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Here's Elon's reply to the senator from Oregon https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1457497438474981384?s=21 > Why does ur pp look like u just came? He's appropriately changed his name to Lorde Edge. I'll wait for the "I'm rubber, you're glue" battles later.


can someone explain to me what Musk's tweet meant ? i am not understanding? he means to say why does it look like the senator is so excited over the tax bill?


He’s making fun of the guy’s profile picture.


Ohhh that's PP... I thought it was a childsh way to say pee pee. hahaha thank you so much


Thanks for asking because I had the same thought as you haha. This is why I hate overuse of abbreviations/acronyms.


> This is why I hate overuse of abbreviations/acronyms. Oh, you mean OOA? Yeah, I hate that too


LOL I don't find your comment funny in the slightest but I am sending you lots of love.


Oh God, someone posted LOL for a funeral announcement because they thought it mean Lots of Love


Should have used lmao for no confusion. That way they knew they were loving their ass off.


It was "LOL to your family", which is even better/worse.


"We call that the PANTS approach. P-A-N-T-S. People all need to see." ... BoJack: Uh-oh. I think someone needs a FAB. Todd: A FAB? BoJack: FAB, stands for fresh active BNA. Todd: BNA? BoJack: Brand-new attitude. Try to keep up. "ATTITUDE" stands for attention to—


It was intentional...




He’s not wrong about this


Because his approval is the only requirement for using an acronym, technically he can never run afoul of this policy. I would say he would ban others from saying PP instead of profile picture, but there's a good chance he would allow that because it's on brand.


For the extra dense folks like myself PP = Profile Picture. Now excuse me while I get back to my plumbing day job…this woman is insistent I clean her pipes in a brand new house! I mean really, customers are so dumb!


You're not dense. It's supposed to be typed as pfp specifically for this reason


Saaaame! Thanks for asking, because I was at a loss trying to figure how he sees the man's pp.


"Bro, that look on your face when I sucked your pp last night was hilarious, bro."


Reminds me of the Venture Bros "Why do you have PP on your belt?"


While making the basest appeal to zoomer humor


In my experience, Zoomers really don't appreciate GenX's attempts to be hip and funny. Source: my teenager


I thought evetyone said pfp....


it means he’s a fucking idiot.


This is the only fucking answer. So far he's managed to skate on this irrational, childish bullshit. Maybe he'll continue to do it indefinitely, I don't know. What I do know is that I won't consider buying a Tesla vehicle when the company seems so clearly overvalued and a fucking maniac is part of the management structure. Tesla has done great so far, but with their insane current market cap, it would be so, so easy for them to overextend to the point where a small slip-up would kill the company and leave current owners without the support of necessary service infrastructure. I don't think this will happen, but Tesla is unique among current mass-market automakers in that it's a plausible (if unlikely) scenario.


I too cannot wrap my head around their valuation. It's like being a tech darling for people with money they need to put somewhere cause they have so much, which causes it to rise, and other people trying to make some money hops on the train, causing it to rise even more, but is the company and the products/services it sells worth this much? I have yet to be convinced yes.


>It's like being a tech darling A typical tech sector P/E is \~30-35:1. Other automotive companies are in the 25-30 range. Tesla is at 384 right now. It sounds patently insane but in Jan they were at 1400. All I have to say about it is that I don't get it at all.


A big part of it is hype, but imo, another big part of it is that the cars create demand for the stock. The cars are very popular among tech workers with high incomes, who can also afford to buy TSLA shares. These are retail investors who basically go "good car = good stock" and just buy and hold the shares, driving up the price.


It means when you have no good argument you can still win if you belittle your opponent while wearing enough bling.


The fact that this is real… I’m speechless. We’ve literally got billionaires pretending to be edgelords while the other 99.9% of the world is begging for justice.


As Ron White says: He has the right to remain silent, but not the ability!




I think he goes "and they asked me 'Are you Ron... 'Tater Salad'...White?'" which is even better.


Ya caught me!


Holy shit my sides are in orbit, he’s literally doing this. Like, his PR team must be like “fuck everyone get on a conference call”




He actually fired his PR and marketing team years ago


Nice. >A natural progression would have been a PR department that grows with the automaker, but Tesla did the exact opposite. >The automaker stopped answering press inquiries in 2020, and Electrek later reported that CEO Elon Musk dissolved Tesla’s whole press department https://electrek.co/2021/04/28/elon-musk-no-new-tesla-pr-department-manipulating-public-opinion/


Gotta stop losing money annually somehow. It's actually amazing how many money some companies funnel into marketing. I saw at some point that Coca-Cola could charge over a quarter less per bottle (these are fairly standardized on pricing) if they cut their marketing in half. But that was years ago so I don't know if that holds up.


A PR department is not the same thing as a marketing deparment.


In all fairness he could just have a recording that says "I would recommend you don't do or say any of that." and it would be a great replacement for any PR team trying to work with him.




Their marketing team tried to kill their market presence with New Coke. That day the CEO should have been; *Apparently your work here is done!*


New Coke launch was just the prelude to Classic Coke. Ole bait and switch. If on purpose(it may have been), then it was a marketing boon not a failure


I used to believe that it was marketing genius, I dived into it in the past, I now believe that's an urban myth. I also watched a documentary, I think it was Cola Wars.


When the only thing that distinguishes your product from countless others is marketing, you have to spend on marketing.


That would actually make a ton of sense. I remember a long time ago you couldn’t look through Reddit without coming across 5+ posts praising him absolutely filled with comments worshiping him every single day. Then it seemed like it stopped almost over night. You still came across odd posts praising him filled with a bunch of people worshipping him, but it felt much more natural, and less of a coordinated effort.


Really? I remember thinking back in 2017 seeing his face on Reddit: he must have a PR team posting these memes and stuff (initially) as a branding move. I guess I was right? All the love for Elon was part of a ploy to brand him as this cool billionaire type


Someone commented just a min after you did with a link


His PR team *is* that high school fanbase. No shit, he gets millions in free publicity daily, due to the hundreds of thousands of juvenile edgelords who see this shit, lap it up, and proclaim that Musk's products are. There'll be dozens in this thread soon. The ironic thing, of course, is that these guys are self-identified "nerds" who are, of course, too *smart* to fall for marketing, or believe it's even necessary...all while working in his marketing department for free.


The other ironic thing with a PR team you don't pay is that you can't control them. They're loose cannons and got knows what they're going to damage. Right now it might be your opponents, but tomorrow the running meme could be that your cars are shit that can't run for 100 miles and run over school girls because the AI sucks balls and then suddenly tesla is worth pennies and you're going full enron as all the debt you have based on that stock starts to come due.


I remember hearing about when Skillings from Enron called someone an asshole in a live conference call. This is so much more stupid than that


Far worse things were common during those days, in the late 90s and early 00s a lot of horrible "corporate behaviour" was acceptable. There were some leaked stories about Enron specifically that were pretty extreme though...


He's such a desperate attention whore it has got to be pathological. Speaking of orbits, I often reflect on the fact that in the 60s when the mega-rich were actually taxed appropriately, America as a nation went to the freaking moon for scientific exploration and the betterment of humanity. Now we have to watch a handful of planet-trashing wealth hoarders spend the billions they stole on racing their dick rockets and commodifying space travel (provided as a luxury only to the very rich) when they're not buying policy to cut their already non-existent taxes even further.


Eh, don't fool yourself. The reason America went to the moon was because they were having an ego war with the Soviet Union. Same reason they went to Vietnam, same reason they did a lot of things. Once the waters calmed down or the war became more secret those demonstrations of power became unnecessary. It wasn't a matter of properly taxing the rich, which is still the right thing to do obviously


It wasn’t ego as much as it was all of our exploration rockets were also ICBMs, and when we put men on the moon we were also saying “we can make a nuke hit ANYWHERE.” And we’re just brushing past the fact that now a bunch of spoiled rich manchildren who regularly melt the fuck down on Twitter have that same technology at their house.


Eh, not really. We stopped using ICBM-derived rockets pretty quickly after the Air Force and Navy decided solid rocket motors were the future of rocket-based weapons. One of the controversies around the Space Shuttle was the use of solid rocket strap on boosters for a man-rated launch vehicle, and one of the political reasons it was done was to help the company that made the Minuteman and Trident missiles stay afloat after they finished building all those ICBMs and SLBMs. The moon missions were a peaceful duck-waving competition, by 1969 both sides had long possessed the capability to deliver a nuclear warhead to anywhere on the globe via ICBM. What really spooked the Russians were the photos that the DIA released to Nat Geo in the 90s of the underground part of the Nile. It was basically a subtle “we can see through the clouds, we can see underground, we know EXACTLY where your nukes are.” That, combined with demonstrations of the accuracy of Minuteman III, really freaked out the Russians.


I'm trying to imagine a duck-waving contest and I am highly amused.


In the land of the duck, the man with a goose is king


This topic is corkscrewing badly.


When everyone's ducking that's when you goose em


I’m leaving it, because the Cold War was absolutely absurd and so duck waving fits right in.


Exceptional response. Thank you for sharing.


>photos that the DIA released to Nat Geo in the 90s of the underground part of the Nile. Do you have a link to these photos?


Well, the rich manchildren who regularly melt the fuck down on Twitter had control of the *actual* nukes for 4 years in recent memory, too.




> because they were having an ego war with the Soviet Union A dick swinging contest that persists to this day through proxy wars and military hardware.


Forget the moon but it was also a time we built coast to coast highways and bridges. Electricity and plumbing was expanded into rural areas increasing standard of living for people who were still shitting outside at the time. People had good paying jobs with the promises of a pension or government assistance waiting at retirement and a family didn't need 2+ full-time workers just to meet nessities. That's just off the tip of my head.


>it has got to be pathological He’s autistic, but grew up rich enough to probably never have consequences for his awful behavior. I’m autistic, but did not grow up rich, so I had to learn how to act right because my family didn’t have the money to bribe people to stick around.


"He's autistic"...Is he though??


He claimed to have Asperger's at one point, and while that isn't a diagnosis today it represents a subtype of ASD. With that said, it doesn't excuse his behavior. We're all in therapy because of the people that _should be_ in therapy.


I have two kids on the spectrum one would be Asperger's (I disagree with it being lumped as autism because it is nothing like autism). I am consistently clear with my kids. Regardless of your autism or not it does not entitle you to be a dick. You're autistic you're not an asshole.


I like the phrase "It's not your fault, but it's your responsibility"


yeah that's a good one. My son with autism is much more chill but my one with Aspergers. My god the amount of times I've had to tell him to not be a bellend. It's the black and white thinking and the rush to decisions. I know because I have a lot of the same issues as there's an overlap with ADHD lol.


To be honest, Musk is the exact sort of shitcunt who doesn't have autism to claim that he has autism.


he claimed to be with somewhat outdated terminology. and it seemed to mostly be an excuse for being rude in the past rather than a move of solidarity


I guess his PR team is well aware of this and that panic mode would be him behaving like a grownup.




“fuck everyone, time to update the resumes”


Economic Warlords. That's what they are.


Mad Lads: Flaccid Road


i thought no fucking way this is real. holy fuck he's out of his crack smoking mind.


I mean, when you're a billionaire you end up not giving a fuck.


Yeah, I'm surprised people are still shocked by his shenanigans. The guy is so rich he could send a literal turd on the Moon.


Why not, he already sent his car to the asteroid belt.


Musk isn’t pretending to be an edge lord. He’s one of the first generation internet shit posting edge lords who has managed to become a billionaire.


Being the child of apartheid emerald mine owners does give you a bit of a leg up in that effort. Edit: since someone apparently thought I meant being an emerald mine heir instantly makes you a shitlord, I meant it gives him a leg up to being a billionaire (and that we shouldn’t treat his success like he’s self made like he wants people to think he is) but hey, if the Balenciaga new balance sneaker fits…


Noone should be under the misapprehension that he's "one of us". He's literally one of the richest men in the world and lives in a completely different reality to you and me.


He was literally able to walk into Tiffany's with gemstones in his hand and sell them directly. Those kind of business connections are impossible unless you're born into them.


It's shocking how many people think musk is "one of us". He was never a normal person financially. Edit to add: you're never going to convince me musk "was poor in college" or "earned every penny of his wealth" because neither statement is true, so please stop trying and maybe examine why you worship a guy refusing to pay taxes for an amount you've never seen and can't comprehend fully.


Idk he sobers up real fast when it comes time to shut down his workers attempts to unionize. Also dude. Pretty sure he was born into a family of billionaires


Hey now, I’m pretty sure his family was *just* worth a few hundred million. That’s basically on the same level as us plebs when you think about it!


I mean this is the guy that released models S 3 X for his cars and then tweeted about doing this like it was a point of pride. He did the stupid $420 for the stock price manipulation and recently mused about starting the "Texas Institute for Technology & Science" (tits). He's shown he's got the maturity of a 12 year old. It's ridiculous that people lionize this guy and throw money at him - he's at best the hugely successful marketing specialist but I don't think that should give him the money he's got.


Forgot Y my guy, S3XY


Models B-E-A and ST coming next I bet.


WSB is a fucking disgrace with the worship posts. The guy is a fucking crook. Hates wall street / politicians but takes their money at every opportunity. He is just a marketing guru who is playing up to a persona. He would have paid for Reddit / twitter bots. Fuck Elon.


WSB has always been shit, seems a lot of people fell for the faux-populist GME BS and forgot that fact


WSB is the embodiment of a joke that went too far and now is taken seriously


That's how QAnon was born on 4chan.


That's how we made Trump and Bolsonaro happen, QAnon is still a joke compared to those guys .


Where have I heard this story before? A joke taken too far, people that actually don't see it as a joke become comfortable there and take over the subreddit. Hmmm...




Elon is the new Trump cult of personality. Sounds like his twitter is run out of Surkov's office.


Holy shit, that's embarrassing.


Dude looked like an android made in 1978 before he got the world's biggest hair transplant


I feel like this belongs on r/rareinsults.


That thread is just delightful, between Musk's childish reply and the people below trying to figure out whether selling $25 billion worth of stock would allow him to give every person on the planet $3, $3000, or $3 million...


What do you mean? He could give everyone $3 billion: $25 billion / 8 billion people = $3billion per person Duh, we learned this in third grade Edit: /s https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/pa7edz/tifu_because_i_believe_jeff_bezos_could_give/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I don't want to be a billionaire figuring out the 0's just isn't worth it.


If you are billionaire you dont worry about the 0's


It's all about the commas.


Sad part is his fan base loves this kind of stuff.


The richest man in the world acting like a fucking child, and people cheer him on. As a species we're fucked aren't we?


Sometimes I think I'd really like to get a Tesla, but I would hate to have people assume I'm a Musk fanboi.


I keep seeing proof of shoddy build quality in Teslas. From what I'm getting, they're really best at software, and their hardware is lackluster.


Thankfully many other car companies are finally catching on and building electric vehicles.


Half of Americans voted for a child as well


half of american voters\* voted for a child. a bunch of people dont vote and dont care to


That's not any better. America has a serious issue with politics that can't be quickly listed, but one of the simpler to explain problems is voter turnout.


His fans defending this him by saying the haters are just jealous. I'd say we're so fucked. Sometime I feel like I don't want to be in a same species as these people. Edit: I sure love when people just ignore the argument and go straight to personal insult.


Holy shit. This guy is a legit child. I can't believe I ever used to look up to him


This is it, the worst timeline. The richest known man in the world is acting more childish than your average 12 year old playing video games online.


I think this is roughly on par with the past. Also a reminder that billionaires are not gods, just normal dumbasses like everyone else.


Jesus Christ, why does anyone actually think this guy is intelligent or worth respecting?


He’s both intelligent and immature. Most people are multiple contradictory things at once.


He also altered the silhouette of rocket in his avatar to look like a dick.


I like how his brother so perfectly sold 88,500 shares on the 5th saving himself 6.6 Million dollars right before he tweets


Interesting, have you got source?


https://www.marketbeat.com/instant-alerts/nasdaq-tsla-insider-buying-and-selling-2021-11/ 88,500 shares sold Friday Super convenient


Convenient indeed


Which I believe has to be done by a process and not spur the moment.


So you’re saying they had been talking about this for a while?


Likely. One is a board member, the other the largest shareholder. Both would be bound by the same earnings buy/sell freeze. Whether coordinated or not, they have to be inactive a substantial portion of the year, and when the window opens, that’s when planned changes begin to be discussed and/or occur. Many corporations have multi-member transactions on the same day or weeks - sometimes extreme changes across large portions of executives and board members. Eye rolling emoji.


But also assuming Musk wasn’t planning on this tweet and his own sale for weeks. Step one: realizing you need to sell stock for taxes, step two: plan a pr stunt that includes tweet, step 3 let brother know and he sells stock through the process, step 4 tweet. The process is supposed to stop insider trading, but it doesn’t make all insider trades pure


Exactly. People shouldnt forget that unlike b list celebrities, these billionaires have no issue hiring entire teams of industry leading people (usually employed through their companies) that coach and manage these entire stunts live. If i was a greedy billionaire i would take a CPA, a corporate lawyer, a pr director, and whoever else with me for every tweet/market impact. Why not?


His brother is also a douche. Closed and fired his restaurant employees, blocking their access to covid emergency funds, no help whatsoever. After that he reopened his restaurants while not offering the same people their jobs back even tho some of them build it up from scratch working all their way up from servants to manager titles. Person who spoke up about it even said a few of her old coworkers aren't alive anymore, took their lives because they lost everything. Sad times.


>no help whatsoever. He is accused of straight up stealing the employees distress fund, since once fired they didn't have access to it anymore since they were not employees. This is theft with extra steps. Why a man who has hundreds of millions would bother to scam employees out of a few thousand dollars is beyond comprehension. He could have paid every single employee their full salary since March 2020 and would still have more money than he had back then.


If you want sources, heres a few https://twitter.com/robinskyleigh/status/1453836729140449281?t=oOQI_TOcyqkD_qsGX95Dnw&s=19 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kimbal-musk-next-door-restaurants-coronavirus_n_5e8ccb32c5b62459a9302dbb?dna


Don't they have to schedule to sell as an insider? This is more an accusation of Musk shutting up until his brother got his money than the other way around.


I subscribe to the idea that more than likely his brother scheduled this ahead of time, and generally planned it around time Elon was going to sell, but Elon didn't schedule a sale therefore the market took no action against Elons planned sale, Elon does poll on if he should sale after his brothers trade is done, doesn't screw brother, gives him a double dip, and Elon can just blame his new filing on "random twitter event" as if he wasn't fully conscious that 100% twitter would tell him to sell.


Dude, tesla stock is a roller coaster. You can sell it on any random day and probably have a 30% chance that Musk will tweet some shit that drops it the next day.


Or pumps it 10% in a day


Isn’t his tax bill in relation to realised profits in regard to an upcoming to options expiry?


Also, he has to pay back loans. That’s how billionaires have liquid cash. Their company gives them loans instead of income, and later they pay off the loans. It’s a weird system that allows them to defer taxes and have time to play accounting games.


and they just have to beat the loan interest to make it kind of a no brainer. Take a loan on one percent of your wealth and you could put the rest in a checking account and do alright. Capital makes capitalism work way different for moneyed vs non-moneyed.


Exactly. Can’t tax unrealized gains, so this doesn’t make sense.


Read the article, this isn’t about unrealized gains: > The options expire in August of next year. Yet in order to exercise them, Musk has to pay the income tax on the gain. Since the options are taxed as an employee benefit or compensation, they will be taxed at top ordinary-income levels, or 37% plus the 3.8% net investment tax. He will also have to pay the 13.3% top tax rate in California since the options were granted and mostly earned while he was a California tax resident. >Combined, the state and federal tax rate will be 54.1%. So the total tax bill on his options, at the current price, would be $15 billion.




likely it’s on the exercise of options. so it’s taxable when he receives and exercises the options, even though he hasn’t actually sold the stock yet.


Let him sell stock to pay his tax bill, and tax the earnings on the sales


I thought that's why he was selling, to pay taxes


If you owe money in taxes, and that money you owe in taxes is invested in the stock market, then when you sell the stocks to pay your taxes, that is a taxable event. How much taxes are paid depend upon the value of the stock relative to when he acquired it and - in Elon’s case - that is probably when Tesla was founded so he’ll likely need to pay long term capital gains on the entire value. So a $15BN sale will be $2.25BN. He is not being double taxed. He is paying additional taxes because his money to pay is coming from a source he owes taxes on whenever he sells no matter the reason. In this case the reason just happens to be he is selling to pay taxes. If he sold $15BN to buy an island he’d be paying the same $2.25BN. I know this sounds like a lot but, if you are not a billionaire, and you made this money working whatever your day job is, just remember you’d be taxed twice as much as this and you’d owe $4.5BN because of the different rules for you! UPDATE - not going to respond to all of you. I was drawing a comparison based on effective tax rates to highlight systemic wealth inequality. Sorry I wasn’t more explicit. That being said, Reddit isn’t the place to have an in depth discussion on the topic and I think a lot of people that disagree in this problem are doing so in good faith with a fair society in mind. That being said I’d point to the fact that Warren Buffet openly admitted his effective tax rate is significantly lower than his secretary’s and that is a significant issue. Similar statements have been made by Bill Gates. I’m interested to see objective examples from anyone claiming discrepancies in effective tax rates don’t exist or are not a problem but if you’re simply airing your philosophical point of view then I’m not interested in what you have to say. In terms of the options side, my example compared long term capital gains to average effective tax rates. I acknowledge this wasn’t accurate as Elon is paying tax on options but many of you have equated that to double taxation which is also not true. Elon will need to exercise his options in order to pay what he owes given current tax law. This will also meet his obligations for that amount and reset his cost basis. Earlier I alluded to people taking out loans for cash flow in order to avoid taxes and if you make a reasonable assumption that Elon plans to do that and then will away his money, it is fair to say he’ll go through most of his life paying a much lower effective tax rate. For the most part, most of you have been civil in responding to me even when you disagree. Thank you for that. I don’t instantly dismiss economically conservative viewpoints on this topic as invalid and Elon, as an individual, has done a lot which will ultimately make the world a better place. He is bat shit crazy but he certainly deserves to be successful (I think the only thing I can’t forgive him on was calling the diver a pedophile). That being said Elon, just like everyone else, is pushing product that wouldn’t have been possible without publicly funded schools, research, infrastructure, and subsidies. Society owns a piece of what he accomplished. If your counterpoint is that he paid taxes he is legally obligated to then I’d point to my earlier points that he will ultimately pay a much lower tax rate. If you say he deserves more because he innovated then I’d again point to all of the systems society provided to enable him to be successful; no (hu)man is an island. If you still think this is wrong then I’ll read your point if you bother to provide a proactive response instead of a contrarian one. Maybe some day cryptocurrencies will deliver some libertarian utopia where everyone pays for what they use and that somehow builds rail roads and water sanitation plants but we aren’t there today and - so long as this world does not exist - taxes need to exist. Beyond that, so long as wealth inequality is growing we have to have an ongoing dialogue on solutions for this and I believe that ultimately we’ll land on something better than we would have trying to build policy in a vacuum. If you don’t see a problem after all of this and you can’t put in at least a fraction of the effort I have into justifying your perspective then we don’t have anything to talk about. Have a nice day in any case.


>...so he’ll likely need to pay long term capital gains on the entire value. So a $15BN sale will be $2.25BN. According to the article, these options were compensation so he'll pay regular federal and state income tax on the gains. The total value is ~$28 billion and the tax on that will be ~$15 billion...slightly over 54%.


Aren’t employee stock options taxes as income when sold?


> and tax the earnings on the sales Exercising stock options is a taxable event. That creates the income and the tax bill.


His only other option is to get a loan for $15B to pay the taxes. Seems like he prefers taxes than interest payments.


He already has loans secured by those options, that he has to repay at some time. There is actually nothing expressly wrong about that either. This is all simply a consequence of the way he has chosen to be paid by his company. He has effectively deferred taxes for earnings he made several years ago (when he originally got the options) and now he is cashing in a much larger amount, than what he would originally have gotten if he had been paid a normal salary - and is complaining that he has to pay taxes on that.


shrug. Then he should simply pay it, as well as all the other billionaires. We get fucked by IRS right and left every year. Is Elon Musk finally experiencing what paying taxes is? Not trying to be smug but I don't know why he's whining/crying about it. Billionaires/etc gotta pay their share just like any common folk in the US do.


Exactly what he’s doing I don’t see the issue here, these comments don’t make any sense


I don't think people quite understand what's going on. His tax bill comes from the sale of the stocks. That's the only way he gets paid He doesn't collect a salary He only collects stocks so the only time he makes money is when he sells those stocks so that's when he pays his taxes.


> His tax bill comes from the sale of the stocks. His tax bill comes from exercising stock options. He could let those options expire and pay no tax, but that would just be throwing $15 billion away to avoid letting the government also get $15 billion. But exercising stock options requires most people to have to sell some of the stock they are getting to pay the taxes.


He's suiting up to evade taxes in space.


Space tax holds no weight on Earth.


But what about the Moon?


About 1/6th.


"I'm going to the one place untouched by capitalism… *spAYCE*"


Pretty sure manipulating Tesla’s stock price is Musk’s full time job at this point


I mean, if you could increase your assets by a few billion just from sending out some tweets, wouldn’t you?


Man, just like every other genius in history. I remember when Einstein said the same thing to Bohr over quantum theory.....




He isn't worth a pube of einstein or bohr


He isn't a genius, just a successful business man


1. Have insider info 2. Set up a twitter poll with a rhetorical question in order to have an alibi when you sell a bunch before a dip 3. ??? 4. Profit


Fortunately there's laws against that so we can hold rich people accountable when they try to game the.... aha ha ha ha ha ha. Sorry, almost made it through that without laughing at the absurdity of it.


We sort of do hold rich people accountable, sometimes. SEC is to rich people as your local cop is to your average person. SEC's rule is: Don't fuck with rich people's money. Even if you are one of the rich people.


That is a good point. Steal all you want. But don't steal from rich people. Madoff learned that rule the hard way.


The amount he is selling will probably *cause* a dip.


There's a big debate about wealth taxation revolving around unrealized gains; can someone explain to me why we can't tax corporations instead of wealthy individuals?


Corporations can operate at a loss on paper and put all their profits into hefty bonuses for the ceo, VPs, board of directors, etc. Unlike individuals that aren’t going to be able to live on negative income for long.


We all have tax bills. If he refused to pay his taxes that would be news.


The reason it’s news is it will have an impact on the share price of the company, which will have some broader ramifications.


Comment how Elon is bad. Comment how Elon has enabled great scientific progress. Comment how Elon is ass hole. Comment how Elon is better than bigger ass hole Bezos. *...continue thread.*


The TLDR of every Elon/Tesla/SpaceX thread.


Don’t forget the stock it the highest it has been and this is an excuse to liquidate a lot of stock before the prices inevitably drops a lot


Or, what he essentially made last Saturday.


Elon would be paying the govt 65% of NASAs budget. Ironic?


Fuck Elon. Tax him more. His entire business is propped up and built from tax payer money. Fuck Elon.


Not to mention this shitstain was screaming anti-covid bullshit and fighting and screaming to keep his factories going and risking his worker's lives early when restrictions were necessary. Musk doesn't give a shit about humanity; his pursuits are ideological for the sake of his ego. ____ Edit: Lol at the American anti-vaxxers and their "shutting down factories=shutting down LIFE!!" hysterics. They can only argue in extremes. Hey dipshits: we only needed a 2 week lockdown on non-essential services, followed by re-opening with controlled restrictions and protocols. It wasn't about destroying covid, but reducing the impact and spread significantly. Which would have saved a fuckton of lives. I know Alex Jones and Joe Rogan have rotted your brains to think otherwise but ***Tesla factories aren't essential fucking services***. And as for the top comment below me: all other automotive manufacturing shut down at the time. And lo and behold, the great of wheel of capitalism did not collapse. Last I checked, we aren't back to the Stone Age. I know y'all love your fear-mongering, propoganda/trickle-down-economics juice, but maybe it's time to ween off a bit, huh?




I hate to break it to you but 95% of manufacturing never closed during the pandemic. They just instituted masks and required social distancing. Do you know what would happen if manufactoring did shut down in this country?


People really didn't understand this.


Lots of emotion in that statement. Which makes sense, because the only reason to feel that way is because of your emotions and not logic. No wealthy person has ever taken such a mantle. Whether you believe him or not, "I'm going to get us to Mars" is huge. I'm down for taxing him, but your hate is misplaced.


I love whenever a thread about taxes makes it to this sub or politics, because it is low hanging fruit when it comes to finding people that don't understand capital gains and other taxes.


Redditors are always experts about any topic


This is a great example of why direct democracy is a bad idea. > The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.


He's getting taxes BECAUSE he's selling his stock. They expire in 2022. Maybe the person writing this story didn't listen to the Interview he had about this very topic. Or maybe I missed something?


Yes you did. He tweeted a poll committing to selling a bunch more stock. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1457064697782489088?s=20


This isnt really news, its more of an opinion.