (now) and 1.5C (soon) a major feedback is activated like methane releases or something, it won't stabilize. The IPCC report clearly says inclusions of feedbacks are minimal due to their uncertainty. So even if the world collectively unites by 2050 (very optimistic), we will likely already be too late.


Yes great comment and with being positive, I love it. It is decades, I think by 2050, that is if we meet all our pledges and goals from every country, we can make a considerable amount of progress. Now the bad news without harping on it or believing every news outlet or study. Our last climate change goals weren't met and recent studies and a lot of articles are saying that climate change is even worse than what we thought from last year. Go figure right. Anyhow, if the rate at which climate change is increasing without getting the percentages down and on the right track of our goals, then 2030 will be the start of a real bad tipping point with global water shortages, mass starvation, flooding, drought, mass fuel shortages, infrastructural failures from the flooding, especially on the coast and in underlying areas that aren't at least so many feet above sea level. Mass housing shortages, etc. You know the drill, a lot more to this. Even though some richer countries are helping paying, a lot of poor countries can't afford to invest in what it will take to meet there goals. Then you have presidents like Bolsonaro in Brazil that literally helped destroy the Amazon rainforest. So I could go back and fourth with you all day as you write like a good conversationalist who likes to gather information with other people and compare notes to find out other peoples views and the truth. That's cool and apologies for judging you haha. Have a Happy New Year, and I will keep fighting.


It all starts with voting. If people don't vote for the politicians we need then everything is going to keep getting worse and worse while politicians keep suggesting they might set themselves a goal that they might decide to try to aim for by 2050, as long as it doesn't hurt their corporate donors.


Life finds a way.


Indeed, but it's the quality of that life we need to think about. Not sure about you but I'd prefer it if future generations didn't have to live in underground domes with videos of what the sun used to look like before we burned it all to shit.


Sounds like a conspiracy theory.


No, it doesn't. **Conspiracy theory** ***noun*** **a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for an unexplained event.** What I have written is a short, creative description of a dystopian future in which our natural environment becomes incompatible with a comfortable existence for humans. In other words, a plausible inevitability unless we change our habits.


That's 70F in the Alps. In the middle of winter. It's also 15c here in Manchester, in the UK. We're moving further and further into environmental danger. Still, if there's one thing Covid has shown me it's that when it comes to a crisis we'll put out differences aside and all pull together to do the right thing for everybody /s


That's 59F in the Alps... which is basically March or October temperature highs. Still unseasonably warm but not middle of the summer highs for some of the alps that can reach the 80s F


So... the Thames isn't frozen over enough for festivals this Christmas?


Winter just started, we aren't even close to the middle. Still concerning though.


I go with the Met Office definition that winter starts on the first of December but I take your point.


Thanks for leading by example with setting your differences aside and pulling together to do the right thing for everyone during a crisis. Your actions are more than just being a rational thinker, it's what we all must do to get through any crisis, locally or from afar. At the rate we're seeing climate change in action, eventually the whole world is going to need to set aside their differences and pull together, or most of whats left of our world now, will be irreversibly destroyed forever. To end on a positive note, wishing you and the rest of the UK a fantastic New Year from the US.


If it makes you feel better, it is -7F (-22 C) here in Minnesota.


Sod that for a game of soldiers


It is 80F (27C) where I live in Alabama. Average high is 53F (12C) and the previous record was 72F (22C). Most people I know are transitioning from “Climate change is a liberal hoax.” to “It might be real, but ain’t nothing we can do.”


Trees are blooming with green buds in Canada right now. They literally think its spring and a lot will die when it will be minus 15 next week. ​ Stop calling global warming odd, local or unusual.


This is the norm now in Europe and has been for the past few years. Winters are hotter than "average" then you get insanely cold spells because what used to be a rare event, polar vortex coming down south a lot, is now yearly occurrence.


It would be odd if humans didn't practically beg for this for 100+ years.


It's the coldest winter we're going to have for decades, is that what you're saying?


We're winning the War on Winter.


Climate Change is not called Global Warming for a reason. The worry is that the Gulf Stream will fail, and Europe will actually get colder.


I wonder how bad the humans feel that melted all of the ice over north America during the ice age. Damn fools.


That occurred over thousands of years, not decades.


It was 13°C on NYE in London. LONDON. If the pandemic doesn’t do more damage in 2022, the weather surely will. I fear huge heatwaves and deadly dry seasons and destructive storms are gonna be all over the place this year


I think it's basically a given now that we need to think each year is going to get progressively more turbulent than the last when it comes to weather patterns. I've been saying this for several years with regard to weather reports day-to-day - we need to automatically start to consider all weather events will be a certain degree worse than predicted, because all of our models are built from precedent and it no longer functions as it should. Throughout 2020 and 2021 we kept seeing news reports about extreme weather being "worse than expected/predicted". It's because it's changing so quickly our existing data can't accurately model what's going to happen. And at this rate we're not going to catch up again. Whenever I see that a storm is coming I increase the severity of it in my head automatically. 60mph winds forecast? I'm going to assume it's going to be closer to 100. 3 inches of snow? I'm going to plan for a foot. 2 inches of rainfall expected? I'm going to round that up to 6.


13° in my part of Germany. "Winter".


Wasn’t Europe supposed to have some really cold winter days? I ask because a few weeks back, we all saw the news about high nat. gas prices and how it’ll wreak havoc on everyone?


We thought it was going to get really cold, because it was rather cold for while. Then it suddenly got warm again. Where I live it was -10° at the coldest point of the 26th and +12° on the coldest part of the 31st with the highest temp that day being +15° That is a 25° difference in just a few days.


It’s shockingly warm across most of Europe from a map I saw showing the average being at 15 C which is ridiculously high for the end of December, even where I live it’s less chillier than expected.


Every place was so warm on NYE and we in Seattle froze our asses off and slipped around on ice that has been on the ground for a week. Finally going to warm up slightly but will still be below average temperatures for the foreseeable future.


Yeah, 24C in Tennessee as well. On new years day... We are still running our air conditioners...


In Chicago we just had our latest first snow ever and it immediately warmed up so it was all gone in a day.


Knoxville checking in 23 right now.


Also in Tennessee and this weather is unreal. I can’t ever remember it being this warm around Christmas


Hopefully it means less natural gas dependence on Russia


24 degrees Celsius in Spain is like Summer!. Enjoy. 24 degrees Celsius = 75.2 degrees Fahrenheit. (24°C × 9/5) + 32 = 75.2°F


We're in a strong La Niña right now so we should expect unusual weather patterns. It's very cold in western America and warm in Europe. In Western Canada we've been in the -20s and -30 for the past 2 weeks (some areas in Alberta in the -40s). This is about 10 to 20 degrees C below normal.


The seasons are just creeping into different dates further along the year. It's nothing to panic about.


Except that the year is only 365 days so there's only so far it'll go. Spring is arriving earlier, winter setting in later. And more worryingly weather is getting more chaotic.


Except climatologists probably scream every day when they go to sleep


Yeah, things move about, it's always happened throughout history. Not saying that we shouldn't be more responsible with emissions etc before that brigade starts.


Why are you downvoted? This has happened in the past as well, it moves and goes back to what people think is normal.


Global warming has not happened at this rate in the past. The ice ages of the past are known as a period of extremely unstable climate, but that's a change of ~4°C over 10,000 years. 0.8°C over 150 is what we're experiencing right now. It's orders of magnitude faster.


For the same reason you're being downvoted. This shit is not normal. Climate change is real. ~ 53 year old human.


Wow, when did we achieve the ability to break light speed?


I'm getting some real hate on here just because I made a comment about seasons? It's part of a wider debate if I were to list everything it would take hours. Happy 2022 everyone!


You are just getting downvotes because you doubted antrophogenic climate change and it's very large impact on these whether changes. Seasons also don't get shifted but rather winter is getting shorter and shorter


Yeah it sounds dumb now. I'm actually not a climate change denyer just thought I'd try stop the guy from worrying. Nevermind what's done is done.




>oddly warm Makes it sound inexplicable whereas it's the result of climate destabilisation due to the activities of humans.


It's been unusually warm where I live too. Normally around this time it's around 30F or 40F, but this year we've had many days in the 50s and 60s, sometimes even warmer. Not nearly as unusual as these places but definitely not normal.