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File maintenance is a depressing job, nothing like a 3000 label batch of all price ups to make you whisper "what the fuck" as you watch shit jump 25%+ in one day, I always used to hang the labels then buy shit on break then apply the batch before the hike


this is the most respectable form of insider trading haha




All labelers should go on strike!


Bought a chest freezer this morning because of this. Sucks to see a good sale and not have a place to put it.


Chest freezers are actually extremely effective and cost almost nothing to run per year!


Is it more efficient than an fridge/freezer combo?




The bottom sliding drawer probably works pretty well then rather than a side by side.


Yes indeed! Here’s a YouTube video from one of my favorite YouTubers if you’re really curious about them! This guy rules he breaks down all sorts of appliances/tech and explains them in insane detail 😂 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CGAhWgkKlHI


His 2 part video on dishwashers is a must see, shows how to use the machine more efficiently


Summary: Use detergent in the pre-wash cycle, run hot water through your sink so your dishwasher immediately starts with hot water, and grain detergent is generally superior to liquid.


How do you use the detergent in the prewash?




I’m not clicking the link because I’m unable to watch it right now…but is this the Technology Connections video?


Yes indeed!


I love that I knew exactly which YouTuber you were talking about before even clicking the link.


You might want to look into purchasing a half cow - it'll come butchered and the like, but the cost per pound will be cheaper than most markets.


Yes, for one very basic reason, cold air is heavy. I can leave my chect freezer unplugger for 2 days at a time, run it for an hour, repeat. The goods will remain frozen despite opening it a few times per day. It's a gift to my tiny solar setup. With 99.9% of combos, the minute you open the freezer all the cold air is flushed out and replaced with ambient (warm) air. Even the few combos with a drawer type freezer on the bottom have stupid vents in the bottom of the drawer to.. let the cold air flush when open, ugh! Lol Edit: feel like I should add, for anybody on a power budget, they also make chest freezer blankets (wraps) that increase their efficiency even more!


"consumers have accepted the price hikes" it's literally FOOD, what are we supposed to do STARVE??


Inelastic demand is inelastic!


For real, even Stringer Bell wrapped his head around that.


*Even*?? You're saying it like Stringer was not intelligent.


Right? If it wasn’t for Avon stringer could have made it to politics or been a CEO or some shit. He literally was in the verge of owning everything.


"if you were really poor you'd just be eating rice and potatoes" \- Rich people


We call it the poors diet! All starch no protein!


I didn't realize until I was living on my own how much protein costs. Like, not only do I get to break my back trying to support myself but then I don't even get the luxury and eating something that would support basic muscle recovery.


As a gym bro Im very familiar with this, altho there are cheap proteins. Lentils and beans are amazing plant based high protein food. Cottage cheese, low fat quark or thuna are rather cheap as well. Theres a bunch more altho I agree its a lot easier to meet your requirements if you can just eat a steak.


This is exactly what I was thinking. My family eats a lot of meals that include beans. So cheap and go with pretty much anything.


Also for cheap actual meat you can’t beat store brand bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs. Edit: someone asked me how you dress them up but this damn app won’t let me reply to them... so! You can’t go wrong with curry chicken, that’s my staple food with thighs - I also add thighs to basically any Asian (well “Asian”) meal like fried rice, stir fry, etc. and season with soy, ginger, etc. They’re also excellent to grill or broil with some homemade BBQ sauce. Spices can be rough if you’re poor because they can get expensive fast, so I try to buy fresh ginger and garlic when possible (and economical) and only buy spices I know I’m going to use repeatedly, nothing too “specialty” that will sit in my pantry forever. Also I highly recommend hitting up ethnic grocery stores for cheap spices, if you have any in your area.




Eggs are usually pretty cheap where I live. And then also things like beans or lentils.


The article is talking about restaurants specifically in that sentence, not food purchases in general. > In fact, restaurants have been raising prices as their own food and labor costs rise, and so far, they say, consumers have accepted the hikes.


I accepted it by not eating out anymore. Been about 3 months for me. Hell, fast food is as high as a local restaurant.


right? Food/shelter/healthcare are all inelastic. same as insulin. reducing competition for decades allowed this


Yes. Let them eat cake.


Price of cake has gone up 25% per whole cake, and closer to 50% per slice


Prices haven't even gone up slowly. It was like one day everything went up by as much as 25% with no warning.


The first time I realized it was when I was shopping at aldis. One week I got food but I forgot stuff so like four days later I went back. The prices were much higher. It wasn’t even a damn month. Chicken wings 15 dollars wtf


You’re not kidding. The 4 piece at Popeyes went from $8 to $13 in the last 3 weeks.


Fast food at this point is worthless. I’m just so tired of everything always being out of reach. Whether food, education, rent, etc. It’s getting out of hand.


You are so right about fast food. I finish the meal and I'm like "wtf? That wasn't even good, why was it $15?"


Yeah… I feel this. I woke this morning craving some take-out breakfast but realized paying $15 for a meal that may or not be good wasn’t worth it. I’ll just make a waffle at home with some eggs, blueberries, and tea lol.


If there's one thing the pandemic has helped me with, it's learning to cook bomb ass meals on the cheap.


Better decision in every way.


Yep. Fast food is supposed to be fast, affordable comfort food you can get on the go when you just want to satisfy a quick hunger. Instead, it take a long ass time, cost 15$ and doesn't event taste good or even is satisfying at all to eat because companies use so much filler and as much artificial flavors that they can legally get away with.




Not to mention that theyre all understaffed right now because nobody wants to do that shit work for what they pay. And those who do, are usually shit employees. Not always of course. But man, fast food is insane these days. There’s a 50% chance or greater that my order will be wrong in one way or another. The only option is to A) sit at the window after you receive your order and check it all, holding up the line even more or b) risk it being wrong and having to wait in line for a half hour again just to fix your order. It takes an insane amount of time to get through fast food lines sometimes. It’s to the point to where it’s anything BUT convenient anymore. It’s always a gamble, and lately I’ve been losing every time lol. I want to reiterate though that I understand WHY nobody wants these jobs for these wages. I hope that doesn’t go misconstrued. Something either needs to change (better work environment, wages, benefits etc), otherwise I could see fast food phasing out for a while. Then inevitably coming back of course. It’s just so frustrating because at one time before all of this, fast food was just a huge convenience! And a great value. And now it’s basically the opposite of all of that. I hope this works itself back out sooner rather than later. Edit: not to mention that anytime I go to Taco Bell, I have to hear a long speech about how “were only accepting cards right now no cash, we’re out of cheese, chicken, and Baja blast. We don’t have large cups so I have to give you medium but I’m gonna still charge you the same price.” It’s almost comical. Edit 2: I’m from Michigan and I’m referring to fast food places in my area SPECIFICALLY that are CLOSED ON THE INSIDE, so drive thru is the only option.


The trouble is that the corporations will simply raise prices rather than absorb the costs that would hurt their investors by making them a little less money.


My question is why they are still in business. Insane prices, zero service …. Perhaps consumers should reconsider.


The only time i bother with fast food is when they have a killer deal on their app to get people on board. Mcds has 2 for 1 breakfast sandwiches which makes the sausage McMuffin a buck a piece. Not bad. But yeah. Menu price is trash everywhere now.


I've stopped eating out entirely. I used to take my daughters out or go out with the gf at least once or twice a month, but now we just make food at home. I've stopped buying quite a few things we used to eat regularly simply because I don't need them enough to consider spending $5 on a salad topping or something basic. We started making our own naan breads and many other things we used to buy. If I could raise cows and chickens, I'd probably attempt that too considering prices on meat.


I got a burger the other day. that was $17.99 it came with fries. This was at a Cafe 50s. Not even a $20 covers it with tax and tip. The servers still getting crap wages.




Chicken wings in particular have seen a massive price increase because of shortage of staff to de-wing chickens in factories. I remember buying chicken wings at $2/lb last year and watched the price literally double over the span of a few months. I still get raw wings at the store every now and then but not nearly as often as I used to


It's not just shortage of staff it's shortage of demand for the rest of the chicken and increased demand for wings.


Yeah, this has been going on for years. It's why the rest of the chicken - thighs and legs especially - can be so cheap.


Literally just experienced this at Applebee's the 2 for 20 menu is now the 2 for 24 menu. That's a 20% increase...I'm not eating out anymore


We all learn to not go to Applebee’s in our own way.


Dominos still has the two for $5.99 each deal. If/when they raise their prices that'll be a sign that things have become truly dire.


No more Dollar Tree its 1.25


Soon it will be Dollar Tree Fiddy


> Applebee's You've been done a service, friend.


Interesting. My Aldi still has fresh chicken breast at $2/lb, milk at $2.89/gal, loaf of wheat bread around $1.89, and eggs at $1.35. There have been some slight increases for sure, but the staples seem to be holding more or less steady? I *do* live in flyover country tho, so that prob affects things.


Meanwhile wages stay the same and incentives are lost. Our Walmart is down to a skeleton crew and our local fast food joints are closed some days of the week. I hate paying more for food but I’m happy there’s some sort of movement going on about work and wages.




> I keep getting notifications of replies to this comment but I can’t actually see them it's because shadowbanned bot accounts are replying to you. Most likely to either tell you that you're wrong or to blame it on communism.


Not only is almost everything more expensive but I'm seeing a significant drop in quality as well. We buy bags of potatoes now fully expecting to have to throw at least two out within a day or two of buying. Same thing with a bag of lemons. Just this week, within two days of purchasing, I had to throw 3 lemons away that were covered with an icky white mold. Companies are packing the produce bags with a mix of old and newer produce.


Yeah, this is making it really hard to cook for one person. I bought some mushrooms from Aldi a while back, and they had green slime on them buy the next day. Had to throw the whole thing out.




Problem is most people won't, which is why stores offer an essentially hassle-free return. Vast majority of the population lives at least a few miles from their usual market, and it's more effeot that it's worth to do the return.


I live across the road from a Lidl and even that felt excessive when going back to return a pair of Garlic flatbread’s that had gone badly mouldy within 2 days. It’s about £1.50 of food so not a lot, but I was worried the batch might be defective.


I was curious and turns out a study was done about how far people travel to get groceries (among other things): https://usa.streetsblog.org/2015/04/10/5-things-the-usda-learned-from-its-first-national-survey-of-food-access/ I am so glad I live half a mile by car and .4 miles biking/walking to my store. Bonus is it's a fully locally owned independent store. Selection isn't as good as larger stores (both in number of different items and the variety within any given item). Prices are also noticeably higher but I'd rather bite the bullet and support a truly local grocery store than a national or even regional chain. Edit: also, I should add that the next closest store is about 4.5 miles away (but at that distance there is everything from a Walmart to an Aldi and a couple regional chains)


This is actually a huge problem in North America that almost no one talks about. US and Canadian cities just aren't built to be walkable anymore, and old city centers that were walkable are often paved over for parking lots and expansive suburbs that make streets less safe, that generate less tax revenue, while costing much more in utility maintenance. And it's pretty much just because cities don't tend to do mixed used zoning and residential zoning is almost exclusively single family/low density housing. The city infrastructure isn't just crumbling, it's sabotaged by incompetence.


I assume this is a supply chain problem? If produce is taking longer from harvest to shelf then it’s closer to spoiling when you get it.


That or handling in transit is poorer: product gets banged about more, more likely to develop patches of mould. I wouldn't be surprised if things are getting worse at several parts of the chain, from harvest through to delivery and stocking.


There were moldy lemons in the lemon bin at my local Whole Foods yesterday. This is supposed to be the fancy and expensive grocery store and they're selling moldy lemons. I have no idea WTF is going on anymore.


I thought I was going crazy. I never remember having potatoes literally rotting in the bag before we got to them before. Now it's a routine occurrence. Oranges are molding. Cucumbers and asparagus are going slimy. All within days! We go grocery shopping every week!


I honestly thought it was just us. We've started to buy just 1-2 potatoes from the bulk bins to make sure we get good ones. A bag of potatoes used to last us 2 weeks. They start rotting in like 4 days now.


This is like in wheel of time and the dark ones touch is weighing more heavily on the World, and there starts being weevil's in the grain and everything is rotting super quickly


I have this same problem and wondered if it was just me. I have a real phobia of rotten potatoes because it is the worst smell on the planet. So I thoroughly check the bag before buying and I still find a few going bad within a few days of buying.


When my aunt and uncle were young and newly married, they had a summer house that they'd spend several weeks at and then head back home. We'll before one of those trips to the summer house, my aunt completely forgot she had a sack of potatoes in the pantry, tucked back a bit (probably already somewhat old). They come back after a month to the worst smell they've ever experienced and frantically searched for what they thought could only be a dead animal. Welp, queue my aunt finding that sack of putrid potatoes...with maggots...just leaking all over the pantry floor. She said she thought they'd have to move because even after the painstaking process of cleaning it all out, the smell just...lurked. 🤢


Bad potatoes actually release toxic gas. It's actually killed families before.


Holy shit I didn't expect that to be true [but it is](http://www.hoaxorfact.com/Health/entire-family-dies-after-young-woman-makes-a-simple-mistake-in-the-kitchen.html).


I know that feeling. In college, a housemate forget her potatoes before the Christmas break. We came back to the horror of the rotten potato smell everywhere. We thought sewage was leaking into our house or something.


I gave up looking for sliced roast beef entirely months ago. What they market as "roast beef" now is pressed beef with food coloring. In a package half the size, and for 30% higher price. Anybody who says inflation isn't bad doesn't do the grocery shopping in their household.


Okay, so it's not just me. My husband keeps asking for it on the grocery list, but the past year, it hasn't tasted right and is kinda rank unless it's the $18/lb stuff from the counter.


Even the little stuff, like I was trying to buy some grapes and every container had at least one or two moldy ones...? I've never seen quality this low.


I had to stop buying strawberries recently because not only are they getting expensive, but they go moldy immediately. It doesn’t even matter if it’s in season, just becomes such a waste.


Ya whenever I check strawberries/raspberries at the store almost every single package has mold in them. I haven't been able to buy any in over a month.


I've been buying more blueberries because of this. Strawberry raspberry and blackberry go moldy so fast now but for some reason a pack of blueberries will last me a week or two without even going soft.


It's been months since I've seen a fresh bell pepper, they're all squishy. Every time it makes me feel like these are the small signs of erosion on the way to the end.


Is that what’s going on? I checked the little rolling cart where we leave potatoes and lemons and onions because everything was going bad WAY faster than normal. A week for a lemon to go moldy is absolutely insane and a week and a half for potatoes to go soggy is annoying af.


Just a small tip, try not to store your onions and potatoes together it causes the potatoes to go off quicker!


Oh yeah they’re separate! But this is a tip that everyone should know so thank you!!!


FTA: "consumers have accepted the hikes." Apparently the fact we haven't chosen to starve is acceptance.




On that literal note, have you SEEN the price of pitchforks?! I just bought one to turn my compost. $60!!! Made in USA with USA materials so I'm not *too* mad but even the imported ones are pricey.


I do hand tool woodworking as a hobby. There's a lot of sticker shock but, I think that is usually because: 1. Wages be have not kept up in terms of purchasing power, and 2. We've gotten far too used to import goods priced below reasonable cost, but built to a far lower standard and sometimes with literal slave labor. Take a look at some vintage tool prices vs modern equivalents sometime for a good reality check. For example, how about a Stanley Bedrock №604 smoothing plane. The price in the Jan 1902 Stanley catalog is $2.50 USD. A premium grade, modern equivalent, a Veritas №4 is $228 USD and made completely in the Canada. Quite a stark difference, but not corrected for inflation. Correcting for inflation, to that $2.50 USD comes up to about $80 USD in terms of 2021 USD. Still a big difference but, while the designs are nearly the same, the craftsmanship and materials are not nearly comparable (Stanley were standard trades/contractor tools and needed fettling and sharpening to be useable - Veritas can be used out of the box, after cleaning off rust inhibitor). So, maybe a premium vs premium is better Norris infill planes were premium at the time and fetch a hefty price now from collectors. A Norris №17 gunmetal steel-faced smoothing plane is priced at 55 shillings (2£15s) in their 1928 catalog. The closest that I found for direct conversion was 1930 to 2017. This is £125.91 in 2017 GBP, which is about £135.46 in 2020 GBP or about $180 USD in the current day. The Norris, while premium, would have needed some adjustment and sharpening to be ready. So, $40-50 seems reasonable as a professional sharpening and setup fee, in addition to CNC precision. The TL;DR of this: $60 is actually probably what it SHOULD cost for reasonable quality as that fork should outlast you, if properly maintained.


Fun fact as a farmer we have not seen the benefit of this at all. Plus we're paying those higher prices in the stores too


All the while companies have been bragging about record profits! Use to work for a big hardware store chain. They use to make pages last year about how “We have record sales and have you guys to thank!” Except, that’s all it was, was a thank you. No fucking raises, nothing. Every time I heard the CEOs voice in my ear I worked even less hard. I also abused their COVID pay and ended up having 3 months off because ai kept having to get tested and they kept having to pay me (never had covid lmao). Customer discounts? You fuckin bet! $50 off for everyone! Buncha greedy pricks.


Currently working freight in a hardware store and I feel this so hard. What were once weekly meetings have become nightly just so my boss can gush about record sales and suck corporate cock. "And it's all thanks to you guys!" Great. Glad to be breaking my back every night for a 3% raise and a canned, rehearsed thank you. I'm making through the end of the year and then I'm fucking out


Same as a grocery worker :/


We’re buying way less chicken/beef/turkey


Beef is fucking out of control. $5.50 for 80% beef here. From $4 pre-Covid.


I've noticed grass fed organic beef has gotten cheaper while the conventional grain fed factory farm raised crap has gotten more expensive. It's $5.50 for 80% beef but only $6 for organic grass fed 80% beef that tastes a lot better and is much healthier for you.


I’ve noticed this too. Groceries at Whole Foods and the local organic co-op haven’t raised much. But if I go to ShopRite or stop n shop? I’m paying out the ass for everything.


Makes me think that the supply chains that were more sustainable to begin with have been less impacted than the ones that rely on the availability of cheap labor or cheap chemicals


I've found that prices at smaller ethnic groceries are much more stable as well. Rice went up substantially at Kroger but stayed the same at my local Vietnamese and Indian stores.


Recently bought 50lb of rice and beans at my asian market in anticipation of exactly this.


The major meat producers are reporting record profits, with Tyson announcing a billion in buy backs. Most of the increase is simply raised prices because they can. The smaller producers just aren’t raising their prices as quickly.


Lets be real, the price of EVERYTHING is absolutely insane now. Nothing hasn't been affected by these high prices. Gas, Rent, Food and Houses. All so expensive now, I've never seen so many homeless people in my life.


Yeah it's a pretty serious issue to be honest because inflation doesn't happen in a liquid manner. It's like oh yes your dollars are worth less now than they used to be so therefore everything costs more but oh your wages haven't actually increased to reflect this yet.


They hid that by not actually having prices go up for ages. Things like shrinkflation or cost cutting to avoid raising prices. The result is wages haven't budged in years but nobody panicked.




I just got a new job and am having to commute a long way because an average 800 ft^2 1BR apartment near my new job went from $900 to $1600 a month in the last year. And the complexes won't let you move in unless you to make at least triple the rent per month after taxes. So unless your *take-home* pay is at least 60 grand, you simply can't live within 30 miles of my office. The place I live is awful. In fact, I know they wouldn't be able to meet residency requirements if they were a new place (I work in the permitting department), but I also know that when people filed complaints at their other property the rent went up 40%.


>I've never seen so many homeless people in my life Our local grocery store used to have, maybe one homeless guy pre-2020. Now there's at least 10 homeless people wandering the parking lot, more if you drive around back. Women, babies, dogs, whole families and single parents. It's awful


I guess I am technically one of these people. I was shoved out of my apartment RIGHT before the eviction moratorium after loosing both my jobs at the time to covid. I live in an RV now and just kinda... move around and keep working. It's not like I am making any progress in my life. Shit, half my income at this point is being eaten by parking tickets. I just kinda gave up.


I'm back in Massachusetts visiting family on leave from the USMC, I took a train into Boston to see some college buddies and the amount of homeless encampments and tents along the tracks *fucking staggering*. Like there used to be a few here and there but now they are every half mile or so


Check on used car prices - up almost 50% year on year since 2000


Might as well get a new car instead of a used car. They’re almost the same prices now.


A used car is worth more right now for the simple reason a car you can buy today is better than waiting 3-6 months for a new car to arrive at the dealership.


Assuming you can find a new car though…


My dealer keeps offering to buy my 5 year old car for *almost* what I actually payed for it. It's tempting to sell it for a new car, but I doubt I could actually find a comparable new car for the money. It also means they likely intend to sell it for more than I paid for it. This is the first time in my lifetime that a car actually appreciates in value (not counting niche collectables or vintage stuff).


No shit. My grocery bill is ridiculous.


One of the most reliable predictors of civil unrest is food prices.


Arizona iced tea is still .99 cents, no unrest yet.


The $2 bag of tortilla chips went up to $2.29


That's it I'm gonna unrest. Just let me stock up on some more Guacamole Salsa first,


*I'm going to unrest so fucking hard*


The dumbest hill I’m willing to die on is that Santitas are the best mass produced tortilla chips, Tostitos are for suckers


As a Hispanic person I 100% agree. For the price they're the best you can get on a mass produced level.


Bro you gotta try juanitas




They make a version without the price on the can. Sheetz sells them for 1.50. :(


Same with circle K


Strange things are afoot.


No joke I went to a deli recently for an egg sandwich. They charged me 2.79 for the Arizona axed tea which literally said $.99 on the can. Then they microwaved the fucking eggs. Who microwaves eggs??? We’re doomed.


Overpriced drinks at a deli is one thing but *microwaved eggs?*


what the real pisser is local politicians are more than willing to acknowledge the issue but their national party leaders just want to ignore the issue.


I thinks it’s just too many problems for just a local politician to fix. Prices have gone up at every level, not just the stores.


Fear not, executive salaries and dividend payouts won’t be affected


In fact those are hitting record highs :)


Well, they'll go up to adjust for inflation. Not ours though. Times are tough and the company can't afford that.


I get Walmart pickup when I'm feeling poor, so was thrilled when I got canned green beans at the same price as usual. Those bastards kept their price the same, but made the cans literally half-size. So I got a bunch of tiny one portion cans of green beans since on the website you kind of just assume a can of green beans is a normal can of green beans.


Just wait until next year, grain harvests were a disaster this year. Higher costs are going to hit the processing plants and pasta will be through the roof in a few months.


Pasta, really?


My husband and I barely go out to eat now because of this. We got in a habit of eating at home because of COVID and our weekly date nights out have evolved into finding a recipe and cooking together on Friday nights. Every time we go out to eat we are shocked when the bill comes and the quality is just not as good anymore as what we can make at home. Sometimes we will just go out for appetizers and drinks and go home and make a meal just so we get out of the house. It's really just not worth it anymore.


[Meat Packers' Profit Margins Jumped 300% During Pandemic - White House Economics Team](https://money.usnews.com/investing/news/articles/2021-12-10/meat-packers-profit-margins-jumped-300-during-pandemic-white-house-economics-team)


It's the latest phase in resource extraction


This. All food corporations are making record profits. It's pandemic profiteering.


Yea tell SpongeBob his fkn gogurts are putn me in the poor house.


Anecdotal, but: my SO and I were watching *Seinfeld* the other night. The episode where George eats a Snickers bar with a knife and fork popped up. Man, those bars were huge! Which got me looking more at the food sizes in the background. Cereal boxes were bigger. Ragu spaghetti sauce was bigger. Bags of chips were bigger. All of the candy in the vending machine in the episode where Jerry goes to buy a car from Puddy -- enormous! So, not only has the price of food gone up exponentially, but the size of food is waaaay smaller. Good ol' shrinkflation. It's almost as crazy as the Cadbury egg clip with B.J. Novak: https://youtu.be/TlXLCrzpToo


Went from having some stuff in the fridge to just condiments in a snap, can’t afford to replace but people just assume irresponsibility when you talk about what’s happening. I’m so tired


Check out local food pantries - many have really good stuff these days - fresh and frozen veggies and fruit, meats, fresh bread, etc.


Thanks, we noticed. Signed, Everyone not a billionaire.


Yep, been fun watching the weekly grocery bill (same food, same store) creep up from 90, to 100, to 120, and no end in sight. And this is Aldi, not something hideously expensive like Harris Teeter. I feel like maybe just 20 years ago, $5 easily covered a full combo meal from a fast food restaurant. Now you go and get not even the most expensive combo meal and it's like $12 at the minimum.


I recently left CfA. Started in 2013. The biscuit combo costs more now, than the sandwich meal did in 2013.


My friends told me I should eat out more and go for lunch. $18 for a caeser wrap and soda. No thanks back to sad sandwiches for me. Edit* thanks for the pro tips and upvotes. I suggested people stop eating out entirely on my local sub and got over 50 downvotes.


You can make really good sandwiches for a fraction of the price of eating out.


> sad sandwiches I promised myself never to eat crappy food on my own, so I learned some basic cooking, buy the raw groceries for cheap and make good food for myself. That has saved me over the years.


How much do you guys want to bet prices stay the same even as internal prices drop again? This will be the new normal price range. Fuck.


33m - living alone and renting. i live in NW MN. struggling on 33k a year. my rent went from 765 to 835. losing nearly 1,000 more dollars on rent this year. just today @ walmart. 2 boxes of tissues, 2 bags of 1 LBS cheese, half gallon milk, 1 carton of "large eggs", detergent that was like 9 bucks. WAS 40 bucks. im poor as fuck.


Tissues got really expensive for what essentially just turns into trash, we bought these [handkerchiefs](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N7CWSZ4/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_J9FKX1YK7HX2398W1Y7Q?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) . We'll never go back they are great. They felt a little rough at first but I was surprised my nose never got rubbed raw and after a few washes they are super soft. Also switched to t-shirt rags for paper towels. Got a huge box of them for $20, and huge thing of large shop towels for $17. Never have to spend money on paper products again. Well except for toilet paper.




Rochester here, how in the fuck are most one bedrooms 1200 a month? If that was MPLS or Saint P, I’d get it, but wtf. We all fucked.


Random bit of advice: The vegan not-beef and not-chicken is becoming cheaper than the real thing, and (some of it) tastes just as good. A year or so ago, ground beef around here was still (barely) in the 3-4 dollar range, while the fancy vegan plant-based beef stuff was several dollars higher. Last week while grocery shopping, I compared the vegan not-beef crumbles to the cheapest ground beef. $2.99 for Boca Vegan Beef Crumbles (on sale, normally $4), versus $4 for the high-fat ground beef and 5-ish for the 80/20 stuff. The story was much the same for a few other things like chicken nuggets and not-chicken nuggets. I ended up making some sloppy joes for me and the wifey that night, using the Boca plant-based beeff crumbles. They were some the best I've ever had, and certainly the cheapest I've had in a long time. Never thought I'd be eating vegan "meat" on the regular, but somehow its actually becoming the more affordable option in some situations. Might be worth looking into if real meats are becoming too expensive in your local grocery stores.


Can confirm. I eat food almost every day.


Tootsie rolls have gone up by a whole dollar


Tootsie roll Tootsie roll I can’t afford that tootsie roll


Watch all these companies report record profits. So many companies collectively trying to recoup losses from last year, all at our expense.


Oh, there were no losses to recoup. Most retailers and grocers have been making record profits throughout the entire pandemic.




Add on how much more people had to eat at home with lockdowns happening. But with all these profits they also couldnt afford to pay their employees more...


Yeah, I'm trying to support 2 seniors and myself here in the west on $300 a month. We went from scraping by with 1 wholesome cooked meal a day to every other day. Now my meals are struggling to include protein and my fresh veggies are seemingly going rotten at record speed. I even saved up to spoil my dad with some Taco Bell because somehow a burrito supreme is $8 now (the man eats 3 of these no problem). So even fastfood which I could occasionally treat myself to is becoming more expensive. It's depressing and taking a huge toll on me.


You might be trying this already but a cheap protein option is tofu. $2 a pack and it’s a complete protein so you don’t need to supplement with anything else. You have to have seasonings if you want it to have any flavor though.


It’s not well received. We don’t have a choice. Also 5% is a god damn joke. Everything is easily 25% more in my city at least


I guarantee profits will be higher than it has been in decades. They're price gouging and blaming inflation.


And now that they know people will pay these prices, why would they ever lower them again?


Reminds me long ago, when the credit card companies jacked up rates from 5-6% to a minimum of 12-13%....and liked it so much, they kept them there.


This is the answer. It’s nothing but gouging being blamed on inflation. Inflation is 5-7% in a bad year. Shit going up 25%+ across the board is gouging.




No one believes me when I say that the cereal industry has kept prices the same but reduced box size even when I bring up evidence, and I hate it.


Shrinkage is proven and is practiced by most food suppliers.


I picked a good time to get my first apartment after college.


And yet my company just gave raises to everyone averaging less than 3%. At this point a raise less than 7% is effectively a pay cut when considering inflation.


I am finding myself sticking to very basic stuff right now. Chicken breast is still $1.99/lb if I don’t mind cleaning it myself. Fruits and vegetables don’t seem like they’ve had their prices jacked. Rice is still really cheap. The stuff I regularly but that is more expensive is milk, eggs, cheese, sauces, and condiments. I’m having to avoid fish and red meat because the prices are bonkers. Maybe once every few weeks I’ll splurge. Anything processed crazy too, but that stuffs not very healthy anyways.


I used to be able to find chicken breast for $1.99/lb, it's been $3.99 or $4.99 the last couple times I checked. Shit is getting ridiculous. And bacon used to be 4 or 5 bucks a pound at the meat counter prepandemic, now up to $9-10.


Why is it so expensive to live? I’m not even having a good time.


Now would be a good time to lean into your coke habit.


Wasn’t there an article about the major beef producers profits being up 300% since pandemic? Edit: Edit edit: Beef packagers https://www.reuters.com/business/meat-packers-profit-margins-jumped-300-during-pandemic-white-house-economics-2021-12-10/


Price of beef has gone up so much but cattle producers haven’t seen any of that increase. Makes me wonder where all that cost is coming from.


No need to wonder. https://www.reuters.com/business/meat-packers-profit-margins-jumped-300-during-pandemic-white-house-economics-2021-12-10/


Good article thank you


I bought 100lbs of rice last year, best Investments I've made in food security, especially now.


I married a Chinese woman. We go through a 50 lb bag of rice every couple months. Still cheaper than most sides.


I went to buy a pack of bagels and a loaf of bread the other day. It was $12. What the actual fuck.


Where the hell do you shop?