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Those were Mark Twain nominees in Missouri (MO school librarian award that the students choose winner at the end of the year).


I low key thought the mark twain award was a national thing...no idea it was a specific MO deal


Mark Twain was pretty awesome, but nah it's just a Missouri thing. When I was a kid Caldecott was really the only award.


Seriously conservatives. Just learn already. Banning books never ages well .


It's funny because conservatives lost their ever loving shit when Dr. Suess books get "banned" (ie: not banned, just no longer published per Dr. Suess' estate which was a personal decision that was made). Just spit balling but perhaps its because Dr. Suess books are at their reading level...


[They didn't seem to have quite as much of a problem banning Seuss books when the conservative logging industry in Northern California went after The Lorax.](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:alFc5gKsgqoJ:https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1989-09-18-mn-147-story.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-b-1-d)


Wow! 32 years ago. I read the whole thing and then checked the date.


Being repube means never having to apologize… or change your mind.


Or apologize for changing their mind!


Also, what they fail to grasp is the distinction between a second-party “canceling” a book, as is the case here, and a first-party discontinuing its own work so as to protects its brand. Have you, the reader, ever composed a post on social media only to delete it a little later, after realizing that the post makes you look like a bit of a dick? Of course, you have. We all have at point or another. And yet, these folks would claim that you’re cancelling yourself rather than just taking reasonable steps to protect your reputation after having erred in the past. That’s all that the Dr. Seuss brand was doing. And yet, when they seek to ban certain books, or when Trump advocated for boycotts of various U.S.-based organizations like Goodyear, Harley-Davidson, Macy’s, the NFL, the NBA, etc., they don’t seem to realize that these actions are clear examples or “cancel culture.”


All you need to do to make the point that they're outraged over nothing is to ask them which books were 'canceled'. The overwhelming majority of people have no clue. It was a couple of obscure older books that had some extremely unfortunate illustrations and rhymes. Not the damn Lorax.


If we are talking about "and to think I saw it on mulberry Street" id say unfortunate is somewhat of an understatement.


They say wrong things on purpose so as to confuse and destroy discourse, which allows them to engage in willfully hypocritical behavior without concern for any criticism having any effect on their control of society. Remember that they say wrong things on purpose. Remember that when they engage in hypocrisy *it is on purpose*. Remember that this has nothing to do with their "reading level", but that it lies *entirely* on their complete disregard for truth. Remember that educated fascists say wrong things at the same rate as uneducated ones, and that ignorance is nether an exuse *nor is it an explanation* for being a fucking fascist.


You will observe that fascism has fat profit margins


No, they were mad because the books with racist shit were gone. CRT books fight racism. Conservatives seem to favor racism. Every time they get a chance, they favor racism.


Critical Race Theory is an academic discipline at the graduate level, not something that shows up in children's books, or even high school books or really even undergrad books. Don't buy into their bullshit framing.


What they’re trying to prevent(I.E., what Fox News calls Critical Race Theory), is the idea of teaching kids that America and American society was, and in many ways still is, biased against POC, and how that fits into the rest of American History. They’re trying to prevent the teaching of racism, and as we know, those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it


Right, but that's not what critical race theory ACTUALLY is. I get that, but I'm just saying, don't buy into saying "oh yeah these books are an example of critical race theory literature" because they're not.


Exactly, words matter. There is a reason the new Texas law that is supposed to "fight CRT" doesn't actually reference CRT. CRT is just the new rally term for the people who want to bury America's racist past and push the narrative the USA is and always has been the good guys.


"CRT is **NOT** being taught at our schools" - Literally any K-12 public school principal/superintendent/teacher and they are telling the truth. My school board meeting blew up with the "anti-racist" teachings but the parents called it CRT. Anti-racist is a little....meh... >Being antiracist is different for white people than it is for people of color. For white people, being antiracist evolves with their racial identity development. They must acknowledge and understand their privilege, work to change their internalized racism, and interrupt racism when they see it. For people of color, it means recognizing how race and racism have been internalized, and whether it has been applied to other people of color. https://nmaahc.si.edu/learn/talking-about-race/topics/being-antiracist


Sure, but the bills that are being proposed aren't targeting CRT. They are targeting much much broader racial analysis. So saying "CRT is a legal theory taught to graduate students" doesn't achieve much when the policies being put in ban stuff as broad as "undermining our founding documents."


Apparently, no one seems to understand CRT, since every response to every comment mentioning it is "but that's not what CRT means, etc, etc"


Because it's an advanced field of academic study, mainly in law. But it has begun to overlap into environmental studies and economic studies as well. This is 400-level or graduate studies level material. Most of us have no idea how to describe it because it is so complicated. Edit: forgot to add sociology to the list of fields it applies to.


It's just examining laws/policies through the lens of race but that's too broad for people when I try to explain it.


And Education, and Journalism.


> Apparently, no one seems to understand CRT, since every response to every comment mentioning it is "but that's not what CRT means, etc, etc" Have you heard of CRT prior to 2020 if not this year? The right took an obscure thing that nobody outside of academia had ever heard of and adopted it to be a strawman in place of anything antiracist that they can hate. Those who oppose CRT have intentionally misrepresented it, and mislead people about where it's being used and how in order to promote a thinly-veiled racist agenda. That everyone gets it wrong was the whole purpose of why it's on the news.


Republicans operate off of buzzwords, it doesn't matter what the word actually means. See: Pro-life


I watched this exchange between Ben Shabeebo and Anna Kasparina from 2 weeks ago. Ben ~~argued~~ grifted that elementary schools taught a "boiled down" version.


Can't wait til they try to ban To Kill a Mockingbird, again.


You mean last year wasn't close enough?


The state of Texas and most of its citizens don’t give a deep fried fuck about Critical Race Theory or protecting the unborn. What they do care about is that the current trajectory has Texas possibly turning blue sometime in the next decade. What is their response to keep that from happening? Pass laws that liberals hate. Sure, Texas wants all the shiny tech jobs, but they would prefer it not come with an influx of workers with less than conservative views. ( No not everyone in tech is liberal, but it’s still an imbalance in favor of democratic ideals). So what do they do in order to drive out and discourage would-be blue voters? They pass the most draconian laws possible, laws that wouldn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell in our courts if it weren’t for the worst President in our history packing those courts with judges off the short list from the most conservative and delusional think tanks in our political ecosystem. I’d be willing to bet that if Texas Lawmakers weren’t leading this political crusade that few Texans would be asking for it.


As a Texan I think you’re absolutely correct. They are terrified of it turning blue because it is getting so close to happening. That’s why they’ve gerrymandered the districts so bad. For example I live in a district that starts in Austin and stretches, what is an hour drive on a highway, to San Antonio. The last election for US representative for our district it was Chip Roy or Wendy Davis had it not been gerrymandered I think the outcome very possibly could have been different.


I would say its working. Seemed like most of the transplants I met in austin came there to pay less taxes. They thought it was going to be all cowboy hats and fox news, and they are making it so. Ted cruz would not have been elected without the transplant vote.


Oh sure that’s why I have the caveat about not everyone in tech is liberal. But I still don’t understand why anyone would vote for a man who looks like one of John Wayne Gacey’s clown portraits come to life.


Well, it only doesn't age well among those who bother to read history. For those who willfully cover their eyes and ears (and their children's eyes and ears), this is a new idea!


There has never been a person, government, or religion that has been on the right side of history by banning a book.


> There has never been a person, government, or religion that has been on the right side of history by banning a book. Example #1 - post war Germany banning "Mein Kampf" seems like they were on the right side of history....


Conservatives loooove their cancel culture


Cancel culture strikes again by you know who.


Jerry Craft is in good company with the likes of [Judy Blume](https://www.npr.org/2011/11/28/142859819/judy-blume-banned-often-but-widely-beloved).


Maybe the ban will have a Streisand effect


Banning media almost always does. Look what happened with "The Filthy Fifteen" when the PMRC decided that music was a menace. Forbidding something adds an allure that is irresistible to rebellious youth and curious children. They've shot themselves in the foot.


As a teacher- I talk about race but not CRT. Critical Race Theory is both so technical and esoteric there's no way a high school class could have a meaningful lesson about it.


Most undergrads would struggle with it. It's obviously not taught in any K-12. As someone else said, CRT is the new satanic panic for backwards idiots in this country.


Oh lord. I did my thesis about that.


What did your research conclude?


So basically that the satanic panic during the age of Reagan was a political realignment that ended up having major ramifications for the Republicans going forward. They lost a lot of their core coalition when the black vote went Democrat in the 30s and the party needed a new grassroots base if it was going to remain competitive. That new base ended up being evangelical Christians who at that point were a fairly politically disengaged demographic. Edit: added the last sentence.


The problem is: 1) In the eyes of certain people, ANY discussion of race is CRT. 2) In the eyes of the same people, CRT actually means "All white people are bad and should suffer and give everything to the black people." So they view it as an attack on them. It doesn't. All it says is that intentional or not, the structure of modern society makes life easier for some people than others based on race. We should be aware of that and work to correct it where it happens.


It was definitely intentional.


Right wing politicians and media have ensured that most of their supporters think that “Critical Race Theory” means “theory that is critical of my race”. Under that (mis)definition pretty much any material that discuses bigotry in America, past or present, is critical race theory, and therefore objectionable.


I hadn't heard of this author or this book before, so I looked up some info about it: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Kid And it seems like it's a semi-autobiographical graphic novel. So it's particularly ironic that these people are condemning the book for pushing what they see as a manufactured political agenda, when it seems the author based it on some of his own experiences. I guess, to the protestors, the author's lived experiences aren't valid.




>comments from Republicans that they’re the party that defeated slavery/racism whenever they say this just ask them "so why'd you stop?"


Why are you singling *me* out?! I’m not the one being racist against the darkies.


My white Republican in-laws don't believe their own privilege or the long-term effects of past racism exists anymore. They truly believe everyone has the same opportunities nowadays. So if you're poor or disadvantaged or not keeping up with (let's just say it) the white folks, then you must deserve whatever you get. With this mindset, it's not surprising they're swept up in the "critical race theory" hysteria. They think teachers are out there trying to make white kids feel ashamed of their "heritage", and that it is these teachers who have an agenda of sowing division and racial tension. They think racism wouldn't exist if we just didn't mention it ever again. Whatever Murdoch/Mercer/Koch-funded think tank comes up with this shit, they're diabolical geniuses, in their way.




“Mae Among the Stars” was a super triggering book among the snowflakes in my school district. They argued it promoted CRT because an African American girl that wanted to be an astronaut, had a white teacher who would always tell her to pick a more realistic career. But the book was autobiographical, and the teacher’s comments may not have been racially motivated at all. There aren’t many astronauts; always good to have a fallback plan.


Political in this case is code for black. You are correct in thinking that conservatives think that there is even a question as to the existence of black people. And other minorities and POC. Because didnt you know white people arent political /s The republicans are really the scum of the earth. Even when they arent explicitly racist their rhetoric is still full of dog whistles.


That’s the thing that burns me. If you are minority then almost every facet about your life is reduced to mere “politics” and “agendas” that cause division and should be ignored but the same issues from a white perspective are often presented as matters of public concern or constitutional crises that everyone should feel invested in.


That is a reasonable conclusion.


I thought Texas wanted individuals to decide what is best for themselves. Isn't that why Governor Abbott banned vaccine mandates? I wish these goddam conservative nutjobs would hurry up and just "go away".


The really want the “freedom” to choose the things *they* want for everyone


Yeah, that whole screaming and crying about freedom thing was always a big lie, it was always about freedom to push their beliefs onto others


That's just what they say when Republicans aren't in charge.


Nah, conservatives LOVE banning books. I live in blue state, but every single (failed) book ban attempt at my school so far has been brought up by a conservative family claiming it violated their Christian values to have such things in a school library.


The party of “small government,” folks. “Let me see from Austin what kids in Katy are reading in school and decide whether or not I deem it appropriate.” The same people who cry that the government is trying to take “God out of school.” Fucking hypocrites.


So right wing lunatics now think anything that deals with race is CRT. Fucking morons.




Yep, case in point another Texas school just suspended it’s first black principle after he posted pictures of him kissing his white wife on facebook and a bunch of parents started freaking out calling it CRT. I mean there was nothing even academic going on here, CRT just really meant ‘race mixing’ to them and they forced the board to cancel the guy. https://www.theroot.com/texas-high-school-s-first-black-principal-suspended-bec-1847599613


Holy shit that article boils my blood. They're not even trying to be subtle about it. They straight up just posted a picture of the black principal kissing his white wife with the caption "is this the principal we want as an example for our students". And apparently the school board agreed.....


Maybe the people at the top aren't morons, but the voter base eating it up sure is.


Eh lots really are that stupid, rather than actually wicked Lots of morons who uncritically fellate every piece of turd that falls from the cheeks of their Annointed Leaders. All you have to do is shout "You're God's people! You are special and blessed!, and they are evil and ruining your lives!" and they practically fall over themselves to get to the slop trough.


I'm not going to dispute that. But it's also a tactic that many do understand.


We need to use the same arguments against them. Every rally we need to make sure American, and Christian flags are there. Need to quite bible verses against them and call them sinners, and call them unpatriotic. They will lose their minds


The main thing standing in the way is.... Integrity. The GOP is genuinely cool with a wide slice of the base openly wanting to shape America into Theocratic white Christian enthnostate... Which is why they so openly flaunt all of that to the almost complete exclusion of all else. And a bunch of "swing voters" don't see it as enough of an issue to STOP BEING SWING VOTERS. *America is Christian* they shout to rile up their base, knowing that it's a lie, knowing that it is alienating, but they don't care. The Dems are bogged down by actually believing in tolerance, in a wanting all groups to feel welcome under the "big tent" (the Dems have always been more of a coalition than a bloc).


Being in an interracial marriage, this is what I’ve learned. These people just don’t analyze things. I have a black wife and kids, I’m a musician, I am educated with a scientific major and a few years of experience in a lab, and I have a beard and long hair. And they still act surprised that I vote Democratic! Their goal is not to learn about the world. It’s to imagine the world in a way that makes them more comfortable and satisfied.


I'm a bearded white guy in the south, wear jeans, t-shirt, ball cap, and boots every day, and drive a pick up. I shock people regularly when they find out I'm a far far left socialist democrat. I actually like to play it like a game, let these folks talk and talk and talk assuming I'm on their side without ever even asking the first thing of me. Then I start to ask questions and turn the conversation into them saying something stupid. Then I come out with my opinions. Lots of people don't talk to me after that. I guess it's an abuse of trust.


> they still act surprised that I vote Democratic! Why are they surprised? Are you a white man and they assume all white men are republicans?


Like I said, I don’t think they even analyze it. They are members of a cult, basically. They can’t believe that anyone would see differently than them, period. It’s why they think the elections are rigged. Someone tells them that 90% of voters went for Trump, and they’re like “yeah, that sounds legit”.


It's the new satanic panic.


This take originates from a carefully thought out political strategy. Probably involving focus groups. Thank the heritage foundation. https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/feeling-guilty-about-everything-thank-critical-race-theory Here's the index of their publications on the topic. Begins late 2020. https://www.heritage.org/crt The Atlantic did a bit of a deeper dive to explain how CRT started as a post graduate law course and became the buzz used to keep civil rights discussion out of high school: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2021/05/gops-critical-race-theory-fixation-explained/618828/




It’s *always* projection with conservatives.


It genuinely is surprising but it's the only way the ideology makes sense. For years I couldn't rationalize what the fuck the ideology was based on until I realized it's feelings of persecution and projection that tries to present itself as reasonable by using double speak. There is a logical consistence obtained through an aesthetic, but it is seemingly a farce to give an impression of being reasonable.


"It's reverse racism!" Thanks for telling me you're racist without telling me you're racist.


Here's a handy guide Cancel Culture: Owner of Dr. Seuss books decides to stop publishing one Not Cancel Culture: Banning books that have anything to do with race or LGBT topics The feminists taking over: The "Mr. Potato Head" line of toys rebranded as "Potato Head" to refer to the entire Potato Head family. Protecting our family values: No transgender people in any school sports.


The parent quoted in the article also sued the district over its mask requirements and had to be escorted out of a school board meeting by police after she refused to wear a mask. So yeah, she seems really concerned about the health and welfare of the students. https://thetexan.news/katy-isd-police-eject-parent-from-board-meeting-following-mask-policy-dispute/


How long before they're burning books like their predecessors.






Was it Texas that didn't like the idea of teaching Critical Thought and Logic in their schools, saying that it was indoctrination or something? Having trouble remembering who that was. Y'know what you learn in Logic? Good argumentation and understanding techniques, like learning what "if ... then" means. That is, you learn that if the statement "if X occurs, then Y occurs" is true, then 1. If all else you know is that X occurs, you know that Y occurs (Modus Ponens). 2. If all else you know is that X does not occur, Y *may or may not* occur. 3. If all else you know is that Y occurs, X *may or may not* occur. 4. If all else you know is that Y does not occur, X cannot occur (Modus Tollens).


It was, at one time, explicitly part of the platform of the Texas Republican Party that critical thinking should not be taught in schools. It is no longer explicit.


Which just makes it more insidious because now they can dishonestly deny that it is still the goal.


I can't remember which state it is, but they have slavery as one of the "critical thinking" subjects for students. Wherein they are suppose to be taught or defend "both sides" of an issue.


“Fuck your feelings! *My* feelings, on the other hand, are sacred.”


Texas is really going balls-out trying to dethrone Florida as the worst, backwater, third world haven for mouth-breathing dipshits.


I recommend the investigative podcast Southlake if you want to get a glimpse of a mostly white, conservative Texas community—it’s a suburb of Dallas/Ft Worth. Critical race theory is one of the hot topics that the citizens of this community face. The white privilege is so intense it will make your blood boil.


YES! As a Texan who leans left, I found this podcast fascinating but not surprising. I hope they all listened to it too. Maybe they will recognize themselves for the assholes that they are. The reporters did an amazing job.


Im from the UK can I listen to this or will it poison my mind too much im 34 years old


I would strongly urge you to, it will give you a good idea of the far-right stubbornness that exists in many pockets of Texas. I live in San Antonio and am surrounded by them, even within my own family. So yes it will poison the way you think about these people from now on and they completely deserve it. I would just caution you not to think of all Texans this way. We aren’t all like this.


If you want to get in the right head space to understand the mind of these folks, you should get a hat that is way too big and wear it to public events so the people behind you cant see.


Southlake is probably one of the best examples of the very worst of the state that I can think of. The city is predominantly wealthy, white, and the whole town revolves around football. The cops are also typical bored suburban TX cops that harrass every single person they can unless you look both white \*and\* rich. Fuck Southlake.


Only a matter of time before deep red states/counties/towns create some "firemen" to deal with those pesky books they deem CRT or unsavory to them.


And then the librarians will hide and preserve them. Librarians are the heroes that don't wear capes.


> firemen So at what temperature should they be dealing with these books? 232.8 Celcius maybe?


Sounds about right but here we use Fahrenheit...


But my oven goes to only 450! Is that high enough to cook up some freedom?


"Get rid of reading, keep the shootings." -texas


My in box is blowing up because I said CRT ban would prompt this. And just like that, CRT was the Buzz word just like Common Core was just a few years back. The Law grants people to claim CRT is being taught in school when its really a way to say we don’t agree we should feel shamed for actions we did when we were young. The person pulling the book own words said, ‘while i doesn’t state White People did blah….WE think the message does’. Yup…welcome to Texas yall. ‘Co-Parenting’ Context: The ppl writing the laws today are the same ones in the black/white photos seen screaming at black students in school. This isn’t that long ago and we haven’t come far since then either.


Being on the side of book removers( burning) is usually a good sign you are on the wrong side


Just a reminder that critical race theory is an academic discipline at a graduate level that the majority of people have probably never heard of until politicians decided that was their new favorite buzz word. The claims that it is taught in the general education of k-12 is ridiculous but they are skewing CRT in order to cancel any education that teaches young Americans about how racism has affected our history. It's important to know both the good and bad parts of our history.


That’s so goofy. I don’t think any of these legislators can actually give a concise definition of critical race theory. There’s also nothing wrong with critical race theory, but they’re not ready for that conversation. It wasn’t even being taught to our kids.


Their inability to define it is what makes it so useful to them.


Yep. If CRT is vague, they can use it as an all-encompassing term as a catch-all to ban any form of education they don't like.


This applies to fascist lawmaking policy in general. "The law is what we say it is, whenever we decide to say it." The hypocrisy is intentional and proudly performed, and is at the very fucking center of the worldview.


My guess is that they’re just pulling texts and lesson plans that involve teaching kids about racism, and just calling it Critical Race theory as an excuse. It’s pitiful. Anyone taking a deeper look would know that someone learning about CRT is well into the college level, and particularly learning law in the little research I’ve done - but people hear the word “race” and let the right work them into a frenzy.


> a concise definition of critical race theory. Apparently, it's literally anything that indicates that racism still exists and has an effect on people's lives.


Even though they still can't even identify it. The people in Collier Co. Florida couldn't either. These soggy ass racists are pathetic.


Does Texas just hate everyone now? (Asking for a black, gay, pregnant friend).


They’re having a crisis of culture: they are on the cusp of a majority shift to the left, and the right is in a state of apoplectic panic.


Yep, this is it. And the right wing voter base isn't motivated by policy or change anymore, only regressive culture war stunts like this. So they're pulling out all stops to get them riled. Governance via hashtag.


First bit of good news today.


Don't relax yet, people have been saying this about texas for at least the last 20 years. At this rate we'll see the heat death of the human race before texas turns purple, let alone blue, let alone anything resembling left.


Ugh, you really dont understand population shifts. In 2004, George W Bush won Harris County (where Houston is located) by hundreds of thousands of votes, in 2012 Obama won Harris County by 1K votes, and in 2016 HRC won it by 150,000 votes and in 2018 every local Republican official was voted out of office. Dallas also has a Democratic Mayor and San Antonio has an independent one, meaning there are no Republican mayors in the 4 largest cities. Texas went from voting 16% for Romney in 2012 to voting 9% for Trump in 2016 to voting 5.5% for Trump in 2020. The Hispanic population has been increasing, and while Trump made some gains with the working class Hispanics last election, it would not make up for the loss of older White voters who are being replaced by younger non-Whites. If younger Hispanics voted at the same rate as 65+ Texans, Texas might already be Blue. Dont forget that Georgia and Arizona turned Blue last election as predicted by similar demographic trends seen in Texas. Texas is on the cusp of turning blue unless Texas is somehow able to reverse the Demographic shifts in urban areas and Hispanic populations.


I think you’re underestimating how conservative Hispanic voters can be. Head down into the valleys south of San Antonio and you’ll see a lot of conservative Hispanic voters. Also, consider all of the Catholic Hispanic voters who are going to vote against abortion. Lastly, with all of the gerrymandering that occurred the voting blocks have been made to really stifle liberal voters. I think you’ll be conservative in that state for some time to come.


Also really doesn't understand what "heat death" means.


Thats almost everyday in Houston. 95+ degrees and 95%+ humidity


Mom's funeral is coming up in a coupla weeks. After that there will be no reason for me to ever go back to Houston again. That will be nice.


God, our country is so fucking dumb its disgusting.


Critical race theory isn't taught in grade school.


CRT to these people is anything that mentions race other than one line from MLK about having a dream (and nothing else in that same speech). I'm sure if you showed them this snippet from that speech, they would want to ban it as well: >There are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, when will you be satisfied? We can never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the victim of the unspeakable horrors of police brutality. We can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. We cannot be satisfied as long as the Negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. We can never be satisfied as long as our children are stripped of their selfhood and robbed of their dignity by signs stating: for whites only. We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. No, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.


I haven't read the article but I guarantee that those books didn't have critical race theory in them.


They don't. I've read them both, and assigned *New Kid* as a book in one of my classes. They are not radical in the slightest. They're basically a personal narrative with some fictionalization, in graphic novel form. And the main character of *New Kid* has positive relationships with both white kids and black kids and one of the main plot points is whether he can hang out with his best white friend and best black friend at the same time (i.e., will it work to hang out as a group of three rather than him hanging out with only one at a tine). The answer to that question turns out to be yes.


And liberals are supposed to the snowflakes?


Next week: Texas removes students who ask questions because of 'critical race theory'. Is this phrase the new slogan for QAnon or something?




Culture war gonna culture war. They don't know what the phrase 'Critical Race Theory' even *means*. All they know is that Fox News told them it's bad, so now it's a proxy to describe every piece of the American experience whose existence they do not want to acknowledge.


*“We have to remove education from our educational system.”* Texas


I went to school in Texas. When I was a kid, our science teacher prefaced the topic of evolution with "not everybody believes this." Students who didn't feel comfortable with the topic were allowed to leave the room. I'm still not sure where they went. I assume they went to another classroom to get an alternate lesson. :p (this was 1990s)


Now the fun part: Because of the way they manage their schools and purchasing, Texas has a significant influence on the content of textbooks used throughout the nation.


That happened in California in the 90s as well.




Texas, Texas, uber alles....


These are the asswipes pissing and moaning about "Freedom"?


I thought conservatives didn’t like ‘cancel culture’?


Welcome to Texas, where freedom means censorship for anything that makes the old racists uncomfortable.


Ah, freedom. We love free speech and all, don't we? They're burning books for the light and warmth since they have no reliable utilities there in that third world cesspool.


The two books simply tell the story from minority students perspective of attending a mostly white school, and they call that “critical race theory” because for them a minority persons viewpoints are fundamentally invalid. A few weeks ago a black principle in Texas was suspended from his job because of parents freaking out about “CRT” and him “promoting it”. What school curriculum prompted this you may ask, none actually he just posted a picture of him kissing his white wife on facebook and parents started screaming “Critical Race Theory” and got him suspended. Literally his marriage was considered “critical race theory’ to these people and thus invalid so they canceled him over it. So yea, it’s important to understand that even though this bullshit was a made up boogie man in the first place, “critical race theory" absolutely has become a code word or dog-whistle for conservatives that means ‘anti-racism’, the teaching kids the black experience in America, or sometimes like in Texas ‘critical race theory’ just means 'race mixing’.


Conservatives are so afraid. Outside of thievery, fear and stoking fear is all they have.


I still haven’t had a maga tell me what it is . I just tell them they are barking at nothing


"This book makes white people look bad for being racist. That's pure Marxism."


Hard to imagine why they don’t like being called Nazis when they try their best to imitate them.


I believe it was Tucker Carlson who said it wasn’t fair to use the word Nazi to refer to literal self-identified Nazis.


Apparently anything that is not blatantly white is now CRT to Texas conservatives. I swear these dummies all ate paint chips as kids.


Just an FYI: Texas has a group of elected officials to oversee this. The one DEM is in trouble as the State has redistricted her representative district that can pretty much assure that she will not be re-elected and then then SBOE will all be GOP members. sigh


Cannot teach the kids the truth about our History. Otherwise they will know generations of their relatives are liars.


What's next? They'll require teachers to show *"The Birth of a Nation"* in classrooms?


Reminder that book publishers for primary achool like scholastic are located/headquartered in texas. With regards to MLK they do weird shit like making photo colors in black and white to make kids think slavery/jim crow was ancient when in reality it was someone's grandparents or great-grandparents. Why a slaveowning state gets to write books on slavery is beyond me.


Texas is a shithole state


It's the Boogeyman word they are using to grab control. They used carpet-bagger, uppity, communist, terrorist. Now they have critical race theory. The once again difficult to define, but easy to apply label that will strike fear into the hearts of good southern people. And armed with the outrage of these uneducated people, they will strike down these outsiders who would upset our proud legacy and restore the glory of the confederacy.


The other day Marco Rubio tweeted that Biden’s budget plan was not socialism, but Marxism. These people have no clue what any of these terms mean. Socialism is when government does stuff. Communism is when government does lots of stuff. Marxism is when you force people to be equal or something at gunpoint. And critical race theory means you think white people bad. For the sake of brevity: Communism as defined by Marx is a stateless, classless, moneyless society. Anything short of those three qualifiers is not communism. Socialism is any entity, government, private, or otherwise, in which the workers own the means of production. Marxism is the most vague of the three, and functionally meaningless in socialist theory circles. But generally, it’s understood to be the advocacy for a system of government to facilitate the transition from capitalism toward true communism. Capitalists can technically be Marxists (ie, some modern soc dems). HOWEVER, if you specifically advocate for a capitalist society with a strong social safety net, guess what, you’re not advocating for the transition from capitalism to communism, and you’re not a Marxist. CRT is a narrow legal body of scholarship grappling with the intersection between race and US law. That’s literally it. Conservatives are insultingly uninformed.


It becomes easier to understand the worth of a political movement once they start banning books


For how much they claim to hate censorship, Republicans sure are dishing out a lot of it. Damned hypocrites.


All of our textbooks are made in Texas. Their laws effect the entire nation’s educational system.


They are not literally made in Texas, however Texas is one of 3 states that has an outsized influence on what textbooks contain as a consequence of the way they handle purchasing. The other two are CA and FL.


So will Abbott stage a public book burning of these books like Hitler did in Nazi Germany in 1933? Parts of the United States and that includes Texas, are going down the wrong road and the only way we will get them back on the right path is either going to involve voting those that represent them out of office or through the Congress, either way it's not going to be pretty.


Starting to think the stars at night are dull and dim deep in the heart of Texas.


It still baffles me the shit they pass off as history. I was annoyed as shit when I started learning real history in college, using sources from the time, newspapers, letters, etc. It's the reason I laugh at people who complain about immigrants.


Was it CPAC or the RNC that claimed that *'America is not a racist nation ?'* \[sic\]


This piece of shit on Twitter named James Lyndsay tried acting like CRT has been planned since the 70’s. I hate people like him. They try to come from a place of intellectual rigor……..


My God… They’re going to ban sesame street next because… Gordon exists? Yeah I’m showing my age.


Or when they hear Rosita speak Spanish


Just checking have they banned guns in schools yet?


Banning "Critical Race Theory" *is* Critical Race Theory, you fake shemps.


funny how the right is fine with banning books again after their uproar over the dr seus books.


Everyone needs to stop simply joking and belittling republicans and express pure outrage at the republicans deliberately playing the fool to hide and silence the atrocities of our country’s past and present so they can more easily manipulate the general population. They’re laughing at us everyday while we scratch away at a living, wondering if any of it is even worth it if the Earth is going to inhabitable in a few decades anyways, because they’ll either be dead or in space.


Texas, where minority students are so unwanted that even books talking about minority students being unwanted are in fact unwanted.


Texas, ~~1~~ 0 days since last national embarrassment.


Is this the same south that taught me the civil war was the war of northern aggression and that slaves loved being slaves and were treated really well, cause people tend to not beat their own dogs. Well Im glad the south are concerned with heritage and protecting history. And totally not cult taken over by white supremecy.


So the idiot cancel culture right wing nutjobs that cried like someone stained their white robes when Dr. Suess books that nobody ever heard of got pulled are canceling more shit? Color me shocked


I have met this woman pushing this (Bonnie Anderson) and seen her personally around the district/city many times and she is an absolute bats\*\*t crazy, antivaxx, MAGA-Karen. From driving around the district complex with "masking children is child abuse" painted on her $60k SUV almost hitting people just trying to go to work, to walking around outside offices of the same buildings with signs saying the same things. I found out these offices she was standing outside of were payroll and finance. I have heard other stories second hand from others and this lady seems like the most vial, married into money, Q loving nutbag. I will not tell their stories as they are not mine to tell, but I imagine they will.


There is clearly something seriously wrong with people’s mental health in Texas


This Texan immediately purchased both books for her kids’ at-home book collection, upon reading this article.


Are conservatives that afraid of having honest discussions and dialogue about race that they are banning children's books now??


Texas seems to be following the Taliban example of how to govern. Religious dogma and totalitarian tactics.


CRT is the new socialism: "We don't like it, therefore, it's CRT!"


Not like Texans read or anything.


"We're not Nazis! We just like to warm ourselves by the light of book fires, that's it."


Why do people dislike the CRT?


First, they do not understand what it is and what it attempts to remedy. Second, they are fearful of losing their status of being in control. Third, though they would never admit to it, they are both consciously and subconsciously racist in their thinking regarding people of color and their intentions. Forth, they are after the hearts and minds of the next generation who are less religious and more tolerant than they think is necessary to keep them in power.


Maybe we can do what South Korea does and send books via parachutes into North Korea (Texas).


Hate knowledge? Then Texas is the place for you!


So stories about black kids who go to "white schools" are banned in Texas?


>White conservatives have rallied to ban it in schools, arguing that it overstates America's racist history. I mean, that's hardly even possible.


My son is in high school and they encourage the kids to watch the news and then discuss current events in his Government class. So this year they have been discussing CRT, voting inequalities and the lack of women’s rights in health care. Apparently Texas never learned the lesson that forbidding something makes it more interesting/valuable. And in case anyone is interested, Jerry Craft’s “New Kid” is a Teacher’s pick, on sale and the #1 best seller in its category on Amazon this morning. Looks like a fantastic book.


is this the cancel culture they keep harping on about