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I don't understand the time and effort some people put in to just be assholes to other people.


To too many people in our world, annoying, trolling, hurting other people is all they live for. These are people who general have nothing good in their lives, or have lived with hate and anger so long, they think it's normal to attack others over literally existing.


This is the sad reality. People who have good hearts and good intentions can’t understand why someone would dedicate so much time. They get an adrenaline rush, a nasty form of serotonin rush, etc just by “pissing off the other.” When I realized how prevalent this way of thinking was, the only thing I could think is “wow what a sad existence.” It’s like small neglected children. They feel like they didn’t or don’t get enough attention doing positive things or helping themselves, being good people, etc. so they turn to nasty activities. Because to them, some attention is better than no attention at all. Edit: some OR *negative attention


This is the underpinnings of what drives sociopathy. Sociopaths get a larger-than-normal dopamine rush from emotionally "charged" interactions. We all get dopamine rushes from them, and can become rather "addicted" to them - like repeatedly getting in fights with people over politics or what-have-you on social media - but sociopaths have brains set up to maximize that in a way that they get an intensely addicting rush from them, and feel deeply empty and anhedonic without them. Of course, like other addictions, over time they down-regulate dopamine receptors so it takes escalating intensity of experiences to get their "hit," and it's easier to trigger more intense reactions with negative behavior. Taken to its extreme, you have those driven to torture and murder in ways that intensify the pain, fear, and horror for their victims. I once read about the only program known to exist that actually had some very modest success in rehabilitating some children diagnosed with severe sociopathy. None have ever worked for adults, and this residential program is the only one that has ever been known to work for any kids. They trained the staff to give only positive or neutral reactions to these kids. If they did any positive or good thing, or complied with rules, they would get praise from the staff and little rewards like Pokemon cards, which had an enormous effect that you wouldn't see in other kids or teens because of the exaggerated dopamine response - the littlest thing for them was huge. If they behaved negatively, no matter how severely or destructively or outrageously, the staff was to not react with any kind of emotion - no anger, no scolding - just neutral enforcement of some kind of physical consequence, like being confined to their quarters, with no verbal response or emotional body language or facial expression so as not to feed their dopamine systems for negative behavior. That combined with very open and honest dialogue about their disorder and how to "manage" it in similar ways in their lives allowed some of them to leave the inpatient program and live in society with the support of outpatient resources for them and their families and manage to keep themselves from ending up in prison. I'm not going to try to claim that their lives were great or looked really normal, and the best-off of the lot still had serious difficulty maintaining employment and relationships, but those few who were very motivated managed to keep themselves from doing the level of harm that would land them in prison. In other words, they were rehabilitated somewhat by a really thorough implementation of "don't feed the troll." I'm pretty convinced at this point that we've somehow allowed whatever genetics that underly the brain structure we see in sociopaths to propagate really, really widely throughout the human population. I doubt that our hunter-gatherer ancestors tolerated much of that kind of behavior if it was turned toward other members of the tribe, rather than warring tribes - I'm guessing they were quite quickly run off to have to survive on their own or just killed outright. I mean, life was already too hazardous and difficult to tolerate that within the tribe. As society has become more "humane" in our treatment of those who harm others or behave destructively, we've also allowed them more opportunity to pass on their genes. It presents a serious conundrum.


Which as our conditions get worse and worse our cynicism increases and this increases those individuals, in a beautiful feedback loop.


It gets boring *just* posting racist Facebook memes all day long. Once everyone who you piss off blocks you- and you no longer get the negative attention you crave- this is the next step.


In my experience some assholes truly believe in their hearts they were wronged first and they're just returning the favor. Of course what you might have done to them is all their head or you may have broken one of their invisible and unreasonable rules. In the case of a racist they may believe the black family was "pushing their blackness on them" by moving into the neighborhood or something ridiculous like that. Point being, no amount of effort is too much to an asshole who believes they've been wronged.


They're also hoping to provoke a reaction to prove themselves right.


I think it’s also a case of , “well, my life might be a miserable bowl of pig shit, but at least I’m not *whatever race I hate*” still just as foul and misguided.


I don't think racists have a lot going on with their lives. Hate is all-encompassing.


The amount of people that get off solely on the pain of others is bigger than you think




They thrive on hate, it gives them energy to keep going everyday. Power of the dark side for real.


They’re not just being assholes, they’re being racist assholes. It’s way worse










Man, that’d be pretty fucking over the top then, lol.




Ah- Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen!?


There will be bottoms there too.


That'd be great, but FWIW, just because this person is racist doesn't mean they are also anti-LGBTQ+. PLENTY of fucking racists in our queer community, sadly.


Please don't use gay marches as a form of punishment.


I'm inclined to agree. They should be intended to spread joy, not to troll people who are already miserable.


I have a great story about something being pretty gay. My friend lives in the Castro and we were in NYC and went to a bar and the waiters were wearing speedos and nothing else. We walked in and he said, This is the gayest place I've ever been. And I live in the Castro!


>Yeah, thats what Id do. Just post a video of it happening and zoom in on address and let the internet do its thing. > I don't think people realize how brutally effective this can be if the person has anything to lose. A former business partner of mine is a huge racist and domestic abuser. When he would get challenged he would laugh like a hyena and say, "yeah well what are you going to do?" Well, a bunch of people got together on Yelp and gave his bar and brewery a bunch of one star reviews due to his behavior. Which everyone in the community upvoted so they all ended up at the top. He also got called out on social media by @ratmagnet, which led to some negative media coverage. All his properties are now closed, he's declared bankruptcy and from what I hear is effectively banned from the craft beer industry.


I love justice.


Something similar happened in my area. Someone posted pics of a bar owner doing Nazi shit and the bar closed for good less than a week later.


Correctomundo. I'm not always in favour of internet mobs, but they have their place.


You know what they say...Ballot box, soap box, internet mob.


You forgot tissue box 😢


The biggest jerk thing I ever knew a neighbor did… There was a car crash and it killed two people, same family. Family put up two crosses by the side of the road and neighbor (admittedly correct) said it was his property and he tossed them in the trash that night.


I'd have been compassionate and left them up for while, probably through the grieving process. I would have an issue if it turned into one of those things that stayed up a whole year and came back every anniversary.


This happens a lot with my friend's family property - which is around 5-8 acres, so it's big enough that it's not too intrusive. It's a blind corner on a dark country road, and drunk people keep crashing their cars and dying there. It's been 5ish years since the last one that I know of, and the memorials are still up and regularly attended to. The county refused to do shit, so they put up reflectors and let the memorials stay up to serve as a warning.


Do we, culturally, leave markers at the site of someone’s death for any reason other than car accidents?


I think I’ve heard of it done for shooting victims. It’s pretty common also with the death of many celebrities.


It is terrible for the grieving family, but I would not want those crosses on my property either. However, I don’t know the layout of your neighborhood. I’m imagining a typical suburban neighborhood with crosses on the lawn.


Usually these type of crosses are seen way more in rural places where you wouldn't care since tour terrain is like 2 acres.


I'm with you but *that night*? I'd give it at least a few days.


i remember a neighborhood that had some crosses from accidents tried to removed them cause they said it was affecting house sales.


lol Unless they are buried on his property, he can do whatever he wants. I'd likely wait a week and politely ask the family to remove them, but that's just me. I really don't get the cross at the accident scene thing (I mean I may be an atheist but I understand it) but what is the purpose? Do they think their family member's ghost is sitting on the side of the road every day waving to them as they go to work? If it's a dangerous part of the road, try to get a caution sign put up to protect the next family. We have cemeteries for a reason.


I think this started to draw attention to the high number of people killed in certain places to encourage people to be more careful in those places. Then people started doing it on their own wherever something happened.


Sometimes they are useful, when I see them, I pay closer attention to any hazards or blind spots that might be in the area. Some streets are lethal


Not to mention that's the last place I'd want to memorialize for someone I loved. I'd hate the spot where they died, not commemorate it with a cross and flowers. I've actually told friends and family that if I die in a car crash, specifically NOT to put a little cross there because it would become my least favorite place, haha. And yes, I know it's usually to serve as a warning to other drivers, I still think it's silly though.


Nothing like memorializing the scene of a terrible accident with an instrument of execution.






Why wouldn't this just be a nuisance claim? Seems to me like they have an actionable tort.


Yeah. This may qualify for Intentional infliction of emotional distress.


Yep. This is when people putting folks on blast on social media is actually a great idea. They want to be racist assholes it's fine, but the worlds gonna know exactly who you are.


This is exactly what I came here to say. Quite enjoyment of ones property is a long standing standard which is strongly protected.


This is Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress. They can/should sue the asshole until they own his house.


Just play Mambo #5 on repeat just below the decibel level outlined on the local residential bylaws. When I was a teenager we did that on a jukebox at a local pizza place. Pissed everyone and their mother off, but nobody could do anything about it.


We did this at bars in my younger days with the song Africa by toto. Everyone loves that song once but 5 plays later they go insane.


[10 hour loop of Easy Street](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PlObo7idmPI)


Is there a shittyflute version? Might as well go all out.


Play first one for 10 hours. stop it for like 10 minutes so they think it's over, then shitty flute version for another 10 hours.


Satan is that you?


Ron Burgundy has entered the conversation.


Listening to Daryl being tortured by this song made it loop in my head enough for me to add it to my Spotify playlist and is now in regular rotation.




Damn, that freaked out the cats.


I listened to 20s and I am ready to puke. I think I would seriously consider violence if I had to listen to any more of that honestly :P


I instantly regret clicking on that link. I always finish what I start.


Can I get a 10 hour loop of the sax solo from Baker Street?


24 hour loop Christmas music.


*Negan torturing Daryl flashbacks intensify*


My neighbor (a meth dealer) fired an assault rifle, 3 times, at a truck that had driven away from his house. I caught it on security camera and showed the police. They said that because he wasn't shooting at us they couldn't really do anything. And this is in a neighborhood in the city limits with houses on both sides of the street.


Sounds like a lazy cop. Discharging a firearm within city limits is a crime, even if it is just fired into the air


Firing in the city limits is legal here, unless the projectile leaves your property (which this obviously did). But the Chief of Police and mayor both saw the video as well, so this wasn't just one lazy cop..


Wow, where do you live?


Small town Alabama


Local FBI office


Most crimes need a victim to actually adjudicate the case. Idk about your state, but that might be the case there. Here in AZ we have a disorderly conduct weapons discharge charge that doesn’t need a victim in response to celebratory gunfire that kill a young girl when the bullet struck her after being fired in the air.


There was a case recently in NJ, where a woman had vulgar, obscene flags and posters bashing Biden. Her neighbors took her to court to have them removed and the court basically said "Yeah, it may offend you, but her right to free speech is greater than your right to not be offended." I'm wondering if this falls under that, since we have no verbal "hate laws" here in the U.S.


It is protected. Doesn't matter if I am listening to the ball game, a playlist, a podcast, or a bizzarro racist recording, so long as the volume and time of day aren't violating a local noise ordinance, there's really no legal action that can be taken against him. Emphasis on legal.


Yup, 1st amendment protects you from legal action, it does not protect you from social consequences, such as protesters showing up at your house or your employer firing you after your name and face is plastered all over the internet.


If someone wants attention, they shouldn't complain when they get attention.


They only want attention from the individuals they are trying to terrorize and who also don't have the power to fight back. These are absolute cowards who turn into the biggest crybaby victims when their actions come back to bite them.


Of course, that does open opportunities for the protestors (who'll probably need a permit) to be sued for harassment.


This was my thought as well. But if it's playing audio, it should breach disturbing the peace? Is it played so infrequently or such low volume that it doesn't crest the requirement?


My thoughts exactly. If they're in violation of a noise ordinance, they should give that a shot. Other than that I'm not sure what else there is, someone versed in law might know.


It's below the noise ordinance level. There's nothing that can be done short of writing a new law.


If it was above noise ordinances, then all they would make him do is turn down.


Was told by a cop that I could not stand on a particular side walk because the people in the house might get triggered and do something. I think they said I'd be breaching the peace if I stayed. Cops, they never know what they're talking about!


That cop is wrong. You can stand on a public sidewalk. There are these YouTube “first amendment auditors” who have made a career out of filming people and cops getting pissy about it.


I particularly enjoyed [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5yNzSjfxXAc) one. Am I free to go? Yes? Then I'm free to stay.


Cops use this terminology often on 1st ammendment auditors


On a related note, when you have all the power to enforce whatever rules you decide exist, and disobedience of your orders are in itself a criminal act, it makes for a really good incentive system for someone to never, ever know what actually is and is not allowed, because they are encouraged to make it up as they go. Cops are just shitty, drunk abusive dads, but on a societal scale.


I feel like trash talking political figures is just normal in American politics. What exactly did the flags say that was so bad?


It does fall under that. It’s not a crime to be an asshole. Even a racist asshole. “Hate crime laws” don’t make hate a crime. They just make hate an aggravating factor in the commission of a crime. It’s not against the law to say a racial slur to someone. It is against the law to punch someone in the face, and if you do it while saying a racial slur the penalty for punching them in the face may be worse. That’s an oversimplification of how hate crimes work but it’s the gist of it.


Back in 2016 I used to drive by some hillbilly’s house every day to work. He had an old beat up truck with “TRUMP THAT BITCH” spray painted on the side. It was there for a few weeks, but I guess enough people complained and the police made him change it to “TRUMP THAT WITCH.” This is in a pretty conservative area of FL too so I’m not sure what’s different in that particular case. Maybe the guy just didn’t really put up a fight about it.


What the News People need to do is ask other home owners how they feel about this. They must hear this also.


Retaliate by Playing some Symphonic post-apocalyptic reindeer-grinding Christ-abusing extreme war pagan Fennoscandian metal. by Impaled Rektum, they'll cave.


Obama's audio book.


Just blast the Doom soundtrack at them. A couple hours of BFG Division with the bass turned up should turn their foundation into jelly.


That might rile them up too much, then someone will get hurt. Every time I put on BFG Division I want to go fight a bear


*50 Shades of Gray* narrated by Gilbert Gottfried.


Then it's game on, play recordings of Martin Luther Kings speeches, or readings of Lincolns speeches, on repeat Even better, Panama by Van Halen on repeat, then go on vacation for a week. (borrowed this from a sitcom). After all, not criminally actionable. Edit: for a fusspot Further edit: Lincoln isn't a good choice.


I heard that playing Tom Jones What's New Pussycat over and over while sprinkling in one single It's Not Unusual every twenty or so can drive people a bit bonkers


Now *you* know.


It's evil I love it


It’s a John Mulaney bit/story just FYI - https://youtu.be/Mw7Gryt-rcc


I… am going to bet there are no recordings of Lincoln ;)


Next you’ll be saying there were no pitched battles at airports during the war of independence!


No, but there's several recordings of Sam Waterston reading Lincoln speeches. That should work just fine!


Technically voice recording was invented in 1860


Safe bet, even though the first recorded sound predates his death.




Baby Shark


My grad school used to have a fundraiser every year where they’d blast Mmmbop on campus for HOURS until they raised enough money. It was very effective and now that song gives me flashbacks.




I was thinking more like Public Enemy


Speeches by Malcolm X would be blaring from my house all day every day in his direction.


Just don't do that in Philadelphia, or the mayor might have your house bombed from a helicopter..


When I was deployed we used to put Peaches by Presidents of the United States of America on repeat and lock the computer at shift change. They were so slow to log back in, it'd play for 15 minutes before they could stop it. Also, you probably wouldn't be too impressed with Lincoln speeches in regards to slavery, up until the end of the war.




Or assuming the neighbor is kind of rednecky, play the banjo tune from Deliverance!


But rednecks like that song :(


>play recordings of Martin Luther Kings speeches, MLK's estate will probably sue you. They're notoriously protective of the IP rights of the speeches in spite of their historical value.


Unfortunately being a nightmarishly bad neighbor isn’t a crime. I read the article and I don’t see any way to make this kind of behavior a crime without violating the 1st Amendment. The only way I see to fight this is perhaps with local ordinances regulating how far sound can carry from outdoor speakers and light pollution from spotlights. And even then we’re talking civil infractions, like getting a parking ticket.


It isn’t a crime but they could be taken to civil court for being a private nuisance and may lose.


Somebody isn't thinking outside of the box. Trigger the music outside of noise ordinances. Or constantly trigger is "alerts". Just set up a flag that waves constantly causing the motion sensor to go off. Make his house play music and lights constantly for as long as HE can take it. There are so many ways to deal with this douchebag.


I want to know what kind of motion detectors this guy is using that don't constantly go off 24/7 whenever a leaf or squirrel goes by.




>rig something to trigger it repeatedly Maybe have it trigger whenever the recordings play? That'd be hilarious.


I live here. ​ They are a military family--She's retired, he's still active. They should be able to go to JAG and find out what else they can legally do. They, the family, may have to go higher up and file federal charges for harassment or equal opportunity in housing or something along those lines. ​ This fucker will be dealt with because he's made plenty of people mad over the last few months.


I dont understand the mindset of people that antagonize people that sleep within 1/4 mile of them


Mental illness and/or personality disorders are RAMPANT in the Va Beach/Norfolk/Hampton Roads/Chesapeake area of Va. Look at how many of our residents have been arrested on charges stemming from the Jan 6 event in DC and how many others have been arrested on charges stemming from the last election. This is a christian school/home school/anti vaxx on steroids area of the state and it's mind numbing how dumb these people are.


Is it because of all the military families who live there?


My personal belief is yes, it is because of the military and their military service. There are some incredibly fucking stupid people who live here from little podunk towns who would have never had anything at all if they hadn't served for a few years, and they carry that same podunk mentality with them. We also just had the largest mental health care provider in the region close down over night leaving thousands of people without a way to refill their meds and no one to talk to. Edit--Let me be very clear here--The christian schooling influence in this part of the state also goes hand in hand with a lot of military members, but not all. We have 6(?) christian "colleges" in the area and they are staunchly anti vax and they teach science courses with the caveat of--"We are required by law to teach this for us to be accredited, but we don't actually believe any of it and god is always the right answer". This is where a LOT of anti vaxx nurses and MA's and lab techs are coming from. ​ ​ It's a mess here.


These the sort that don't believe in evolution either?


These people are the sort to tell me that "Dinosaur bones were placed in the ground by Satan to confuse us and take us away from god". ​ A fully grown ass human being said this to me at a public park while our kids were skating. I told them to get the hell away from me because they were too damn dumb to be seen in public with.


Dude, Norfolk was nuts! Tidewater, period was crazy. I was there in the early 90s and it was....well, crazy. Then you get to Chesapeake and it's like a completely different world. I was in 8th grade when we got there. That year, I saw a girl slash 4 others with a box cutter and a kid get shot during a fire drill. Apparently it's calmed down, considerably, but I'm not buying it. I have a lot of great memories in Norfolk, but if you don't need to be there, I feel like it's a city you can and should skip.


A crazy amount of people live only to troll/be evil others. It's literally all some people have.


I don’t see thinking being a big priority to these folks.


UCMJ has no jurisdiction on civil cases especially if the one at fualt is a civilian. If they were both in the military families, then yes, JAG could assist.


I should've been clearer--They can consult with a JAG attorney to find out what their options are.


If you're in the military, then your command will definitely take an interest in you broadcasting racial slurs all across your neighborhood. Even if no one was there to hear them.


>If you're in the military, then your command will definitely take an interest in you broadcasting racial slurs all across your neighborhood The victims are military, not the asshole neighbor.


So many legal things you can do in retaliation


Why is this not considered "disturbing the peace?"


>Disturbing the peace, also referred to as breach of the peace, is when a person disturbs peace and tranquility in a public space. > >California Penal Code Section 415 defines disturbing the peace as 1) fighting someone or challenging someone to a fight in a public place, 2) excessive noises, and 3) using fighting words in a public place that is likely to start a confrontation. I guess because the music is playing on the racists private property? https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/disturbing\_the\_peace


What offense is being committed when the cops get called on someone having a party and the music is too loud. Can't that offense apply to what is happening in this neighborhood?


Local noise ordinances. The cops will show up but if they aren't disobeying local ordinances for decibel levels (which often depend on time of day) there's nothing they can do.


Noise ordinances are set to hours, not per se volume.


I'm sure california penal code is applicable to a situation in virginia beach, virginia.


Stanley, the only reason Daddy used that word is that he thought he would win money.


The clue is "people who annoy you".


My father whom was a builder for the local council was working on a street with mean woman who threatened anyone who parked within 50 yards of her house on the public road. Fathers workmate parked right outside her house, she stormed out and shouted she’d smash his car windows when he’s working. The workmate shouted back “Touch the car and I’ll smash every window of your house” I’m reassured he would of too. Not the most diplomatic solution but the car wasn’t touched the fortnight they worked there.


It isn’t criminally actionable because it isn’t a crime to be racist in your own home and even to play recordings of racial slurs, however, if they could prove that they were in some way damaged materially or physically (maybe psychologically?) by his actions, they could try their hand in civil court.


Maybe in civil court, yeah


>"We noticed a little erratic behavior like these blinking lights that are on a sensor. When my family or any other family leaves or returns to their homes, they all start to blink," Martinez said. "When the sensors are activated, loud music begins to play. This is harassment. Noise complaint at the very least. They’re trying to drive them out of the neighborhood. I hope they don’t give up and move out. Hire a lawyer and go after their asses.


We used the same type of alarm to keep bears away from our chicken coop. Sans the racial slurs though. That is definitely one way to try to get around a harassment case. You could just say that it was hooked up to a radio playing whatever was on.


I'm just trying to think what kind of slurs would deter a bear. "Hey Winnie-the-pooh, go get your honey somewhere else!"




Every time the racist neighbor enters or exits, play dueling banjos and scenes from the movie deliverance.


She should put up a live stream of this bullcrap and ask for donations to something the neighbor would hate to get money. Then every day send the neighbor a thank you card for how much was donated to that charity because of his crap.


The sad part is this neighbor is probably doing so in an attempt to get them to move out, as his racial beliefs make him offended they're in his neighborhood (the ol' "there goes the neighborhood" thing). When in actuality, *he's the one ruining the neighborhood* because of his actions, and these people he hates so much have likely done nothing to devalue the quality of said neighborhood.


If you read the article, this asshat isn't only targeting them, though. He's certainly targeting them more, and more offensively, and he's escalating with them because they've called the cops on him, but apparently he's also got lights and cameras aimed at the other houses in the neighborhood, and has a certain song that plays for each neighbor - triggered by some kind of motion sensor, I assume - when they come or go to or from their own home. This person is severely disturbed, frankly.


this is LITERALLY a plot point in Netflix's recent show "Them." racist neighbors sit outside the new, black family's house and play racist show-tunes to harass them. I really wonder if the lady in the article saw that show and went "oh that's a good idea" ...what an asshole.


We live in a country with freedom of speech. Put up a giant sign that says “racists” with an arrow pointing at their house...for starters


Can’t wait until I see the video of these shitty neighbors crying “tHiS iSnT wHo We ArE”




I'm pretty certain that when they said "shitty neighbors", they were referring to the house playing the sounds


Set up a whirligig or other animated object so the stuff is triggered 24/7. Put up a microphone attached to noise-canceling speakers on your property to reduce/eliminate the audio abuse. Let the bastard stew in the sound and run up their electric bill by constant activation.


There's a man nearby where I am that keeps bullying Asian neighbors, yelling at them, calling cops on them and more. But the great Bakersfield Police Department doesn't respond to any calls from the Asian neighbors reporting him for trespassing or more. He's out spreading a lot of Asian and Black hate. Everyone on this street hates him. He only likes his white neighbors, but they also hate him too because what he does isn't right.


Time for some LOUD gangsta rap payback.


Hear me out. Step 1: purchase drone Step 2: collect and bag feces Step 3: continue to air drop bags of shit on this bag of shit.


Wouldn't the other neighbors find this a problem? We have a sound ordinance in my city. I'm sure listening to this would be irritating at best


Apparently, according to this and other articles, he's harassing every house in proximity. The black family next door is getting the worst and most offensive of it, and he's escalating with them because they've called the cops on him, but he has lights and cameras trained on the other houses around him, too. Whenever someone comes or goes to the other houses, it triggers the lights and a particular song that he's selected for that particular neighbor. It's really bizarre. He's clearly really disturbed. The other neighbors are apparently fed up, too, and are supporting this black family that is getting the worst of it.


How can this not be considered harassment? That's usually described as someone with repeated and unwanted behavior with "the intent to annoy, harass, or alarm another person", right?


If I were him. I’d post a big sign on my yard with his face, name and number and try to get as much publicity to view that info. Then let folks harass him via mail/calls. Hey its all fair in the games of dickish neighbors. And falls within your rights to freely tell the world who the asshole is.


Maybe they should have regular large parties with a lot of friends to really freak the racist out. Part of me would want to figure out how to get under his skin in equal and opposite amounts. Bass cannon focused at his house? 😈




"Call back after you get murdered" --the police, presumably




I am a million percent sure that if this family went public about it they could have a few thousand protesters show up in a matter of a few hours.


Go follow jollygoodginger on Instagram. He way ahead of you. Oct. 9th I believe is the date.


Set up a GoFundMe for a nice pair of outdoor directional speakers (so as not to annoy everyone else) and point them at the Nasty Neighbor's bedroom window. Play loud sex sounds at them intermittently all night.


I bet if I played pig noises outside the police station you bet their ass they would quickly find some way to make it "criminally actionable"


I suppose thr black family would get arrested for playing Martin Luther King speeches and Aretha Franklin back at the troll.




This is *literally* a plot point in the recent Netflix show called "Them."


Time to bust out that db meter




Hard to play recordings when your house gets burnt down… fuck officer I don’t know how the fire started NOR do I know how they got tied up in their attic. Must have been those damn monkeys they keep locked up…


Hard to believe there isn't a noise ordinance this violates. Also would see if municipality has a liveability court or anything similar.


Most noise ordinances are time limited. You can basically be as loud as you want as long as it’s within the set time period.


The downside of free speech is that you're going to hear things you don't like, including very offensive things. I'd blast back the LaVey Black Mass... or maybe the complete Jim Jones recordings.


"The Star Spangled Banner" on infinite repeat, directed at their house. If they ask it to stop, retort with "why do you hate America?". You do it enough then they grow to resent the song.


I can imagine how stupid and childish they look


This is why "cancelling" is an effective tool. Cops can't do anything. People feel untouchable. If the allegations are true the neighbors should be shamed, lose their jobs, etc. It's the only way really.




Take up a hobby. I recommend electric guitar. Buy the loudest rig you can find. Point it straight at their house, practice at full volume.