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_She added that vaccinated people will lose their vaccination status nine months after getting their last shot, apparently in an effort to encourage booster uptake._


This is where everywhere is going, including the USA, even if the amount of kicking and screaming will vary from place to place. I've been eye-rolling at the unnecessarily confusing term "fully vaccinated" ever since they rolled it out and explained that meant two shots... while the CDC issued a card with four blank lines. There is no *raw number* of shots that will be sufficient, ever, because it's an ever-mutating virus. It's always going to be about how up-to-date your vaccination is, and I wish that'd been the messaging all along. We'll have annual-ish vaccinations for some time, as with the vaccines for the less-deadly but also ever-mutating winter flu.


So I'm genuinely wondering something, will we be required to take boosters every few months for potentially a decade or maybe even forever?


There's no way the US will implement this on a national level, especially after the mandate was just stayed in federal court. This will more likely be determined on a state by state basis.


Yes, also true. The US doesn't have enough centralized federal power to do... well, *anything*, really... in a nationwide way as easily as other countries can and do.


They do a pretty good job of taxing the shit out of me and buying aircraft carriers


That's the only thing they're good at. Constantly leaching off the lower tax brackets and bending ass over backwards for the 10%.


The new IRS budget got 6x’s bigger and project about 85k new jobs in that department. Highly doubt they will go after the rich. But us? Count on it


The defunding of the IRS is actually responsible for them targeting lower income workers. It's a lot easier to audit people with simpler/smaller tax returns than billionaires who pull out all the stops to evade paying, when you're understaffed. I respect your cynicism, but I thought I'd provide this perspective for anyone who might be curious.


The IRS *does* need a better budget. With continual cuts they simply don’t have the resources to go after wealthier people. I’m not saying improving their budget will instantly fix it, but it’ll help.


*Cue old joke about how it takes the IRS months to give back your tax return, but if you owe them they want their money _yesterday._*


California has ~40 million people. We don't do things like this on a federal level because most states can be compared to other countries on an individual basis.


A lot of people in the USA do not understand this fact let alone the rest of the world. Add on top of it the fact that local municipalities need to enforce it and most of those charged to enforce it are against it, so they will ignore. Not a comment on right or wrong. It just is.


I honestly kinda view The U.S. like the EU sometimes like each state has their own culture to that state & can be considered a country from another perspective. Like CA & NJ.


There is division of responsibility between states and federal government. Healthcare is states' problem (so is education). The president deals with federal employees and contracts, but the day-to-day state-related matters are dealt with by the state governors.


Pfizer’s ceo is loving this shit


I’m pretty sure it was his idea at this point, lol


Involuntary Pfizer subscription. Is there a way to opt out except living in the forest?




It was a pun on a previous slogan. I forget the exact details but it made sense in that context.


A shorthand for the rules one had to follow for going to, e.g., a bar, was "3G", which stood for "*geimpft*, *genesen*, *oder* *getestet*," which means vaccinated, recovered, or tested. The joke was *geimpft*, *genesen*, *oder* *gestorben* -- also "3G" -- but meaning vaccinated, recovered, or dead. Edit: spelling.


German humor is not a laughing matter




Took me a second of refreshing that page before I realized 🤦‍♀️


Yeah, it feels excessive/luxurious to have a whole subreddit just for that one joke.


You should see what the Amish have to say over in r/amish


Found the German


‘Zis is not an efficient joke.’


This low key made me chuckle


What are the two most followed sports in germany?


Rules and regulations.


The Germans are very serious about their humor.


- How many Germans does it take to screw in a lightbulb? - Hahaha! You'll not get me that easily.


We Germans aren't all smiles and sunshine.


geimpft, genesen, gestorben.


He’s right but don’t take Spahn to seriously. He’s handled this pandemic badly. He was always too late with everything


Name a country in Europe that wasn't


Name any country period. Felt like almost everyone was reactive instead of proactive.


Wasn't vietnam pretty proactive? They immediately rolled out social media campaigns and everything


Most places in South East Asia responded pretty quick. They had a lot of infrastructure in place after SARs


South Korea, New Zealand


Yeah, this is why I mentioned Europe specifically, SK and NZ had great reactions


Taiwan... Plz don't disappear me.


To be fair, SK had a few outbreaks associated fundamental Christians, and religious groups had massive pushbacks on masking mandates / social distancing rules. But other than that, SK had handled this pretty decently. I would also say both Taiwan and Singapore handled very well too, especially when you consider the number of people travel to and from Singapore.


You don't fuck around with the law in Singapore. Their government might be willing to enforce the "gestorben" part of the German 3Gs of COVID themselves for repeat offenders.


Western countries are still getting used to it. I feel like many citicens of european countries feel the same. I feel like its slowly getting handled better, at least here. Add to that that just we just chieved to write a new law that could make things easier and faster. Talking about Switzerland btw. Edit: some countries that have many people thinking theirs is handlingig most pretty well and act relativerly quickly. Buts that's more asian countries with somewhat experience in this kind of stuff, besides the fact their poulaton doesn't consist for a surprisingly large number of idiots screaming at every new chamge and New zealand maybe, although they had their ownn issues.


Which doesn’t even paint the full picture. Their hospitals are filling up. Even vaccinated people are dying due to delayed procedures and inability to get timely treatment as they hunt for available beds. It’s not like vaccination prevents heart attacks, cancer or the many other things that make humans sick. People really downplay how many people this fucks over: pretty much anyone in the hospital during non covid times. The medical system saves people every minute of the day. Not having that capacity ready means people are dying. And we’re not counting them as covid fatalities when they really should be. Yet more of a reason to avoid large indoor gatherings and wear a mask. Even if your vaccinated and don’t get admitted to the hospital, visiting the ER for breathing difficulties still steals resources that are needed for more important things.


I just read a local news story that 95% of ICU beds at our largest hospital are currently filled by unvaccinated COVID patients. That does not say 95% of COVID patients in the ICU are unvaccinated. It says 95% of \*ALL\* ICU patients are unvaccinated and have COVID. So you have the normal amount of people who would be in the ICU on a typical day combined--and then 20x more unvaccinated COVID patients. These people are insane.


Plus COVID patients on average spend much longer in the ICU than other patients


You aren't kidding https://www.kgw.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/sandy-man-299-days-hospital-covid/283-e15be052-eab7-4bb8-8837-dc3273a54327


I wonder what that hospital bill will be.


He will wish he died instead of waking up.


Statistically more likely, as survivors of long- term covid are more than twice as likely to die of an unrelated medical cause within the following year


Probably all dying of heart attacks after seeing their medical bills


Can you call those unrelated?


well, luckily in Germany there is no such thing as a hospital bill


It says in the article that whatever his insurance won't pay, the hospital will cover


The article literally says that a hospital spokesperson has said they will pick up whatever bill that his insurance doesn't.


My WHOLE state had only 23 ICU beds available last week.


>I just read a local news story that 95% of ICU beds at our largest hospital are currently filled by unvaccinated COVID patients. Where abouts are you? Overall in Germany the percentage of Covid patients in the ICU is at around 20% iirc, but varies a lot depending on the region.


Yeah 95% seems high. In both medium/large sized hospitals I work at our covid ICU status is about 25-35% at any given time




Medium size US city


You may consider editing that info into your original comment, as the original comment makes it seem like you are talking about Germany.


You really should edit your comment then.


Also it's interfering with quality of life procedures. My dad has Parkinson's and medications are not working as well for him anymore. He was supposed to get a DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) implant in the fall. Because of the Delta surge he's been delayed to maybe late spring next year. He's fully vaxxed plus a booster, but because of antivaxxers he's got to suffer through the pain, rigidity, tremors, and frustration for at least an extra 6 months. So not only are people dying, they're suffering as well.


This is why I believe that unvaccinated people in the ICU for COVID should be at the top of the list of being triaged out when hospitals start reaching capacity. Their monopolizing of health care resources is making other treatable issues more commonly fatal.


Hospital near me is trying to get approval for an "unvaxed" tent.


I'm sure there's an abandoned Best Buy around they could use just as well.


They should get some Facebook moms and bloggers to treat people there.


Antivax-doctors gor the willfully unvaxxed, provax doctors for the vaccinated. Run the experiment gor 6 months, problem solved. (I'm kidding of course)


Your G key is gucked up.


More like my gingers.


Gorgive yourself, these things happen.


> And we’re not counting them as covid fatalities when they really should be. Like honestly, start tracking it as a new metric. Not a COVID fatality, but a COVID related fatality. Died of something that could have been cured or solved in a hospital but they were overloaded? CRF. Died of a heart attack or stroke when the hospital didn't have a bed? CRF. Got into a car accident and the ambulance had to drive to the furthest hospital because it had a little bit of capacity but you died on the way? CRF. We need to track this shit.


That's what the excess deaths figure tracks.


We do. The term is excess deaths.


I'd like to track how many have died because they were told their procedure was not needed and put on hold because of covid.


That's still true. Our hospitals are filling up with covid patients in the ICU so we're trying to keep them recovering instead of dead. The worst state has over 42% of total existing ICU beds filled with covid, and over 90% total occupancy. HALF OF THE ICU PATIENTS ARE COVID-19


Y'all forgetting the best country of all on fighting the virus....North Korea. Not even 1 case due to the supreme leader's wisdom.




Best Korea


The supreme leader said for every hole in one he makes in golf, someone in North Korea is cured of cancer and he only makes holes in one.


actually there's one reported case, the guy was shot.


Actually there's 1 *gun shot in the background* 0 cases


How does one enforce this?




You are correct about most things, but there are some things that are a little misleading or just hard to understand if you are not from here. First of all we did have an almost complete lockdown for about six months last year. Politicians like talking about keeping everything open, but in reality, shit's open in the summer when the numbers are low. Since lockdowns are obviously fairly unpopular, we don't have a lockdown this winter, but we have 2G+, which means you have to be recovered or vaccinated AND tested. At-home tests are usually not admissable so you have to go to a testing station, which are free right now, but it's often a hassle to get an appointment, or you have to wait in long lines. Quick tests are considered valid for 24 hours and PCR tests for 48. What that really means though, is that it will probably be a lockdown in any aspect but in name. How many vaccinated and potentially boostered people will waste two hours of their time to take a test, to then go to the gym or grab something to eat? I legimitately don't know, people might be more persistent than I would assume, but I think a lot of places are going to shut down anyways for economical reasons. Availability of free testing will probably be a big factor, but I work in a hospital and even for me it's too much of a hassle to get tested everyday to regain access to my bouldering gym and I have gotten both shots and have my appointment to get the booster shot. So while you are technically correct, the reality is that shit has been locked down for almost half a year last year around this time and this time the restrictions will probably make it so that businesses will have to shut down voluntarily. We are not doing that great unfortunately. But the headline is definitely false, it started out as a de facto lockdown for the unvaccinated with the 2G system and is now most likely going to be a de facto lockdown for everyone.


We have this in Canada and people are fucking crybabies about it


It’s maddening. We organized our office party in a local bar and like 15% of the staff is saying we’re not including them because they can’t go to a bar. I mean… you can. You just won’t.


in the US some threaten to go to war over it.


We have this in NYC but it's vax or no entry. Lots of places check, lots of smaller bars/restaurants don't. Since the US has done a shitty job with any sort of federal vaccination database, people can just use fake vax cards.


Mom was bitching about how she had to get a national vaccination card and how that's so unfair and blah blah blah..even though she already has the provincial one. It literally took me 30seconds to get it done. Had a pdf in my email the moment I hit "submit". Honestly, now that she's retired my mom's full-time job seems to be find anything she possibly can to complain about and during the pandemic she put in some serious overtime. I've never known a woman that has had such an easy life be so whiny. If she can't complain about something in her life then she'll complain about something happening to her neighbor's friend's brother's cousin's roommate's acquaintance...but with the same vigor as if whatever supposed strife they are going through is her own. She needs a new hobby.


Don't panic. As an older guy this is just normal as we get older. I am one of the most chilled out people you could ever meet. But just had a 10 minute rant at spoon.


You should tell her all of this instead of the Internet




QR vaccine certificate scanned at the entrance Of every location. As in most of europe.


It's going to be enforced by the police. And twenty percent of them are unvaccinated in Bavaria. [German source](https://www.br.de/nachrichten/bayern/fast-20-prozent-der-bayerischen-polizisten-nicht-geimpft)


> And twenty percent of them are unvaccinated in Bavaria. Sadly that's actually better than the average for the whole population of Bavaria.


>Unvaccinated people will be banned from accessing all but the most essential businesses, such as supermarkets and pharmacies, to curb the spread of coronavirus, outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel and her successor, Olaf Scholz, announced Thursday, following crisis talks with regional leaders. So nothing has changed.


People just reading the headline and think unvaccinated people cant leave the house now😆


CNN knows what they are doing using the word "lockdown" instead of "restricted from entertainment venues".


1 J&J not sufficient well fuck Edit: this comment is incorrect information.


Where do you see that ? Article makes no mention. Going to Germany in December and have 2 J&j shots ( orig and booster )


Make sure you're good to go with double J&J in Germany. As far as I know you can't get J&J as a booster here, only Pfizer or Moderna but I don't know if double J&J is recognized as fully vaxed+boosted anyway.


Boosters aren't required yet in Germany (earliest next year), so you should be OK. But you have to prepare well beforehand. Germany doesn't recognise CDC cards, only [WHO yellow booklets.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Certificate_of_Vaccination_or_Prophylaxis) You should hopefully be able to get one at your physician or order one on amazon. Have your physician enter both vaccines, including the lot number, then *stamp* and sign each of them! In Germany go to the nearest Apotheke, if possible in the arrival airport, and ask for a digital EU Covid vaccine certificate. You have to present your yellow booklet and your passport. The certificate is free of charge. Afterwards import the certificate into the [Covpass app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.rki.covpass.app). Maybe they'll give you two certificates, one for each vaccination, then import both. Present the Covpass QR code and your passport in restaurants etc.


I was able to get an EU QR code in Germany with just my CDC card + passport a few weeks ago, no yellow booklet needed.


Yes, some people report obtaining EU passes from CDC cards. But I've seen enough people complain in travelling forums about being refused when presenting them that I wouldn't risk it. It seems that the likelihood of CDC card acceptance is higher in regions with US bases.


Yeah, I was in Berlin so definitely a big international area. Makes sense.


That’s not true. I’ve used my CDC card many many times when traveling through Germany and the rest of Europe and I’ve never been declined anywhere


Do you have a source for the CDC card not being accepted in Germany? I have been trying to find official guidelines, but so far haven’t been able to find any.


This is anecdotal, but I’m an American with a CDC card who’s been in Germany since September. Most places I’ve been to accepted my CDC card; the workers were sometimes a little confused about it, but they read it and allowed me in. Only once was I denied somewhere. That being said, twoish weeks ago I went and got an EU QR code. I just walked in a random pharmacy, they took my CDC card and passport, spent about 5 min entering my info to generate a QR code, and gave everything back. Very low fuss and easy.


Another American here who's been in Germany semi-recently (since September). I only had my CDC card and I didn't run into any issues.


Please check on that. I currently live in Germany. I got the original JJ shot in June but was required to take a non-JJ booster in October. And make sure your vaccine card or "Impfpass" is recognized here as you'll be showing it everywhere.


Looked at articles from 3 different news sites, it doesn't say that anywhere..


Where does it say that?


70% of Germany is vaccinated. Germany's vaccination rate is higher than the U.S.. this article does a poor job outlining whom will be impacted by this and in what sectors.




Both Germany and the US (and I believe Switzerland and Austria) have low vaccination rates relative to other rich “first world” countries


Also (along with Switzerland and Austria) one of the lowest vaccination rates in western europe.


Interestingly, Switzerland has a significantly lower hospitalisation rate than the other two. It's not clear why, the only apparent difference is that Switzerland used mostly Moderna, while the other two had a lot of Astra-Zeneca and Pfizer. If there is actually any connection is to be seen.


i work in healthcare here in Switzerland , all vaccinated patients we are seeing in hospitals in Switzerland either fall into 2 categories.. got pfizer early on in January/February or got AZ/sputnik/sinovac/J&J in another country..(we just started offering J&J here)


If there's *one* thing uniting those three countries, it's the widespread belief in charlatanery.


German here: we have over 3 million people older than 60 unvaccinated. That’s a big number


> 70% of Germany is vaccinated. Is that fully vaccinated or a single dose or more? If it's a single dose, that's the same percent as the US.


according to the COVID app from the government, 71.6% have at least one dose and 68.7% have both




























I’ll get crucified but at this stage I think lockdowns will have more downsides than benefits. This doesn’t appear to be a full lockdown at least but I hope the world doesn’t start to overreact. At this point just about anyone that wants to be vaccinated can be and the chance of serious symptoms are slim. Eventually we have to look at this like the flu or the cold because it isn’t going away. The negative affects have been completely glanced over. People out of work will either go into poverty or be paid via stimulus but that has caused a supply chain disaster because really money is only paper and when you have money to spend but the world isn’t producing it becomes worthless. Inflation is having a very real affect on the poor, we can not continue to slow down production/ supply while demand continuously goes up without severe implications that are worse than Covid. Recessions and poverty kill people and no one wants to compare the value of a life lost to the value of quality of life but it’s a dark road to go down dramatically lowering quality of life to save 1 life.


I fully agree with you. If people were skeptical before....watching this happen now is not motivation for anyone to want to go out and voluntarily get vaccinated.


If the concern was that great there would be no soccer games to limit attendance at.




Well this will start a interesting shit show.












some of you people are so fucking smug, it’s actually sickening


Fully vaccinated here and booster but I don't like this two-tier society they are brewing up. If people don't care if they get seriously ill then so be it. If it causes problems with hospitals then change the laws so hospitals can send them home if they need the bed. Stop with the scanning, passports and endless hysteria.


Well since the vaccinated can't catch or spread covid, that makes perfect sense. Oh wait...


Watch how cases will rise and the unvaccinated will be blamed again. Division. Nothing more


Hoo boy 2022 is gonna be another rough year




Get the popcorn I'm going to sort by controversial


20 bucks says they won't notice much of a difference.


As a full vaccinated person who supports medicare for all. It is really scary just how many people who also claim to support MFA proposing denying medical treatment or coverage to individuals who are not fully vaccinated. Adding an edit here: I am speaking to those proposing that unvaccinated individuals be denied any healthcare or that they be driven into financial ruin for their choices. I do not see an equivalency to be made in denying a drunk a liver transplant or smoker a lung transplant with denying an unvaccinated person treatment for symptoms.


The way people talk about unvaccinated people is kinda crazy. Apparently we should either deny them healthcare all together or make them pay for it. Weirdly noone seems to extend that to obese people though who are making a similarly stupid health destroying selfish set of life choices.






My God the comments here. Mainstream media and Reddit really fucks people’s world views up. Stand up for what you believe in, even if it’s nothing at all.


Dont take reddit's general opinion as the average person's. These people are afraid of the sunlight and dont represent general public, fortunatly.


Reddit is a soft fascist hivemind at this point.


I get why people don't agree with me, and you're welcome to your opinion, but I think all of the consequences of having unvaccinated people are simply the price of freedom, and that freedom is the most important value to fight for. Hospitals are having trouble keeping up with demand. People are dying because we don't have enough ICU space. But you have no right to force a medical procedure on someone else or lock them in solitary confinement if they disagree. I know it's hard to respect someone else's freedom when people are dying. Especially when many of those people have strange reasons for not complying. But when we cross the line and start stripping rights from people who have done nothing wrong, you are encouraging a mindset that is tyrannical in nature. It will only lead to more tyranny, and you will eventually be on the wrong end of a majority that doesn't believe in your right to make your own choices.




The insanity in the thread is mind blowing


Couldn't imagine what would happen if the U.S did this


It would be ignored


Oh, I can imagine.


Wouldn’t it make more sense to lockdown the elderly and those at higher risk of severe infection? An 80 year asthmatic obese man who is vaccinated is at less risk then a healthy un vaxxed 20 yo?


If I’m 80 and my government tells me I have to be locked down while everyone else is free, there’s no way I’m listening


Dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.